3 minute read
from Unlimited
PGMAG: Debbi, great to have you on today’s interview.
DS: Thank you so much for this opportunity to share!
PGMAG: Please briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
DS: I live in Ontario Canada and have four extraordinary children ranging in ages from 17-29. My daughters are twins and one has a son and I love being his grandmother! My background for 30 years was in Early Years as the Director of multisite not for profit organization. I began my company Dare to Declare Inc. three years ago and stepped full time into coaching July 2020. My expertise is facilitating powerful Vision board workshops.
PGMAG: Words are powerful and they create our realities. Please tell us more about your organisation (Dare To Declare).
DS: It was just an idea three years ago. I had a photoshoot and was so energized by my own image that I realized the power that images have to support the life we want to create. I built a beautiful studio, created a curriculum and opened my “doors” for business in 2018. The pandemic has offered a new opportunity to coach people on a global level.
PGMAG: The global challenge (Covid-19) has affected so many lives around the world. As an authority in your field, what are some of the ways that can help people improve their wellbeing amidst the pandemic?
DS: Most people think of Vision boards as Have, Do and Be - as in what do I want to Have? What do I need to Do? Then I will Be happy. A Dare to Declare Vision board turns that around to coach participants to focus on the “Be” or Being, and ask what do I get to Do to be the best version of myself and then the “have” will show up!

PGMAG: You have over 30 years of experience in ‘Early Childhood Development’. What is your message for young mothers?
PGMAG: As a woman and a leader, what have you chosen to challenge in your life?
DS: Be kind, be curious and ask “How are the children?”
PGMAG: What is your message for world leaders?
DS: To empower women to be authentically themselves. To support women to create a Vision so that they can discover their best life.
PGMAG: What were the top three books that changed your life?
DS: The Bible, Anne of Green Gables - L.M Montgomery, The Success Principles - Jack Canfield.
PGMAG: Please share more light on ‘Intentional Living’.
DS: It is living on purpose with purpose. Our purpose can be found where what we love, what we are good at, what the world needs and what we can make money at, all intersect. Living intentionally is slowing down and being present in the moments. It is seeking beauty in the messy. Practicing a daily habit of gratitude. We live intentionally by being self aware and acknowledging what went well, where we held ourselves back and planning for what is next.
PGMAG: Finally, what would you say to your younger self?
DS: You don’t have anything to prove. Be fully you.
PGMAG: Debbi, it has been wonderful having you on today’s interview.
DS: Thank you so much for having me!
PGMAG: Please share your links with us.
DS: https://debbisluys.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/ debbi-sluys-daretodeclare/ https://www.facebook.com/ Dare2DeclareWithDebbiSluys https://www.instagram.com/ debbisluys/