"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step."
– Martin Luther king Jr.Five years ago I had a conversation with one of my cheerleaders after seeing a poorly published magazine by another company. I was encouraged to go on the journey of publishing our global magazine.
Looking back on 5 years of learning and becoming, all I can say is that Almighty God has been at the centre of my success.
In this 5 years we have interviewed and featured top leaders from around the world including Presidents of Nations, Royals and industrial change makers.
We have made great progress with our work because of your support and encouragement. Thank you to our design team who have been a solid support.
Thank you for being part of our global work since 2018.
Lady Anita Duckworth-BradshawPGMAG: Vin, it’s so good to have another opportunity to interview for the Powerhouse Global Magazine.
VL: Honestly, its my pleasure to be here again. You have really spotlighted some amazing individuals doing great work in so many industries during these trying times. I am honored to be in such fine company. When I was preparing for this interview I was delighted to see how many of your issues have promoted the accomplishments of women in so many sectors. Its very impressive.
PGMAG: I must tell you Vin; you are one of the toughest individuals I have come across in my professional journey - considering the changes you had to make due to your health challenges.
VL: Well thank you, that's very kind of you to say. I know I look like I have a hard candy shell. Yes between COVID and the shutdowns, I managed to have a heart attack, diabetes, and a disease called charcot that caused me to lose the use of my legs. The doctors have already taken my left leg. (Although I am not sure where) and my right leg is checking out soon as soon as we straighten out the pay-per-view charges.
I was very embarrassed at having to shut down so much of our operations during COVID. I thought we could tough it out like the 2008 recession. But priority was to keep our families, friends, and associates safe and healthy. We sent everyone home with pay and benefits for what would be a two year hiatus. No layoffs, furloughs, or PPP loans for us. I didn't want to risk losing any of the extremely talented people to competitors even if it meant draining my personal and private financial resources.
PGMAG: As a key player in the business world, what is your advice for those struggling to keep their businesses afloat due to the current economic challenges?
VL: Its a difficult situation to be in for certain. There is a saying about a rising tide raises all boats. Or my favorite as it pertains to Warren Buffets early success, "Everyone gets wet when it rains". The greatest success in your business career will be your ability to pivot with the times. Your business plan must keep you earning in downtimes too as well as good times. Most of the self-made Forbes 400 today, especially the younger members, capitalized on the internet boom. People like Elon Musk and Mark Cuban
cashed out of their ideas during the very height of that cycle with business ventures that were unprofitable. Cubans Broadcast.com barely made $30 million and sold for over $5.6 billion. Even fellow Shark Tank personality Kevin "Mr. Wonderful" O'Leary was able to sell of his company to Mattel in a deal that had them writedown the entire $4.2 billion investment they made in his Softkey firm.
My point being is that you have to design the architecture of your business and personal life before the bad times come. Reboot now if you have too. Many people start off and once they make a little money in their own ventures immediately get pulled into the
trappings of wealth. You'll see it in the cars and houses and fancy accessories, many times underwritten by loans. So when they income spicket slows down or even stops, they are overextended and the house of cards falls. About 80% of our portfolio has been built on the mistakes of others. Buying up distressed debt assets of luxury goods brands especially during slow economic times. And don't get me wrong, I was the first one with the big mansions, flying private jets, and housing a stable of exotic cars. When I had to throttle back my
lifestyle and spending it was a tremendous blow to my ego. But I learned that if you take care of the business, it will take care of you. A good night sleep is worth all of the money in the world.
PGMAG: In your capacity as a global leader, what would you say were the top three keys that have enabled you to achieve success in life?
VL: 1. Be born into wealth.
2. Marry wealthy.
3. Invest heavily in scratchers.
The greatest success in your business career will be your ability to pivot with the times.
business plan must keep you earning in downtimes too as well as good times.
For me specifically though, while my brother and I were born into affluence due to our parents sacrifices and hard work, we were expected to take those gifts and improve upon them. At a very young age I had mentors that encouraged me to become far more than I could even imagine. As an example I got a grant in high school that paid a director from Hanna-Barbera Animation Studios to tutor me my junior year. That project became a treatment for a Saturday Morning Cartoon. My first semester in art school I was hired to design merchandise for the 1988 Calgary Olympics. By 1990s I was awarded patents for my designs that would become a $6 billion/year industry with some of the top media companies in the world.
Secondly, carefully choosing a partner and the people you surround yourself with is vital. This can come in two forms, positive and negative reinforcement. People need different forces in their lives to motivate them. If you are constantly ingratiated by your parents that everything you do is incredible even though you
are barely average, chances are you won't have much ambition. The same goes for who you select to accompany you through life's journey. I was fortunate to have someone that encourages and supports me in my goals but also doesn't drink my Kool-Aid. Keeps me grounded and level. Which can be challenging when you rub elbows with some of the most exciting people in the world.
Investing heavily in scratchers is code for work hard at creating your own luck. No one ever got wealthy or successful sitting on the couch thinking about it. I have always put myself out there as a player in the game of life. Not a spectator. Even and especially when the chips were down. You have to be able to dust yourself off and take as many hits as are thrown at you. Because no matter what stage you are in life you will get
I believe that like most people I did the best I could with the information and circumstances of the time. I really like myself now even with all of the physical changes (even though I miss driving).
knocked down. And of course a little luck never hurt anyone.
PGMAG: Let’s talk about ‘mental health’ and how it affects personal and professional development. What is your take on the above-mentioned subject?
VL: I am certainly not the best person to pontificate on this topic. I have bad days perhaps more often than most people. Because the trajectory of my business career started so early and rose really quickly it gave me quite an inflated sense of self while at the same time I had a couple of massive failures that did some damage to my ego. In the end I needed to find balance between work/life
and find joy in what we have accomplished.
It once was "there is no nobility in poverty." Now that the world has changed so much the theme seems to be "there is no respect in being a workaholic."
I think the message that the kids are adapting today is that they saw how hard things were
for their parents with some losing everything trying to keep up with the Jones' that living "smaller" provides better state of mind personally and professionally.
PGMAG: What is your message for the youth?
VL: Not everyone has to
save the world. Most people won't and those that pretend to are mostly full of hot air. Sometimes being a success can mean providing for your family a peaceful and loving environment. You don't have to fly to Mars, have a 0 carbon footprint or eat only cheeseburgers made out of grass. Just keep your eyes on your own plate and remember that no one owes you a damn thing in this world. You have to get it on your own through hard work and dedication.
PGMAG: If you knew what you know now, what would you do differently?
VL: I believe that like most people I did the best I could with the information and circumstances of the time. I really like myself now even with all of the physical changes (even though I miss driving). My companies are pulling out of the recession/COVID stronger than ever. I think we have consolidated efforts bringing our investment portfolio down from well over 100 brands/ businesses to just about 50 now. The addition of Boulmiche to our operations with help
in bringing all of the product lines designed along the way into one place under one label. Fashion, fragrance, and fine jewelry,
PGMAG: Finally, what keeps you motivated as a leader?
VL: Honestly, I am still about 10 years behind my plan, COVID did not help either. Losing the use of my legs tripped me up. But I feel like i am in a better place today mentally and spiritually than I have been in ten years. After four years of doing only two acquisitions, we are back on track and aggressively rebuilding our war chest. I think we did a pretty good job of protecting all of our family and friends during this term even though we lost so many important people along the way to illness.
I am sure there were periods of time over the years where I would have preferred to sit on a beach...."earning 20%". But look at all of the adventures and relationships we would have missed out along the way. Yes we could have dumped every penny into Apple or
Tesla stock and become fabulously wealthy without many concerns. But there is something innately satisfying about running your own show. Certainly you can attest to that yourself.
PGMAG: Thank you for sharing your brilliance with us through this interview.
VL: It has been a pleasure to work with you again. Thank you for your time and talent and the prestigious placement on the cover of Powerhouse Global.
PGMAG: Please share your website/links with us.
VL: www.GrandMetropolitan. com
…. if we are constantly craving for being young, I believe it produces a stereotypical person because we only live in a state of illusion and not in reality…..we continuously live in a place that doesn’t even exist says Inderjit Singh – a career diplomat, an author, a bureaucrat, an aviator…a practitioner of emotional intelligence…et al... he highlights that ageing is an extraordinary process where we become the person we always should have been…
“Oh, why can’t I remain like this forever!” is what we all think till we realize that age has no reality except in the physical world. The essence of being human is to be resistant to the passage of time. However, our inner lives are eternal, which is to say that our spirits should remain as youthful and vigorous as when we were in full bloom. At age 20, we worry about what others think of us. At age 40, we don’t care what they think of us. At age 50, we discover that they haven’t been thinking of us at all. So, why
worry? The wise mind mourns less for what age takes away than what it leaves behind. These authentic words encourage us to focus on what is truly important and the legacy we want to leave behind.
As for me, I cherish and enjoy my age today as much and perhaps even more, than I did at every stage of my life until now. I love the way I look today. I love the skin I’m in!
I learnt my lessons fairly early in life from the extraordinary books such as “I’m OK You’re OK” by Thomas A. Harris and “Games People Play” by my favorite author Eric Berne. It is with gratitude that I fondly remember my dear Dad who as an eminent Barrister, a Psychologist and a former Attorney General to the British Government was instrumental in introducing me to quality reading in my formative years. The title of this write-up “Grow-Grey-Gracefully” has emerged in my mind in context of my informal chats with him on life matters. At some earlier phase in my life I adopted a “position” about myself and others that determined how I felt about everything I was doing then and should be doing in times to come. I had by then realized that for a huge portion of the population, that position was "I’m Not OK-You’re OK."
This negative "life position,"
shared both by successful and unsuccessful people alike, contaminates our rational adult capabilities, leaving us vulnerable to inappropriate content and quality of interpersonal communications, emotional reactions and outbursts. These readings and understandings have helped me to get rid of my inhibitions, find the freedom to change, liberate the adult effectiveness, and achieve joyful intimacy with others. I finally know the difference between pleasing
As for me, I cherish and enjoy my age today as much and perhaps even more, than I did at every stage of my life until now. I love the way I look today. I love the skin I’m in!
and loving, obeying and respecting, chasing and doing. Realization has dawned on me that a ‘joyful spirit is always young.’ Getting old is like
The wise mind mourns less for what age takes away than what it leaves behind.
When it comes to staying young, a ‘mindlift’ beats a ‘face-lift’ any day! It has taken me so many years to be OK with being this different, this alive, this intense, and this content.
climbing a mountain; one gets a little out of breath, but the view is much better! When it comes to staying young, a ‘mind-lift’ beats a ‘face-lift’ any day! It has taken me so many years to be OK with being this different, this alive, this intense, and this content.
Those who love deeply never grow old; they may die of old age, but they die young at heart. A lot of people resist transition and therefore never allow themselves to enjoy who they are. Most people don’t grow up. Most people just age. Embrace the change, no matter what it is. Once you do, you can learn about the new world you’re in and take advantage of it. You still bring to bear all your prior experience, but you are riding on another level. It’s
completely liberating.
As Joan Collins said, age signifies how long a person has lived on earth, but how you have lived is an altogether different ball game. It has no limitations! The only limitations are the ones one sets for oneself. Those who are fearless, never grow old.
Sofia Loren was named by the American Film Institute as one of the greatest stars of Classical Hollywood cinema and as of 2023, is one of the last surviving major stars from the era. Loren is also the only remaining living person to appear on AFI's list of the 50 greatest stars of American film history. Age is nothing but a number - and for five-time Golden Globe-winning actress Sophia Loren 86, her number isn’t dictating the youthful vibes she feels inside.
“Sometimes when I say I’m 86, I don’t believe it. I feel 20,” confessed Loren, shining as the cover girl for AARP magazine’s December 2020/January 2021 issue. Loren, reclaimed her crown as one of cinema’s most
prolific leading ladies as she portrayed a Holocaust survivor in the new 2020 Netflix drama film “The Life Ahead.
“When I look in the mirror, I cheer for myself. I don’t ask, ‘Are you great?’ or ‘Are you beautiful?’ No! It’s how I feel inside, how secure I am, how happy I am. That’s what matters,” the Italian icon noted as her principal rule of thumb.” – Sophia Loren.
Do not grow old, no matter how long you live. Never cease to stand like curious children before the great mystery into which we were born. One can achieve anything at any age, whether old or young. Age is just a number and that’s all. It's totally irrelevant unless, of course, you happen to be a bottle of wine.
The phrase “ageing like fine wine” is meant to be used as a compliment to mean someone or something has gotten better over the years. This comparison is usually made because it is
Age is just a number and that’s all. It's totally irrelevant unless, of course, you happen to be a bottle of wine.
believed that the quality and flavor of wine improves over time, therefore getting better with age. When one receives the compliment that they are “ageing like fine wine”, it is intended to mean that they have aged very well for whatever their age may be. It is a tribute to having kept up a pleasant physical appearance as one has aged, and is also a reflection in regards to one’s personality and character. It refers to someone who has become more well-rounded and who is full of knowledge and behaves responsibly with maturity.
Ageing isn’t about getting old - it’s about living, and not merely existing. Learning that we can age well, will actually help us to age better. Let’s start celebrating and living an engaged life, and stop
punishing ourselves for not looking a certain way the society deems “appropriate” for our stage in life. We should be holding ourselves accountable for actually taking care of ourselves inside first, knowing the results on the exterior will be a shining side-effect.
Ageing is embracing the ageing process in its totality. Ageing gracefully i.e. with dignity and elegance is supported more definitely by internal applications of virtues like gratitude, contentment, joy and optimism. There is no doubt that a huge obstacle to ageing gracefully is a lack of gratitude. The present moment is all that we have, and we exude gratitude for the peaks and valleys of everydayness. Ageing gracefully means having an adventurous spirit, a playful and positive attitude, a grateful heart, and commitment to self-care. This leads to living and loving life without regrets! Adventurous people are naturally curious. They try new things and they don’t allow fear to stop them. They
appear ageless because they remain continuously active. They surround themselves with positive like-minded people of all ages and they set big goals. They have events on the calendar that keep them looking forward instead of looking to the past.
If we allow ourselves to feel playful and positive, we’ll keep forever active and we’ll easily attract others into our circle. Our positivity will allow us to think of best-case scenarios. Yes, it is we who will turn a negative conversation around to a positive direction! Our grateful heart will be obvious to all.
We will wake with enthusiasm and gratitude daily and our first thoughts of the day are
Ageing gracefully means having an adventurous spirit, a playful and positive attitude, a grateful heart, and commitment to self-care. This leads to living and loving life without regrets!
intentionally chosen. Family and friends will be naturally drawn to us because we are uplifting to be around. We light up a room as we enter. Our consideration and commitment to self-care is apparent as we look rested and people notice a bounce in our steps. We’ll keep ourselves at a healthy weight by eating healthy and exercising.
“We live in a youth-obsessed culture that is constantly trying to tell us that if we are not young, and we’re not glowing, and we’re not hot, that we don’t matter. I refuse to let a system or a culture or a distorted view of reality tell me that I don’t matter. I know that only by owning who and what you are can you start to step into the fullness of life. Every year should be teaching us all something valuable. Whether you get the lesson is really up to you.” says Oprah Winfrey
To sum up, it is my strong conviction that age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. Let us be proud of our age
at every stage of our lives. We’ve earned every wrinkle or stretch mark or scar. Carry them with grace and pride. Let us roll them all into a whole package that we convey with confidence. Learning to see ourselves as beautiful is the best anti-ageing technique that exists. We can find our personal beauty balance that helps us smile when we see ourselves in the mirror every morning.
I personally doubt if my physical body may be any less efficient and less attractive in my old age. It is my belief that God almighty will continue to endow me with the fervor to strive for the youthful spirit I have sought and continue to do so going forward. In the process my mind would be much richer, my soul enormously broader and my wisdom at its peak. My attitude
shall prevail!
So, let us together Grow - Grey - Gracefully!
Inderjit Singh is an Aviation Consultant with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Montreal, Canada, a specialized agency in the United Nations System of Organizations. He has served in senior level diplomatic positions in several countries of Asia, South-East Asia, Middle-East, Africa and South America. He was the CEO of IGI Airport –the 9th busiest in the world. He is an MBA, followed by advanced management courses at “Henley-the Management College”, Oxford shire, UK, and the University of California, Berkeley, USA. Inderjit has recently earned Doctorate of Philosophy in International Diplomacy from a renowned Brazilian institution of higher learning.
To sum up, it is my strong conviction that age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.
The human mind is a wonderland of potential and possibility. The neurodiverse community is the epitome of this truth.
Neurodiversity, a term originally coined by Australian Sociologist Judy Singer to communicate that neuro difference does not mean deficit, has evolved to describe a medically visible or diagnosable difference in how the brain processes information or stimuli (think ADHD, Autism, Dyspraxia, and even Epilepsy) and still very much reflects Ms. Singer’s theology that differences and disabilities are not deficits. Yes, disability and even hardships can derive from neurodiversity, but that is not the full story. In fact, the scientific community agrees and is starting to find links between neurodiversity and exceptional abilities, even human evolution!
PLOS Genetics and Harvard Medical School have found genetic evidence that Autism, and possibly other neurodiversities, are linked to the same genetic factors that cause human evolution, separating us from other primate species, as well as higher intelligence. Other neurodiversities produce valuable benefits as well. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder for instance has, among other talents, been found
to generate the ability to create nearly infinite scenarios, offering the ability to nearly see into the future and design and plan accordingly. Dyslexia is known to breed excellent spatial thinking and creativity. Tourette Syndrome and the self care surrounding the condition can cause strong cognitive control. Bipolar Mania states allow for super human production and creativity. The benefits of neurodiversity go on and even include: strong empathy, hyper focus, 3D planning and modeling, artistic traits, etc. Each individual is unique, but each possess their own gifts.
Neurodiversity, a term originally coined by Australian Sociologist Judy Singer to communicate that neuro difference does not mean deficit, has evolved to describe a medically visible or diagnosable difference in how the brain processes information or stimuli (think ADHD, Autism, Dyspraxia, and even Epilepsy) and still very much reflects Ms. Singer’s theology that differences and disabilities are not deficits.
Now, take these remarkable traits and apply them to science, technology, medicine, inclusion, innovation, and sustainability. Imagine the electric effects!
Interestingly, we are not limited to our imagination. The greatest human advances have already come from within the neurodiverse community.
Albert Einstein, Alan Turing, Benjamin Banneker, Heddy Lamar, Bill Gates, and Stephen
Hawking were (or are) all neurodiverse or suspected as neurodiverse based on later review of symptoms. Even famous creators such as Satoshi Tajiri, Mozart, Will Smith, and Gina Davis and creative entrepreneurs such as Richard Branson and Jessica Alba are part of the community. Wherever there is growth, innovation, or invention neurodiversity is present.
It may surprise you to learn that per the CDC, approximately 20% of the world’s population has some form of neurodiversity. Some estimates, through accumulative data, suggest even higher numbers, nearing 30%. The neurodiverse talent pool is prevalent! Yet, according to the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics and similar data from the BBC, approximately 7.6% of this community cannot find employment, and another 50% or so cannot find full time work.
The answer is simple. The hiring and professional systems have not been designed for them.
For example, as a People Operations Consultant I frequently hear managers, HR, and even interview coaches across the globe talk about the importance of eye contact during interviews.
This always causes my heart to sink. Eye contact can be very difficult for people in the disability and neurodiverse communities.
Diagnosis from Autism to Epilepsy and Cerebral Palsy can make maintaining eye contact uncomfortable or even impossible for individuals. Because society teaches that eye contact is part of reliability and trust, these candidates are then deemed, even if unconsciously, untrustworthy, and thus lose the opportunity. There are countless examples of similar problems throughout the professional realm.
I once had an executive announce to me in a networking Zoom call that they would never hire a person with Bipolar. Now, this was particularly amusing to me as I have a Bipolar diagnosis and this person had tried to hire me on a previous occasion. I asked why they said this, and they replied, “they are dangerous and erratic. You cannot trust them with your brand.” I smiled and said, “and yet you tried to hire me…” Their jaw dropped. Priceless. I then proceeded to educate them about why what they said was incorrect and harmful. They didn’t change, but others in that meeting did.
The system and society’s understanding of neurodiversity and disability are broken to the detriment not only of these communities, but to society itself. Without these wonderful, out-of-the-box individuals, we would still be cave people.
fix it by utilizing neurodiversity!
system and society’s understanding of neurodiversity and disability are broken to the detriment not only of these communities, but to society itself. Without these wonderful, outof-the-box individuals, we would still be cave people.
working to revolutionize HR Technology. I held a focus group to and one attendee, Mervyn Kennedy-MacFoy, asked to submit his feedback at a later time. I assumed that he was busy, and agreed. Two days later, I got an email from Mervyn. It was full of data, charts, graphs, and brilliant ideas that resulted in a whole new inclusion-based feature for the technology which he, without any prompting, designed! I asked him about it, and he said, “I want to be part of the solution. Inclusion takes all of us.” I offered him equity and he joined the team.
Jes, a remarkable young woman from Malaysia, saw people in the Bipolar and mental health community struggling. Having read and personally found that laughter and performance could be strong healing tools, she founded Bipolar Comedy Club, a first of its kind with wonderful results.
The neurodiverse community is the solution to these predicaments of lack of inclusion and limited innovation, and many, many more. As a society, we must simply learn to respond with curiosity, not ego, to gain the full potential of neurodiversity. This means not taking questions of “why?” or expressions of need as threat or insult, but instead as opportunities to grow, expand, and include. This simple adjustment gives room for others, of all communities, to participate and launch us to greatness.
The human mind is ripe with potential. Let us run towards that potential, embracing and encouraging neurodiversity!
Several years ago when I was
Different is not a deficit. It’s a superpower.
The first step to leaving a legacy is knowing what it is, and how you can leave one behind. Well, to me a legacy is what impression or mark someone leaves behind. It’s something that can continue to grow and be an influence on others after you have gone. It can be viewed as a legacy that you leave behind with a former employer, or in a bigger sense, of life in general. These legacies, if they are truly authentic, would not be different, just a subtle difference in the context.
Also, your legacy does not necessarily mean the later stages of your life, although people do tend to think of it more at that stage as they become more reflective in their passing years. You should be reflecting and working on your legacy every day. In essence, its how you go about living your life. It’s you.
One thing you need to understand is that you are actually leaving a legacy whether you are conscious of it or not. Whatever the impact of your behaviour will be your legacy. So, as you would think, all legacies are not necessarily positive, the questions to ask is, how do I want mine to be, how do I want to be remembered? Remember, people only ever remember you by how you made them feel. So if you want to leave a positive legacy, it needs to be about people and what positive impact you made on them. If you are focussed on something less human,
for example, an architect building a spectacular building. It will only be remembered by how it mage people feel when looking at it and when inside.
Ask yourself, ‘what do I want people to remember me for’ or simply ‘how do I want to be remembered’? I put questions like this to my coaching clients, and I have never yet had anyone respond with a legacy you would consider negative. Even though, at their current juncture in life it probably is. The key to leaving a legacy to be proud of, is to understand your
purpose in life. That is, what do you believe you are on this earth to do.
For this article, I am using the word leader in the broader sense. That is, you as a leader of self or you as a leader of a team. To add to this, throughout my years coaching leaders, I have found that successful team leaders have one thing in common. The all can successfully lead themselves. So the behaviours are, in essence the same, just the context is different.
point it, then it can create a disconnect. This can lead to certain undesirable leadership behaviour issues cropping up. Being unsure or unaware of your life purpose it can create anxiety as you are most likely will revert to living with your ego rather than your inner self. So, what differentiates good leaders from others, they always have a conviction of purpose. Its purpose that creates the drive and leaves the legacy. This comes from within you, it gives you consistency and balance, two important leadership traits.
subsets of the bigger picture, your life purpose which you may discover at any stage of you evolve through life. For example, for a 30-year-old your purpose could just be having a happy family. When the children grow older, and you have more time to focus on other things, then you could be in a better position discover what’s next. Either way you need to enjoy the journey so put positive energy into whatever is happening in your life at that moment.
As a leader, or one who is in a leadership role, if you are unsure of your life purpose and not yet quite able to pin-
The thing to understand is not to get to stressed if you don’t believe you have clarity of your overriding life purpose. Just focus on the purpose at that time. For example, this can evolve as we age, as a 30-yearold your purpose could just be having a happy family. When the children grow older, and you have more time to focus on other things, then you could be in a better position to discover what’s next? The point here is that focussing on a purpose is key. I am a good parent, employee friend etc. etc. To me, these are all the
Notwithstanding, it all comes from within you, and that authenticity doesn’t change. That doesn’t necessarily mean the person you are at age 20 will be the same as who you are 60. It just means that at 20 you are still discovering the real you, something you will continue to do as you age through the years. That’s the beautiful experience of life.
Which comes to you first, your legacy or your purpose? To me it’s not a chicken and egg thing. Legacy is the key. It will help you find purpose as it reveals to you the person you want to be. The real you as it comes from
Ask yourself, ‘what do I want people to remember me for’ or simply ‘how do I want to be remembered’?
I put questions like this to my coaching clients, and I have never yet had anyone respond with a legacy you would consider negative.
As a leader, or one who is in a leadership role, if you are unsure of your life purpose and not yet quite able to pin-point it, then it can create a disconnect. This can lead to certain undesirable leadership behaviour issues cropping up.
within. In essence, your legacy becomes you purpose.
So, as I started earlier, ask yourself the question, ‘what do I want people to remember me for’ or simply ‘how do I want to be remembered’? These feeling questions answered honestly will connect you with that inner self. You then convert your answer into behaviours as it doesn’t happen by chance. You must work hard on being the person you want to be.
It also takes courage to stick with those behaviours and not be influenced by who’s around you. When you find it tough, go back to your response and how you want to be remembered.
This should reenergise you. If it doesn’t then go back and ask the question again, the answer may have changed.
I have had clients who have looked at the legacy they want to leave several times a day, because it was a long journey from were they to where they want to be. They needed a lot of reminding and these ‘pit stops’ gave them the fuel to keeping moving forward. I as write this sentence I started to smile because I can picture them with fondness, because they were all successful in living the legacy they wanted to leave.
And, yes, you can do it to. Remember, your life does matter, so leave a positive legacy you can be proud of.
CEO Soul Inspired Leadership
Pte Ltd
Ross is a perceptive and responsive leadership consultant, coach, and trainer, with broad experience in varied industries worldwide continually helping leaders to
reduce their stress in managing people.
Ross is also a dynamic speaker and podcaster with outstanding skills in communication, presentation, training, teambuilding, and interpersonal relations. He works internationally with his projects encompassing many diverse cultural backgrounds.
Throughout the years, Ross has developed a growing desire to put an ongoing emphasis in bringing more soul into business and he believes that the most effective leaders stay true to their authenticity by being soul inspired and it starts by being able to lead yourself.
You can catch Ross at: www.soul-inspired-leadership. com
https://www.linkedin.com/in/ rossswan1/
The world of our dreams is appealing, attractive and amazing. We all live in a unique own world where we all dream a lot based on our individualistic perceptions about our future goals, plans and endeavours. This classic world of dreams is kaleidoscopic but challenging in practical life.
Despite all these challenges, we still dream unbelievably, think desperately and plan deliberately to achieve those cherished goals by attaining the dizzying heights in our personal, professional and social careers. In the process of pursuing these cherished goals, we come across many hurdles, obstacles and challenges but our extraordinary determination, unwavering commitment and indomitable attitude enable us to overcome these wonderfully.
Most of us fail to understand the language of own heart and get carried away with the unrealistic and impractical thoughts. We must try to understand the language of own heart first and then identify our goals with lot of deliberations. Identification of own goal is paramount in life to move on the right path with the right momentum and in the right direction. Many people are unable to identify own dreams
perfectly and correctly which at later stage turns out to be time consuming and waste of energy and efforts. We must chase our dreams. We must first believe in our guts, strengths and inner calling before we set on the journey of chasing of own dreams. Though the journey of pursuing own dreams may be enthusing but it requires passion, zeal and perfection to keep moving ahead and attain the desired heights.
The fear of defeat would always be the main
cause of withdrawal from the battle of chasing own dreams and finally deviating you from the right path. One must be fully focused and undoubtedly determined on own goals despite impromptu hurdles in routine life. One must believe in own guts so that it would empower you to be more confident and energetic while pursuing your ultimate goals. You must recharge your instincts and fuel them appropriately to render required level of momentum which would keep you always enthused and energised to encounter any obstacles and enable you further to overcome the fear of defeat. The fear of defeat incapacitates us and makes us weaker.
The old saying of practice makes a person perfect, still holds good. You must make your efforts to ensure that you achieve expected perfectness. The repeated practices would make you feel stronger and the periodic rehearsals would further empower you
unbelievably. You must enrich your vocabulary which must add value to your written as well as verbal communication skills. The better ideas only come to the minds of those who have better vocabulary. You must read a book in a week and the relevant magazines to enhance your vocabulary level and remain updated with the ongoing changes in the emerging Fourth Wave Society. It is desired to be always well informed and socially connected rightly. Those who don’t adjust and adapt to the ongoing paradigm shifts taking place in the socio-political as well as socioeconomic fabric, later feel left out and isolated.
The 80/20 rule indicates
that only 20% people do things differently and achieve the desired goals in their professional as well personal lives. Remaining 80% are the just passengers who tag along with the 20% people who render the required leadership to any organisation. Also those great leaders in the world who have excelled in their own fields, have done things differently. You must make a habit to read at least one biography/autobiography in a year to remain energetic, enthused and motivated every time. We must remain always empowered, enthused and energetic in attitude so that we can win over the difficulties in life at each stage.
The world is undergoing accelerated changes in the socioeconomic fabric. These rapid changes require adaptive nature and positivity in attitude to adjust and adopt the paradigm shifts taking place in the world. We must swiftly align with the emerging trends
We must try to understand the language of own heart first and then identify our goals with lot of deliberations.
and adjust in the changed scenario. Never lose your originality and unique pattern of doing things differently. The successful people always have their own style of achieving the desired results and doing the same thing in a different manner which eventually make them great and successful in this world.
Designing the pitch of own life is an essential task to move ahead and keep an account of own periodic progress. We must design our own pitch of life by marking the realistic milestones to be achieved in a particular time line. This would keep us always focused and centric as well vigilant to keep performing seamlessly in pursuance of own dreams. These milestones can be documented in the form of Micro Goals, Short Term Goals, Mid Term Goals and Long Term Goals. Once the periodic gaols have been set, you must pursue these with passionate zeal and perfect precision. But one must be fearless and firm while pursuing the pitch of own life.
Our thoughts constitute our future action plans and compel us to think and behave in a particular fashion. We must always think like a leader and keep enhancing our skills and competencies. A leader must always think passionately, positively and progressively to render the appreciable leadership. There is an urgent requirement in this rapidly changing world to be an adaptive leader rather than being a line manager to excel socially and professionally.
In the changing time we must be adaptive, resilient and flexible to achieve our goals. We have to be dedicated and committed with an indomitable attitude to achieve expected excellence to attain dizzying heights. Our sustained contributions and seamless efforts would definitely enable us to chase our cherished goals in life. In the process of achieving this,
we need to reinvent ourselves by reenergising our emotions, rejuvenating our spirits and rediscovering ourselves.
Bhagwan Shekhawat is a futurist, corporate consultant and a sociopolitical analyst residing in Jaipur city of the Indian subcontinent. He takes immense pride in enthusing, empowering and enhancing the leadership skills of the young global leaders in pursuance of creating a cascade of competent leaders. In addition, he expresses his invaluable, inspiring and dynamic views on the emerging Fourth Wave Societies which are reshaping a new geosocial world order. A keen reader and a progressive ideologist who amazingly advocates about the impending global waves of change and the ongoing paradigm shifts taking place in the contemporary socioeconomic and geopolitical spectrum. Twitter: @
The world and her people are currently facing incredibly difficult circumstances. The global health impact stemming from COVID-19 is truly tragic and the economic fallout is being felt across most industries. Sadly, things are going to get worse on both fronts, before they get better.
Another area that is being impacted, is mental wellbeing. The seismic shifts in our lives, our routines, our behaviours, coupled with the worries that come with these changes, all create new stresses on our central nervous systems, and our minds. It’s crucial, more so than ever, to take conscious action to look after and improve, our mental wellbeing.
In times like these (and to note, this is of great value even when things in life are more ‘normal’) it is incredibly empowering to categorise things into two sections – what is CONTROLLABLE and what is UNCONTROLLABLE.
Here are some examples for each: In times like these (and to note, this is of great value even when things in life are more ‘normal’) it is incredibly empowering to categorise things into two sections – what is CONTROLLABLE
- What I choose to focus on. - Whether I choose to learn new skills. - Whether I choose to take action on the important things. - How I invest my resources (time, finances, energy, emotions).
- How I treat my customers / clients. - How I
treat my staff - How I treat my family, friends and people in my communities. - How much news I consume. - Whether I follow government advice on health guidance. - Limiting my social media consumption.What constructive changes I make to my business and/or life, and how fast. - Adapting my thought and behavioural patterns in such a way, that benefit me and those around me. - How proactive I am in utilising appropriate government financial support schemes that can help my business and my personal circumstances during this time.
- How long the COVID-19 situation will last. - Other people’s behaviour. - The impact to stock markets and the economy. - Predicting what will happen. - What people’s motives are. The more clarity we have on this, and then consciously deciding to put ALL of the uncontrollable elements to one side and ONLY focusing on what we can control, leads to a happier, more positive, more empowered mindset.
In times like these (and to note, this is of great value even when things in life are more ‘normal’) it is incredibly empowering to categorise things into two sections – what is CONTROLLABLE and what is UNCONTROLLABLE.
Being happy and positive is a state of mind, not a set of circumstances.
Scientists estimate that the odds of being alive are a staggering 420 TRILLION to one. Every single new day that arrives is truly a gift of monumental value…I’d say it’s lottery win, even though the difficulties of life sometimes make it not feel that way. So, building a powerful mindset that can operate effectively, not only when life is going well, but also when our external environment is filled with adversity, is so crucial.
that’s fantastic, keep up the good work. If not, now is a great time to begin.
Either way, the current situation is an opportunity for us all to look inward, at what we can work on to improve ourselves, to become clear on what truly is important in our short lives (100 years if we’re lucky), and to take action.
There are lots of techniques we can use to develop our mindsets. In addition to the controllable vs uncontrollable model, I’m going to share another three with you:
Having a positive mindset is a hugely valuable asset and it’s not something that just happens.
If you’re already on a personal development journey then
A conscious effort must be made for a prolonged period of time, and at some point it will “drop down” into the subconscious (where the thought process becomes automatic).
Below are the simple steps for this exercise:
Write down a list of uplifting mantras that when you read and say them, makes you feel good. Repeating these statements back to yourself on a regular (can you do daily?) basis will yield some powerful results. If you’re looking for inspiration, you can use positive quotes, journal on your days and highlight the good stuff, and for those more daring, search for the upsides even in the difficult experiences (there is almost always at least one).
Exercise is proven to have a significant positive impact on mental wellbeing, too. It… to other conditions like cancer and diabetes. Helps us to relax. Increases energy, concentration and focus levels. Grows confidence as our perception of how we feel and look improves.
Aids growth of new brain cells (neurons), improving learning and memory, whilst helping
protect against degenerative conditions such as dementia. Lowers stress chemicals. Increases feel good, happy chemicals. Helps combat against (and treat) depression. Aids in the reduction of anxiety. Reduces the risk of serious health conditions such as heart attack and stroke, as well as lowering inflammation which is linked Retraining our brains is done by regularly changing the focal points to what we want be or do, rather than what we don’t. One way to utilise this concept is by implementing the below:
Every day, write down 3-5 things that you are grateful or appreciative of. These can be big, tiny and everything in between. Periodically go back through your list and really revel in the great feelings of all those wonderful things.
The more consistently you do these exercises, the stronger and more stable the benefits become.
remember, that information without action is close to worthless. In order to get the true benefits of any information, we must also back it up with action. It is not enough to just know, we must do.
Please stay safe and look out for those around you. Best wishes, Dan.
Our aim is to support as many people as we can during this difficult time. So we would like to ask you the question, "what can we do to help you?".
To get in touch, please email us on inspired@dangaylecoach. com or visit http://www. dangayle-coach.com
It’s important to note, and to
Powerful Global Women Foundation in collaboration Royalty Kids Montessori School present A one day easter retreat for children and teenagers. Theme of the program was: The Total Child. The program includes reason for the season, cinema, POP quiz, music, baking and losts more. Mrs. Josephine, Phillip Itsuokor (Proprietress, Royalty Kids) was present as host. Over 100 children were in attendance during the program.
We had various workshops for them during the gathering. We also gave facemasks each child that was in attendance. Over one hundred children attended the event. They were all fed as part of our tradition to do. A massive thank you to Ross Swan for supporting our mission.
This project was led by our amazing Vice-president (Mrs Josephine Itsuokor).
As part of PGWF mission to support more families during this challenged time, we have been able to hold two projects (one in April and the other on 13th July 2020). We distributed food supplies to several families and orphanage homes.
Our team lead by Mrs Josephine Itsuokor (Vice-president of PGWF) made these projects a success. We will continue to reach out to more families through the support of our global partners.
VICE PRESIDENT MRS JOSPHINE PHILIP ITSUOKORPowerful Global Women Foundation (Powerhouse Charity) was founded in 20l6 in Nigeria, West Africa, by Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw. The core objective of this organization is to transform the lives of women and children, through various projects centred around the need of the service group.
In 20l6 Lady Anita single handedly fed over 400 children as part of “project feed l000 children globally”, and held an empowerment conference for the women. Through this project, so many women have gone to do great things with the knowledge they gained from the event.
She recently held a life transforming event for women in Lagos, Nigeria as part of International women’s month celebration 20l8. The turnout was very encouraging. She is working towards supporting more families to keep their children and wards in school through” project back-to-school” starting in September 20l8.
We are seeking for global support from individuals and organisations who would love to be a part of this service to humanity.
To support us, please visit: www.powerhouseglobalwomen.com or email womanthepowerhouse@gmail.com or powerhouseglobalmag@gmail.com
CHARITY PROJECT: As part of our Global Annual commitment, we were able to successfully complete project feed the children 2019 mission. Over 150 children were fed at this year’s event. Powerful Women Global Foundation (PGWF ) is a charity set up by Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw in 2016. The service users are women and children. To support PGWF, please email womanthepowerhouse@gmail.com