1 minute read
[New] Middle school rolls out variety ofclubs to engage students

By LauraMcFarland Managing Editor
During the presentation, she listened intently to the explanation about the Milken Educator Award, which was completely unknown to her. She said she was so busy trying to take in the details of the award that actually hearing her name called was
POWHATAN– PowhatanMiddleSchoolwillbe buzzingwithdifferentkinds ofactivitiesmovingforward asnew clubsallow students tobondwithotherstudents

“Yesterday it almost was like a dream,” Stepko said on Thursday. “So much happened in the moment and then afterward that this morning, when I woke up, I literally called my principal at 6 a.m. and said, ‘what in the world has just happened? How in the world did this happen?’ I was very much in shock.” million that had previously been allocated this fiscal year for 10 diesel buses, Andy West, director of transportation, told board
The Milken Educator Award recognizes teachers, principals and other public-school educators who promote excellence and innovation. Recipients are selected on the basis of multiple criteria related to instructional practice, leadership, student achievement and accomplishments outside the classroom.

By LauraMcFarland Ma