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Powhatan State Park hosts 5K event
Powhatan locals will get the opportunity to support a local soccer team while getting active at Powhatan State Park for the upcoming No Frills Some Chills 5K on Saturday, Feb. 25.
The funds from the 5K race will support the costs for the U13
FC Richmond Elite girls soccer team’s upcoming Florida tournament trip. The race has a 9 a.m. start and features a mix of grass trails as well as the Cabin and the Big Woods trail loops that are part of the state park.
The top-2 male and female finishers will also receive custom animal print mugs from Kirsten’s Clay, which is based out of Blackstone, Virginia. Potomac River Running will also be providing raffle and door prizes for guests joining the race.
Online registration for the event will be $25, which includes a race shirt, or $20 without the shirt. Race day entry will be available at $25, though does not include a shirt. Online entry with no shirt closes on Thursday, Feb. 23 at 11:59 p.m. Results for the 5K will also be posted online by 9 p.m. the day of the race.