Coastal imaging research has been ongoing at the ERDC Field Research Facility for more than 30 years, in collaboration with Oregon State University. Imagery of the coast is exploited to provide information on coastal processes, beach and dune topography, nearshore water depths, sandbar positions and wave run-up elevations. It can also be used to determine the condition of coastal infrastructure and the navigability of harbor or inlet entrances. Mini-Argus is an inexpensive coastal monitoring system that rapidly obtains remote sensing data, and is being transitioned to Corps districts for use in monitoring Coastal Storm Risk Management, navigation and coastal infrastructure projects. The systems will provide the Corps a unique capability to address challenges before, during and after coastal storm risk management actions, such as beach nourishment, by providing cost-efficient and real-time video monitoring of federal beach projects. Such video imagery can quantify metrics of interest to Corps districts, such as public use, safety and geomorphologic change. It can also depict how each of these values is altered by the federal project, even during periods of extreme change, such as storm events.