PQ plus 2 November 2018

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Pharmacy student engagement| connection | voice


Movember announcement


InterviewwithDr. Tara l esl ie16- 17

Pg. 20- 21

pg. 4- 5



Dec 1st 6:00 PM My er Hor r owit z

MEET THE2022's pg. 23

TABLEOF CONTENTS pg 4- 5 ........................................................ Movember Campaign pg. 6- 13.......................................................Meet your contestants! pg. 14- 15......................................................Gr owth Amidst Chaos, by Adi Gar g pg. 16- 17......................................................Inter view with Dr. Tar a Leslie pg. 18- `19.............................................,..... PQ+2's Locker Featur e pg. 20- 21................................................... Or bis Health

DISCLAIMER: Any opinions or viewpoints published are directly from the contributing authors and do not represent the philosophy or viewpoints of the Faculty of Pharmacy or the University of Alberta

pg. 22.......................................................... NHP's for Mental Health pg. 23......................................................... Meet your 2022's pg. 24......................................................... Movember Cr osswor d puzzle!


` Lawrence Woo Publications Director So excited to see th ese pages fu l l of pu bl ication team m em ber s, each br in gin g for th th eir u n iqu e tal en ts an d in sigh t. Th an k you for th e team of ph otogr aph er s, editor s, an d wr iter s wh o wor k ed tir edl essl y for th is special edition featu r in g th e n ew Rxfactor ! Special s/ o to M eg De Castr o , AS USUAL (for th e Rxfactor pr om o video) + cover poster ! 3 week s ago I wen t to Ban ff befor e m y ID M idter m , so n atu r al l y h er e is a sm il ey pictu r e befor e th e str ess h it. I am extr em el y excited for you to m eet th e n ew team ! So... m or e abou t th em an d l ess abou t m e! Reach m e at Lwoo1@ Ual ber ta.ca

Thom Le

Thom Le PQ Editor M y n am e is Th om an d I am in m y th ir d year of ph ar m acy. Besides stu dyin g, I en joy watch in g TV sh ows, an d a l ot of con ten t on You Tu be. I r ecen tl y got in to watch in g m u k ban g/ ASM R an d food-r el ated videos on You Tu be in h opes th at I can becom e a par t-tim e food r eviewer som eday. TV sh ows th at I am cu r r en tl y in to r igh t n ow ar e Su its, Power an d Sn owfal l . If you h ave an y feedback for PQ+2 or an y r ecom m en dation s for TV sh ows I sh ou l d get in to, feel fr ee to l et m e k n ow an d don 't h esitate to say h i if you see m e in th e h al l s! Em ail : th l @ u al ber ta.ca FB: Th m th y El

`Jasmine Gill PQ Editor Hi! My name is Jasmine and I am in my 2 fourth year of pharmacy. I look forward to being a part of the PQ+2 Team this year as an Editor! A little bit about myself is that I enjoy playing soccer, and tennis, learning medical phrases in different languages and like most students binge-watching series on Netflix (My current favorite is Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee). I also have a massive sweet tooth and in my free time I love to try out restaurants and bake shops around the city. I welcome feedback and suggestions so feel free to reach out to me at jkgill@ualberta.ca. Also let our team know if you have content ideas for upcoming issues!



Michelle Gong PQ Writer H el l o l oves! ? M y n am e is M ich el l e Gon g an d I am in m y th ir d year of ph ar m acy (Cl ass of 2020!) I?m excited to be a par t of th e PQ+2 com m ittee th is year an d br in g you cr eative con ten t (with a h in t of pin k ) th r ou gh th e m agazin e! In ph ar m acy,you m ay k n ow m e as th e gir l wh o is n otor iou s for al ways bein g l ate or n appin g in cl ass, th e gir l wh o l oves al l th in gs th at ar e cu te, pin k , or col or fu l , or th e on e wh o is su per l ou d in h al l ways (sor r y th at I sou n d l ik e I?m on h el iu m 99% of th e tim e....) Ou tside of ph ar m acy,I l ik e to spen d m y paych eck m on ey towar ds eatin g ou t (as you r am ateu r ph oodie), r etail th er apy sh oppin g, or col l ectin g pl u sh ies to add to m y u n n ecessar il y l ar ge col l ection ! If you ever see m e in th e h al l ways, don ?t h esitate to stop an d say h i!!! I am al ways open to su ggestion s or feedback for PQ+2 m agazin e? or if you ju st n eed som eon e to tal k to or h an gou t with ? I am al so h er e for th at too! (I n eed n ew ph r ien ds an yways wh o won ?t r oast m e on a dail y l ik e m y cu r r en t on es do...? )

Ethos Ho

Anthony Kapelke

PQ writer & Orbis Health Liason

PQ Wr iter

Hey guys! My name is Ethos, and I am in my 4th year of pharmacy. I am excited to be working for PQ+2 as a writer and Orbis Health liaison this year! IFor those who do not know, Orbis Health is an online startup health platform that was started by a University of Alberta pharmacy alumnus, Choi Chung. The platform served as a means for patients to access healthcare information and services that are not restricted by one?s mobility, means of transportation, financial barriers, or the operational hours of the typical healthcare settings. So, a little about my self. I enjoy binge-watching Netflix TV shows, watching movies, playing video games, and stressing out about my future in my spare time (or when procrastinating). Along with writing heart-felt articles, my hobbies are running, badminton, petting dogs, and drawing. Do not hesitate to reach out to me or say hi to me in the halls! You can email me at hohuang@ualberta.ca. Have a great school year!

Ayush Chadha PQ Writer

H el l o ever yon e! M y n am e is An th on y Kapel k e, an d I?m excited to be a par t of th e 2018/ 2019 Pu bl ication s Com m ittee. I bel on g to th e cl ass of 2022, an d em br ace th e oppor tu n ity to be in vol ved in PQ+2. As a PQ+2 wr iter an d editor , I?l l str ive to br in g appeal in g con ten t to th e m agazin e th at wil l con tin u e to pr ovide en joym en t to ph ar m acy stu den ts. I bel ieve th e m agazin e is a gr eat way to stay u p to date an d in vol ved in wh at?s h appen in g in ou r facu l ty an d I can ?t wait to con tin u e th is m ean s of en gagem en t! Ou tside of sch ool , I en joy dr in k in g coffee an d watch in g Cu r b You r En th u siasm . I al so l ik e to exper im en t in th e k itch en by am bitiou sl y tr yin g r ecipes th at sou n d good, bu t often taste bad. W h en I wan t a good m eal , I l ik e to ch eck ou t n ew r estau r an ts in th e city. I'm al so a big beer gu y,so if an yon e wan ts to n er d ou t over tr appist al es or n itr ogr en in fu sed stou ts, don ?t be a str an ger ! Stop m e in th e h al l s an d say h i! At PQ+2 we?r e ver y open to feedback an d su ggestion s. If you h ave an y ideas or con cer n s, feel fr ee to r each ou t to m e at k apel k e@ u al ber ta.ca

PQ Writer

Hey everyone! My name is Ayush and I am a first-year pharmacy student. I?m excited to be a part of the 2018/2019 Publications Committee. I look forward to bringing you my skills in graphic design. I hope you take time to read the magazines found in the PBL room and stay up to date with what is going on in the faculty. I?m not very good at English or spelling as my lab group will tell you (Shout out to In-N-Out Rx) and for this reason, I?ll try to stick to pictures. My interests outside of school include binging TV shows in unhealthy time spans, playing board games and I love watching hockey. You?ll find that I get more sad about the Oilers than I do about anything else so if you need something to cry about together, just message me about how much the Oilers suck. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any ideas, you would like to see in the magazine. My email is achadha@ualberta.ca. Meg De Castro Please share any ideas for our APSA Photographer future editions

`Reem Almawed

W h en I'm n ot tr yin g to k eep u p with th e fr igh ten in gl y h igh aver ages of m y cl ass, you can fin d m e wor k in g at an escape r oom , pr acticin g pian o, pl ayin g vol l eybal l or spen din g tim e with peopl e I l ove. H er e ar e 2 tr u th s an d 1 l ie abou t m ysel f: 1) Du r in g m y u n der gr ad, I en joyed m y or gan ic ch em istr y cl ass so m u ch th at I wr ote a com ic book abou t it an d gifted it to m y pr ofessor 2 Last year ,I h el d th e door open for Patr ick Ch an at Su gar Bowl an d didn 't r eal ize u n til m y fr ien d tol d

Hi Phriends! My name is Azka and I belong to the class of 2022. This year I have the privilege of being a PQ+2 editor and I am super excited to unleash my creative writing skills that have been lying dormant for the past 4 months! As a PQ+2 writer, my job will be to bring quality content and entertainment to your table. My primary aim is to make sure that this year ?s issues are refreshing, innovative and capture the vibrant life of pharmacy students on campus. In my spare time, I like to watch movies and play board games including UNO, Clue, Cards Against Humanity, Scrabble, Pictionary, Monopoly and Catan. Also, I have recently learned how to play chess so if you are free, you can always drop by for a fun game. (Just keep in mind that I am super competitive!) If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at azka1@ualberta.ca. Or you can just drop by in one of the PBL rooms where I am usually studying, napping or doing both at the same time!


APSA Photographer

H el l o ph ar m il y! M y n am e is Reem , I'm cu r r en tl y in m y secon d year of Ph ar m acy an d am excited to be an APSA ph otogr aph er th is year. I con sider m ysel f to be an eter n al stu den t in th e fiel d of ph otogr aph y, so I'm gr atefu l for th e oppor tu n ity to n ot on l y gr ow as a ph otogr aph er bu t al so to tak e ph otos of al l you r beau tifu l faces an d h el p captu r e you r pr eciou s m em or ies as a U of A Ph ar m acy stu den t!

`Azka Ahmed

` Meg De Castro APSA Photographer H el l o! M y n am e is M agr itte Joyce A. De Castr o, or ju st M eg for sh or t. I?m a th ir d year stu den t in th is facu l ty an d al so on e of you r cu r r en t APSA ph otogr aph er s. Gr aph ic design is m y passion .In m y spar e tim e, I en joy pr odu cin g videos, m ak in g m u sic, eatin g ch ick en , th e occasion al gam e of l eagu e of l egen ds, an d h eavil y daydr eam in g abou t pl ayin g in th e NBA som eday. You wil l al ways fin d m e ever y m or n in g with a tim m ies iced capp in h an d. I?ve n otor iou sl y spil l ed th em in 231, 227, an d even th e in fam ou s 628. At th e tower in g h eigh t of 5?1, I h ope I don ?t in tim idate you (ig: @ iam tootal l ), so if you see m e ar ou n d, cam er a in h an d or n ot, say h i! H ope to catch you r best side! m agr itte@ 3 u al ber ta.ca


Steven Zheng APSA Photographer

M y n am e is Steven , I?m 2n d year ph ar m acy stu den t, an d I?m on e of th e n ew APSA ph otogr aph er s th is year. I'm or igin al l y fr om Cal gar y,an d I stu died th r ee year s of u n der gr ad ch em istr y at UofA befor e becom in g a ph ar m acy stu den t. I ch ose ph ar m acy becau se I wan ted to do som eth in g m ean in gfu l , to im pr ove patien t h eal th th r ou gh better car e, an d to ch an ge wh at peopl e th in k of ph ar m acists an d ph ar m acy. Th is year I wan ted to tr y som eth in g n ew, as wel l as pick u p a n ew h obby/ sk il l , so I th ou gh t i'd give ph otogr aph y a sh ot. As a ph otogr aph er ,I h ope cr eate m em or abl e ph otos an d get a ch an ce to m eet m or e of you ! Feel fr ee to DM m e on facebook or em ail m e if you ever n eed a n ew pr ofil e pic, or som eth in g of sor ts! (:


Hello pharmacy students! Just your friendly VP

So why does APSA support Movember? APSA feels

External here and I want to share some more

that it is vital to contribute to foundations that

information with all of you on one of APSA?s biggest

advocate for the advancement of health. As future

health campaigns of the year: Movember.

health care professionals, I strongly believe that it is our duty to promote the health and well being of our

Some of you may not know what the Movember

patients beyond the dispensing and counselling

foundation is or what they stand for. The Movember

processes. By supporting foundations like

foundation started as an idea between friends who

Movember, we show that we care for our patients in

wanted to bring moustaches back in style and

every aspect of health and we strive to improve their

decided to pair it with a charitable initiative. The

quality of life. If the work done by the foundation can

foundation is now based in nearly 20 countries and

save just one life, our campaign was a success!

raises millions of dollars per year to invest in groundbreaking research and initiatives worldwide,

I hope I have done my job and inspired you to

focusing on prostate and testicular cancer as well as

become involved with our Movember campaign. This

men?s mental health. It is interesting to know that

year, the Movember committee is full of creative

there has been research funded by the foundation

individuals who are working hard to create a number

right here at the U of A in aim to develop an early

of events that appeal to everyone. My goal is to get

stage diagnostic test for prostate cancer.

as many students involved in our fundraising initiatives while having fun at the same time! So stay

Research is just one ways they strive to improve

tuned for a month packed with events that will help

men's health. The Movember Foundation prides

us raise money and awareness. Let?s stop men from

itself in increasing awareness and advocacy for

dying too young!!

getting tested for cancer because, when detected early, survival rates in men are as high as 98%. In recent years, the Movember foundation has increased their advocacy for mental health in order


to remove the stigma. The patriarchal society we are used to expects men to be strong and mask their emotions, but 75% of suicide victims are men. The Movember Foundation hopes to change that by empowering men to talk about their mental health and seek help. Link to University of Alberta Pharmacuy | Dentistry Movember Campaign Webpage https:/ / mobro.co/ 13755037?mc=1



Ph a r m a c y a n d Den t a l St u den t s M o v em ber C a l en da r Fu n dr a iser ! U of A Pharmacy and Dental students lead Movember with goal of raising $10,000 for prostate cancer. The students are looking to raise $10,000 towards finding a cure for prostate cancer.

The students are putting together a 15-month calendar for 2019 that includes seasonal photos with their fellow classmates sporting their Movember moustaches. Th ey w ill sell t h e calen dar st ar t in g m id-Oct ober an d t h r ou gh ou t t h e m on t h of Novem ber at ECHA caf et er ia du r in g t h e lu n ch h ou r as w ell as h ost a ser ies of even t s t o h elp r aise aw ar en ess.

They will also be hosting a ?move? challenge where they will encourage everybody to stay active and live a healthy life in trade for points. The final shave off of the hairy stashes will happen at the end of November when the official campaign ends.

(L) Shahed Bayesteh

DDS 2019

(R) Kevin Ofori DDS 2019

Would you be interested in helping the students achieve their goal of raising $10,000 or more? If so, visit https://mobro.co/13755037?mc=1 where you can donate




If your friends had to choose one drug to describe you, what would it be and why? Caffeine because 95% of the time I have a coffee in my hands and I once suffered

VANVERKHOWEN What gives you the ?RX Factor ? to be this year ?s winner?

a caffeine overdose while pulling an all nighter to finish a paper. Probably irreversibly damaged my liver but I got an A so it was worth it.

When you found out you were going to be in The RX Factor, what was your reaction?

I'm a pretty fearless person as well as extremely competitive. This

Oh God what have I gotten myself into!

combination means I am willing to do anything to win.

As pharmacy students, why is it important that we support Movember? I think it is important as Movember helps provide funds not only for prostate cancer treatment but for research into prevention as well. Approximately 1 in 7 men will have a prostate cancer diagnosis in their lifetime with more research into prevention hopefully this number will decrease. On a personal level Movember is important to me because my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer when I was in junior high. Luckily it was found early on and the cancer was removed but it does mean that my risk for prostate cancer has increased .

If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and why? I would go back to Thailand which I visited this past summer. I had an amazing time in South East Asia and there are many temples and other tourist sites that I did not get a chance to visit. Plus I could eat pad thai for

As pharmacy students our time is precious, how are you using your time to prepare for The RX Factor? Rather than procrastinating my studying by watching The Office on Netflix for the 80th time I have been practicing for this competition.

the rest of my life and be happy. Who do you think is going to be your biggest competition in The RX Factor? Honestly, I haven't been able to meet with most of the other competitors so it is hard to say who will be my biggest competition. However, Anthony does seem like6a pretty funny and outgoing guy so beating him will be a challenge. Which faculty member would you want to be a judge at this years event and why? I would like Dr. Velรกzquez to be a judge this year. He has so far been the only chemistry professor to be able to actually make me interested in chemistry which is truly a remarkable achievement. Plus he tells a lot of jokes in class; some of them are even funny. Beachwear has long been a fan favourite in Mr. Pharmacy events. How do you plan on making the new fashion show component the highlight of the night? I think having a fashion component rather than beachwear opens this section up to far

Cl ass of 2022

more creative options which I am sure each of us will be taking full advantage of.

Design by Azka



What gives you the ?RX Factor ? to be this year ?s winner? I believe my passion will be the difference. I plan on performing with excitement and fervour, and I?m looking to bring the heat.

As pharmacy students, why is it important that we support Movember? As primary health care professionals, it is important to advocate for the health of our patients. I believe Movember provides a platform that engages society in raising awareness for men?s health. Although it is fun to grow a moustache and be a part of a campaign

Who do you think is going to be your biggest competition in The RX Factor? The handsome and studly Paul VanWerkhoven.

that promotes physical and mental health, it is i mportant to recognize why advocacy and support is needed. I believe as pharmacy students, we have the ability to educate others and encourage participation in Movember and other health care initiatives.

As pharmacy students our time is precious, how are you using your time to prepare for The RX Factor? I?m grateful to be given the opportunity to participate in The RX Factor, so I use whatever time I have mentally preparing and focusing

When you found out you were going to be in The RX Factor, what was your reaction? I was stoked! I?m sure the nerves will come, but right now I?m excited.

Which faculty member would you want to be a judge at this years event and why? Susan Patrick. Although our interaction with her is primarily online, she?s always sending out emails praising how well we write our discussions and how happy she is with our responses. I feel like with her as a judge, everyone would be a winner!

If your friends had to choose one drug to describe you, what would it be and why? Prozac because my goal is to make people happy :)

If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and why? I would go to Tokyo. I?m not sure


exactly why, but I?ve always had a pull towards Japan. Maybe it?s my love for onigiri?

Beachwear has long been a fan favourite in Mr Pharmacy events. How do you plan on making the new fashion show component the highlight of the night? Chazz Michael Michaels may be figure skating, but Anthony Kapelke is fashion. Boom. (That?s a Blades of Glory reference. For those that don?t know, please educate yourself and watch the film)


Design by Azka

Cl ass of 2022

W h at gi v es you t h e ? RX Fact or ? t o be t h i s year ?s w i n n er ? Unlimited energy, superhuman good looks, and above average humility. Also, in case you couldn?t tell from the short sleeve shirt that I was wearing in the introduction video, I?ve been hitting the gym.

W h en you f oun d out you w er e goi n g t o be i n Th e RX Fact or , w h at w as your r eact i on ? Pure terror. Second year is nuts, and here I am actively involved in a church group, struggling to keep up with school, and doing my best to maintain a social life while also trying to keep up a slightly healthier-than-palliative dating life. But to be honest, life is the most fun when you are stretched, and I want to do something I?m going to remember. So what better way than to make a complete fool of myself in front of my colleagues, professors, and potentially future managers. Also, not going to lie, I?ve been always waiting for an opportunity like this so I?m very excited! :)

As ph ar m acy st uden t s our t i m e i s pr eci ous, h ow ar e you usi n g your t i m e t o pr epar e f or Th e RX Fact or ? Well, I can?t talk specifics, but definitely a lot of very contemplative pondering and honing my skills.

As ph ar m acy st uden t s, w h y i s i t i m por t an t w e suppor t M ov em ber ?

W h i ch f acul t y m em ber w oul d you w an t t o be a j udge at t h i s year s ev en t an d w h y?

I believe it is super important to be involved in supporting good causes that promote the health and well-being of others. We are pharmacy students and future pharmacists, and as such it is integral to be

Dr. Velazquez! For so many reasons!

involved in the welfare of others in a role that extends beyond the pharmacy itself.

Amazing prof, funny, and always gives the ?take home message.? Also, he

I f you coul d go an yw h er e i n t h e w or l d r i gh t n ow , w h er e w oul d you go an d w h y?

rocks a suit and I think the judges

? Japan? You knew that was coming! I love Japan so much! Why? Well, because I lived there for 2

need to maintain an air of class.

years. Consequently, I speak the language, love the people, can?t get enough of the food, and am all about those cherry blossoms. As you probably already know, I?m also incredibly white with blue eyes and light coloured hair, so I?m sort of a legend there.

Beach w ear h as l on g been a f an f av our i t e i n M r Ph ar m acy ev en t s. H ow do you pl an on m ak i n g t h e n ew f ash i on sh ow com pon en t t h e h i gh l i gh t of t h e n i gh t ? I like to maintain an air of mystery, so I think I will awe the audience with wearing so many clothes that it leaves everything to the imagination. Want to imagine that I have a solid 8-pack and pecs that you could use to make fresh-squeezed orange juice? Well, then go for it. Want to imagine I?m covered legit sasquatch under my garb? To each their own!

W h o do you t h i n k i s goi n g t o be your bi ggest com pet i t i on i n Th e RX Fact or ? Anthony from first year. If I were to have a man crush, it?d be on him. I also see him at the gym most mornings and he is huge! So if it weren?t enough that he?s a stud, he could also pick me up and toss me off the stage. That being said though, between me and Ethan there isn?t much of a worry about the competition in this show.

W h at aux i l i ar y l abel best descr i bes your t al en t at Th e RX Fact or ? ?Take the entire course of medication as directed?


I f your f r i en ds h ad t o ch oose on e dr ug t o descr i be you, w h at w oul d t h ey ch oose an d w h y? Senna laxative, because I?mma make you crap yourself.

KURT Weckesser

Design by Ayush





What giv es you t he?RXFact or ?t o bet his y ear ?s winner ? Well...I can always seem to make myself laugh. Maybe I can make everyone else watching laugh too, or at least crack a smile!

As phar macy st udent s, why is it impor t ant t hat we suppor t Mov ember ? Prostate/Testicular cancer...Mental health/Suicide prevention: These are all very important issues to be discussing with patients at risk. Who better to be discussing these topics with than Canada?s most accessible health care provider! Everyday there are lives impacted by Cancer and Suicide. Part of our jobs as pharmacists is to educate the public about these issues, spread awareness, aid in early diagnosis, and treat before things get worse. Working in Pharmacy give us a platform to help others in many situations and Movember is up there on the list.

What aux il iar y l abel best descr ibes your t al ent at The RXFact or ? Take on an empty stomach... I'll be all you need to feel satiated ;)

Who do you t hink is going t o beyour biggest compet it ion in TheRX Fact or ?

As phar macy st udent s our t imeis pr ecious, how ar eyou using your t imet o pr epar ef or TheRXFact or ?

Conner...Paul? Sorry I?m having trouble telling the two apart. Either of them

Just as you?d expect. Studying for anything and everything else, putting this off until the last minute and WINGING IT.

Which facul t y member woul d you want t o bea j udgeat t his y ear s ev ent and why?

Because diamonds are made under pressure.

Ravina! (Duh) She keeps things real and I trust her clinical judgment.

When you f ound out you wer egoing t o bein TheRXFact or , what was your r eact ion?

Whoever she bets on is bound to be the winner!

I thought to myself: this year is going to crazy already, why not add another thing to the list? Let?s put on a good show in this hectic, exciting time.

will make for some tough competition!

Beachwear has l ong been a fan favour it ein Mr Phar macy ev ent s. How do you pl an on making t henew fashion show component t hehighl ight of t henight ? I can?t spoil anything right now, 9 but let?s just say you?re in for a real treat. We?re going to stretch this show to its limits! (Also kudos planning

If your f r iends had t o chooseonedr ug t o descr ibeyou, what woul d it beand why?

committee, what an awesome idea!)

Rosuvastatin! I?m here to support you and keep you going (even if you might not feel you need it). I may cause some muscle cramps (when you cringe after I say something stupid), but I?m generally well tolerated. :)

If you coul d go anywher ein t hewor l d r ight now, wher e woul d you go and why? Japan! My first (last) trip was much too short. So much more to explore, temples, restaurants, arcades, oh my! I?d love to catch up with some old friends and not be here freezing in this dry, cold winter.




Class What gives you the "RX Factor" to be this year's winner? To be completely honest my red hair. Hopefully distract the judges from my lack of talent.

As pharmacy students, why is it important that we support Movember?

Who do you think is going to be your biggest

Since taking Oncology in third year it is important to support movember and other cancer support groups since 1 in 2 people in Canada will have some type cancer in their lifetime. Furthermore, it is important since they have great mental health supports.

competition in The RX Factor? Megan Elliott, she?s got too much skill. As a past MC for Mr. Pharmacy in the past years. TOUGH COMPETITION.

Which faculty member would you want to be a judge

What auxiliary label best describes your talent at The RX Factor?

at this years event and why? Dr. Dion Brocks himself, the only professor to show me how little I understand about hungry hungry hippos!

Change Opioid to Jesse

Beachwear has long been a fan favorite in Mr Pharmacy events. How do you plan on making the new fashion show component the highlight of the night? Probably bring back a classic idea that makes the crowd smile, cry and close their eyes all in 5 minutes.

As pharmacy students our time is precious, how are you using your time to prepare for The RX Factor? I've started a dry land training routine that includes watching YouTube videos, eating candy and tons of milk.


When you found out you were going to be in The RX Factor, what was your reaction? I got extremely nervous, because I had no idea what to do with my hands.

If your friends had to choose one drug to describe you,


what would it be and why?

T I s m m m

Warfarin because I am dangerous and interact with everything and everyone.

If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and why? Mexico so I become a pharmacist without graduating.


Design: Th

ABANOUB GRAISS of 2020 W hat

g ives you t he "RX Fact or " t o b e t his year 's winner ? My lack of skills will b e t he m ost uniq ue talent in t he RX fact or. I also b elieve t he fact t hat I?m t he fir st Afr ican Canad ian t o b e on t he RX fact or is a hug e ad vantag e. I alw ays ask m yself ?Can u d o it ??.....?YES I CAN!?

A s p har m acy st udent s, w hy is it im p or tant t hat we sup p or t Movem b er ? W hy w ould n?t we sup p or t Movem b er ? Most of us have heard or know ab out people w ho were affected by cancer. This help s raise aw areness b ut also help s wit h raising m oney for t he cause. As healt hcare p rofessionals, we are sup p osed t o b e role m odels and healt h leader s. Therefore it ?s ab solutely necessar y t o ad vocate for m en?s healt h and p rovide t he p hysical and m ental sup p or t .

I f your fr iend s had t o choose one d r ug t o descr ib e you, w hat w ould it b e and w hy? Toug h q uest ion b ut p rob ab ly am itr ip t yline b ecause it takes m e ap p roxim ately 3 weeks from b eg inning of school t o star t w or king . (I hope t his m akes Dr. Sher if p roud !)

I f you could g o anyw here in t he w or ld r ig ht now, w here w ould you g o and w hy? Miam i b ecause t hat ?s w here m ost of t he d r ug b usiness is (leg al one of cour se). Also m ayb e reshoot t he w hole ?I like it ? video wit h Card iB. As few of m y classm ates know, I share a lot wit h Card iB.

W ho d o you t hink is g oing t o b e your b ig g est com pet it ion in The RX Fact or ? I definitely t houg ht ab out m y com pet it ion a lot ! Sab r ina m ig ht g et som e extra p oint s for stand ing on a st ool all show long . Meg an will use her super p ower ful p uns. J esse is hard t o keep out of m ind b ecause wit h his red hair, he?s alw ays in sig ht !

W hich facult y m em b er w ould you w ant t o b e a jud g e at t his year s event and w hy? I really w ant t o see Dr. Nat han Beahm . He will exam ine t he spectr um of m y talent and p oint out exact ly t he nar row spectr um sug g est ion I need t o g et m e t o t he t op.

W hat auxiliar y lab el b est descr ib es your talent at The RX Fact or ?

Beachwear has long b een a fan favor ite in Mr Phar m acy event s. How d o you plan on m aking t he new fashion show com p onent t he hig hlig ht of t he nig ht ? Obviously, it ?s hard for m e t o p ut it in w ord s b ut definitely t here will b e a lot of reg ret after t he11 show.

A s p har m acy st udent s our t im e is p recious, how are you using your t im e t o p rep are for The RX Fact or ? There is not hing m ore im p or tant t o m e t han t he RX Fact or. Therefore I have p ut all m y cour ses t his sem ester as an aut om at ic letter g rade D. Mayb e if t here are enoug h Ds on m y transcr ip t , t he em plo yee will t hink I g ot t he p har m D.

W hen you found out you were g oing t o b e in

The RX Fact or, w hat w as your react ion? I called m y m om t o m ake her p roud and she star ted cr ying ! After t hat , I called m y fam ily m em b er s and t hey all star ted cr ying . It w as a m ess. I p rom ised I will win it for t hem and m ake t hem p roud .

hom H. Le


Sabrina El Mansali As pharmacy students our time is precious, how are you using your time to prepare for The RX Factor? I?ve put my priorities in check and pushed my PEBC studying start date to April 2019, which should give me ample amount of time to study all of pharmacy for the exam in May. having many skills will probably get me there.

What gives you the ?RX Factor? to be this year?s winner? To be honest I think my impeccable skill of not having many skills will probably get me there.

As pharmacy students, why is it important that we support Movember? As pharmacy students and future pharmacists I think that it?s important that we help make a difference in people?s health, and Movember does exactly that. Movember is a great event that helps raise money and awareness for men?s health and as pharmacy students we have a high chance of encountering the main health issues men may face. Men are dying too young due to several reasons such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and suicide. These are all areas where improved healthcare services can make a difference, and as future front line health care professionals I think we should always be trying to support events that improve care for patients.

If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and why? Newfoundland, baby! Straight to the CNTP final where I belong!

Who do you think is going to be your biggest competition in The RX Factor ? If your friends had to choose one drug to describe you, what would it be and why?

Definitely Jesse, never met the kid but his hair is straight fire

PEG 3350 for sure 10/10, because I?m always providing that reliable constant (comic) relief .


Which faculty member 12 would you want to be a judge at this years event and why?

What auxiliary label best describes your talent at The RX Factor?

Teri or Candace for sure since they can?t really see much worse performance from me compared to what they've already seen in lab? lol

Beachwear has long been a fan favourite in Mr Pharmacy events. How do you plan on making the new fashion show component the highlight of the night?

When you found out you were going to be in The RX Factor, what was your reaction?

I?ve been working really hard on my winter bod since May 2015 to make you question everything you ever thought you knew about fashion. Prepare to be blown away.

L O L is this a joke?! Am I being punk?d??? Where da cameras at???


Megan Elliot As pharmacy students our time is precious, how are you using your time to prepare for The RX Factor?

What gives you the ?RX Factor? to be this year?s winner? I'm not too sure. People seem to really hate my jokes, which sometimes gets me pity laughs from people who are really nice or feel uncomfortable with the silence. If I get enough of those, it just might make me a winner. You never know. As pharmacy students, why is it important that we support movember? Half of ours patients are men, I'd say it's a no-brainer. In addition to that, we have dads, brothers, uncles, cousins, nephews, partners, classmates, friends, professors who are male. Why would we not want to support them and their mental and physical health? What auxiliary label best describes your talent at The Factor Factor? Not so much my talent, but just me in general as a pasty ginger (Jesse, you should probably get a tattoo of this): Avoid prolonged or excessive exposure to direct and/or artificial sun night. Which faculty member would you want to be a judge at this years event and why? Good question. Maybe Jody so that I can redeem myself for being so bad at the finance component of his business class. This could either go well or very poorly, it is tough to say. If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and why? Whale watching because FRIG whales are cool. Sean Hanson told me about how he saw a whale in the wild one time, and I have not stopped being mad at him.


You know, I am trying to think about how I spend my time when I am not on rotation (even sometimes when I am on rotation) and I really have no idea. Things I know I have been doing though are learning the difference between stage right and stage left, shining bright lights into my eyes, and practicing my diva act for when I arrive at the dressing room on the day of the show and there isn't chilled Moet & Chandon ready to drink. I have not been practicing being okay with silence after I try to make a joke, because I am already okay with that. When you found out you were going to be in The Rx Factor, what was your reaction? Excited, nervous, but mostly instant dread and sweaty hands over the ensuing pressure for puns. If your friends had to choose one drug to describe you, what would it be and why? I would hope it would be spironolactone, because I have always aspired to be someone who smells good. In reality? I don't think my friends would be that nice. Who do you think is going to be your biggest competition in The Rx Factor? Probably that Ethan Swanson fellow with his crooner singing voice. Maybe Jesse or Abanoub, they're both great at baseball which could make 13dangerous talent. Kurt seems pretty for a super funny. I haven't met Anthony and Paul, but if they've made it this far, they're probably half decent. All great competition. Just not Sab. I have no concerns about her. Beachwear has long been a fan favorite in Mr. Pharmacy events. How do you plan on making the new fashion show component the highlight of the night? Yeah right, like I'm going to tell you that. Mostly because I honestly have no idea. But rest assured, it will probably be uncomfortable to watch. One of those cringe worthy, " I'm embarrassed for you" situations.


GROWTH AMIDST CHAOS Adi Garg Class of 2020 After going through my 2nd year of Pharmacy school, infamously known as the most difficult year, and volunteering as VP Academic for the Alberta Pharmacy Students?Association while managing other projects on the side, I was drained. I decided to leave it all aside, and embrace a peaceful, monastic life for the 3 months of my summer. I thought I was walking away from the stress that came from exams, course assignments, project deadlines, dealing with people, and time management. I thought I was going to have a tranquil, stress-free summer?

External circumstances will never be perfect or peaceful, as these are messy and beyond our control. Today?s world moves at a pace unimaginable to the human mind, and with such speed, commotion is bound to exist. Situations are never going to be what we want them to be. We may not do as well as we had hoped on that exam that we studied for so intensively, we may not get that job whose interview we absolutely killed, or we may not get that second date even though we thought the first one went so well. Sometimes, things are not meant to go our way, they are not meant to be resolved - they just need to be managed and tolerated. ?The entirety of our lives cannot be spent putting out fires. Some will just have to burn, but we should continue progressing forward nevertheless? (1).

If you haven?t already guessed it, I was totally wrong. Everything that I thought I was walking away from, was handed back to me at the monastery. I still had course assignments, deadlines, and exams as I was required to take courses on Eastern Theologies. Also, I was living with about 6 other individuals in my room and about 20 other monks. This meant, I was dealing with individuals from all walks of life, on a daily basis. Every week I was assigned a new project that I had to manage, sometimes on my own, sometimes as part of a group. As a monk, you still only have 24 hours in day to do all of this, on top of many more tasks time management was a struggle.

And so how does one learn to do that? Or how did I learn to deal with the stressors that came about when I was plunged amidst chaos?

Close to San Francisco, exists the famous Muir Woods (2). These woods are the home of the redwood trees that have lived to be hundreds of years old. The roots of these trees do not penetrate deep into the ground but stay shallow amongst the loose soil and hilly terrain. Despite such little support, for centuries these trees have endured windstorms, blizzards, earthquakes, and14 so much more. Yet they remain standing, growing further and further up to reach new heights. How is this possible?

So was my monastic experience truly ?peaceful?? Absolutely not - if you look at it from an external point of view. My ?to-do? list was just as expansive as when I am in school, if not more. And yet, I?ll argue that it was actually the most ?zen? I have felt in a long time: How could this be?

The secret to this is that the roots of the redwoods reach outwards and tightly wrap around the roots of other redwoods, creating a concrete bond. In this way, the trees support each other through storms. Their strength is in unity allowing for growth even amidst chaos (2).

The answer came to me as I sat on the plane headed back to Calgary in September. I began to make sense of all that I had experienced in the previous 3 months. I realized that the monks I was living with, just knew how to live amidst chaos.



When we understand this analogy we can learn how to continue to progress even amidst difficulties. Both monastery and university life had equal amounts of external stressors. However, in the monastery, I was surrounded by a powerful system of 20 mentors who held me together, allowing me to tolerate and manage stressful circumstances. Their support allowed me to continuously grow when the world was seemingly trying to knock me down.

Whether it be exams, jobs, finances, or whatever, we are bound to be put in difficult, stressful situations. However, if we have strong connections to people who genuinely love us and care for us, then no matter what happens externally, we will be able to tolerate and manage ourselves internally, allowing to grow amidst chaos.

References: 1) Sutapa Das. Living with Chaos [Internet]. Tattva ? See Inside Out. 2017 [cited September 27 2018]. Available from: http://https://sutapamonk wordpress.com/2017/03/21/living-with-chaos/. 2) Radhanath Swami. The Journey Within. San Rafael, CA: Mandala Publishing; 2016.



Design by Lawrence PC Angela Chen



Dr. Tara Leslie is t he course co-ordinator for Pharm 467 (Oncology) and a clinical assist ant professor w it h Experient ial Educat ion at t he Facult y of Pharmacy at t he Universit y of Albert a. It w as her first year teaching PHARM 467 for t he t hird year pharmacy st udent s (Class of 2020) and she made t he course t horoughly enjoyable for all of us! I had t he privilege to interview her about how she felt being course co-ordinator for t he first t ime, her oncology clinical pharmacy pract ice, personal life and hobbies, as well as any words of w isdom to share w it h us pharmacy st udent s!

Questionsby Michelle Gong

1) Tel l u s a l i t t l e bi t abou t y ou r sel f ! I was born and rai sed i n Sask atoon, SK and completed my BSc Pharmacy degree at the Uni versi ty of Sask atchewan. I'm marri ed wi th 2 chi ldren and my whole fami ly i s very acti ve wi th sports! M y 14 year old daughter i s a competi ti ve swi mmer, my 11 year old son plays peewee hockey, and my husband enjoys marathons and i ronman tri athlons. I am more of a recreati onal athlete but excel at cheeri ng from the stands :) I would descri be my i nterests and hobbi es as more musi c and arts related. I li ke to play the pi ano, go to the theatre (plays and movi es) or concerts, and I am a Pearl Jam super-fan! I love to travel and experi ence di fferent cultures and foods. So far, my favori te adventure to date i s hi k i ng the i nca trai l to M achu Pi cchu! Currently, I am pursui ng my M asters of Educati on i n Health Sci ences Educati on at the Uni versi ty of Alberta. I have completed all of my compulsory courses and am fi ni shi ng up electi ves and getti ng started on my cappi ng project.

2) H ow d i d y ou get i n v ol v ed i n t h e on col ogy p h ar m acy p r act i ce? As far as how I became i nvolved wi th oncology pharmacy, I thi nk one could say that I just fell i nto i t. I had been work i ng at Foothi lls Hospi tal wi th a few di fferent cli ni cal teams (soli d organ transplant and neurology) before I had my fi rst chi ld. After my mat leave, I transi ti oned to the i npati ent hematology/oncology team to pursue a part ti me opportuni ty. When I returned to work after my second chi ld, I really fell i n love wi th oncology practi ce. I found work i ng wi th cancer pati ents very rewardi ng personally and professi onally. Hence, I started pursui ng addi ti onal educati on and attai ned my board certi fi cati on i n oncology pharmacy (BCOP) wi th the Board of Pharmacy Speci alti es i n 2010 and took on the role of Chai rperson of CAPhO's educati on commi ttee i n 2011. I also tri ed pedi atri c oncology practi ce at the Alberta Chi ldren's Hospi tal for a year as I covered a colleague's practi ce whi le she was on leave.

3) W h at i s y ou r f av or i t e (or m ost r ew ar d i n g) p ar t abou t t h i s job? Con v er sel y , w h at ?s t h e m ost ch al l en gi n g p ar t ? 16

I thi nk the most rewardi ng part of teachi ng oncology i s feeli ng helpful i n prepari ng future pharmaci sts to care for people wi th cancer. I feel that pharmaci sts i n western Canada someti mes vi ew oncology as a very speci ali zed area and may be tempted to di smi ss the i mportance of general k nowledge i n cancer pharmacotherapy or cancer supporti ve care. Gi ven the agi ng populati on, the ever i ncreasi ng prevalence of cancer, and the i ncreasi ng li fe expectancy for many cancer pati ents, I want to challenge thi s percepti on. I feel that foundati onal oncology k nowledge i s essenti al for pharmaci sts i n all practi ce setti ngs. People wi th cancer get prescri pti ons fi lled or are admi tted to hospi tal for a vari ety of reasons other than solely the treatment of thei r cancer. Hence basi c understandi ng of thei r cancer medi cati ons and si de effect management i s essenti al. I thi nk the most challengi ng part for thi s year was developi ng content. I spent a lot of ti me over the summer redesi gni ng the semi nars and rewri ti ng lectures. I wanted the course materi al to be i nteresti ng and relevant for future pharmaci sts of all potenti al career paths. I hope that I was successful wi th thi s goal. For next year, the challenge wi ll li kely be somethi ng di fferent.


7) On e v al u abl e t h i n g y ou 'v e l ear n ed w h i l e w or k i n g i n p r act i ce:

WHEN IN PRACTICE, EV ERY PERSON YOU ENCOUNTER HAS A LIFE, A STORY, A ND A NETWORK OF PEOPLE THAT CA RE FOR THEM. 4) W h at d o y ou l i k e t o d o i n y ou r sp ar e t i m e (ou t si d e of w or k )? I li ke to have fun, enjoy li fe by spendi ng ti me wi th fami ly and fri ends, and be i nvolved wi th groups and organi zati ons I beli eve i n? for example, CAPhO (Canadi an Associ ati on of Pharmacy i n Oncology). M y motto i s "work hard-play hard".

5) H ow d i d y ou en joy t each i n g t h e PH ARM 467 cou r se f or t h e f i r st t i m e? I completely enjoyed i t! Although i t was a substanti al amount of work to map out the course, prepare the content and develop the exams, i t was one of the best experi ences of my career. In addi ti on, i t was an opportuni ty for me to apply my learni ngs from my M asters of Educati on program. The popcorn card that the Class of 2020 gave me at the end of the course wi ll be one of my most cheri shed professi onal arti facts. I was so touched. I learned some thi ngs along the way and am starti ng to consi der what revi si ons could (and/or should) be i ncorporated for next year's course.

6) W h at i s t h e best ad v i ce y ou can gi v e t o Ph ar m acy st u d en t s? When i n practi ce, every person you encounter has a li fe, a story, and a network of people that care for them. The acti ons you take can i mpact others i n ways you may not always reali ze at fi rst. I k now these statements seems obvi ous; but someti mes i n practi ce si tuati ons can seem routi ne to the practi ti oner that are actually monumental to the pati ent. Take ti me to really li sten, try to mi ni mi ze qui ck assumpti ons, and try to resi st passi ng judgment.

I thi nk the most valuable thi ng I've learned i s that there i s always more to learn.

8) M an y p h ar m acy st u d en t s an d ot h er h eal t h car e p r of essi on al s of t en ex p er i en ce bu r n ou t at a cer t ai n p oi n t d u r i n g t h ei r acad em i c car eer . W h at ar e y ou r t i p s an d / or p er son al ex p er i en ce i n ov er com i n g bu r n ou t ? I recall a really di ffi cult ti me earli er thi s year. I was getti ng spread too thi n wi th my di fferent projects and responsi bi li ti es and i t was i mpacti ng my sleep and mental health. I took some ti me to revi ew my personal and professi onal plate and re-pri ori ti zed. I ended up letti ng go of a few voluntary responsi bi li ti es even though I enjoyed them. Ulti mately, my fami ly and my core responsi bi li ti es to The Faculty and my pati ents were of hi gher pri ori ty and the i mpact these extras were havi ng on my stress level just weren't worth i t. M y advi ce: i f you have a great opportuni ty, sei ze i t, but then pass that opportuni ty onto someone else once you are ready to take on a new challenge.

9) H ow d o y ou st ay so f ash i on abl e as an ed u cat or ? (I f y ou d i d n ?t k n ow al r ead y , ou r cl ass t h i n k s y ou ar e f abu l ou s!) Thank s very much? ! I wouldn't say that I love shoppi ng (however my husband mi ght), but I do really li ke fashi on? especi ally shoes, and I love to change up my hai r! I thi nk that my i nterest i n fashi on comes from my desi re to k now people and for other people to k now me and my personali ty. A colleague of mi ne once told me that a pati ent commented that the staff at the Tom Baker Cancer Center wear too much black . They further sai d that the cancer bui ldi ng was already associ ated 17 ng thi ngs and they wi shed wi th so many depressi the staff i nsi de would wear more colors. I thi nk thi s pati ent had a really great poi nt. There are many moments of joy happeni ng i n cancer centers too and I try to make a poi nt of dressi ng to match.



PQ+2's Lock er Feature

Greetingseveryone,and welcometoPQ+2?sfirst locker feature!

I wou l d l ik e to an n ou n ce m y n ew bu sin ess:

Th mth y?s Snck -Sh ck

W ith l ock er s span n in g th e fir st fl oor of th e M edical

Vi si on : T o m itigate ph ar m acy stu den ts?

Scien ces Bu il din g, wh at do ph ar m acy stu den ts k eep in th eir l ock er s? H avin g you r wh ite coat for sk il l s l ab, an d l ab coat + gl asses for ceu tics l ab ar e pr obabl y th e m ost n ecessar y al on g with stor in g you r per son al bel on gin gs, bu t wh at do I k eep in m y l ock er ?

h u n ger du r in g l ate n igh t stu dyin g on cam pu s

M i ssi on : A l ock er by th e APSA l ou n ge with

II) Lab coat

a str u ctu r ed sn ack ser vice th at su ppor ts ph ar m acy stu den ts stu dyin g l ate in M SB an d su r r ou n din g ar eas th r ou gh pr ovidin g sn ack s at r eason abl e pr ices

III) PH ARM 372 -Ph ar m acy M an agem en t Textbook

Item s an d pr ices ar e in cl u ded bu t ar e l im ited to:

IV) A pictu r e of a n ak ed m ol e r at

o Rooster -Ch il i Ch ick en / Kim ch i Noodl e Cu p $1

V) 45W M agSafe 2 Power Adapter for M acbook Air

o Non gsh im Bowel Noodl e Sou p $2

VI) A 25-foot-l on g exten sion cor d

o Non gsh im Sh in Ram yu n $2

Can you gu ess th e an swer ?

o Vien n a Sau sage (Can n ed) $2


o Kr aft Cu p Easy M ac & Ch eese $2

B) I, III on l y

o Pl astic spoon s an d for k s $0.25 each

C) I, II, III, V, VI

o PH ARM 330/ 430 Ru br ics $0.25 each

D) I, II, III, V

o Pr ofession al Deficien cy For m s $0.25 each

E) Al l of th e above

*Other item s can be special or der ed, please em ail

T h r ou gh ou t m y exper ien ce as a ph ar m acy stu den t, I

m e at t hl@ua lber t a .ca

h ave accepted th at th er e wil l be m an y l ate-n igh t stu dyin g session s on cam pu s an d so I h ave r evol u tion ized m y l ock er to n ot on l y be a per son al stor age space, bu t al so m y own per son al sn ack -sh ack . Sin ce secon d-year I h ave been stock in g it with var iou s item s su ch as Bowel Noodl e Ram en , Sh in Ram en , can n ed Vien n a sau sages, KRAFT Cu p Easy M acar on i & Ch eese, Un cl e Ben ?s M in u te Rice, Su n Rype ju ice boxes, M on ster En er gy Dr in k s, Tetl ey Ear l Gr ey Van il l a tea bags, in stan t coffee, an d em pty cu ps. For th e m ost par t, al l of th ese r equ ir e on l y on e th in g, boil ed water ! An easy switch on th e k ettl e an d I am on m y way towar ds h avin g a sn ack to k eep m e goin g th r ou gh ou t th e n igh t, con ven ien t r igh t? Oth er item s th at can be fou n d in m y l ock er wou l d be a set of Adidas sl ides (th an k s to @ M ar vin Ch ai an d @ Aditya Gar g for in spir in g m e to br in g a pair ,it is actu al l y com for tabl e to go to cl ass wear in g th ese!).

A l l jok es aside, if an yon e is in ter ested in sh ar in g

I) W h ite coat

wh at?s in th eir l ock er for PQ+2?s l ock er featu r e feel fr ee to l et m e k n ow th r ou gh em ail or in per son !


U n for tu n atel y,it seem s l ik e th e cou r se l oad h as n ot ch an ged m u ch sin ce secon d-year an d I h ave con tin u ed to stock u p m y sn ack -sh ack (October was a bu sy m on th !). On a good n ote, I h ave r ecen tl y acqu ir ed a l ock er l ocated cl ose to th e APSA l ou n ge an d in con cu r r en ce with tak in g PH ARM 372 ? Ph ar m acy M an agem en t,




MICHY'SPHARMBNB LOCKER EDITION W ho needs a luxury airbnb when you?ve got your own glamorous and personalized locker right in t he comfort of your own 2nd home: M SB?! Personally for me, I like t o t hink of my locker as t he perfect st orage area where I keep all my lab and school essentials, prized possessions, and random little knick knacks here and there! If you?re curious t o know what I like t o hoard and st ash in my handy dandy locker (which is 90% filled with pink things), or you just need some creative inspiration t o spice up your own locker, t hen I hereby grant you permission? wit h writ t en consent ? t o glimpse int o my personal PHARMBNB locker!

WHAT'SIN MICHELLE'SLOCKER? 1. M INI TSUM TSUM S: Everyone needs to add a li ttle cuteness i nto thei r li ves? and these Di sney tsum tsum plushi es are exactly w hat you need! I'm planni ng to add 15 m ore Tsum Tsum ?s (or m aybe even 50? ) to expand m y collecti on? anyone i s w elcom e to contri bute ? ! If you thi nk I have a problem w i th collecti ng too m any plushi es? . you k now w hat, you?re absolutely ri ght. Refer m e to an addi cti ons counsellor ASAP. 2. PINK BAG OF ESSENTIALS: Where I store all m y electroni cs and essenti als? i Phone, Macbook , i Pad, chargers, notebook s, earbuds, etc. PROTIP: leave your phone IN your locker before lab, or else you m i ght com e OUT of lab w i th a professi onal defi ci ency form . (Thom Le i s notori ous for keepi ng a stash of these? don?t cross hi m !) 3. WHITE COAT + DRESS SHOES: Look i n?spi ffy from head to toe! Professi onal atti re i s m andatory for com m uni cati ons labs so don?t be slack i n?i n the fashi on departm ent? or else The Pharm acy Faculty?s ?What Not to Wear?crew m i ght com e and get you? 4. WATER BOTTLES: Dai ly recom m ended flui d i ntake m i ni m um 8 glasses of w ater/ day to stay hydrated.

8. M IRROR: You k now w hat they say? check yourself before you w reck yourself (for labs!) The last thi ng you w ant i s li psti ck on your face or spi nach i n your teeth? cause re-w atchi ng yourself on cam era for those lab i nteracti ons w ould NOT be fun! 9. CALCULATOR - Make sure you get those calculati ons dow n for am oxi ci lli n suspensi on dosages, converti ng lbs to kg, or even just calculati ng 1+1 (I m ean... better safe than sorry, ri ght?) 10. IBUPROFEN (ADVIL?) 200M G: Gotta keep an NSAID handy for w hen you get a m i grai ne or tensi on headache from those exam s or labs... TAKE 1 TO 2 TABS PO Q4-6H PRN UD (MAX: 1200 m g/ day) 11. HAND SANITIZER: How else are you goi ng to k i ll 99.99% of all those germ s and m i croorgani sm s?! Rem em ber though, even though thi s has m axi m al anti m i crobi al acti vi ty and prom otes no bacteri al resi stance, don?t let thi s be a replacem ent of good ol?soap and w ater!


12. GUM : Fresh breath i s key? w e don?t w ant our pati ents olfactory bulbs to get tri ggered by the foul odor of our ow n breath.

13. M OTIVATIONAL STICKY NOTES: When your m oti vati on i s at an all ti m e low , w ri te dow n your favori te i nspi rati onal quotes to keep 5. PHARM ILY PHOTOBOOTH PICTURES: I li ke to put these up as a you from burni ng out i n the school year! A great use for those sti ck y keepsake for the nostalgi c m em ori es from w hen m y classm ates and notes (that I m ay or m ay not have stolen from pharm acy career I w ere young, w i ld, and carefree back i n PDW! A rem i nder of the fai rs? ) good ti m es? w e speci ali ze i n bei ng healthcare professi onals by day, party ani m als by ni ght ? 14. PORTABLE PHONE CHARGER: One of m y best i nvestm ents m ade!!! If your phone runs out of battery as qui ck as m i ne does, 6. HELLO KITTY WHITEBOARD: A qui ck , cute, and easy w ay to jot thi s i s a li fe-saver to have on hand! You can get thi s handy phone dow n rem i nders, deadli nes, or that pesk y lab acronym you just can?t pow erbank from MINISO! *Di sclai m er: Not sponsored. seem to rem em ber: CCPAM? SCHOLAR? 3 pri m e questi ons? Am I m i ssi ng anythi ng..? 15. HI-CHEW (AKA ASIAN COCAINE): The m ost addi cti ng thi ng ever (plus i t's great for tem porari ly curbi ng those hunger cravi ngs)! 7. PEN HOLDER: Pens, m arkers, hi ghli ghters, etc? but not penci ls Take as m any doses PRN (taper off slow ly to avoi d w i thdraw al). though. ?Penci ls are for babi es?? Ravi na. 19

M en's Heal th : Prostate Enl argement Ex pl ai ned A aron Ch y, BSc General , Ph armD Student All things in life change with time, and whether we like it or not, our bodies are no exception. For aging men, one of the most common medical concerns that present itself is Benign Prostate Hyperplasia, or simply, enlargement of the prostate, which affects the majority of men between age 55-69, with up to 90% of men having presentations of BPH by age 70.

Treatment options As far as current treatments go, there are two major options for medications to treat BPH: -

Alpha - Blockers These medications do not reduce the size of the prostate gland but promote muscle relaxation to allow urine to flow out of the bladder. Therefore, they are most appropriate for men experiencing symptoms of BPH, but are at a low cancer risk or do not wish to receive further treatment. Of the alpha blockers, the newer ones, namely Tamsulosin (Flomax®) are often preferred as they do not lower blood pressure as much as older alpha blockers. This is an advantage because it reduces the risks of fainting and falls, especially in older men.


Testosterone - Reducers This class of medications acts by reducing the levels of testosterone in the body, thereby reducing prostate size and lowering the risk of prostate cancer. However, they're considered more invasive as they also come with a number of side effects associated with hormonal changes, namely: sexual dysfunction, reduced libido, and gynecomastia (enlarged breasts). The two medications from this family that are currently used in practice are Dutasteride (Avodart®) and Finasteride (Proscar®). It is not uncommon to see these medications used in combination with an alpha-blocker.

The extra growth of the prostate seen in BPH is largely considered a product of age and relies on many things including genetics, inflammation, and the production of testosterone in the body. The symptoms of BPH occur when the prostate becomes large enough that it begins to press down on the urethra, blocking the flow of fluid. The symptoms of BPH tend to vary, but are often minor and are not considered dangerous or life-threatening in any way. They generally include: -

Difficulty starting urination Urinary retention Post-void dribble Inconsistent urinary flow

Cancer risk and PSA testing Besides the inconvenience that comes from symptoms, the predominant concern among men with BPH is the potential for prostate cancer. Fortunately, the risk of cancer following enlargement of the prostate is significantly low. In fact, the majority of men who exhibit BPH are left untreated unless they exhibit symptoms. To measure the progress of BPH on the other hand, clinicians used to use a biomarker called Prostate Specific Antigen, which was originally correlated to the incidence of prostate cancer, and thus used as a signal for beginning treatment. However, more recently, there's been controversy over the usefulness of PSA, and some questions of whether measuring PSA has resulted in over-treatment. Currently, guidelines no longer recommend routine measuring of PSA, though it can still be useful in men between the age of 55 - 69 who believe they're having symptoms, have a family history or prostate cancer, or present some other reason for concern. (RxTx, Dipiro)



20 PDE 5 Inhibitors Currently, Tadalafil is the only medication from the PDE 5 inhibitor family on the market for BPH. Interestingly, the trade name for Tadalafil is actually Cialis®; however, for treating BPH, Cialis® comes in a much lower dose that's taken once daily. Similar to alpha-blockers, PDE 5 inhibitors improve symptoms by promoting relaxation; however, they may also provide some benefits in regards to reducing prostate size. Side effects may include headache and dizziness.

Conti nued... -

Antimuscarinics Although these medications aren't used in modern practice as often as the others on this list, anticholinergics prevent muscle contractions around the bladder and are therefore used for individuals who feel they have an overactive bladder. This often occurs after treatment from other medications, or after surgery. Side effects may include dry mouth and sedation. Because of their effects on mental state and alertness, these medications are often avoided in the elderly.

As always, we hope you took away something valuable from this piece. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this article or others, feel free to reach out to us on Instagram, Facebook, or at ask@orbishealth.ca with your feedback. We?d love to hear from you.

RESOURCES 1. RxTx 2. Lexicomp 3. Dipiro

When medications don't work, there are various surgical options available to either reduce the prostate size or remove it completely. The specific operation performed will vary from patient to patient, but fortunately, they are most often safe and highly successful. The Bottom Line Benign prostate hyperplasia, as the name implies, is a condition characterized by the growth of the prostate gland that is most often non-life threatening. Symptoms, if they do occur, typically involve difficulty urinating and are most frequent in men aged 55 - 69. PSA testing was formerly a method used to measure BPH, but clinicians today largely rely on the presence of symptoms. There are various medical options aimed at addressing either symptoms, prostate growth itself, or both, in addition to surgeries that address the prostate itself. Fortunately, BPH is by-and-large well controlled in the majority of individuals affected by it and is largely considered a minor condition. 21


Natural Health Product Use in Mental Health: Balancing Risks and Benefits - By Jasmine Gill In practice, I have encountered diverse groups of patients whose stories reveal more about the patient?s illness than what can be taught in any number of lectures. My experiences shadowing in a mental health hospital have shed some light on both the struggles and triumphs of both acutely and chronically ill patients managing their disease. The realities of institutional psychiatric care transcend and contrast the stigmatization faced by those living with mental illness in the community. Ultimately, revealing the unique experiences of each patient and the variety of factors that contribute to how patients present in hospital. While shadowing on one of the acute care units in my 3rd year of pharmacy school, I came across an interesting patient case. A middle-aged woman who had recently returned from a yoga retreat presented with symptoms of visual and auditory hallucinations which had been going on a week before her return home. Initially it was unclear whether the patient was experiencing a psychiatric side effect of a specific medication used to prevent malaria, or if there had been any potential causes associated with travelling to an underdeveloped area. Her unremarkable past medical history and denial of previous similar events was contrary to what would be expected for common diagnoses involving aspects of psychosis. Upon further questioning, it became evident that her symptoms had stemmed from excessive consumption of a herbal tea that was provided by locals at the retreat. In fact, this patient had brought back a fair supply of the tea and since returning about a month prior was continuing to have symptoms that seemed to get worse to the point of marked limitations in daily activities. I never found out exactly what herbal tea she had been taking, or what the ingredients were that may have triggered such a reaction. However, reflecting back on this rare case has highlighted the importance of engaging in a dialogue with patients to recognize when natural products are being used, while also considering the individual ingredients and quantities of these products, including those that may be seemingly harmless. A 2012 poll revealed more than 70% of Canadians surveyed used natural health products ranging from commonly used vitamins and minerals, to probiotics and omega 3 fatty acids.(1) With the trend towards increased use of complementary health products it comes as no surprise that sprawling aisles in pharmacies and grocery stores are dedicated to supplements and natural health products. While working in community pharmacy, I commonly receive questions from patients regarding the use of over the counter medications. The uses of various products range from lowering blood sugars to alleviating joint pain and managing insomnia, but what about for mental health? Before delving into the variety of products that have been studied there are a few factors such as safety and effectiveness, product regulations and the importance of individualized therapy that can be taken into consideration. Natural Health Products (NHP?s) encompass a variety of products from vitamins and minerals, to herbal products and homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic remedies fall within the alternative medicine classification. Homeopathy is based on principles of the body?s innate ability to heal itself, and that ?like cures like,? meaning a small amount of substance that produces symptoms in a healthy person can be used to cure a person with specific symptoms.(2) These therapies are highly individualized and use a series of dilutions, with each dilution believed to increase the strength of the medicine. There may be misconceptions surrounding the use of the term ?natural? as not all of these products are safe. They can interact with medications, food, and can even lead to potentially serious side effects such as liver damage. As well the manufacturing of these products is not standardized which may lead to different effects between brands, and even within brands. Standards for regulation of natural products vary across the world. Moreover, the process of evaluating natural health products is different from the standards used for prescription pharmaceuticals. In Canada, the Natural and Non- Prescription Health Products Directorate is the branch of Health Canada responsible for regulation of NHP?s, ensuring licensed products meet safety, effectiveness and quality standards. To determine if Health Canada has reviewed a product for licensure and sale in Canada, look for the Natural Product Number (NPN) or Drug Identification Number Homeopathic Medicine (DIN-HM).

A variety of NHP's have been studied for use specifically in depression and anxiety. These studies help clinicians in making evidence based decisions. Notably, the products used in studies are very specific to a certain brand and quantity. Therefore, the research findings may not be applicable to different products and patient populations. A brief overview of some products with data regarding use in mental health are listed below:

Omega 3 Fatty Acids -Omega-3 Fatty acids, found in fish oil, play a role in brain function and can have an antiinflammatory effect. (3) -Early research has shown supplementation with Omega-3 fatty acids may be beneficial for mild-moderate depression by increasing levels of DHA (docosahexaenoic) and in particular EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). (3) -Used as an add on to other therapy. Doses of 1-4g/day have been studied, with the most benefit seen with EPA alone formulations. (3,4) -Side effects include fishy aftertaste, nausea and diarrhea which are usually mild.

St. John's Wor t

Bottom Line:

Many of the studies

used to evaluate these products have limited, inconsistent and unreliable evidence due to small sample sizes and methodological flaws (such as lack of placebo control, randomization etc.). As well, they generally reflect results of short term, rather than long term use of these products. Similar to prescription drug therapy, the use of NHP?s have risks and benefits. The balance between risks and benefits can be individualized to a patient based on a variety of factors such as current prescription therapy, age, health status, medical conditions and for women, whether they are pregnant or nursing. As well provincial health plans and private insurers may not cover the cost of these products. Ultimately, a discussion with a trusted healthcare provider prior to using complementary health products ensures that a shared, and informed treatment decision is made.

-St. John's Wort is a flowering plant which contains components such as hypericin and hyperforin that make up its active ingredient. -Short term studies ranging from 4-12 weeks have shown it may be beneficial as potential first line therapy in mild to moderate depression. In 2008, a systematic review of 29 studies suggested St. John's wort may be more effective than placebo and equally as effective as tri-cyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI's). (3,5,6) -The extract standardized to 0.3% hypericin content has been used in most clinical studies. (3) -Side effects include insomnia, agitation, stomach discomfort and sensitivity to sun and light.(2) -Note that St.John's wort has shown to interact with multiple medications and reduce their effectiveness due to its action on a liver enzyme. It may cause a life threatening condition known as serotonin syndrome if taken with antidepressants.(3,4)

S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe)


-SAM-e is generally well tolerated, common side effects include nausea, and stomach upset. (2) -Much like St.John's wort, SAM-e may increase the risk of serotonin syndrome if taken with certain medications. (3)

PassionFlower Passionflower is a woody, perennial, climbing vine. It has traditionally been used for its anti-anxiety and sedative properties. (3,6) -Early research has shown that passionflower may reduce nonspecific symptoms of anxiety by acting in a similar way as benzodiazepines. Overall, results are limited to specific extracts of passionflower. (3) -A small study comparing passionflower and two drugs in reducing anxiety noted a similar, small degree of effectiveness. (3,6)

-It is advised to avoid taking passionflower with stimulants or depressants of the central nervous system.8



A. Health Canada, Consumer information regarding Natural Health Products - http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/dhp-mps/prodnatur/faq/question_consum-c onsom-eng.php https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/ drugs-health-products/natural-non-prescription/regulation/ about-products.html B. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health: https://nccih.nih.gov/about

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------References: 1. Functional Foods and Natural Health Products, Government of Canada Available from: http://www.agr.gc.ca/eng/industry-markets-and-trade/canadian-agri-foodsector-intelligence/functional-foods-and-natural-healthproducts/trends-and-market-opportunities-for-the-functional-foods-andnatural-health-products-sector/opportunities-and-challengesfacing-the-canadian-functional-foods-and-natural-health-products-sector /?id=1410206902299

-SAM-e is is a synethic version of a naturally occuring amino acid found in the body. As noted by the Natural Medicines database SAM-e "contributes to the synthesis, activation, and/or metabolism of hormones, neurotransmitters, nucleic acids, proteins, phospholipids, and some drugs." (3) -Some systematic reviews indicated it may be used as second line therapy of mild to moderate depression. However information on long term use and prevention of relapse is limited. (4) -In individuals with bipolar resistant to treatment, SAM-e has not been shown to improve depressive symptoms.(3)

-It is generally considered safe, common side effects include dizziness, confusion and sedation.

Additional resources regarding natural health products:

2. CPS [Internet]. Ottawa (ON): Canadian Pharmacists Association. Available from: http://www.e-therapeutics.ca. [Database Subscription] 3. Omega-3 fatty acids, St. John?s Wort, SAM-e, Passionflower. Natural Medicines Database Website. Available from: naturalmedicines.therapeuticresearch.com. [Database Subscription] 4. Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) 2016 Clinical Guidelines for the Management of Adults with Major Depressive Disorder: Section 5. Complementary and Alternative Medicine Treatments. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27486153 5. Linde K, Berner MM, Kriston L. St. John?s wort for major depression. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2008 [edited 2009]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18843608. 6. National Center for Complementary and integrative Health website.


CLASSOF2022 37% of the class has completed 2 years of university prior to admission!

84%of the Class of 2022 have worked in a retail or service industry

Har r y Pot t er

WHOAREWE? 36% of the class attained a degree before entering!

Car di B > Nicki Minaj ("Cartier Bardi64 %o in a 'Rari!!") idethe class f

over Game of


ntifies fema as le

59%of the class prefers Tim Hortons over Starbucks


of % 0 6 ss

the cla ed attend ity Universrta of Albeto prior entry.



Please do not w r it e dir ect ly on t he cr osswor d so t hat ot her s mat enjoy it

Please do not w r it e dir ect ly on t he cr osswor d so t hat ot her s mat enjoy it

ov ember Crossw ord

Down 1. Mr. ___ (old name for Rx Factor)

Across 3. male sterilization procedure

2. a type of mustache that curls upward at both ends

4. drug used to treat baldness (brand name)

5. ponited beard24 on chin6.SSRI used to treat depression and anxiety (generic name)

8. Spanish surrealist with one of the greatest mustache of all time 9. shaving instrument

7. Agatha Christie's iconic mustache-bearing protagonist

13. behaving in a way condiered typical of men

10. country in which Movember movement originated

15. leading cause of suicide in men

11. study of diseases and conditions specific to men's health

16. type of cancer affecting men

12. facial hair on upper lip

17. "Grow a mo, save a __"

14. male reproductive hormone

18. cancer that predominantyl affects young men

19. ___ dysfunction

20. act of shaving (hint: opposite of pogontrophy) 21. drug used to treat erectile dysfunction (brand name)

Su bm it you r an sw er s t o pqplu s.2@gm ail.com Fir st accu r at e su bm ission w ill r eceive a $5 gif t car d t o t im ies/ st ar bu ck s

22. drug used to treat enlarged prostate and hair loss



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