By The Barrel Winter 2013/2014

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Publication Info By the Barrel© is published quarterly courtesy of:


Tis’ the Season for Gift Giving Holiday Gift Guide


New Craft Beers


Winter Beers


Hop History


Winter Brews American vs. English winter beers

2350 Highway 34 P.O. Box 619 Allenwood, NJ 08720 732-223-2337 An electronic version of this publication is available at Comments or Suggestions Please send an email to:

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Peg Leinenkugel’s Kitchen Holiday Recipes

9-10 Draft and Package Craft Beer

When you step out your front door and notice a nip in the air, it’s time to find a seasonal beer to keep you warm. Brewed stronger, richer and full-bodied seasonal beers taste great alongside a roaring fire or celebrating the holidays with friends and family. To learn more about the difference between English & American winter ales, see our article “Winter Brews” on page 7. “When I heated my home with oil, I used an average of 800 gallons a year. I have found that I can keep comfortably warm for an entire winter with slightly half that quantity of beer” -Dave Barry

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*Please note Point Pleasant Distributors does not carry/sell the above items. Please visit the individual websites listed above.

NEW CRAFT BEERS LONG TRAIL LIMBO IPA Limbo IPA is the first year-round Long Trail offering to be born out of their new Farmhouse Pilot Brewery. Limbo is described as a big, mouth-watering IPA, brimming with all the flavors and aromas of the new breed of hops coming out of Australia and the Pacific Northwest. Coming Soon! ABV 7.6%

IBU 80

OTTER CREEK The newest addition to Otter Creek is Kind Ryed IPA. This is a big, unfiltered American IPA hopped with Apollo, Simcoe and Chinook varieties and dry hopped with Centennial hops. The combination of these hops create a drinkable beer that won’t wipe out your taste buds. Kind Ryed is balanced by a bold, peppery malt backbone. ABV 6.0% IBU 60

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WINTER BEERS As old man winter approaches we here at the beach trade in our flip flops for snow boots as we get ready for the shorter days and colder nights. This also means the holidays are quickly approaching. To some, holidays equal stress. We did some research to help lessen the stress of finding the perfect holiday beer to serve to your guests or bring to a holiday gathering.


New tree, New recipe, Same traditions Every year since 1975 the brewers of Anchor Steam® Beer have brewed a distinctive and unique Christmas Ale, which is available now until supplies last. The Ale’s recipe is different every year-as is the tree on the label, but the intent remains the same: joy and celebration of the newness of life. The tree for 2013 is the California White Fir. Since 1975, James Stitt has drawn thirty-eight of the thirty-nine Christmas Ale labels. Anchor’s Christmas Ale is a rich, dark spiced ale and made with a unique recipe that is different every year. Although the recipe remains a secret, many save a few bottles from year to year. Properly refrigerated, the beer remains intriguing and drinkable for years. The Christmas Ale will be available in 6 pack bottles, magnum bottles and on draft.

LEINENKUGEL’S SNOWDRIFT VANILLA PORTER Celebrate shorter days with a fuller body Leinenkugel’s Snowdrift Vanilla Porter is brewed with a select blend of seven malts revealing layers of caramel, chocolate and coffee notes. Aged on real vanilla, this brown and ruby-hued brew imparts a slightly spicy aroma from its creamy body that’s ideal for the season. The creamy body and vanilla notes pair well with some holiday favorites such as marshmallow sweet potato casserole, glazed ham with cherries, banana fosters and almost any combination of chocolate and cherry. Available Nov.-Jan. ABV 6%

IBU 16

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HOP HISTORY “Reinheitsgebot”, the German Purity Laws of 1516 makes you think of four defined ingredients of beer; water, barley, yeast and hops. Hops are a relatively new ingredient to beer production. Even though beer is approximately 9000 years old, hops did not make their first appearance in written history until Pliny the Elder’s “Naturalis Historia”, which was first published between 77-79 AD. The first recorded history of hops in brewing did not show up until 822 AD. Prior to hops being used in beer, beer was flavored and preserved with a mix of spices and fruits commonly referred to as “gruit” or “grut”. During the latter part of the 13th century hops started threatening gruit as the main preservative agent in beer in Germany. Hops are the female flowers, also called seed cones or strobiles of the hop plant, Humulus lupulus. The hop plant is a climbing vine, usually trained to grow up strings in a field called a hopfield, hop garden or hop yard. The plants are set in rows about six to eight feet apart and are male and female. Hops are grown mostly in moist temperate climates between 35 and 55 degrees latitude and prefer the same soils as potatoes. Hops are primarily used to flavor and stabilize beer, as well as add a bitter, tangy flavor. However, prior to being used in beer, hops were a naturally-growing bitter vegetable by the ancient Romans, and in some parts used as a medicinal agent. The chemical dimethylvinyl found in hops is said to have a relaxing quality, which is why hops were used to treat anxiety, restlessness and insomnia. These symptoms were treated by filling a pillow with hops. The medicinal uses sound great, but I think we all prefer hops in our beer!

The hop plants growing up strings in a field

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WINTER BREWS: THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AMERICAN & ENGLISH WINTER BEERS AMERICAN WINTER BEERS American Winter beers are usually called Christmas or holiday beers, and almost always spiced. Christmas beers are based on a variety of styles, but are often an amber or dark colored malt focused beer. Spices associated with Christmas cookies, potpourri and mulled cider are common; cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, ginger, clove and orange peel. Anchor Steam’s Christmas Ale is a classic example, but is unusual in that the brewery uses a different recipe every year.

ENGLISH WINTER BEERS English winter beers are normally called winter warmers and tend to have a big malt presence, both in flavor and body. Colors range from brownish red to almost pitch black. The hop bitterness is generally low, leveled and balanced, but the hop character can be pronounced. Many English versions contain no spices, though some brewers of spiced winter seasonal ales will place “Winter Warmer” on the label. Those that are spiced tend to follow the “wassail” tradition of blending robust ales with spices, before hops became the chief “spice” in beer. As the name implies, a winter warmer should have some alcohol warmth which is why these beers are generally enjoyed by sipping rather than consuming quickly. An example of an English winter beer is Newcastle Cabbie.

Newcastle came out with a new black ale, Cabbie. When you pour this near black ale it forms a creamy head with a soft elegant hop aroma. The initial taste is light fruit flavours with clean bitterness notes of dark malt, chocolate coffee and vanilla, within a medium bodied and dry finish. So, the next time you’re in a bar be sure to “Hail a Cabbie”. ABV 4.2%

IBU 25

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PEG LEINENKUGEL’S KITCHEN Holiday Beer Recipes Invited to a holiday dinner and asked to bring a dessert? Why not try one of these. For more recipes made with other Leinenkugel beers, visit Jacob Leinenkugel’s website at

Berry Bread Pudding 

 

8 hot dog rolls (stale, or put in  low oven for 30 minutes to dry out)  3 large croissants  12oz. Bag frozen mixed berries

1 cup fresh cranberries

8 eggs

1 tsp. cinnamon

2 cans sweetened condensed milk (14oz. Each) 2 cups warm water 1 stick (½ cup) unsalted butter, melted

½ bottle Leinenkugel’s Snowdrift Vanilla Porter™

2 tsp. vanilla

¼ tsp. salt

1 cup of brown sugar

1. Grease a 9”x13” pan. Pre heat oven to 350°. 2. Tear or cut bread into roughly one inch pieces and pile into pan. Top with berries and cranberries, mixing lightly with hands. 3. Combine eggs, cinnamon, sweetened condensed milk, warm water, beer, vanilla and salt. Whisk in melted butter. 4. Pour liquid over bread mixture to absorb, press down to ensure all bread is immersed. 5. Sprinkle with brown sugar; bake at 350° for 40 minutes. 6. Let rest for at least 30 minutes before serving (which gives you time to make the sauce!) 7. Spoon bread pudding onto plate/bowl. Add a scoop of vanilla ice cream or fresh whipped cream if desired, ladle on sauce to taste. 8. Try paired with a flute of Leinenkugel’s Berry Weiss! Serves 4-6

Chocolate Cherry Beer Cake 

2/3 cup butter

2 teaspoons baking soda

2 cups sugar

1 teaspoon salt

2 beaten eggs

½ cup pecans

1 cup of Leinenkugel’s Snowdrift Vanilla Porter™

 

 2oz. Unsweetened baking chocolate,  melted 2 ½ cups flour

¾ cup buttermilk 8oz. Maraschino halved


1. Cream the butter and sugar together. 2. Beat the eggs –do not add them in unbeaten. Add the beaten eggs, pecans, and melted chocolate to the sugar and butter mixture. 3. Add the flour, baking soda, salt, Leinenkugel’s Snowdrift Vanilla Porter™, buttermilk and halved cherries to the mixture. 4. Pour the batter into a greased 9”x13” baking pan. Bake at 350° for 40-45 minutes. Page 8



Keg Size

Anchor Steam Anchor Steam California Lager Anchor Steam Christmas Ale~ Batch 19 Big Eddy Ryewine Ale~ Big Eddy Wee Scotch Ale~ Crispin Cider Evil Genius Black Eye PA* Evil Genius Eye PA Evil Genius Naughty or Nice~ Fox Barrel Pear Cider Früli Strawberry Beer Leinenkugel’s Hoppin’ Helles Leinenkugel’s Orange Shandy~ Leinenkugel’s Snowdrift Vanilla Porter~ Long Trail Ale Long Trail Blackbeary Wheat Long Trail Brown Bag Series Long Trail Double Bag Long Trail Hibernator~ Long Trail India Pale Ale Newcastle Black Cabbie~ Otter Creek Hop Session~ Redd’s Apple Ale Shed Mountain Ale Strongbow Cider Third Shift Wolaver’s Oatmeal Stout

California Common American Pale Lager Dark Spiced Ale Pre-Prohibition Lager Ryewine Ale Wee Scotch Ale Cider Black IPA India Pale Ale Spiced Winter Ale Pear Cider Fruit Wheat Beer Helles Shandy Porter Altbier Fruit Wheat Beer Lemon Pepper/Milk Stout Altbier Scotch Ale India Pale Ale Black Ale American Pale Ale Apple Ale English Strong Ale Cider Märzen (Amber Lager) Oatmeal Stout

1/6 1/6 1/6 1/2 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 30L 1/6 1/2 1/2 5 Gal 5 Gal 50L 5 Gal 5 Gal 5 Gal, 50L 50L 5 Gal 1/6 & 1/2 5 Gal 15.5 Gal 1/4 & 1/2 1/6

~Limited Quantity / Seasonal

*Coming Soon

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Anchor Brekle’s Brown Ale Anchor California Lager Anchor Christmas Ale Anchor Liberty Ale Anchor Porter Anchor Steam Batch 19 Big Eddy Russian Imperial Stout Crispin Browns Lane Crispin Cider Crispin Honey Crisp Evil Genius Demonic Mix Evil Genius Eye Clops Mix Evil Genius Eye PA Evil Genius Lunatic Variety Evil Genius Naughty or Nice Evil Genius Super Villian Fox Barrel Blackberry Pear Cider Fox Barrel Pear Cider Leinenkugel’s Berry Weiss Leinenkugel’s Honey Weiss Leinenkugel’s Hoppin’ Helles~* Leinenkugel’s Winter Variety~* Leinenkugel’s Oktoberfest~* Leinenkugel’s Orange Shandy~* Leinenkugel’s Sunset Wheat Leinenkugel’s Snowdrift Vanilla Porter~ Long Trail Ale Long Trail Blackbeary Wheat Long Trail Double Bag Long Trail Hibernator~* Long Trail Limbo IPA LT Brush & Barrel Culmination~* Long Trail India Pale Ale Long Trail Survival Pack Newcastle Black Cabbie~ Otter Creek Black IPA Otter Creek Hop Session~ Otter Creek Kind Ryed IPA~ Otter Creek Variety Otter Creek Vermont Lager~ Redd’s Apple Ale Redd’s Strawberry Ale~ Shed Mountain Ale Shed IPA St. Stefanus Blonde St. Stefanus Grand Cru Strongbow Cider Third Shift Wolaver’s IPA Wolaver’s Oatmeal Stout Wolaver’s Variety Wolaver’s Wildflower Wheat~ Worthington’s Red

American Brown Ale American Pale Lager American Spiced Ale American IPA American Porter California Common Pre-Prohibition Style Lager Russian Imperial Stout English Cider Cider Cider Multiple Multiple American IPA Hoppy Amber/Chocolate stout Spiced Winter Ale Multiple Pear Cider Pear Cider American Wheat Beer Kristalweizen Helles Multiple Märzen Shandy Witbier Porter Altbier Fruit Wheat Beer Altbier Scotch Ale IPA Imperial Chocolate Porter India Pale Ale Multiple Black Ale Black IPA American Pale Ale American IPA Multiple Czech Pilsner Apple Ale Strawberry Ale English Strong Ale India Pale Ale Belgian Blonde Ale Belgian Strong Pale Ale Cider Märzen (Amber Lager) India Pale Ale Oatmeal Stout Multiple Wheat Ale English Pale Ale

NA 37 NA 45 NA NA 26 75 0 0 0 NA NA 68 NA 18 NA 0 0 13 13 27 NA 20 11 13 16 25 10 33 32 80 54 42 NA 25 60 35 60 NA 25 0 0 35 70 NA NA 0 21 55 40 NA NA NA

6.0% 4.9% NA 6.0% 5.6% 4.9% 5.5% 9.5% 5.8% 5.0% 6.5% NA NA 6.0% NA 7.2% NA 5.0% 4.5% 4.8% 4.8% 5.5% NA 5.1% 4.2% 4.9% 6.0% 4.6% 4.0% 7.2% 6.0% 7.6% 9.2% 5.9% NA 4.2% 6.0% 4.3% 6.0% NA 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 7.2% 6.0% 7.0% 9.0% 5.0% 5.3% 6.5% 5.9% NA 4.3% 4.2%

6pk, 22oz 6pk 6pk, magnum 6pk 6pk 6pk 6pk, 12pk 4pk 16.9oz 4pk 22oz 6pk 6pk 6pk 6pk 6pk 6pk 4pk 4pk 6pk 6pk 6pk 12pk 6pk, 12pk 6pk, 12pk 6pk 6pk 6pk, 12pk 6pk, 12pk 6pk 6pk 6pk 22oz 6pk 12pk 6pk, 12pk 6pk 6pk 6pk 12pk 6pk 6pk, 12pk, 16oz 6pk, 12pk 6pk 6pk 4pk, 750ml 750ml 6pk, 16.9oz 6pk, 12pk 6pk 6pk 12pk 6pk 16.9oz

~Limited Quantity / Seasonal

*Coming soon

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