6 minute read
Holiday Events: December
Have a holly jolly December
Through December
Third annual Light Up qathet
Holiday lights contest and self-guided tour. Submit a photo of your decorated home and address to srahier@powellriver.ca by December 16. It will be added to the self-guided map. Vote on your favourite display. Winners get a three month pass to the Rec Complex.
Friday, December 2
Winter Wonderland Opening Night
6:30 to 8:30 pm.
Cheer Fest: Tree Lighting and late night shopping on Marine Ave
December 2 to 26
Winter Wonderland forest skate
Skate through an enchanted forest filled with lights, to holiday carols. See powell riverprc.ca for the full schedule.
Saturday, December 3
Santa Arrives at the Town Centre Mall
11 to 12, Town Centre Mall.
Harbour Lights
4 to 7 pm, North Harbour. Yacht Club’s annual boat light-up on the water, with music and refreshments.
Seasonal Snail Mail
1 to 2 pm, Library. Design and create your own unique greeting cards with Jenny Allen Taves in this fun, all-ages workshop. Participants aged seven and under must come with a parent or guardian. Materials provided.
Free Winter Wonderland Skate
10 til noon, Rec Complex. Sponsored by United Way and Royal LePage.
Photos with Santa
Noon til 5 pm, Town Centre Mall. Please bring non-perishable donations for the Family Place cupboard.
December 3 to 24
Santa at Town Centre Mall
Visit Santa noon til 5 pm starting December 3 Mondays through Saturdays, to December 24 (10 am to 3 pm Christmas Eve only)
December 3 & 4
Pet photos with Santa at Mother Nature
10 til 4 pm Saturday, 11 til 4 pm Sunday, $15 minimum donation.
Sunday, December 4
Santa Parade
3 pm, along Marine Avenue
Powell River Chorus Christmas Concert
2 pm. Doors at 1:30. Dwight Hall. Tickets $20 (kids 12 and under free). Tickets avail able from Chorus Members and at the door
December 9 & 10
Carols by Candlelight
7:30 pm both nights, 1:30 pm Saturday as well, Dwight Hall. $30. powellriveracade my.org.
Santa Train
5 to 7 pm, Paradise Valley Railroad. Train rides in the dark with lots of Christmas lights, a bonfire, and the Kiwanis food concession. Admission to the rides is by donation for Salvation Army distribution (Non-perishable food items or unwrapped new toys, or Cash). ALSO on December 16 & 17.
Saturday, December 10
Winter Wonderland Skate with Santa
10 til noon. Bring a camera for pix with Santa.
December 10 & 11
Swedish Yule Feast
5 pm and 7 pm seatings, The Boardwalk Restaurant. See ad on Page 46.
Sunday, December 11
Teddy Bear Storytime
4 pm, Town Centre Mall
Monday, December 12
Chor Musica Christmas
7:30 pm, Dwight Hall. $25. powellriveracademy.org
Wednesday, December 14
Is This The Christmas: A Holiday Musical Revue
7:30 pm, Evergreen Theatre. An evening with Joan Kristinsson and her 6-piece holiday hit band. Tickets at the Rec Complex. $41.
December 16 & 17
Santa Train
5 to 7 pm, Paradise Valley Railroad. See Dec. 9 & 10.
Saturday, December 17
Elf Academy
Discover Creative Arts, Townsite Market. Drop your kids for crafts while you shop at the market (small fee). Also December 10.
Breakfast with Santa
Seatings at 9 and 10:30 am, Rec Complex. $2 per person or $5 per family. Prepared and served by the Rotary Club. Winter Wonderland skate, bouncy castles, festive face painting.
Cranberry Hall Seasonal Social
6:30-9:30, 6828 Cranberry Avenue. If you were ever curious about who we are, what we are, what we do and what we look like after our pre COVID renovation, please come and mix it up with us. There will be food, (bring some, if you like), there will be laughter, there will be music (bring some of that too!), there will be singing. And there will be opportunities to renew membership, friendships and community! Website is cranhall.org.
“Elf” Holiday movie sponsored by Royal LePage
Patricia Theatre. 1:30 pm matinee.
Sunday, December 18
Teddy Bear Storytime
4 pm, Town Centre Mall
December 19 to 23
Light Up qathet map is live
Self-guided tour of some of the region’s best-decorated yards and businesses. Go to powellriverprc.ca or the Rec Complex’s Facebook page for a map, and vote for your favourite by December 23 at noon.
Wednesday, December 21
Holiday Sweater Fitness
9:15 to 10:15, Rec Complex. Free, preregistration required.
Winter Solstice Poetry Slam
6 to 8 pm, Library. Share the long night and poetry together in this competitive open mic event emceed by Amira Abouelalla! Top 3 poets go home with a prize, plus door prizes! All are welcome but registra tion is required for competing performers. Visit prpl.ca for details and the online form or email Mel Edgar: edgar@prpl.ca
December 22 & 23
Special Holiday Dinner Buffet at Royal Zayka
4 pm to 9 pm nightly
Friday, December 23
A Jazzy Christmas Concert with Walter Martella & Friends
7 pm, St. David & St. Paul Anglican Church, Townsite. Suggested donation $10, all proceeds to local charities.
Saturday, December 24
Winter Wonderland Christmas Eve Skate
10 am to 11:30 am and noon til 1:30 pm.
Seasonal Puppet Show: A Festival of Fables
10:30 to 11:30 am, Library. Join Sonia, Deb, and Mel for our annual holiday extravaganza! Featuring puppet plays, stories and songs about animals who learn a variety of lessons, from the thrill of being daring to the joys of kindness and sharing. Drop-in, everyone welcome!
Christmas Eve Church Services
4 pm, Westview Baptist Church 6 pm, Living Water Foursquare Church 6 pm, Westview Baptist Church
6:30 pm Readings & Carols, PR United Church
6:30 pm Salvation Army
7 pm Assumption Westview (Catholic)
8 pm St. David & St. Paul Anglican Church candlelight eucharist
10 pm Sacred heart, Tla’amin (Catholic)
Sunday, December 25
The Boardwalk Restaurant in Lund is serving Christmas dinner December 24 - 26.
Christmas Day Church Services
10 am Assumption Westview (Catholic)
10 am Westview Baptist
10 am St. David & St. Paul Anglican Church eucharist
11 am Living Water Foursquare Church
11 am United Church
Noon Assumption Westview (Catholic)
Saturday, December 31
New Year’s Eve
Sunday, January 1
New Year’s Day
January 2 to 6
Winter Break Camp
9-3 pm at qathet Art Centre. qathetart.ca