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Christmas Cheer: Volunteers brighten the holidays
Marnie Edwards and Frances McLay have been friends for 75 years. Their mothers were also friends before they were born – in fact they lived next door to each other. Marnie entered this world on July 1 and Frances on July 30. So, when, five years ago, Frances told Marnie that they needed more people to help out with Christmas Cheer and that she had the perfect job for her, Marnie jumped right in. Today Marnie is the volunteer school co ordinator with Christmas Cheer and Frances, who was in charge of shopping for food for many years, has a new role and helps organize gifts for young er children. The organization will continue to hand out grocery cards and gift cards for families with teens – a practice they initiated during the pandem ic. “We are all part of a team,” says Marnie. “It’s the team work that allows us to do this. Everyone that helps, no matter how big or small their role is, makes this committee a success.”

BEST FRIENDS FOREVER: Marnie Edwards and Frances McLay have been friends since birth for 75 years. Together, they help coordinate the region’s Christmas Cheer campaign.
How did you start working with Christmas Cheer?
France • I’ve been with Christmas Cheer for 15 years.
Marnie • I’ve been with Christmas Cheer for five years.
What attracted you to this organization?
Frances • I got involved years ago when someone became ill and I took over from her.
Marnie • Frances phoned me and said they needed some one to help because they lost their school coordinator.
What part of the work is the most satisfying?
Frances • All of it.
Marnie • For me, with the schools, the generosity from a couple of the schools has been really heartwarming. Last year, one of the recipients, a young mom, really touched my heart. We had arranged to meet at certain time in a certain place and when I gave her the gift certificates and grocery cards she broke down in tears. She had to sit there for a long time before she could leave.
What part of the work do you find the most challenging?
Frances • In the past, I had to check all the flyers and find the best deals and shop for non perishables three or four times a week. Grocery cards have made it easier for me. Marnie • Meeting all the deadlines and getting the letters out on time.
What do you wish other people knew about the work Christmas Cheer does?
Frances • That everyone who applies has to fill out an application and disclose their income and expenses. This information is confidential, but it is verified. We also veri fy that the children that they claim are actually living with that person.
Marnie • How extremely generous some businesses and private individuals here are and how they step forward to adopt a family or write a cheque. They are amazing.
Had you been involved in charitable or caring work before? What got you started?
Frances • I volunteered for Cystic Fibrosis.
Marnie • I began volunteering with the Hospital Auxiliary as soon as I retired 15 years ago.
How has Christmas Cheer changed your life?
Frances • It’s gratifying to volunteer with Christmas Cheer. Distribution Day is the happiest day there is for me, it’s better than Christmas.
Marnie • My grandma always used to say it is better to give than receive. It is so gratifying to be able to help people as a group. Christmas is supposed to be a happy time, but it isn’t for everyone and together through Christmas Cheer we can make someone’s Christmas brighter.
Do you bring any unique skills to this organization?
Frances • My artistic flair in creating beautiful and unique gift bags.
Marnie • I worked in hospital administration for many years and I put my secretarial and organizational skills to work for Christmas Cheer.
Have there been benefits from volunteering with this agency that you didn’t expect?
Both • New friends and being able to help someone who needs it.
What would you say to other people who might be thinking about volunteering?
Both • It’s well worth volunteering with Christmas Cheer. It’s a great organization that helps those in need at Christmas time.