19 minute read
from Unlimited
PGMAG: Dr. Mariam, great to have you on today’s interview with Lady Anita.
DMS: Thank you so much Lady Anita for having me here as part of your prestigious global magazine. It is indeed an honour and a pleasure for me to be featured here.
PGMAG: Please briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
DMS: I am an eminent professional in the Education field based in United Arab Emirates with over 35 years of experience and continued success. My expertise covers Student Recruitment, Marketing, Strategic Development, International Relations and Student Experience. I have held key positions in reputed and prominent Universities in UAE and have worked actively to draw aspiring students looking to pursue further studies from all around the world to Dubai. My professional endeavors started in the early 80’s when I owned a Nursery School inspired by my own children and then went on to Head a prominent school group as Principal. I was integral to the exponential growth of the school making it one of the largest Asian schools in the region with over 7000 students. Following this, I entered the Higher Education Sector to pursue new opportunities and assist students to fulfill their academic and career aspirations.
PGMAG: As a key player in the field of education, what are some of the steps to supporting our children to pursue their dreams no matter where they may be in the world?
DMS: These are some of my experiences which you can use as you wish.
Throughout my journey I have worked closely with students from over 100 different nationalities always mentoring them and empowering them, helping them in their study choices, encouraging them to be entrepreneurs, pursue their dreams and work hard to achieve them. These are our future leaders and working closely with them has been very fulfilling and provided me with immense satisfaction. My first pioneering milestone achievement was accomplished because of my daughter for whom I started a Pre - School as there were no preschools in the region at that time so one of the ways in which we can support our children is to be good role-models. Always model big dreams in your own life which your children can follow. We should always instil confidence in them and encourage them to dream big and persevere. Always lead by example.
Encourage your young adults to identify their passion and work at what excites them and keeps them happy. Always encourage positivity and teach them to set attainable goals and show them how to define their direction.
As the Chief Happiness Officer in one of the Universities I worked in, I implemented many projects to promote and foster happiness and create a wonderfully positive and happy environment for our students and encouraged them to take the lead.
I also tried to create the climate in which people are motivated to excel, so that they were engaged into work and contributed their best. Thus, I focused on teamwork. I taught others to be selfless in achieving goals that will benefit the whole organization, without waiting for reward. But first I demonstrated this on my personal example. I was an intentional learner, who concentrated on selfimprovement and encouraged it in others.
The same should be done with our children. Create a happy and positive environment at home and always show respect and understanding of their views and preferences with the necessary guidance. Encourage them to network and mix with the right friends and associates and find a good mentor to learn from.
On my journey here, I have faced many challenges but each one of them has only strengthened me to make me the person I am today; a thorough professional who knows exactly what she wants; someone who sets her eyes on a goal and does not lose sight of it, unless it is achieved.
As a professional in a certain field, it is everyone’s dream to be recognized and awarded for the exemplary work that they do. Since it is a dream or a goal, people work hard inorder to achieve it. We become role models of inspiration when we invite dialogue and courageously pursue our own dreams. We become mentors who encourage young people to dream by our example.
PGMAG: Most times, lack of confidence impacts the lives of so many students, and this has prevented them from reaching for the greater purpose in their lives. In your capacity as an influencer, what are some key elements to helping such individuals to become change makers in the world?
DMS: My message to students:
Many of us struggle with confidence issues. In an age of social media, it can be difficult not to compare ourselves with other people. We might lack confidence at work, in public speaking, or in meeting new people, which makes us fear that we aren’t taken seriously or that we won’t meet new friends.
Reminds me of a quote by Martin Luther King, Jr. “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”
Think about that. When you embark on a journey, the starting line is clear; you can see it and touch it. But the finish line is muddled, if it even exists.
We take the first step every single day without knowing the outcome. We have faith and confidence in ourselves and we walk a few steps further.
The key here is putting our fears aside and walking that invisible staircase with confidence. We are in charge of our human journey. It can be an amazing adventure, filled with love, happiness and health. Of course, stumbling blocks pop up in our way from time to time, but we get to walk the staircase and choose the adventure in front of us each and every day.
The world has already built our staircase to success; it’s only waiting for us to take the first step!! Ensure that young people understand that they are equipped with creativity, energy and fresh perspective and they hold the incredible power to unlock solutions to society’s greatest challenges. In fact, young leaders across the globe are already creating change in their communities. Ask them to bring friends and collaborators along from the start. As they develop their ideas, they should be on the lookout for people who bring different perspectives and skills from their own.
Then come together around your shared values and goals you’re striving towards. Soon you will have created a team and you will feel that powerful changemaker energy!!
PGMAG: You are a woman in a prominent leadership position and your work has positively impacted many lives around the world. How can we support more women into leadership roles?
DMS: The famous French writer Antoine de SaintExupéry once said “Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing to take away.” From the power of his words that mean so much to us today, to the many challenges we now face after a period of inevitable decline as a result of the pandemic ,one thing I know is that women have this innate ability to rise above their challenges so we can adapt to changes, be resilient and challenge ourselves to shine our brightest self. Give back what you have learned - share your experience!
God chose for a woman to bear human life within her because she has the ability to withstand pain , the ability to give, to be strong and the ability to create something spectacular.
Woman can all be leaders by just realizing their true potential. Yes! it does take a lot of perseverance and experience but the journey of getting there is worth it.
I truly believe that where there is a woman there is MAGIC!! All of us women have magic inside us and can do incredible things. I am of the opinion that the success of every woman should be an inspiration to others, we should raise each other up!!
As we try to navigate these complicated times, which brings me to this- what I know for sure is that speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have. And I'm especially proud and inspired by all the women who have felt strong enough and empowered enough to speak up and share their personal stories. Each of us women are celebrated because of the stories that we tell, and this year we became the story.
All women have great ideas, intuition, perseverance, dedication and confidence Put yourself on the steering wheel and you can steer yourself in any direction you choose and you will get there!l you can decide where to go......
Our job is to provide an environment that unlocks women’s potential – one that protects their dignity and femininity, helps them create the necessary balance in their lives, and values their talents and potential. Given this environment, I am confident that women will perform nothing short of miracles. I play an active leadership role in many Women Global Entrepreneurial groups where we share our experiences and expertise and collaborate to help each other’s businesses. We can encourage women leaders by sharing what we have learned and sharing our journey to inspire others to take the lead.
“Empower A Woman And You Empower A Society” – Queen Rania of Jordan
PGMAG: What does it entail to become a valuable member of the society?
We should always look through compassionate eyes. Make an effort to reach out to someone in need. ...Respect. Imagine what a different world it would be if everyone respected each other no matter what their differences or beliefs were. Take Responsibility. Be an active Contributor. Set good examples for others to follow. Always be grateful.
A person can be more valuable to society by actually volunteering in some associated domains, such as:
Society has people, who are struggling with life, surrounded by problems, those who have difficulties in life- I observed, some times even listening to them makes them feel good, feel motivated- so volunteer to listen to people as much as you can, listen not with an intention to pass your time but listen with an intention to actually understand their feelings and making them feel good- thus such people living in society will be happy, you actually create a value for them! By helping people in making them more productive- that includes sharing your experience with them, be it a CV making, an interview preparation or may be giving them some pointers to work more effectively.
Motivate people as much as you can, let them dream! Because success comes when you dream, dreams should not be considered as common or granted to every one, it is to practices, to be preserved to be inspired! People dream, most of them would surely be making it happen, and that not only creates value for them, but it creates value for whole society!
PGMAG: What are some of the keys to effective leadership?
DMS: Some people are natural born leaders. That’s a frequently heard statement. But are they really? There are people who are called leaders simply because they are in leadership positions. Then there are leaders that others want to follow and are thrust into leadership positions. You want to be a person that you would follow into the darkest nights and brightest days. When YOU would follow YOU, then you become a leader others will follow.
In a world of million dollar CEO’s making headlines on a daily basis, one has to question if those big buck leaders are inspiring others to follow them? Ask yourself, are you inspiring others to follow you? Just being in a leadership position doesn’t mean others want to follow you. You have to earn it, work for it, be an active participant and take responsibility for what you do and say because others are watching you.
There is a huge misconception of leadership in today’s world due to social media, the “online” presence of someone and the celebrity of reality. People follow leaders who provide the most simplest of things to those around them. Things like respect, empathy, appreciation, embracing new ideas, openness, patience and even the ability to ask questions to.
The keys to effective leadership according to me is to learn to effectively delegate the responsibility for completion and the authority required to get things done.
Many bosses feel that they need to control every little thing that their employees do. This is a recipe for disaster. When you delegate work to employees, you multiply the amount of work you can accomplish while you develop your employees' confidence, leadership and work skills. Set specific and measurable goals with your employees and regularly monitor their progress towards achieving them.
As Leaders we should be motivators. Followers should look up to them to receive inspiration. Imagine if the leader talks pessimism and easily get defeated by setbacks. An effective leader is a beacon of optimism. He does not focus on problems, rather he seeks solutions. He is able to cope with adverse situations without losing the focus on the big picture and future. An optimistic leader does not wallow in the dark, but bounces back even stronger.
Always give value to people: It is people who select a leader. People follow leaders by choice. If a leader can’t value his people, it wouldn’t take long for them to topple him from the seat. Unfortunately, leaders conveniently forget this fact. An effective leader does not work in isolation but encourages people to walk along with him. An effective leader believes in his people, trusts them, delegates responsibilities gives them respect and pays attention to them.
Leadership for me is a continuous learning process. An effective leader constantly seeks opportunities that can add to his knowledge and wisdom. This is how he overcomes his weaknesses and failures. He is also the follower of leaders and mentors who inspire him. He spends hours reading books on leadership or even taking up advanced leadership development programs to hone his skills. Great leaders such as Winston Churchill and Steve Jobs were avid readers.
As leaders we should learn to accept our shortcomings and weaknesses.
Owing to his position, a leader’s pride may not allow him/her to accept his mistakes. But, an effective leader would gracefully embrace his blunders. He understands that his mistakes or incorrect decisions could result in the failure of goals and demoralize the people. By admitting mistakes, a leader just proves that he is human and not perfect. However, at the same time, the leader leaves his slip-ups behind, takes lessons and moves forward in life. He knows that he can’t undo his mistake. So, he simply analyses why it happened in the first place and what he could do to rectify it and avoid it in the future. By doing so, he earns respect from people and builds a culture of trust. In his book ‘I, Steve: Steve Jobs In His Own Words’, the Apple CEO rightly said, “Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations.”
It is not a smooth ride to leadership and then being effective at it.
PGMAG: How do you create work/life balance amidst your busy schedules?
DMS: Effective Work life balance is the key ingredient to staying happy and successful. Luckily for me, I have my husband and my kids who have always supported me and understood the dedication that my job requires in terms of time. Additionally, having worked with the best teams all along my journey has helped me to reach where I am today. As a Transformational Leader I have always created clones of myself in my work space so that I am able to manage my time in the best way possible. I cannot emphasize enough on planning and strategy . I always prioritize my tasks and plan my week effectively.
Often, work takes precedence over everything else in our lives. Our desire to succeed professionally can push us to set aside our own wellbeing. Creating a harmonious work-life balance or work-life integration is critical, though, to improve not only our physical, emotional and mental wellbeing, but it's also important for our career.
A good work-life has numerous positive effects, including less stress, a lower risk of burnout and a greater sense of wellbeing. This not only benefits employees but employers, too. When creating a schedule that works for me, I think about the best way to achieve balance at work and in my personal life. Work-life balance is more about having the flexibility to get things done in your professional life while still having time and energy to enjoy your personal life. There may be some days where you work longer hours so you have time later in the week to enjoy other activities. When you hear "work-life balance," you probably imagine having an extremely productive day at work, and leaving early to spend the other half of the day with friends and family. While this may seem ideal, it is not always possible.
Don't strive for the perfect schedule; strive for a realistic one. Some days, you might focus more on work, while other days you might have more time and energy to pursue your hobbies or spend time with your loved ones. Balance is achieved over time, not each day.
Although work is an expected societal norm, your career shouldn't be restraining. If you hate what you do, you aren't going to be happy, plain and simple. You don't need to love every aspect of your job, but it needs to be exciting enough that you don't dread getting out of bed every morning. Your overall physical, emotional and mental health should be your main concern.
Prioritizing your health doesn't have to consist of radical or extreme activities. It can be as simple as daily meditation or exercise.
Don’t be afraid to unplug. Cutting ties with the outside world from time to time allows us to recover from weekly stress, and gives us space for other thoughts and ideas to emerge. Taking that time to unwind is critical to success and will help you feel more energized when you're on the clock.
Sometimes, truly unplugging means taking vacation time and shutting work completely off for a while. Whether your vacation consists of a oneday staycation or a two-week trip to Bali, it's important to take time off to physically and mentally recharge.
Make time for yourself and your loved ones.
While your job is important, it shouldn't be your entire life. You were an individual before taking this position, and you should prioritize the activities or hobbies that make you When planning time with your loved ones, create a calendar for romantic and family dates. It may seem weird to plan oneon-one time with someone you live with, but it will ensure that you spend quality time with them without work-life conflict. Just because work keeps you busy doesn't mean you should neglect personal relationships. Set boundaries and work hours.
Set boundaries for yourself and your colleagues, to avoid burnout. When you leave the office, avoid thinking about upcoming projects or answering company emails. Consider having a separate computer or phone for work, so you can shut it off when you clock out. If that isn't possible, use separate browsers, emails or filters for your work and personal.
I always believe in setting g goals and priorities. Those who do maintain a successful balance between their work and life often point to their flexible work schedules. Recent research found that in the past seven years, many employers have allowed workers greater flexibility both with their schedule and where they work.
In our always-on world, balance is a very personal thing, and only you can decide the lifestyle that suits you best."
PGMAG: What is your message for world leaders?
DMS:Our political leaders have great responsibilities, but as with many situations in life, people often rise or fall to meet your expectations. Our responsibility as citizens is to expect our leaders to lead and to give them enough support so that they may do so.
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, leadership has been put to the test. It is increasingly clear that to emerge from the crisis stronger and more resilient requires rethinking what it means to lead and prioritizing purpose, trust, empathy and inclusivity.
PGMAG: Who would be your ideal lunch date and what would be the topic of discussion?
DMS: My ideal lunch date would be with any of my students over endless discussions on goal setting and helping them work towards making their dreams a reality.
Budding entrepreneurs require all the guidance and mentorship and hence I think that I would certainly love to discuss their plans for the future and give them all the encouragement they need to activate their true potential. This is where my true passion lies-empowering and mentoring students.
PGMAG: What would you say to your younger self?
DMS: Tomorrow will come. The sun will set and the sun will rise again. The great thing about a new day is it’s a new beginning, a time to reset. Each new moment in our life is the beginning of a new time. Each new Sunset, means there will be a new Sunrise. We can choose to reset each new day, each new moment in time. We have the opportunity to control our time and what we do with it. When you are wondering what tomorrow will bring, you only have to realize it will bring what you make it bring. This is your opportunity to reset the things you want to change. Choosing to reset your goals, your actions, your dreams is available to you each new day. Are you not doing what you want to do? Reset! Are you not feeling how you want to feel? Reset! Are you wondering where you want to be? Reset!
PGMAG: It has been a pure joy to have interviewed you – thank you!
DMS: Thank you again dear Lady Anita! I truly look forward to meeting with you in person!!
PGMAG: Please share your links with us
DMS: MS Education Consultants Website http://www.mseduconsultants. com/ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ mariamshaikh/ Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/ mariamshaikh/ Twitter Mariam Shaikh @Currim