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The Focus - Jul/Aug 2015

| TORONTO | July 15th - 21st | This years’ VBS donations went to support Rendezvous Church, Toronto. Over $600 was raised! Our church will continue to serve the Gospel Mission in Toronto. We have a team headed one more time to aid in service in the city of Toronto and community of Rendezvous Church. We have a great relationship with Rendezvous church and OPBC is in partnership to support their church ministries. We are still in need of some of our members to help support Rendezvous financially. For more info on this please contact the church office.

___________________ PRAYER GUIDE for TORONTO MISSIONS Pray : Our missionaries who are motivated by the Gospel and live to serve Christ. Going to all nations and making disciples can be a tough journey. Pray for team safety, travel and health during the trip. Pray : A major event is being help in Toronto. The Pan Am games is an opportunity for outreach to many different people. Pray for the Gospel to go forth and produce fruit. Pray : Scott Rourk, the Pastor at Rendezvous Church will lead our team to reach the city and community. Pray for him and his family that they may have the strength given by God to spread the Gospel. Pray : Rendezvous church will host an outdoor worship service in the community. Pray that they can make a positive impact for Christ that will plant long-lasting roots for the Gospel to grow.

It is summer! A great time to get involved in a growth group! These are in home bible studies that are community driven to serve and grow together! Contact the church office for more info! The Focus - Jul/Aug 2015


By: Scotty Smith July 4, 2014

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Gal. 5:1 Dear Lord Jesus, it’s the Fourth of July—a holiday set aside to remember and revel in the freedom we enjoy as citizens of the USA. I thank you for our country, as broken as she is, and for the liberties and privileges we have as citizens of the United States. But that for which I’m most grateful, as I think of the Fourth, are the incomparable freedoms we enjoy as citizens of heaven—as members of the “chosen people, royal priesthood, holy nation, God’s special possession” (1 Pet. 2:9). To be “in Christ” is our permanent address and our consummate freedom. You have made us truly free (John 8:36), Jesus. We’re free from the guilt of our sin, for you took our place on the cross—exhausting the judgment we deserve; free from the power of sin, for you’ve broken its dominion in our lives; free from the fear of death, for you removed its sting and robbed the grave of its victory. Because of your finished work on our behalf, we’re free to obey God from our hearts—and not out of pride, fear, or trying to get something. We’re free to come boldly to the throne of grace—into the very Holy of Holies, for you’ve secured an open and 24/7 access for us. Because the gospel is true, repentance is now a liberating way of life for us, for you’ve borne our shame and we don’t have to pretend or pose anymore. Because of your great and steadfast love for us, the remainder of our life in this world isn’t about getting ready for retirement, but preparation for entering the new heaven and new earth. Lord Jesus, by the power of the gospel, I will seek to stand firm in these and many more freedoms you’ve won for us; and I will seek to resist all slaveries until the Day you return to finish making all things new. Hallelujah, what a Savior you are. Hallelujah, what a salvation you have freely given us. So very Amen I pray, in your liberating and peerless name.

As we remember our countries independence this July 4th, we should also remember the liberty we have as believers in Christ. So when you celebrate with your families this year, remember to pray for the Gospel to reach from sea-to-shining-sea and take action to preach this Good News. The Focus - Jul/Aug 2015


PASTOR BRAD’S SUMMER READING LIST … and some suggestions ... I enjoy reading about what others are reading for a summer. I think it says a lot about a person. I also find great books that I might otherwise not find. So, here is my list of intended reading for the summer of 2015. I will also be spending a lot of time in Psalm 119 this summer in study and reading. Will you read with me? I’ll try to put some thoughts and meditations from Psalm 119 on the blog this summer. Don’t let other things (even other reading) take the place of your Bible reading and Bible study. Consider using the following resource to help with your reading and study. Find more at opbcpastor.wordpress.com David Murray. The Christian Ministry.

Scott Sauls. Jesus Outside the Lines: A Way Forward for Those Who Are Tire of Taking Sides.

Tim Chester: You Can Pray: Finding Grace to Pray Every Day

Graham A. Cole. Engaging with the Holy Spirit: Real Questions, Practical Answers

The Focus - Jul/Aug 2015


Michael Reeves. Rejoicing in Christ.

Erik Larson. Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania

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