Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar 2019/2020

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CZECH REPUBLIC Your Trade Partner


Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam

Czech Republic – Your Trade Partner Compiled by the PP Agency s.r.o. in cooperation with

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic

Ministry of Regional Development of the Czech Republic

Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic

Czech Chamber of Commerce

International Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic

Confederation of Employers’ and Entrepreneurs’ Associations of the Czech Republic

CzechTrade – Czech Trade Promotion Agency

CzechInvest, Investment and Business Development Agency

CzechTourism – Czech Tourist Authority

Czech Centres

Centre for Regional Development of the Czech Republic

Deadline: 6 March 2019 ® Teritoriální publikace Česká republika – Váš obchodní partner Published by the PP Agency s.r.o. Myslíkova 25, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic E-mail:,

C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r 03


Dear Readers, As the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the Republic of Indonesia, to the Republic of Singapore and to the Brunei Darussalam, I am very pleased to address all of you in this new edition of the publication “Czech Republic - Your Trade Partner”. The Czech Republic as a member of the European Union has a natural potential for partnership with member states of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). I am delighted that Czech enterprises are putting higher preferences to this region and are deepening our economic ties. We observe deepening Indonesian economic interest in engagement with the V4 countries, where particular focus of the Czech side could be directed on collaboration in the 4.0 Industry in terms of technological transfers, environment, science, security, energy, transportation systems etc. To facilitate and protect common business interests and the roadmap to fulfil the potential in energy sector cooperation, the Czech economic diplomacy, together with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia, established a special joint working committee. This entity could assist our business communities in solving any potential problems arising for investors in the field of the energy sector ranging from circular economy to infrastructure strategy and energy projects. We are opening the Czech market and the market of the EU countries to the Indonesian demands and interests. We have long traditions of collaboration, longer in fact than our own statehoods. Bata Company amongst 04 C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r

others has been operating on the soil of Indonesia´s territory for more than 100 years, while our honorary consulate office was opened in Batavia in 1924. Former Czechoslovakia as a predecessor of the Czech Republic was one of the first developed countries to recognise the independent Indonesia. It is also my great pleasure to address distinguished readers in Singapore. – an ally with whom we share the same values of democracy, rule of law and determination for security and peace on the globe. We are heading to enhance cooperation in the field of science, research, education, innovation and business development. We are very pleased to see a growing number of our citizens staying in Singapore and vice versa. As a member of the European Union, we are naturally open to mutual profitable cooperation and widening of our strategic engagement in the international economic landscape. From our point of view, we may enrich our engagement in the field of new businesses – startups in digitalisation and other modern technologies. For example, nanotechnology research could be a focus of the Research Centre of Excellence within the National University of Singapore and the Nanyang Technological University. Water purification technology, joint collaborative efforts in upcycling of waste material, mainly plastic waste from the sea and waste from energy technology systems, which would be widely adopted in various regions and should be, among others, a substance of our joint interests. Our government´s intention of changing the image of the Czech Republic with the new slogan “The Country For The Future”, introduced internationally for the first time during the Prime Minister Babiš´s visit to Singapore (January 2019), is bringing our economies closer to each other. Not only by the step to nominate Singaporean scientific expert to the International Advisory Panel of the Research Development and Innovation Council of the Government of the Czech Republic, but mainly by the shared interest to create a smart economy for the nearest future. The Czech Republic has no effective diplomatic mission in Brunei. We should try to find our way to finalise the negotiations with the country´s authorities with regard to selecting a representative acceptable for both countries. It seems to us as vital for the support of the deepening of our potential engagement and contacts needed to increase bilateral economic relations between our two countries, private entities, and potential partners. We have a lot to offer in favour of the needed domestic development and diversification. We understand well some of the basic potential interests and needs of the country. But we have to increase our active role and way to present our abilities and offers directly to its demanding customers. Our economic diplomacy is ready to create all steps for the interested parties on both sides to bring and encourage their businesses to be closer to each other and engaged directly. Ivan Hotěk Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Timor-Leste and ASEAN

Dear Readers, Most Czechs know the Philippines as a far away and exotic destination with beautiful beaches and world-class diving spots. However, many are surprised when they walk into top Manila hotels that are decorated with Czech chandeliers or read about the newly installed hydro power turbines from the Czech Republic. Medical beds and devices from Czechia are already common sight in Filipino hospitals. Local stores carry muesli biscuits made in Prague and famous Czech lagers from southwestern Bohemia are available on tap around the islands. Some are even more surprised when they see logos of Czech IT companies as part of the network infrastructure businesses around downtown Manila. At the same time millions of Filipinos enjoy the world-class financing services, which allow for higher living standards provided by Home Credit Philippines. There is no question that the Czech Republic is already projecting a significant footprint on this Southeast Asian archipelago. The current economic growth, increased bilateral trade, stable macroeconomic environment combined with young English-speaking population creates an interesting concoction of factors. It is no coincidence that these particular ingredients place the island nation on the radar of our exporters. The ample business opportunities and accessible location to other ASEAN nations provides a very attractive environment to Czech companies that are looking to expand their export activities beyond the traditional EU markets. The Czech Republic is actively reflecting the interest by concluding various cooperation agreements. Economic and Defense cooperation agreements signed in 2017 already entered into force creating an official engagement platform to discuss specific trade and defense cooperation matters. When one would empirically evaluate the bilateral trade between the Czech Republic and the Philippines since 2015, it would be difficult to miss the steadily rising imports that cause the current negative trade balance between our nations. The imports from 2015 to 2019 increased by almost 195 million USD, that is staggering 77 % growth reaching 444 million USD! Unfortunately the export numbers are fluctuating around 110 million USD. In 2018, the Philippines became the 52nd partner of the Czech Republic in terms of the overall trade turnover. In this regard the Philippines positioned higher than Indonesia. It is important to perceive the above numbers from the “glass half full” perspective. The current economic relationship provides for a whole range of opportunities for traditional as well as new exporters, who are eyeing the large Filipino market. Business opportunities span from medical, industrial, and transportation projects to design as well as food and beverage industry. That is especially attractive when we look at the population that already passed 100 million mark. Separate opportunities can be identified in energy and military modernisation plans that allow for intense competition of the Czech quality products and services. Development projects in dairy or water treatment technologies are already proving to be valuable ways to showcase Czech technology. There is no doubt that the distance of almost ten thousand kilometres can be a detergent, but it is definitely worth it when balanced with stable and long term business relationship. The historical and cultural links serve as quality icebreakers to business relationships. The Czech Republic and the Philippines have no shortage of such connections. It’s always fruitful to mention high ranking Czech Jesuit Paul Klein or the “best friend” of the national hero José Rizal, Ferdinaned Blumentrit. Such small remarks can truly spark the interest of future business partners or help to put our bilateral history into context. Jana Šedivá Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the Republic of the Philippines

C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r 05

FOREWORD Dear Readers, Bilateral ties between the Czech Republic and Thailand, Cambodia or Laos have a long tradition that dates beyond the decades of formal diplomatic relations. After all, then-Czechoslovak Baťa shoe-making company established itself in Siam or French Indochina in 1930s – yes, the Baťa or “Bata” known to generations of Thais, who grew up in Baťa shoes forming part of their school uniforms. We might also recall that the first modern sugar mill in Siam was built in the same period by Škoda company, or that Czech cooperation and assistance was behind the development of independent Laos and Cambodia. Though our today’s relations are multifaceted, it is only right when they are based on business as their main pillars of cooperation. We would like to build on it and further enhance them. We have to upgrade our ways of doing business to a new level – from a simple sell-buy relationship to more complex and advanced forms like investments, technology transfers, research and development, joint ventures or innovative industries. We offer all of these and more, incl. our experience and lessons learned gained during implementation of “Industry 4.0”. I am very glad to see entrepreneurs on both sides exploring new opportunities and going beyond the usual boundaries of cooperation. Major Thai investment projects in the Czech Republic and Czech investments in Thailand should serve as flagships and be followed by others. Unfortunately, we still need awareness building on both sides since our general knowledge of each other as business partners lags behind our potential. Often due to stereotypes and lack of information. We don´t necessarily perceive each other rather as partners to do business with. However, in reality, we are much more important economic partners in terms of trade, investments or tourism than usually perceived, and we offer a lot as this publication shows. The total cumulated flow of direct and indirect trade of goods of any origin between the Czech Republic and Thailand is around 1.8 billion USD, and our bilateral trade deficit stands well over 1 billion USD in favour of Thailand. Much of these include trade flows via third countries – streamlining of these flows presents a great potential. Around 240 million USD of our imports from Cambodia count for a major contribution to its development efforts, besides our official development cooperation extended to the country on bilateral basis or through the EU and multilateral agencies. We contribute also to the development of Laos as proved by some of major state-of-the-art projects implemented there by Czech businesses in cooperation with the Czech government. In Laos and Cambodia, we would like to offer technologies and solutions that would develop their national industries, reinforce their position within international value chains, and bring more added value to their exporters. We see further potential for cooperation in and with all three countries, with pivotal role naturally played by businesses on both sides. We stand ready to support their, or rather your, efforts and thank you for your interest in doing business with the Czech Republic. Marek Libřický Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the Kingdom of Thailand, Kingdom of Cambodia, and the Lao People´s Democratic Republic

06 C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r

Dear Readers, The relationship between the Czech Republic and Malaysia has a long history and is strengthened on all political, business, and people-to-people levels. The priority of mutual relations is economic and business cooperation. The Czech Republic’s trade with Asia represents 13 % of total volume, with Malaysia being No. 1 ASEAN trading partner. The mutual trade turnover between the Czech Republic and Malaysia reached the record height of USD 1.84 bil. in 2018, growing 25 % on year-on-year basis. We have been observing a growing tendency over recent years. The trade with Malaysia is mainly dominated by technological components supplied in the framework of foreign direct investment projects in both countries. The range of trade exchange, however, is much wider, including items such as transport equipment, food, commodities, chemicals and other products. Imports from Malaysia are mainly electronic products, machines for automated data processing, telephone sets, diodes, and natural rubber. The growth of mutual trade and its diversified structure reflects, on the one hand, Malaysia´s massive economic growth and, on the other hand, the traditionally diversified economy of the Czech Republic, an industrialised and technically advanced country. The Czech Republic, with its transparent business environment and advanced legal system, is a stable and prosperous country, member of the European Union. Thus it is a major hub for new foreign investments and expansions of companies from abroad. In addition, Malaysian businesses are assured by the positive economic indicators, and also importantly with the strategic location of the Czech Republic in the heart of Europe, together with highly skilled workforce and high quality of life. More specifically, Industry 4.0 is one of the most important conditions for future competitiveness for the Czech Republic as well as for any other country, including Malaysia. Industry 4.0 is the way forward not only in industrial sector, but also for services and construction industry. The Czech Republic offers its Malaysian partners opportunities not only for a trade exchange, but also for a closer cooperation in areas such as power engineering and the use of renewable energy sources, building of the transport infrastructure, water management, production of medical equipment, supplies of food-processing technologies, as well as sophisticated areas, such as biotechnology and biomedicine, nanotechnology, the manufacture of new materials, information and communication technologies, defence and the aircraft industry. All this is a tremendous opportunity waiting to be used. The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Kuala Lumpur is prepared to help you in taking advantage of it. Milan Hupcej Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Malaysia

C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r 07

FOREWORD Dear Readers, The beginning of the relationship between the Czech Republic and Republic of the Union of Myanmar dates back to the times of Czechoslovakia and Burma respectively. In the 1960s our country was among the top five Burmese trade partners. Many products succeeded in the local Burmese market including Skoda cars, Bohemia Crystal glass and of course for example Zetor tractors, which we have also begun exporting to Myanmar, and which in those days enjoyed the status of having built an impressive reputation and which became a sort of iconic brand and a favourite of local farmers. A new dimension was added to the relations between our countries during the 1990s, and this was of course the friendship and understanding that developed between Mr Václav Havel and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. That personal dimension provided a base upon which our bilateral relations were renewed after Myanmar/Burma opened its society and market to the world. A new chapter in our relationship was marked by the establishment of our embassy in Yangon in 2014, and economic diplomacy soon became an important part of its agenda. Since then, a number of tools and platforms have been created for the sharing of our ideas and business opportunities. One of them is the Czech-Myanmar Joint Commission, which was formed based on the economic agreement signed in 2015 between our two governments. The representatives meet every year to discuss the most important business issues, plans and challenges at a ministerial level. A number of memoranda of understanding exist between a variety of Czech organisations and their Myanmar counterparts in areas such as geology and mining, healthcare, tourism, or the development of cooperation. The initial aim of these documents was to facilitate the cooperation in the areas concerned and I am glad to see that they are actually serving their purpose. The frequency of the visits by business people and experts from one country to another has been increasing gradually from year to year and it is encouraging to see that the increase of the overall trade exchange has followed the same trend. In addition to that, there is a whole range of other activities undertaken by our embassy that in effect contribute to trade facilitation. It is our development cooperation and the humanitarian aid provided, mainly in areas vulnerable to natural disasters that will hopefully pave the way for eventual business cooperation in related sectors. Moreover, our government recently launched a guarantee programme to support Czech investments in developing markets, also a part of our development cooperation. As we all know, modern business is based largely on knowledge and innovation and therefore additional cooperation between universities can also pave the way for further commercial relations. We believe that trade has always brought people together and, by doing so, it increases prosperity, peace and the well-being of all these people who participate. I am glad to conclude that our embassy has tried and still actively tries to promote the exchange of goods, services and ideas between our countries. It is our small contribution to the process that has given and will continue to give the people of Czechia and Myanmar all of the achievements that I mentioned above. Jaroslav Doleček Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar

08 C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r

Dear Readers, Vietnam is one of the most important trading partners of the Czech Republic in Southeast Asia. Our bilateral trade has been growing steadily, while the trade volume has already exceeded 1 billion US dollars. There is strong interest on both sides to further increase economic cooperation, both at the government and corporate levels. It is needless to say that Vietnam is mentioned in every Czech strategic document on economic cooperation as one of the priority countries for trade and investment. Strong and steady economic growth and rapid modernisation of the economy have made Vietnam an increasingly attractive partner for the Czech Republic. The potential of mutual economic cooperation is tremendous. It is noteworthy that a lot of Czech companies are already successful on the Vietnamese market. The Czech Republic can offer Vietnam a wide range of products, from traditional heavy engineering goods, production lines, power generating and mining equipment, to environmental technologies and sophisticated ICT solutions. The cooperation in the defence industry is one of the most important pillars of our economic relations. We are glad to be able to assist Vietnam in modernising their armed forces and in enhancing their defence capabilities. As a traditional producer and exporter of defence technologies, the Czech Republic is ready to continue the cooperation with Vietnam not only in the field of defence technology supplies, but also in the education of their military personnel. Another successful area of Czech-Vietnamese cooperation is mining, which is also a traditional sphere of our economic relations. Czech geological companies collaborate with Vietnamese partners in the prospecting of Vietnam´s mineral deposits and the training of Vietnamese specialists in the Czech Republic. Needless to say that the Czech Republic, a renowned producer of crystal glass, is ready to aid Vietnam in exploiting their high quality silica sands and in modernising their glassmaking industry. Cooperation in science, R&D and innovations is a new and very promising field of our bilateral relations. The Czech Technology Agency, together with the Science and Technology Agency of Vietnam, are currently working on the development of joint research projects, which will help to create new linkages between our economies. Besides the traditional methods of trade, Czech companies are also increasingly interested in the transfer of their technologies and investments to Vietnam. Over the past decade, Vietnam has significantly improved conditions for international investors and has become an attractive investment destination for Czech companies. Czech businesses have already invested more than USD 90 million in 30 individual investment projects in Vietnam and we believe that this positive trend will continue. We hope that successful Czech investors in Vietnam, such as Home Credit, Hydra, or Elmich companies, to name just a few, will soon be joined by another major Czech company, Sazka, which is preparing its entry into the Vietnamese market right now. Another promising example of technology transfer cooperation in the field of the automotive industry is the joint venture between the Czech truck manufacturer, Avia, and the Vietnamese investor, Thanh Dat Group in Danang. The EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), which is expected to be signed and ratified in 2019, will have a far-reaching impact on our bilateral trade and investment, due to tariff cuts and strong commitments from both the EU and Vietnam. The most visible benefits are expected to appear in the significantly increased trade of goods, furthermore supported by a maximal reduction or total elimination of tariffs and non-tariff barriers. The EVFTA will bring unprecedented cuts of 99 % to customs duties on goods traded between the Czech Republic and Vietnam. In addition, Vietnam’s commitments to guarantee an open and transparent investment and business environment will effectively help to boost high-end investment from the Czech Republic into Vietnam. The gateway for doing business between both countries is wide open, so why not step into this increasingly promising and profitable area? The time has never been more suitable for doing business than it is now. So let us step into a new era together! Vítězslav Grepl Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r 09

Prague – Hradčany



Foreword by Ivan Hotěk, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Timor-Leste and ASEAN 04 Foreword by Jana Šedivá, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the Republic of the Philippines 05 Foreword by Marek Libřický, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the Kingdom of Thailand, Kingdom of Cambodia and the Lao People´s Democratic Republic 06 Foreword by Milan Hupcej, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Malaysia 07 Foreword by Jaroslav Doleček, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar 08 Foreword by Vítězslav Grepl, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam 09 Czech Exporters 11 Useful Information 12


Mutual Trade Relations between the CR and the ASEAN Countries Czech Economy in 2018

14 17

BUSINESS IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC Business Companies in the Czech Republic Tax System of the Czech Republic

10 C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r

18 20

Power Industry in the CR – Stable and Prospering Sector Czech Engineering – Tradition and Future Czech Food Industry – Hidden Potential Nanotechnologies Entering into Big Business Medical Equipment Made by Czech Companies is Conquering the World The Czech Republic, Attractive Tourist Destination


Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic CzechInvest – Business and Investment Development Agency Centre for Regional Development of the CR Czech Trade Promotion Agency/CzechTrade Czech Chamber of Commerce Czech Centres CzechTourism – Czech Tourist Authority International Chamber of Commerce Confederation of Employers’ and Entrepreneurs’ Associations of the Czech Republic


23 28 34 37 38 40

42 43 43 44 45 45 46 47 47

Useful Contacts in the Czech Republic 48 Useful Contacts in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Myanmar 49 The Most Important Websites 50

Photo: CzechTourism (Martin Rak), Cover photo: CzechTourism (Petr Hron),, the firm’s archives (AGADOS, spol. s r.o.; CREA Hydro&Energy, z.s.; RETOS VARNSDORF s.r.o.; TOS VARNSDORF a.s.; Walmark


Mariánské Lázně

Czech Exporters

Photo: CzechTourism

Czech enterprises that present their products and services in this publication intend to expand their exports and seek trade partners in Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The firms are listed according to the branch codes - NACE. 10.89 Manufacture of other food products n.e.c. JML Fitness Line, s.r.o. 35 10.89 Manufacture of other food products n.e.c. WALMARK, a.s. 39 21.20 Manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations WALMARK, a.s. 39 21.20 Manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations JML Fitness Line, s.r.o. 35 24.50 Casting of metals TOS VARNSDORF a.s. 02 25.10 Manufacture of structural metal products PROMAN s.r.o. 30 25.11 Manufacture of metal structures and parts of structures PROMAN s.r.o. 30 25.73 Manufacture of tools KMITEX s.r.o. 31 26.50 Manufacture of instruments and appliances for measuring, testing and navigation; watches and clocks KMITEX s.r.o. 31 27.11 Manufacture of electric motors, generators and transformers D2Drives s.r.o. 33 27.11 Manufacture of electric motors, generators and transformers ZEZ SILKO, s.r.o. 25 27.12 Manufacture of electricity distribution and control apparatus ZEZ SILKO, s.r.o. 25 27.90 Manufacture of other electrical equipment OSC, a.s. 15, 24 27.90 Manufacture of other electrical equipment ZEZ SILKO, s.r.o. 25

28.11 Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle engines Doosan Škoda Power s.r.o. 22 28.40 Manufacture of metal forming machinery and machine tools RETOS VARNSDORF s.r.o. 29 28.40 Manufacture of metal forming machinery and machine tools TOS VARNSDORF a.s. 02 28.41 Manufacture of metal forming machinery TOS VARNSDORF a.s. 02 29.20 Manufacture of bodies (coachwork) for motor vehicles; manufacture of trailers and semi-trailers AGADOS, spol. s r.o. 51 31.01 Manufacture of office and shop furniture PROMAN s.r.o. 30 33.00 Repair and installation of machinery and equipment Doosan Škoda Power s.r.o. 22 43.21 Electrical installation LOM PRAHA s.p. 27 46.69 Wholesale of other machinery and equipment D2Drives s.r.o. 33 62.02 Computer consultancy activities OSC, a.s. 15, 24 64.11 Central banking Česká exportní banka, a.s. 16 64.99 Other financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding n.e.c. Česká exportní banka, a.s. 16 71.20 Technical testing and analysis OSC, a.s. 15, 24 84.22 Defence activities LOM PRAHA s.p. 27 94.99 Activities of other membership organisations n.e.c. CREA Hydro&Energy, z.s. 21, 26 C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r 11


Useful Information State Symbols of the Czech Republic Coat of Arms

National Flag

The Czech Republic is a landlocked country situated in Central Europe and bordering on Germany, Austria, Slovakia, and Poland.



Population 10 637 794 (January 2019) Area 78 864 sq. km Capital city Praha (Prague) Parliamentary system Parliamentary democracy Language Czech Highest peak Sněžka (1603 m.a.s.l.) Time zone Central European Time GMT + 1, summer time GMT + 2 Currency Czech crown (Kč/CZK) = 100 hellers For the most recent exchange rates please see Internet domain .cz The President of the Czech Republic is Miloš Zeman


The Czech Republic is a member of the European Union, the United Nations, NATO, WTO, the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, OECD and many other organisations.


The UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List comprises the following cities and sites: Prague, Český Krumlov, Kutná Hora, Litomyšl Chateau, Telč, Lednice-Valtice area, Zelená Hora (Green Mountain – St. Jan of Nepomuk Church, Holašovice, Kroměříž (castle and gardens), Holy Trinity Column in Olomouc, Tugendhat Villa in Brno (architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe), St. Procopius Basilica and the Jewish Quarter in Třebíč. In 2005, the Moravian-Slovakian Verbuňk recruitment dance was inscribed on the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List. In 2010, another entry on the List was the Shrovetide Carnival and Falconry and, in 2011, the Moravian-Slovakian Ride of the Kings. Czech puppetry was listed in 2016 and in November 2018, the textile printing technique called blueprint was also included. More information can be found at


Český Krumlov

Czechs are considered a very cultured nation, which has given the world a number of significant persons. The most important rulers and heads of state are Emperor Charles IV and the Presidents T.G. Masaryk and Václav Havel. World renowned personalities include the scientists Jaroslav Heyrovský (holder of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry), Otto Wichterle, Czech chemist who invented contact lenses, and Antonín Holý, who helped to create a drug used in the treatment of AIDS. Other world renowned persons are Tomáš Baťa, creator of a shoe empire between the two World Wars, and Madeleine Albright, former US Secretary of State. In the field of culture, great names are those of the composers Bedřich Smetana, Leoš Janáček, Antonín Other practical information concerning travel conditions to visit or reside in the Czech Republic are to be found at

Photo: CzechTourism (, Ladislav Renner, Aleš Motejl), Map source: Roads and Motorways Headquarters

Mariánské Lázně – the Colonnade












WROCŁAW Jelenia Góra

Gera Zwickau







Tarnowskie Góry Kędzierzyn-K.

Zabrze Bytom Dąbrowa G. GLIWICE Ch. SOSNOWIEC KATOWICE Ruda Ś. Mysłowice Racibórz Rybnik Tychy Żory

















Passau Trnava


St. Pölten








types of equipment (skis and snowboard) and the first woman to do so in single Winter Olympics.



Dvořák, and Bohuslav Martinů, the writers Franz Kafka, Karel Čapek, Jaroslav Seifert (holder of the Nobel Prize), Jaroslav Hašek, Bohumil Hrabal, and Milan Kundera. Oscars have been awarded to film directors Miloš Forman (born in the Czech Republic), Jiří Menzel, and Jan Svěrák. Other famous people of culture are the painters František Kupka and Alfons Mucha and the photographer Jan Saudek. Sportsmen who have gained international fame are, for example, Emil Zátopek, a long-distance runner, best known for winning three gold medals at the 1952 Summer Olympics in Helsinki. He won gold in the 5 000- and 10 000-metre races, but his final medal came when he decided at the last minute to compete in the first marathon of his life. He was nicknamed the “Czech Locomotive”. Gymnast Věra Čáslavská won a total of 22 international titles between 1959 and 1968, including seven Olympic gold medals, four World titles, and eleven European championships. Martina Navrátilová is a former Czechoslovak and later American professional tennis player and coach. In 2005, Tennis magazine selected her as the greatest female tennis player for the years 1965 through 2005. She is considered one of the best, if not the best, female tennis players of all time. Jaromír Jágr is the most successful European hockey player who has ever played in the NHL and is considered one of the greatest professional hockey players of all time. Petr Čech is considered one of the greatest and most respected football goalkeepers of his generation. Barbora Špotáková, track and field athlete, competes in javelin throw. She is a double Olympic and World Champion. Petra Kvitová, professional tennis player, turned professional in 2006 and has won 23 career single titles, which include two Grand Slam titles at the Wimbledon Championships in 2011 and 2014. Martina Sáblíková is a speed skater, specialising in long-distance races. She is an Olympic gold medal winner and a multiple European and World all-round champion. She became the first Czech to win two Olympic gold medals at one Winter Games in the 2010 Olympiad. Ester Ledecká is a snowboarder and Alpine skier. At the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang, Ledecká won gold medals in the super-G in Alpine skiing and in the parallel giant slalom in snowboarding. She is the first person to win two gold medals at the same Winter Olympics, using two different


Dialling code: +(420). More detailed information about telephone numbers can be found on the website. Licences for operating mobile networks on the territory of the Czech Republic have been awarded to the following companies: 02 Czech Republic a.s., T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s., Vodafone Czech Republic a.s., and Air Telecom a.s. The most popular credit cards in the Czech Republic are Eurocard/Mastercard and Visa. Other practical information concerning travel conditions to visit or reside in the Czech Republic is to be found at *ČNB = Czech National Bank

C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r 13

Mutual Trade Relations between the CR and the ASEAN Countries The ASEAN countries rank among the Czech Republic´s important trade partners. In 2018, the CR´s trade turnover with the ASEAN states increased dynamically, with Czech imports (CZK 122.6 billion) at the end of the year, amounting to nearly five times the sum of its exports (CZK 25.4 billion). The 2018 turnover reached CZK 148 billion. This imbalance is of a long-term character. Traditionally, the largest partners of the Czech Republic have been Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, and in the past also Burma/Myanmar.

14 C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r

Trade Exchange between the Czech Republic and the ASEAN Countries in 2018 Country Brunei





12 826


12 965

12 688

2 4732 869

9 691 270

12 164 139

-7 218 401


2 941 013

7 435 383

10 376 396

-4 494 370


116 536

5 160 685

5 277 221

-5 044 149


633 313

114 184

747 497

519 129

4 545 480

35 368 882

39 914 362

-30 823 402


108 546

1 773 592

1 882 138

-1 665 046


7 513 856

11 607 746

19 121 602

-4 093 890


3 925 643

29 106 486

33 032 129

-25 180 843


3 081 946

22 382 874

25 464 820

-19 300 928

25 352 028

122 641 241

147 993 269

-97 289 213




Data in thousand CZK published by the Czech Statistical Office


In terms of the commodity structure, the prevailing items in the area of Czech exports are comprised in the Machinery and Transport Equipment group (electrical and electronic equipment and parts thereof, automobiles, pumps, data processing equipment, machinery for the leather and textile industries), mainly to Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia; the Industrial Goods group (measuring, checking and analysing instruments), to Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, and the Products Classified Mainly by Material group (paper, cardboard, rubber tyres and inner tubes, pearls and semi-precious stones, glassware), to Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines and Indonesia. From the Chemicals and Related Products group (chemical – miscellaneous, tubes, pipes, plastic hoses), exports go to Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Myanmar. In imports, the prevailing items are from the Machinery and Transport Equipment group (electrical and electronic equipment and parts thereof, telecommunication equipment and

equipment for automatic data processing, office machines, cooling and heating equipment and parts thereof, parts and accessories of motor vehicles, batteries, bulbs, electrical machines and parts thereof), from Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Singapore. From the Industrial Consumer Goods group (footwear, office supplies, perambulators, toys, games, sports equipment, jewels, suitcases, bags, clothes, clothing accessories, measuring and checking instruments, optical devices, furniture, musical in-

E C185x128_en.qxp O N O M I C22.11.18 S

12:54 Stránka 1




Fully state-owned


Pre-export Credits


One of the pillars of the Czech


Supplier’s Credits

pro-export policy



Provides export financing


Purchase of Export Receivables

to the riskier territories


Financing investments abroad

Bank clients are Czech exporters


Buyer’s Credits



regardless of their turnover RATING Standard and Poor’s AAMoody’s Investors Services A1

struments), from Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, and the Philippines. From the Products Classified Mainly by Material group (textile yarns, aluminium, metal products, nails, screws etc., mineral products, rubber products, glues, optical devices), from Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam. In trade in services, an important role is played by tourism with tens of thousands of Czech tourists visiting ASEAN countries each year. They like to visit these countries not only to become acquainted with their cultural wealth, but also to spend pleasant holidays there. Czech people are most attracted by Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia. At the same time, an increasing number of tourists from Southeast Asia come to the Czech Republic. A special attraction for visitors from the Philippines are religious pilgrimages to worship the wooden statue of the Infant Jesus of Prague in the Church of Our Lady Victorious. Mixed economic bodies have been set up for regular discussions on current projects and new trade opportunities, as well as on barriers obstructing mutual trade. On the Czech side, the umbrella body is the Ministry of Industry and Trade. In most cases, the discussions are co-chaired by the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade. In some cases, the meetings are held 16 C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r

at ministerial level. The talks take place once or twice every two years, alternately in each country. All the encounters are accompanied by business delegations, which meet at trade seminars organised with the assistance of the Czech Chamber of Commerce or the Confederation of Industry. These bodies are some of the most important forms of export promotion. The Czech Republic has concluded intergovernmental agreements, on the basis of which mixed economic bodies have been set up with the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and Myanmar/Burma. Agreements with the remaining countries are under negotiation. Trade cooperation of the Czech Republic with the ASEAN countries is based on the good results achieved in previous years during the construction of industrial projects, such as power stations, metallurgical and engineering works, refineries, chemical factories, cement works, ceramic factories, tractor factories and breweries. Also very important were the Czech deliveries of machinery, industrial goods and equipment, such as machine tools and forming machines, mining equipment, textile and leather processing machines, road and rail vehicles, aviation equipment and, not least of all, hospital facilities and deliveries for the defence industry. An important role in paving the way to the Southeast Asian markets was played by traditional Czech consumer goods, such as glass and porcelain ware, crystal glass, costume jewellery, lighting equipment, musical instruments, Czech beer and food specialities. Good opportunities for continuing this tradition and for opening up new possibilities for cooperation are provided by the world markets. Ministry of Industry and Trade

Czech Economy in 2018 In 2018, the Czech economy continued its course marked by a high rate of economic growth. This manifested itself by the growth of both the gross domestic product and gross value added in all quarters of the year. A factor strongly responsible for this was the growth of both gross fixed capital and final household spending. This course was accompanied by rising wages and pensions and a rapid fall in unemployment. GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT

The 2018 gross domestic product was 3.0 per cent higher in comparison with the year 2017, according to the preliminary estimate. All components contributed to its growth, in particular domestic demand, consumer expenses on investment goods and investments. Growth was shown in all the four quarters of the year.


In 2018, industrial production increased by 3.0 per cent over the preceding year, with most sectors showing an increase year on year. The greatest credit for the year-on-year increase is taken by the manufacture of computers and electronic and optical devices (+13.7 per cent), followed by the manufacture of metal constructions and metalworking products (+4.1 per cent) and electrical equipment (+5.5 percent). A year-on-year decline was shown in the production of leather and related products (-21 per cent) and the mining and extraction industry. Revenue from industrial activity was 3.5 per cent higher year on year.


In foreign trade, in terms of the cross-border trade concept, the movement of goods across the national border in 2018 increased by 3.4 per cent and imports by 5.0 per cent in comparison with 2017, according to preliminary data. In terms of the national concept – change in the own-

ership of goods between domestic and foreign entities – exports rose by 3.5 per cent and imports by 4.6 per cent. In terms of the national concept, the balance of trade surplus amounted to CZK 132.7 billion, CZK 30.8 billion less than in 2017.


The average inflation rate in 2018 measured by the Consumer Price Index was 2.1 per cent. This is 0.4 percentage points less than in 2017. In aggregate, the prices of goods rose by 1.2 per cent and the prices of services by 3.4 percent. The highest average year-on-year price increase was shown by medical goods, restaurant catering and accommodation, and alcoholic beverages and tobacco.


In the Q1 to Q3 period of 2018, the average gross monthly wages of employees (full-time equivalent) amounted to CZK 31 225, a CZK 2 463 (8.6 per cent) increase year on year. Real wages rose by 6.3 per cent (consumer prices in the period under review were 2.2 per cent higher). The highest absolute wage increase was shown by the public administration sector (CZK 3 715); in terms of percentage growth, the highest increase was in the education sector (12.7 per cent).

Macroeconomic Indicators of the Czech Republic 2012







Gross Domestic Product (current prices)

CZK, billion

4 059.00

4 097.10

4 312.60

4 597.80

4 765.80

5 053.80

estimate 5 200.00

Gross Domestic Product1)

%, real, y/y








%, y/y








Registered unemployment









General unemployment rate according to selective labour force examination3)









%, y/y








%, average








157 167

162 302

175 017

157 880

162 716

182 236

202 151








141 515

144 320

154 233

141 366

143 041

163 374

183 662









Industrial Production 2)

Inflation Rate Inflation (HICP)


USD, mil.



%, y/y



USD, mil.



%, y/y



Balance of Trade

USD, mil.

15 652

17 983

20 784

16 514

19 675

18 862

18 489






















Source: Czech Statistical Office, Czech National Bank (ČNB); General note: y/y shows year-on-year change in the indicator; 1) Data after revision under the ESA 10 system (European system of accounts) year 2016 and 2017 preliminary data, year 2018 estimate; 2) Unemployment to total population ratio = number of eligible job seekers aged 15-64 years/population in per cent, situation at the end of the year; 3) LFSS = Labour Force Sample Survey; 4) HICP = Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices, inflation rate by EU method; 5) Foreign trade data expressed in USD are the sum of the different monthly values in CZK calculated by the average monthly exchange rate announced by the Czech National Bank; 6) Czech National Bank

C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r 17


Business Companies in the Czech Republic The theme of this article is the legislation applying to business companies in the Czech legal order. It will focus on the individual types of business companies in the Czech Republic, their definitions and basic characteristics. At the same time, the principal steps that must be taken for the establishment and incorporation of these business companies are mentioned. TYPES OF BUSINESS COMPANIES

The legislation concerning business companies in the Czech legal order is governed mainly by the following legal regulations: the Act on Business Corporations, the Civil Code, and the Act on Public Register of Legal Entities and Individuals. The Business Corporations Act determines the different types of business companies in the Czech Republic, namely the General Commercial Partnership and the Limited Partnership (known as personal companies), and the Limited Liability Company and the Joint Stock Company (known as capital companies). In the Czech legal order, we can also find the European Company and the European Economic Interest Grouping. The most widespread forms of business companies in the Czech Republic are the Limited Liability Company and the Joint Stock Company.


Business companies in the Czech Republic are established on the basis of a Memorandum of Association. A Memorandum of Association establishing a capital company (a Limited Liability Company and a Joint Stock Company) requires the form of a public deed, i.e. it must be written in the form of a notarial record. In establishing a Joint Stock Company, the adoption of the Articles of Association is required. Where the law permits the establishment of a company by a single founder, the company is established by the founder´s deed having the form of a public deed. A Czech business company is then incorporated by entry in the Companies Register (known as a constitutive entry), which is decided by the Regional Court relevant with regard to the company’s registered office. With a view to shortening the time of registration and entry of a business company in the Companies Register, and also to saving public finances in the judicial sector, it is possible for a Notary to carry out a direct entry in the Companies Register under certain situations, namely in cases where the data being entered are based on the notarial record and when the Notary has been 18 C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r

provided with all the documents required to be submitted for entry in the Register or for filing in the Collection of Deeds, and the person authorised to propose the entry makes such a request. However, entry in the Companies Register may be performed only by the Notary who has written the basic notarial record or all the existing basic notarial records and notarial records on certifications. This possibility is only optional, i.e. the founders can always apply to the relevant Registration Court. The Companies Register is one of the public registers governed by the Act on Public Registers of Legal Entities and Individuals. It is a system of public administration maintained in electronic form, and conducted by the Registration Court (i.e. the competent Regional Court) relevant for the company’s registered office. Open to the public, it contains the most important information about business companies (the company name, company registered office, the names of members of the statutory bodies of the company and their number, the amount of contributions, registered capital, etc.) and other data determined by the Act on Public Registers of Legal Entities and Individuals. At the same time, information on business companies is available on the websites: (where deeds entered by the companies in the Companies Register can also be found in electronic form), or The proposal for entry in the Companies Register must be filed only by means of an electronically completed form, which is normally available at: The proposal for entry must be sustained by documents on the facts which are to be entered in the Companies Register, and by deeds to be filed in the Collection of Deeds in connection with this entry (especially the documents on establishment – Founder´s Deed, Memorandum or Articles of Association, documents on the object of the business activity, documents on the payment of contribution – e.g. the declaration of the contribution manager on the payment of the contribution, documents on the company’s registered office, etc.) An essential condition for having a company entered in the Companies Register is the payment of the court fee. The amount of the court fee depends on whether the entry in the Companies Register is made by the notary or the court. In case the entry in the Companies Register is made by the court, the fee is CZK 12 000, in the case of a joint stock company and other types of trading companies it is CZK 6 000. In case the registration is carried out through the intermediary of the notary, after all the required terms and conditions have been met, the court fee shall be CZK 8 000 for the joint stock company and CZK 2 700 for other types of companies. If the registration of a limited liability company is carried out by the notary, the entry may be exempted from the obligation to pay the court fee, provided the following conditions are met: the registration is made on the basis of a notarial deed proving the founding of the limited liability company and comprising all the requisites provided for by the Civil Code and the Business Corporations Act, where the obligations to be met in the case of pecuniary payment are stipulated.


The Czech legal order defines the General Commercial Partnership as a partnership of at least two persons who participate in their business activity or the management of their property and are jointly and severally liable for their debts. On the other hand, a Limited Partnership is a partnership where at least one partner bears limited liability for its debts (limited partner) and at least one partner has unlimited liability (general partner).



In Czech legislation, the Limited Liability Company is defined as a company where the members are jointly and severally liable for its debts up to the amount at which they have not fulfilled their contribution obligations as entered in the Company Register at the time a creditor requested them to do so. A Limited Liability Company in the Czech Republic may be founded by a single person, the maximum number of founders (members) is not limited by law. The share of a member in a Czech Limited Liability Company is determined by the ratio of his contribution to the registered capital, unless the Memorandum of Association states otherwise. The Memorandum of Association may provide for various kinds of shares, where a member may own more than one share, and of various kinds (if the Memorandum of Association states so). The minimum amount of contribution, i.e. the monetary quantification of the value of the object of contribution to the registered capital, is CZK 1, unless the Memorandum of Association determines that the amount of contribution is higher. Thus, the registered capital of a Czech Limited Liability Company may even amount to CZK 1. A member must fulfil his contribution obligation within a period determined by the Memorandum of Association, at the latest within 5 years of the company´s incorporation or of the assumption of the contribution obligation during the company´s existence. A member may not be relieved of his contribution obligation, except in the case of the registered capital being reduced. A member who is in arrears on the fulfilment of his contribution obligation may be expelled from the company by the General Meeting. Before filing the proposal for the entry of a Limited Liability Company in the Companies Register, the complete contributions agio must be paid and at the same time each monetary contribution must be paid at least to the amount of 30 %. Obligatory bodies of a Czech Limited Liability Company are the General Meeting and executives. Besides these obligatory bodies, a company may also set up a Supervisory Board.


In the Czech legal order, the Joint Stock Company is defined as a company whose registered capital is divided into a certain number of shares. The registered capital is quantified in the Czech

crown, but in the case of a Joint Stock Company keeping its books in euros according to a special legal regulation, its registered capital may be quantified in euros. The minimum registered capital must be at least CZK 2 000 000. The approval of the Articles of Association is required for the founding of the company. The founding comes into effect when each founder has paid the issue agio and the sum of at least 30 % of the nominal or book value of the subscribed shares at a time determined by the Articles of Association, and to a bank account identified in the Articles, not later than the moment the proposal for the company´s entry in the Companies Register has been submitted. A Joint Stock Company in the Czech Republic may be established by a single founder. A Joint Stock Company is established without a public offer of shares, it is thus founded only by the contributions of the founders who subscribe all the shares. The Trading Corporations Act makes it possible for the founders of a Czech joint stock company to choose between the dualistic and monistic structures. In the case of the dualistic structure the company is required to set up the board of directors and the supervisory board in addition to the general meeting. In the case of the monistic structure, the company, instead of those two bodies, is only required to set up the board of directors with a statutory director. In that case the board of directors may have only one member. This means that in practice the situation may arise when the sole member of the board of directors will be simultaneously the company´s statutory director.

Law Office of Hartmann, Jelínek, Fráňa and Partners Member of Czech Service International Note: USD 1 = CZK 21.735 (average exchange rate for 2018 announced by the Czech National Bank in January 2019) For the most recent exchange rates, please see C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r 19


Tax System of the Czech Republic In its main characteristics, the tax system of the Czech Republic is similar to the systems of the other EU and OECD countries.

Payers of personal income tax are all natural persons domiciled on the territory of the Czech Republic or those habitually resident here. The tax period is the calendar year. The tax base is the sum of all income, which the law divides into income from employment, income from business, income from lease, capital income, and other income. The basic rate is 15 %, and at the same time an additional increase of 7 % solidarity tax is payable on above-limit income, i.e. monthly income of natural persons exceeding approx. CZK 100 000 (four times the average monthly wage). Payers of corporate income tax are all types of juristic persons depending on the address of their registered office or place from which they conduct their business. The tax period is the calendar year or another twelve-month period. The tax base is the amount of profit, i.e. the difference between income and expenditure relating to the relevant tax period. Income and expenditure are ascertained from the books of accounts kept according to Czech national accounting standards. Only tax allowable expenses, i.e. those incurred to generate, secure and maintain income, can be deducted. Asset depreciation is carried out individually. The rate is 19 %. 20 C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r

Other taxes include Road Tax, Real Estate Tax, and Tax on the Acquisition of Real Estate.


Value-Added Tax is harmonised with EU legislation. Currently the liability to register for VAT applies to persons with a turnover of more than CZK 1 million per year. Persons with a lower turnover may register voluntarily. The rates are 10 %, 15 %, and 21 %. Excise Duties, too, are harmonised with the respective Directives. Excise duties apply to mineral oils, spirits, beer, wine, tobacco products, electricity, solid fuels (coal and coke), and natural gas.

Ministry of Finance Note: USD 1 = CZK 21.735 (average exchange rate for 2018 announced by the Czech National Bank in January 2019) For the most recent exchange rates, please see

USEFUL LINKS Ministry of Finance Czech Tax Administration OECD Tax Database OECD Taxing Wages taxing-wages.htm




1 0


Hydropower & Pumping

CREA leader in hydropower, Strojírny Brno, a.s., is a renowned Czech manufacturer of Water Turbines and Hydro –mechanical Equipment for reliable and safe operation and control of hydro power plants. Besides Designing, Manufacturing, Supervision, Testing and Commissioning of new technology, Rehabilitations, Overhauls and Up-grading of existing hydropower technologies are also an important part of their activities. The supply experience reached more than two thousand hydro power projects worldwide.

Water & Geology

Environment & Safety

CREA leader in water technology and geology, GEOtest, a.s., is an internationally recognized company with 50 years of working experience in the eld of environmental protection through geology and environmental remediation, waste and water management as well as it is focused on geotechnical and hydrogeological research. It is also member of INOGEN Environmental Alliance and the representative in The Philippines is Sta Clara International Corporation.

CREA representative, MaxiDive Co., Ltd, located in Chonbury Province, is one of leading commercial diving companies in Thailand. MaxiDive is a part of the group of diving companies also based in the European Union and Singapore. Together they have more than twenty years of experience, specializing in inshore and offshore Ship Inspections, Underwater Maintenance and Repair.

the Philippines – CREA Philippines, Sta. Clara International, Indonesia – Strojirny Brno, Thailand – MaxiDive Co.,

C R E A @ C R E A C Z .C O M

C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r 21

W W W.C R E A C Z .C O M


22 C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r

Power Industry in the CR – Stable and Prospering Sector AMONG THE FIRST TEN LARGEST ELECTRICITY EXPORTERS IN THE WORLD The power industry is one of the most important sectors in the Czech Republic. Its strength is based not only on the long years of its continuous development, ingenious use of resources and the manufacture of power generating equipment, but also on the self-sufficiency of the Czech Republic in electricity and heat production. This self-sufficiency is secured mainly by domestic brown coal deposits and also the use of nuclear fuel. As a member of the European Union, the Czech Republic is bound by common standards and commitments. This means reducing negative impacts of electricity production on the environment, supporting alternative and renewable energy sources and also the development of new energy-saving technologies. The Czech Republic is one of the few EU member states which comply with these commitments.


The actual situation and the evaluation and vision of this sector for the future are summed up in a document called Updated State Energy Concept (ASEK), dating from 2015 and encompassing the next 25 years. The primary targets are the maintenance and development of the diversity of power production, which means a balanced mix of primary energy sources, development of the web infrastructure of the Czech Republic within the framework of Central European countries, strengthening of international cooperation, and electricity and gas market integration in the region, including the creation of an efficient and operational common energy policy of the European Union, support of research, development and innovation, support of education and, last but not least, raising the country´s energy safety and resistance. Development and structure of gross electricity production 100 000 90 000

Renewable and secondary energy sources

80 000 70 000

Other fuels

60 000

Nuclear power


50 000 Other gases

40 000 30 000

Natural gas

20 000

Brown coal

10 000 Black coal

0 2010







Source: Ministry of Industry and Trade,,


Steam thermal power plants account for the largest share of electricity production in the Czech Republic (53.6 per cent of electricity produced and supplied to the grid), followed by nuclear power plants (29.4 per cent), steam-and-gas power plants (5.2 per cent),

gas and combustion plants (4.4 per cent), photovoltaic plants (2.7 per cent), hydroelectric power plants (2.6 per cent), pumped storage plants (1.5 per cent), and wind power plants (0.6 per cent). Heat is produced mainly in co-generation power plants as a side product in electricity production or in city heating plants; co-generation is a very widely used and highly developed system in the Czech Republic. Nuclear energy is produced in the Temelín and Dukovany power plants, to which the addition of new energy blocks is planned. Since its launch in the year 2000, the Temelín nuclear power plant has figured continuously among the first ten largest electricity exporters worldwide. Considerable amounts of electricity cross the border to neighbouring Austria and Slovakia. Most of the exported electricity is generated by the Temelín and Dukovany power plants.


The Czech power industry has an outstanding reputation and its products rank among the best in the world. It offers excellent quality at a friendly price. Rival firms in Asia combine their power plants with American and European technologies. Therefore a good possibility exists for Czech sub-deliveries to become included in the supplier chain. Czech manufacturers can successfully compete with rival firms, also offering lower prices combined with new products and consulting in the energy sector. Czech firms participate in the construction of power plants and the supply of products in practically all parts of the world, whether this concerns nuclear, thermal, hydroelectric, or solar power plants. The participation of Czech firms in the construction of nuclear power plants abroad is essential, one reason being that currently no nuclear reactor is being built in the Czech Republic. The following are a few examples of projects which Czech firms have realised abroad or participated in their realisation: Czech manufacturers participate, for example, in the modernisation and reconstruction of C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r 23

KEY SECTORS Russian and Ukrainian nuclear blocks, and a Czech company will participate in supplying equipment for the control of protection systems for the Metsamor power plant in Armenia. A turbine built in Plzeň will serve on the Indonesian island of Java. The turbine is a part of a wider project – overall enlargement of the Grati power plant, in which a number of firms from different countries are participating. Another Czech company has realised dozens of projects in the area of photovoltaic plants with a 30 megawatt aggregate installed output. They include projects in Slovakia, Romania, and now in Chile. In addition to a project in Cuz-Cuz near the city of Illapel, situated about 300 kilometres north of the capital of Santiago, the company is preparing another two projects of the same output – La Fortuna and Ampare del Sol solar parks in Chile. In future, the firm is also planning to focus on Iran, Mexico, and Argentina. There are several companies on the Czech hydro-energy scene, building hydroelectric power plants not only in Europe, but also in Africa, Asia and South America. They are both green

field projects and the reconstruction and development of hydroelectric power plants.


The Czech Republic, together with the USA and China, are three countries which can boast of mastering extensive know-how in the use of salt technologies in the nuclear power industry. Less known, for example, is the fact that a new product of the future is coming to life, thanks to Czech-American collaboration. The onset of small nuclear reactors is expected in about ten years. In this connection, mention should be made of small salt reactors, which offer many advantages when compared with current nuclear blocks – greater safety, efficiency, and flexibility.


From the foreign investors´ point of view, the Czech Republic is very attractive in the area of power engineering, both as regards legislation and future development. Investment is expected in production facilities, raising the capacity of cross-border facilities and protection against overflows from renewable sources, especially from Germany. Equally, more investment is to be expected in the critical infrastructure in the area of distribution and the completion of the North-South backbone gas infrastructure. The parameters of ASEK and the proposed method of net sector regulation create favourable conditions for a good return of invested capital. Source: Ministry of Industry and Trade,,

OSC, a.s. The decisive factor determining the economic profit of a hydroelectric power station is the efficiency of its turbine. That is why the efficiency of the turbine is one of the main parameters specified by the contract for the construction or reconstruction of a hydroelectric power station. Besides stating the specification of the efficiency of the turbine in the contract, its independent verification is equally important. OSC company, as an independent entity without any link to the manufacturer or operator of hydroelectric power stations, has been carrying out such measurements for more than 10 years. An example of a successful guarantee measurement (GM) was the site testing at HPP Cabulig, 2 Francis turbines, nominal turbine output 4 787 kW, on Mindanao Island in the Philippines in 2013. This was carried out as a full scope flow measurement using the Gibson (pressure-time) method. The test results showed the following: 1. B oth units display identical behaviour and identical efficiency waveform corresponding with the performance diagram. 24 C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r

2. Guaranteed efficiency was fulfilled with some positive negligible deviation between GM evaluated data and the guarantee. 3. B oth turbines provide more power output than expected by the guarantee; the electric output, however, is limited by generator capacity. Besides the above-mentioned Gibson method, OSC also uses thermodynamic method of efficiency measurement or current meters. Efficiency measurement is also useful in deciding whether to carry out reconstruction or modernisation of a hydroelectric power station. The difference between the actual measured efficiency and the theoretically achievable efficiency can show which solution will be the most efficient economically – whether the most advantageous option will be leaving the plant in the existing condition with some regulation adjustments and optimisations, carrying out partial renovation or completely replacing whole machinery. Whether the owner opts either for modernisation or complete replacement, the best thing to do is to carry out the measurement by absolutely the same method, even after realisation of the investment project. This is the only way of proving that either the modernisation or the replacement have met the expectations and that efficiency has been increased.

Get energized with us

ENERGY UNDER CONTROL Power Capacitors Power Electronics Capacitors Induction Heating Capacitors Reactors (Inductors) Capacitor Banks Components for Power Factor Correction ZEZ SILKO, s.r.o., Pod Černým lesem 683, 564 01 Žamberk tel.: +420 465 673 111, fax.: +420 465 612 319, e-mail:,

C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r 25

Expansion of CREA Hydro&Energy Cluster in ASEAN Countries Members of the CREA Hydro&Energy cluster are expanding its scope with regard to the updated requirements of the global market, even by investments. In addition to the Philippines, where they build on the projects they successfully implemented within the framework of the Czech-Philippine development cooperation, they also ventured to other ASEAN countries, that have huge potential for the development of renewable energy sources. Strojirny Brno a.s., supplier and manufacturer of hydropower plant equipment, expanded their reach in the territory of Indonesia, where they successfully implemented the PLTM Cilaki 1B hydroelectric power plant project last year. Within this project, they delivered, tested, and commissioned 3 turbine-generator units, each of output 3.4 MW. This year, they plan to put into operation two more power plants with a total capacity of about 17 MW. As a part of preparation of the project and its implementation, they have expanded their spectrum of activities to include feasibility studies, project appraisal, complete design project preparation, including due diligence. Last but not least, they also cooperate with renowned world banks to prepare a financing plan, including its ensuring.

machines and equipment used in these special works. After exploring the local market and establishing contacts, a new company was founded. MAXIDIVE demonstrated its competitiveness in the first year (2018) on the local market. Economy after the first year of activity ended in profit. This remarkable performance was the result of the implementation team and technical support from the Czech Republic. This has become the backbone of his next strategy on the Asian market, where he would like to supply complete technology for large-scale marine hull cleaning. This is done using a special device with high added value made in the Czech Republic. MaxiDive Co., Ltd, located in Thailand’s province of Chonburi, is Thailand’s leading commercial diving company. MaxiDive is a member of a group of diving companies also based in the European Union and Singapore. Together they have more than twenty years of experience, specialising in inshore and offshore Ship Inspections, Underwater Maintenance, and Repair.


The establishment of the Thai-Czech firm MAXIDIVE Co., Ltd was started by the Business Mission of the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Bangkok in 2017, where Mr Knotek, the owner of the Czech SME company PS PROFI s.r.o., took part. During the visit, he found out how the volumes of goods transported through Thai ports are dynamically developing. Experience of the parent Czech company can be used while servicing these ships. In this case, it is special diving work for maritime traffic, but also the development and production of 26 C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r

MaxiDive is committed to providing the highest level of service possible while maintaining 100 % diver safety. They conduct a variety of Underwater Ship Husbandry services to assist with fuel efficiency which incorporates: Propeller Polishing, Class Surveys, Propeller Repairs, and Technical Class approved Underwater Welding. They also have an Internal Ship Husbandry team that is able to carry out a wide variety of installations and seal replacements at port or in anchorage.

TSC C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r 27


Czech Engineering – Tradition and Future

Czech engineering firms manufacture a wide range of machinery, including parts and accessories, usable in most sectors of the manufacturing industry and other sectors, such as agriculture, transport, forestry, metalworking, metallurgy, mining, the textile and the paper industries, the food industry, and construction.


Industry in the Czech Lands has a very long and diversified history. Its beginnings can be traced back to the 16th century at the time of the rule of Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor and Czech King. A lover of Science and the Arts, the King invited to the country masters of different arts and crafts, such as chemists, glassmakers, jewellers, and builders. During his rule, the first blast furnace was built and used in the Czech Lands already in 1595. Partly due to its continuous operation, iron production could be significantly increased in the country. Real industrial development, however, started only in the 18th and the first half of the 19th century, and soon after that the Industrial and Technical Revolution broke out in full. The 28 C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r

steam engine, symbol of the Industrial Revolution, appeared in the Czech Lands in 1803. This and other inventions provided immense opportunities and possibilities of increasing production at an unprecedented rate. Heavy industry was developing rapidly. This was the beginning of the development of probably the most important sector of Czech industry – engineering. The very first modern engineering works came into being at Šlapanice near Brno in 1821. This gave an impetus to the rapid development of industry in the whole city of Brno. The rapid development of industry also continued in the second half of the 19th century. A great invention of that time was electric energy. Electricity was opening up unforeseen possibilities, which were waiting to be used. The most important period for what is today the Czech Republic was the close of the 19th century, when the first motorcars began to appear. The first Czech-made motorcar with an internal combustion engine was made in Kopřivnice in 1897 bearing the trademark “President”. Between the two World Wars, Czechoslovakia was one of the ten countries with the most advanced engineering industry worldwide! The rapid development of industry after the Second World War was influenced by both the international and internal domestic situations. Engineering became the core sector, assisting the less industrialised areas to industrialise.


The engineering industry in the Czech Republic can boast not only a rich history, but also, thanks to its strong representation across the whole country, the position of one of the pillars of Czech industry.


Engineering is indisputably one of the most important sectors of Czech economy. It is of key importance for both GDP creation and the balance of trade and employment. Competitiveness of engineering is the object of interest of foreign investors and therefore support of research and development is essential for maintaining and raising its standards.


Producer of Horizontal Boring Mills n new CNC and conventional machines n overhauls

More than 25 years of experience We at RETOS produce and sell table-type, floor-type and T-type horizontal boring mills in traditionally high Czech quality all over the world. By offering you spare parts, a large variety of accessories as well as refurbishments, we prolong the lifecycle of your machine significantly and make it fit your needs.

n expert service n accessories n spare parts

For further information please contact us: RETOS VARNSDORF s.r.o. Žitavská 913, 407 47 Varnsdorf, Czech Republic Sales Managers: Ing. Jaroslav Dvořák | Martin Boháč E-mail: | Tel.: +420 413 039 105 Source: Czech Statistical Office

Czech export of machinery and transport equipment in 2018 (January - November) (SITC 7) Name of goods

2017 Stat. value USD (thous.)

2018 Stat. value USD (thous.)

Machinery and power generating equipment

4 436 811

4 598 905

Machinery for certain sectors of industry

4 867 689

5 348 826

Metalworking machines

1 233 903

1 313 151

General purpose machinery used in industry, not elsewhere classified

12 626 080

13 177 281

Office machines and equipment for automatic data processing

12 244 591

14 037 758

Equipment for telecommunications and sound recording and reproduction

10 911 003

13 028 859

Electric equipment, devices and household appliances, not elsewhere classified

17 963 671

18 135 593

Road vehicles

38 129 883

38 338 212

1 451 942

1 347 291

Other transport equipment

General engineering – the manufacture of machinery and equipment – employs nearly 11 000 highly skilled workers, who are the most valuable asset of the entire sector. Within the framework of

Czech industry, general engineering is one of the most important employers. Its production base, which is a guarantee of continuous improvement and enlargement of the product portfolio, is formed by more than 6 700 companies whose production comprises a very wide range of engineering products The engineering industry is spread nationwide. It is often linked with the metallurgical industry, for example, in Ostrava and environments where heavy engineering predominates. Heavy engineering is particularly concerned with the production of large-size and extra-heavy products, such as parts of ships, large aircraft and mining and metallurgical machinery. On the other hand, light engineering focuses on the manufacture of machine tools, transport equipment, e.g. cars and smaller vessels, as well as a number of other smaller machines used e.g. in the textile industry. The Czech Republic has always been one of the leading manufacturers of transport vehicles, and, due to its car-making tradition and favourable geographic position, it has become an attractive country for investment. In addition, it is showing a steady growth of revenue C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r 29


PROMAN s. r. o. Za Pivovarem 830, 537 01 Chrudim Tel.: +420 469 699 570, +420 469 622 280 e-mail:

Proman s.r.o. was established in 1994, in Chrudim. For the whole of its existence it has been a purely Czech company. From the very beginning its specialisation has been the supply of a full range of racking systems. For its clients, the company designs racking systems according to their demands, ensures their realisation and provides a warranty and post-warranty service. The firm has its affiliations in Slovakia, Poland, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Hungary. Its products, however, can also be found in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Germany, Austria, and Ukraine. The company operates in about 20 European countries. Its products comprise all types of racking systems:


pallet racks conventional stationary drive-in and drive-through racks gravitation mobile


shelving racks conventional stationary gravitation mobile multilevel construction


cantilever racks stationary mobile

cantilever racks n automated shuttle systems n

The above systems can be supplemented according to the client´s requirements and in accordance with the type of material to be stored. One of the categories supplied is a mobile shelving rack suitable for archives, libraries, hospitals, museums, etc. The deliveries designed for museums in particular are widely diversified to meet the requirements of the different objects to be stored. Therefore, the deliveries include not only shelving racks, but also different types of accessories. The multilevel construction is fixed on a chassis, which can be operated by hand or by electric motor. A limiting condition for the installation of these systems is the access into the space where the shelves are to be installed. If the user has suitable space for the installation of mobile shelves, the following can be a solution: n Rails – always hot dip galvanised rails laid on an existing floor rails laid on a false floor covered with chipboard and PVC rails laid on the upper floor layers and a concreted over

30 C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r

n Chassis – always painted with komaxit Welded steel construction, usually divided. Inside the construction are metal beams connected by a continuous bar for driving the wheel. A chain drive installed in front under the cover transmits the driving force to the wheels. The operator uses a control wheel. Each control wheel has a fail-safe device against the spontaneous travel of the racks. The actual storage racks are anchored into the chassis. n These racks can be supplemented with additional elements, such as drawers pull-out shelves systems for suspension board storage folding tables at the front of the shelves chassis locks sealing elements (rubber, brushes) Most of these elements are manufactured in the Czech Republic according to our documentation, so that we are in a position to meet even the most intricate requirements of the system users.

and labour productivity in this sector. Car production, followed by the production of buses and lorries, holds an unequivocally dominant position in the manufacture of vehicles. An important engineering sector is the production of rail vehicles, their repair and modernisation. All kinds of rail vehicles, underground railway trains, tramcars and trolleybuses are made in the Czech Republic. Aircraft production is one of the top engineering production sectors using new materials and it has initiated technical progress in a number of other sectors. An important position is held by the production of training jet aircraft and light combat aeroplanes, regional aircraft, training and sports aeroplanes, gliders, aircraft components and, last but not least, the production of ultralight planes. Another engineering sector faring well in the Czech Republic is the manufacture of river and river-seagoing cargo vessels, sports boats, yachts, motorcycles, and bicycles. Hot air balloons are also made in the Czech Republic, and mention should also be made of the Czech Space Programme. A very important part of the engineering sector is the manufacture of equipment for industry and construction, the production and repair of steam and water turbines, pumps and compressors. The Czech Republic is also a manufacturer of machine tools and forming machines and electric hand tools, the quality of which competes well with the top world standards.


Czech engineering is a traditionally important export-oriented sector. Up to 80 to 90 per cent of its output is exported. In export,

engineering products are the source of the highest proportion of value added and its products are among the best-selling in foreign markets. As regards the territorial structure of Czech foreign trade, its traditionally largest trade partner is Germany, followed by the UK, France, Slovakia, Poland, and Spain. In 2017, the export of machinery and transport vehicles (SITC 7) amounted to USD 103 865 574 billion. The Czech Republic is the only state in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) which is a member of the prestigious European Committee for Cooperation in the Machine Tool Industry (CECIMO).


A new challenge for future years, not only as regards employment and education, is the “Industry 4.0 Initiative”. The world changed with the discovery of steam and electricity. Today it is being changed by technologies, not only those concerning ICT. That is why the Czech Government will be striving for the creation of a suitable environment in which it will be possible to develop industrial enterprises and the social environment in such a way as to ensure that they stand

CONTACT: KMITEX s.r.o. Novovysočanská 537/31 190 00 Praha 9 Czech Republic Phone: +420 312 283 921 Fax: +420 312 283 046 E-mail:

KMITEX – Manufacture, sale and service of measuring instruments and tools KMITEX s.r.o. is a traditional producer and seller of measuring instruments and tools, such as gauges, rulers, squares, spirit levels, tap holders, die holders and other measuring equipment. C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r 31

Export of machinery and transport vehicles (SITC 7) total Period

Stat. value USD (thous.)


60 635 649


72 606 952


89 163 034


85 099 298


87 467 453


96 291 953


87 542 996


91 585 417


103 865 574


117 709 110

Source: Czech Statistical Office

the test in the digital world. This means in particular the need to build the data and communication infrastructure, restructure the education system, introduce new labour market instruments, adapt the social environment and provide fiscal aid to firms to enable them to cope with the necessity for investment in new technologies and know-how. For example, what will a lathe operator´s work be like in 15 years? Will he be working manually in the workshop, dressed in protective clothing? Or will he control the machine remotely by computer, which will be able to give accurate instructions and optimise the consumption of materials and energy, thus raising the effectiveness of production? The Industry 4.0 philosophy is opening up unforeseen possibilities and those who will be able to use them will be prepared to stand the test in the new era., Czech Statistical Office

The end of the 19th century was marked by the appearance of new technologies – the combustion engine and electrical systems. That period in time is sometime referred to as the Second Industrial, or Scientific-Technical Revolution. The most important Czech inventors of that time were Josef Ressl, inventor of the propeller, the Veverka cousins, who invented the buzz plough, i.e. an improved plough, which not only dug up the soil, but also turned it up, Viktor Kaplan, inventor of the water turbine, František Křižík, nicknamed the “Czech Edison”, inventor, electrical engineer and entrepreneur, who invented, among many other things, the electric arc lamp, improved the railway safety system, built the first Czech electric power plants and, in 1881, put into operation the first electric tramway line in Prague. In 1903, he built the first electric railway track on the Bechyně-Tábor line, which was the first electrified railway line in the entire Austro-Hungarian Empire. František Křižík Author: Ignác Šechtl; Šechtl and Voseček archives

32 C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r



ELECTRIC MOTORS gEaR unITS MOTIOn COnTROL COMpOnEnTS traditional distributor of electric motors in the Czech Republic and abroad 25 years of experience Siemens SIMOLOG Partner access to industry-leading technologies and standards and qualified authorisation to customise the whole range of electric motors unique on-line electric motor configurator at our website

Družstevní 1200/20 789 85 Mohelnice Czech Republic t: +420 583 453 043 e: w: Czech Republic –

Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r 33


Czech Food Industry – Hidden Potential Although the food industry is not an export leader, some of the features perceptible in its development indicate that its export potential is growing.


The greatest volume of export in this sector is shown by raw materials – cereals, milk powder, malt, coffee, rape oil, feeds, bakery goods, chocolate and cocoa preparations, food preparations, beer, sugar, cheeses and curd.


Manufacturers of food industry and agricultural technologies and machines, too, have been doing well in recent years. These technologies and machines are exported to Belarus, the Russian Federation and Georgia, as well as to Albania, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Uruguay, and Ethiopia. Foreign companies are showing interest in bakery and brewery equipment, mini breweries, dairies, and cheese-making equipment. Other export articles of Czech firms include vegetable oil presses, smokehouse equipment, vegetable packing lines, beverage processing and packing lines, meat processing equipment, and 34 C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r


Food producers in the Czech Republic are associated in the Food Chamber, founded in 2001. The Chamber has more than 170 members, whom it represents in negotiations with Czech and EU authorities and organisations with a worldwide scope of operations. The priorities of this institution in the market are clear: support of quality production, regional trademarks, and local producers. It is authorised to award the “KLASA” quality badge, the “Regional Product” and the “Czech Product” badges, all guaranteeing a high quality standard. Also important for ensuring high quality is the certification of exceptional products, e.g. EU origin marking (such as Bohemia caraway seed, Olomoucké tvarůžky cheese) and guaranteeing traditional specialities (“špekáček” sausage). Brewing has a long tradition in the Czech Lands. Czech beer and the Czech brewing industry are among the best-known in the world. The oldest recorded mention of the Czech beer brewing tradition is boasted by Břevnov Monastery in Prague, founded in 993. Czech beer is protected by an EU geographical indication, the purpose of which is to maintain the good name and quality of beer brewed on the territory of the Czech Republic. The purpose of registration in the Register of Protected Designations is to protect the tradition of Czech brewing, the Czech technology of production and the beer quality, and to prevent imitations pretending to be Czech beer and thus abusing


The reasons are especially the strict and insistent quality control, respect of tradition, the use of modern research methods and technologies in production and, last but not least, the development of product, technology, and organisational innovations. We are persuaded that the Czech food industry has much to offer to the world.

seed and cereal processing technologies and manufacturing plants. Czech firms build whole breweries and mini breweries in foreign countries and participate in subcontracting for big projects, especially as regards technologies. Czech brewing exports comprise not only the final product, but also the entire technology, from hops to machinery to expert personnel, especially brewmasters. Some clients require a permanent presence of a Czech technologist, others demand his presence for just a transient period, until they have trained their own people.

Export of selected kinds of goods from 2016 to 2018 Code

Kind of goods






11 589


10 729


8 359

1 874.70


Rape oil

11 127


6 872


4 996



Animal feed preparations

9 003


10 537


11 237



Baked goods 9 634


9 545


9 902



Milk and cream

6 791


8 487


8 813



Food preparations

7 288


7 969


8 509




6 246


6 149


6 727




4 147


3 705


3 240


mil.CZK thous.t. mil. CZK thous.t. mil. CZK thous.t.

In 2018 food export including live animals was worth CZK 135.0 billion, and beverage export including tobacco CZK 36.7 billion For the most recent exchange rates, please see

its unique properties. It is also intended to prevent beer brewed in the Czech Republic from using non-traditional methods or beer made with the use of traditional methods, but in a country other than the Czech Republic, from being labelled as Czech beer. There are different brands of Czech beer, which differ in taste and the method according to which they were made. For example, light beer alone can be made by a number of different methods. Each brewery has its own recipe; the breweries may use different fermentation methods, let the brew ferment for a longer or shorter time at a lower or higher

temperature, and they may use different kinds and types of vessel for fermentation. Besides the renowned big breweries, there are some 400 mini breweries in the Czech Republic, and their number is growing continuously. Most beer is exported to Slovakia, Germany, and Poland. Out of the non-European countries, the largest importers are Russia, South Korea, and the USA. Wines from the Czech Republic, too, are increasing their export potential. They have a good reputation in Europe and are often winners of international competitions, defeating traditional champions. Wine growers are also striving to enter non-traditional markets, where the Czech Republic is known rather for its beer and sportsmen. Most Czech wines are exported to Slovakia, Poland, and other EU countries.


After a period of stagnation, the Czech food industry is now experiencing a revival. All indications are that this development will continue and Czech producers are doing their best to ensure that their products and technologies score ever greater success in world markets. Compiled from materials supplied by the Food Chamber of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Agriculture.

JML is a family-run company, which for more than 18 years has specialised in the production, packaging and distribution of vitamins, minerals and food supplements. We provide you with top quality service and highly effective products at affordable prices.

You can be our partner. We are currently seeking business partners for the distribution and presentation of our JML products in Southeastern Asia.

n of o i l l i m e v a We h d customers. satisfie

For further information and details please visit the company webpage:

JML Fitness Line, s.r.o. Veliková 180, 763 14 Zlín, EU, Czech republic phone: +420 577 914 505, mobil: +420 603 582 850 e-mail:

185x128.indd 1

27.9.2018 8:21:23

C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r 35


Lump sugar has been with us for 178 years. It was in 1841 that Jacob Christof Rad, a Swiss-born physician and director of the refinery in Dačice near Jindřichův Hradec, at that time Austria-Hungary, was issued a patent for this form of sugar, which until then was sold in cones. Although the invention is credited to Christof Rad, its inspirer was actually his wife. According to the Dačice official website, it happened that one day in August 1841, as Mrs Juliana Radová wanted to cut off a small piece from a sugar cone, she cut her finger. She immediately complained to her husband and the story has it that she suggested that sugar should be made in the form of cubes. In a few months, the cube was born. In autumn 1841, Juliana received a present from her husband – a case with 350 little red and white cubes of sugar. Christof Rad had a press made for shaping sugar into cubes and, at the end of 1842, he filed an application to the Court chamber in Vienna to be accorded the privilege of manufacturing lump sugar in Dačice. The privilege was accorded on 23 January 1843.

36 C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r

Immediately after that, the production of lump sugar was launched. The cubes first appeared in Vienna under the name of tea sugar. One package comprised 250 cubes, which weighed one pound and cost 50 kreutzer. The cubes came in two sizes, 1.2 cm x 1.2 cm x 1.2 cm and 1.5 cm x 1.5 cm x 1.5 cm. The patent was also bought by other European countries – Prussia, Saxony, Bavaria, Switzerland, and England. As a point of interest, let us mention that Rad´s invention is used to this day, albeit in a slightly improved form. The invention of lump sugar has spread throughout the whole world. The town of Dačice is justly proud of its world primacy and, in token of this, has installed a memorial in the form of a cube of sugar cut in granite in the place of honour in front of the town’s Church.,,



Nanotechnologies Entering into Big Business In the past few years, the Czech industrial tradition has acquired a new dimension with the addition of nanotechnologies to its conventional practice. Nanotechnology based on the combination of organic and inorganic components gives rise to new materials that have a variety of uses, for example in medicine, the textile industry, air and water cleaning and the manufacture of electrical batteries. Since the moment in 2004, when the Technical University in Liberec in collaboration with Elmarco company developed, as the first workplace in the world, an industrially usable nanofibre, this new technology has witnessed a dynamic development. Thanks to the physical properties of nano microscopic particles a thousand times thinner than the human hair, this technology has found its way into a number of Czech manufacturing firms. The absolute majority of firms, whose core business is the use of nanotechnologies in their operations, are born global companies, which operate on the international scale and seek trade partners in other countries.



Currently, more than 15 private research companies and some 70 manufacturers in the Czech Republic use nanotechnologies in their operations. In addition, there are specialised centres in this country, to which firms come for consultation to become acquainted with new scientific developments. Twenty-six workplaces of the Czech Academy of Sciences, 37 university faculties, and 9 research organisations financed by the state in the Czech Republic concern themselves with basic research in different nanotechnology areas. Despite being the cradle of nanotechnology research and its practical application, the important thing for the Czech Republic in future is to arouse the interest of investors from neighbouring states, to which Czech firms could export their nano products. All the more so, as firms in as many as 70 regions of the European Union are focusing on nanotechnology research and nanotechnologies are becoming an important instrument of the national economies in their efforts to gain a competitive edge.


According to the Nanotechnology Industry Association of the Czech Republic, this technology does not mean just innovation. In actual fact it signifies a technological change, whereby man can manipulate matter at the molecular level, across all sectors. The portfolio of Czech nanotechnology firms is quite broad. Among other areas, it includes the manufacture of photocatalytic paints with titanium oxide nano particles. This practically transparent paint has an extraordinary ability – to clean the ambient air and remove viruses, bacteria, toxins, and cigarette smoke from it. This principle can be used to reduce air pollution in cities and industrial agglomerations. Recently, a Czech firm filed a patent application for an electrically conductive nanofibre. When electrical current is passed through it, the fibre acquires the capacity to kill viruses and bacteria in contaminated water. The material can be used for different purposes and in different areas, including the military environment and healthcare, and can be useful in third-world countries, where clean water is scarce.


A real breakthrough is the use of nanotechnologies in medicine, where thus far unheard of possibilities are opening up. They can be used in diagnostics, drug distribution within the body or the treatment of patients with the aid of special nano instruments. And moreover, nano medicine ranges in sizes in the order of billionths of a metre, and this is the size of the particles of which the human body is composed – molecules, the DNA helix, and also a large number of dangerous viruses. By enabling a detailed view of the biological processes, nanotechnology offers a new set of instruments for understanding the sources and mechanisms of diseases. Czech firms are keeping pace in this area and there are good prospects that, together with research laboratories, they will be in a position to offer many more products that will find their way into the world, despite the competition from nanotechnology development in the USA, Japan, and China. For the most recent exchange rates please see C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r 37


Medical Equipment Made by Czech Companies is Conquering the World One of the fastest growing export commodities in the Czech Republic is the export of a wide spectrum of medical supplies and devices for equipping hospitals. The presentation of Czech producers abroad owes much to the fact that the Czech Republic is a country with a strong healthcare system covering all the fields of modern medicine.


A number of Czech suppliers of medical equipment have entrenched themselves in highly competitive foreign markets in recent years. These companies put emphasis primarily on three key factors: Research, leading to reaching high technical parameters; Design, aiding in selling the product; and Quality, resulting in the products‘ reliability. A combination of all these criteria can be found, for instance, in medical instruments and traumatological implants, rehabilitation and transport equipment, medicinal and technical gas distribution systems, stabilisers, cobalt radiators, anaesthesiological equip38 C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r


Many successful Czech exporters are members of the Association of Producers and Suppliers of Medical Devices (AVDZP). The Association unites over 100 leading Czech companies from the field that achieve a turnover of approximately 17 billion crowns a year. Their share of export constitutes 35 %. Members of the Association cooperate with a number of research departments of universities, such as the Czech Technical University in Prague, Brno University of Technology, Tomáš Baťa University in Zlín, and Masaryk University in Brno. This serves as further evidence of the attention Czech producers pay to the quality, competitiveness, and technical advancement of their medical equipment. Some of the unique products they export abroad are, among others, degradable stents for the digestive tract, a wide range of steam, hot-air, and chemical sterilisers, lab dryers and incubators. The companies are not only limited to those, however, as they also supply a variety of physical therapy equipment, e.g. electrotherapy devices, sonography devices, lasers and devices for lymphatic drainage therapy. They also export complex systems for biological protection, logistics and decontamination systems and equipment for urgent and long-term care medicine. The majority of Czech manufacturers of medical equipment export most of their core production. This indicates that they are succeeding on the world market. Many Czech companies are following suit, managing to develop and continuously successfully export unique products and patented goods worldwide. Association of Producers and Suppliers of Medical Devices (AVDZP),


On the territory of the Czech Republic, healthcare offers a wide range of outpatient facilities, hospitals and medical institutions under the patronage of not just the state, but various private entities as well. Czech companies rank among the best in the field of the manufacture and supply of medical materials, devices and equipment for hospitals. Every year, their products travel to a number of countries worldwide. Outside of European Union countries, they find their way to the Russian Federation, the Commonwealth of Independent States, territories in south-eastern Asia, the USA, and recently also to Africa, among others. Czech companies are finding an increasingly solid foothold by supplying products and devices with added value, meaning with a high contribution from research, electronics, and information technologies. Czech exporters focusing on medical supplies of all kinds have experienced rapid growth in the last ten years. They are successful in acquiring lucrative contracts for providing not just individual goods and services, but for equipping entire hospitals, health centres and healthcare chains, including the construction of such facilities. Examples of these can be found in Ghana, Gabon, Laos, Algeria, Trinidad and Tobago, Papua-New Guinea, Columbia, and even Russia and Kazakhstan. For instance, they had a hand in building three hospitals in Gabon and ten health centres in Ghana alone.

ment, and adjustable hospital beds. The value of the export of medical equipment abroad is estimated at 25 billion crowns (approximately USD 1.3 bil.). The majority of this is equipment for operating theatres and inpatient wards. The world leader in this segment is the Linet Group, supplier of medical and nursing beds, furniture, anti-pressure-sore mattresses and more. The company has expanded its range of products with birthing, gynaecological, and dialysis chairs. Of course, Linet is not the only Czech company to find success on foreign markets. The majority of such companies believe strongly in running their own development, indicating that this is the way to beating the competition.

C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r 39


Karlovy Vary

The Czech Republic, Attractive Tourist Destination The Czech Republic is one of the countries with a thriving tourism. The land with a population of 10 million is a peaceful and safe destination, offering historical monuments, picturesque scenery, world-famous spas, a network of luxury hotels as well as facilities for leisure activities. In recent years, the Czech Republic has also gained a reputation for congress tourism, for which capacities have been adapted especially in big cities.

40 C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r

the rise year on year. Currently, tourism accounts for about 3 per cent of the Czech gross domestic product and employs more than 230 000 people.


The Czech Republic has been ranked among the 30 most suitable countries for congress tourism over the long term and the Czech capital, Prague, is even one of the 15 most favoured cities. Among others, this evaluation is due to the successful organisation of several conferences of global importance that have been hosted by Prague in recent years. A stable economy, strategic location, favourable climate, various tourist attractions as well as the high quality of services provided in the congress facilities are factors that make Prague an attractive destination. The city provides modern hotels with an extensive choice of conference premises, including state-of-the-art facilities. The Prague Congress Centre has been extensively modernised, and capacities and services are also being extended by Václav Havel International Airport, the destination for numerous international flights operated by renowned airlines as well as a number of low-cost air carriers.

Photo: CzechTourism (Ladislav Renner, Libor Sváček)

The number of guests accommodated in collective accommodation facilities in 2017 for the first time exceeded 20 million, which is 1.7 million more than in 2016. Estimates for 2018 show that in that year, too, the number of guests will be above that limit. The total number of foreign visitors, including those who in the first three quarters of 2018 did not stay in collective accommodation facilities or who came to the Czech Republic only for one day, was 27.8 million, a 4.8 per cent increase year on year. Since 2012, the number of visitors accommodated in hotels, guesthouses and other accommodation facilities has risen by more than 30 per cent. Most people visiting the Czech Republic come from Germany, followed by Slovakia, Poland, Russia, and the USA. The number of visitors coming to the CR from those countries has been steadily increasing over the past six years.

A great increase is shown in the number of tourists coming to the CR from China and South Korea. The number of visitors coming from Japan and Taiwan is growing as well. In contrast to the situation in 2015 and 2016, the number of Russian tourists is also on

Guests accommodated in collective accommodation facilities (hotels, guesthouses, camps, etc.) Year 2017 Total number of guests

20 000 561

Another important segment of tourism is the spa industry. The Bohemian and Moravian regions are especially rich in mineral water sources, which in the past gave rise to the existence of famous spa localities ranked among the best in the world. The joint work of man and nature has achieved world renown and become the country´s important health and economic commodity. The use of natural healing sources, baths, mineral waters and spa treatments has a long-standing tradition. Although spa facilities can be found in all the regions of the Czech Republic, the most significant medicinal resources are in the regions of Karlovy Vary, Ústí nad Labem, South Bohemia, Hradec Králové, and Olomouc.


10 160 468



With the change of lifestyle in recent years, Czech spas have extended their standard offer of curative treatments with new forms of relaxation, regeneration and anti-stress programmes suitable for overworked entrepreneurs and managers. These special extended programmes, combined with a range of accompanying recreational activities (golf, tennis, fitness, cycling, etc.), are offered by about 40 spa localities in the Czech Republic. Notably, the aforementioned golf is increasingly reflected in the favourable tourism statistics. So much so that numerous quality courses are situated close to natural beauty and heritage sites. More than 130 golf clubs operate in the Czech Republic and lovers of this game can use more than 70 golf courses. Those of the best quality, with the highest standard of services, have been set up around the capital city of Prague, in what is known as the West Bohemian Spa Triangle near Karlovy Vary, and in Northern Moravia.


9 840 093


1 962 582


681 917


575 643


548 318

United States of America

540 572


489 845

United Kingdom

470 106

South Korea

415 555


389 578


291 126


289 583

Other Asian countries

261 141


248 265


247 663


183 948


164 513

Taiwan (Chinese province)

164 249


147 570


143 027

Other European countries

130 729

Source: Czech Statistical Office

PRAGUE Prague is ranked among the world´s ten greenest cities, according to a study by the Dutch TravelBird Company. In terms of square metres of greenery per head of the population, Prague ranks 6th, but in the percentage of the total surface area of the city, it is placed 1st. Ranking 1st In terms of square metres of greenery per head is Reykjavik with 410.84 sq. metres. In next place is Auckland in New Zealand with 357.2 sq. metres, followed by Bratislava with 332.99 sq. metres, and Prague with 220.54 sq. metres of greenery per capita. Greenery occupies 56.74 per cent of Prague´s total surface area, ranking it 1st, with Hamburg coming 2nd with 45.42 per cent, and Madrid 3rd with 44.85 per cent. Prague C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r 41


Institutions Present Themselves

CONFEDERATION OF INDUSTRY OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC We unite the leading companies and industry associations in the Czech Republic. We advocate the common interests of our members. We influence the economic, social, and environmental policies in the Czech Republic. We improve business conditions. We promote international trade and investment.



lW e coordinate incoming business and trade missions lW e represent our members at international trade fairs lW e organise conferences, seminars, and workshops promoting export

lW e organise international conferences attended by heads of states and governments

lW e organise international business and trade missions lW e cooperate with partner confederations and business chambers worldwide

l T he largest and most influential independent organisation of employers and entrepreneurs in the Czech Republic

lA representative of the Czech Republic’s leading companies, representing a crucial part of the industry – especially the automotive, electronics, chemical and mechanical engineering sectors, the power industry, transportation, ICT sectors and many others lA volunteer organisation, independent of the government, political parties, and trade unions lA respected social partner and a participant in the European social dialogue

WE REPRESENT l 1 1 000+ companies – our members employ more than 1.3 million people

l 3 2 industry federations and associations from key areas of the Czech economy

lO ver 135 significant individual member companies

OUR PRIORITIES l S upporting industry as the main pillar of the Czech economy l S trengthening the significance of research, development and innovation in industry

lC ontinuing development in technical education and expanding the technically skilled labour force

lC reating a business-friendly environment for entrepreneurs and international investors

lA dvancing international trade and export l I mproving the transport infrastructure l F urthering the digitalisation of the economy and e-Government lW riting and agreeing on a stable, enforceable, and predictable legislative framework

42 C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r

Svaz průmyslu a dopravy České republiky Freyova 948/11, 190 00 Praha 9 Phone: +420 225 279 111 E-mail: l More information at: l

CZECHINVEST, BUSINESS AND INVESTMENT DEVELOPMENT AGENCY CzechInvest: Your gateway to success in the Czech Republic The Business and Investment Development Agency CzechInvest is a state contributory organisation subordinated to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic. Services include sector-specific market intelligence, identification of business properties and sites, investment incentives, identification of potential business partners, suppliers and acquisition targets as well as aftercare services. The Agency contributes to attracting foreign investors operating in the manufacturing industry, business support services and technology centres, and also supports Czech enterprises in their expansion efforts. To simplify communication between the state, business, and the European Union, CzechInvest acts as an umbrella business-promotion organisation for companies using both EU and national funding. CzechInvest is exclusively authorised to file applications for investment incentives at the competent governing bodies and prepares draft offers to grant investment incentives. Its task is also to provide potential investors with current data and information on business climate, investment environment, and investment opportunities in the Czech Republic. All services are provided free of charge.

CzechInvest Štěpánská 15, 120 00 Praha 2 Phone: +420 296 342 579 E-mail: l More information at: l

CENTRE FOR REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC – ENTERPRISE EUROPE NETWORK Centre for Regional Development of the Czech Republic (the Centre) was founded by the Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic and is the implementing agency for European funding programmes. The Centre hosts one of the offices of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), a largest international network (with more than 600 partners worldwide) set up and run by the European Commission with the purpose of supporting businesses. Its consortium based in the Czech Republic (CR) consists of six partners in four cities – Praha, Brno, Plzeň, and Ostrava. The mission of the EEN is to help especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) with entering the EU and foreign markets and doing business there. Its experts provide comprehensive advisory services to businesses with the aim of broadening the international cooperation of companies, raising the innovative potential of enterprises in the EU and helping SMEs to become integrated more widely in the EU framework programmes. To foreign clients the Centre – EEN Praha office offers: information about the CR, about the business environment in the CR, Czech legislation, about how to find Czech partners for cooperation, information about starting a business in the CR, sources of financing from Structural Funds and other information. Services of the Enterprise Europe Network are funded from the European Union’s COSME Programme (2014-2020) under the grant agreement No. 831241 and by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic.

Centrum pro regionální rozvoj ČR – Enterprise Europe Network U Nákladového nádraží 3144/4, 130 00 Praha 3 Phone: +420 225 855 312 E-mail: l More information at:, l

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CZECH TRADE PROMOTION AGENCY / CZECHTRADE CzechTrade is a governmental business agency of the Czech Republic established by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Its main objective is to develop international trade and cooperation between Czech and foreign entities. Wherever in the world you are, the Agency is your official contact partner when looking for qualified Czech-based manufacturers and service providers. lM ore than 20 years of professional partnership l F ree of charge, mainly bespoke services l 5 0 offices operating worldwide l E xcellent overview of Czech manufacturers and their production potential Connecting Czech & world businesses via lC zech Business Partner Search l S ourcing Days l T rade Shows lP rivate Showcases lN etworking Events

CZECH BUSINESS PARTNER SEARCH If you are looking for a partner to assist you with production, you can approach our specialised team with your specific request. CzechTrade will gladly help you to get in touch with the relevant Czech companies. lP ersonal consultation & fillable on-line form at http://www. czech-business-partner-search l L ist of relevant Czech companies and facilitation of access to selected ones SOURCING DAYS Tailored event according to your needs Specify your product/services requirements, define qualifications for a potential supplier, and we will organise one-to-one meetings followed by arrangement of company visits in the Czech Republic. This service saves you time: lP recise knowledge of Czech manufacturers and their production potential lB espoke market screening – we identify potential suppliers as per your requirements l S uppliers shortlist – after reviewing each applicant’s profile, we select companies you wish to meet lA ll-inclusive package – from providing meeting rooms to accompanying you to companies premises, we cover it all

44 C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r

CZECH EXPORTERS DIRECTORY Official on-line database of Czech exporters and the easiest tool to help you find potential business partners in the Czech Republic.

WWW.BUSINESSINFO.CZ/EN The official business portal that is here to help foreign businesses to navigate the Czech business environment. Current information on its website on the conditions for doing business and on investment and trade opportunities.

Česká agentura na podporu obchodu / CzechTrade centrála Dittrichova 21, 128 01 Praha 2 Green line: +420 224 907 820 E-mail: l More information at: l

CzechTrade Jakarta c/o Embassy of the Czech Republic Jalan Gereja Theresia No.20 10350 Jakarta Pusat Menteng Phone: +62212396112-3 (ext. line 37) Mobile: +6281213685048 l More information at: l

CzechTrade Singapur 9 Temasek Boulevard, Suntec Tower 2, #31-01, Singapore Phone: +65 6559 6103 Mobil: +65 8459 3184 E-mail: l More information at: l

CzechTrade Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam 3rd Floor, 4 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street, Da Kao Ward, District 1 Ho Chi Minh City Phone: +84 862 888 689 Mobile : +84 767 133 953 Email: l More information at: l





l Independent public institution of entrepreneurial

The Czech Centres is an agency established for the promotion of the Czech Republic internationally and managed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. Our organisation provides a global network throughout three continents and 24 cities and we are active members of EUNIC, the European Union of National Institutes for Culture. Our primary aim is the development of enduring international cultural and economic links between the Czech Republic and other nations. We create and support partnerships for Czech industries and culture on a local and global level through both public and private bodies.

self-governance l Largest and most representative business association in the Czech Republic including small, medium, and large companies, self-employed entrepreneurs, associations, unions, and craftsmen organisations l Network – regional (regional and district chambers) and professional (unions, associations, etc.) l Platform for 15 thousand members representing more than 60 % of GDP of the country and 66 % of employable population in the Czech Republic in non-compulsory membership scheme l Member of European and international organisations

WHAT WE DO l Support of International Trade l Organisation of business missions targeting particular territory or sector

l Organisation of business missions accompanying state and government officials on their visits abroad

l Organisation of business forums, seminars, round tables etc., targeting particular country or territory

l Organisation of bilateral meetings between Czech entrepreneurs and foreign business delegations

l Involvement in various European Commission’s programmes l Support to foreign companies in finding suitable business partners in the Czech Republic

l Publishing foreign demands, offers or tenders on Chamber website

l Czech Business Representation in Brussels (CEBRE) l Consultancy & advisory services (subsidies, projects, export & foreign trade, legal issues, etc.)

l CZECHPoints (registers, documents, certificates, services, etc.) over 50 one-stop-shops throughout the country

l Professional Education – national certification programmes

OUR WORK, YOUR OPPORTUNITIES We accomplish these aims by fostering cooperation between foreign cultural institutions, experts and individual artists with Czech entities through highly successful international events, projects, and schemes. These are successful because of our connections to the best Czech institutions of education, science, and culture and by providing access to research and innovation and identifying and exporting the most dynamic driving forces of science and creativity of the Czech Republic. We support the development of institutions, such as universities, start-ups and professional bodies, through mutual international cooperation to promote their success and in doing so, to provide unique opportunities to anyone interested in working with and investing in the Czech Republic. In addition, our organisation provides practical skills and knowledge. We are renowned and trusted in our support for those teaching and using the Czech language, enrolling over 2 800 students in Czech language courses worldwide in last year. The Centres present the Czech Republic in cooperation with regional partners abroad. Having many professional partners, we act as a focal contact point for information sought by general public, media and others.

(recognised occupation), skill competitions

l Thematic courses & seminars, etc. l Obligatory commenting point for new business legislation l Lobbying at local, national, European & international level l Issuing own monthly magazine and weekly electronic news distributed directly to members

WHERE WE ARE Locations of our global network: Athens – Berlin – Bratislava – Brussels – Budapest – Bucharest – Jerusalem – Kiev – London – Madrid – Milan – Munich – Moscow – New York – Paris – Rome – Rotterdam – Sofia – Seoul – Stockholm – Tel Aviv – Tokyo – Warsaw – Vienna.

Hospodářská komora České republiky Florentinum, Na Florenci 2116/15, 110 00 Praha1 Phone: +420 266 721 300 E-mail: l More information at l

Česká centra – ústředí (Centre) Václavské nám. 816/49, 110 00 Praha 1 Phone: +420 234 668 211 E-mail: l More information at: l

C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r 45


CZECH TOURISM AUTHORITY – CZECHTOURISM The Czech Tourism Authority – CzechTourism is an allowance organisation of the Ministry of Regional Development and its goal is the successful presentation of the Czech Republic on the domestic and foreign markets. It uses its central office in the Czech Republic for that as well as its network of foreign offices both in other European countries, including Germany, the UK, and Spain and in non-European countries, such as China, Brazil, and the United States. The basic objective of the network of foreign CzechTourism representative agencies is to promote the Czech Republic in the respective markets, build brand awareness of destinations and stimulate the volume of arrivals of foreign visitors to the Czech Republic. CzechTourism Agency branches offer a wide range of promotional activities. Their basic tools include campaigns (on-line, print, and outdoor), press and excursion tours, road shows, participation in trade fairs, promotional events, organising presentations and workshops, collaboration with foreign and Czech entities and establishing and developing contacts with strategic partners. The main vision of the CzechTourism Agency is shaping a new perception of the Czech Republic. It is precisely a change in the perception of tourism by the residents themselves and increasing their brand loyalty to the “Czech Republic” in the context of domestic and incoming tourism that is one of the fundamental objectives of the Agency for the coming period. CzechTourism promotes the Czech Republic brand on the domestic and foreign market on several levels. It participates in dozens of domestic and foreign tourism fairs and publishes sets of publications, brochures and maps in several languages attracting visitors to the Czech regions. An important element of promoting the Czech Republic abroad is to introduce tourism potential through press and excursion tours, i.e. trips to the Czech Republic designated for foreign journalists and tour operators. Another agenda is to support major domestic events of both a local and international character. The promotion of the Czech Republic in the field of congress and incentive tourism on the domestic and foreign markets is the mission of the Czech Convention Bureau, closely cooperating with various regional offices, covering the work of the regions, thus contributing to maximising the utilisation of all the congress potential that the Czech Republic has to offer.

46 C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r

Česká centrála cestovního ruchu – CzechTourism Vinohradská 46, P.O.Box 32, 120 41 Praha 2 Phone: +420 221 580 111 E-mail: l More information at: l

CzechTourism Hong Kong (+ Taiwan, Australia, Singapur, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand) 25/F Workington Tower 78 Bonham Strand Sheung Wan - Hong Kong Phone: +852 2757 9995 E-mail:

CzechTourism South Korea (+Philippines)

Phone: +82-2-322-4210 Contact person: Mgr. Michal Procházka E-mail:

INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE / ICC ICC is – and has been throughout its long existence – a steadfast rallying point for those who believe, like our founders, that strengthening commercial ties among nations is not only good for business but also for global living standards and for peace. ICC was founded in 1919 in Paris. Today, ICC represents 6.5 million companies and associations in more than 130 countries and transmits their interests to high official representatives including the UN, EU, WTO, OECD, and G20, where ICC has been granted the highest level consultative status. Prestige Being an ICC member is a question of prestige. Principles ICC creates rules and principles that are fully respected and used in everyday business and have become one of the most important pillars of international trade. Partnership ICC provides a large portfolio of services fundamental for foreign trade, such as educational and advisory services, as well as creating opportunities for establishing partnership with foreign business partners. ICC Czech Republic was founded in 1999. The main aim of ICC Czech Republic is to assist Czech companies and other businesses to integrate into world events through this prestigious world organisation. Territorial workshops Main aim of these workshops is to support the efficiency of Czech economic diplomacy under the presence of Czech ambassadors to introduce trade and investment opportunities to Czech exporters, to help to diversify Czech exports to perspective markets and to help to establish useful business contacts. In the period of 2017/ 2018, these workshops were focused on e.g.: Greece, Thailand, Nigeria, Albania, Belarus, Latvia, Ukraine, Iceland, the USA, Cuba, Kuwait and Qatar, Macedonia, Romania, Ireland and many others. Seminars, professional courses Our extensive range of educational programmes is targeted at specific topics associated with conducting international trade. Lecturers include experts and professionals with long-time experience or managers working in the given field – Incoterms 2010, Bank guarantees and experience with URDG 758, Documentary Credits and Standbys – International Standard Banking Practice and Practices in the USA, Terms of international sale contract in foreign trade.

CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS’ AND ENTREPRENEURS’ ASSOCIATIONS OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC The Confederation of Employers’ and Entrepreneurs’ Associations of the Czech Republic (Konfederace zaměstnavatelských a podnikatelských svazů ČR – KZPS ČR) is an open, independent, special-interest association. l i t unites eight representatives of employer unions in the fields of construction industry, textile industry, small and medium-sized businesses, production and consumer cooperatives, agriculture, mining and oil industry, wood processing industry, education, healthcare, culture, and social services; l i t represents 22 000 bodies with over 1 300 000 employees; l i t supports the promotion of specific interests of its members in the legislative field and in other areas; l i t formulates common business and employer interests of its members and promotes them in cooperation with relevant state authorities, other employers’ organisations and trade unions and especially in various forms by consulting the government; l i t is one of the social partners representing the side of entrepreneurs in the Council of Economic and Social Agreement (Tripartite). KZPS ČR’s members: lA ssociation of Textile, Leather, and Clothing Industry lU nion of Czech and Moravian Producer Cooperatives l S yndicate of Businesspeople and Tradespeople of the Czech Republic lA ssociation of Entrepreneurs in Building Industries in the Czech Republic lU nion of Employers’ Associations of the Czech Republic l E mployers’ Association of Mining and Oil Industry lA gricultural Association of the Czech Republic lU nion of Czech and Moravian Consumer Co-operatives

Konfederace zaměstnavatelských a podnikatelských svazů ČR Václavské náměstí 21, 113 60 Praha 1 Phone: +420 222 324 985 E-mail: l More information at: l

Národní výbor Mezinárodní obchodní komory v České republice Florentinum, Na Florenci 2116/15, 110 00 Praha 1 Phone: +420 257 217 744 E-mail: l More information at: l

C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r 47


Useful Contacts USEFUL CONTACTS IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia Velvyslanectví Indonéské republiky Nad Buďánkami II/7, 150 21 Praha 5 Phone: +420 257 214 388-90 Fax: +420 257 212 105 E-mail: Embassy of Malaysia Velvyslanectví Malajsie Na Zátorce 675/30, 160 00 Praha 6 - Bubeneč Phone: +420 234 706 611 Fax: +420 296 326 192 E-mail:, Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines Velvyslanectví Filipínské republiky Senovážné náměstí 8, 110 00 Praha 1 Phone: +420 224 216 397, 224 216 385 Fax: +420 224 216 390 E-mail: Embassy of the Republic of the Kingdom of Thailand Velvyslanectví Thajského království Romaina Rollanda 3, 160 00 Praha 6 - Bubeneč Phone: +420 220 571 435, 220 570 055 Fax: +420 220 570 049 E-mail: Thai Trade Center Holečkova 29, 150 95 Praha 5 - Smíchov Phone: +420 257 323 030 Fax: +420 257 327 555 E-mail:, Tourism Authority of Thailand Quadrio Office Center, 5th Floor Purkyňova 2121/3, 110 00 Prague 1 Phone: +420 281 913 738, +420 281 913 739 Email: Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Velvyslanectví Vietnamské socialistické republiky Plzeňská 2578/214, 150 00 Praha 5 Phone: +420 257 211 540, +420 257 211 791 Fax: +420 257 211 792 E-mail: Vietnam Trade Office Prague Rašínovo nábřeží 38/406, 128 00 Praha 2 Phone: +420 224 942 235 Fax: +420 224 942 132 E-mail: 48 C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r

MINISTRIES Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí Ministry of Industry and Trade Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu Ministry of Agriculture Ministerstvo zemědělství Ministry of Transport Ministerstvo dopravy Ministry of Finance Ministerstvo financí Ministry of Regional Development Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj Ministry of the Environment Ministerstvo životního prostředí Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí Ministry of Health Ministerstvo zdravotnictví Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy Ministry of Culture Ministerstvo kultury Ministry of Justice Ministerstvo spravedlnosti Ministry of Defence Ministerstvo obrany Ministry of the Interior Ministerstvo vnitra



Embassy of the Czech Republic (Diplomatic and consular activities for the Republic of Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, East Timor and Singapore) Jalan Gereja Theresia No. 20, Menteng, P.O.Box 1319, 10350 Jakarta Pusat Phone:+62 21 2396112, +62 21 2396113 Fax: +62 213904078 E-mail:,


Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic/Surabaya Darmo Square Kav. R-8, Jalan Raya Darmo 54-56, 60264 Surabaya Phone: +62 31 5621 314 Fax: +62 31 5621 316 E-mail: Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic/Makassar Gedung Graha Pena 15th Floor, Jl. Urip Sumoharjo No. 20, Makassar 90241, South Sulawesi Phone: +62 411 3661919, +62 411 3661910 Fax: +62 411 441 224 - 5 E-mail: Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic/Sanur - Bali Jalan Pengembak 17, 80228 Sanur - Bali Phone: +62 361 286465 Fax: +62 361 286408 E-mail:

USEFUL CONTACTS IN MALAYSIA Embassy of the Czech Republic 42/B The Intermark Vista Tower, 348 Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur Phone: +6 03 2166 2900 Fax: +6 03 2166 5700 E-mail:,

USEFUL CONTACTS IN THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Embassy of the Czech Republic Rufino Pacific Tower, 30th floor, 6784 Ayala Avenue, Makati City, 1226 Manila Phone: +632/811 1155 Fax: +632/811 1020 E-mail:, Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic/Davao City 5th Floor, Mintrade Center, Monteverde Str. corner Sales, Davao City Phone: +6382/234 8888, 226 8888 Fax: +6382/234 9999 E-mail: Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic/Cebu City 303 M. Velez St., Banawa, 6000 Cebu City Phone: +63 32 253 25 12, Fax: +63 32 253 74 59

Embassy of the Czech Republic (Diplomatic activities for the Kingdom of Thailand, Kingdom of Cambodia, and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic) 71/6 Ruam Rudee Soi 2, Ploenchit Rd., Lumpini, Pathumwan 10330 Bangkok Phone: +66 22509223, +66 22509224 Fax: +66 22554978, +66 22509225 E-mail: Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic/Phuket 44 Chalerm Prakiat R. 9 Road, 83000 Phuket Phone: +66 76 249400 extention 1501, Fax: +66 76 210936 E-mail: Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic/Chiang Rai 153/2 Moo 9, Tambon Pongpa, Chiang Rai 571 30 Amphoe Mae Sai Phone: +66 841 915 440 E-mail:

USEFUL CONTACTS IN THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Embassy of the Czech Republic 13 Chu Van An, Hanoi Phone: +84 24 3845 4131 – 2 Fax: +84 24 3823 3996 E-mail:, Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic 18 BIS/28 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, Quan 1, Ho Chi Minh City Phone: +84 28 3829 0585 Fax: +84 28 3822 6043 E-mail:

USEFUL CONTACTS IN THE KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA Embassy of the Czech Republic in Phnom Penh - Cambodia The ICON Professional Building (5th Floor) 216 Norodom Boulevard, Tonle Bassac, Chamkarmon 120101 Phnom Penh Note: Visa agendas are carried out by the Consular Department of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Bangkok,Thailand. Phone: +855 23 726 623 Fax: +855 23 726 625 Email:

USEFUL CONTACTS IN THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNION OF MYANMAR Embassy of the Czech Republic - Myanmar 109/B2 Aung Taw Mu Lane, Than Lwin Road, Bahan Township, Yangon Telefon: +95 1 2306174, +95 1 2306175 Fax: +95 1 505019 E-mail: C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r 49


The Most Important Websites General information on the Czech Republic

Official site for the CR


Doing Business in the Czech Republic

Portal of the Public Administration

Official site for business and exports General information about business climate, structure, and development of the Czech economy The electronic gateway for the public to administration and government services

Company Contact Information ARES Access to Registers of Economic Subjects/Entities

Hoppenstedt Bonnier

The most important companies in the CR and the SR

Czech Company Catalogue


Czech Company Catalogue

European Databank en/

Information operator


Directory of legal services and official bodies

Portal of Czech judiciary

Course of legal proceedings

Czech National Bank

Monetary, financial, and macroeconomic data

Prague Stock Exchange

Prague Stock Exchange data


Czech Stock Exchange

Czech Insurance Association

Directory of insurance companies operating in the CR

Czech Statistical Office

Official statistical data and information covering different subjects

Fairs and Exhibitions BVV – Brněnské veletrhy a výstavy/Trade Fairs Brno Miscellaneous

List of exhibitions and fairs in the CR and relevant information

The Industrial Property Office

The Czech Science Foundation

The Register of Advertising Agencies

Česká pošta (the Czech Post)

Residence of Foreigners in the CR

Association for Foreign Investment

Cadastre of Real Estate

Road toll in the CR National Register of Vocational Qualifications Portal of the Regional Information Service The Czech Association of Hotels and Restaurants

Czech exporting companies

Company-Catalogue Czech Exporters Directory




50 C z e c h R e p u b l i c – Yo u r Tr a d e Pa r t n e r

Patents, trade marks, utility models, and industrial designs Awards grants to the best projects of basic research in all branches of science Expert assistance in choosing and working with advertising and communication agencies in the CR Incl. postcodes of municipalities and its districts (PSC), philately etc. Advice for living in the CR

Support for entry of foreign investors Information system, contains data on real estate in the CR Information on toll and charges Survey of professional qualifications recognised in the Czech Republic Information website on the regions

Directory of hotels in the CR


AND PROGRESS AGADOS, spol. s r.o.,

the traditional Czech producer of trailers of total weight between 300 and 10 000 kg; some of which can achieve speeds of 130 km per hour.

AGADOS, spol. s r.o. | Průmyslová 2081 | 594 01 Velké Meziříčí | Czech Republic Phone: +420 566 653 301 | Fax: +420 566 653 368 | E-mail: |

PARTNERS: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic Ministry of Regional Development of the Czech Republic Confederation of Industry and Trade Czech Chamber of Commerce International Chamber of Commerce Confederation of Employers´ and Entrepreneurs´ Associations CzechTrade CzechInvest Czech Centres Centre for Regional Development of the Czech Republic

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