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Never Give Up; Find A Better Way Our Worst Experiences Are Our Gifts In Disguise
Never allow anyone to stop you on any count unless it presents a danger. Believe in yourself; Become the person you envision; Empower others to do the same. Serving communities is the ultimate gift you may give, and the boomerang effect brings about unimaginable surprises and success stories we never see coming.
Why It Matters
We are each unique individuals with one life to live; the objective is to live without regret. The better way to begin is to seek out those with similar values and priorities and lean toward a collaborative effort. One person alone achieves limited success; a collaborative team can take their achievement(s) to exponential numbers; however, working for societal good is the ultimate game-changer for many.
Not fitting in with those around her and surrounded by bullies, by age 5, Stutz learned the best life lesson, 'No one else will speak up for you; it's your duty to do so for yourself.' Furthermore, asking direct questions about sentiments targeting her put the bullies back on their heels. Being different gave her the space and time to sort out her unique traits and how to apply them throughout her life.
By age 16, still not fitting in, she began International Travel which continues today and totals visiting 38 countries. Years later, speaking up was the only way she could survive the corporate atmosphere biased against females. The ongoing travel gave her a better perspective on varying cultures and the advantages of welcoming all, which empowered her selling ability. Today, she contributes to the social media committee for Inclusion Allies Coalition.
Corporate Encounters Of The Worst Kind
Upon applying for her first sales job, she had to corner the Director into hiring her to sell an unknown brand of copier door-to-door against Xerox, the known biggest and the best. Worse, training was not permitted because she was a stupid female. Stutz saw that as a green light to approach clientele her way.
She enrolled in a three-month-long Dale Carnegie public speaking class to deal with the stress. The first night, she could barely announce her name; by the last night, she became The Grand Prize Winner! The story-sharing training had clients begging Stutz to return for more meetings as they found her incredibly fun to be with, which encouraged their loyalty, and her brand became 'A breath of fresh air!'
Although unfamiliar with the printers, she became the top producer by the fourth month. The office games grew ugly against her. The worst was to have the men enjoy a lingerie fashion show modeled by a mother-daughter combo at a motel on the worst side of town- in honor of Elinor's significant sales! The song title, 'Only the strong will survive,' by Axel Rudi Pell, comes to mind. Elinor's strength shamed the men, including the Sales Director leading the pack.
At year-end, management gave her accounts to the men and tripled her quota for the following year, requiring a new job. The same scenario occurred throughout her eleven sales jobs over eleven years.
Stutz finally took a day off from work. Stopped at a red light, the driver behind her traveled at about 60 mph to slam full force into Stutz's car. Stutz told the doctor she could feel her brain swaying inside her head. Years later, as a passenger, she experienced the car sliding into a lamppost and, to her surprise, she requested an ambulance.
While on a stretcher, Stutz's life changed forever. Two visions came to her. The first showed her becoming an inspirational speaker. In her mind, Stutz exclaimed, 'That's what I always wanted to do!' A brilliant gold light then encased her entire body. A second vision was a report card showing high life marks on the left but a blank column on the right entitled 'Community Service.'
Stutz instantly pledged to begin giving back to communities, but with one stipulation that she could walk out of the hospital by herself for a full recovery. A brilliant blink of light led her to believe she would recuperate well. Remarkable experiences occurred that night in the hospital, confirming she would recover well. The near-death visions plus extraordinary care mentally inspired Stutz to chart her forthcoming business plan.
The Surgeon and the entire medical staff on duty were stunned by her outcome, and they each visited Stutz's room while referring to her as The Walking Miracle!
Upon announcing that she was a sales trainer at a new event in a new city, Stutz was humiliated with rude laughter. Thankfully, a woman took her aside to say, 'Write a book to establish your credibility.' Stutz reckoned with the fact that her phone was no longer ringing and that she had nothing to lose.
Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results was born. It is a corporate tell-all sharing the worst stories over the eleven years to reveal how she stood up to it and excelled but with names changed to protect the guilty. It shares all the awful corporate behind-the-scenes stories alongside the fun-filled moments Stutz enjoyed with her clientele.
Nice Girls Do Get The Sale Broke Many
1. The first publishing house, Sourcebooks, said Yes!
2. TIME Magazine featured the book, which quickly became an International Best-Seller. Stutz then appeared on ABC-TV News and other media channels.
3. The book is now Evergreen – Among the Classics!

To Sell Yourself On Interviews
Helped many acquire the job they sought.
As an entrepreneur, Stutz serves audiences by blogging her best business insights and those of contributing guests via the Smooth Sale Blog.
Website: https://smoothsale.net
LinkedIn Profile: https://www. linkedin.com/in/elinorstutz/