8 minute read
[New] Buses
From accessories used while driving (air conditioning, heat, etc.) and driving conditions (traffic). All PCPS routes have the ability to accommodate an EV for a morning or afternoon run with a charge in between runs, West said. of obtaining the rebate from the EPA, which they should receive within 60 days. This purchase order will not be processed by PCPS. send news items to Powhatan today lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com or call 804-363-1577
Dominion Energy will install charging stations at no cost to the school division. The replacement buses must serve the division for at least five years from the time of delivery.

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12th Grade All A/B’s
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Contact Robby Fletcher at rfletcher@powhatantoday.com or call 804-380-0497
Addison Adams, Katherine Adams, Nathan Adkins, John Ainsworth, Shelby Akins, Monica Alejo, Erin Almond, Ellamae Anderson, Samuel Anderson, Sara Barnett, Rosa Benitez, Kyla Beyer, Timothy Blasé, Colton Blevins, Hayden Blisick, Paul Bonner, Luke Burkhart, Alexander Campbell, Chandler Cannon, Samantha Carraway, Isabelle Carson, Briseida Casarez Hernandez, Angel Cedillo, Ella Chitty, Cameron Christopher, Liam you have a sports story idea or photo to submit?
Contact Robby Fletcher at rfletcher@powhatantoday.com or call 804-380-0497
Obituary Submissions
In addition to the almost $1 million in savings by not purchasing the diesel buses, West outlined numerous benefits the electric school bus bring to the division. He cited a fuel cost reduction of over 50% as well as maintenance costs being reduced by about 50% since there are no oil changes, fewer filters and no diesel exhaust fluid. The buses also create zero emissions.
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“Shorter routes could accommodate an electric vehicle for an entire day on a full charge without having to be charged in between runs,” he said. “Typically, on the fast chargers that Dominion would install, it would take about two and a half hours to charge a school bus.” buses’ batteries; questions about costs for electric vehicles for other school systems; different insurance needs; concerns about Dominion possibly using bus battery power during times they are not in service; and how this will move the division in regard to future requirements about converting to electric buses.
He added that the terrain in Powhatan County will not adversely affect the battery’s range.
Superintendent Beth Teigen also explained in November that the school division must turn in 10 diesel buses within a two-year window and that a number of buses have already been identified for that purpose, with more than half of them over 18 years old.
Sonny Merryman Inc. will then place the order with Thomas Built Buses upon receipt of the copy of the purchase order. Unfortunately there is currently a nine to 12-month build time, West said.
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Deadline is noon Friday for the following week’s issue.
Breaking down a comparison of costs for diesel versus electric school buses, West said they estimate 10 buses in service for 15 years would save the school division $975,750, or $6,505 per bus per year.
PCPS obtained a quote from North Carolina-based Thomas Built Buses for the 10 buses, which will have an electric vehicle (EV) range on a full charge of about 100 to 120 miles based on
Obituary Submissions
Call 804-643-4414, ext. 3 Email: paidnotices @timesdispatch.com Deadline is noon Friday for the following week’s issue.
The board members did not comment or ask questions during the Dec. 13 presentation but there was extensive discussion when they first received information on the grant during their Nov. 8 meeting from West and a representative from Sonny Merriman, regional sales manager Cory Compton. Topics they discussed including ensuring there are no hidden costs; worries about the safety of batteries; learning there is a 15-year-warranty on the
From A3
BallChristmas Mother Kathy Ware as well as honoring the community for its support of the program and raising funds for 2023, said Pinckey Sowers, the 2013 Christmas Mother and a member of the Little Christmas event committee.
Got a news tip? email lmcfarland@ powhatantoday .com if it’s important to you, it’s important to us!
“This is a way of letting the community know that the Christmas Everyday Committee works year round. Just because the 25th of December has come does not mean Christmas is over. We are trying to provide services throughout the year and we thought this was a good way to have people realize what we do in the community,” she said.
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The name of The Ball
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Deadline is 3 p.m. Wednesday for the following week’s issue. Calendar announcements cannot be taken by phone. We reserve the right to edit all items submitted.
Calendar Submissions
Wednesday for the following week’s issue. Calendar announcements cannot be taken by phone. We reserve the right to edit all items submitted.
on Little Christmas is a reference to Epiphany being celebrated on Jan. 6 to celebrate the Magi or Wise Men visiting baby Jesus.

Sowers said the event is possible because of St. John Neumann and its parishioners, who are responsible for so much of this event but also have supported the program with an annual Angel Tree and previous events such as a gala in 2013 and the 50th anniversary celebration.
“They have been very generous throughout the years,” she said.
Father Walter Lewis,
Answering a question about possible uses for the roughly $1 million saved on diesel buses, Teigen told the school board in November that one possibility for some of the funds was to purchase radios for the school buses that would be tied to the same land mobile radio system the county uses.
In a separate interview last week, West explained that the next step is to create a purchase order for the full amount of all 10 buses that will be sent to Sonny Merryman Inc. for the purposes priest at St. John Neumann, noted that throughout the history of the Christmas Mother program in Powhatan, several parishioners have been in the title role, which is a significant connection.
The church takes on a large number of tags for clients each year to support the ministry, he said.
“This is just a natural outreach of that commitment to respond to the needs of those less fortunate,” he said.
The Venue at Flat Rock –formerly Father Val Hall –will be decorated by church members in a winter theme and most of the food will be prepared by them, he said, adding they are happy to support the Christmas Mother program’s mission to help people all year round.
A memorandum of understanding with Dominion Energy is still under review, and division staff hope to have it finalized in early January, he said. Once the agreement is signed and delivered, the energy company will begin the planning process and order necessary charging stations for installation. This timeline will all depend on availability of parts.
Upon delivery, the buses will be inspected by PCPS garage staff, registered and tagged through the Department of Motor Vehicles. As long as the charging stations have been completed and installed, the buses will then be ready to go in service, West said.
Laura mcFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@ powhatantoday.com.
“It really is to help support the outreach beyond the Christmas holiday and to recognize that the needs which present themselves so acutely at Christmas continue into the new year and this provides some funding to help with that,” he said.
Laura mcFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@ powhatantoday.com.
Sports story idea or photo can be submitted to Robby Fletcher at email: rfletcher@ powhatantoday. com or call 804-380-0497
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