3 minute read
To January 31
Memories of Snowy Days Seasonal Winter Exhibition
10 til 3 pm, Tuesday to Saturday, qathet Museum and Archives. Come take a peak at the region’s snowy past through histori cal photos and memories of long ago.
Through December
Third annual Light Up qathet
Holiday lights contest and self-guid ed tour. Submit a photo of your decorated home and address to srahier@powellriver.ca by December 15. It will be added to the self-guided map. Vote on your favourite display. Winners get a three month pass to the Rec Complex.
Friday, December 2
Late Night Shopping at Ecossentials, qathet Art & Wares, Pocket Books, Picked, A Collective, and Artique
Til 9 pm, Marine & Alberni.
Saturday, December 3
Seasonal Snail Mail
1 to 2 pm, Library. Design and create your own unique greeting cards with Jenny Allen Taves in this fun, all-ages workshop. Participants aged seven and under must come with a parent or guardian. Materials provided.
Wednesday, December 7
Community Paint Night
6:30 to 7:30. Henderson Elementary Gym. Paint a kindness bag for Everybody De serves a Smile. Kate.boyd@sd47.bc.ca
Friday, December 9
The C.R. Avery Orchestra and Victory on East Hastings
Doors open at 7 pm, show at 8. “A cinemat ic post-modern opera.” Tickets available through Tidal Art Centre or at the door; $25 in advance or $30 at the door. Limited seating.
Saturday, December 10 & 17
Elf Academy
Discover Creative Arts, Townsite Mar ket. Holiday Arts & Crafts, Story Telling, & General Merry Making for Ages 5-12! Drop off your young elf at DCA and enjoy a festive, beautiful and unique holiday shopping experience in historic Townsite Public Market! 11 am-12noon / 1 pm 2 pm / 2:30 pm 3:30 pm. Register online to secure your spot $12 or drop In $15 cash at door (Limited space 15 Max.)
To December 14
Cowboy Blaire Hobbs Art Show
Magpie’s Diner
To December 15
qathet ART at VIU: Of Mice and Men and Other Things Chris Roberts Exhibition
Viewing hours Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Thursday, December 15
Endangered Species Memento Mori Exhibition Artists Reception
5:30-7:30 pm at qathet Art Centre, every one welcome. Celebrate the artists!
December 16 & 17
Book Making Workshop
Join expert bookmaker Stuart Isto and learn how to make your own bound book from scratch. Spaces are limited and reg istration is required. To register, contact Mark Merlino. mmerlino@prprl.ca
January 2 to 6
Winter Break Camp
9-3 pm at qathet Art Centre