Semester 6/8
Date : May,2014
Project Brief
To create a magazine (minimum 40 pages) for end semester final project of third year.
The idea was to create magazine that resonates statements like ‘a reflection of a young global
mindset’ and ‘Stories of art and culture that are worth telling’.
We decided to build a magazine which covers four key segments namely : Art, Fashion, Cinema & Travel and the people who are "work in progress" in respective to the above segments.
Interview of the ladies behind Les Parisiennes, a quiet little vintage boutique nestled amongst other gems in Delhi’s Shahpurjat!
Interview with the duo of Jamun Collective.
Confessional travelogue piece by ace man Rahul Lal.
Team : Praatika Mehra, Rushil Khokhar, Nainan Chopra & Harshita Bartwal