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[New] Award
educators, including more than $1.1 million in Virginia.
Youngkin said it was exciting to join the Cumberland Elementary community to celebrate Stepko as she accepted her award.
“Virginia’s educators are making a tremendous difference in young lives and I look forward to continuing to champion their contributions in the New Year,” she said.
“Pamela has an unshakable belief that every child can achieve success in math, and this is reflected in the 20-point jump in math performance Cumberland Elementary students achieved last year,” Balow said. “She scrutinizes data to plot a path forward for every child in her school and is constantly finding creative ways to excite young minds about the wonders and possibilities of mathematics.”
Stepko is in her seventh year of teaching at Cumberland Elementary. Before assuming her current role as a math interventionist for third and fourth grade students, she served as an assistant principal and as a pre-K, second grade and third grade teacher.
“Pamela Stepko’s unique combination of leadership and classroom experience makes her a valuable asset to Cumberland Elementary School and the community at large,” said Bishop, who received a Milken Educator Award in 2001 while a theater teacher and fine arts chair at Prince George High in Prince George County. “Through her creativity, compassion and high expectations for excellence, Pamela builds both academic skill and the confidence in her students to become productive young citi-
Deputies Assist With Food Collection

The Powhatan sheriff’s Office recently introduced its three newest deputies. shown are sgt. david Hunt, from left, with new deputies chase breeden, mason Thornberg and reese barden. The deputies assisted Hunt and Investnet with donations in honor of the late carla Hunt. These donations were taken to backpacks of Love for Powhatan. barden will go to the crater criminal Justice academy in January 2023. breeden and Thornberg will be in field training for several weeks. Powhatan’s newest deputies will be serving in the community soon.
zens. I am thrilled to welcome her to our national network of Milken Educators.”
Information released from the Milken Family Foundation praised how Stepko helps students build academic skill and confidence; motivates and encourages students by setting clear expectations for their success; writes problems on the windows so students can see both the math and the world beyond; sets math content to music to increase retention; and uses data-driven approaches to develop targeted instruction and assess next steps. The school’s scores on state math assessments have risen 20 percentage points since Stepko stepped in as a math interventionist.
Leading up to the day of the announcement, Stepko said staff had been informed that Balow and Youngkin were coming that day to tour the school and see some of redesigned spaces. The school had other dignitaries visit in the past, so nothing seemed out of the ordinary to her.

The school prepared in different ways with students, including hav- ing one class from each grade level that would be attending the assembly learn a song for the occasion. 2095RedLaneRoad 1/2mileoff Rt.60onRedLaneRoad 804-598-2455 www.redlanebaptist.org SmallGroupClasses9:00a.m. WorshipService10:30a.m. Dr.JamesTaylor,Pastor 3619HuguenotTrail Powhatan,V irginia2 3139 www.finecreek baptis t.org SundaySchool:9:45a.m. Wor shipSer vice:11:00a.m. Traditional VernGilmer,Pastor

For her part, Stepko had been working with some of her fourth grade students for several days on math skills to demonstrate to the visitors. She told her students she would be back during the tour and went to the assembly.
“That is what we all thought was happening. Of course it was something completely different,” Stepko said.
After the assembly, Stepko asked the visitors still there to come meet her students, who had been preparing for days to show off their math skills. She said she was grateful to have the opportunity to showcase the wonderful things happening at her school.
“Yes, I received this award but only because of all of the work and everything we do within our division and the teachers, the inspiration, the learning, the excitement of the students. Everything that we do is for them,” she said.
Laura mcFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.
GracelandBaptistChurch Dr.RonaldWyatt,Jr.,Pastor Contemporary–9:00a.m. Sund aySchool–9:45a.m. Worship–11a.m. Children’sWorship–11a.m. Praise&Worship–6p.m. Light houseYouth–Wed.5:30p.m. BibleStudy–Wed.6:30p.m. Children’sWorship(allages)–Wed.6:30p.m. MiraclesofGod Sp.NeedsService: 11a.m.t he 2nd Mon.ofeachmonth 598-34 81 •975DorsetRoad www.gracelandbc.org