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[New] Wrestling
From B1 they can trust in me, and that’s how we can get all of us moving together as a group,” Proffitt said. Proffitt was one of seven Powhatan wrestlers to win by a pin, many of which came within the first period of play. After freshman Brady Beard won the 106-pound matchup in just 56 seconds, he was quickly beat in terms of quickness by Sanchez in the very next event, as she won the 113-pound event in just 36 seconds.
Talon Harness, Gavin Utley, Proffitt and Preston Ritz all followed the quick start up with pins of their own, all of which came within that first and only period. Utley managed to get his opponent on his back with just a second left in the first period, making his battle the closest of the four, while Harness took just over a minute and Ritz captured his victory in 22 seconds.
As the team took complete control over those first handful of matches, the crowd was fired up for every pin like it was the most important one of the night. Proffitt says the crowd’s energy was one of the things that made it such a special night.
“This was the most filled our stands have ever been, and I think the whole way through we were able to keep all of our guys behind every person that was out on the mat,” Proffitt said.
The night was also an opportunity for the team to honor Kieran Hathaway, a beloved member of the team who passed away on Jan. 2, 2022. Hathaway’s passion for wrestling and for his teammates has resonated within the team since his passing, and people who were close to him like Proffitt felt senior night was just another way to remember him and what he means to the Powhatan community.
“Tonight just felt like a great way to honor him one last time at home before we get into the postseason,” Proffitt said.
For a team that has emphasized its togetherness that is akin to a family atmosphere, using senior night as a chance to also honor someone as vital to that family aspect as Hathaway was a must for the Indians entering their meeting with the Generals.
“He’s a person that we keep close to our hearts; we’re just trying to dedicate the season to him,” Tanaka said. “He’s a kid that we all were around so much, and him and Britton were really close. We were super happy to have Kieran’s mom Carter here so we can support and recognize her as well.” robby Fletcher can be reached at rfletcher@powhatantoday.com.
After that memorable senior night, the Indians were quick to compete again two days later at the Mechanicsville Holiday Classic held in the Mustangs’ gym.
Last year, the Indians finished fifth at the Holiday Classic, and were close to that result this time with a sixth place finish that saw Harness, Utley, Proffitt and Luke Wells finish with second place finishes in their respective classes. Beard also placed fourth in the 106-pound bracket and Davis placed fifth in the 190-pound bracket to help with Powhatan’s team score.
The Indians now get a nice break after the Holiday Classic, with their next contest coming on Jan. 6 to 7 when they travel to Bristol, Tennessee for the Bill Brimer Brawl.
Park.Thesiteaddressis1595StandingRidgeDr.,located southofAndersonHighway (Rt.60)and approximately0.3miles west oftheChesterfield/PowhatanCountyline.Thesubjectpropertyconsists of3.4acres.The2021Long-RangeComprehensive Plandesignatesthe subjectpropertyasGatewayBusiness.. Themeetingmaybewatchedlive by visitinghttp://powhatanva.gov/432/ Live-Stream-of-Powhatan-County-Meetings.

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