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LODGE in the Woods
Hosted by the 1st Masonic District, this popular event will be held on Sept. 20 at Edward Mack Campground, Brickerville, PA.
Join R.W. Grand Master Jeffrey M. Wonderling and 300 or so of your closest friends and brothers whom you just may not have met yet. Enjoy a steak dinner and a meeting held in the Entered Apprentice Degree and led by Ephrata Lodge No. 665, around an open campfire. There is a roof over the dining pavilion, so this is a rain or shine event.
Grand Master Wonderling will present numerous awards and recognitions to worthy brothers from all over the state (the Masonic Scouter Award, Master Builder Award, Master Pillar Award and Lewis Jewel).
Tickets are $40. Search for 2023 Lodge in the Woods on Eventbrite.com or reserve yours from one of the Worshipful Masters of District 1. Proceeds will support the Grand Master’s Initiative. Email questions to jfharley09@gmail.com.
HY PRO BODY SHOP has a very unassuming façade, according to Brother Brian B. McHale, who recently moved to the Scranton area. The New York native (a member of Babylon Lodge No. 793) visited for the first time to purchase raffle tickets for Union Lodge No. 291, Scranton, where he established dual membership since December 2022.
“You can easily drive past it while navigating Morgan Highway if you are not paying strict attention to Google Maps,” Brian stated. “I know, because I did that very thing and had to execute a dodgy U-turn, on my motorcycle, at Fiegleman’s Recycling Center next door. Inside, it is clearly a functioning place of business, with a few significant differences. On any given day, one will likely see several Masons gathered here, discussing any number of topics.”
The proprietor is Brother Carl R. Sherman, P.M., Union Lodge No. 291. A gifted ritualist known for imparting his knowledge to others, Carl originally held instructional sessions in his home. Before the ritual was permitted to be printed, the only way to learn it was verbally – to memorize it through repetition – which required hours and hours of dedication on behalf of both the student and teacher. Carl decided to relocate his “school” to his place of business, dubbed the “Garage Lodge,” which was officially recognized via a charter on Feb. 2, 2013.
“The amazing thing about this lodge is that it’s always open,” Brian said. “I have personally stopped by on several occasions, at different times of day, on different days of the week. One of the toughest things about Garage Lodge is leaving. Everyone, especially Brother Carl, is welcoming and friendly.”
Do not be fooled by the laid back atmosphere, however.
“The Garage Lodge is a place of serious instruction, and consequently, unlimited learning,” Brian attests.
While Carl is known to make time for anybody willing to work, and friendship is aplenty, he expects his students to make the most of the opportunity.
A Mason since 1967, Carl turned 80 on Jan. 4. R.W. Grand Master Jeffrey M. Wonderling, R.W. Junior Grand Warden P.J. Roup, Brother Kevin J. Kuna, D.D.G.M.-13, and several other brothers gathered to celebrate Carl’s milestone birthday, as well as his dedication to the Craft.
Brother Bill Fiegleman, owner of Fiegleman’s Recycling Center, met Carl when he moved into the garage next to his business in 1966. “Not only did I learn about Masonry from him, but I learned all about life,” he said. The two have become best friends, and Bill visits his neighbor several times a day. Since Bill joined Union Lodge 10 years ago, he has remained active in various capacities, thanks in part to his friend’s guidance. “I’ve seen how many brothers look up to Carl and respect him,” he said.
While at the Garage Lodge birthday celebration, the Grand Lodge Officers learned that Brother Edwin G. Harris, Union Lodge Trustee, had been a Mason for 65 years. Although there is no formal ceremony for that particular service milestone, they made one up on the fly.

“It was a wonderful and touching moment,” Bill said.
Pictured top left: Brothers William J. Fiegleman, 13th District Masonic Education Chairman; David W. Morgan, Grand Chaplain; Jeffrey M. Wonderling, R.W. Grand Master; Carl R. Sherman Sr., P.M.; Lance J. Stange, Sr., P.M.; Robert W. Dommes, W.M.; Evan “Jim” Jones, P.M., P.J. Roup, R.W. Junior Grand Warden; and Kevin J. Kuna, D.D.G.M.-13