17 minute read

Civil War Roundtable salutes Max Travis

On Jan. 19, the Powhatan Civil War Roundtable fired a celebratory cannon salute in honor of one of their founding members, Max Travis. Behind Maxey’s Store in the Village, they gathered at the old cemetery and member Mike Hall fired two volleys in tribute. The members of the Roundtable and the residents that lived nearby came out to view the show. Founded in 2003, the Powhatan Civil War Roundtable meets every third Thursday of the month at the County Seat Restaurant and Gathering Place. The members and guests are treated with a great meal and a presentation related to any subject of the Civil War, by a noted author, academic or historian. All persons are welcome. Visit https://www.powhatancwrt.com or contact PowhatanCWRT@gmail.com.


The library offers e-books through Overdrive and materials to borrow in person or by using books to Go. With books to Go, patrons may reserve print materials, dVds, and audiobooks 24/7 online at www.powhatanlibrary or by phone during open hours at 804-598-5670 and can choose to pick up their books inside on the books to Go shelf or outside in the books to Go lockers. books to Go orders are held for three days after notification. The outdoor library book drop is open 24/7 for returning library items; however, patrons must return mobile hotspots to the circulation desk inside the library. The library accepts donations through the Friends of the Library.

The Friends of the Library bookstore is open during library business hours. Visit www.powhatanlibrary. net or call the library at 804-5985670 for more details, and like the library’s Facebook page for all the latest, up-to-date library news, information and program schedules.

Powhatan County Public Library will hold a weekly stor y Time on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. Participants will read stories, sing songs, learn finger plays and more! story Time generally meets in front of the fireplace, and occasionally in our outdoor space. business network International (bnI) Powhatan chapter meets virtually from 8 to 9:30 a.m. every Wednesday. Visit Www.bnIVa com for information. To register, visit https://tinyurl.com/bnIOnFire or contact executive director dawne Gulla at dawne@bniva.com or 804690-9220 for more information.

The Free Clinic of Powhatan serves residents from Powhatan, amelia and Cumberland Counties as well as select Chesterfield areas. services include medical, dental, counseling and women’s healthcare by appointment. eligibility requirements on website www.freeclinicofpowhatan.org/patients. registration for new patients by appointment Mondays 5-8 p.m. or walk-in Tuesdays from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. For more information or to make an appointment, call (804) 598-5637.

THURSDAY, FEB. 9 a Caregiver support Group will be held from 10 to 11 a.m. the second Thursday of every month at May Memorial baptist Church, 3922 Old buckingham road, Powhatan. build a support system with people who understand. For more information, contact Jayne Lloyd at 804-6980438. Visit alz.org/grva to learn more about caregiver programs and resources.

Just Kids, an affordable clothing shop selling gently used children’s clothes, sizes newborn to 8 plus, and warm coats, is open. The store is open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and saturdays. The shop is located in the Memorial baptist Church youth House, 3926 Old buckingham road. Just Kids is a ministry of May Memorial baptist Church. Clothes cost $2 per bag.

The Powhatan Food Pantry is open from 10 a.m. to noon on Thursdays, saturdays and Tuesdays at 2500 batterson road. Contact the pantry at 804-372-9526 or powhatanvafoodpantry@gmail.com.

Powhatan stars Cancer support Group, formerly known as Powhatan supporting the alliance and respecting survivors (sTars), meets at 6 p.m. on the second Thursday of the month at The County seat restaurant in the back room. The group is for survivors, caregivers and family members to listen and support each other. For more information, contact sue bird at 804-2128651 or Patty Hicks at 804-375-3499. extension specialists and industry experts share timely topics for farmers in the Virginia Cooperative extension ag Today, held virtually at 9 a.m. every Thursday. These updates are relevant and brief and are recorded for folks who can’t join on that day and time. Podcasts (audio only) are posted on Westmoreland VCe webpage and youTube video recordings can be found at https://www.youtube. com/ playlist?list=PL7_2QuVzrPXdpysV2Hy11CH8KbrluifyO. Contact stephanie romelczyk (sromelcz@ vt.edu) for information on joining the meeting live. Watched or listened to VCe aG Today? Let us know how we are doing! Find our survey here: https://vce.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/ form/sV_6fiybb914ayrdn7

The original Powhatan aa meets from 7 to 8 p.m. every Thursday in the Powhatan Village building.

The Powhatan rotary Club meets at 7:30 a.m. every Thursday at the County seat restaurant.

The Powhatan republican Committee’s monthly meeting will be held on the second Thursday of every month at rosa’s Italian restaurant. social time is at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting starts at 7 p.m.

FRIDAY, FEB. 10 show your support for Habitat for Humanity — Powhatan and the Free Clinic of Powhatan by shopping local on Feb. 10, 11 and 12. during the Heart of the Home Weekend, the Vintage shack, Three Crosses distilling Company, Crazy rooster brewing, Fine Creek brewing and Macdaddy’s event and Catering will donate a portion of their proceeds to Habitat for Humanity – Powhatan and Free Clinic of Powhatan.

The Free Clinic also will be offering free blood pressure screenings at the restore on saturday, Feb. 11, from 10 a.m. to noon.

Graceland baptist Church will hold a Family Movie night with dinner at 7 p.m. and a showing of “enchanted” to follow.


Powhatan County Public Library will have Craft Time! from 10:30 to 11 a.m. elementary school aged children are invited to participate in this arts and craft program. registration required. In February, participants will make paper flower bouquets for Valentine’s day.

Habitat For Humanity — Powhatan depends on volunteers and donors. Habitat is blessed with the community’s helpful and generous participation. The Habitat restore at 1922 urbine road will be open every saturday, come november 2022, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The office is located upstairs at the Habitat restore and the office number is 804-594-7009, ext. 2. Call and volunteer. Help us at the restore, perform critical repairs and/or with our upcoming builds. Powhatan aa meets at 8 p.m. every saturday at Manakin episcopal Church on Huguenot Trail.


Powhatan Fire and rescue’s Junior emergency Technician program meets at 1:30 p.m. on the second sunday of each month at different locations in the county. The program is free and open to 12- to 15-yearolds from all parts of the county interested in learning about their local fire, rescue and emergency services organizations. applications may be picked up year-round at the fire administration office in the Village building. Contact the office at 804-598-5646 or sarah Zobells at szobell@powhatanva.gov for this month’s location.

MONDAY, FEB. 13 a Grief support Group meets from 10 to 11 a.m. on the second Monday of each month at Powhatan united Methodist Church. all are welcome to attend. This group is facilitated by Judy Cain-Oliver, licensed clinical psychologist. Powhatan Pastor’s Fellowship provides pastors in the county with fellowship, joint worship experiences and ways to serve the needy in the community. The group meets at 11:30 a.m. on the second Monday of the month at angela’s restaurant. The group is open to any pastor; newcomers welcome. For more information, call Michael edwards, pastor of May Memorial baptist Church, 804-598-3098. relay for Life south of the James meets at 7 p.m. on the second Monday of the month online. For more information, contact Pat Johnson at 804-241-1161 or pjj804@icloud.com. a Powhatan Hope narcotics anonymous (na) meeting will be held from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. every Monday at PCC Church, 4480 anderson Highway, Powhatan, room 102. It is an open discussion meeting. Wheelchair accessible.

Powhatan County Public Library has a wonderful line up of adult programs to get you out of your house on those wintery days. every second and fourth Monday throughout the winter at 11 a.m., the library will hold retro Movie Mondays. Come in and enjoy some popcorn, watch a classic movie and reminisce. On Feb. 13, come watch the 2022 historical comedy-drama film “Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris.” rated PG. Light refreshments will be provided. For details, contact Powhatan County Public Library at 804-598-5670 or library@powhatanlibrary.net.

TUESDAY, FEB. 14 upcoming dates are: Feb. 14 and 22; March 7, 14 and 22. From april through september, volunteers are asked to arrive at 9 a.m. and the riding sessions begin at 10 a.m. upcoming dates are: april 4, 18 and 26; May 2, 16 and 24; June 6, 20 and 28; July 11, 18 and 26; aug. 1, 15 and 23; sept. 12, 19 and 27. From October through november, volunteers are asked to arrive at 10 a.m. and the riding sessions begin at 11 a.m. upcoming dates are: Oct. 3, 17 and 25; nov. 7, 14 and 29. There are no sessions in december. LdeC is able to provide a variety of services to the veterans because of dedicated volunteers. Those who would like to help and have fun at the same time are asked to consider becoming a member of one of these teams. For more information about Lonesome dove, visit http://ldequestrian.com/ or contact 804-356-6327. aa meets at 8 p.m. every Tuesday at st. Luke’s episcopal Church on Huguenot Trail.

Lonesome dove equestrian Center, which is located at 6137 Old buckingham road, provides yearround therapeutic horseback riding exclusively for veterans with special needs and disabilities. Focusing on veterans in Central Virginia, the goal of this program is to improve the quality of life for the participants through activities that are positive to their cognitive, physical, emotional and social well-being. as of Jan. 1, 2021, the program is also welcoming first responders to come ride with the program. From January through March, volunteers are asked to arrive at 10 a.m. and the riding sessions begin at 11 a.m.

The new bridge of reason aa meeting is held at 7 p.m. every Tuesday at Powhatan Mennonite Church, 3549 Old buckingham road, Powhatan. It is an open, decision and literature meeting for Powhatan, Goochland, and Cumberland counties.

The Powhatan a merican Legion Post 201 meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month. Legion members invite all veterans of our armed forces to attend the meetings of Post 201 which are held at the War Memorial Cultural ar ts and Community Center, 2375 skaggs road. For more information, contact david bradley at 804-306-3740.

UPCOMING aarP Tax-aide volunteers will be offering free tax return preparation again this year at the Powhatan County Public Library. due to COVId-19 restrictions last year, volunteers were only able to provide drop-off services for most of the season. However, this year, the plan is to return to face-to-face appointments. Tax preparation appointments can be made online through a link on the Powhatan Library website. To better manage appointments, volunteers will only be opening a few appointment days at a time. additional appointment times will be added as earlier times are filled. Make an appointment only once you have received all your tax documents. When you come to your appointment, bring the following items: prior year tax return; social security cards for everyone on the tax return and drivers photo Id to confirm your identity; all your tax documents; and copy of a voided check for direct deposit of any tax refund. Free tax return preparation appointments will be in the large conference room of the Powhatan Library between 9:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. every Wednesday and Friday beginning Wednesday, Feb. 1 through Friday, april 14, 2023.

Girl scout Troop 3029 is helping the Huguenot Volunteer Fire department achieve a long-held goal of building a memorial to honor the victims of the terrorist attacks of sept. 11, 2001 at the station. The Girl scouts are selling 411 bricks inscribed with the name, rank and company of a firefighter, law enforcement officer or paramedic killed during the attacks. a donation of $23 will cover the cost of one inscribed brick in honor of a first responder. To purchase a brick, visit www.bricksrus.com/donorsite/memorial911. Checks payable to Troop 3029 may also be mailed to Laura baltz at 1510 Holly Hills road, Powhatan, Va 23139. For more information, contact baltz at 804-467-4313 or Ljbal65@aol.com.

The Powhatan Chamber of Commerce’s Food for Thought luncheon will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 16 at County seat restaurant and Gathering Place. The featured speaker will be Teresa Mcbean, enneagram practitioner. The enneagram is a definitive tool that gives us deeply personal (and eerily accurate) insight into who we’re wired to be and why we behave the way we do. register at powhatanchamber.org.

Powhatan County Public schools will hold a 2023 Career Fair from 9 a.m. to noon Feb. 18 at Flat rock elementary school, 2210 batterson road. There will be in-person and virtual interviews with school administrators. register at www. powhatan.k12.va.us.

Powhatan County Public Library has a wonderful line up of adult programs to get you out of your house on those wintery days. On saturday, Feb. 18, join other participants for Gentle beginner’s yoga with Joanna bartles. Learn breathing techniques, postures and movements to relieve tension and tightness in muscles and joints. bring a yoga mat or beach towel, and if able a firm pillow, block or towel for support. For details, contact Powhatan County Public Library at 804-598-5670 or library@powhatanlibrary.net. saturday under the stars at Powhatan state Park will be hosted by the richmond astronomical society throughout 2023. events are open to the public and held at the equestrian / Trailhead parking area. Visitors are welcome to bring their telescopes and test them out under a dark sky with assistance from our astronomers. This is a great opportunity to try out a new telescope that might have been a holiday gift. no telescope is required, though. you can always check out the views through ours or just bring a comfortable chair. event times are listed below, but volunteer astronomers will be on site before the event to provide telescope assistance. note that the $5 park fee applies at all times; park fees are waived for volunteer astronomers who are sharing their expertise or equipment for the event and volunteer astronomers are welcome to continue to observe through the night after the public hours. astronomers that can help with any of these events, send a message to president@richastro.org. upcoming dates are: 6 to 8 p.m. Feb. 18; 7 to 9 p.m. april 22; 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. July 22; 8 to 10 p.m. sept. 16; and 5 to 7 p.m. dec. 9.

Powhatan County Public Library’s Teen advisory board will meet at 4 p.m. Feb. 21. Help plan and run teen programs, create library displays, suggest ya books and materials and get volunteer hours. For local teens aged 13 to 18 (grades six to 12). application required. Pick one up at the library front desk.

Powhatan County Public Library has a book Club. The group will discuss “We are not Like Them” by Christine Pride and Jo Piazza at the Feb. 24 meeting at 10 a.m. The March book will be “Horse” by Geraldine brooks.

The Powhatan naaCP will sponsor a black History Month program, “Together in unity,” at 3 p.m. on saturday, Feb. 25 at Greenbrier baptist Church, 4731 bell road. The event will feature guest speaker the rev. Terrell Glenn, praise dancers and musical performers. everyone is welcome.

Powhatan County residents are encouraged to “Go Green” with a free recycling event. bring old, discarded tires and appliances for recycling on saturday, Feb. 25, from 8 a.m. to noon. Powhatan anti-Litter Council (aLC) has sponsored this service for more than 15 years. note the change in location for the 2023 event, which will be held at Powhatan County’s Fighting Creek Park, 2505 Mann road in the parking lot of the sports complex. Only standard car and small truck tires will be accepted. They must be off the rims and trash removed prior to drop off. not open to commercial businesses. appliance items such as dishwashers, hot water heaters, stoves, air conditioners, refrigerators, washer/dryers, and freezers will be accepted. Freon will be removed free of charge. Mercury switches will also be recycled. County residency and identification may be required. aLC volunteers reserve the right to turn away residents once the trailers are full. For updates or more information, check out the Powhatan anti-Litter Council Facebook page, or email antiLitter@powhatanva.gov. Powhatan state Park has planned a series of monthly ranger Led Hikes to explore the park throughout 2023. each month, park visitors can join in a hike on a different trail in the park and learn about local history and wildlife. all hikes begin at 10 a.m. registration is required and limited to nine hikers per trip. email Powhatan@dcr. virginia.gov with the subject line “hiking series” including the desired date/ hike to reserve your spot. upcoming events are: Feb. 25: river, Gold dust and Turkey Trail, meet at equestrian Lot; March 25: Cabin Trail/big Woods Trail, meet at the playground area; april 29: Pine Trail, meet at yates Parking area; May 27: Coyote run Trail, meet at equestrian Lot; June 24: river, Gold dust and Turkey Trail, meet at equestrian Lot; July 29: Cabin Trail/big Woods Trail, meet at the playground area; aug. 26: Pine Trail, meet at yates Parking area; sept. 30: Coyote run Trail, meet at equestrian Lot; Oct. 28: river, Gold dust and Turkey Trail, meet at equestrian Lot; nov. 25: Cabin Trail/big Woods Trail, meet at the playground area; and dec. 30: Pine Trail, meet at yates Parking area. Wear comfortable, closed-toed shoes and bring plenty of water. Children are welcome but be aware that some hikes may exceed 4 miles and require navigating uneven terrain in all weather conditions.


Three neighbors from Tilman’s Farm in Powhatan traveled to Barcelona, Spain in November 2022 — Heidi Daniels, Tanya Pavlish and Jodi Wilson. They visited the wonderful creations of architect Antoni Gaudi (including La Sagrada Familia, Casa

Mila-La Pedrera and Park Guell); enjoyed a beautiful bike tour and sailing experience complete with a visit to a winery in the Alella wine region; and marveled at all of the fantastic restaurants, shops and sights. It was an amazing trip that these three friends will remember forever!



Powhatan County Public Schools is constantly challenging and engaging its students in exciting ways. These are a few snapshots of some of the division’s awesome recent moments.

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„ One male was charged on Jan. 24 with driving a motor vehicle while intoxicated (Misdemeanor), traffic: expired rejection sticker (M) and reckless driving –excessive speed (M).

„ One female was charged on Jan. 25 with failure to appear (M).

„ One male was charged on Jan. 25 with driving a motor vehicle while intoxicated (M).

„ One male was charged on Jan. 25 with assault and battery of a family member (M).

„ One male was charged


From A1

While the discussion flowed in several different directions, James Taylor, District 4, made the point during the discussion about 30 days’ notice and putting extra burden on teachers that the point of the policy wasn’t to villainize them but to acknowledge that “we live in a culture that is progressively sliding in a direction that most people in our county don’t want.” on Jan. 25 with grand larceny (Felony).

„ One male was charged on Jan. 27 with DUI 2nd/3rd offense within 5-10 years (M) and reckless driving –excessive speed (M).

„ One female was charged on Jan. 30 with county ordinance – prohibit vehicle parking on highways.

„ One male was charged on Jan. 30 with assault and battery of a family member (M).

Weekly incident report Jan. 23-29 – Incident type and total calls tographs, films, drawings – should be referenced as included under sexually explicit materials but left the definition of the subject matter to be laid out in state code.

“So this is creating greater assurance that we are going to hold the line on certain issues and let parents have the say whether or not they want their child to be under that instruction for that particular thing,” he said. “If there is a timeframe I think it gives them greater assurance as a parent that they can have a say in that situation.” comes down to how they are defined. Valarie Ayers, District 3, was the most stringent opponent of using the actual definitions in the school division’s policy, arguing for keeping the original policy’s way of only referencing and linking the state code sections. “I don’t want all of this in our policy,” she said, referring to the somewhat graphic terms in the definition. “I’m sorry, our high school children look at policy, read policy. …I have no shame in saying I don’t even know what these fricking words mean. How are my children, our children, our students – what are they going to do? Are they going to go look up definitions of these words and then they are going to be disciplined for violating our computer policy? I am sorry, I don’t want to know what these words mean.” edge that sometimes that much lead time is not possible for varying reasons. They eventually decided to leave it in the implementation section that there should be a “minimum of a 30-day notice unless such review is not technically feasible or is prohibited by copyright production.”

However, they did add the state’s definition of “harmful to juveniles” to the proposed draft: “Harmful to juveniles” means that quality of any description or representation, in whatever form, of nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, or sadomasochistic abuse, when it (a) predominantly appeals to the prurient, shameful or morbid interest of juveniles, (b) is patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community as a whole with respect to what is suitable material for juveniles, and (c) is, when taken as a whole, lacking in serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value for juveniles.

Part of this discussion was the intention not to put extra burden on teachers with their notification. The discussion included pointing out a teacher’s syllabus a the beginning of the year can serve as the initial notice and that the use of sexually explicit materials isn’t a matter of constant use.


Heyeveryone!Mynameis Samuel,I’mapitmix,around 2-3yearsoldand,weigh55 lbs.Irecentlyfoundmyselfat theshelterbynofaultofmy own.Myfamilyhadtomakethe harddecisiontobringmetothe shelter.Accordingtomyowners. I’mgoodwithotherdogs, cats,andkids!I’moneofthe volunteer’sfavoritesandenjoy goingforwalksandjusthanging out.It’salmostValentine’sDayI’d reallyliketofindafamilytolove andspendmydayswith!Ifyou’dliketomeetmepleasecall 804-598-5672toscheduleanappointment.Appointments arescheduledM-F1-4.Ireallyhopetoseeyousoon! Ohbytheway!TheshelterishavingaValentinesDaythemed photoshootonFebruary10,202311:00am-2:00pmwithour friendBrittanyRosePetographyLLC.$10minimumdonation (CashorCheckOnly)perpetparticipatinginphotos.100%of thedonationswillgotowardsour#Cash4KennelsFundraiser. Wehopetoseeyouandyourpets!

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A good portion of the discussion was about word choice, but a few key points they discussed and hammered out at length included:

„ Definitions: One of the key aspects of understanding what is or is not sexually explicit material


From A2 reading is Grand, a joint program of Powhatan County Public Library and Powhatan County r each f or a c tive s ervices, will be held at 1 p .m. Feb. 28. t his

Anyone who wants to read the definitions can do the extra work of clicking the link provided in the policy and reading them as written in state code, she continued.

After much discussion, the board made clear what categories of materials –such as destructions, pho- intergenerational reading program partners children ages 5 to 10 with adults aged 55+ to practice reading aloud. r egistration is required. strengthening Families from Within: a Free Family Wellness s eminar for a ges 12 +” will be hosted by t he Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day s aints

„ Thirty days notification: The school board members were overall in favor of having schools notify parents that sexually explicit content will be used at least 30 days in advance. Discussion on this topic once again centered around how to acknowl- from 10 a.m. to noon on s aturday, March 11, 2023 at 1957 Capeway r d, Powhatan. s i gn up at https://forms.gle/ xy e 7n4XiXr4 e LmF r 7. an upcoming craft fair is looking for vendors. t he fair will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p .m. on a pril 29, rain or shine, at s t John n eumann Catholic Church,

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