Powerhouse Global Brand Propagator
It's an honour to share this edition of Powerhouse Global Magazine with the world. After 5 years of publication, we have decided to explore other ways to share our global work with the world. Hence, we have Decided to include events coverings as one of our services.
By deciding to embrace the opportunity which technology offers, we know it would enable us to continue to provide global visibility opportunities for those in our global community.
This edition is dedicated to the women of the world as we celebrate Powerhouse Global Women by honouring some of them with Awards for their services to humanity.
I thank you for your support and encouragement.
"Women are the force of change. They can miraculously things happen when they are supported."
– Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw
There was seven of us, ready to start our adventure to Crystal Grotto Cave in Cobham, located just one hour of drive from London. One of us was a young girl called Becky. She sat quietly on the back seat of the 7-seater car driven by her mum Tracy.
There is something sophisticated in Becky’s beautiful eyes. When she looks at you – you might think she is an angel. She is 22 years old young woman with a slender silhouette.
There is something sophisticated in Becky’s beautiful eyes. When she looks at you – you might think she is an angel. She is 22 years old young woman with a slender silhouette. At this joyous moment of staring our trip, we do not see she suffers from a physical ailment. This happens only then we have reached our destination. She gets off the car and her mum hands over to her the crutches. Becky wears a supportive band on her right knee. Unfortunately, her knee sustained an injury, and she needs crutches to walk around. No doubts that at times it is very painful. She is a pretty girl with a gentle, bubbly nature and head full of dreams. Nevertheless, nobody knows what her heart is singing about because she does not complain or moan.
We all enter onto the Painshill’s beautiful land, excited to visit the Crystal Grotto and explore its magnificent surroundings. There are noisy geese hovering over the fields,
Unfortunately, her knee sustained an injury, and she needs crutches to walk around. No doubts that at times it is very painful. She is a pretty girl with a gentle, bubbly nature and head full of dreams.
flying in flocks and you could smell the earthy fragrance of grass, trees, and waters.
Becky continues walking with crutches. Her pain is getting worse and her mum rushes with painkillers. We all reach Crystal Grotto, caught in awe of its immense beauty. We take loads of pictures whilst inside this magical cave. With our hearts filled with joy we are finally ready to take a break for a launch so Becky can pause her walking challenge.
Becky’s mum gets a wheelchair. She did not know there would be one available, but our walking leader Asha went looking and seemed to know
there would be one. She checked that nobody needs it. Becky finally can let her leg rest, enjoying a free ride. We all push Becky on the wheelchair through the bumpy surfaces of the country pathways, acting like she was our princes on a white horse, and we were her royal retinue. Valerie, Linda, and Other Linda are happy to help, too. Becky feels loved and so special. We spot ducks, geese,
and Becky’s favourite animals – cows. She is one happy girl! She can focus on the beauty of nature and disregard a pain.
Finally, we all arrive to the top of the hill, and we experience something beautiful – the connection of hearts. We were so proud of Becky, seeing her sitting on a wheelchair on top of the hill with breathtaking panoramic views in front of us,
rich in abundant green fields and lash forest in far distance. We can see the sense of achievement in Becky’s face. Moreover, her smile is telling us all about it that matters for her the most during this adventure – an immerse gratitude for helping her to reach that goal of climbing on the hill with crutches.
What an inspirational young woman she is! She helped us to learn a lesson how to manifest a dream into a reality, keeping it simple, maintaining an open heart and not blaming the circumstances or anyone else.
According to the Oxford Dictionary, manifestation, means bringing something into existence in the material of physical world through our thoughts, energies, feelings, beliefs, and desires.
This is how I created the Becky’s Roadmap to Manifesting Your Dreams:
A burning desire – What is your heart singing about?
A clarity – The vision of yourself on The Hill (whatever
this means for you, your highest goal)
Right mindset – I will! I must! I can!
Dumping limiting beliefs – Daily practice of 369 method (a way to do your affirmations) to empower your self-image.
An unwavering faith that The Source supports you on your journey – A team of supporters; your family and friends; Your Spiritual Guides.
Your energy/Your vibrations
– Choose your free will to control your feelings. Take an advantage of tools that will help you to achieve it: just to mention; meditation,
mindfulness, journaling, walking in nature.
Inspired Actions – Walking with Crutches despite a pain (as a metaphor of overcoming obstacles and not giving up).
Thankfulness – I am on top of the hill! Woo Hoo! Thank you, Universe! I am so happy and grateful!
When you focus on your vision everything is possible. Just stick to that burning desire to attain your goal, instead of wasting your time and energy on dwelling on how to get there.
Rely on The Source (Universe/ God) and have faith in it. The unwavering faith helps you to stay positive and keep you going even when things are tough. Faith is that powerful force that changes everything within you.
Written by Mira Warszawski – Certified Life Coach and bestselling co-author. HallWhat an inspirational young woman she is! She helped us to learn a lesson how to manifest a dream into a reality, keeping it simple, maintaining an open heart and not blaming the circumstances or anyone else.
Vulnerability described as uncertainty, risk,and emotional experience. The feeling we get when we step out of our comfort zone. or by doing something that forces us to lose control. Professor Brene Brown says:-
"Vulnerability is the core, the heart, the center of meaningful human experience"
Vulnerability is a sign of weakness. We think of times that we feel vulnerable, emotionally exposed.. This is when we are actually recalling times of great courage.
Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy and creativity. So while one is setting up a new business, one may feel uncomfortable. One is also opening oneself up to the opportunity to make new friends, and learn new skills. But, if one runs away the second those shaky feelings arise, one is reinforcing the voices in one's head that says:" I am not good enough!"
Insecurity is present in all of us. Sometimes it's so strong that we often get out of our way to avoid situations that might make us fragile; trying to side step the shaky nervous feeling of vulnerability.
What do we do? We arm ourselves up.Each morning when we face the day , to avoid the feeling of shame, anxiety, uncertainty and fear. This particular armour changes from person to person.Usually it revolves around one or three methods:-
- Striving for perfection
- Numbing out
- Disrupting joyful moments.
Imagining all the ways that things can go wrong. Do any of these things sound familiar? This type of armour makes us feel safe, in control in the moment, but they are doing us more harm than good.
Perfectionism: It is a twenty ton shield, we think it will protect us but, it keeps us from being seen. Numbing our emotions is damaging. You cannot numb fear without numbing joy at the same time; because we are trying to be vulnerable to the punch. It is believed this has a negative impact why? Without vulnerability there is no love, no belonging and no joy.
Getting comfortable with vulnerability: First one must recognise these fragile moments of vulnerability and work with them. Mindfulness is a good place to start. Vulnerability is the core, the
heart, the centre of meaningful human experiences. What scares us is sometimes actually good for us. If you can stomach sitting with it.. Vulnerability has the potential to transform itself into joy.
What changes would you like to make in your own life?
These are some suggestions to keep in mind in your own life.Recognise that facing vulnerability takes enormous courage. Take small steps, and be proud of your Bravery, and let go of the constant worry about what other people think of you. According toLisa Nicholls, What other people think of you is none of your business. Most people are focused on their own internal struggles. The feeling of being overwhelmed; focus your attention gently on your breath and the sensations in your body for a few moments
Vulnerability is a sign of weakness. We think of times that we feel vulnerable, emotionally exposed.. This is when we are actually recalling times of great courage.
before running your attention, back to the task at hand. Don't worry about +being perfectin fact do not even consider it.The more you hold yourself to an impossible ideal, the more easily you will give up.
Agnes George has many aspects that compile her life, the first of three girls, learnt at a very early age to be a high achiever, number one sports arthlete, the first to attend university in her family. A mother of one son and two adorable grandchildren. Founder & CEO of Health & Mental Wellbeing Lifestyle. Her purpose is helping persons who are high risk , and prediabetes type two prevent complications occurring. Best selling author, Certified World Class Speaker, Health Strategist, Certified NLP & Cognitive Behaviour Coach, Type 2 Diabetes Transformation Mentor, Ambassador of women's Health; has been honoured with the Prestigious Powerhouse Global Woman Award for contribution to women Empowerment around the world; with three decades of knowledge and experience
in health care, nursing and Midwifery Management, Specialist in preterm babies born to mothers of gestational diabetes.
Agnes is ample qualified to to lead this service, with a BSc degree in Nursing, Certificate in Management, Diploma in Management, Specialist Certificate in preterm babies born to mothers of Gestational Diabetes, Certified Sickle Cell Disease & Thalassaemia Specialist., a Masters Degree in Midwifery,
Agnes leads from a place of service, authenticity, self belief, genuineness, humility and passion for helping persons. Her mission is to reach five million individuals globally
over five years in education of prevention of type 2 diabetes, through her speaking, Coaching, and webinars.
Diabetes is the fastest growing health condition in the world, It is estimated that if diabetes were a country that it would be the largest country in the world. Has been speaking on the subject for years.
Your health is your responsibility. I invite you to join my community.
Connect with me here:
Linkedin: www.linkedin/in/ agnestgeorge
Facebook: https:// www.facebook.com/ agnestgeorge332
Getting comfortable with vulnerability: First one must recognise these fragile moments of vulnerability and work with them. Mindfulness is a good place to start.
My name is Fiona and I am a midlife personal trainer and wellness coach helping women to ease and have balance through Perimenopause, menopause and into older age. I work with women to help maintain their Cardiovascular, bone, muscle and cognitive health all of which are important as we age, it’s never too early to start to look at these areas to make sure we ease into midlife without health problems.
I also work to improve Core and balance, improve
functional posture, and flexibility, maintain fascial spring, hydrate fascia, increase movement acuity plus at all times being respectful pelvic floor.
This is all done in a purpose driven way, we need to stop looking at the typical exercise and fat loss method and wanting to be thin and think more about doing non exhausting, purposeful exercise that is energy giving, achievable, enjoyable and gives us the tools to stay fit and healthy.
I also look at nutrition and hydration to ensure you are getting the right vitamins and minerals in your diet and offering supplementation where needed.
Other topics like stress, sleep patterns, gut health, hot flushes ,night sweats, toxic overload from environmental factors, weight gain, anxiety/depression, lack of sex drive, breast care, hair thinning and thyroid health are covered in my programmes.
Lastly we look at restorative ways to calm the mind and reduce the stress of everyday life. I am passionate about nutrition and have created many healthy recipes for you to try as well as specialized ones for gut health, Low carbohydrate, High protein, fat loss and more.
Maintaining cognitive and brain health through Menopause
The current global and UK stats on dementia and cognitive decline are quite something 850,000 people in the UK are estimated to be living with Dementia.
24.6 Million People in the UK that’s 38% of the population know a family member or close friend living with dementia. 1 in 3 people born in the UK this year will develop dementia in their lifetime.
1 in 14 people over 65 have dementia in the UK and 1 in 79 of the whole population.
The dementias are now the leading cause of death in the UK and the projected increase of dementias by 2030 is that it will increase by 40% from now to 2030.
So what are we going to do about it? Can lifestyle and nutrition interventions prevent/ slowdown cognitive decline? YES!!!!!
By following some of these called the Blue zones Power 9 what makes people live longer and healthier.
1 Move Naturally
Make daily physical activity an unavoidable part of your environment.
2 Have THE right outlook
Know your purpose and downshift i.e. work less, slow down and take holidays.
3 Eat wisely Eat until 80% full, eat more veggies, less red meat and less processed foods, drink a glass of red wine daily just 1 though !!!!
4 Belong
Create a healthy social network, prioritise family and connect with your beliefs.
• Nutrition
• Stimulus
• Rest and calm
• Less environmental toxins
• Movement and exercise
• Love community connection and faith
• Mild cognitive impairment includes
• Forgetfulness
• Difficulty concentrating
• Words on tip of your lounge
• Going in to a room and forgetting why you went in there
• Brain fog
• Depression
• Symptoms worsen
• Increasing disorientation
• Increasing difficulty communicating
• Increasing difficulty with basic life skills i.e. dressing, cooking and eating
• Personality changes
• Worsening symptoms over time leading to death.
I also look at nutrition and hydration to ensure you are getting the right vitamins and minerals in your diet and offering supplementation where needed.
• Alzheimer’s 62%
• Vascular dementia 17%
• Mixed dementia 10%
• Dementia with Lewy bodies 4%
• Parkinson’s disease 2%
• Frontotemporal 29%
• Others like MS, CJD
Foods you should eat THE MIND DIET Mediterranean –Dash intervention for neurodegenerative Delay. The mind diet aims to reduce dementia and the decline in brain health that occurs as people get older; it combines aspects of two very popular
diets, the Mediterranean and the dietary approaches to stop hypertension DASH.
• Fish
• Green leafy vegetables
• Other vegetables
• Berries
• Red wine
• Olive oil
• Nuts
• Whole grains
• Poultry
• Beans
• Foods to avoid
• Red meat
• Butter and margarine
• Sweets
• Cheese
• Pastries
• Fried and fast foods
1 in 14 people over 65 have dementia in the UK and 1 in 79 of the whole population. The dementias are now the leading cause of death in the UK and the projected increase of dementias by 2030 is that it will increase by 40% from now to 2030.
The brain's ability to recognise itself by forming new neural connections throughout life, it allows the neurons in the brain to compensate for injury and disease and adjust their activities in response to new situations or to changes in their environment.
Is a process of generating functional neurons from adult neural precursors, occurs throughout life in restricted brain regions in mammals. Response to new situations or to changes in their environment. It appears we are able to teach old dogs new tricks and have the capacity to create new neurons, habits and learn new information for all our lives.
as it stimulates production of Oxytocin
• Rest/sleep minus blue light
• Less stress- cortisol damages the hippocampus (the new brain cell factory)
• Meditation and breath work, a calm brain is more functional
• Supportive nutrition an anti-inflammatory diet
• Community, love/ social support
• Movement/ exercise increasing blood flow to the brain
• Ongoing education
• Learning a new language
• Factors that improve and increase cognitive health and neurogenesis.
• Playing board game
• Less sugar beta amyloid plaques = Alzheimer’s= Diabetes type 111 and age
• Less multi-tasking it actually reduces efficiency
• Less environmental toxins
• Pets – brain calming and encourage exercise
• Less sugar
• Less alcohol
• More sleep
• Rest, meditation
• Less rumination
• Lessen environmental toxins
• Include brain challenges in to exercise sessions
• Stress reduction
• Drug management
• Improve gut health
• Improve oral health
• Act now before they are symptomatic
Smart Nutrition and fitness
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• Novelty and new stimulus –neurogenic
• Touch via a trusted person
• Being in nature- calming and less rumination
• Enriched environments promotes brain activity
• BDNF (brain derived neurotrophic factor) can be increased with exercise.
Never allow anyone to stop you on any count unless it presents a danger. Believe in yourself; Become the person you envision; Empower others to do the same. Serving communities is the ultimate gift you may give, and the boomerang effect brings about unimaginable surprises and success stories we never see coming.
We are each unique individuals with one life to live; the objective is to live without regret. The better way to begin is to seek out those with similar values and priorities and lean toward a collaborative effort. One person alone achieves limited success; a collaborative team can take their achievement(s) to exponential numbers; however, working for societal good is the ultimate game-changer for many.
Not fitting in with those around her and surrounded by bullies, by age 5, Stutz learned the best life lesson, 'No one else will speak up for you; it's your duty to do so for yourself.' Furthermore, asking direct questions about sentiments targeting her put the bullies back on their heels. Being different gave her the space and time to sort out her unique traits and how
to apply them throughout her life.
By age 16, still not fitting in, she began International Travel which continues today and totals visiting 38 countries. Years later, speaking up was the only way she could survive the corporate atmosphere biased against females. The ongoing travel gave her a better perspective on varying cultures and the advantages of welcoming all, which empowered her selling ability. Today, she contributes to the social media committee for Inclusion Allies Coalition.
Upon applying for her first sales job, she had to corner the Director into hiring her to sell an unknown brand of copier door-to-door against Xerox, the known biggest and the best. Worse, training was not permitted because she was a stupid female. Stutz saw that as a green light to approach clientele her way.
She enrolled in a three-month-long Dale Carnegie public speaking class to deal with the stress. The first night, she could barely announce her name; by the last night, she became The Grand Prize Winner! The story-sharing training had clients begging Stutz to return for more
meetings as they found her incredibly fun to be with, which encouraged their loyalty, and her brand became 'A breath of fresh air!'
Although unfamiliar with the printers, she became the top producer by the fourth month. The office games grew ugly against her. The worst was to have the men enjoy a lingerie fashion show modeled by a mother-daughter combo at a motel on the worst side of town- in honor of Elinor's significant sales! The song title, 'Only the strong will survive,' by Axel Rudi Pell, comes to mind. Elinor's strength shamed the men, including the Sales Director leading the pack.
At year-end, management gave her accounts to the men and tripled her quota for the following year, requiring a new job. The same scenario occurred throughout her eleven sales jobs over eleven years.
Stutz finally took a day off from work. Stopped at a red light, the driver behind her traveled at about 60 mph to slam full force into Stutz's car. Stutz told the doctor she could feel her brain swaying inside her head. Years later, as a passenger, she experienced the car sliding into a lamppost and, to her surprise, she requested an ambulance.
While on a stretcher, Stutz's life changed forever. Two visions came to her. The first showed her becoming an inspirational speaker. In her mind, Stutz exclaimed, 'That's what I always wanted to do!' A brilliant gold light then encased her entire body. A second vision was a report card showing high life marks on the left but a blank column on the right entitled 'Community Service.'
Stutz instantly pledged to begin giving back to communities, but with one stipulation that she could walk out of the hospital by herself for a full recovery. A brilliant blink of light led her to believe she would recuperate well. Remarkable experiences occurred that night in the hospital, confirming she would recover well. The near-death visions plus extraordinary care mentally inspired Stutz to chart her forthcoming business plan.
The Surgeon and the entire medical staff on duty were
Upon applying for her first sales job, she had to corner the Director into hiring her to sell an unknown brand of copier door-todoor against Xerox, the known biggest and the best. Worse, training was not permitted because she was a stupid female.
stunned by her outcome, and they each visited Stutz's room while referring to her as The Walking Miracle!
Upon announcing that she was a sales trainer at a new event in a new city, Stutz was humiliated with rude laughter. Thankfully, a woman took her aside to say, 'Write a book to establish your credibility.' Stutz reckoned with the fact that her phone was no longer ringing and that she had nothing to lose.
Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results was born. It is a corporate tell-all sharing the worst stories over the eleven years to reveal how she stood up to it and excelled but with names changed to protect the guilty. It shares all the awful corporate behind-the-scenes stories alongside the fun-filled moments Stutz enjoyed with her clientele.
1. The first publishing house, Sourcebooks, said Yes!
2. TIME Magazine featured the book, which quickly became an International Best-Seller. Stutz then appeared on ABC-TV News and other media channels.
3. The book is now Evergreen – Among the Classics!
Helped many acquire the job they sought.
As an entrepreneur, Stutz serves audiences by blogging her best business insights and those of contributing guests via the Smooth Sale Blog.
Website: https://smoothsale.net
LinkedIn Profile: https://www. linkedin.com/in/elinorstutz/
Agnes George has many aspects that compile her life, the first of three girls, learnt at a very early age to be a high achiever, number one sports arthlete, the first to attend university in her family.
A mother of one son and two adorable grandchildren.
Founder & CEO of Health & Mental Wellbeing Lifestyle.
Her purpose is helping persons who are high risk , and pre-diabetes type two prevent complications occurring.
Best selling author, Certified World Class Speaker, Health Strategist, Certified NLP & Cognitive Behaviour Coach, Type 2 Diabetes Transformation Mentor, Ambassador of women's Health; has been honoured with the Prestigious Powerhouse Global Woman Award for contribution to women Empowerment around the world; with three decades of knowledge and experience in health care, nursing and Midwifery Management, Specialist in preterm babies born to mothers of gestational diabetes.
Agnes is ample qualified to to lead this service, with a BSc degree in Nursing, Certificate in Management, Diploma in Management, Specialist Certificate in preterm babies born to mothers of Gestational Diabetes, Certified Sickle Cell Disease & Thalassaemia Specialist., a Masters Degree in Midwifery, Agnes leads from a place of service, authenticity, self belief, genuineness, humility and passion for helping
Her mission is to reach five million individuals globally over five years in education of prevention of type 2 diabetes, through her speaking, Coaching, and webinars. Diabetes is the fastest growing health condition in the world, It is estimated that if diabetes were a country that it would be the largest country in the world. Has been speaking on the subject for years.
Your health is your responsibility. I invite you to join my community.
Connect with me here: Linkedin: www.linkedin/in/agnestgeorge Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ agnestgeorge332
Aurea Wanuza Marques Reis, is the author's full name. Friends and family address her as ‘Wanuza’, but professionally she prefers to be addressed as ‘Aurea.’ In the book Healing Letters you will see both names. Aurea was born in Luanda (Angola) and permanently moved to Portugal in 1992 when she was eleven years old, due to the Civil War. She remembers very little from her birth country, but she embraces both countries as part of her heritage. One saw her born and the other saw her grow up; together they built and shaped her personality. The author is now 41 years old and moved to UK in 2008 when recession hit Portugal hard. She is a single mother of a 10-year-old boy. Aurea graduated by the University College Birmingham in Tourism Business Management. She worked in the tourism industry for 6 years until she was made redundant due to COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, Aurea works as Employment Coach at a Refugee and Migrants Centre in West Midlands. When writing her book, she discovered she wanted to do something more meaningful and rewarding. She now uses her lived experience to help other people overcome their own trauma. By healing her inner child, the author discovered her caring side, and is enjoying pursuing that path. Her hobbies are writing, travelling, fitness, quiet time alone, and spending quality time with her close friends and family.
Aurea commenced her philanthropy work shortly after publishing her book Healing Letters. She hosted a series of events on Facebook and Instagram raising awareness of historical child sexual abuse, domestic abuse and narcissistic abuse.
Aurea is a much sought after guest speaker, appearing in person at local and national events. She has also spoken at in person and online events sharing her expertise and sign posting survivors of
abuse towards therapeutic support. In 2021 Aurea took part in the Wolverhampton Literature Festival, where her book was taken up by Waterstones bookshop and Birmingham University.
Aurea is a TEDx speaker. Her talk took place at the Wolverhampton Arena in 2022. Her talk was entitled Children of today are the adults of tomorrow. Her passionate yet compassionate talk inspired many and continues to do so on social media, reaching 700+ people.
In 2022 Aurea became a confidence coach for the Miss Caribbean and Commonwealth pageant. She supported the delegates through delivering a series of online motivational sessions, which were appreciated by the young women. In particular Aurea was keen to support the delegate from Aurora, who struggled with the English language and finding her own voice. Miss Angola came second in the pageant. In 2023 Aurea was no longer on the peripheral of the Wolverhampton Literature Festival, but at the centre, headlining at the Wolverhampton Arena. She recently landed a publishing deal with a publisher in Portugal who will translate Healing Letters into Portuguese. Aurea aspires to hold a book launch in Portugal and Brazil.
Apst. Dr. Precious Toe, Founder and CEO Rising Star Day Care LTD, Founder and CEO Women Worship Gospel Music Awards,and Founder and CEO Albinism Foundation UK and Liberia, Founder and CEO Restored To Ignite Ministry UK/International.
Firstly, it is my greatest honour to be a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Everything I have and owe came as an additional blessing from God. I am a public speaker, Radio host/presenter, I use my Podcast to give others voice on issues that no one wants to speak about in our communities, Inspirational Hour on UGN JAMZ Radio station.
I am a law Researcher, I put disability policies together for the government as part of a team, I am an award winning gospel artist, who has won many awards:- e.g. Italy Best Female Vocalist 2018, Praisetex Praise award, And more.I am an inspirational worshiper and songwrite, and an author. All that and More but my joy is being mother to my beautiful children; Mona, Angel, TJ (Anthony JR) Moses and Tailey Trey and a wife to my wonderful husband Mr Christabell L. Peters.
I was born in liberia Monrovia to the late Mr Moses Toe and Rebecca Vleyee in 1980. During the civil war in Liberia, at the age of 9 went to Ghana where she studied at Swiss International school. I came to the United Kingdom at the age of 16 in 1996. Studied at BlackHeath BlueCoat Secondary School. She has her Bachelor of Law LLP from University of Greenwich. I went on toget my Doctorate from University
of Westminster in Law. I also have an Early Childhood degree. I was awarded a doctorate from the Universal Peace Federation for my Humanitarian and charitable Work with Persons with Albinism. My charity has 30 young people in schools and we support their families to get jobs, housing and open their businesses.
My business Rising Star Day Care LTD provides childcare for children 0-5 years old and I am a member of All FaithNetwork in support of peace with different faith groups across the UK and MPs working with the government to establish stabilities and awareness of faith groups. We as a team have written a book.
I use my experiences as a woman who survived domestic violence to educate and support women all over the globe under the umbrella of Women Worship Gospel Music Award powered by, Restored To Ignite Ministry International. We educate through conferences, Worship experiences, to reach the unreachable and the less privileged in our communities.
I am an activist in the communities for young women supporting each other. I was Awarded Ambassador Of Peace from the Universal Federation Of Peace in 2017 for Advocating for Persons with Albinism, the African Child, the girl child projects. In my spare time, I watch Korean dramas, listen to the news, read books, and take care of her 5 children if not working on policies and public speaking on issues that matter.
On the 10th of February 2023, I auditioned for the movie about the 6888 US female soldiers that came to the UK during the 1940’s by Tyler Perry Movie for Netflix. It was a great experience and a presence to behold.
How this empowered women to have a voice and believe in themselves.
Moto: Empower on Woman, Empower all..
I had the revelation to start a worship programme with women with topics to heal and worship but I thought what do I give them to remember how far they have come? That’s where Women Worship Gospel music Awards and other disciplines was born.
The Women Worship Gospel Music Awards (WWGMA) was founded by Apst. Dr. Precious Toe and is more than an awards show. It is a message. It is an empowerment movement. WWGMA looks beyond the popular voices, popular branding, popular artists and picks out the ones who have been hidden, ignored, segregated, unpopular, and always in the background! We pick women out from the back and bring them to the forefront.
Think about a relay race, the most crucial part of the race is what happens in the exchange zone. It doesn’t matter how fast you run, if the baton is dropped during the race, then nothing else matters. It is game over. But when the runner crosses the line, it isn't based on one person but depends on those who have run before. Our motto is: empower one woman, empower all women. By honouring one woman, another woman is empowered.
A woman who is still standing somewhere overlooked, will push even more. It gives another woman hope and the motivation to answer the call over their life that they've probably been resisting for so
long. For another woman, it’s an emphasis, that even when nobody celebrates People of Faith Raising Above COVID-19 them, heaven always is. So going back to the relay race illustration, as the trophy is being passed to one woman, it is a reminder that united as one, we can run together and make a bigger impact. It is not for us alone, but to pass on the wisdom, gifts, knowledge, experiences, to our generation and the generation coming after us and any other person who is awaiting that baton so they can run their own race.
The baton is a reminder of God’s faithfulness and that we are not here for self. As worshippers, as we live a lifestyle of worship, we are here to sow the seed of true and proper worship to those after us: blessed to be a blessing. We are all many functions in one body. Hence, every year for the past five years, we have celebrated, supported, and impacted many women and the younger generation into their careers pathways through education, jobs, housing opportunities and more.
Aziza is a qualified Life Coach (over 10 years) , a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Trainer of NLP.
Aziza’s company is called Living for Success. Through coaching and NLP based training, she enables women to get unstuck by helping them to unlock their inner wisdom to heal, develop and evolve into an authentic leader to create aligned success in life and career. The work begins from the inside-out - inner work must come first.
In addition to running her business, Living for Success, she has a career of over 20 years in the Human Resources profession and has recently made a sideways move into Learning and Organisational Development. She is also a mother to three young adults.
This year Aziza will be running a new beta group coaching programme called Lead You to Be You specifically created for Women of Colour. The intention is to help individuals embrace their lived experiences as a Woman of Colour at work, home and in society, understand the impact it is having in their life and become empowered to create meaningful change.
Bamidele Farinre is an award-winning Chartered Scientist and certified Scrum Master with a remarkable track record of leadership and advocacy in the fields of biomedical science and technology. As a Chief Biomedical Scientist (Scientific Lead) during the COVID-19 pandemic, Bamidele played a pivotal role in the Mobile Processing Unit Vans project (MPUV) for the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). Her leadership ensured the rapid deployment of 14 validated MPU-Vs and the training of healthcare professionals in utilizing LAMP technology for COVID-19 diagnostics.
Her dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is evident in her roles as a STEM Ambassador, BAME Staff Representative, Freedom to Speak Up Ambassador, and Deputy Chair of the Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS) Specialist Advisory Panel Group. She actively mentors, writes articles, participates in educational podcasts, and presents at conferences on DEI and leadership.
Bamidele's impact has been widely recognized, earning her accolades such as for winning Compassionate and Inclusive Leader of the Year Award 2023 at the NATIONAL BAME HEALTH AND CARE AWARDS, inclusion within the 2023 Heroes Women Role Model Lists supported by YouTube, winning the Biomedical Scientist of the Year award in the UK Advancing Healthcare Awards and the "Rising Star" award in the Science and Engineering category from 'WeAreTheCity.' She was also elected as an Honorary Fellow of the UK Academy of
As an advocate for diversity and inclusion, Bamidele's role as a British Science Institution (BSI) committee representative for IBMS aligns with her passion for promoting EDI in STEM. Her tireless efforts have led to her participation as a delegate for the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67) at the United Nations in 2023, representing the United Kingdom."
Together with her own lived experience as a survivor of abuse and in her professional work, Beverley works with clients who make substantial changes to their own physical, mental (neurological) and emotional wellness; including those that have been bed bound and/ or restricted in their everyday lives with chronic illness and pain.
In her early childhood at the age of 4, she remembers the day the police came and took her mum, siblings and herself in the back of a police van to the local police station. It was there that all 3 children were separated from their mum, and taken into a children’s home. A couple of years later another sibling joined them at 6 months old and. She still remembers that first night of being bathed, tried and having clean pyjamas and a bed to sleep in – whilst she was sad to be separated from her mum, being in care for her was the best place, it was safe and also comfortable. At the age of 10 they returned home to both parents and 2 other siblings and very quickly Beverley became the main carer, cleaning, shopping and cooking for the family as her parents were in a toxic relationship and alcoholics. By the time she was 13 there was no gas or electricity, when the NSPCC turned up following several concerned callers. November 8, 1977, when returning from School, her social worker was there to take back herself and 2 siblings to a children’s home under the original court order from when she was 4 years old for neglect. The 3 youngest siblings went to a different borough as they were not under a court order and became separated. She wanted to return to care, albeit it was a different one
and at 15 she was fostered by her English Teacher. Sadly within a year this placement had broken down and at the age of 16 she lived in a hostel in Bromley, Kent. That Christmas sitting round the table, were several other vulnerable young people and she realised that whilst they had adults around them making decisions, no one had actually asked any of them their story – Beverley had 13 Social workers in 14 years! What no-one had never asked her, was; Why at the age of 10, did she have night terrors when she knew she was going home to live with her Parents? Sadly her Dad had started to sexually abuse her as she turned 4 years old, before she even went into care. Also his friend started when she was about 7 on the visits home. It was following a frank and honest conversation with Beverley when she was 15 with “Auntie Helen” who ran the 2nd children’s home about the difference between sex and intimacy, with having choices that Beverley realised the full horror of what had been happening. She was
“Enabling Adult Survivors of child abuse and trauma to have a voice, is my passion and life purpose”
unable to tell anyone at that time, however the next visit home she was able to stop the Abuse happening again. It was after having children, that Beverley Ann at the age of 30 that Beverley reached out to a Charity for support and counselling for Sexual Abuse and started her own recovery journey.
Following that she became ill with various illnesses, Meningitis, kidney stones, Shingles of the Mouth, regular viruses and sore throat, finally being diagnosed as a Chronic Asthmatic. Following Divorce, closure of 2 businesses, Bankruptcy, separation from family, Beverley remembered her vision from when she was 16. She then researched at started studying to become a Wellness Coach with The Chrysalis Effect , learning about the impact of Trauma and Stress on the mind and body and the predisposed medical outcomes of Adverse Childhood Experiences. With a passion for learning, and study combined with her Lived Experience she is now a Trauma Specialist Recovery Practitioner with numerous certifications and specialises in Mind/Body Medicine under both TCE and SIRPA.
Our bodies are amazing and work hard to keep us safe and survive. By learning to
acknowledge and understand what is happening physically in our bodies, we can start to respond by using different selfcare tools and techniques, that enable us to calm our stress and trauma responses. When we have an understanding of how we respond to different environments and relationships, we can further acknowledge our thoughts and emotional needs, to enable recovery, healing and balance in everyday life.
Through her work as a Speaker and Facilitator, she share’s her own experience to raise awareness of everyday trauma, and believes that by opening conversations about difficult subjects, we are able to change how we approach recovery together, with pro-active prevention and intervention going forward, for children, young people and vulnerable Adults.
As the founder of The StepForward Practice in 2017 and member of the Institute of Recovery from Childhood Trauma (IRCT) Beverley Ann is proud to be an award winning, accredited and outstanding Recovery Practitioner for chronic fatigue and Pain, specialising in adults overcoming Adverse Childhood experiences (ACEs).. In addition she has hosted several events across different
sectors including speaking with Category D young male prisoners, hosting Q&A panels at various schools for Teachers and Parents, including Social Care week March 2023 for social workers and mental health practitioners.
Today, Beverley is happily remarried a year ago, is currently studying a Degree at The Open University and co-hosts a Podcast called “Breaking The Cycle To StepForward” with a colleague Chris Tuck who is also a survivor of Child Sexual Abuse, Emotional, Physical and Sexual and together they use their voice to raise awareness, education and to enable change and support.
To explore the best next StepForward for you, contact me via email beverley@ stepforwardpractice.co.uk or my website where you can find more information about interactive wellness group workshops and coaching 1:1.
“Trauma and Adversity affects us all in individual ways, and I believer that with the right awareness and information we can make the best choices for ourselves, to create the life we want to live – most importantly though Learning to Love Yourself is the greatest Love as in the words of George Benson and Whitney Houston” Beverley Ann.
Carmel Britto is a passionate educator who is committed to the empowerment of women and children. She works to ensure that through her education, coaching and training programmes, those she works with are given the right tools needed to utilise education and enterprise as a means to break social immobility for themselves, their families and the community as a whole.
Carmel is skilled at creating and delivering a wide range of educational enrichment projects, programmes, provisions and events which enable children and their families to connect with industry professions and engage in learning experiences which they may not originally be able to gain within mainstream education or due to socio-economic barriers. Being acutely aware of the suggles which many families from African and Caribbean families face within mainstream education, Carmel uses her experience of working in education, sitting on exclusion panels and being a parent governor to aid other parents through coaching to support their children to navigate the UK mainstream education system.
She has been commissioned by Royal Borough Greenwich, Peabody and the Black Culture Collective to deliver bodies of work for local familes and has been funded by BSA and UKRI for the last 7 years to host a variety of STEM clubs and events designed to widened the participation of children from underserved backgrounds with sciences engagement, education and career progression.
Carmel is the Education Director of LPF Kiddies Club a non profit out of school club based in the Royal Borough of Greenwich which she founded in 2013 to provide a safe place where 5 to 14 years old children of African and Caribbean descent can, learn, play and grow. Operating during the school holidays, LPF Kiddies Club provides culturally appropriate
educational enrichment programmes which aid in improving life chances, raising achievement and attainment levels and equipping participants with life skills. Working with over 289 local children annually carmel is able to support those children to make better social and economical choices, improve their performance and grades within mainstream education whilst gaining a deep sense of their cultural identity.
She is also the founder of a womens network called 'Jeans and Heels Divas club', originally started to to support mums of LPF Kiddies club children to create financial independence for themselves through enterprise it has now grown to a thriving social enterprise that supports numerous women annual to thrive as mothers and business owners. She as supported numerous women to scale up their business, make viable connections to support the improvement of their businesses and find clarity and purpose. She also host numerous networking events to help facilitate connections between women as well as to create space that help to break the social isolation most women in business face as soloprenuers. Her events have grown to be multiaward winning events boosting a Royal Borough Greenwich civic award among others
Christine Giscombe, is a Motivational Speaker, a Certified Emotional Intelligence Relationship Coach and an Award Winning Mentor.
Christine provides mentoring for teenage girls, and she coaches women in business. She is the founder of Born to Excel®️, which delivers mentoring, coaching and workshops for females of all ages.
Christine is a former member of the Professional Speakers Association and the past Chair of the Board of a large national charitable organisation (YMCA). Christine has approximately 30 years’ experience working in the legal profession and currently works as the Director of Finance & Administration in a leading set of barristers’ chambers. She is currently the Chair of the Board for Spark2Life, a charity providing Positive Keys for Life whose primary focus is working with disaffected young people in prison, transitioning out of prison and into the community. The of the charity is to support and eradicate crime and gang culture and give an opportunity to those transitioning out of a lifestyle of crime by encouraging a positive social and behavioural lifestyle.
Christine is a mentor for Richard Branson’s Centre of Entrepreneurship in Jamaica and serves on an Advisory Board supporting and advising young entrepreneurs in their business development journey. Christine is also currently a mentor for the Santander, Women in Business Programme. Christine has developed a project for Mothers & Daughters called ‘Mother & Daughter Conversations®️’ which examines the intergenerational relationship that exists between mothers and daughters and how this
The programme delivers seminars, workshops, specific module session 1-2-1 and 1-many support for mothers and for daughters. These services delivery tools that build the bridge that promotes healing and restoration to fractured Mother & Daughter relationships using the powerful use of words; Words Written, Words Whispered, Words Spoken!
This platform provides a safe place to share and gives language and a voice to experiences that cannot be easily articulated!
Your Story, My Story, Our Stories! Mother & Daughter Conversations®️
“Sometimes it takes another person to believe in you and see something of purpose and value in you before you believe and see the seeds of greatness within.”
For further information contact: christine@ borntoexcel.co.uk
For further information please visit: https:// www.borntoexcel.co.uk
Cordelia Gaffar is the Ultimate Joy Goddess
Cordelia Gaffar is the Ultimate Joy Goddess – a soul medicine woman guiding women to have multiorgasmic sex every time!! She is a holistic healing practitioner certified in sports nutrition and a certified Movement 109 Facilitator.
As the CEO of Workout Around My Day Inc., Cordelia is a globally sought-after speaker, workshop and movement facilitator, a four-time best-selling author of eight books including America’s Leading Ladies with Oprah Winfrey, and host of her personal podcast, The Free to Be Show.
Cordelia was inducted into the Global Library of Female Authors in 2020 and is the recipient of multiple awards including the Top National Influencer, Sexy Brilliant Leader, and the Brainz Global 500 Award of Influencers and Entrepreneurs for 2021 and 2023. She also won Podcast of the Year in 2022, and was named Best Podcast Host from Powerhouse Global in 2019.
She left her position as CFO for a small IT firm in Washington DC nineteen years ago to homeschool her six children. Cordelia has been featured on America Meditating Radio, British Muslim TV, South African Radio 786, Soul Wealth Radio in Washington DC, and Fox News.
I believe in the transformative power of relationship & connection. I know that when we come together, our impact is more powerful. That's why my mission as an author, speaker, and humanitarian is to create exceptional experiences that spark engagement, enable change, and enrich lives.
A Registered Nurse by profession, I serve at the intersection of leadership & service, working full time at NYUHC and supporting the mission of Lelt Foundation (a non- profit organization based in New York) serving as a member of the board and as medical director to improve access to healthcare in Ethiopia.
Committed to meeting critical needs of victims of war, poverty, famine, disease and natural disaster, I serve on an International Disaster Assistance Response Team and have served the people of the Bahamas, Liberia, Nigeria, Ethiopia, refugees from Syria, Pakistan & Afghanistan in Greece, refugees at the US southern border, in NYC Central Park field hospital for Covid19 response, and most recently in Zimbabwe and El Salvador providing hope, healthcare, & humanitarian aid.
Author of “Asleep at Last” a joyful adventure through the alphabet for children and their grown ups. Together you will learn all about how insects, sea life, birds, and animals play all
day and the silly ways they fall asleep…at last!
Challenging the narrative & influencing social media's message, as CEO/Founder of Celebrating Women LLC, I created a global platform to amplify women’s voices & visibility, impact & influence; hosting events, speaking internationally, writing, editing, and publishing a unifying collection of interviews about women.
The Celebrating Women movement grew and includes a beautifully published planner/ journal featuring inspirational quotes from the interviews, a newly released scripture edition, a digital magazine, and a podcast, radio, & tv show!
I invite you to reach out, connect, and share your story at www.DianeCurley.com
...because EVERY woman is a role model!
Dr Tsitsi Mercy (DTM) is a Global Transformational Speaker Advocating for Women Empowerment and Global Peace. She is a Life Strategist, Avid Inspirational writer, Leadership Skills Trainer. Workshop Facilitator and Charity Fundraiser.
DTM is the CEO and President of Equipped for Excellence Group. A non-profit Women’s organisation that Supports , Trains, Equips, Educates and Empowers women and the girl child.
DTM wears many hats that are diverse and community work based. Through her initiative in advancing the causes of women and girls, DTM has re-defined the platforms that women in Front Line Leadership can occupy. She is a sought-after advocate covering Humanitarian Topics on World Peace, SocioEconomic, Cultural, Ethnicity & Religion. She participates in several House of Parliament events promoting the welfare of BME women and aiming to ensure equitable access to rights and entitlements for women in the Diaspora. Dr Tsitsi Mercy was appointed Governor in her Local Authority in Wales. She works closely with young adults ensuring there is clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
These are Power Packed Annual Women’s Conferences, Hosted in different cities by Dr. Tsitsi Mercy and the Equipped for Excellence events team. It’s a weekend were women from all faiths, all cultures gather to be empowered,
challenged, and motivated to step up and step out of containment and become the best they are created to be. The conference provides a platform for upcoming talents and artist to showcase their products. Local and International Guest speakers are invited to address different topics. Her heart’s desire remains “Changing Lives Changing Hearts One Woman at Time”
What started as small discussion and information groups for single ladies, widows and divorced women who had migrated into the Diaspora, quickly mushroomed into community groups dotted around different cities. As the momentum and assignment of Soaring Singles grew so did the needs of many single women. Dr. Mercy has a dedicated team who help stir this ship around the globe
Women of Faith Behind Bars ( WFBB)
WFBB is the latest initiative spearheaded by Dr Tsitsi Mercy driving change in destigmatising the
label attached to marginalized women with experience of the Criminal Justice System. WFBB is providing training and personal development programs that help reduce the re-offending rates and change the narrative around ethnic minority women in prison.
Realising that many young ladies receive little to no career guidance outside of home and not pursuing the appropriate educational plan for real world career opportunities and business needs, Dr Mercy embarked on Career guidance supporting young girls with information and possible career paths and current employment opportunity available upon leaving full time education. Pulling from her many years of experience in Human Resources, Recruitment and Personnel Consultancy, Dr Mercy provides career guidance, including CV writing, interview skills and job hunting for students around the UK.
Using her experience as an Image Consultant, Dr Tsitsi Mercy’s sessions are designed to coach and teach young
ladies and girls social skills, self confidence and personal style. The sessions are interactive, entertaining and educational. Momentum has grown for Mercy’s etiquette & Image sessions across the UK with many organisations and schools requesting for her to address and coach their young adults on Image & Etiquette.
Dr Tsitsi Mercy holds an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Humanity through the Academy Of Universal Global Peace (AUGP) under the United Nations “Desa” & United Nations Global Compact, United Nations Academic Impact and European Commission.
*Certificate of Excellence in Establishing Global Peace–Awarded by Academy of Universal Global Peace (AUGP)
*Peace Educator in Global Mission of the United Nations Global Compact and *Charters of UN– Awarded by Academy of Universal Global Peace ( AUGP)
*Golden Award of Human Excellence– Awarded by Academy of Universal Global
Peace ( AUGP)
*Golden Award of Best Peace Builder– Awarded by Academy of Universal Global Peace ( AUGP)
*Golden Award of Best Leadership for Global Peace–Awarded by Academy of Universal Global Peace ( AUGP)
Dr. Mercy is ranked among UK’s Most Inspiring and Influential Women. She is a recipient of the following:
*Religious Leader Recognition Award 2016:Awarded by Womanhood Global
*Women Ministerial Leader Recognition Award 2016:Awarded by Women of Purpose
*Inspirational Woman of the Year Finalist 2017: by Women4Africa
*Outstanding Coach and Mentor Finalist 2018 by EPRA Leadership & Entrepreneurial Awards
Email: admin@ equippedforexcellence.org.uk
Facebook : Dr Tsitsi MercyDTM
Instagram: mercytsitsidtm
Twitter: Tsitsimercydoc
Councillor Prof. Dr. Augusta Elizabeth Koroma is a subject matter expert in Sickle Cell disease. She is also a Public Health Consultant, with a company called SEA Consultancy, global Conference Speaker, Enterpreneurer, CEO of Africa Sickle Cell Centre for Education and Research (ASCC4ER) Sierra Leone and Sickle Cell Intervention International UK. Cllr. Augusta is presently the parish Councillor for Hoo St Werburgh Parish Council Chattenden in Kent. Director of Education and Health promotion for the European sickle cell Federation based in Belgium. She is a published author of 4 books.
Prof. Augusta has many years of academic and practical work experience that spans over 10 years. She had worked as an Administrative Health Care Professional for NHS Professionals UK and worked for Medway council.
She is a prolific local and international conference speaker and have spoken at the House of Parliament U.K., BBC Ability and BBC Embrace United Kingdom, World Orphan Drug Congress U.S.A, World evidence pricing Access (EPA) Congress in Amsterdam, and have written many published articles. She is the recipient of the 2017 Community Security Award from the Africa Security Forum UK, The 2018 BEFFTA People’s Choice Award, Women of Excellence award 2021/2022; EDU Excellence award September 2022, in recognition of the outstanding contribution towards society in
the field of education, Global peace award 2022 by EDVISHAM Women for Africa Awards 2023 in Education many more awards including World Record of Earth Award by IIU University India. Women4Africa award U.K. in Education 2023. Affiliated partners with Marcedonia Association Dozia Srekjia International, The Extraordinary Achievers Award U.K. 2023. Special Humanitarian Service award , certificate of Appreciation, Dynamic Peace Ambassador Award, Humanitarian and golden star award 2023 by Good Samaritan theological seminary Ltd Nigeria.
She was a School Governor for Holcombe grammar school since 2016 to 2023, and exemplary woman of substance. She is an international educational adviser for the Global Educators Forum India, recipient award for Best global principal award 2022 by International Internship University India member of global trainer Academy. SuccessWorld1 Academy
France as a professor on Spiritual Intelligence. She is well educated with a BSC Honours degree in public health, MSC in Public Health Anglia Ruskin University United Kingdom, PHD holder in Humanitarianism and conflict Response Honoris causa, PHD in Humanity, honorary Doctorate in Human Right Sport science, Humanist Honorary Directorate , Certificate in School Management and Leadership Harvard University Boston Massachusetts.
As a power house Business Consultancy my valuable insights on topics such as:
common challenges faced by women entrepreneurs in the initial years of their business journey
2. Building a strong foundation: Key considerations for setting up business systems, processes, and infrastructure to support growth and ensure long-term success
3. Harnessing the power of a digital presence: Exploring the importance of establishing an online presence, leveraging digital marketing strategies, and effectively utilizing social media platforms to attract and engage customers
4. Maximizing productivity and efficiency: Insights into streamlining operations, optimizing time management, and implementing tools and technologies that enhance productivity
5. Knowing your People in Leadership Growth. .
aromatherapy products such as reed diffusers, organic massage oil , Organic vegan candles hand sanitisers, and vegan hair care, and travelling mugs.
www.sicklecellintervention. co.uk
https://www.mollifier-lady. com/2019/04/08/aouts-gracemollifier-woman-makes-history/ https://www.amazon.co.uk/ dp/1326915878/ref=cm_sw_r_ fa_awdo_t1_fdMhDb33BW15G
https://www.amazon.co.uk/ dp/0244041466/ref=cm_sw_r_ fa_awdo_t1_icMhDbCAZTBA8 https://www.amazon. co.uk/dp/0244774765/ ref=cm_sw_r_fa_awdo_t1_bLhDbDHF5SAY https://www. sicklecellintervention.co.uk/ sickle-cell-management-innigeria/
1. Navigating the early stages of entrepreneurship: Strategies and tips for overcoming
Dr. Augusta has a business background with a brand called AG MOLLIFIER WOMAN and her products are fragrances, vegan skin care products,
Ms Jennifer Ariowa Obaseki is the founder and senior partner at Obaseki Solicitors an award winning international legal practice that specialises in Property, Immigration Commercial Law and litigation, based in Central London and was established by Ms Jennifer Obaseki in 2005. She is also the Director of the LegalPaal Ltd which stands for Providing Assistance at All Levels™. LegalPaal Ltd is the parent of a group of companies comprising, of Supply to My Door Ltd, Launch from London Ltd, OBA Productions Ltd, Obaseki Estates and Obaseki and Co Solicitors Ltd.
Ms Obaseki believes that with the increasing need to have a global approach to business, strategic planning is essential. Ms Jennifer Obaseki is an exceptional dynamic lawyer with an excellent track record representing clients on business and human rights issues. She has developed a unique practice that appreciates the requirements of clients whether they are individuals, organisations or government bodies. Jennifer is also the Director of an NGO called AFFIRM Human Rights which was specifically established to assist individuals with specific needs as a result of migration. Ms Obaseki has over 20 years experience in Civil and Criminal litigation and also advising on Migration. She has firsthand experience of dealing with vulnerable asylum seekers and migrants and noted the specific needs that are not being met
by governments so she established, AFFIRM Human Rights which stands for Assisting Friends and Families with Information and Recourses on Migration.
AFFIRM has the objective to try and bridge the gaps in services for undocumented and documented migrants, by offering basic subsistence to legal representation. Supply to My door Ltd is a tailored online service and shopping portal.
Launch from London Ltd provides clients global services for European market penetration for brands and event management.
OBA productions Ltd is a specialist Media Management agency supporting artists, film and music producers protect and manage their work. But also to help improve the quality of productions coming out of Africa as it stands for Observing the Best of Africa so helping producers and artists source finance for projects. Obaseki Estates is an Exclusive international Property purchase and management service.
I had Javan at 22 weeks and 4 days of gestation, 23 years ago. I was a first-time mum.
Javan came home from hospital after 5 months and three weeks of being born, and was given little chance of making it. I struggled enormously because there was little emotional and community support.
Javan continued to strive against all odds, and I was emboldened to do everything I could to give him a fighting chance.
To support Javan's growth and development, I trained as a paediatric nurse, qualifying in 2004. Subsequent to my first degree, I went on to work as Community Nurse and as a School Nursing before training as a Specialist Community Public Health Practitioner.
The Javan Coker Foundation was established as a testament to Javan, who wanted to support other children facing challenging odds like him, so the foundation was formed to support families dealing with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND).
We focus on supporting children, young people, and adults in their journey of life, creating opportunities that were not available to Javan and I.
In our four years of existence, we have impacted over a hundred families and touched the lives of hundreds of children and young persons of all abilities.
Dr. Zina Arinze (DD) fondly known as “The Reinvention Queen” is a bubbly, resilient, larger than life accredited Ministry Leader with CiC Intl. (Churches in the Community International), a multi-award winner, International Transformational Speaker, Lawyer, Best- Selling Author, An International Gender Empowerment Strategist, Radio Broadcaster, as well as an Executive Leadership Reinvention and Personal Effectiveness Coach. She is the Founder of Believe and Live Again Divorce Recovery Coaching and Mentoring, a service dedicated to helping women of faith and female professionals swiftly move from “we to me” and heal from the pain of divorce, so that they regain their positive sense of self to reinvent themselves, rediscover their hidden talents, and rebuild in order to create sustainable income growth for themselves and their families.
Dr. Zina is also the CEO of The Reinvent YOU Experience for Personal Effectiveness and Transformation focused on helping executive female who are disillusioned and unfulfilled get unstuck to create profitable legacies after a traumatic life transition.
As the CEO and Lead Consultant in CrystalJade Project Management Consultancy, Coaching and Training delivery of powerful Technology bespoke solutions to project teams, small businesses, communities, groups and Individuals. A fellow and active member of the Institute of Enterprise and Entrepreneurs, Dr. Zina sitting
on several boards and panels provides astute leadership, expert comment, strategic direction, career guidance and entrepreneurial mentorship to Business schools, SMEs, Not for Profits and Individuals.
In the Autumn of 2018, Dr Zina took part in the Female Entrepreneur Expedition Adventure to Malawi, comprising 14 hand picked female entrepreneurs from all over the, passionate about giving back by volunteering their time, money and resources to making a difference regarding women empowerment, cultural exchange and social impact as well as collaboration on a range of issues and local initiatives including domestic violence,
AIDS, breast cancer, Malawi women in business, Girl Child education and Women led banking. Dr Zina led a series of workshops regarding strategic sustainability campaigns and intersectionality for Girl Child initiatives. She also gave the keynote talk on Domestic violence interventions at the WOLREC addressing the Malawi Police, Lawyers and Advocates, receiving an internal award for her service.
Completely out of her comfort zone, Dr. Zina also partook in the adventurous element of the expedition by completing a two day hike for charity to Mount Mulanje, the highest mountain in the area. She was petrified but with sheer resilience and not wanting
to let her numerous doners and recipients down, and by the grace of God, she made it, raising almost £3,000 for charity.
At the end of 2018, Dr. Zina, launched The Reinvent YOU!
After Abuse Foundation (TRYAF), a charity and women in ministry led organisation of financial professionals and experts passionate about ending the stigma and trauma of domestic violence through financial education and empowerment, thereby providing survivors and their families with the education, resources and signposting needed to get back on their feet financially after abuse.
Dr. Zina sits as the Chair of PAW Africa UK an international
NGO focused on empowering African women and young girls in the diaspora impacted by trauma including GBV, Domestic Abuse, Mental Health Conditions, Racism, Modern Slavery and the Socio, Political and Emotional Effects of Covid-19.
As a lead member of the Black Churches Domestic Abuse Forum (BCDAF) Dr Zina, serves on the planning board and as one of the five trainers responsible for delivering capacity building and domestic abuse awareness training to pastors and leaders in black majority churches across the UK.
My name is Joan Omolara Sanyaolu and I'm a Caterer, Business Entrepreneur with 35 years plus experience in the Hospitality & Catering Industry.
Growing up l knew exactly which career path l was going to choose and my parents supported me fully from the start, my dad in particular encouraged and gave me all the needed support in the U.K. His words to me is be THE BEST at whatever career path you choose to follow.
From a young age of 7 years, I started baking cakes, cookies ( self taught ), ice cream etc creating my own recipes and trying out all shapes, colours trying to put my own creativity into my bakes. I remember back in Nigeria, at a time when ther e was scarcity of flour, I decided to use rice flour from my mum’s pantry she was shocked, it turned out okay and we all eat it Love & Passion is my drive !
My Success to date is first by the grace of God. Secondly attention to detail is by far one of the importance and thirdly, persistence.
The attributes I have as a caterer, passion and love for what l do, remembering every detail produces higher quality catering services overall. The most important key to a successful career and business in catering for me right at a tender age is THE FOOD QUALITY it has been said that a meal made with love tastes better than one that is simply thrown together.
I ensure that my passion can be tasted in each dish I serve . The more reason I decided to cook all the food at the launching of my Event ‘A Taste Of Afrika Women Network on the 28/01/2023’.
I am privileged to run various businesses aside from my day job
My first passion for cake baking led to my first business Jo’Ella Cakes.
My love for children led to the establishment of Jo’Ella Baking Academy in 2015 ~ the aim is to enrich children and youths through the joy of baking.
The same year l launched 9jaBites Cooking School so the world can taste and experience the culinary delights from Nigeria and encourage children to learn to cook Nigerian dishes . A Taste Of Afrika also provides corporate catering services.
My New project was launched on 28/01/2023
called A Taste Of Afrika Women Network (it’s my way of giving back to the community, in my life journey, l have been inspired and motivated by many virtuous women. Networking brought me out of my comfort zone and has propelled me to bring women from different communities together. )
1. Is to build a community of women and experts who can benefit from each other
2. Raising the status of women through education,awareness,literacy and training.
OUR VISION: To Connect!. Empower ! Succeed! Success to me is an individual journey and can take different routes, perspectives and time . But for me there are 3 elements that have helped CLARITY OF PURPOSE GROWTH MINDSET AND COURAGE.
Especially without clarity of purpose, it would have been hard for me to find clear
direction. It was very important for me to know what I wanted and what l was striving for .
I’m happy to say l have never regretted a day of the career path I choose and I’m so grateful to God for the skills and talents.
I’m happy to be a Chosen vessel to impact communities and the world. It’s been an amazing journey and with new opportunities opening up and looking ahead for the BEST to come .
My name is Kayla Williams, I am a multiple award winning business woman who lives in The Cotswolds, England. I am mother to six wonderful children ages 22, 14, 12, 9, and twins that are 7. There is nothing that I am more proud of than being a mother to my children!
I have studied business since age of 14 and have a passion for helping others to follow their dreams. I own an Accountancy & Business Service Business for over 12 years as well as being involved with property as a property agent for buying and selling of property, I also have interests in Education, Jewellery as well as Modelling.
I have helped many people to set up, run and maintain their business as well as passing on my positive attitude to them to keep them believing that all things are possible, as a result, people often look to me for advice on any matter.
My expertise spans across a wide array of industries and sectors as I deliberately chose not to specialise in one particular industry, as this allows me to grow and pass on knowledge, while staying abreast with current affairs.
I am passionate about education and used to teach business studies to Key stage 4 and 5 and have sat on the panel for school appeals in my local area. I have an education business whereby the ethos is each one teach one as I have seen the education system from many angles: From
being a Student to Graduate, to doing the Financial Accounts for a University, to teaching, to sitting on admission panels and therefore know how important it is to help others to understand it.
The knowledge I acquired throughout these encounters helps me to equip others, especially
ethnic minorities, in helping them to understand the education system and providing advice on matters that they lack understanding on.
I own a jewellery collection called Love Thy Self whereby the inspiration behind it is that I was wearing other brands but I wanted to wear my own. Me being me, knowing all things are possible, I decided to design my own collection, I designed something that has a universal message to the world, that is relatable to all…..young, old and irrespective of sex or race. It is so important to love yourself unconditionally, in a world where we are often taught to look outside of ourselves first.
My jewellery has entered into competitions namely Goldsmith Awards and the most recent Chronic Jewellery competition and is hoped to be stores very soon.
When I was younger I used to want to be a model, and was often discouraged to follow that dream and encouraged to become something different. After having kids I decided to revisit this teenage dream of mine. I entered into Miss Commonwealth Beauty Pageantry and became a finalist in 2021.
This then inspired me to seek more opportunities, I then got selected to walk in the Queen's platinum Jubilee representing Notting Hill! This was a remarkable experience and something that I can show future generations as my son and I got creative and made my costume which was photographed internationally and watched by people in their millions globally.
I recently did a cameo appearance in a gospel music
video called prayers, this was a great opportunity to be part of something close to my heart. I pray a lot and I know that all that I have achieved wouldn’t have been possible without prayers.
When I am not doing any of the above, I am doing my hobbies which are travelling, horse riding, and learning languages. I love interior design so I am often going to nice places that spark my imagination. I am absolute foodie, and an adventurer who love acquiring knowledge.
My goal is inspire others to follow their dream and do what makes them happy and it is an honour and a privilege to be able to nominated for such a prestigious award.
Lily’s career in branding, training and client facing communication spans over 30 years, across Africa, Europe and the USA. Her lived experiences provide plenty of fodder for her to speak eloquently about Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, (DE&I) as a business strategy, and to co-create solutions that fuel positive change within a personal branding context.
“Quirky, spirited and inspirational sums up the brand, named Lily Naadu Mensah.”
Lily’s back-story is a cauldron of entrepreneurship and employee stints, working for organisations such as HSBC, Warner Bros., Lloyds of London, Arthur Andersen and the London Development Agency. Her areas of focus are:
• Event Hosting: Moderator, Compare & Master of Ceremonies (EmCee)
• Facilitation: Leadership & team development on topical issues
• Coaching: Developing aspiring leaders for their next big gig
• Training: Presenting with confidence & getting heard through storytelling
• Designing courses: In-person/virtual programmes for groups and individuals
• Speaking: Personal Branding and any of the above
Lily received an award of recognition from the Mayor of Bromley in the UK, for her outstanding contribution towards making Bromley, one of the most successful local business communities. She’s a proud alumna of Bromley College.
She’s the founder of multi-disciplinary consultancy, Lyncs Media and an associate member of the Chartered Management Institute. Lily is the author of Work Your QUIRKs: The businesswoman’s companion for a sparkling personal brand.
To hone her EmCee and moderation skills, she delights in hosting live podcasts, via her Tea With Lily show on multiple social media channels with aplomb. She believes that going live is the real acid test of what makes a great host and moderator.
“My job is to make your brand sparkle” Lily
Naadu MensahMae's career consists of years of experience as a “visionary” in Health and business. Having built several health care entities as well as her own businesses, she continues to follow her passion in Health and Wellness. Combining both her expertise and passion, aMAEzing Midlife & Beyond was launched to empower women, discrediting ageism and supporting transformational change in both their personal and business path. Her career began as a charge RN in Pediatrics & busy ER. The ability to perform under the most intense situations was the foundation to being a very successful Administrator/ CEO in the Healthcare environment. She is a pioneer when it comes to implementation of new concepts. The ability to pivot and reinvent, during the COVID epidemic, she became a sought-after independent contractor as a Health and Safety Supervisor, Compliance Officer in Production working with NBC, Netflix, Disney, and Focus features. She excels as a corporate trainer and coach through her energy, engaging style, originality, and leadership. As a Volunteer for community events and Global medical missions her charitable events have generated thousands of dollars. Her passion comes through serving the children and families in Ethiopia, Costa Rico , Bali, and Zimbabwe providing medical care,
education, compassion, and hugs. As a health & fitness expert, RN & certified life /health coach, it is her goal to empower others to be successful in businesses, in mental and physical health, and overall well being, while giving back to charities and global outreach. Her philosophy is to Live with Energy, Action & Purpose to be kind, compassionate and smile a lot.
Mae Caime R.Nwww.aMAEzingmidlife.com
https://www.instagram.com/ amaezingmidlifeandbeyond/
Lyndell Danzie-Black is the Managing Director of Cerulean Inc. – a Business Development, Corporate Training and Business Consulting firm based in Guyana since 2012. A certified ILO International Trainer for Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB), Lyndell recently completed the WomenLead Institute/ExxonMobil – Global Women in Management Program. Lyndell is an alumni of the highly competitive 12-month How Women Leader and Global Women Leadership Network Program, California, USA. The CoFounder of the first in the Caribbean – Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Guyana and the Co-creator of the 25 Influential Women Leaders Award and the Women Leadership Program. Lyndell is a multi-award winner and recently received the Women4Africa 2022 International Recognition “Change Maker” Award in the United Kingdom; and the 2022 President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana Award – Outstanding Performance in Training, Service and Mentorship; the Small Business Bureau – Networking Master Award 2022; the Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry –Entrepreneur Excellence Award 2021 and Small Business Bureau Award for Service 2022.
Cerulean Inc. collaborates with ExxonMobil on their Corporate Citizenship mission and implements the Community and Youth Empowerment CSR Projects in Guyana. Ms. Danzie-Black worked as the Program Director for Youth Build Youth Project – ‘YouthBIz592’ in Guyana, funded by the IDB. Ms. Danzie-
Black provides corporate training for several businesses in Guyana and the region, as well as cross-culture training, executive coaching and mentorship for clients of international companies and organizations. Cerulean Inc., is an approved training partner of the Small Business Bureau and a strategic partner of the International Human Resource Development Corporation (IHRDC).
Lyndell is an International Mentor for the Cherie Blair Foundation, UK and the Women in Leadership, Canada and was a mentor with the Queen’s Young Leaders Program for youth leaders from Guyana, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Dominica and continues to mentor women entrepreneurs. Project
Coordinator for the 2013 Caribbean Marketplace for the Arts at CARIFESTA XI in Suriname and the CARICOM Project Coordinator/Consultant to CARIFESTA XII is Haiti. In February 2016, Lyndell was the Project Coordinator for the CARICOM Youth, Crime and Violence Regional Forum. In 2017, Lyndell managed the CARICOM/Government of Italy Fashion Designers Project in Barbados during CARIFESTA XIII.
Her inspirational leadership, vision and commitment to excellence have undoubtedly positioned her to be a thought leader for the delivery of competencies supportive of organizational change and transformation.
Lyndell holds a MSc Maritime Transport and BA(Hons) Tourism Management and is a farmer, loves the outdoors, youth development and the environment.
Follow Me Socially: https://www.ceruleanmanagement.com/
https://twitter.com/danzieblack www.linkedin.com/in/ lyndelldanzieblack/
Maggie Chapoteau is an accomplished Senior Executive and Advisor with more than 30 years of success in financial services, and wireless telecom industries. Leveraging extensive experience leading large operations and projects, Maggie is a valuable asset for companies of various sizes and stages of growth that are seeking expert assistance with strategizing. Maggie’s broad areas of expertise include developing staff, organizational leadership, customer relationship management, forecasting, and business analysis.
Maggie currently serves as Advisor to the Board for Baby Blue Brand, Corp., which developed a damage-indicating packaging technology utilized in Medical and Pharmaceutical fields, Commercial and Tobacco Products, Military Supplies & Equipment, and many other applications.
Maggie held numerous leadership positions with Verizon Wireless. As a Senior Manager of Interconnect, she was responsible for Northern New Jersey Interconnect transport facilities to support the wireless voice and data Network. Maggie managed the Engineers who are responsible for creating, designing and engineering transport for new cells, trunks, and switch growth. She led her team on initiatives to reduce the cost associated with direct telecom expenses and optimize call routing within the sub-market. Maggie saved the company $2.7M by analyzing these networks. In her previous role as Operations Manager in the Greater New York Area, Maggie managed, motivated, coached, and developed Field Engineers, through training, shadowing, and seminars to ensure proper maintenance and performance of the Cell Sites and all Technologies. From 2004
to 2011, Maggie served as the Manager of the Verizon Network Operation Center. In this role, she ensured accurate and timely reporting of FCC reportable outages, as well as accurate and timely notifications of Service Disruption Reports. During this time, she met or exceeded KPI targets established for effective alarm monitoring, expedient response and reporting of Network alarms. For her excellence in this role, Maggie was selected as interim Director of the Network Operation Center which oversaw half of the country and managed a staff over 100 direct and indirect reports. Prior to moving into telecom, Maggie was with Morgan Stanley & Co for more than ten years. Over her tenure, she served as an Analyst to the Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer and managed $2.5M in International Letters of Credit portfolio with over 500 banks.
Maggie recently completed her Master’s Degree in Network Communications Management and Services from the Stevens Institute of Technology and earned her Bachelor of Arts in Biology/Pre-Medical Studies from Manhattanville College.
Mel is a woman who has strived to always empower others and currently sits as lead Pastor with her husband Pastor David at Christ Global Mission Church (CGCM), a church based in Brownhills West Midlands. Mel believes in hard work and will not be found those who have excuses!! She believes Paators muat have a trade and work as opposed to putting a burden on congragants to fund their lifestyle. Mel states "tithes and offerings belong to the work of God not Pastors lifestyle ".
Mel has co-authored x3 books with leading Canadian Publisher Anita Sechesky, all which became Best sellers on Amazon 2015/2016. In these 3 books she shares the platform with 30 other authors in easch book, from across the globe, India, Canada, USA etc.
Mel has also self published her 1st book Choices and Destiny in which she shares biblical principles on making decisions and keeping one's faith as a Christian in a seemingly hostile 21st century world. She argues that one has to always make conscious Choices rather than taking an attitude of "destiny had it this way".This way the Christian life becomes a partnership/ relationship were one is actively involved rather than a life that is "ordered" by God.
Mel has been nominated for the BEFFTA award in 2016 under Pauline Long a prominent Philanthropist as well as being a recepient of Geraldine's Pearl Award for 2016 under Marcia
Mel is a mother, wife, aunt,sister, friend, neighbour, social care professional and like most women wears many hats, all carefully entwined to provide a support structure for the community at large. She enjoys praying, cooking, baking, writting and travelling. You'll usually find her working with other churches to bring people to Jesus Christ if not check if shes not travelling or busy at work.
Mel is currently working on her 2nd book in celebration of her 40th years which she celebrated in May this year, look out for "40 Scriptures to Live By" targeted for Nov release!! Mel is also promoting her travel business where you can book flights, cruises, hotels and so much more- link HolidayTimeline.com
Born in then communistic Czecho-Slovakia
Michaela has always dreamt of being able to travel and experience the world without the restrictions of the repressive regime. After finishing the University in 1997 she immediately left Slovakia to follow her dream of traveling.
Since then she lived and worked in Spain, Slovakia, Dubai, Vietnam, Japan and she is now settled in the South of England where her husband of twenty five years comes from. Before becoming a full time coach she worked in a global hotel corporation in the capacity of a Director of Sales and Marketing for almost twenty years.
Leading multicultural teams in different countries and continents Michaela became fascinated by the human psyche, behavioural patterns, thought processes and emotional expressions. Her own and the people around her.
The period between 2012 and 2017 was significantly influenced by Michaela’s own struggles with Imposter Syndrome which grew in parallel with her growing professional success. More recognised she became as an expert in her field – stronger her fear of failure.
Five years of constant anxieties, insomnia, regular panic attacks and physical symptoms caused by Imposter Syndrome coupled with her husband’s diagnoses of brain cancer in 2017 proved to be too much to handle and eventually Michaela decided to seek help.
This was the beginning of her current mission of helping other already successful business leaders and business owners struggling with Imposter
Syndrome face their fears and guide them on their journey of re-gaining their true authentic confidence.
Michaela is an accredited Transformational Coach and a Resilience Practitioner. When working with her clients she focuses on accessing the deep subconscious beliefs causing Imposter Syndrome.
She guides her clients on their journey of accessing these subconscious beliefs so that they can be brought up to the surface, released through various coaching techniques including somatic work and replaced with new beliefs, patterns and behaviours.
As a leader of many years herself it is Michaela’s mission to help talented people become more conscious and self-aware so that they can lead from the place of love and connection as opposed to fear, competition and self-criticism.
Humanity is going through an enormous transformation and an expansion of human consciousness is one of those transformations Michaela feels an internal duty and privilege to be a part of.
Parveen Smith is a life coach, she has helped hundreds of people over the years since her health problems became a disability she knew she could never give up. Even though she speaks openly about her most significant challenges in life she inspires others to get through challenging times. She helps people weekly with coaching, healing, and transforming lives. Her most significant achievements are manifesting realities. She has appeared on National TV in different capacities, including sharing about being alive, overcoming illness, and humanitarian work. Her message to the world is to heal yourself and your whole life will be transformed.
Gratitude Parveen SmithSoul2SoulWellbeing
As the proud founder of Otentikcare, Patience has created a vibrant and welcoming space in which women can come together to explore the many ways in which they can cultivate wellness and self-care in their daily lives.
Patience's expertise of NLP, EFT, Compassionate Inquiry, Mindfulness and Human Design has allowed her to craft bespoke solutions for women in Europe, providing individualised support that empowers women to explore their unique needs and desires.
Otentikcare is a natural, sustainable, and mindful lifestyle platform created to help people find their own paths to wellbeing. Otentikcare's unique value proposition lies in Patience's commitment to providing holistic guidance that addresses physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health through one-on-one support plans tailored for each individual's needs.
By creating Otentik Mindset, Patience has curated a space for young people to improve their lives by shifting their mindsets towards mindfulness, finance, personal branding, relationships, and mental wellbeing. With her courses, workshops, retreats, group coaching, and one-to-one mentoring services, she has been able to empower countless young individuals from diverse backgrounds.
Patience's coaching and mentoring services have proven to be transformative for young people.
Patience's extensive experience working with young people in social care settings for over 10 years has not only given her an in-depth understanding of the challenges they face but also equipped her with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide effective support.
As a devoted advocate for the youth, Patience has made it her mission to help young people improve their lives by shifting their mindsets towards mindfulness, finance, personal branding, relationships, and mental wellbeing. With her courses, workshops, retreats, group coaching, and one-to-one mentoring services, she has been able to empower countless young individuals from diverse backgrounds.
Following her passion and dedication, for women and young people empowerment, Patience is an active part of the Non for profit G100 Mission Million, Global Networking Wing and Mothers Army ALL where she represents the United Kingdom.
Rosemary Pharo is a holistic therapist and Reiki practitioner. Instrumental in the establishing of standards for the professional practice of Reiki in the UK, she was Secretary of The Reiki Council for seven years, the lead body for Reiki in the UK.
She co-created Reiki Medic-Care – a service providing free distance Reiki for medical professionals in 2020 and is one of the listed authors in the first research published into distance Reiki's value in improving the wellbeing of NHS medical staff during Covid.
She has trained in multiple touch therapies for over 25 years including various forms of massage, aromatherapy, Sharon Wheeler scar therapy and BoneWork. Passionate about the integration of mind and body therapies, she also trained in hypnosis (bodywork-integrated, pastlife focused and mind management focused).
She enjoys creating art that captures what we feel and ‘know’ energetically in a visual form and developing this into a healing modality.
Her favourite pastimes include triathlons, hiking and music - aiming to inspire other mature women and be inspired in turn.
She is also a Managing Consultant for ThinkTree Hub and Acting Chair of The Reiki Guild.
Valerie Lolomari is an award-winning motivational speaker, who actively speaks out against the practices of FGM. She is the founder of the FGM support group women of Grace UK who gives support to FGM victims. Alongside this, Valerie also runs a "TalksWithValerie" every Monday morning which consist of motivational
videos to encourage and uplift women from all walks of life. This has allowed her to share her passion for helping people and seeing them succeed. Valerie is also a resilience coach, a mental health first aider and she has authored 3 books. Valerie is also a pastor with when women pray international, Essex Uk
Dr Yvette Ankrah MBE is a transformational coach, consultant and trainer. She primarily works with high achieving women to get success without burnout.
Yvette is passionate about ensuring people have the optimum environment, tools and skills to thrive. She believes that this starts from the inside and working in a way which builds sustainable and profitable businesses/careers without overwhelm, stress and burnout.
She has over 20 years of business experience, is an accredited NLP Master coach and has a PhD in sociology. She won a Microsoft/O2 award for business in 2013, was shortlisted for Best Coach at the Best Business Women Awards, 2015 and was awarded an MBE for her work with women in business in 2017.
She is a member of the ANLP, The Coaching Society and the British Sociological Association. She is also a Coach of Excellence, accredited by the Professional Development Consortium.
Sue had a dynamic career in corporate marketing and was the owner of a successful direct marketing business for 17 years before starting her health coaching and now her fertility coaching business, which she is passionate about.
Her previous life involved working long hours under high levels of stress. She was putting everyone else first in her life, including work and was constantly pushing herself to the limit, trying to fit everything in, thinking her body would somehow keep going regardless. All this ended in a big health wake – up call 14 years ago. This led her to making some big life changing decisions that involved getting a good work-life balance, putting herself first and taking responsibility for her health and her life.
When she was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease and was told by her doctor that she could not recover and would be on medication for the rest of her life, she chose not to accept that prognosis and made a decision that would see her discovering the root cause which lay in her gut health. By rebalancing her gut microbiome, changing her diet and doing some inner healing, she recovered and came off the medication within 18 months.
She went on to establish her health business, successfully helping other women to recover from similar chronic diseases and transforming their lives, taking an holistic approach. She now
successfully brings together all her specialist knowledge on health, gut health, nutrition, mindset and emotional healing to help women and their partners increase their potential for conception.
Sue is the author of an award-winning book Love your Gut and co-writer of 5 others. She regularly has articles published in magazines and speaks on the radio, podcasts and at events. She is a wife, mother of two grown up children and to her delight a grandmother to little Phoebe.
Websites: www.sue-ritchie.com
https://www.linkedin.com/in/sue-ritchie/ https://www.facebook.com/OptiMumFertility
Lady Anita Chioma Duckworth-Bradshaw is an Award winning Global Impact Leader, Best Selling Author, Change Agent, Life Coach, and the Creator of the Powerhouse Global Brand (Powerhouse Global Magazine, Powerhouse Global Awards and Powerhouse Global Conferences).
Her eye for beauty, her talent for design, and her imaginative and creative skills have led her to build a global social media platform that helps further her social work. Culminating in an elegant and most sophisticated publication that serves humanity and shares their stories, she’s managed to create a world where to feature women and men alike. Her brilliant use of social media allows her to vastly influences the masses. With a distribution reach of 73 countries from around the world Lady Anita helps feed minds and touch souls.
Providing basic education for children, designing skills acquisition programs for women, and fostering social skills for youngsters, feeding over 1000 children and supporting more than 1000 women through her work within her foundation since the inception in 2016.
Lady Anita is a true embodiment of a servant leader. She has created a platform for men and women alike from all spheres of life to showcase their brilliance. A place leaders have come to love. Through online presence she gives hope to many people – especially women.
Her own personal struggles gave birth to her purpose. Having grown up in Africa, she understands first hand, the importance of supporting others and helping provide ways to have life’s basic needs met. She found a solution and therefore, created her foundation Powerful
Global Women Foundation (PGWF) in 2016 in Nigeria and subsequently, her most radiant Powerhouse Global Magazine publications.
It is both Lady Anita’s personal and professional mission to assist and serve others. Lady Anita travels the world speaking at conferences and organizing Powerhouse Global events.
She lives by her motto of: Transforming Lives – one person at a time. Utilizing her voice, she addresses pressing issues and topics related to her work. Topics such as: Global Visibility; Your Voice. Your Power; Reposition for change;The Leading Leader; Risk to Reward; Healing From Within; The Road To Discovery and others.
Websites: http://www.
powerhouseglobalmag.com http://www.
Powerful Global Women Foundation in collaboration Royalty Kids Montessori School present A one day easter retreat for children and teenagers. Theme of the program was: The Total Child. The program includes reason for the season, cinema, POP quiz, music, baking and losts more. Mrs. Josephine, Phillip Itsuokor (Proprietress, Royalty Kids) was present as host. Over 100 children were in attendance during the program.
We had various workshops for them during the gathering. We also gave facemasks each child that was in attendance. Over one hundred children attended the event. They were all fed as part of our tradition to do. A massive thank you to Ross Swan for supporting our mission.
This project was led by our amazing Vice-president (Mrs Josephine Itsuokor).
As part of PGWF mission to support more families during this challenged time, we have been able to hold two projects (one in April and the other on 13th July 2020). We distributed food supplies to several families and orphanage homes.
Our team lead by Mrs Josephine Itsuokor (Vice-president of PGWF) made these projects a success. We will continue to reach out to more families through the support of our global partners.
VICE PRESIDENT MRS JOSPHINE PHILIP ITSUOKORPowerful Global Women Foundation (Powerhouse Charity) was founded in 20l6 in Nigeria, West Africa, by Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw. The core objective of this organization is to transform the lives of women and children, through various projects centred around the need of the service group.
In 20l6 Lady Anita single handedly fed over 400 children as part of “project feed l000 children globally”, and held an empowerment conference for the women. Through this project, so many women have gone to do great things with the knowledge they gained from the event.
She recently held a life transforming event for women in Lagos, Nigeria as part of International women’s month celebration 20l8. The turnout was very encouraging. She is working towards supporting more families to keep their children and wards in school through” project back-to-school” starting in September 20l8.
We are seeking for global support from individuals and organisations who would love to be a part of this service to humanity.
To support us, please visit: www.powerhouseglobalwomen.com or email womanthepowerhouse@gmail.com or powerhouseglobalmag@gmail.com
CHARITY PROJECT: As part of our Global Annual commitment, we were able to successfully complete project feed the children 2019 mission. Over 150 children were fed at this year’s event. Powerful Women Global Foundation (PGWF ) is a charity set up by Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw in 2016. The service users are women and children. To support PGWF, please email womanthepowerhouse@gmail.com