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The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania and the Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation celebrated Pennsylvania DeMolay’s Centennial on Friday, June 9, with a banquet and fireworks at the Masonic Village at Elizabethown. The youth continued their festivities throughout the weekend at the Masonic Conference Center (pictured right).
The Grand Lodge June Communication was held the following morning, during which the annual election of Grand Lodge Officers and Masonic Village Board of Directors was held. The meeting included committee reports, years of service emblem presentations and presentations of Master Builder, Master Craftsman and Master Pillar awards to deserving brethren.
The next Grand Lodge Communication will be held on Dec. 27, at 9 a.m., at the Lancaster County Convention Center.

Grand Master Presents Prestigious Medals
the Grand Master’s Outstanding Service Medal for his distinguished service to his community, lodge, DeMolay and the foundation.
The Grand Master also presented Barbara Ramsey, Executive Director of the Masonic Home of Missouri, and Deborah S. McCoy, principal of Educational Development Services, LLC, with the John Wanamaker Masonic Humanitarian Medal. Barbara was honored for supporting the ideals and philosophy of the Masonic fraternity through her work at the Masonic Home and her leadership within the Masonic Communities and Services Association. Deborah was recognized for training educators and youth service professionals on many important and timely topics and volunteering her time and expertise to educate of the youth of Pennsylvania.
Brother Glen R. Grell, P.M., Carlisle Lodge No. 260, and Chairman of the Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation Board of Directors, with
The Grand Master presented Brother Robert F. Dunkle, P.M., Verona Lodge No. 548; dual member of Lodge Ad Lucem No. 812, Pittsburgh; and Past District Deputy Grand Master of District 38, with the Benjamin Franklin Medal. The medal honors distinguished Master Masons for their outstanding service to the craft in general and Pennsylvania in particular.

Annual Grand Communication
Wednesday, Dec. 27, 2023
Lancaster Marriott at Penn Square
10 a.m. Anticipated Open Installation of Larry A. Derr as R.W. Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania

1 p.m. Meet the Grand Master and Grand Officers
2 p.m. Special Meeting of Ashara Casiphia Lodge No. 551
4 p.m. Cash Bar Reception
5:30 p.m. Banquet followed by entertainment by ARTRAGEOUS

Artrageous is a troupe of multi-talented live performance artists, world-class singers and recording artists, highly trained dancers and audience motivators, and veteran musicians hailing from the high desert of New Mexico. Their high energy performance is a combination of ALL ARTS on ONE STAGE, combined with humor and interaction in a frenzy of movement and color. The audience becomes participants in the show.
Reservations are due by Nov. 30, 2023.
For tickets ($125 per person), contact your District Deputy Grand Master or Brother Jack Harley, P.M., at 717-917-3359 or jharley4@ptd.net.
All Are Welcome!
ARTRAGEOUS will offer a special Artreach program for children and families on Thursday, Dec. 28, at 10 a.m., at the Lancaster Marriott.