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P.O.W.E.R. Publicity
If you are interested in being interviewed to get your story on social media, consider an in-person interview, podcast, press release, video, or possibly a Times Square Reuters billboard display through P.O.W.E.R. We can help get you the additional exposure you deserve to take your career to the next level.
Set up your in-person interview through P.O.W.E.R. Talk TV. Allow others the opportunity to visually get to know you and your business.
Our podcasts are pre-recorded audio interviews which give our members the opportunity to convey a message or story. This is a great way to increase your exposure and market reach. TIMES SQUARE PHOTO RECOGNITION
Your photo, name, and company name are displayed on the famous Reuters billboard in Times Square, NYC. Times Square is considered the busiest area in Manhattan with approximately 330,000 people passing through daily, many of them tourists. Over 460,000 pedestrians walk through Times Square on its busiest days. It is also the hub of the Broadway Theater District and the world’s entertainment industry. It is one of the world’s most visited tourist attractions, drawing an estimated 50 million visitors annually. This is a great way to attract attention and high visibility for yourself and your company.
PRESS RELEASE A press release is a written public announcement covering your personal and business accomplishments designed to enhance your exposure and market reach. This newsworthy communication is distributed to radio, television, broadcast, journalists, and social media sites. This release can include your photo or company logo as well as a hyperlink to your company website so readers can instantly learn about who you are and what your company offers. For further information, call us at
(516) 365-3222 Ext. 209
or (631) 393-6760 Email us at info@powerwoe.com Visit us at: www.powerwoe.com
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