3 minute read
Saturday, December 3
White Leblanc Wealth Toy Drive & Community Breakfast
At the Salvation Army on Joyce. Bring a new, unwrapped children’s toy, book or cash and enjoy breakfast.
Saturday, December 3 & 4
Pet photos with Santa at Mother Nature
10 til 4 pm Saturday, 11 til 4 pm Sunday, $15 minimum donation.
Wednesday, December 7
Winter Wonderland Hamper Skate
6 to 8 pm. Bring a food or toy donation, admission is free but rentals are extra.
Wednesday, December 7
Community Paint Night
6:30 to 7:30. Henderson Elementary Gym. Paint a kindness bag for Every body Deserves a Smile. Kate.boyd@sd47.bc.ca
December 9 & 10, 16 & 17
Santa Train
5 to 7 pm, Paradise Valley Railroad. Train rides in the dark with lots of Christmas lights, a bonfire, and the Kiwanis food concession. Admission to the rides is by donation for Salvation Army distribution (Non-perishable food items or unwrapped new toys, or cash).
December 10, 11, 17 & 18
Jr. Forest Wardens selling fresh-cut trees
9 am to 5 pm in the Crossroads Mall park ing lot near McDonald’s. Money raised for the youth program.
December 6, 10, 13, 17 & 20
Lang Bay Community Club Christmas Hampers donations
Will be accepting non-perishable and grocery gift card donations at Lang Bay Hall Tuesdays Dec. 6-20th noon - 1 pm and Saturdays Dec, 10th & 17th 10 amnoon. All donations will be distributed to our local families in need. Contact Carol 604-487-1259.
To December 10
PR Kings Shop Local raffle
Buy tickets at the Rec Complex.
To December 10
FM Stuff the Trailer and Pallet Challenge
Businesses can buy a $500 pallet for the Food Bank. Individuals can buy $5 and $10 bags at FreshCo.
December 12 to 23
12 Nights of Christmas at Putters
5 to 8 pm nightly, Putters Mini Golf. Admis sion by donation to the PR Professional Firefighters Charitable Society – mostly to local school food programs. Coffee, cocoa, ice cream for sale.
To December 14
Salvation Army Christmas Hampers
Drop off new toys, imperishable food and money at the Salvation Army on Joyce. Apply by November 30 if you’d like a hamper.
To December 15
Seniors Gift Drive
For Gerry Gray Place. Call 485-4008 to drop off gifts, and see more in the November qL mag.
Saturday, December 17
Brooks Students for Change Jingle Jog
10 am, Brooks start. Fundraiser for the Food Bank. $10 each or $20 per family. There will be prizes!
Friday, December 23
A Jazzy Christmas Concert with Walter Martella & Friends
7 pm, St. David & St. Paul Anglican Church, Townsite. Suggested donation $10, all proceeds to local charities.
To December 24
Salvation Army Kettle Campaign
Volunteer at contact@salvationarmypr.ca
To January 2
Hay is for Horses fundraiser
For Therapeutic Riding.
January 8
Special Olympics Tree Mulch
10 til 1 pm, Mother Nature, minimum $5 donation. Also curbside tree pick-up tags can be purchased at 7-11, Top Shelf Feeds, and Mother Nature until the end of January 7.
To January 28
Knights of Columbus Appeal
Mon to Friday in Town Centre Mall. Fund raiser for various community benefits. Raffle for a 2023 Toyota RAV4 and other prizes.