12 minute read
from Courage
PGMAG: Dr. Jonas, so good to have you on today’s interview with Lady Anita Duckworth Bradshaw!
DJG: There are three kinds of people: Those that make things happen, those that watch things happen! And those who wondered, “What happened?” I am a person that makes positive things happen and I know that you are too! You are a powerhouse in your own right and I am honored to learn about you and your work! Thank you so much for having me today!
PGMAG: Please briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
DJG: I am Dr. Jonas Gadson, DTM, known as “Mr. Enthusiastic!” An Internationally Known Motivational Speaker, International Best Selling Author, Corporate Trainer, Radio Personality and Expert Communication Coach! I am President and CEO of Partners For Purposeful Living LLC in Beaufort, South Carolina in the United States of America.
I bring knowledge, skills, expertise and experience from two Fortune 500 companies, Xerox Corporation and Eastman Kodak Company to the speaking and training arenas! At Eastman Kodak I trained 8,000 employees from 69 countries who were vice presidents, managers, human resource representatives, supervisors, group leaders, executive secretaries, and manufacturing employees. And I achieved the “Trainer of the Year” Award!
I custom-designed the materials and delivered a training entitled, “Two Dynamic Days at Delphi” for managers, supervisors, human resource professionals, union representatives, and manufacturing employees! As a result, I motivated them to increase their productivity and improve the company profitability!
In 2020, I was inducted into Who’s Who In America and delivered positive messages virtually at the Wonder Women Tech Global Summit in London, England and the Multicultural Symposium with professionals from 6 of the 7 continents. In June 2021, I was recently featured in the online magazine, “Think Seven Figures.”
Also in 2021 at the “I Am A Victor” Virtual Summit I was the first speaker among 42 women speakers. My message of “Say Yes To Your Success!” set a positive tone for the entire summit!
I am a Distinguished Toastmaster, a graduate of Dale Carnegie and I have a Doctorate Degree in Theology. I was inducted into the Beaufort High School Alumni Hall of Fame for distinguishing myself in profession, leadership and service! I am author of my book, “How To Fly Like An Eagle With Wings Like A Wimp!” It teaches you How to “Take A Chance! Take Charge! And Take Control of Your Life!”
I am a three time best-selling author on Amazon with a chapter in these Amazon Best Seller books, “Make It Matter!” “I Am A Victor!” And “You Are Enough!” My Motto Is: “Since Greatness Is Possible Excellence Is Not Enough! Go For Greatness!”
PGMAG: What are some of the keys to leading a successful team?
DJG: Bonus from Jonas, “Teamwork makes the dream work!” There is a misconception that we have about teamwork. It has become a buzzword because some say team, but they are working for their own best interest only! Each team member has their specific responsibility and assignment, and stays in their own lane, in the area of their expertise, then everybody wins! The word “team” means: “Together Everyone Achieves More!” A team consists of a group of people who bring different skills for the common good. They come together; each team member has a different assignment! When we operate as a team, then we add value to the company, to the stockholders, to ourselves and to our family! In team, when the vision, value and voice is clear, carefully crafted and cast, it stops being about “me” and it becomes about “we!” Creating a win for the stockholders, a win for the company and a win for the employees – A win for everyone that is involved!
PGMAG: Please tell us more about your business.
DJG: I am President and CEO of Partners For Purposeful Living LLC. We specialize in “Speaking, Training and Developing Greatness!” The four principles that are the foundation of my business are “Education, Inspiration, Transformation and Motivation!” We are committed to helping people develop their personal and professional greatness.
Right in the middle of the world-wide pandemic, I pivoted my business. Now I have positioned my business on the social media platforms Facebook & Linked In. I use Zoom and reach people around the world through virtual training, coaching and speaking. Bonus From Jonas: “Just because we use tech, doesn’t mean we have to lose the human touch!”
PGMAG: What would you suggest to a struggling business owner that could help them to turn things around for the better?
DJG: I am a strong proponent of investing in yourself! Bonus From Jonas, “Work harder on yourself than you do on your job!” I have invested over $ 100,000 in my personal and professional development! Someone asked me, “Dr. Gadson are you working hard on yourself to get somebody?” I answered, “No. I am working hard on myself to be somebody!” When I was learning how to speak and lead, I turned my car into the “University on Wheels!” That was because I was able to listen to tapes on leadership, pronunciation, public speaking and personal and professional development while driving in my car. Bonus from Jonas, “You must prepare, so that you don’t have to repair!” Bonus from Jonas, “If you cheat yourself in your preparation, it will show up in your presentation!”
I often say: “Invest in the Most Important Person on the Planet, You!”
You must continue to grow! We have been trained to be lifelong learners, where we learned a little about a lot. There are benefits to being a lifelong learner; I used to be one. But I have found that to succeed in the 21st Century, I had to become a laser learner! Some of us have been fortunate that we have never had to deal with weapons of mass destruction. Bonus from Jonas, “We have been bombarded with information but we are starving for knowledge!” However in the 21st Century and beyond, many of us are dealing with weapons of mass distraction. But when you are focused, you burn through all of the distractions! When you are a laser learner, you learn the specific skills that you need and you implement them to get you to your goals, faster. A laser burns through all obstacles; it even cuts through steel! With laser learning, whatever you focus on the longest becomes the strongest!
You must know your audience because your message must be tailored to the group that you are speaking to. And that requires laser focus. Therefore we all must work on becoming laser learners in the 21st Century; because the more skilled you are the more secure you are!
PGMAG: Considering the impact of covid-19 on a global scale, what are some of the measures needed to aid economic recovery?
DJG: Effective Communication, connecting with other people and Personal Development aid economic recovery! One of the richest men in the world, Mr. Warren Buffet was asked, “What is the best investment that will prepare us for success in the 21st Century and beyond?” The interviewers were expecting him to speak about stocks and bonds or investments in a company. But Mr. Buffet said that the most important and powerful investment for the 21st Century and beyond is public speaking and personal development. Studies indicate that the number one fear in America and in other countries is public speaking!
As a small business owner or an entrepreneur who must sell their service to their customers, professionals who want to get that promotion and climb the corporate ladder, or an executive who is making a presentation to influence his or her board of directors… if you want to have a better relationship with your spouse, or when communicating to your children; all of this deals with effective communication. One of the reasons for the breakdown of relationships, in the home and in the business arena is the lack of effective communication. And anytime that you speak outside of your home you are doing public speaking! I like to make the distinction between an educator and a communicator: An educator takes simple things and makes them complex, and a communicator takes complex things and makes them simple! I am a communicator! We must move away from change to transformation but, change is temporary, transformation is permanent! Bonus from Jonas, “No matter how fast a caterpillar can run, it will never fly until it is transformed into a butterfly!”
Anyone can learn the skills of how to become an effective communicator, and that is an area of my expertise! Bonus from Jonas, “You Can Always Better Your Best!” PGMAG: What were the top three books that changed your life?
DJG: The number one book that transformed my life is the Bible! The second book entitled, “Tough Times Never Last But Tough People Do!” by Dr. Robert H. Schuller helped me in my personal and professional development. And the third book is entitled, “The Magic of Thinking Big!” by David J. Schwartz which deals with your thinking; what is possible.
PGMAG: What are the keys to staying relevant in the martketplace? DJG: You must continue to invest in yourself! I cannot emphasize enough the power that you have when you continue to invest in yourself, to grow personally and professionally! Get a coach, take new courses, read new books, take online seminars and webinars, and get involved with organizations and groups. Participate in masterclasses where you can get the coaching that you need. During a worldwide pandemic I pivoted! I learned social media! I decided to collaborate with other groups! I didn’t know much about computers or social media. I became an author in three new Amazon Best Selling books, one which was an International Best Seller, during the worldwide pandemic! I never left my home. All of this was done right at my home on my laptop computer! I am not a technical person. But that doesn’t matter. If I can do it, you can do it too! Bonus from Jonas, “The sky is not the limit, your belief is!” Bonus from Jonas.
“I realized that unless I had transformed my mind, I would have been left behind!”
There are some things that did not serve us well! Then in the 21st Century and beyond we must unlearn those things that we shouldn’t have learned in the first place!” Develop your gift! Your gift will distinguish you! If you want to bring more value to the marketplace, you have to develop your gift! You Must GROW YOU!
When you develop the gift in you and grow you, the value that you bring to your business, your country, to the marketplace increases. When you bring value, then your business will grow, wherever you are. Your gift will open up doors for you! A good man learns, lives and leaves a positive legacy for three generations! It is important to increase your value in the marketplace. “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, get a coach!” The more you grow the further you can go! There is nothing more powerful than personal and professional development!
PGMAG: Finally, what would you say to your younger self?
DJG: I would tell my younger self this: Bonus from Jonas, “God made me an original! I am not going to die a cheap copy!” There are nearly 8 billion people on the planet and there will never be another one just like me! I have been fearfully and wonderfully made! I am biologically unique! No one else can duplicate my fingerprints, my handwriting or my child!” The knowledge, skills, expertise and wisdom that I have shared in this magazine article, I have learned and implemented in my own life. And what I have learned, and lived, I want to leave to my daughter and to others what I implemented and some of it I learned later in life. If I had learned it earlier and implemented it earlier in life, I would have achieved even more faster! So I am sharing this message because I have worked to pack decades into days! I want to share this with millions more people to give them hope! We must be flexible and not rigid! When you expand your mind like a rubber band, it will never be content with living a life of mediocrity or a life of average because average is over! I want to leave an example for the people who are coming after me so that they do not have to deal with my hurts, my habits and my hang ups! But they will be able to live a positive life that they desire and that they deserve! That they can move from change to transformation, a metamorphosis! The scripture says, in Romans 12:2, “Be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.”
PGMAG: Dr. Jonas Gadson, thank you for your time, your valuable knowledge, skills, expertise and experience, especially your Bonus from Jonas! Much appreciated.
DJG: It was a privilege and a pleasure to be featured in this worldwide magazine, Powerhouse Global and Lady Anita I wish you and your magazine continued success!
PGMAG: Please share your links with us.
DJG: To learn more about Dr. Jonas Gadson, DTM and Partners For Purposeful Living LLC go to: jg@jonasbonus.com. www.jonasbonus.com for your FREE Gift! (585) 703-9547 and Instagram@jonasbonus2021.