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They’re some real goodies: SD47 Trustees
Special memories and cherished recipes. We asked qathet’s newly elected local politicians for their favourite holiday food moments to get to know them a little better.
Kirsten Van’t Schip

In this photograph, Kirsten Van’t Schip is pictured with her sisters.
“Begins By Dough”
An act of love
Begins by dough
From a book
into hands
Handwritten words on a page
Preserving archived and living memories
Creating space for smells
And tastes
And shopping lists
And prep work
Embedded as tradition
Passed down through a book
Opened yearly
(Treasured daily)
Instructions for baking
(Instructions for loving)
That begins by dough
That has no end
That sits at a table together
That savours in moments
That silently speaks:
You are worthy of time and effort
An act of love
Begins by dough
That only knows to rise
To grow
Jaclyn Miller

Anyone who knows me knows I’m pretty crazy for the holidays! Cozy time inside with my family is my favorite time of the year.
I decorate early, listen to Christmas music early and shop early!
One of my childhood traditions I’ve carried on with my children is decorating sugar cookies. We get all our cookies baked, icing coloured and sprinkles ready. Then the fun and mess ensue.
I can’t imagine a Christmas without it!
Dale Lawson

Getting to know me would include an understanding that I believe the most valuable recipes are those which taste great and can be executed in approximately five minutes.
On my 45th birthday I received one of my favorite gifts from my adult children, a handcrafted and artistically laid out list of 45 reasons why my favorite people will always love me. Listed there, somewhere between ‘provides discount doctor services’ and ‘offers discount hair cuts’ is reason #15, ‘makes good ‘homemade’ stuffing’.
My only hope for this year’s holiday food is that we continue to enjoy it together in happiness and good health.
Maureen Mason

It’s all about the butter tart—a French Canadian tradition.
The secret to a good butter tart is a thread that runs the length of time in my family. Held first by my great-grandmother, passed to my grandmother, my mother to me to my daughters and finally now to my grandchildren.
Being together on butter tart day is profound love.
Rob Hill

An Appreciative Note to My Nanny (Grandma) – photo above is us cooking in her kitchen. I don’t think it’s Christmas… but still.
While my nanny (grandma) Marilyn Penny is known for far more than her cooking talents, I cannot help but remember Christmas dinners (and breakfasts!) at her house growing up.
There is always a big turkey, multiple side dishes, and homemade pie! She’s one of those cooks who takes great pride in what she makes. After eating her meals and declaring how wonderful they are, she’ll reply, “I know. I made it.”
Nan, I hope this holiday season you put your feet up and let someone else do the cooking – but please, at least, bring one of your homemade pies!