The Edge

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The view from


Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery




HRH Princess

Maja Von Hohenzollern The Royal Design

































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P U B L I S H E R ' S N OT E

Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw Powerhouse Global Brand Propagator

With the current global challenge (COVID-19), which has affected our lives in so many ways. My heart goes out to those who lost their loved ones due to the pandemic. I also want to use this opportunity to salute all those who are working hard to keep us safe in the midst this challenge. From the government to the health workers, the delivery men and women, the bin men, the teachers and to the service men and women - thank you for your selfless service to humanity. My profound gratitude goes to Almighty God whose mercy and grace has seen us through the first half of 2020.

We are glad to announce that our publication is now being read in over 30 countries of the world. Our goal is for our publication to reach people in 150 countries before May 2021, and we hope you will all help us to achieve this audacious goal. Powerhouse Global Magazine (#pgmag) is committed to delivering quality contents to her global readers. This edition features leaders from all spheres of influence, and from seven continents of the world - we are grateful to each one of them. Thank you to our sponsors and global readers for believing in our mission. Stay safe and be a contributor to positive change.

Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw

Powerhouse Global Magazine



PGMAG: Thank you your Highness for granting us this opportunity. PMVH: Thanks, it's my pleasure. PGMAG: From our research we were made to understand that you are an incredible designer. Please tell us about your collections. PMVH: I don`t know, if I am incredible but thanks for the compliments. Since 16 years I started designing under my brand "Princess Maja von Hohenzollern". I design different product lines for furniture, interior, Bath, home decoration as well as pet accessories and children's products, which are represented



in about 80 countries. I combine royal style with innovative, modern design. I am currently launching my new bathroom fittings and accessories collection (BRAVAT), which is the first vegan and “PETA-Vegan-Approved� certified sanitary ware collection in the world. Many will think that bathroom fittings and bathtubs are vegan anyway, but oils, components, fats and lacquers often contain animal ingredients. I have been a vegan myself for many years and am involved in charity work as an animal welfare activist with my "Heart For Strays" Foundation ( I live together with about 16 adopted dogs and cats, which I have saved from the street

PGMAG: As a global entrepreneur, what are some of the keys to running a successful business? PMVH: You have to be creative and have a good feeling for people, trends and the spirit of time. You should trust your intuition and go your own way. Above all, you should have the courage to pursue an idea single-mindedly and, if necessary, to swim against the tide. Be a leader and not a lemming. It is important to always deal fairly with business partners and customers.

I design different product lines for furniture, interior, Bath, home decoration as well as pet accessories and children's products, which are represented in about 80 countries. I combine royal style with innovative, modern design.

PGMAG: How would you describe your leadership style? PMVH: I would describe my leadership style as straightforward and sensitive. It is important to have a clear attitude and direction, but listening to and appreciating the work of my team is very important. Mutual respect, trust and freedom to work independently creates a productive working atmosphere. PGMAG: As a Royal Princess, what is message for those who are struggling with self confidence? PMVH: It is not important whether you have a title or a famous name. What matters is what makes you a person. Everyone has different abilities and talents that make him special and of which he can be

You have to be creative and have a good feeling for people, trends and the spirit of time. You should trust your intuition and go your own way. Above all, you should have the courage to pursue an idea single-mindedly and, if necessary, to swim against the tide. Be a leader and not a lemming. It is important to always deal fairly with business partners and customers.



and killing centers. Therefore it is important to me that my collections are produced free of animal suffering. My new toy collection with farm motives for children and my royal household collection with smart products for home and travel are vegan too. I am also a speaker and expert on sustainability and therefore I make sure that my collections are produced in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way. Vegan products also have a better ecological balance. (https://www. prinzessinvonhohenzollern. com/

I have more respect for her than for a guy who is bragging about his newest sailing yacht. It is not bad if you fail with something, the important thing is that you had the courage to try. So fix the crown and move on.

proud. I do not judge people by their origin, for me it is always only what they have achieved and whether they stand up for others. When I experience in animal welfare that a poor old woman still shares her little food with the street dogs, then I have more respect for her than for a guy who is bragging about his newest sailing yacht. It is not bad if you fail with something, the important thing is that you had the courage to try. So fix the crown and move on. PGMAG: What are the three books that changed your life?



PMVH: Anständig Essen by Karen Duve, Tiere denken (On Animals , Animal rights and human limitation) by Richard David Precht, as well as several books about Buddha and his life. PGMAG: In your capacity as a global influencer and an international speaker, what would be your message to world leaders on issues affecting lives? PMVH: My message to leader is that they should value the lives of all living beings. By this I do not only mean the lives of all people regardless of their

origin, but I also mean that the lives of animals are just as valuable as those of humans. If we treat every animal with respect and love, people will also treat each other more peacefully. In the reversal one can see that in almost all countries where there is war, animals are also treated badly. "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated'. (Mahatma Gandhi). And also world leaders need to hire more women in leading postions. Women have so many valuable skills and it has been proven that companies that have an equal number of women in their management teams are economically more successful. Women must finally be given equal opportunities and equal pay.

PGMAG: What would you say to your younger self? PMVH: Stay true to yourself, be courageous, lead a selfdetermined life and mistakes are part of life, learn from them. PGMAG: Thank you once again for granting us this interview. We wish you good health and more successes on your journey. PGMAG: Many thanks for the nice interview and the good questions!

And also world leaders need to hire more women in leading postions. Women have so many valuable skills and it has been proven that companies that have an equal number of women in their management teams are economically more successful. Women must finally be given equal opportunities and equal pay.



BIOGRAPHY H.H. Princess Maja von Hohenzollern is a designer for furniture, home-decoration, pets-, children- and lifestyle products. She is successfully presented with her collections in about 80 countries on the international market. She was honored with the "ASIA DESIGN AWARD GOLD" in Shanghais/China as the best designer. She has a high international reputation in media. Princess Maja von Hohenzollern also is a keynote speaker at Europe's most renowned speaker agency, 'Speakers Excellence', on the subject of sustainability. Princess Maja is a committed animal welfare activist and lives together with many rescued stray dogs and cats. For her global social commitment Princess Maja von Hohenzollern was awarded with important international awards. Princess Maja is an ambassador for PeTA and honorable member of 'Eduxanima' in Romania, a program that educates children in animal welfare classes at school. Out of respect and love for animals and humans, as well as knowledge of the connections between factory farming, pollution and famine in the world, Princess Maja is a vegan.



She lives together with 11 rescued dogs and 5 cats, that she all has adopted from the street. Decorations_ - PETA Compassionate CitizenAward (Germany) - 'Asia Design Award Gold'Award as best designer Shanghai (China) - PAWU- Award for animal welfare Ucraine (Ukraine) - Highest honor of the city of Kiev/ Ukraine (Ukraine) - "Shining World Heroine Award" (USA) - "Aachener Tierschutzmedaille" (Germany) - "Freedom of Kenmare" (Ireland ) - "Europäischen Tierschutzpreises" (European Animal welfare award) - "National and international Thailand-friend " - russian decoration" "Mäzenat des Jahrhunderts" (Russia) - russian decoration "Zar Peter der GroĂ&#x;e" (Russia) - russian decoration "Pilar" (Russia) Linkedin: https://www.linkedin. com/in/princess-maja-vonhohenzollern-b8300321/ Website: www.

Princess Maja is an ambassador for PeTA and honorable member of 'Eduxanima' in Romania, a program that educates children in animal welfare classes at school. Out of respect and love for animals and humans, as well as knowledge of the connections between factory farming, pollution and famine in the world, Princess Maja is a vegan.




PGMAG: Thank you so very much for granting us this opportunity Your Highness. PRM: You are welcome. It is my utmost pleasure to be interviewed by your prestigious magazine. PGMAG: Our research shows an incredible and inspirational woman. A woman with great intelligence and beauty. A true 'powerhouse' and a global influencer. I know our readers would love to know who Princess Dato’ Seri Dr Romona Murad is and what she is about in the world. PRM: Thank you for the opportunity for me to share with everyone about myself and what I do in life. I am the Founder and President of Romona International Sdn Bhd (Romona International), a private limited company based in Malaysia and also the President of Romona Consultancy and Management. Currently, I am holding the position as the Chairperson for the Royal Society



Group Malaysia which is under the Royal Society Group World based in Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia. I am also a Member of the Patron of the Euro Asia Financial Policy Forum (EAFPF) based in Italy. I was also appointed as a Vice Permanent Representative of the NGO, Aider-Donner-Nourrir (ADN) in Malaysia. Not to mention, I also hold position as Honorary President for Malaysia for Rockfield College of Sciences & Technology, Zurich, Switzerland. Besides these positions, I am also an Ambassador for Triton Solar, a solar company which is based in New Jersey, USA. In addition, I hold position as a United Refugee Green Council Ambassador & Spokes Person on Housing, Education, Health & Socio-Economic Issues of Refugees in Malaysia since 2014. I was also appointed as RSG Commissioner for Heraldry and Sovereignty to Malaysia by the Royal Society Group on 8 February 2014. Not to mention, I was appointed as Delegate to Malaysia by the Royal Society Group World as official representative to which the Royal Society Group and its affiliates conduct its foreign affairs on 5th January 2014. The appointment as Asia President for Chamber

10 AUGUST 2020

of Inter Commerce under the International Royal Academy of United Nation (IRAOUN) based in New York, USA was a huge responsibility for me. I was also Asia Executive Vice President for International Royal Academy of United Nations.I am proud to mention that I am the first woman from Asia to hold senior position with the International Royal Academy of United Nations. My achievements are a few. I was a recipient of the 2019 Africa Advancement Award under the category “Award for Humanity and Peace Advocacy” on 31st October 2019 in London, UK. I was also a recipient of the “Grand Order of the Noble Hand of Honor” from PALEDEC, Accra, Ghana on 7th September 2019. In 2014, I was nominated as one of the “Most Influential Person in the World” in the area of peace and humanity by the International Council for Human Rights, Arbitration, Politics and Strategic Studies (ICHAPS) which is an organization under the United Nations. I have my own own Coat of Arms as the Royal Princess. I was conferred Dame Commander - Cross of Merit by the Brasileira

Society of Philosophy and Literature Teaching, Brazil and Commander-The Order Royal and Sovereign of the Arameans Lion King of Judah by HRH Prince Ydenir Prudenciano III Machado of Brazil. I am also the Honorable Council Member - Grand Order of the Council Honor of the Royal Society Dignitaries and Honorable Priority Members. I also received the Sultan Special Award from His Royal Highness Sultan Ali A. Umpa, Royal House of Kapatangan, Sulu, the Philippines. Currently I am the Honorary Member of World Organizer of Martial Arts, USA and VAL Honorary Member and Malaysia Ambassador for VAL, Slovenia. I am also an Honorary Member of the International Royal Academy of United Nations. I am an EXCO Member for UMNO Overseas Club Alumni under UMNO political party in Malaysia. I am also active in Parents-Teachers Association and I am holding many posts as PTA Committee Members for various schools in the Klang Valley, Malaysia. I was conferred Darjah Seri Setia Sultan Arif Shah, First Class (SSAS) from the Sultan of Inderagiri, Indonesia on 10 December 2014 which carries the title Dato’ Seri. I was conferred Darjah Setia Mahkota Pakoe Buwono (DSMP) from

the Sultan of Surakarta, Solo, Indonesia in 2010 which carries the title Dato’. In 2009, I was conferred Darjah Mahkota Pakoe Buwono (DMP) which carries the title Datuk from the Sultan of Surakarta. And in 2008 I was conferred a medal, Setia Mangku Pakoe Buwono (SMP) also from the Sultan of Surakarta. I have vast experience in Public Relations, Communications, Advertising, Promotions and Event Management. I am a member of the Institute Public Relations Malaysia (IPRM). I have with me more than 20 years experience in the corporate world. Among the companies that I was

attached to were The Melewar Corporation, the Land and General, Amanah Raya Berhad, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, DiGi Telecommunications and Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (SYABAS), all in Malaysia. I am actively involved with NGOs activities in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and other countries in Asia. PGMAG: As a leader, what are some of the qualities which constitutes a 'great leader'? PRM: Being a great leader is a huge responsibility. I practice honesty and integrity in whatever I do. Also I have to instill confidence in whatever I

I have vast experience in Public Relations, Communications, Advertising, Promotions and Event Management. I am a member of the Institute Public Relations Malaysia (IPRM). I have with me more than 20 years experience in the corporate world.



do and I have to inspire others as a Global Peace Ambassador. Not to forget, I have to give my fullest commitment and passion in whatever I do. Besides all these, I have to be a good communicator. Decision making capabilities also important and I have to be able to make decisions and be accountable for whatever decisions I have made. Delegation and empowerment must also be practised. I also have to empathize with the people or my subordinates. And lastly I have to apply emotional intelligence while I delegate all my jobs and tasks. PGMAG: How would you describe your style of leadership? PRM: My leadership style is democratic mostly but I also practice laissez-faire and coaching. I like to hear the opinions of others in whatever I do. However, I do give the decision to my subordinates to come out with the best solutions. At times, I also coach my subordinates in case they need my assistance especially for the new staffs. PGMAG: As the chairperson for the Royal Society Group Malaysia, a wife and a mother,

12 AUGUST 2020

how do you create work/ life balance amidst your busy schedules? PRM: I am very lucky in my life because I have a great husband who is very understanding and my handsome kids are now grown up already. I have 4 boys and they are 24, 22, 18 and 16 years old. I am indeed thankful because I have maids who took care of my kids when

my kids were small. With many positions that I have, I managed to handle all tasks with the help of my subordinates and my associates. Any tasks given to me I can take care in a stride , not a problem to me. PGMAG: If you know what you know now, what would you do differently? PRM: I would like to live in

PGMAG: What are your top three keys to running a successful business? PRM: 1. A Successful Business Needs a Strong Vision Creating a vision helps define where the company wants to go, and where it sees itself in the future. If we don’t know where we want to be a few years from now, and build an organization around that vision, changes to the marketplace or outside forces can easily derail us and knock us off course. 2. Smart Investments Allow for Growth Most would equate “great financial management” with profits, but it’s more than that. Thinking about great financial management means investing in the right places. Whether that’s infrastructure, product,

marketing, distribution, or human capital, we need to be smart about the areas in which we’re investing to ensure that the company is sustainable in the long run. 3. People Are the Foundation of Business Success Our most important asset, as a company, is the people that we employ. Engaged and happy employees take good care of customers. And happy customers take good care of the business. PGMAG: If you have an opportunity to address world leaders on matters affecting the lives of the people, what would be your message? PRM: My message would be peace and humanity. We must instill love among us no matter what are our skin colors, languages, religions or cultures. Respect others and live in harmony. Our racial tension in the world today is high and that is not good for the future of our humanity. The world was just hit by the case of killing of one black guy by a white policeman in the USA. On May 25, 2020, George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, was killed in Minneapolis, Minnesota, during an arrest for

Creating a vision helps define where the company wants to go, and where it sees itself in the future. If we don’t know where we want to be a few years from now, and build an organization around that vision, changes to the marketplace or outside forces can easily derail us and knock us off course. allegedly using a counterfeit bill. Floyd's death triggered demonstrations and protests in many cities in USA and around the world against police brutality, police racism, and lack of police accountability. In early June 2020, the Minneapolis City Council took action to ban choke holds and require police officers to intervene against the use of excessive force by other officers, and voted an intent to replace the police department with a "new community-based system of public safety”. Black Lives Matter demonstrations have sprung up all over the USA and the world due to the death of George Floyd. So my message to the



a peaceful world, and it has to start from home. I love peaceful home with no tension. So everything must start at home. If your household is not at peace, how are you going to make the world a peaceful place to live in? We must instill love and peace starting from home. It is a must in order for us to make the world a beautiful place to live in.

world leader is that please focus on peace and humanity. If we are at peace , we can have a safe world and our future human race will be saved. If not, we will face World War and we will surely destroy the Earth, our living planet and the human race as well. PGMAG: What are the three books that changed your life? PRM: To me, there are so many books that I have read and have empowered me throughout my life. However, these 3 books have big influence in my life and I use as a guide throughout my life: The Qur'an. The sacred text of Islam, the Qur'an is believed to be the last word of God told to Prophet Muhammad pbuh through the angel Gabriel over a period of 23 years. This book is the cornerstone of the Islamic religion. I use this book as a guidance in my life. The Republic, Plato. Written around 380 BCE, this text is considered to be one of the most influential pieces ever written. The Republic observes justice in man and politics and discusses the role of the philosopher in society. Many of the intellectual concepts contained in The Republic

14 AUGUST 2020

are still discussed today, but the text is also an important historical document that provides historians with a snapshot of Greece at the time of its writing. The Art of War, Sun Tzu . I read this book after I came back from USA and joined a local corporate company in Malaysia. The Art of War can be implemented in all areas of our lives and activities , be it in daily life, business, society etc. To me, I used the techniques of The Art of War in my business. As you know business has always been tough, but it has gotten even more difficult as competition has become more global, faster-paced and increasingly technology dependent. So in the 21st century, I still think it would make sense to look to The Art of War by Sun Tzu for business advice. PGMAG: What would you say to your younger self? PRM: I had a happy life when I was younger. My father was from a Royal family, a businessman by profession and a landlord. He came from the lineage of Alexander the Great, Sultans, Maulana Sheikhs and Sheikhs. My father’s mother was a Princess from

The Qur'an. The sacred text of Islam, the Qur'an is believed to be the last word of God told to Prophet Muhammad pbuh through the angel Gabriel over a period of 23 years. This book is the cornerstone of the Islamic religion. I use this book as a guidance in my life.

the Sultanate of Kedah, and my father’s father was from the lineage of Sheikhs up to Alexander the Great. I was brought up in Kedah, which is a state up North of Malaysia. When I attended primary school (from the age of 7 - 12 years old), I was always top in my classes. I only got three times number 2 in my classes, the rests were number 1. You can say that I was a very smart student during my younger years. My mother came from the lineage of royal court from Nakhorn Si Thammarat in Southern Thailand. She was a housewife, a teacher for me and she took care of me and my two younger brothers.

PGMAG: What are some of the steps leaders need to take, in order to promote diversity and inclusion in our society?

When I reached the age of 13 years old, I was admitted into a boarding school, Sultan Abdul Halim Secondary School in Jitra, Kedah until I was 17 years old. Right after the school finished, the government of Malaysia sent me to College of Preparatory Studies in Shah Alam, Malaysia to prepare me for the university enrollment in the USA. I was chosen by the Government of Malaysia due to my excellent grades during my Malaysian Certificate Examination and granted full scholarship by the government to study in the USA. I was then admitted for enrollment at the University of Texas, Arlington, Texas USA in 1986 but I attended the university in Malaysia for my freshmen and sophomore years. I went to USA in January 1988 and I graduated in May 1990 with a BA in Political Science (concentration in Public Administration). After I graduated, I went to Houston, Texas and lived there until I came back to Malaysia in February 1991. My mother was always the backbone of my success and she was the one who made me what I am today.

PRM: An inclusive society is a society that overrides differences of race, gender, class, generation, and geography, and ensures inclusion, equality of opportunity as well as capability of all members of the society to determine an agreed set of social institutions that govern social interaction. The society that fosters a tolerant culture where human rights

principles of fairness, respect, equality, dignity and autonomy are part of the society. Steps leaders need to take in my opinions are: 1. Know your society: The leaders must first know what their communities look like. By capturing data on the people in the demographics, the leader is better able to



understand the diversity of the people and identify any areas of concern or trends. Historically, these data have included federal and state protected categories; however, recent trends indicate that other factors, such as personality type and thinking/ learning style, may also be of value, though perhaps harder to find national comparative data for. If so, a leader may have to track its own data on these categories over time and determine what need for change may exist. 2. Identify Needs and Areas of Concern: Once data are collected, underrepresented areas can be identified. 3. Address Policies or Practices Affecting Diversity: Leaders must determine if there are barriers impeding the individuals from different communities. 4. Communicate the Initiatives: Inform the society about what the leaders want to do. 5. Measure and Disseminate Outcomes: The results of the initiatives should be communicated at all levels of the society in order

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to demonstrate the return on activities done in the society. 6. Review and Adjust: Diversity and inclusion initiatives are not static, and an ongoing review of the activities done in the society and a response to changing needs are necessary. PGMAG: What is your message for the women of the world? PRM: Women should be tough and strong. Must never give up and always strive for excellence. You can be what you want to be if you are focused and determined. Never surrender and always a fighter. Because the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world! If you do not have education, go and learn. Through education, women can educate the children, like what my mother did for me. She was my educator in my whole life. Education and life starts at home and women play a major role in the upbringing of children, who are our future. PGMAG: We have come to the end of today's interview and it has been a great honour learning from you. We wish you good health and happiness as you continue to serve humanity.

PRM: Thank you very much for this interview and for giving me this golden opportunity. I greatly appreciate this chance for me to share my insights and my life with the world. PGMAG: Please share your website with our readers. Thank you once again. PRM: My website is https:// romonainternational.

Anthony C. Gruppo is the CEO of Marsh Commercial UK. Mr Gruppo has also written several books on leadership and personal development, and he is the producer of the roots of leadership podcast.



ANTHONY C. GRUPPO (AG) PGMAG: Mr Gruppo, thank you for granting us

since our last interview in 2018?

this interview.

AG: What has changed most since we last spoke in my interview in 2018 is that we are now

AG: Lady Anita, as we begin the interview I first

creating a new ecosystem in how we work. A

want to take a moment to congratulate you and

'work from anywhere' environment, which can

your team, for putting out such a successful

be utilised by so many people to hopefully gain

publication and how quickly it was able to be

work/life balance, and to be able to work in

enjoyed on a global basis.

both an office setting from home and what we believe will be satellite locations. Those where

PGMAG: We are pleased to inform you that

colleagues can meet up, be able to discuss their

our magazine is now being read in over twenty

creative ideas and solutions for clients.

four countries of the world. Thank you for your support in getting this mission off the ground.

PGMAG: We were all visited by the global

So, what has changed for you in relation to work

challenge (covid-19), and it has completely



changed the way personal and business transactions are being conducted. As a global leader, what are some of the measures that can be incorporated for the purpose of economic recovery? AG: When it comes to economic recovery, the same principles apply during times of challenge as in times of growth and that is the importance of sales and organic growth. The ability to protect the interest of an organisation and make the right decisions from a cultural aspect for your colleagues. This extends then to making good decisions for clients and for communities, so it is important to invest time and resources in growing a sales force that is focused on serving clients needs. Good sales people know that we do not sell anything; we merely build solutions for problems. Therefore, what is important during an economic recovery or in prosperous times is a culture that cares about its colleagues, clients and communities, building a service and sales system to support the solutions for clients. PGMAG: Recently, there was another 'global shift' relating to 'black life' and which prompted a global out cry in the way diversity, equality and inclusion in being handled by those in authority. As a leader who is responsible for thousands of workers, what is your view on the three mentioned topics (diversity, equality and inclusion)? AG: Regarding the question that 18 AUGUST 2020

AG: My leadership style is

area that organisations have

simple; I try to be a servant

to be careful, not just give

leader. I am here to serve the

sound bites, but give sound

needs of others, not have

movement, sound advice and

others serve my needs. I don’t

sound futuristic platform.

believe in the hierarchy of organisational tables, I know

At Marsh Commercial, we are

they are necessary in order

focused on creating forums for

to operate and deliver on a

our black colleagues to discuss

strategic mission but we have

issues that are important to

to as leaders know that we

them, making sure that our HR

support those we serve and

professionals are recruiting in

make our positions better for

diverse environments to find

those who come after us. We

the best talent possible and

merely rent our positions and

build a diverse workforce.

it is our job to renovate those

It is critical that diversity of

positions to make it better for

thought comes from diversity

the person who is going to

of colleagues.

move into our spot. Therefore, servant leadership is a

The more diverse our

cornerstone and it is not just a

colleagues the more diverse

cornerstone but is the pinnacle

our thoughts, which in turn

to reach.

relates to better solutions for

At Marsh Commercial, we are focused on creating forums for our black colleagues to discuss issues that are important to them, making sure that our HR professionals are recruiting in diverse environments to find the best talent possible and build a diverse workforce. It is critical that diversity of thought comes from diversity of colleagues. wrong 3) Listen to the ideas of others, be patient, be understanding and be direct in your response

those we serve. Racism should

PGMAG: What are the five

never be debated, it should

elements of an 'inclusive

be eliminated and it is sad to


have to be treated in a way that

throughout the world. We are

AG: The five elements that

to succeed, that they can

all responsible as leaders to

really define an exclusive leader

have an open and caring nature

are the same elements that

that gives people of all cultures

define a leader:

see how much of it still exists

the knowledge that they are

4) Know that all generations they are given an opportunity have their personal passions connected to their professional world so that there is a work/ life balance

safe, valued and appreciated in

1) Be open-minded and have a

the workforce.

growth mind set.

5) Do not take yourself too

PGMAG: How would you

2) Believe that humanity is

you came from and always

describe your style of

good and kind and treat it


as such until you are proven

seriously. Never forget where keep an eye on where you are going



relates to diversity, this is an

PGMAG: What are the three

AG: I would say to other

books that changed your life?

leaders and professionals when they feel discouraged, is that

We all want to do our best and at times feel as though we may not be but know that you have the skills and talent to succeed. That courage can be found within and it really does take failure and adversity to show the greatness that you possess. So do not let fear or discouragement own you. Do your best to feel it, understand it transfer that to your energy and move on.

20 AUGUST 2020

AG: I really do not think of

that is a natural feeling. We

specific books that have

all want to do our best and at

changed my life. I am a collectic

times feel as though we may

reader and I like to read a

not be, but know that you

diversity of subjects, there is

have the skills and talent to

not one book that has really

succeed. That courage can be

changed my life. I think of my

found within and it really does

life as a compilation of an lot of

take failure and adversity to

data's, lots of information and a

show the greatness that you

lot of interaction with people.

possess. So do not let fear or discouragement own you. Do

PGMAG: As a mentor and

your best to feel it, understand

coach to other leaders, what

it, transfer that to yours energy

would you say to a business

and move on.

owner who feels discouraged due to the current global

PGMAG: What would you say


to your younger self?

PGMAG: Thank you once again

to my younger self is; you do

for granting us this interview.

not have as much time as you

Please share some more details

think. Time will go fast, do

on how our audiences can

not take yourself seriously, do

access your books and podcast.

not be too ambitious, do not make decisions based on ego

AG: Thank you for the

and learn as early as you can.


It is about serving others, not serving yourself.

Email: anthony.gruppo@

PGMAG: What was the best

Website: www.

advice you were given on your

leadership journey? AG: The best advice I have

I believe what I would say to my younger self is; you do not have as much time as you think. Time will go fast, do not take yourself seriously, do not be too ambitious, do not make decisions based on ego and learn as early as you can. It is about serving others, not serving yourself.

probably received on my leadership journey, really just comes from the experiences itself. Never let your emotions go too high or too low. Do not overpraise your success and do not beat yourself up too much on your failures. Try to find a balance and know that you are going to have the good and the bad, but the great comes from your ability to balance the two.



AG: I believe what I would say



LINDSEY VERTNER (LV) Lindsey is the Founder of Lindsey Vertner, LLC. She is also the Co-Founder of The Unleashed Women - a non-profit organisation that uplifts women of all background. She is also a speaker, bestselling author and a survivor of a 'Fatal' car accident which almost claimed her life.

PGMAG: Lindsey, it's such a privilege to have you on today's interview. LV: Thank you! I’m excited and honored to chat with Powerhouse Global! You are doing amazing things to impact the world! PGMAG: You are a living miracle considering how you managed to stay alive, and now using your experience to help others. Please briefly share your story with us. LV: In May 2007, I was pronounced brain dead on the scene of a “fatal” car wreck. The car I was driving flipped multiple times before landing upside down. I was flown by helicopter to a trauma hospital & was again pronounced brain dead upon arrival. However, God had other plans for my life because emergency surgeries were performed on me despite my brain dead status. After the surgeries, I was placed on life support. So, one day I’m minding my business - driving home and the next, I “wake up” to find out

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that not only had I been brain dead (amongst many injuries)… but I was also paralyzed. It was surreal! PGMAG: What were some of the steps you took to turn your pain into purpose?

action behind my intentions. I didn’t just start walking. I had to go to therapy all day long for seven days a week for many weeks. Physical therapy was often excruciatingly painful, and shock therapy was no fun either! However, I had to think

about my intention (goal) to walk again and that pushed me to keep showing up with my actions despite how difficult the journey was. PGMAG: Please tell us a little bit about your organisations (

LV: There were many things I had to do to shift my mindset and find my purpose, but I’ll share three key factors. I first had to be grateful for what was because despite it being a traumatic experience…it still could’ve been worse. I thanked God that I was still alive and was grateful for my medical team and strong support system. Next, I had to be intentional about what I wanted for my life. I had the choice to be a victim to my circumstance OR to be a victor over my obstacles. When you’re stuck in victim mode, you give up your power for change. I knew the type of life I wanted to live, and I wanted to walk again. So, I set my intentions to do whatever it took to be able to walk. Lastly, it was important that I put



In May 2007, I was pronounced brain dead on the scene of a “fatal” car wreck. The car I was driving flipped multiple times before landing upside down. I was flown by helicopter to a trauma hospital & was again pronounced brain dead upon arrival. However, God had other plans for my life because emergency surgeries were performed on me despite my brain dead status.

Every fall, we end the year with our annual women’s empowerment conference that attracts women from all over. The conference empowers women to make priceless connections and changes for positive life-changing results. events around the United States (international events are a part of our goals). Every fall, we end the year with our annual women’s empowerment conference that attracts women from all over. The conference empowers women to make priceless connections and changes for positive lifechanging results.

Lindsey Vertner, LLC and The Unleashed Women). LV: As an award-winning, peak potential strategist and transformational speaker, I teach millennial moms and startup entrepreneurs how to master their mindset and balance their lives through self-care, self-worth, and self-

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discipline. It’s my purpose and mission to teach ambitious leaders around the world how to live a First Class Life ™ (that’s an intentional life full of purpose, fulfillment, and happiness). I’m also the co-founder of The Unleashed Woman, a nonprofit that organizes women’s empowerment and networking

PGMAG: What are the top three books that changed your life? LV: This is such a hard question because I always have a book with me. I’m the reader that highlights and scribbles notes all throughout the pages. I just started reading The Greatness Within To Win by Les Brown. I also love the book How To Hear From God by Joyce Meyer. Finally, a life changing

LV: I set boundaries, and I stick to them! Everyone in your life needs boundaries. I can’t do everything for everybody. I make sure that I have time for my family, for my friends, for work with clients, and most importantly…time for me! Establishing boundaries is also a form of self-care. Self-care is NOT selfish! PGMAG: What would you say to your younger self? LV: “You are more than good enough for all that you desire!” So many people struggle with that feeling of not being good enough, and it affects us on a subconscious level in both our personal and professional lives. The sooner we can identify our

personal limiting beliefs then the sooner we can increase our impact in our own lives and the lives of others. PGMAG: How would you describe your style of leadership? LV: I often tell my clients that sometimes I tell you the things that you don’t want to hear and make you do the things that you don’t want to do but all so that you can become the person you truly want to be. I genuinely care about each person I work with and speak to because everyone has a purpose and everyone has value to give. I always try to leave someone feeling better than I how met them. I also do my best to lead by example.

book not only for me but for many of my clients around the world is my book, First Class Life™: 10 Key Factors To Create A Life Full of Purpose, Fulfillment, & Happiness! I literally share all of the key factors to overcoming your obstacles, achieving your goals to elevate to the next level, and living the life you’ve always dreamed of. I even created a matching adult coloring book. Both can be purchased at PGMAG: How do you create work/life balance?

“You are more than good enough for all that you desire!” So many people struggle with that feeling of not being good enough, and it affects us on a subconscious level in both our personal and professional lives.

PGMAG: Thank you once again for sharing your time with us you are a miracle. Please share your links with us. LV: My pleasure! I appreciate the opportunity to share! To find out more information about my coaching opportunities or to book me as a speaker, visit www. Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, & YouTube by searching “Lindsey Vertner”. I love new friends!





RACHAEL APRILL PHILLIPS (RAP) Rachael is a serial entrepreneur and the founder of Rachaelacademy. com. She was once named the "Top Marketing Expert" by Huffington Post. We are delighted to have her as our guest for this interview!

PGMAG: Rachael, thank you for your time! We are glad to have you. RAP: Thank you so much for having me. I am so honored to be sharing this space with so many inspirational men and women guests you've interviewed and who's stories have graced your amazing

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pages. PGMAG: Please share a brief of who you are and what you are about in the world. RAP: I'm a black woman navigating this amazing world with my one of a kind, friend and partner in crime, my husband of 24 years and

It was when I turned 9 and joined an athletics club that my fire ball personality and energy was given a home and I excelled in sports and won over 30 medals in my field of 100 to 400 meters' sprints.

It was when I turned 9 and joined an athletics club that my fire ball personality and energy was given a home and I excelled in sports and won over 30 medals in my field of 100 to 400 meters' sprints. At my peak I competed for England Indoor Athletics championships. At 19 I got married and started a family and became a stay at home mother for 8 years. After my youngest was ready to fly the nest into full-time education I decided to retrain and go back to school to study Business and Management at University. I qualified and landed a job as a business studies teacher in a well-known high school in my local area. I was successful with my students and each student I taught received distinction in all their business studies projects that I started to get recognized

our beautiful souls, our four children who keep us on our toes and in check all the time. My passion is people and seeing them actualize to their full potential. I realized quite early on in life that I was a fire ball, someone that took risks and didn't care about the consciences. My poor mother couldn't figure out why I wouldn't just fall in line like my other siblings.

by my student's parents and alternatively the school. So after three years as a teacher I decided to go out into the world and put into practice all that I'd learnt as a business studies teacher in theory to starting my own business. So for 8 years I ran and managed my own online blog that provided information of my journey of starting, running and growing my business. During this time, I fell in lovers with my work and the process of sharing and teaching others what was working for me, that I decided to turn it into a business and I have never looked back since.

During this time, I fell in lovers with my work and the process of sharing and teaching others what was working for me, that I decided to turn it into a business and I have never looked back since.



PGMAG: As a leader in the marketing industry, and as someone who has worked with some top brands in the world, what are some of the primary steps to building a global brand? RAP: This is a wonderful question, thank you for asking it. Any opportunity to help others especially someone who looks like me I'm so inspired to do so. You know the saying it's who you know? Well for me it was who I knew that knew someone that knew someone else. So don't under estimate the power of your connections. So my first advice is; get out there and start building connections, in person, on the phone, on the internet, in online groups, you get my point. No man is an Island and that is something I came to quickly realize. Secondly know your why and message you want to share with the world. We all have a story to tell, but sadly so many have been beaten down, that we've lost our voices or maybe we haven't even found our voices yet. Take out the time to discover your why, your unique selling point inside of you and then my third lesson, don't just keep it to yourself and hold it tightly or even bury it. Show it

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off to the world, let everyone and their friends know about your why. Invite them along to come and join you on your journey as you evolve, grow and learn more about your why and then one day you'll look beside you to your right and left and notice that while you've been having so much fun that you've managed to develop and grow a group of friends following you along your journey. That's literary what I've done for that last 10 years and it doesn't feel like work anymore. PGMAG: What should businesses be doing in order to remain visible in the "new world" due to COVID-19? RAP: The new world, what a scary and exciting thought. This takes me to a wonderful book my husband read to me about 4 years ago a pass time we share together. The book is called 'Things Fall Apart' by Chinua Achebe in his book you get the sense of Okonkwo a character in the book who was the greatest wrestler and warrior alive in West Africa. Okonkwo's character accidentally kills a village chief and things begin to fall apart in his life. He arrives back after being exiled for many years to find missionaries and colonial governors have arrived

So don't under estimate the power of your connections. So my first advice is; get out there and start building connections, in person, on the phone, on the internet, in online groups, you get my point. No man is an Island and that is something I came to quickly realize. in his village and he has to find a way to find his footing and become better than he was. And that is very much how I see the 'new world' after COVID-19. We have to start from remembering and finding our footing on those things that were working before COVID and find new ways to adapt them to work for us. We need to ask ourselves; What are the core fundamentals of the new world? What I mean by this is; What is the language of the new world? What are we hearing them say over and over again? And then discover a way to implement them into our business as much as possible so we don't get left behind, but still keeping our core voice and message.

RAP: Don't listen to a word I say. There're a lot of people trying to be leaders and I'm not one of them. I'm just trying to practice what I preach and what I believe works for me in my brand of life and if what I'm doing inspires you in some way and it benefits your life, then I've done my job of being a productive human, who's trying to make a difference one step at a time. PGMAG: What is your message to those who are struggling to find their place in the marketplace? RAP: Don't give up - finding your place takes time. You're not going crazy, there is nothing wrong with you, it's what I call 'A PROCESS'. When I was on my journey of trying to find my place in the marketplace, it was when I went through a mental break down after suffering a huge loss in my life and believing there was no way out. I went through a year of depression and I just became stuck, this was 15 years ago. And what started me on my journey of personal development and to eventually starting my business,

was the simple thought - one day while laying down on my couch which I was doing practically every single day at that time. The simple thought just came to me of "It's Okay" 'Life is Okay" It's supposed to be a journey and a journey isn't supposed to be smooth. So as I told myself that faithful day, I tell you 'It's okay' 'Life is okay' Begin from there and then do the steps I shared with you above. Start by discovering your ‘Why’ and everything will flow from there. Business is not just about the bottom line it's about being aligned with ourselves, as founders and business owners so we can build and create businesses that truly make a difference and an impact in the world. And then and only then that you can begin to carve out a marketplace for yourself. PGMAG: What are the top three books that changed your life? RAP: I'm still on a journey of personal development and I try to listen to at least 2 books a month as I'm so busy now to stop and read. But the one book that changed my life and it's changing my life still today. My husband and I re-read it every year it's called 'The Master Key System' by Charles

Don't give up - finding your place takes time. You're not going crazy, there is nothing wrong with you, it's what I call 'A PROCESS'. Haanel. I've read many books but this one has really changed my life. PGMAG: Who would be your ideal lunch date, and what would be the topic of discussion? RAP: That would have to be Oprah Winfrey. And the topic of conversation would be on how does she keep her heart of love for people and what she does so youthful and intact? I would want to know her secret to her still after 2 decades doing what she does so well with the same sense of passion, excitement dedication and love that I saw in her when I was a young child watching her on TV. She's such an inspiration to me and to so many of us. PGMAG: If you know what you know now, what would you do differently? RAP: I would look for a mentor quicker and much earlier



PGMAG: How would you describe your style of leadership?

on, on my entrepreneurship development. And a mentor doesn't necessary have to be another human being. But I would have started the process of investing in my personal education, rather than blindly trying to work things out myself for far too long. PGMAG: What makes you laugh? RAP: My husband makes me laugh. He has such a funny way of turning lemons of life into lemonade and it's very infectious. Life never gets him down for too long. PGMAG: Thank you for your time today. You have been a brilliant guest and we wish you good report as you travel in life. Please share your links with our readers. RAP: Thank you so much for having me it has been a pleasure. I wish Powerhouse

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Global Magazine every new path of opportunity and possibilities as you continue to do your amazing work. Yes, your readers can find out more about me by visiting my website and my social media accounts. Rachael Academy: https:// Facebook: https://www. phillips/

Facebook Group: https:// thelaunchacademy Instagram: https://www. Youtube: com/ THERICHWAYAcademyTRWA Twitter: rachaelaprill?lang=en

LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin. com/in/rachael-aprill-phillips6aa77a31 Rachael A. Phillips Consultancy: http://www.rachaelaphillips. com If you would like help with any aspect of your entrepreneurial journey you can also reach out to me: https://www.



CAROLINE DESMARAIS (CD) Caroline is an Executive Life Coach and entrepreneur based in London, UK. She is the Founder of Inspired Global and the Co-Founder of Mothersphere and The Thriving Group. With a background in law, philosophy and technology, Caroline has had an extensive career as a Media Executive and has hosted shows both on television and online. She is an avid supporter of women’s rights and an advocate of mental health awareness and plant-based eating.

PGMAG: Good to have you on today's interview! CD: Thank you for having me, it’s a pleasure to speak with you. PGMAG: Our research shows a woman of many talents and skills. A woman who is passionate about helping others to succeed. As an Executive

Life Coach, how do you help people to become more productive? CD: Essentially, I tell people all the time that they are the CEO of their own life. No one else has that role. You are all CEOs. How are you running your life? We understand taking a strategic approach when leading a company,



with measurable goals and timelines. It is no different when you are running your life. Start by asking yourself the big questions. What is your mission, or purpose in life? What is your vision of how you will fulfill this purpose? What are your core values? There are no wrong answers, and your answers will evolve throughout your life. The virtue is in bringing this type of thinking into your conscious awareness. You will automatically start attracting more opportunities to achieve your goals and make your dreams come true. Then take an honest look at your life, in all areas. There is an exercise called "The Wheel of Life", where you evaluate each area, from family to career, social life, health and finances and you rate the areas from one to ten. Number one is the least satisfactory and ten is ideal. This usually shows people that their life is going well in certain areas, and this is encouraging. Identify an area you wish to improve on. What steps can you take in the immediate future in order to move your satisfaction rating up a notch. For example, you may want to improve your health and wellbeing and would aim to go from a six to a seven in the next two weeks. You would

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identify tangible steps to take. This exercise breaks down your achievements into bite size, attainable goals. Productivity is all about consistency. If you are consistently making small adjustments in your life and are moving in the direction of your ideal life vision you will feel enormous fulfilment. PGMAG: Would you agree that coaching is needed more in the current climate (COVID-19)? CD: The past few months during the pandemic has allowed people to take a step back from their day to day, busy and hectic lives and they have generally had time for some introspection as life slowed down. Having a coach during the current climate is very beneficial because it serves as a check in point. It reminds you that you are doing well despite the uncertainty and challenges we have all faced. Coaching also allows you to adapt and set goals that are relevant to your current environment. For example, if you have always wanted to start a business this may have been the perfect time to work out a strategic plan to do so. Personally, I stepped up my wellness goals during the pandemic, making sure that I was meditating daily and exercising regularly.

It is no different when you are running your life. Start by asking yourself the big questions. What is your mission, or purpose in life? What is your vision of how you will fulfill this purpose? What are your core values? There are no wrong answers, and your answers will evolve throughout your life. When you are in the same environment day in and day out (at home that is!) it is easy to measure your mood and see how you react to certain situations. Meditation and exercise regulate me, making my day flow easily and calmly despite juggling working from home and taking care of my children. PGMAG: Who would be your ideal client? CD: All clients are ideal because we are all on different parts of our journey. Some people will be very motivated to make a change while others may be stuck in their ways. Ultimately, change is the nature of life. We

are constantly evolving. Some people have built a resistance to change and it's a matter of helping them identify their purpose, encourage them to keep dreaming and reminding them that they are worthy of happiness, health, love and success. We are all worthy of living a fulfilling life. Essentially, a willingness to learn and the open-mindedness to try something new are both qualities of an ideal client.

CD: I have Founded three companies that are all very dear to my heart:

PGMAG: Please tell us briefly about your organisations (Inspired Global, Mothersphere and The Thriving Group).

The Thriving Group, a personal development company for children and teenagers which includes coaching and teaching essential life skills to empower

Inspired Global, a HighPerformance Coaching company that enables people to strategically improve the quality of their lives and the profitability of their businesses through Executive and Life Coaching. https:// inspired-global/

Ultimately, change is the nature of life. We are constantly evolving. Some people have built a resistance to change and it's a matter of helping them identify their purpose, encourage them to keep dreaming and reminding them that they are worthy of happiness, health, love and success.



future generations. https:// And Mothersphere, a platform and a community of mothers, experts and organisations that are focused on inspiring mothers to fulfil their purpose, prioritize wellbeing and create social change. https:// I am incredibly passionate about the work I am doing in all three companies, with executives, mothers and children respectively. I am working with incredibly talented Co-Founders on both Mothersphere and The Thriving group. And I am surrounded by a great team of people that genuinely care about making a difference in the lives of others and seeing them succeed. PGMAG: What are the three books that changed your life? CD: The three books that changed my life are: 1. Meditation by Ekhart Easwaran This was gifted to me on my eighteenth birthday from my grandfather and taught me the gift of meditation which I am now certified to teach my clients. Meditation allowed me to connect with my intuition

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I am incredibly passionate about the work I am doing in all three companies, with executives, mothers and children respectively. I am working with incredibly talented Co-Founders on both Mothersphere and The Thriving group. and live a purpose driven life. 2. The Magic by Shonda Byrne This book is a 28-day comprehensive Gratitude exercise. It is absolutely transformative. Gratitude has the power to transform your perspective, make you feel more satisfied with your life and helps to fulfil your desires. As they say, “Gratitude is the currency of the Universe�. 3. A New Earth by Ekhart Tolle This book explains the importance of living in the present. It teaches us to practice conscious awareness, leading to a peace life, and dissipating the ego and negative thought patterns and emotions. When you are fully present you are free, and ready

for endless opportunities. By being present, we are making the world a better place. PGMAG: What is your message for a struggling executive? CD: First of all, get a coach. It is so beneficial to have someone who you can check in with, run ideas by, explore all your options with and come up with a game plan. Coaching is self lead so if you only wish to speak about your work, career plan, workplace satisfaction, that is great. If you then chose to explore other elements of your life such as your wellbeing and work life balance that is enormously beneficial as well. When you are at your best, that is when you will be most successful as an executive. And it is important to feel good when you are working countless hours in your career. If you would rather not get a coach, then you can self-coach. 1. Decide what the main problem/area is that you are wanting to address. 2. Follow your intuition. All the answers are within you. A good coach just knows how to get you to verbalize and act on your intuitive solutions. 3. Set a timeline for your goals

4. Don't get discouraged if you don't meet all your goals within your ideal timeline. The key is persistence and renewed motivation. 5. Speak to a colleague, friend or mentor about your goals. It will help you get excited when you are sharing your ideal vision with others. PGMAG: What would you say to your younger self? CD: Simple. Don’t worry so much about what other people think. In fact, don’t worry at all about what other people think. You’re a good person, with pure intentions and nothing else matters. Get in touch with your intuition, listen to your creative inspiration and follow your dreams. Focus on doing what makes you happy. I have a law degree but had a very strong inclination not to practice law. Everyone has their unique path. Honour yours. PGMAG: What makes you laugh? CD: My children! They are so incredible, and it has been a great experience to work

Don’t worry so much about what other people think. In fact, don’t worry at all about what other people think. You’re a good person, with pure intentions and nothing else matters. Get in touch with your intuition, listen to your creative inspiration and follow your dreams. Focus on doing what makes you happy. from home and be able to spend quality time with them. I have a 5-year-old daughter and a 1-year old son. My son is speaking a lot, repeating everything we say, and he comes out with the most heartwarming and hilarious things! Just this evening I was attempting to put his pajamas on and he didn’t want to get changed. When I approached him he raised his hand to prevent me from coming closer and exclaimed, “Hold it right there, you’re under arrest!”. He was so serious, but I couldn’t stop laughing. I love watching them both make sense of the world around them.

PGMAG: Wow! Thank you once again for your time. It has been a pleasure having you as a guest on this interview session. Please share your links with our readers. CD: Thank you! I love what you are doing with Powerhouse Global. You are working on projects that will benefit so many people, congratulations. Please connect with me on the following sites: Instagram: Caroline Desmarais Instagram LinkedIn: Caroline Desmarais LinkedIn Facebook: Caroline Desmarais Facebook Twitter: Caroline Desmarais Twitter



and check in with yourself and measure your progress at regular intervals.



DR RUCHI DANA (DRD) Dr Ruchi is a multi-award winning doctor, thought-leader, innovator and entrepreneur. She is a Board Member of Dana Group, as well as other corporate organisations. Dr Ruchi is also the President of Duluth Medical Technologies Inc, a Silicon Valley-based Robotic Medical device startup. She holds other positions too numerous to mention.

PGMAG: Dr Ruchi, you are welcome to this interview session. DRD: Thank you. PGMAG: I remember our first meeting as co-speakers at the Arab Women in Leadership Summit held in Dubai last February. We both promised to stay in touch and today you are being interviewed by me - thank you for this opportunity. DRD: You’re most welcome. I am humbled to be your interviewee. It’s a pleasure to meet you again. PGMAG: I believe our readers would love to know more about who you are, and what you are about in the world. DRD: I am an entrepreneur and businesswoman. I studied at Stanford University, Stanford, California, I pursued an MBA in General Management. I am

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also a Doctor of Medicine, MD, Medicine & Surgery, and Stanford BioDesign Fellow. This year, Forbes Middle East recognised me as a Power Businesswoman 2020, and I am highly grateful to them for considering me. It has been my fortune to have participated at several talk shows, conferences, forums, webinars, seminars and other events on health, wellness and technological adaptations in the sector, as an expert and speaker. PGMAG: As a leader who sits on several corporate boards, what are the three top keys of becoming a 'change agent'? DRD: 1. Honesty I strongly feel that the chief quality of leadership is unmatched rectitude. No one on earth can achieve success without being honest- to oneself and everyone around. Rectitude and honesty are the essential ingredients that makes a great leader who can be a change agent. Hard work goes hand-in-hand with honesty. 2. Commitment Commitment comes next. It is a result of honesty. One who has an honest approach towards life can never fail to achieve

what he/she is determined to. Having self-commitment enforces one's capacity to perform passionately, and this is again a quality that’s very important for one to be a change-maker.

3. Leading by example To become a ‘change agent’ I believe it is utmost important to lead by setting an example for others to follow. One has to act and show. After all, “Great leaders don’t apprise of what to achieve, they show how to achieve it.” AUGUST 2020


PGMAG: Please tell us a little bit about your organisation (Pik A Venture). DRD: "PIK A VENTURE" is South Asia's crowdfunding portal with added services for entrepreneurs. These services include legal advice, company registration advice, consulting services, campaign management services and also incubator and accelerator services. Pik A Venture attempts to bring power of people to empower entrepreneurship and provide impetus to all unrealised dreams of individuals, by helping them raise capital. It brings concept of democracy to field of Venture Capital through crowd funding, where funds are raised "by the people and for the people". PIK A VENTURE provides Silicon Valley expertise and aim to bring entrepreneurial revolution in India by providing creative minds, budding artists, technical brains, entrepreneurs and innovators alike a common medium to get financial backing and encourage them to embark on their entrepreneurial journey. Pik A Venture is a crowd-funding portal that offers a variety of advisory services to its users. The portal offers services such as legal

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"PIK A VENTURE" is South Asia's crowdfunding portal with added services for entrepreneurs. These services include legal advice, company registration advice, consulting services, campaign management services and also incubator and accelerator services. advice, company registration advice, consulting services, campaign management services, and accelerator services to its clients. Pik A Venture was launched by me, Dr Ruchi Dana in 2008 at Stanford, California. PGMAG: Our research shows us that you have been reorganised by Forbes Middle East as the "Next Generation Business Leader, Arab World" for three consecutive years. What has been your biggest motivation to becoming the person you are today? DRD: The one award that I cherish the most is Forbes Next Generation Business Leader, Arab World and Forbes Top Power Businesswoman 2020

award, the reason for this is that with my multicultural upbringing and wide industry exposure, I have made it my mission to try to spread my knowledge, connect and engage with the right audience and help empower women and make more women choose STEM field and be leaders in their field. Forbes Top Power Businesswoman 2020 award has provided me a platform for advocating for women, to help other women to advance in their fields, specifically STEM field. I am also part of many initiatives where I go out to the community and reach out to women. PGMAG: Please share a little bit about "Surgical Robots' and some of their benefits. DRD: Surgical Robotics are giving the healthcare sector a much-needed makeover. Surgical Robots have already been used for assisting surgeons in operations for over 20 years. Indeed, higher precision and minimum chances of human errors can be achieved with RoboticAssisted Surgery (RAS). Semiautonomous robots in surgical operations also reduce the chances of infections, shorten hospital stays, and recovery time. Moreover, RAS requires

less staff in operation theatres. Hence, in the current times when Covid-19 is clutching the world, robots can free-up more medicos and resources to cater to patients who genuinely need personal one-to-one care and attention. They can also help the medical fraternity and healthcare systems to be relatively unburdened. At the moment I am also working as the co-founder and COO of Duluth Medical Technologies Inc., a Silicon Valley based Robotic Surgery Device Company, a USA Delaware registered corporation. Duluth Medical Technologies Inc. was founded to develop a wide range of intelligent, agile, affordable

robots, targeting medical surgical applications, to improve patient care. Leveraging years of expertise in life sciences and device/robotic technologies, Duluth is actively promoting initiatives to improve patient's care and lower costs. Duluth is collaborating on clinical data exchange in terms of CT Scans, MRI Scans and Arthroscopy, Arthroplasty videos with University of California San Francisco(UCSF), Stanford and various hospitals in the Middle East and Asia. The vision of Duluth is to democratize healthcare for all and access untapped markets by providing superior technologies at an affordable price. With the help of Duluth, patients and doctors worldwide will have

access to the latest robotic surgery technologies at 1/10th the price of current Robotic systems. Duluth’s initial market is orthopaedic applications mainly joint replacement surgeries, but the long term vision is to enter mainstream surgeries. The current robotic surgery systems cost over one million dollars and take many hours of training on the surgeon’s part, while also requiring special operating rooms that only large, wellcapitalized hospitals can afford. Duluth’s robotic system is expected to cost about 90% less than the current systems and is developed to assist surgeons in their existing operating room, with their current surgical training



experience. Unique advantages are: precision, speed and agility and improved patientreported outcomes all for the fraction of the cost of existing robotic systems. Pertinent to the current situation, robot assisted surgery (RAS) may also help to reduce hospital stay for patients thus making room for COVID-19 patients. Also, it requires less nurses and assistants in the operation theater, thus freeing up manpower resources for other procedures/patients or COVID patients. Duluth has filed for several patents to protect its intellectual property, and Dr Ruchi Dana is the investor of 2 US patents on AI in Robotic Surgery. My cofounder Fred CEO has more than 35 yrs experience in emerging companies. Several of Fred’s companies were acquired during the last few years,: Sharp Surgical by Cook Medical in 2012, PS Inc., an internet based medical company by Packet Stream Inc. in 2002. Other of his startup companies such as AFx Inc. was acquired by Boston Scientific in 2004 and Vivant Medical Technologies was acquired by Covidien in 2005. Fred has also served as CEO and Chairman of the Board of

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Axis Surgical Technologies Inc. (now called Trice Medical) and Avantis Medical Systems. I , Dr Ruchi Dana, am the COO and I have 12 yrs experience in emerging companies, medical devices. I am a trained Medical Practitioner, transitioned to a successful Entrepreneur and Business Leader. I am recognized by Forbes Magazine as NexGen Leader for 3 consecutive years 2017, 2018 and 2019, Women to Watch by Campden Wealth 2018, Top 75 Business women by Campden Wealth 2019 and Top 50 Power Businesswomen 2020 by Forbes Magazine. I am also a Stanford Biodesign Fellow and Stanford MBA’13 PGMAG: How would you describe your style of leadership? DRD: I believe that the soul of great leadership is impact, not power. This is the style of Leadership, I follow. Focussing on the impression of the results and its footprints is important to me. I am very determined about women empowerment. I also support several women entrepreneurs in the Middle East. I also want to do more to help other women to advance in their fields, specifically STEM field, so I am currently mentoring a few young women

and this is my small way of bringing about a change in the society. I feel that it’s the Emirati women who are running the country, I have seen huge talent in the local Emirati women and with the help of the right education systems, we are seeing this talent getting nurtured. The Zayed university focussed entirely on women, and it focuses a lot on entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurship mindset. Almost all elite colleges now have a branch in the UAE and it's getting easier for women to get access to quality higher education while staying within UAE. We have seen a huge shift in the mindset of the women that come out of these universities and they are more than eager to join the workforce and be leaders and champions of change in their communities. PGMAG: What are the three books that changed your life? DRD: ● The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey ● The Struggle is my Life by Nelson Mandela ● Good to Great by Jim Collins ● The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy

PGMAG: What is your message to World leaders? DRD: Since the Covid-19 pandemic began, strategies and priorities have evolved to make sense and be successful in this new climate. Today the success that we are seeing and the recognition that I am getting from various sources motivates me to do even more and bring about a bigger change in the world we live in. I do speak a lot on conferences and I always try my best to support and motivate others, specially women to rise up in their personal and professional lives. My message to world leaders would be to encourage bringing of more diversity on boards, its really important to get fresh perspectives in the board room. And statistics also show that companies with strong women leadership generated a Return on Equity of 10.1% per year versus 7.4% for those without strong women leadership, according to MSCI ESG Research. PGMAG: What are some of the steps businesses can apply in order to mitigate the losses caused by COVID-19?

I would definitely say that running a business is very challenging but also very exciting, specially during COVID19. I love starting things from scratch and organizing the team, putting in the hardwork to ensure that success follows. DRD: I would definitely say that running a business is very challenging but also very exciting, specially during COVID19. I love starting things from scratch and organizing the team, putting in the hardwork to ensure that success follows. I am able to relate to other entrepreneurs who are in the startup phase of their businesses. Some of the steps that entrepreneurs can take is to try to apply to various grants, various government initiatives for Relief Funding. Apart from that, having a tighter grip over the finances would be really helpful, it would be advisable to cut off any unnecessary expenses and focus on the things that bring revenue to the company. Its best to work on sustainable business models.

DRD: Believe in yourself a little bit more, you can achieve anything that you set your mind to. PGMAG: What makes you laugh? DRD: I love playing with my 2.5yr old daughter, she’s the one person that relieves me of all my work and stress. I love to pretend play with her and play with her imaginary toys. PGMAG: Dr Ruchi, thank you for sharing your time with us much appreciated. DRD: It was my absolute pleasure PGMAG: Please share your links with our readers. DRD: danaruchi/ twitter : @ruchidana Instagram : @ruchidana



PGMAG: What would you say to your younger self?

â—? Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch

Sobiya is the CEO of Empower and Excel Coaching, a life and business coach, an international speaker, British Muslim European Silver Medalist Kickboxer and a wife and mum.



SOBIYA JAWAID (SJ) PGMAG: Sobiya, we are glad to have you on this interview session. SJ: Thank you. It is my pleasure and I am honored to have this opportunity. PGMAG: Wow! Life and Business coach and European Silver Medalist Kickboxer - that's some achievement! Please tell us more about journey. SJ: The resilience, head strong focus and drive that I learnt in my early training as a kickboxer has enabled me to apply those skills to life coaching and business coaching. I recognize that those skills have given me a strong foundation to

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develop and grow my business and enable me to show up for my clients and help them become empowered leaders in their respective fields. My physical training as a kickboxer started when I was 16 years old. I was encouraged, nurtured and supported by my Kickboxing Club. My coach realized my talent and always continuously pushed me to fulfill my potential. I fought in a national competition and qualified for the European Championship where I won silver for the United Kingdom in 2006. PGMAG: What/who inspired you to take up the sport?

When I reflect back at my kickboxing coach, I recognize the manner in which she enabled me to excel. It is something I provide for my clients now as a life and business coach. I get them to focus on their strengths, achievements and push past their obstacles and barriers. PGMAG: As a leader who wears so many hats, how do you create work/life balance? SJ: It is really important for me to create boundaries and organize and plan my time. This enables me to be effective and make progress both at work and in my personal life. PGMAG: What are some of the obstacles you had to overcome to reach your goal as a celebrated sports woman, coach and international speaker? SJ: I had to overcome my own

The resilience, head strong focus and drive that I learnt in my early training as a kickboxer has enabled me to apply those skills to life coaching and business coaching. limiting beliefs- we all have them. When we work past and overcome them, we shine a unique light and focus on our strengths. As a life and business coach, I have my own personal coaches that push me and challenge me to constantly a better version of myself while staying true to myself. My Kickboxing coach also helped me to focus on my strengths and as a result my confidence flourished. That directly impacted my performance as a kickboxer. PGMAG: What is your message for anyone struggling to find their purpose in life? SJ: Getting clarity on your purpose in life requires investing in your personal development. It is not as simple as asking “what is that you want

from your life?� This is just part of it. Being able to recognize your strengths and weaknesses, limitations, passions and values will empower you and your purpose in life will become clearer. Working with a life coach helps with discovering the answers to those questions and getting clarity on the purpose in a person’s life. I help my clients connect with their purpose and it is an incredible for me to facilitate that. PGMAG: Please tell us a bit about your coaching services. SJ: I help professionals and individuals that are held back in their personal or professional life to overcome their challenges- so they feel empowered, content and connected to their purpose in life. My coaching service is based online - having an online service enables me to reach out to people all over the world and help change their lives. I have recently designed a programme for leaders who want to develop their leadership skills through coaching so they can become more conscious and inclusive



SJ: My father came from a Karate and Judo background and he encouraged me to initially take up the martial art. Once I started training, my kickboxing coach was my inspiration. She is an absolutely incredible woman who had the perfect combination of focus, ambition and drive.

leaders. It is important that as we emerge out of this pandemic and given the current world affairs we take our learning’s and we apply them to change the way leaders are working. I always believe coaching is an experience and I always ask people to reach out to me and connect with me and have a conversation. A meeting can be booked with me using the link at the end of this interview. PGMAG: If you know what you know now, what would you do differently? SJ: Made decisions with more courage and relied on my inner voice. Also, started my journey of personal development earlier- it changed my life and I would have loved to have been on this incredible journey earlier. PGMAG: What are the top

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I always believe coaching is an experience and I always ask people to reach out to me and connect with me and have a conversation. A meeting can be booked with me using the link at the end of this interview. three books that changed your life? SJ: The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho) The five second rule (by Mel Robbins) The Prosperous Coach (Rich Litvin and Steve Chandler)

PGMAG: What makes you laugh? SJ: Being around family and friends.

PGMAG: It's been a pleasure to have your contribution. We salute you for making a difference in the world. SJ: Thank you very much for this incredible opportunity. PGMAG: Please share your links with our readers. SJ: Booking Link For a Meeting: EmpowerAndExcelCoaching Social Media Links: empowerandexcel/ empowerandexcelcoaching/ sobiyajaw Website - https://


DR. BINDU BABU (DBB) PGMAG: Dr.Bindu, you are welcome to today's interview. DBB: Thank you very much. I’m happy to be here. PGMAG: We know you have achievd much more successes than what was mentioned in our introduction, and our readers would love to know who Dr. Bindu is. Please share a brief about who you are and what you are about in the world. DBB: To begin with, I am a medical physician and I went through my own personal journey where I had come to understand that the circumstances occurring in my life were brought for a higher purpose. I always lead my life intuitively but there was a time where I didn’t recognize this. I was too left brained to accept anything that didn’t have a scientific basis behind it.

Dr. Bindu is the CEO and Founder of Bindu Babu INC. She is also a member of Forbes Business Council. She is also a Global Goodwill Ambassador, and Professor of Holistic Business Entrepreneurship, Quantum University.

So, one day a friend of mine passed me a book named “Many Lives. Many Masters” by Dr. Brian Weiss MD. This book changed my entire life & resonated with me. Here was another medical physician, who graduated from an Ivy League Medical University, and went through his own research




& understanding alternative medicine and has helped thousands of people all over the world. Dr. Brian Weiss has done remarkable work and has been supported by Oprah, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra & other great healers of our time. Being inspired and having my own eureka moment from this, I decided to go further in my own education by pursuing a Doctorate in Natural Medicine and a PHD in Integrative Medicine. During this time, I became a Reiki Master and was trained by Dr. Weiss himself to become a Past Life Regression Therapist. My expertise is on Narcissistic Abusive Relationship recovery where I’m an advocate on eliminating gender based violence as well a Global Goodwill Ambassador for my efforts on an international scale. I was honored to be a Circle of wise woman for the International organization Female Wave of Change and work globally supporting various organizations and non profits. Today using Quantum Healing Modalities, I work with women & men for their healing and discovery journey. I have clients in all phases of life from Celebrities, Politicians,

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I was honored to be a Circle of wise woman for the International organization Female Wave of Change and work globally supporting various organizations and non profits. CEO’s, school teachers where I help them get out of that “unstuck or what’s next feeling for fulfillment” and aid them in finding their life purpose & healing with mindset reprogramming with my one on one coaching session, workshops or as a key note speaker. Its fulfilling. PGMAG: Please explain what it means to be a member of 'Forbes Business Council'. DBB: Forbes Business Council is an Invitation-Only Community for Successful Business Owners and Leaders and I was honored to be selected as one of their members. The mission of Forbes Councils is to bring together proven leaders from every industry, creating a curated, social capital-driven network that helps every member grow professionally and make an even greater

impact on the business world. I will be providing various articles for Forbes and networking which will provide me a bigger leadership platform to bring further awareness of narcissistic abusive relationship and its necessary healing. PGMAG: I'm intrigued by 'Quantum Methodologies of Healing'. Please share some insight on this topic. DBB: Quantum Healing is a form of mind-body medicine wherein a fundamental change in consciousness can produce a profound healing of the body -mind. What that means is, we have the ability to heal ourselves. Through meditation, energy healing such a s Reiki are just a few forms of Quantum methodology of healing. There are now plenty of studies that are done by Harvard and other researchers where they have found data in supporting this fact. Even the famous “placebo effect” where there is no proven reason why the people who were on sugar tablets but told that they were using blood pressure medication, their blood pressure was controlled. This is one of my favorite topics that I can speak about for hours with scientific data

supporting the immense healing affect meditation and positive thinking has on our body, which is also supported by epigenetics. I have spoken at various world congresses and summits of psychiatry in educating the masses on mindbody healing which I implement in my coaching sessions. PGMAG: We also know that you are a certified partner of World Health Organisation (WHO) to help out in this current global crisis (COVID-19). What are some of your responsibilities as a partner? DBB: Covid-19 has changed the world and one major

impact it has is on mental health. From fear, change of lifestyle, limitation, loss and hurt and now Post Traumatic Stress Disorder… it is just a terrible time. I decided that to help people the best way was to get certified by WHO so I can educate and support the community on the impact of Covid-19 and how to prepare and understand it. I have done several webinars and NYC Queens town halls to educate the community as well as other healthcare providers. PGMAG: As an advocate of women empowerment, what are the much needed steps to addressing the challenges of 'diversity and inclusion' in the

workplace? DBB: I believe every corporate or businesses which have staff should be have a Diversity and Inclusion Council where all voices are heard and specific “D&I’ protocols must be implemented. Hiring will be based on inclusion of all cultures and genders for diversity and leaders must be educated to be mindful of the fact. Communication is the key and education of all executive to management position should be done on differentiating bias from true gender equality. PGMAG: How do you create work/life balance?



DBB: Being an entrepreneur, self- made business owner, a single mother of 4 children and a humanitarian... burn out can occur pretty quick if I don’t watch it. Especially since I do have a Type A personality and am meticulous in nature but discipline is the key. You must value and love yourself to give you a foundation to build on. You can’t build Rome on quick sand. I make it a point to meditate every morning and start my day with affirmations of gratitude and prayer. I have a cut off time for myself from my work on a daily basis. I also do not work on Sundays no matter what. I follow a strict discipline where self-love and self-care is very important. Not only for myself and my children, it is also for my clients. I cannot be empty when I am supporting my clients. I believe in the law of attraction and everything always falls in place when it is supposed to be. PGMAG: What are the three books that changed your life? DBB: “Many Lives, Many Masters” by Dr. Brian Weiss, “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho & “Only Love is Real” by

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Dr. Brian Weiss PGMAG: Who would be your ideal lunch date, and what would be the topic of discussion? DBB: Oprah Winfrey. I would ask Oprah, how she thought I was doing?

know now, what would you do differently? DBB: Nothing. Everything in my life, whether it’s my struggles, sadness, betrayals, happiness or recognition has made me who I am today. I wouldn’t change a thing.

I would than ask for some constructive feed -back on what avenues I should take next to further my outreach to help and support other women.

PGMAG: Thank you for your time and we wish you more successes on your journey.

DBB: I would remind leaders never be quick to judge others. Have an open heart and always follow your gut.

PGMAG: Please share your links with our readers.

DBB: Thank you for this honor and I’m so happy & proud PGMAG: What is your message to be part of your powerful to aspiring leaders? magazine.

Every pebble you throw into an ocean, even if it’s a small pebble, will make a rippling effect that will turn into a wave. That wave will reach far and beyond. So, throw your pebble. PGMAG: What would you say to your younger self? DBB: To love myself. I would teach my younger self that I am imperfectly perfect and that’s powerful. PGMAG: If you know what you

DBB: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram: DrBinduBabu com/SOULMATE-LOVENARCISSIST-NarcissisticRelationship/dp/0578688808 Forbes: https://profiles.forbes. com/members/business/profile/ Bindu-Babu-CEO-Founder-DrBindu-Babu/5909fc57-6f5641ad-b85b-ef60619580c3



ROSS SWAN (RS) Ross Swan at the Powerhouse Global Awards Event in London, UK

Ross is the co-founder of Soul-Inspired Leadership Organisation based in Singapore. He is an author, podcaster, international speaker, mentor and coach to top executives in various industries. PGMAG: We are honoured to have you as our guest today. RS: Thank you for having me as part of this month's Powerhouse Global Magazine. Its special for me because I like what the magazine stands for and the work you are doing on the global stage. PGMAG: Only a few months ago we were together at Powerhouse Global Leadership Summit in Dubai, UAE. Little

did we know that the world of travels will never be the same again. We know that your work requires you to travel to different countries of the world. But due to the pandemic (COVID-19) you have been unable to do so (travel), what are some the steps taken by you in order to stay relevant in the marketplace? RS: For starters, honing my online meeting skills in using Zoom, Microsoft Teams,



Ross Swan and Lady Anita plus guest at the Soul-Inspired Leadership Conference in Singapore

I am now fulfilling my client obligations remotely but with the travel time saved, I now have more time to connect with my creative side, which is fun to do. And of course, staying connected with people through my podcasts and social media such as twitter.

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WebEx, to name a few. I am now fulfilling my client obligations remotely but with the travel time saved, I now have more time to connect with my creative side, which is fun to do. And of course, staying connected with people through my podcasts and social media such as twitter.

business. With basic social connections taken away, it has enabled people to reflect and see how much they value others. Thirdly, the creativity that people have displayed, My hope is that they continue that creative journey and not sit back and let others do it for them.

PGMAG: What are the three lessons you have learned from the current global challenge?

PGMAG: What are some of the measures needed to aid economic recovery?

RS: Firstly, the world is more connected than ever before. Secondly, I see people valuing people more, including

RS: I think most Governments have done the best they can in helping people and businesses survive. What they can do to

Ross Swan with his Partner (Noako Ito) at Powerhouse Global Awards event in London, UK stimulate the global economy time will tell. It's all new ground for them. The most important factor I believe, will be people's mindset. The more people that have a positive outlook, the more the economy with be stimulated. Its not just up to business or governments, its up to individuals to get it moving. PGMAG: What makes a leader a change agent? RS: Having an open mind to allow in new data. Having a growth mindset and knowing

that very little is static anymore should underpins a person being proactive towards continual change. We shouldn't change for change sake, but change because of the impact the change will have. PGMAG: What are the top three books that changed your life? RS: Upon reflection, I can't seem to name any. This is because my life learning has been a gradual process. My learning has come from many books, articles, human interactions and the lists goes

The most important factor I believe, will be people's mindset. The more people that have a positive outlook, the more the economy with be stimulated. Its not just up to business or governments, its up to individuals to get it moving.



on. Maybe that is where my “one peanut at a time” asked in a later question comes from. In saying that, books such as “I am “ and “Notes to a Younger Me” authored by Gary Hensel and of course the books you have compiled such as “Tough Road Creates tough People” all adds value and help people on their personal journey. PGMAG: August is your birth month and as one of Powerhouse Global Ambassadors, we wish you every good thing life has to offer. You have actively played and continued to play the role of a teacher, mentor and coach to me, and you have helped steer our organisation in the right direction. Thank you for being a true servant leader and happy birthday to you. RS: Thank you Lady Anita. I have certainly had a few birthday months now. It’s a good month for me as my three children are all born in August as well. It is rewarding to coach and mentor such a willing student like yourself. I mentioned before about the value of a growth mindset and you certainly have that in spades.

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PGMAG: What is your message for aspiring leaders? RS: See the value in yourself, while at the same time, know you can always get better. Be open to receiving and giving constructive feedback, learn it as a critical skill. Stay true to your inner self, that is, don't live your life based on the opinions of others, live it based on what is within you. PGMAG: "One peanut at a time'' says you. What is the best way to deal with overwhelming situations? RS: If a situation overwhelms you, then break it down and go through it one step at a time. Smaller bite size steps are far more easily to manage than jumping the grand canyon. And generally, in life, one peanut at a time simply means don't take things on all at once, break it down and savour the journey, it is meant to be enjoyed. PGMAG: What would you say to your younger self? RS: Ah, this question has shades of my good friend Gary Hensel. No different to what I said earlier in my message to aspiring leaders. I will repeat it as it's so important.

See the value in yourself, while at the same time, know you can always get better. Be open to receiving and giving constructive feedback, learn it as a critical skill. “See the value in yourself, while at the same time, know you can always get better. Be open to receiving and giving constructive feedback, learn it as a critical skill. Stay true to your inner self, that is, don't live your life based on the opinions of others, live it based on what is within you”. My younger self didn't really understand and appreciate that as much as my older self does. PGMAG: It's always a joy to listen to you - thank you for your time. Please share your links with our readers. RS: Podcasts: Twitter: RossSwan2 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin. com/in/rossswan1/

“There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women.” - Kofi Annan


SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT UN AGENDA 2030 DR. RUBEE SINGH There is a dual rationale for promoting gender equality. Firstly, that equality between women and men - equal rights, opportunities and responsibilities – is a matter of human rights and social justice. And secondly, that greater equality between women and men is also a pre condition for (and effective indicator of) sustainable people- centred development. The perceptions, interests, needs and priorities of both women and men must be taken into consideration not only as a matter of social justice but because they are necessary to enrich development processes”

“Women have a vital role in environmental management and development. Their full participation is therefore essential to achieve sustainable development” (Principle 20, Rio Declaration) Women, who make up half of the world’s population, have benefited more than men from the progress in economic and social development in the last three decades. Nevertheless they continue to be overrepresented among

the world’s most vulnerable groups, as access to resources and power remains highly skewed towards men. Gender equality is a goal in its own right but also a key factor for sustainable economic growth, social development and environmental sustainability. By providing the same opportunities to women and men, including in decision-making in all kinds of activities, a sustainable path of development can be achieved to ensure that women’s and men’s interests are both taken into account in the allocation of resources. In 1992, the United Nations



Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) made important provisions for the recognition of women’s contributions and their full participation in sustainable development. Principle 20 of the Rio Declaration (quoted at the outset of this paper) and “Global Action for Women towards Sustainable and Equitable Development” of Agenda 21 make commitments to strengthening the position of women.

CONCEPT OF EMPOWERMENT:Empowerment can be defined as a "multi-dimensional social process that helps people gain control over their own lives. It is a process that fosters power (that is, the capacity to implement) in people, for use in their own lives, their communities, and in their society, by acting on issues that they define as important". Women’s empowerment means women gaining more power and control over their own lives. This entails the idea of women’s continued disadvantage compared to men which is apparent in different economic, socio-cultural and political spheres. Therefore, women’s empowerment

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can also be seen as an important process in reaching gender equality, which is understood to mean that the "rights, responsibilities and opportunities of individuals will not depend on whether they are born male or female". According to the UN Population Fund, an empowered woman has a sense of self-worth. She can determine her own choices, and has access to opportunities and resources providing her with an array of options she can pursue. She has control over her own life, both within and outside the home and she has the ability to influence the direction of social change to create a more just social and economic order, both

nationally and internationally. Gender role expectations are institutionalized through legislative, educational, political and economic systems. Women need to be "empowered" in order to narrow the "gender gap" and to create an equal playing field between women and men before gender equality can be reached and maintained.

CONCEPT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT:In the late 1980s the report Our Common Future by the World Commission on Environment and Development defined the concept “sustainable development” as

Sustainable development is conceptualized as resting on three inter-related pillars: economic development, social development and environmental protection. A fourth pillar– the preservation of cultural diversity has been proposed. This conceptual categorization can lead to treating these areas in isolation without accounting for a whole range of channels through which these pillars reinforce each other and bring about sustainable development. Instead, by taking an integrated and holistic approach to socio- culturally responsible, environmentally-friendly economic development,

sustainable development can be revealed as a multifaceted and dynamic process. As noted in a recent report by the Secretary General, “the goal, and indeed the ultimate test, of sustainable development is the convergence among the three trajectories of economic growth, social development and environmental protection”. In this spirit it is important to acknowledge that the promotion of gender equality also requires a cross-cutting and integrative approach. It is important not to conceptualize women’s empowerment and gender equality as a question of social development alone,

CROSS CUTTING GENDER DIMENSIONS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT:Gender dimensions of sustainable development can be characterized by the allocation of resources between women and men, on the one hand, and, on the other, by how these resources are spread over time and generations. This section addresses both of these aspects: intra-generational justice – how resources are distributed among women and men; and inter-generational justice – whether resources are

equitably distributed between present and future generations from a gender perspective. One objective of sustainable development is to satisfy the needs of the present. It calls for a more equitable distribution of resources among those living today where resources are unequally distributed. At the same time sustainable development requires a strategic perspective to account for what women and men are leaving for the next generation.

ABOUT DR. RUBEE SINGH Dr. Rubee Singh is a Professor, Editor, Author & Social Activist. She has been awarded Honorary Doctorate in Human Rights & Peace from Royal American University USA for her outstanding contribution in social work,. Recently awarded as Chartered Global Peace Building Professional (CGPP) for the academic year of 2020-2021 by The George Washington University of Peace USA in May 2020. She holds a Doctorate in HR from Noida International University India at the young age of 26 year, Dr. Singh is a Managing Editor of IJARSH & IJIEMR. She is a United Nations Volunteer and also a



development which "meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.9 While aiming to maximize the wellbeing of today’s generation, it is important to take a longterm perspective, taking into account the consequences of our actions for our children, their children and grandchildren, ensuring that the resources they will require for their own well-being are not depleted, and that the natural environment into which they will be born will not be polluted or destroyed.

contributing author for Voices of Youth (UNICEF). She was invited by WEPS Forum of UN Women to attend IWD’20 in New York USA also invited by ‘The Stem Women Project’ Ghana to attend IWD20. She has received Talk Love Africa Foundation Award from Nigeria for promoting Education Campaign in India. She is nominee for ‘The Oscar for the World’s Greatness Civility Humanitarians’ Award 2020 London. Dr. Rubee Singh is National Record Holder of “India Book of Records” 2020 in book writing for her book “International Business management” & also was selected for “Asia Book of Records” 2021 edition as Grand Master in Book Writing in Asia Region as declared on 2nd May 2020, National Secretary of Youth Wing - International Anti- Terrorism Movement India.. She has received two prestigious awards in the field of Research ‘Young Scientist Award’20 by Elsevier Research Award at International Level in March 2020 & Best Managing Editor Award of the Year 19-20 by Elsevier SSRN for IJIEMR in Feb 2020. She is Child Ambassador of My Body is My Body Child Abuse

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Prevention Program U.K, Child Ambassador of Happy Ambassador Concept Finland. She is a first International Supporter for Deadly Guardians Australia at International Level. She is Global Ambassador of African Youth Development Foundation, Goodwill Ambassador- India of GGA USA, Child AmbassadorFAAVM Canada. She is author

of “Government Schemes for Child Protection in India” Regards Dr. Rubee Singh (dr. New Delhi India

“Viae ducunt homines per saecula Romam.” - Alain deLille 1175 AD

A VIEW FROM THE EDGE ROBIN TRIMINGHAM As with everyone, the one thing that the pandemic certainly has provided me with is plenty of time to think. Living as I do at the edge of an island where the sea meets the sky on a rock in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, one might well wonder what I can possibly contribute to the advancement of humanity. Yes, I reside in the second most isolated place on the planet, but in a digital environment, that’s merely my geography – an all but irrelevant detail unless I am trying to coordinate a suitable time for a live zoom meeting with a colleague in Singapore or a training session for participants in Spain. The interesting thing about the pandemic is that for the

first time in the history of the modern world everything just stopped all at once. Unless you were employed in an essential service, one day you were going about your life as you knew it and the next day, without warning, almost every aspect of your life simply ceased to exist and the boundaries of your world contracted to the size of the dwelling you inhabit. For many people residing in rural areas, a quiet life simply become quieter, but what was this experience like for people in urban areas? Imagine being in New York, or London, or Sydney or Bangladesh or Kuala Lumpur; one minute you and millions of others inhabit a place that

never sleeps and the next? Nothing. When the din of traffic and humanity and music and outdoor spectacles of every description are suddenly removed all at once the silence can initially be stressful. Scrambling for ways to fill the void, while simultaneously trying to figure out how to survive lockdown either entirely alone, or conversely in close quarters with too many roommates, many people have unconsciously been drawn to their digital devices, clutching them tightly in the darkness, thumbs scrolling ceaselessly into the night searching for something – news, entertainment, human connection – anything to fill



the hours previously taken up by the life they once knew. But is this a healthy productive way to proceed in life? For as much as the age of internet has created the possibility of global connectedness on an unprecedented level, it’s addictive nature has also plunged large portions of the planet even more deeply into a reactive state so all-consuming they are neither fully aware of it, nor consciously able to unplug themselves from it. Which leads me to ask a very controversial question: Even though you might have been clinging to it like a lifeline, what would happen if you made a decision to do the unthinkable – set time aside every day to consciously unplug yourself from this digital immersion? For as much as this is a time when people everywhere need to partner and collaborate digitally like never before to work together to solve problems, and formulate new ways of working and building business, it is also critical that we find a way to look upon this global situation with new eyes – by travelling inwardly inside ourselves to solve our problems outwardly. As much as the outer world is

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currently limited and confined, the inner world is vast and limitless. In the inner world, all people are created equal and all things are possible. It requires only that a mind focus precisely enough to journey to the answer to absolutely any question. It is a world where any person has the opportunity to solve any problem, find the answer to any question, simply by desiring to do so. But focusing precisely takes practice, more than that, focus requires intentional thought. So how then, do you begin to use your mind to focus inwardly with “intention” when all the doors to this mind palace of wonders appear to be locked? Simply by seeking out and finding a way to stand in a place in your mind that is empty. There are many techniques and processes by which to accomplish this – some like meditation or disassociation you will have heard of but, as well as they work, you may or may not find these easy things to do. Not being a personal fan of meditation because it always feels forced, almost stressful because you have to begin by sitting perfectly still in a

position that I do not find particularly comfortable, I was drawn to a more natural way to clear my head that I can utilize no matter where I am, or what I am wearing, regardless of whether I am standing up or moving about. While living on an island in a remote location does come with its own set of challenges, there are also some unique advantages including being able to watch the sun rise straight out of the sea each morning, or being able to stare endlessly into a turquoise horizon on my daily walks along the coast. For me, these walks have become a “moving meditation” if you will – one moment my mind is crowded with all the tasks and stress of running a company during a pandemic, and the next it’s as if I’m standing in the center of an empty room and my world is only as large or complicated as I allow it to be. Yes, the clouds and the sea and the horizon are still there but I am perceiving them differently – as an observer. Standing then in my “observatory” I can then just as easily visualize myself standing on the summit of a snowcovered mountain in the Yukon as I can having launched the

There are as many ways to gain access to your personal observatory as there are problems that you can solve while standing there. The trick is that you have to consciously decide that you are ready to find it and be willing to unplug yourself to make it possible. In the absence of noise and distraction and selfperpetuated “busyness” you are quite literally alone with your thoughts. There is no social media to scroll, no email to answer, no Netflix to entertain, no news to shock, no shops to distract, no alcohol to drown out whatever it is that you have been desperately trying to avoid learning about yourself but the personal rewards for doing so are eminence. Humanity is on the edge of an enormous transformation – the question is, are you ready to take the opportunity to join in the conversation and what will you contribute?

next phase of my business plan. Visualizing the details of these unique situations in as much detail as possible, I can then begin to realize what I would need to accomplish to bring myself to these locations in my physical life and a path or series of steps, a “plan of action” begins to emerge.

Robin Trimingham Robin Trimingham is the Co-Founder and COO of The Olderhood Group Ltd., headquartered in Pembroke, Bermuda. She creates Career and Life transition strategies and retirement lifestyle education that strengthen employee engagement and retention. An accomplished international presenter, Robin is also a weekly columnist for The Royal Gazette, Bermuda’s national newspaper and coauthor of “The Third Journey – Making the Most of Your Life After Work.”

Robin is a thought leader in the field of future life planning and has coproduced three retirement lifestyle television series as well as several podcast series. Her global clients include employees from all walks of life and her down– to–earth presentation style and realistic life strategies make her message easy to relate to and meaningful. She is an Affiliate Member of the Institute of Coaching, McLean, Affiliate of Harvard Medical School.



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AUGUSTA KOROMA (AK) Augusta is the CEO of S.E.A. Consultancy Ltd. She is also a speaker and Sickle Cell Advocate.

PGMAG: Thank you for granting us this opportunity to interview you. AK: It’s a pleasure and honour to grant this interview. Powerhouse Global Magazine is a unique publication that delivers niche messages to many readers around the world, and at this critical time when you seek peace in the face of pestilence, adversaries and pain; individual inner wellbeing is essential. PGMAG: I know that our readers would love to know more about you. Please tell us briefly about who you are and what you do. AK: I am a mum of two beautiful and brilliant daughters (Eyula Agnes Koroma and Daniela Jenneh Koroma). I am the Director and founder of Sickle Cell Intervention which is a community based not-for profit public health intervention that addresses the challenges associated with Sickle Cell. I founded this organisation in

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Powerhouse Global Magazine is a unique publication that delivers niche messages to many readers around the world, and at this critical time when you seek peace in the face of pestilence, adversaries and pain; individual inner wellbeing is essential.

honour of my late husband whom I lost sadly to Sickle Cell and finally, I manage all my private businesses through S.E.A. Consultancy which is a registered company in England and Wales. We provide variety of services to clients - from perfume to healthy snacks. The company is the love of my life because it helps me to focus and add value to my special customers. We also offer Training, Event Management and Healthy Skin Care Products/Perfumes Outside the UK, I also manage Africa Sickle Cell Centre for Education and Research (ASCC4ER) in Sierra Leone

and I will be embarking on an Africa Sickle Cell Tour later this year. I am a mother with many hats from School Governor to General secretary for Africa Security forum. PGMAG: What is your message to the African community who are mostly affected by this challenge (Sickle Cell)? AK: Sickle cell ailment is not a death sentence. People with sickle cell disease do live a productive lifestyle. Managing the ailment needs a lot of care and knowing what really works for you in terms of individuality. It does affect a person in

different ways. Some people go through a lot of crisis and it varies from person to person. However, knowing your own body and what really works for you in terms of clinical treatment and aromatherapy will manage your pain effectively to help with your emotions. This disorder is not contagious, good knowledge of medical involvement, great family support, understanding of needs at school should be met, Educating friends and family about the condition is vital so that it can minimize stigma.



Family involvement is a great way to support people suffering from SCD. It is always advisable for family members to know how to support their loved ones with this ailment. Most of the time people suffering from this ailment don't want you to feel sorry for them, they sometimes tend to be ok but deep down they are in crisis. Help them to eat healthy meals and also with their medication intake. family Centered care has been advised and disclosure to be made to meet the appropriate understanding of the child’s age in terms of emotional needs and informational support for children and parent. ( Anionwu & Atkin, 2001) concluded that's the government needs to work on policy and practice drawing issues relating to aspect of care families go through in terms of respect, training of health professionals, more improved quality of care, culturally sensitive care. Educating yourself more about the condition is necessary in order to support your family with this ailment. Help them avoid things that can trigger crisis. As Sickle cell Intervention U.K deals with educational interventions, I will highlight the need for sickle cell management in schools for teachers and

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administrators mainly because lack of knowledge about sickle cell is fuelling negative perceptions and preventing sufferers from going to school etc I mentioned earlier what we are doing at Sickle Cell Intervention (UK) to increase advocacy and education in Africa. We are planning to build a Sickle Cell Hub in Freetown and also we

are touring 10 Africa countries beginning for later this year when international flight resumes. Pain is a common problem for people with sickle cell disease. It happens when the sickleshaped red blood cells that cause the condition get stuck in small blood vessels and block blood flow. In partnership with relevant government, the

PGMAG: What is your view on 'women empowerment'? AK: I believe that it is important to remind young women and older women of their excellence-especially because we live in a society that does not see them as equal to their counterparts. Also women should support each other more instead of back biting or being jealous of another's achievements. My own path of life is uniquely mine and many would not have survived it as my own authentic story works for me. Self-belief not only empowers us, but also acknowledges the fact that we were created by a God who is the most powerful and greatest source of all good, who could not have possibly created mediocrity but masterpieces!

PGMAG: If you know what you know now, what would you do differently? AK: I would have done so many things differently in life. However, I have learned to work hard and push myself forward when there is a need for opportunities and to stand up in what I believe in. Most times I constantly remind myself that anything of great value takes diligence and consistency . Focusing on the process rather than the results. I know i am a very strong lady and sometimes wisdom

I believe that it is important to remind young women and older women of their excellence-especially because we live in a society that does not see them as equal to their counterparts.



private sector and the civil society in the U.K., Africa, and other parts of the world, Sickle Cell Intervention will in its joined-up working, foster diversity and conduct culturally sensitive research, as well as initiate compassionate, humane and far reaching policies that will help maintain progression and sustainable healthcare in Sickle Cell disease cure, Management and control.

comes in strange lessons painful anxious weird ways. It’s my spiritual journey evolving forcing me to become what i am destined to be. Napoleon Hill, who said that “whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” The mind is a powerful tool when it comes to aspiring to success. That's my Vow solely thinking of ways to help boost my mental strength. Most Even if you’re making all the right moves, it may take the universe some time to catch up to your accomplishments. I have gained an insight into fulfillment in my life, connect with others and contribute to the greater good. It took me a long while 66 AUGUST 2020

to figure out that success rarely has a lesson for its recipient! It is in moments of trials, tribulations and adversities that we reap the greatest lessons and acquire most lifechanging virtues like resilience, empathy and humility! Instead of complaining, despairing, whining and cursing when these challenges come calling, change course and begin embracing them trusting that they are guiding posts to your ultimate destination-glory! PGMAG: What would you say to your younger self? AK: Firstly, I will say to my younger self be wise and

know more about the family you letting yourself into for marriage. Please pay attention to difficult in-laws as they will make your life as hell as possible. You might have a sweet loving partner; however the family can break you down into so many things differently. Everything for me needs to be aligned with my faith as a Christian. I have learned that you must decide to put the greatest quality of people around you that can change everything . Now I finally understood where my daddy was headed with his theory that prayers must be all gratitude and No Seeking

PGMAG: Finally, what makes you laugh? AK: My happy place is always by the sea. However, I love jokes and funny stories. PGMAG: Augusta, you have been a brilliant guest. Thank you for your contribution and we wish you greater success on your mission. AK: Thank you so much for giving me this platform and the support to share these great insights with you. I am

very much grateful to Power House for this wonderful opportunity. If your readers are in the Kent area and they need some perfumes etc then they should drive to 11 Manor Road in Gillingham for a unique experience. PGMAG: Please share your links with our readers AK: For your readers, I will say – they should visit our website listed below but more importantly, they should just google ‘Augusta Koroma’ for more important about me and my products. There is a special discount of 10% on many product they buy visiting ‘Mollifier Shop’ if they mention ‘Powerhouse Global Magazine’ www.sicklecellintervention. https://www.mollifier-lady. com/2019/04/08/aouts-gracemollifier-woman-makes-history/

dp/1326915878/ref=cm_sw_r_ fa_awdo_t1_fdMhDb33BW15G dp/0244041466/ref=cm_sw_r_ fa_awdo_t1_icMhDbCAZTBA8 dp/0244774765/ref=cm_sw_r_ fa_awdo_t1_b-LhDbDHF5SAY https://www. sickle-cell-management-innigeria/ Visit us at S.E.A CONSULTANCY LIMITED 11 Manor Road, Gravesend, Kent DA12 1AA Email – info@sea-consultancy. Email- info@ augustakoroma@tewohgroup. com



favors because we have already been given that which we NEED! (Keyword being “need”). Life becomes a lot easier when we finally understand who we are! That journey towards self discovery is excruciatingly painful, humbling and lonely and is neither for the proud nor the faint-hearted! However, uncovering those deeply rooted flaws as well as your strengths is the key to be being authentically empowered!



The people’s aspirations and their challenges become the sole motto of an elected representative to resolve these and ultimately formulating a deliberately planned Constituency Development Plan

The Constituency Development is one of the paramount functions of the democratic process as well as the sole responsibility of a people’s representative in the contemporary world scenario. The people’s aspirations and their challenges become the sole motto of an elected representative to resolve these and ultimately formulating a deliberately planned Constituency Development Plan. These field notes suggest certain practical solutions for the people’s representatives and also for those who are still active in public life or having dreams to render appreciable contributions to serve the 68 AUGUST 2020

people as part of their social responsibilities. As an elected member of a legislative assembly or a parliament, our representatives are the custodian of the People’s Interests. However, it has become more challenging in present complex political scenario due to the ongoing rapid pace of industrialization and socioeconomic development to identify the People’s Interests correctly and timely. These field notes are not only the readymade solutions to the problems for identifying the People’s Interests but also aim at inviting the attention of the Honorable

Members for facilitating better Constituency Management in a holistic and responsible manner. Formulation of an effective Constituency Development Plan may assist in achieving the inclusive political prosperity through consistency in performance, accountability in actions and sincerity in implementation of the plan in any political system of a democratic Nation in the world. Though it is a herculean task to discuss about all the aspects of development but efforts have been made to address the important concerns of the integrated development to meet the aspirations of our people.

Our people need the services of the representatives to address their routine challenges.

CONSTITUENCY WORK IS THE PARAMOUNT RESPONSIBILITY It is an important responsibility to ensure that the Govt works efficiently and responsibly in addressing the problems, expectations and aspirations of the people who have elected their representatives with an aim to provide inclusive good governance and bring sustainable progressive transformation in their lives. An elected representative have many assignments as a member of a legislative assembly or a parliament to include attending the various meetings and be a member of various committees, but above all these responsibilities, it is important to strive for the sustainable development of the constituency by means of formulating an effective Constituency Development

Plan by seeking peoples’ participation to identify and address the local problems and needs based on their aspirations and the urgency involved. IDENTIFYING KEY RESULT AREAS FOR INCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENT A people’s representative must identify the people’s concern, expectations and aspirations perfectly and precisely to identify the Key Result Areas for achieving integrated development of the constituency. It is usual to have difference of opinion among different interest groups from their perspective on a particular issue and it is not easy to come to an acceptable mutual conclusion. Therefore, a Constituency Development Plan will enable a representative to

understand their realistic social challenges, collective expectations and progressive aspirations of these interest groups and stakeholders from a particular people centric perspective after having due concern for the region specific development needs and respect for their traditions and cultural values. Moreover, a people’s representative must act as a Development Leader in the constituency in the contemporary progressive world. PEOPLE’S EXPECTATIONS FROM THEIR REPRESENTATIVES Our people need the services of the representatives to address their routine challenges. They need them the most. They desire that the elected representatives must remain with them always and



everywhere. The people feel that the elected representatives are their voice in the respective legislative assemblies or the parliaments and represent them in the Govt to provide good governance. It is also suggested that the representatives should be accessible to the people and they must communicate with the people directly and achieve community collaboration. Non accessibility of an elected representative is a concern these days all over the world. It is expected that a representative must always be with the people and resolve their problems and achieve their aspirations which they have from the elected representatives in a democratic

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nation. REPRESENTATIVE OF PEOPLE’S ASPIRATIONS It is evident that decisions in the democracy are taken in consultation with the representatives of the people so they need to understand their problems correctly. They must priorities the people’s problems and development centric needs and ensure that these are addressed adequately by the popular Govt in power. If an elected representative of people is not active then the people have been denied their democratic rights of representation and they have no voice in the Govt and

It is evident that decisions in the democracy are taken in consultation with the representatives of the people so they need to understand their problems correctly.

MICRO PLANNING IS THE KEY FOR INTEGRATE DEVELOPMENT People are usually more sensitive about their local issues and problems depending upon their social beliefs, enriched traditions and cultural values. Their basic needs for living a descent life are food, shelter, safe drinking water, affordable health services and quality education for their children. The better roads connectivity is also a requirement for transportation of agricultural produce to the local markets. The people always desire sustainable development in their constituencies. They prefer that the quality of their lives must improve sustainably. It is therefore, imperative that they must be involved at the initial stages of micro planning so that they have sense of pride and ownership during the implementation of an effective Constituency Development Plan. POWER PREVAILS WITH THE PEOPLE’S REPRESENTATIVES

The people’s representative as a people’s servant have the right to question the Govt agency as well as the ruling Govt with regards to any development projects going on in the concerned constituency. An elected representative may even access the information and negotiate either with the Govt or an NGO for implementation of any development scheme. A representative is the bridge between the Govt and the people. His deep dedication and unwavering commitment in the service of own people will definitely assist in resolving their routine challenges in life.

ADDRESSING PUBLIC ASPIRATIONS A representative have to come up to the expectations and aspirations of the people because many promises are made by the respective political parties prior to the elections during the over promising political campaigning. At the same time, people face pressing problems of lack of food, quality primary education, affordable medical facilities and safe drinking water. All such demanding issues warrant seamless attention and focused approach of an elected

representative. A representative must therefore have to organize minutely and address the issues of people accordingly. ACCESSIBILITY OF THE REPRESENTATIVE TO THE COMMON MAN The public meetings are the best way of reaching out to the last man of the community. The periodic organization of such meetings will keep a representative in touch with the people and provide ample opportunity to give patient hearing to them. An elected representative must interact with the people directly, listen to their area specific problems patiently and there should be no barrier of any nature between the people and the representative. HEARING THE HELPLESS A people’s representative must organize regular meetings to address their individual problems. Such problems are generally related with the Govt procedures and functioning. If a widow or a helpless person is not getting her family pension, an elected representative must give her a patient hearing and ensure that in the next coming months she gets her family pension.



their expectations can never be full filled. The peoples’ problems must be taken as their own problems by the representatives.

ASSESS THE PUBLIC VIEWS/ OPINIONS It is very important to assess the prevailing public views and opinions. People have their own perspective to address a problem. It is, therefore, essential that a representative must be aware fully that what people think about a legislation recently enacted, Govt policies and programmes implemented and the public image of the political party the representative belongs to. Such views can be obtained by means of attending public rallies and having personal interactions with the people. MANAGING THE CONSTITUENCY OFFICE A constituency office must be established which should always be manned by a Constituency Manager. This office should keep a record of all ongoing Govt development programmes in the constituency. The office must issue press releases time to time and acquire regular feedback from the people in the absence of the concerned representative. THE GUIDING PRINCIPLES These field notes on

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Constituency Development Plan intend to provide general guidelines and exhibit basic principles of constituency development management rather than being the ultimate prescriptions for the representatives. It will wholly depend upon the available resources in terms of skilled human capital, financial assistance, infrastructural support and above all the existing Govt polices. The adaptive leadership traits of the concerned representative will play a greater role in having the adaptability and achieving the feasibility in yielding maximum dividends from these field notes. The perpetual prevailing uncertainty in the contemporary political environment is an ongoing process which is having cascading adverse impact on the pace of desired development. Moreover, the accountability in performance and rendering good governance to the people have become the prominent indicators of sustainability being achieved in the inclusive development. It has, therefore, more essential for the elected representatives to formulate an effective Constituency Development Plan.

About BHAGWAN SHEKHAWAT Bhagwan Shekhawat is a Socio-Political Scientist, a Corporate Strategist and a People Coach residing in Jaipur city of the Indian subcontinent. He takes immense pride in enthusing, empowering and enhancing the leadership skills of the young smokestack leaders in pursuance of creating the cascades of competent future global leaders. In addition, he expresses his invaluable, inspiring and dynamic views on the emerging Fourth Wave Societies which are reshaping the societal landscape in the rapidly transforming new volatile world order. A keen reader and a progressive ideologist who amazingly advocates about the impending global Waves of Change and the ongoing paradigm shifts taking place in the contemporary socioeconomic and geopolitical spectrum. Twitter: @Colbhagwan E mail: colbhagwan@


MANSI DHOLAKIA (MD) PGMAG: Mansi, you are welcome to today's interview. MD: Thank you so much for having me Lady Anita. I am a huge fan of your work. It is very exciting to be amongst such powerful women and be a part of this journey. I am very happy and so honored and humbled to be here. PGMAG: Please tell us more about what you are about in the world.

Mansi is the Founder & CEO of Global Mental Health Association (GMHA). She is also a best-selling author, mental health advocate and psychology counsellor.

MD: I am a humble servant of humanity. Since a very young age, all I ever wanted to do was to serve people as it makes me happy to do so. I was born in India to a well-educated and well off family. I spent nearly 15 years in London and recently in 2019, I left my 15 year pharmaceutical career. My goal was to embark on a self-discovery journey which ended with my establishing the Global Mental Health Association (GMHA). GMHA is a platform built to connect mental health professionals from around the world to serve humanity. My personal tryst with Anxiety and Depression provided me with a deep understanding of the importance of mental well-being and how an individual can suffer alone in isolation. I am a strong believer




of universal energies and when you listen carefully, the universe does send you a signal to do what you are meant to do in this world. I am a firm believer of instilling kindness and compassion in the hearts of people, having more open conversations around suffering and providing support to each other. “Heart to heart when we talk, our demons take a silent walk.” – Mansi Dholakia. PGMAG: What were the three books that changed your life? MD: Very interesting question and so difficult to answer, since I am a voracious reader. The first one has to be “The Forty rules of Love” by Elif Shafak. The book is written about my favorite poet – Rumi. This Book tops my list as I can re-read it several times. The description of love, kindness, empathy, compassion and most importantly love definitely changed my life and made me more human. The second one would be “Kindness : The little things that matter most.” by Jamie Thurston. Simply because I believe in the same. Kindness of any kind, however little or big, makes a huge impact on

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humanity. The world needs more kindness and compassion. Selfless acts of just serving humanity can make a powerful difference. Last but most definitely not the least is “Letters from a Stoic” by Seneca. The letters are filled with practical advice on how to live a virtuous and happy life, much of which seems eminently sensible today. A beautiful read full of wisdom

I am a voracious reader. The first one has to be “The Forty rules of Love” by Elif Shafak. The book is written about my favorite poet – Rumi

PGMAG: What does your organisation do, and who are the target audience? MD: Global Mental Health Association was established in Delaware in the USA. It is a global platform to offer one stop mental health solutions around the world to individuals as well as businesses. We are creating in house courses and modules to improve mental wellness in schools and universities. We are also creating a mental health Directory which will connect Professionals from around the world on a singular platform so as make their reach easy for general public. We believe that everyone – regardless of geographic location and socioeconomic class should not suffer and should have access to mental healthcare. PGMAG: What are the few helpful steps that can be taken by those who are going through depression? MD: Depression can be very daunting especially to those who don’t know whether they are going through depression or not. I would sincerely say one thing, please reach out to a professional. They can

diagnose the depression for you and give you combat strategies to deal with it better. Because sometimes just thinking about the things that would otherwise make you feel better like talking to friends and family or going for a walk or doing any activity you love, can seem exhausting for a person going through depression. The key to deal with this is to start small. Taking the first step is always the hardest. The road to recovery may sometimes seem far off. Try to never lose hope and never give up. Reach out and stay connected. Focus on engaging yourself in the little things that make you happy and bring you joy. Volunteering is a great way to redirect your focus onto others instead of yourself. Helping others will give you a sense of comfort and contribution and will lift your mood. Additionally, you can join a support group to talk about how you are feeling with someone who’s going through the same experience which will have you feel less alone. It is important that you resist the urge to zone out and disconnect from the world. During times like these you especially need to stay connected and grounded. PGMAG: As a mental health advocate, what can be done to

Global Mental Health Association was established in Delaware in the USA. It is a global platform to offer one stop mental health solutions around the world to individuals as well as businesses. We are creating in house courses and modules to improve mental wellness in schools and universities. support those who have been affected by 'Domestic Abuse'? MD: Domestic Abuse is a topic that is so near and dear to my heart because I have personally suffered through domestic abuse. I believe that more shelters need to be established throughout the world for sufferers so that they have a place to go. And, we need therapists and behavioral experts in these shelters to care for the victims. They need to feel protected in an environment where they can be themselves again. We must create 24-hour support helplines in all the countries of the world especially for the domestic abuse victims so that



and knowledge.

they can get support when they need it the most. Victims of domestic abuse are typically frail and their emotional resilience really needs to be rebuilt from ground up. There is so much work to be done in this area. My personal request to anyone who may come across a sufferer is to patiently hear them out and engage in a conversation with them and mentally support them by reminding them that it is not their fault. That imperative reminder will alone offer them much needed strength. We need to start from somewhere and that’s where we begin.

and make your own decisions. Live and learn through your own mistakes. Life happens to all. But your faith in your own self will sail you through.

PGMAG: What would you say to your younger self?

PGMAG: It's been great having you on today's interview. Please share your links with our readers.

MD: In life there will always be challenges and there will also be opportunities. There will also be a lot of opinions surrounding you, telling you how you are supposed to live your life. You must never ever derail yourself from your path towards achieving the goals that you set for yourself. You must be in charge of your own journey. Make the pit stops where you like and do not be deferred by the countless opinions of others telling you to follow their same path. That is their journey and this is yours. Believe in your own judgement

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PGMAG: If you know what you know now, what would you do differently? MD: I would have given myself a bit more priority than those around me. I wouldn’t have changed myself or the way I respond or behave, because that would be changing the entire person. I would have treated Mansi much more kindly.

MD: Thank you and much appreciation to Pgmag. “Be the bearer of your own journey. Learn to lead the way that your heart shows to you. Listen to your inner voice and march towards the unknown with faith. Try, fail, succeed. That is all a part of life. But be your own master. Never let your heart be daunted by the opinions of others. This is your journey. Remember, you only get one shot.” – Mansi Dholakia.

In life there will always be challenges and there will also be opportunities. There will also be a lot of opinions surrounding you, telling you how you are supposed to live your life. You must never ever derail yourself from your path towards achieving the goals that you set for yourself. mansi-dholakia

The greatest crisis and opportunity of our lifetime has presented itself and the question to ask is, are we ready?

BORN TO WAKE UP THE WORLD HELEN ARGYROU We at YinAlithea WOMEN OF TRUTH are, mainly because we have realised two things. There is simply no other choice and many global female leaders feel they were born for this time. Born to Wake up the World. Global dialogues began during COVID-19 lockdown hitting crescendos of community thinking and unity consciousness unseen before. Clearly some incredible women are ready to lead in these epic times. Continuing in the old paradigms, born out of industrial revolution age thinking, or following on mythical ideas embedded in the fabric of our societies that delude and deceive us, is simply not that attractive any

more, to anyone. Change has begun and following through with it, these ‘Paradigm Shifters’, find that completing their ‘soul contract’ of reaching into their higher destinies, what they promised themselves they would pursue before they were born - is how they can finally fulfill the calling that tells them they are meant for more. The powerful surge of individuality, personal insight and self development work that swept our planet for the last generation has certainly shifted the paradigm already. All people are growing more self aware and conscious all round and leadership is advancing. Humanitarian work, the Sdg focus, social endeavours, scientific innovation advancing

healthcare and the boom of solo entrepreneurship show that our precious earth is already busy with her little, or large makeover. Dig a little deeper and you will find that the marriage between body and mind, science and spirituality has evidence based research slowly convincing us that mind effects matter and we can ultimately create a new reality. We are ready enough, it seems and where we are not, These female thought leaders will guide us to discerningly ‘ignore’ and refocus our future vision of what we wish to create. So instead of having our minds sucked into the vortex of concern, fear and negativity about the future, we learn from them to practice the ‘higher



law’. A law of self discipline, that stops us from indulging in the anxiety of uncertainty, and teaches us rather to tap into a head with heart intelligence/ coherence and focus on what we wish to create. These ‘Paradigm Shifters’ are our midwives, they are helping us create our new world. They show us how to create a onepointedness on our higher aspirations, how to increase our skills and invent an ability to mature and navigate change. To activate the higher frequencies of a growth mindset far away from our comfort zones and even expand that into the source origin of all of life. One where we can finally integrate the dance between the complimentary opposites of order and chaos, so that the ultimate swing of the pendulum can find its dead centre and a new future reality can awaken. The Women of Truth on Marketing new style summit 20-27 September interviews Female Thought Leaders on how ‘truth’ effects their business. They then teach growth strategies influenced by authenticity, teach you to walk more of the talk, increase your integrity as the masks slip off your face, and reveal your vulnerability in social media in

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Reflecting on how the future of a business is evolving and deeply influenced now by FQ Feminine intelligence, the summit reveals how important it is to get into a new reality with more transparency ethics and common values between client and coach. followup masterclasses October to December. Reflecting on how the future of a business is evolving and deeply influenced now by FQ - Feminine intelligence, the summit reveals how important it is to get into a new reality with more transparency ethics and common values between client and coach. Learning from this feminine wisdom can help us all as we begin to get guided by these midwives of our new world, who help us accept adversity as the mother of invention and crisis, the best catalyst for change.

About HELEN ARGYROU Heleniq A is an innovative Clinical Psychologist, Peak Performance Expert and Speaker Change Leader. Delving into neuroscience resulted into her pivoting her expertise into Peak Performance to train and develop thought leaders and paradigm shifters. She has special talent in integrating science and spirituality.... and elevating and promoting excelsior epic female leaders for the future in her WOMEN OF TRUTH INNER CIRCLE. As a futurist, sensing the deeper needs human evolutionary pulse, she beleives that "what the world needs now is feminine wisdom" www. More on the New Style Summit here : https:// facebook _ https:// womenbecomethetruth/ linkedin : https:// groups/13690644/













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POWERFUL GLOBAL WOMEN FOUNDATION COVID-19 PROJECTS As part of PGWF mission to support more families during this challenged time, we have been able to hold two projects (one in April and the other on 13th July 2020). We distributed food supplies to several families and orphanage homes. Our team lead by Mrs Josephine Itsuokor (Vice-president of PGWF) made these projects a success. We will continue to reach out to more families through the support of our global partners.




Powerful Global Women Foundation (Powerhouse Charity) was founded in 20l6 in Nigeria, West Africa, by Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw. The core objective of this organization is to transform the lives of women and children, through various projects centred around the need of the service group. In 20l6 Lady Anita single handedly fed over 400 children as part of “project feed l000 children globally”, and held an empowerment conference for the women. Through this project, so many women have gone to do great things with the knowledge they gained from the event. She recently held a life transforming event for women in Lagos, Nigeria as part of International women’s month celebration 20l8. The turnout was very encouraging. She is working towards supporting more families to keep their children and wards in school through” project back-to-school” starting in September 20l8. We are seeking for global support from individuals and organisations who would love to be a part of this service to humanity. To support us, please visit: or email or

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CHARITY PROJECT: As part of our Global Annual commitment, we were able to successfully complete project feed the children 2019 mission. Over 150 children were fed at this year’s event. Powerful Women Global Foundation (PGWF ) is a charity set up by Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw in 2016. The service users are women and children. To support PGWF, please email



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84 AUGUST 2020

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The Edge

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The Edge

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The Edge

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pages 57-59

The Edge

pages 53-56

The Edge

pages 45-48


pages 77-84


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pages 49-52


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