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They’re some real goodies: Powell River City Council

Special memories and cherished recipes. We asked qathet’s newly elected local politicians for their favourite holiday food moments to get to know them a little better.

Earl Almeida


I was born in Toronto to Roman Catholic East Indian immigrants who did a great job of exposing me to all types of food as a kid.

One holiday food memory that stands out is a dish you’re not likely to find at a BC Indian Restaurant, but it is invariably on the menu at any family event. Sorpotel is an extremely finely diced pork curry served at almost every holiday party alongside sannas, Mangalorian steamed rice cakes, which are tedious and time consuming to make. My mom made amazing sannas that everyone always looked forward to.

The above photo was taken in 2012 in Jodhpur, India during a cooking class while traveling with my wife, Charlotte, on an 8-month, 24-country trip.

Trina Isakson

My family has Norwegian roots, and my mom used to bake a wide variety of treats at Christmas, including sandkaker (almond-based crunchy cookies pressed into tartlet tins).

Over the years she has whittled down the number of treats, but the one that remains at the heart of it all is the mighty butter tart. My mom makes the best butter tarts and you will not convince me otherwise!

Last year we also focused on cinnamon buns and tried to make them especially gooey! The secret – pouring a cup or so of cream (canned coconut milk works great) over the pan of buns before the final bake.

Rob Southcott

This is a story about my friend Mike and his dad. Mike was 10 or 12. It was Christmas Eve, as usual, their last-minute Christmas shopping day together.

On the way home, arms overloaded as they got off the bus, Mike’s dad dropped the big turkey and it started to roll down the hill toward their home. Catching up, and with the brilliance of a couple of beers helping, dad just kept it rolling until they got there.

Dusted off, not a word was spoken when the next day the family of eight wondered where the bits of gravel came from.

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