9 minute read
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 21 community matters is a resource for all 55 and forward interested in learning, staying active and engaging with peers. challenge and socialization are powerful combined and crucial at any age! Programs are free; requires independent participation. On dec. 21, the group will hold a Very Quichey christmas. Join with other participants for carols with youth, cookie decorating, quiche and salad, and ornament making from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Powhatan rescue squad building. Information on various offerings, activities and topics presented can be found on Facebook: Powhatan county reach for active services. call program coordinator Jayne Lloyd at 804-698-0438 for more information.
Powhatan county Parks and rec announced its Holiday Open Gym activities. The following programs will be held: special needs basketball (18+), monday 10 a.m. to noon; basketball Open Gym, monday to Friday, noon to 2 p.m. (dec. 19 to dec. 30; Pickleball, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 to 11:30 a.m. Holiday closures are dec. 23 and 26 and Jan. 2, 2023. activities are free for residents and county employees/ $10 non-residents. minors under 14 must be accompanied by an adult. Pocahontas Landmark center Gym is located at 4290 anderson Highway. For more information, call the rec center at 804-598-5275. Follow us on Facebook @ Powhatan county Parks & recreation.
Powhatan High School First Nine Weeks Honor Roll
Ninth Grade All A’s Mackenzie Aeschlimann, Logan Baggette, Gillian Bates, Rodricko Brown, Sophia Campbell, Benjamin Compton, Pietro Conigliaro, Anderson Daniels, Jonah Davidson, Joshua Dean, Addison Delaney, Don Dittman, Violet Edling, Mary Fens, Connor Golden, Caris Grell, Baily Hacker, Lilyana Hamilton, John Harrison, Gabrielle Hartless, T. Henshaw, Rachael Hinson, Nariah Howell, Nariona Howell, Joseph Joyce, Hannah Kantanen, Joseph Kelley, Joshua Layman, Justyn Little, Haylee Miller, Joshua Montgomery, Evelina Moyer, Meaghan Priddy, Georgia Rambo, Samuel Reilly, Hannah Ritchie, Christian Rittner, Brett Schott, Arilyn Sellars, Kelsie Snellings, Caroline Speight, Leo Stallings, Matthew Stoneman, Ellah Taylor, Lacie Taylor, Abigail Trevillian, Karly Vaughn, Shane Whitlock, Collin Wood, Luke Wright, Ella Yarhouse, Jah’nie Youmans-Jackson, Farrah Zaki.
Ninth Grade All A/B’s Addisyn Alvarado, Blake Badgett, Evan Baker, William Ball, Dillon Barnes, Christopher Barnett, Matthew Betz, Tyler Bilthuis, Quentin Booker, River Braswell, Wilson Braun, Emily Bruce, Leo Burchett, Annabella Butler, Nathan Butler, Noah Campbell, Wesley Carl, Olivia Carter, Raegan Carter, Lucas Cash, Camden Chewning, William Clancy, Gabriella Cornett, Annie Crane, Eva Crane, Grayson Crawford, Peyton Creasy, Nathan Danburg, John Davis, Case DeHart, Kendall Dickerson, John DiNardi, Ethan Dippold, Ayden Dooley, Cameron Duck, Olivia Duncan, Zachary Durrbeck, Sadie Edling, Allen Ellis II, Jackson Faris, Samantha Fens, Aubrie Field, Jake Fields, Shawn Flippo, Lucas Foltyn, Tristan Frame, Ava Franklin, Lauren Freeman, Caleb Fuentes, Marnie Garland, Abigail George, Emily Gibbs, Grace Gicheru, Victoria Goin, Mazie Harmon, Taylor Harper, Leo Harris, Aiden Hawthorne, Virginia Hayden, Krusen Heller, Morris Heller, DaZiya Henderson, Rowan Henke, Elihu Herrin, Ezra Herrin, James Hester, Aidan Hicks, Emma Honaker, Gavin Hoskin, Devin Howard, Ethan Hoyt, Lillian Hull, Zachary Hull, Camryn Humphreys, Gloria Jamerson, Demarco Johnson Jr., Arlena Johnson, Megan Jones, Zachary Kantane, Colin Kelly, Matthew Kenney, Noah Kimble, Alexa Lawson, Thomas Leary, Maya Lesine, Dylan Mapes, Bradley Marks, Zomeydi Marron m uddy c reek b aptist c hurch, 3740 Trenholm r o ad, will hold “The nativity,” a live performance, at 6, 7 and 8 p.m. come experience this beautiful story underneath the stars.
Powhatan c oun ty Public Library is open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. monday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays, and from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on saturdays. meeting rooms are available by reservation; study rooms are available first come, first served. The library offers e-books through Overdrive and materials to borrow in person or by using books to Go. With books to Go, patrons may reserve print materials, dVds, and audiobooks 24/7 online at www.powhatanlibrary or by phone during open hours at 804-598-5670; once the patron is notified that their order is ready, they have three days to pick it up at the to-go shelf. The outdoor library book drop is open 24/7 for returning library items; however, patrons must return mobile hotspots to the circulation desk inside the library. The library accepts donations and the Friends of the Library bookstore is open during library business hours. Visit www. powhatanlibrary.net or call the library at 804-598-5670 for more details, and like the library’s Facebook page for all the latest, up-todate library news, information and program schedules.
Powhatan county Public Library will hold a weekly stor y Time on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. Participants will read stories, sing songs, learn finger plays and more! story 10th Grade All A’s Jackson Baker, Elijah Bell, Aidan Bibbee, Henry Bowman, Riley Brumfield, Aleah Burnett, Jacob Chim, Daniela Conigliaro, Chase Connelly, Keira Cook, Emily Davis, Savannah Forkey, Anna Franklin, Megan Gobble, Curtis Gouldthorpe, Mason Heckel, Conner Hedgepeth, Matthew Henderson, Isabella Hiatt, Leah Holland, Ella Kinker, Zachary Kneessi, William Lakel, Matthew Langfitt, Wesley Liford, Claira Lively, Landyn Llewellyn, Sydney McCracken, Caitlyn Milligan, Evan Mohr, Mackenzie Mozingo, Eli Muse, Kaitlyn Nicholson, Bevyn Nunnally, Kristen Roberts, Trevor Robinson, SarahS eaman, Isabella Shaw, Benjamin Speight, Maria Stallings, Nolan Stamp, Taylor Sutphin, Emma Terry, Kevin Thomas, Gavin Utley, Hayden Vick, Margaret White, Jesse Whiting, Nicole Yanguez. 10th Grade All A/B’s Leland Adams, Alexis Adkins, Edgar Alejo, Max Altieri, Erika Anderson, Marissa Anderson, Matthew Anderson, Jake Arnold, Jenna Autry, Michael Avery, Brian Avinger, Riley Baltz, Virginia Barnes, Ashley Beach, Macie Benkovitz, Matthew Bernard, Nicholas Blankenship, Jor-
Lopez, Samara Martin, Addison May, Charles McConnell, Meadow McCord, Lucy Mincz, Blake Monson, Kaitlyn Moore, Carolina Mooring, Cassidy Moser, Brooklynn Narbut, Logan Newman, Reed Newsome, Georgia Nice, Bradley Norkunas, Jacob Ogo, Hayden Payne, Caleb Perez, Zoe Pollard, Addison Pullin, Mary Purser, Cameron Quinn, Hailey Ragland, Tyler Richardson, Bryleigh Roop, Lyla Ross, Kyle Rowe, Hayden Russell, Hailey Sanford, Evan Sargent, Kayla Scioscia, Lauren Scythes, Cody Seibel, Wayne Shackleford, Nathan Shelton, Fawzia Sher Khan, Roxanne Shirts, Valentina Shultz, Lydia Sidell, Sally Smartschan, Coleman Smith, Maddox Smith, Parker Smith, Lucy Stauffer, Benjamin Stevens, Jordan Stierle, Cooper Stuart, Austin Sweet, Roman Swinter, Asia Taylor, Madison Taylor, William Timberlake, Steven Tinsley, Christian Toman, Gavin Tomlinson, Aiden Trevillian, Elizabeth Vallent, Jackson Vanderpool, Olivia Vilar Harvey, Zachary Walls, Rebecca Walter, Brielle Walters, Benjamin Whitver, Katelyn Williams, Sol Withers Dyke, Kiera Woodson, Jackson Wright, Jesse Yoder, Brayden Zaun.
Time generally meets in front of the fireplace, and occasionally in our outdoor space. business network International (bnI) Powhatan chapter meets virtually from 8 to 9:30 a.m. every Wednesday. Visit Www.bnIVa com for information. To register, visit https://tinyurl.com/bnIOnFire or contact executive director dawne Gulla at dawne@bniva.com or 804690-9220 for more information.
The Woman’s c lub of Powhatan meets at 10 a.m. every third Wednesday of the month, at may memorial baptist church, 3922 Old buckingham road, Powhatan, from september to may. There are no meetings in June, July and august To attend a meeting, call membership chairman Kay Watson at 804240-4896 to let her know you will be coming or just simply drop in; the welcome mat is always out. Visit the Facebook page for Woman’s club of Powhatan.
The Free c linic of Po whatan serves residents from Powhatan, a melia and c umberland c ounties as well as select chesterfield areas. services include medical, dental, counseling and women’s healthcare by appointment. eligibility requirements on website www.freeclinicofpowhatan.org/ patients. registration for new patients by appointment mondays 5-8 p.m. or walk-in Tuesdays from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. For more information or to make an appointment, call (804) 598-5637.
Just Kids, an affordable clothing shop selling gently used children’s dan Booker, Tori Bowman, Charles Boyer IV, Jameson Britt, Trent Britton, Trevor Britton, Cohl Brooks, James Brooks, Benjamin Brown, Karley Burd, Christa Butler, Caroline Camp, Allison Carroll, Emma Carter, Giovanni Casarez Hernandez, Analee Cave, Julia Cecil, Summer Church, Paige Clark, Elizabeth Curtis, Ella Davis, James Davis, Mary Davis, Blake Dean, Grayson Delaney, Virginia Dewey, Isaac Dorsey, Jacob Durrbeck, Caleb Edling, Addison Elliott, Gisele Engen, Carter Estep, Logan Ferguson, Edwin Fields II, Adrianna Flippen, Evangeline Fridley, Laylah Fritz, Nevaeh Gareau, Bryce Gilstrap, Sydni Goodall, Brayden Goodnow, Brooke Gordon, Aidan Gorman, Ella Green, Rebecca Griffith, Mackenzie Halfon, Haydon Hall, Kaitlyn Hancock, Ava Harper, Parker Harris, Delaine Healy, Hannah Hedwall, Rilynn Hiatt, Jadyn Hirsch, Chloe Holt, Jacob Huffman, Chloe James, John Jastram, Mya Johnson, Addie Joyce, Parneet Kaur, Kaelyn Keaton, Reghan Kerns, Thomas Kimbrough, Erica Krauss, Aubry Lecik, Wyatt Lennon, Abigail Loftis, Nicholas Lopez, Reili Machotka, Alexandria Magill, Kaeleigh-Ann Malick, Morgan Manson, Jami Martin, Kennedy Martin, Krissa Martin, Samantha Martin Randall Mathena Jr., Clara McComb, Lanie McGhee, Alyssa McNutt, Lucas Milligan, Emily Minbiole, Ann Mitchell, Emma Morris, Jackson Morris, Savannah Morris, Caleb Murray, Christopher Naoroz, Torie Nash, Ryan Newcomb, Lucas Niece, Armando Nieves, Cameron Oliver, Kaelin Ortiz, Tyler Overboe, Jadyn Palka, Grayson Palmore, Kayla Parrish, Carter Patton, Avery Payne, Amelia Pendleton, Enrique Pereyra Garcia, Phoenix Perritt, Jason Peyton, Lauren Pike, Eleanor Pillsbury, Trent Powell, Jenna Presley, Chloe Proffitt, Madison Pugh, Katelyn Rabas, JoAnna Raychouni, Robert Reamy, Sadie Redlich, Shelby Reed, Sierra Richardson, Ashley Roberts, Savannah Ryman, Darryl Sanders, Jose Sandoval, Michael Saunders, Madilyn Seay, Shannon Seay, Sydney Shiflett, Carter Shust, Kasia Smith, Madelyn Smith, Gerald Stauffer III, Megan Stocker, Conner Sutton, Cadence Taylor, Logan Thompson, Anna Tingle, Lauren Traupman, Kate Travis, Kendra Turner Gregory, Matthew Tye, Reese Wagner, Addison Wallace, Jamison Wallace, Autumn Walton, Annaston Watts, Brittany clothes, sizes newborn to 8 plus, is open. Warm coats are available. The store is open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and s aturdays. The shop is located in the m e morial b a ptist c h urch youth House, 3926 Old buckingham road. Just Kids is a ministry of may memorial baptist church. clothes cost $2 per bag. extension specialists and industry experts share timely topics for farmers in the Virginia cooperative extension ag Today, held virtually at 9 a.m. every Thursday. These updates are relevant and brief and are recorded for folks who can’t join on that day and time. Podcasts (audio only) are posted on Westmoreland Vce webpage and youTube video recordings can be found at https://www.youtube. com/ playlist?list=PL7_2QUVzrPXdpysV2Hy11cH8KbrluifyO. contact stephanie romelczyk (sromelcz@ vt.edu) for information on joining the meeting live. Watched or listened to Vce aG Today? Let us know how we are doing! Find our survey here: https://vce.az1.qualtrics.com/ jfe/form/sV_6fiybb914ayrdn7 11th Grade All A’s Madeline Barnwell, Elaina Buczkowski, Summer Campbell, Katherine Cerullo, Trevor Coppock, Kayla Cote, Colin Crews, Julia Dondero, Christianna Edmondson, Samuel Favreau, Garrett Foltyn, Breanna Gillespie, Olivia Goodrich, Talon Harness, Tane Jeffs, Isaac Kelley, Alexander Kirkman, Sarah Kunze, Madeline Latham Matthew Layman, Taylor Ligatti, Zoe Lucas, Oskar Lundgren, Adam Lyman, Emily McManus, Isaac Rambo, Lauren Richardson, Felicity Stringfield, Camden Taylor, Brynna Tester, Eli Timmons, Ian Timmons, Ava Tucker, William Tuttle, Logan Wilhelm. 11th Grade All A/B’s
The Powhatan Food Pantry is open from 10 a.m. to noon on Thursdays, saturdays and Tuesdays at 2500 batterson road. contact the pantry at 804-372-9526 or powhatanvafoodpantry@gmail.com.
Graceland baptist church, 975 d orset r oad, holds a c ommunity meal called at the Table at 5:30 p .m. on the fourth Thursday of each month. come enjoy a homecooked meal, a brief Jesus story, fellowship, and music. all are welcome.
Webb, Ellen Weimer, Madison Wellborn, Luke Wells, Ayden West, Noah Whelan, Cori Whitehead, Ne’Vaeh Wiley, Hayden Wilkerson, Abigail Williams, Peyton Wirt, Alex Wood, Hunter Wright, Anna Yarbrough.
Bryson Adkins, Arthur Alexander, Michaela Amburn, Avery Andersen, Michaela Anderson, Hunter Atkins, Chase Babb, Riley Baldwin, Katie-Lynn Ball, Connor Bates, Hunter Beil, Anabel Bichsel, Viktor Blair, Carrie Blashfield, Henter Blevins, Albert Bolt, Sadie Bondurant, Ciara Booker, Zoe Broaddus, Taylor Brown, Lea Butler, Shauna Callahan, Hayden Campbell, Benjamin Chancellor, Zander Crossman, Brooklynn Crump, Harrison Cumbea, Chloe Cunningham, Lindsey D’Ambrosio, Brianna Dalton, Rhett Dauley, Jackson Davis, Lyla Davis, Madeleine Davis, Austin Dean, Austin Dodd, Anthony Donnelly, Cole Donnelly, Cyrus Dooley, Ashlyn Dowdy, Kaylee Dowdy, Alaya Duncan, Tyler Dunford, Matthew Duty, James Elam, Erica Epperly, Thomas Epps, Mia Evans, Sophie Farmer, Kaileigh Field, Cooper Fitch, Mackenzie Flora, Madison Fromherz, Skylar Galderise, Evan Garland, Michael Gicheru, Austin Gillespie, Ivy Gogerty, Madeline Gordon, Olivia Grasty, Connor Gravatt, Courtney Greenhow, Casey Grell, Savannah Griffin, Elliot Griffith, Aiden Hall, Jamie Hall, Jacob Hanna, Autumn Harlow, Preston Harold, Cole Harper, Katherine Harrison, Grace Hayden, Colin Henry, Kennedy Herring, Victoria Hicks, Trinity Higginbotham, Natalie Hintz, Kendra Hogston-Royall, Austin Holder, Aiden Houser, Katelynn Houston, Mason Hughes, mill Quarter republican Woman’s c lub (mQrWc ) will meet on the fourth Thursday of the month at Italian delight restaurant, 1795 south creek One, Powhatan. Fellowship begins at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting starts at 7 p.m. The organization meets the fourth Thursday of every month unless otherwise advertised in the community calendar or mQrWc s Facebook page. mQWrc is an active group and interested in expanding. Visitors are always welcome.
The original Powhatan aa meets from 7 to 8 p.m. every Thursday in the Powhatan Village building.
The Powhatan rotary club meets at 7:30 a.m. every Thursday at the county seat restaurant.
Graceland baptist church, 975 dorset road, will hold a candlelight service at 5:30 p.m. dec. 24. It is open to the public.
Powhatan aa meets at 8 p.m. every saturday at manakin episcopal church on Huguenot Trail.
The staff of the Powhatan Today wishes our readers a merry christmas.
MONDAY, DEC. 26 a Powhatan Hope n arcotics anonymous (na) meeting will be held from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. every monday at Pcc church, 4480 anderson Highway, Powhatan, room 102. It is an open discussion meeting. Wheelchair accessible.