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Masonic Library & Museum SPEAKER SERIES
Monthly guest speakers present free programs open to the public. Reservations are required: call 215-988-1917 or email templeevents@pagrandlodge.org. The programs are live-streamed as well; for more information, visit PaMasonicTemple. org/events. If you have an idea for a speaker series program, contact Brother Mike Comfort at 215-988-1977.
Curiosities, Wonders and Rarities of the Trexler Masonic Library
Aug. 19, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
In 1930, Gen. Harry C. Trexler donated books to the Masons of the Lehigh Valley as the starter for a Masonic Library. Since then, the Trexler Masonic Library has grown to be the largest collection of Masonic books, documents, rarities and other paraphernalia in Pennsylvania outside of the Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania. Learn what interesting things it has in its collection!
Presenter: Brother Kristopher Yoder, Greenleaf Lodge No. 561, Allentown, has been Library Director and Curator at the Trexler Masonic Library for the last four years. He is a second-level Masonic scholar of the Pennsylvania Academy of Masonic Knowledge and a member of Catasauqua Royal Arch Chapter No. 278; Allen Council, RSM, No. 23; and Lux ex Tenebris Council, AMD, No. 176.
and the Islamic Culture That Gave Birth to It
Sept. 16, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
This presentation will cover the architecture of the Alhambra (and the source of decoration in Oriental Hall at the Masonic Temple), the material culture of Andalusia and the now challenged view that this civilization was a highly tolerant time in history where Jews, Christians and Muslims happily co-existed.
Presenter: Brother John Minott, Lodge No. 2, Philadelphia, is a graduate of Stanford University and has been a tour guide at the Masonic Temple for 27 years.
The Stuff Freemasonry is Made of: Physical Properties of the Old Testament
Oct. 21, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
This presentation will explore the physical materials of Freemasonry and the Old Testament, such as Tyrian purple dye and the gems in the high priest’s breastplate, along with a few other surprise oddities.
Presenter: Brother Austin R. Shifrin, 33°, is a Past Master of Tyrian Lodge No. 644, Lower Burrell, and former Secretary of Lodge Ad Lucem No. 812, Pittsburgh. He belongs to East Hills Royal Arch Chapter No. 268, Liberty Valley Council No. 50, the Scottish Rite Valley of Pittsburgh, Syria Shrine and several other appendant bodies. He also serves on the board of the Academy of Masonic Knowledge. His book, “More Light: Collected Masonic Writings 2017-2021,” published in March 2022, has sold hundreds of copies around the world, stimulating deep and meaningful discussion among brethren.