5 minute read
from The Rebirth
The world of our dreams is appealing, attractive and amazing. We all live in a unique own world where we all dream a lot based on our individualistic perceptions about our future goals, plans and endeavours. This classic world of dreams is kaleidoscopic but challenging in practical life.
Despite all these challenges, we still dream unbelievably, think desperately and plan deliberately to achieve those cherished goals by attaining the dizzying heights in our personal, professional and social careers. In the process of
pursuing these cherished goals, we come across many hurdles, obstacles and challenges but our extraordinary determination, unwavering commitment and indomitable attitude enable us to overcome these wonderfully.
Most of us fail to understand the language of own heart and get carried away with the unrealistic and impractical thoughts. We must try to understand the language of own heart first and then identify our goals with lot of deliberations. Identification of own goal is paramount in life to move on the right path with the right momentum and in the right direction. Many people are unable to identify own dreams perfectly and correctly which at later stage turns out to be time consuming and

waste of energy and efforts. We must chase our dreams. We must first believe in our guts, strengths and inner calling before we set on the journey of chasing of own dreams. Though the journey of pursuing own dreams may be enthusing but it requires passion, zeal and perfection to keep moving ahead and attain the desired heights.
The fear of defeat would always be the main cause of withdrawal from the battle of chasing own dreams and finally deviating you from the right path. One must be fully focused and undoubtedly determined on own goals despite impromptu hurdles in routine life. One must believe in own guts so that it would empower you to be more confident and energetic while pursuing your ultimate goals. You must recharge your instincts and fuel them appropriately to render required level of momentum which would keep you always enthused and energised to encounter any obstacles and enable you further to overcome the fear of defeat. The fear of defeat incapacitates us and makes us weaker.
The old saying of practice makes a person perfect, still holds good. You must make your efforts to ensure that you achieve expected perfectness. The repeated practices would make you feel stronger and the periodic rehearsals would further empower you unbelievably. You must enrich your vocabulary which must add value to your written as well as verbal communication skills. The better ideas only come to the minds of those who have better vocabulary. You must read a book in a week and the relevant magazines to enhance your vocabulary
level and remain updated with the ongoing changes in the emerging Fourth Wave Society. It is desired to be always well informed and socially connected rightly. Those who don’t adjust and adapt to the ongoing paradigm shifts taking place in the socio-political as well as socioeconomic fabric, later feel left out and isolated.
The 80/20 rule indicates that only 20% people do things differently and achieve the desired goals in their professional as well personal lives. Remaining 80% are the just passengers who tag along with the 20% people who render the required leadership to any organisation. Also those great leaders in the world who have excelled in their own fields, have done things differently. You must make a habit to read at least one biography/autobiography in a year to remain energetic, enthused and motivated every time. We must remain always empowered, enthused and energetic in attitude so that we can win over the difficulties in life at each stage.
The world is undergoing accelerated changes in the socioeconomic fabric. These rapid changes require adaptive nature and positivity in attitude to adjust and adopt the paradigm shifts taking place in the world. We must swiftly

align with the emerging trends and adjust in the changed scenario. Never lose your originality and unique pattern of doing things differently. The successful people always have their own style of achieving the desired results and doing the same thing in a different manner which eventually make them great and successful in this world.
Designing the pitch of own life is an essential task to move ahead and keep an account of own periodic progress. We must design our own pitch of life by marking the realistic milestones to be achieved in a particular time line. This would keep us always focused and centric as well vigilant to keep performing seamlessly in pursuance of own dreams. These milestones can be documented in the form of Micro Goals, Short Term Goals, Mid Term Goals and Long Term Goals. Once the periodic gaols have been set, you must pursue these with passionate zeal and perfect precision. But one must be fearless and firm while pursuing the pitch of own life.
Our thoughts constitute our future action plans and compel us to think and behave in a particular fashion. We must always think like a leader and keep enhancing our skills and competencies. A leader must always think passionately, positively and progressively to render the appreciable leadership. There is an urgent requirement in this rapidly changing world to be an adaptive leader rather than being a line manager to excel socially and professionally.
In the changing time we must be adaptive, resilient and flexible to achieve our goals. We have to be dedicated and committed with an indomitable attitude to achieve expected excellence to attain dizzying heights. Our sustained contributions and seamless efforts would definitely enable us to chase our cherished goals in life. In the process of achieving this, we need to reinvent ourselves by reenergising our emotions, rejuvenating our spirits and rediscovering ourselves.
Bhagwan Shekhawat is a futurist, corporate consultant and a sociopolitical analyst residing in Jaipur city of the Indian subcontinent. He takes immense pride in enthusing, empowering and enhancing the leadership skills of the young global leaders in pursuance of creating a cascade of competent leaders. In addition, he expresses his invaluable, inspiring and dynamic views on the emerging Fourth Wave Societies which are reshaping a new geosocial world order. A keen reader and a progressive ideologist who amazingly advocates about the impending global waves of change and the ongoing paradigm shifts taking place in the contemporary socioeconomic and geopolitical spectrum. Twitter: @Colbhagwan