7 minute read
from Unlimited
PGMAG: Jacqueline, welcome to today’s interview with Lady Anita.
JR: Hi Lady Anita and thank you so much for this opportunity. I have so looked forward to this interview as I am passionate about sharing any business advice that can help others.
PGMAG: Jacqueline, please briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
JR: I help entrepreneurs to turn their Passion to Prosperity with much more ease and flow. I Coach within the Personal Growth, Spiritual and Law of Attraction fields that are the basis of how I have lived and worked for the past 23 years.
I lead with the Business Coaching, primarily, but also incorporate Coaching in the other areas of your life too - Coaching Holistically to create the desired work-life balance.
PGMAG: As a Business Coach, what are some of the steps required to create a sustainable business?
You will never tire of your business as you know, beyond doubt, that you are offering exactly what your audience needs and wants. This attitude will help you grow a sustainable business as you will be continually reaching out to your prospective clients/customers. As a result you will generate an ongoing pipeline of customer leads into your business.
Another important factor is to be able to think about how you can scale your business. As a one woman/man band, having a plan on how to increase your income, WITHOUT working yourself into the ground, is a critical factor to sustainability. Nothing kills your business dream (and your health!) more than “burnout”.
So many more steps but for the purposes of this interview, I’d say that this one BIG thing “Mindset” is the powerful precursor to business sustainability, innovation and ongoing creativity. Quite simply if you don’t think you will succeed - you won’t. You won’t take the opportunities that come your way, you’re unlikely to put yourself out there so people know who you are and what you offer and you won’t do the things that will help you perfect your craft.
PGMAG: What should be done to support economic recovery in this challenged times?
JR: I think it would be remiss of any government if they didn’t continue/increase support for smaller businesses to enable them to continue trading, and in turn help them to retain their employees and grow their businesses. Subsidised/funded training programmes should also be available for people who have lost jobs. This will help them to re-train (often in better paid industries) and/or help them to start their own businesses.
As spending is the lifeblood of the economy, government support for people in precarious circumstances, to stop them falling through the safety net and out of the regular economy, can only help. It is not only morally the right thing to do but beneficial to recovery as they will remain productive members of society.
PGMAG: What do people seek for when they contact you for your service?
JR: They are looking for regular weekly support, accountability and someone who believes unequivocally in their dream and vision they have for their business and life. They want the best guidance on how to grow their business without sacrificing their mental health, physical health and other areas of their lives. They also want practical business advice, e.g. sales & marketing etc. They also want to work with someone who lives from the basis of Personal Growth and Spirituality.
PGMAG: What are some of the keys to improving one’s mind-set?
JR: Getting clear on what you DO want is the best place to start. Clarity in your mission, service, product, helps you to stay tuned into only what is relevant to you. This avoids overwhelm, scattered thoughts and an unclear message to the world.
I can’t say it enough, giving yourself regular time each day to meditate. It doesn’t have to be for hours and hours or involve being sat on a mountain top. A simple 10-15mins daily (or whenever you can) to quiet the mind. You’ll clear out the daily niggles and doubts that can creep in, to remember how amazing you are, your “Why” for doing what you are doing and be eager to take action on your ideas - because you know you can do it.
This probably goes without saying, but always a good reminder: read as many inspirational books and biographies of successful people as you can. You’ll get constant reminders and reassurance that these people had their tough times, however, their belief in themselves and trust in life, helped them succeed.
Plus: Never stop learning more about your craft/skillset. Cultivate a voracious appetite for improving your knowledge so that you are always giving the best of the best of yourself to your clients. This enables you to always be able to give the highest value you can in any given moment.
PGMAG: Most times people struggle to make changes that could potentially benefit their businesses. As a Business Coach, what do you think that prevents them (people) to make those tough decisions?
Experiencing overwhelm so not really having the head space to come up with a plan of action to make those decisions for their business.
A lack of belief in their own abilities to make a tough decision. This can stem from feelings of “not feeling clever or good enough”.
PGMAG: What were the three top books that changed your life?
JR: Book No. 1: Ask And It Is Given - by Esther & Jerry Hicks. This book really gave me the grounding and knowledge of the Law of Attraction, that where your thoughts go, energy flows and that what you attract into your life, is what you predominantly think and speak about. I am so much more mindful to focus on what I do want and not what I don’t want.
Book No. 2: The 4-Hour Work Week - by Tim Ferris. For me, this book really revolutionised the idea of the traditional x5 days per week 9-5 way of working. It showed many examples of how people could considerably reduce their hours, whilst still being (if not more) productive and generating more income. It also shows how to embrace the “outsourcing” of certain tasks, so that you get to work smarter NOT harder.
Book No. 3 - You Are The Placebo, Making Your Mind Matter - by Dr Joe Dispenza. From a health perspective, I found this book truly thought provoking. He talks about the ability to heal yourself by your thoughts alone. I think he is a master at explaining spirituality from a scientific perspective, in a very easily understood way.
PGMAG: Finally, what would you say to your younger self?
It also gives me the opportunity to live my life in the way I best want to.
PGMAG: If you knew what you know now, what would you do differently?
JR: Whilst giving her the biggest and tightest of hugs, I’d lovingly tell her to just “chill out” and “stop worrying so much”. As human beings, we will never “get it done” so just enjoy the here and now and hold to this affirmation “Things are always working out well for me.” - because - THEY ARE :-)
PGMAG: Thank you for your time today – much appreciate.
JR: Thank you so much! It’s been an absolute pleasure.
PGMAG: Please share your links with us.
JR: Email: jackie@ serentiycoachingtips.com to ask me anything and to claim your “no obligation” FREE x40 min Business Growth Accelerator Session with me.
Visit this link http:// serenitycoachingtips.com/get-free-access to receive your FREE Report giving x4 Surefire Tips On How to “Live Your Best Life NOW” .
FOLLOW ME ON: Instagram: @ jackiebusinesscoach LinkedIn: Jacqueline Rhule Twitter: @ Jackiebizcoach Clubhouse: @ jackiebizcoach Facebook Business Page: Business Coaching With Heart & Soul