Senior Living

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SRI VENKATESHWARA COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE 86, Madhapur, Hi Tech City Road, Hyderabad 500 033


AN ELDER-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY Submi�ed For the Award of the Degree Of


Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University For the year 2015-2016 BY


Under the Guidance of PROF. Shalini Reddy

SRI VENKATESHWARA COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE 86, Madhapur, Hi Tech City Road, Hyderabad 500 033


SRI VENKATESHWARA COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE 86, Madhapur, Hi-Tech City Road, Hyderabad 500 033

CERTIFICATE This is to certify that this design thesis entitled ARAHDANA, An Elder-Friendly Communty carried out by Miss PRACHI SUGANDHI,Roll No 12041AA062,currenttly in fourth year B.Arch,during the academic year 2015-2016 in partial fulfilment for the award of the Degree of Bachelors in Architecture from Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University is a record of bonafide work to the best of our knowledge and may be placed before the examination board for their consideration.



Prof. Shalini Reddy

Prof. Shalini Reddy Associate.Professor




Prof M. Kalpana

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Thesis has been an integral part of me for the past six months and was in a way the culmina�on of my architectural educa�on here at SVCA. The en�re project would not have been possible without the support , guidance, cri�cism and sugges�ons of many people. I‟d like to thank all of those involved in helping me cul�vate and finalize my professional project. Primarily, I would like to thank college faculty for giving me the opportunity of a life�me to research and develop a senior community focusing on the shi�ing needs of Baby Boomers. I would like to thank my guide ‘Prof Shalini Reddy’ for being so approachable at all �mes and for encouraging me to give my best and for the discussions that helped me do be�er in my thesis. She has dispensed the best feedback in terms of advice , sugges�ons and ideas .I will always be grateful to her and for the �me and effort she put in my work. My deep gra�tude to my mother for suppor�ng me through all the stages of thesis .Her confidence and ongoing posi�vity was a pleasure to work with.Lastly, I would like to sincerely thank those who par�cipated in my surveying process as well as my family and classmates for their encouragement and suppor�ve feedback.


-History -Ar�cle-India today -Problems in old age -What is an-elder friendly community? -Why our aging popula�on should use aqua�c exercise 5-DATA COLLECTION -Barrier free -Bathroom -Shops -Dining hall -Health center -Space considera�ons -Outdoor ac�vi�es 6-DESKTOP STUDY -Social Complex,Portugal -Monconseil Re�rement Home,France 7-CASE STUDY -Suvidha Re�rement Village,Bangalore -Smiles,Senior Ci�zen Living,Hyderabad -Mantri Primus Eden,Bangalore 8-QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS AND QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS 9-SURVEY-Lifestyle preferences 10-DESIGN :MASTER PLAN 11-TYPES OF HOUSING-ANALYSIS 12-AREA REQUIREMENTS 13-SITE SELECTION -Site introduc�ons -Site surroundings -Site plan -Site:swot -Site analysis 14-DESIGN CONCEPT

An Elder-Friendly Community

Name:Prachi Sugandhi Roll No:12041AA062

INTRODUCTION Aging is an extremely complicated procedure developed in �me. Aging is part of our development, as we age, we learn, and as we learn, we develop physically, mentally, socially. "Aging is under environmental and gene�c control but it is not programmed nor it is inevitable." Thus, issues accompanying aging like the loss of bodily func�on were the spirit wants but the body fails to execute in bound to happen. The transi�on �me from adult to senior is the period where the value of a person to the rest of the people and its own iden�ty begins to be in ques�on. The realiza�on of physical boundaries, endurance and fear of injury, the development of chronicle illnesses along with nega�ve emo�ons of losing control from the facts happening around, are all signs of aging were things are not as they used to be. During the aging process, the living needs change, the �ered body starts declining, and chronic diseases start emerging. Inhabita�on, mobility, and living isola�on start becoming an everyday problems and the need for assis�ng help a must. This is the period were seniors start recognizing the extra need for assis�ng in order to perform the simplest ac�vi�es of everyday life.Living environment condi�ons for seniors turns to be one of the most important thought during the third age, "Where will I live?", "Will my family want me?" The fast track of our contemporary life makes people get apart from close rela�onships like the family bond and unfortunately, a parent with aging disabili�es adds an extra stress to the "child's" mind for his/her parents well being. In case the "child" does not have �me or even space and will to accommodate the elderly parent then two are the remaining solu�ons.The last habitat,before death were in contrast seniors in foreigner countries are willing to move from their house to specially elderly designed facili�es were through well thought architectural space combina�ons and social programs, healthy and social environment of co-existence is promoted. In order to avoid the most common emo�ons when one is admitted at an aged center of exclusion, loneliness, helplessness, and boredom, the method of integra�on within a new framework was part of the solu�on in resent senior housing developments successfully aiding seniors feel part of a greater network. Were abroad the development of Elderly Center is highly mo�vated and well process for op�mum spa�al and health results in India the issue of seniors living in centers s�ll needs farther development in order to reach the level of the rest well developed countries. response as Pallasmaa wrote, “The objects that surround my body reflect its possible ac�on upon them. As a consequence of this implied ac�on a bodily reac�on is an inseparable aspect of the experience of architecture”. The great possibility of social and architectural environmental condi�ons affec�ng mentally and physically ones state intricate a large amount of studies during 1950. Through a series of various spa�al condi�on experiments in rela�on with health response taking place at specific hospital and psychiatric centers it was proven that the architectural and non build environment like nature have the ability to improve the individuals physical as well as emo�onal response.This thesis is proposing a different type of Senior Living were the environmental condi�ons will be able to improve the residents quality of life by bringing them together with a variety of ages and ac�vi�es demonstra�ng how it will be beneficial on their mental and physical state.Having in mind, which types of environmental condi�ons can create the appropriate response is like having in an op�mist point of view the power to direct the users' feelings a crucial key for the designing not only of a senior housing project as well as of any kind of building.



Elder-Friendly communi�tes are residen�al alterna�ve for older adults that provides flexible housing op�ons, a coordinated system of services and ameni�es, and a con�nuum of care varying health and wellness needs of residents they grow older .The emphasis of this model is to enable residents to avoid having to move-except, perhaps, to another level of care within the community ,if their needs change and they require health care and supervision .Remaining within the community allows the residents to con�nue their exis�ng rela�onship with a spouse and friends, avoid the stress of move, and receive health care. This includes co�age living units (independent living), assisted living units and skilled nursing care in campus-style se�ng .Residents have life�me access to the community’s con�nuum of care.


The lack of proper advanced facili�es and maintenance of the exis�ng structures, is an issue thatneeds farther a�en�on and new solu�ons. The living space no ma�er the age of the user always has the ability to influence the users. In India both the share and size of elderly popula�on is increasing over �me. For a country like India this may pose moun�ngpressure. To reap the advantage of demographic dividend, the focus is mainly on the children and the youth and fulfilment of their basic needs for proper development, there by ignoring the aged. Also, the changing family value system, economic compulsions of the children, neglect and abuse has caused elders to fall through the net of family care. Also, this segment of people face medical and psychological problems. But the problems and issues of its grey popula�on has not been given serious considera�on in our country. From 5.6% in 1961 it is projected to rise to 12.4% of popula�on by the year 2026 and the old-age dependency ra�o has climbed from 10.9% in 1961 to 13.1% in 2001.About 65% of the aged are dependent on others for their day-to-day maintenance. The phenomenon called ‘grand dumping’ is becoming common in urban areas these days as children are being increasingly intolerant to their parents health problems. According to an es�mate nearly 40% of aged living with their families are reportedly facing abuse of one kind or another, but only 1 in 6 cases actually comes to light.Half the oldest-old popula�on are widows. More than 9 million people die every year in India. WHO es�mate is that 5.4 million (60%) of these people die in pain and misery.


AIM: To design a self sustaining Con�nuing Care Re�rement Community with independent units, assisted living and skilled nursing care. OBJECTIVE: STUDY OBJECTIVE: -To study their psychological and mental state, their lack of preparedness for ageing and most importantly their health concerns. -To study about CCRC. -To study the aspects of barrier free. -To study about independent units, assisted living and skilled nursing care. -To study the various facili�es, services and ac�vi�es. DESIGN OBJECTIVE: -To provide recrea�onal spaces to keep them healthy and happy. -To provide learning and growing spaces to keep them engaged. -To provide prac�cing ar�ul living to find new passions and opportuni�es among them. -To provide interac�ve spaces to enhance their emo�onal and social living. -Promo�ng sense of community between residents, including clusters of residences and shared commons. To offer independent units , assisted living and skilled nursing care. -To establish a flow across various spaces. -To provide ac�vi�es that makes the community self sustained. -To provide a universal design. -To provide basic services like house keeping and laundry.


In urban environments with high building density, the li�le that is available for development must be u�lized to meet the needs of the community, one of them being Re�rement Community. Such projects increase the scope to fulfil the needs of aged.





CASE STUDY -Suvidha,Bangalore -Smiles,Hyderabad -Primus Eden,Bangalore

DESTOP STUDY -Social Complex,Alcabideche -Monconseil,France









An Elder-friendly Community engages in a community building process that involves assessment, planning that an�cipates and prepares for the aging of its ci�zens, and implementa�on. This results in policies and ac�ons that maximize opportuni�es to age successfully. As long as possible, older residents of an Elder-friendly Community are: • Mee�ng their basic food, shelter, medical, and safety needs. • Self-sufficient & independent. • Physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy. • Living in a safe and comfortable community-based home se�ng. • Ac�ve and engaged in their community. Overview The Elder-Friendly Community Indicators have been designed to elicit informa�on about older adults in the community - how they live, what issues are important to them, how the community organizes its services and physical environments in rela�on to their needs, and ul�mately, what are the community values in rela�on to older adults who live in or visit the community. The Indicators are organized around three dimensions of the daily life of older adults: 1. Home Life Indicators 2. Mobility Indicators 3. Community Life Indicators



This bubble graph shows how different types of senior care overlap and the rela�onship between the level of care and the cost. Level of Care and Supervision


Following are the senior living op�ons in my elder-friendly community.



An Elder-Friendly Community

Name:Prachi Sugandhi Roll No:12041AA062


Total popula�on of India 60+ Above (8.2%) Dependent on others Lonely

Living Arrangements:

93% of widows lived with children and grandchildren 7% lived alone or with other rela�ves 2.5% Older males and 4.5% older females lived alone

Changing Society:

Tradi�onally joint families moving to nuclear families. Migra�on

Marital Status:

17% males widowers 50% female widows 70% older women compared to 30% older men were widowed

Pallia�ve Care:

More than nine million people die every year in India WHO es�mate is that 60% of these people die in pain and misery Means 5.4 million people in India spending their last days/weeks in severe distress Each district in India also has on an average 7-10,000 people bedridden for prolonged periods-most of them for the rest of their life.



The poignant tales of residents of an old age home in Gurgaon drive home the sordid reality: only laws, nothing less, will safeguard the interests of the elderly.

She was living in the midst of a chute surrounded by garbage. We can't let her stay with us anymore as she has turned into a living nightmare for my wife and kids.' You may think these are words of a stranger, but that's how my son, my own flesh and blood described me while discarding me here for the rest of my life. I can't even dare to feel and recreate that pain, because I feel ashamed to be a mother."Seventy-year-old Suman Da�a's (name changed) story is the story of thousands of aged mothers and fathers abandoned by Young India.Suman has been living here in an old age home for the past couple of years. She s�ll finds it difficult to accept her grim reality-it feels as if it was only yesterday that her children fought for a place in her arms. They would beat me every now and then and gradually forced me out of the home. One of them is an officer in the Parliament secretariat, the second one is a pilot and the third one runs his own business. They are all well-se�led financially. They have got everything for themselves, but nothing for me." Gayatri Devi (name changed), 72, goes on talking, in a voice that is cold and piercing like a shrapnel. Including Suman Da�a and Gayatri Devi, some 200-odd people in the age group 60-85 are spending their last days in an ashram ironically known as "Gurukul". Located deep inside Bandhwari village in the new millennium district of Gurgaon on Faridabad Road, the ashram itself is a reflec�on of the inmates' poignant lives-four dormitory halls with polymer-sheet roofing; the original Gurukul in Vasant Kunj was razed to the ground in a fire a few months ago. Ravi Kalra, who runs Gurukul, believes the radically changing social architecture and decaying moral values are responsible for the existence of old age homes such as Gurukul. "Life here for these abandoned souls is a con�nuous medical emergency due to their frail health," he says. A majority of the old women who end up at Gurukul suffer from complicated medical condi�ons; thus, death is a frequent companion and guest, some�mes as o�en as once or twice a week. Kalra narrates the horrifying tale of a woman being rescued from her husband's pyre where she was reportedly placed by her own children. Anita Singh (name changed) was living in upmarket Janakpuri in west Delhi with her husband. Both their children were fairly well-se�led in life, working in the field of informa�on technology.Anita and her husband even sold their property in order to arrange money for their children's Green Card. When her husband died, the children came to a�end his funeral and le� their mother on the father's pyre. By the �me we were informed and rushed to the venue to rescue her, she had sustained serious burns. She succumbed to her injuries." One doesn't have to go far to verify the gravity of the situa�on: there were several vic�ms of domes�c violence among the residents of the Bandhwari ashram who were beaten for months, locked in their room and kept in absolute inhuman condi�ons before finally being dumped to rot for the rest of their lives. One such vic�m is Sanjay Kapoor (name changed), who was found on a footpath in Delhi in a miserable state-shabby clothes, una�ended hair and beard and almost claws for nails. Sanjay is a graduate from the London School of Economics and a re�red judge. It's been three years since Sanjay was brought to the ashram but he s�ll wouldn't open up about his sons. What could explain this barbaric tendency of our new young India? Is it financial reasons? Think again; most of these dumped and discarded old men and women hail from middle-class or well-to-do families. Cases where families abandoned their elderly because they couldn't afford the steep medical expenses are minuscule in number. Governments and poli�cal par�es rarely care for the elderly as they do not cons�tute a vote bank of consequence; not surprisingly, we don't have any laws pertaining to their well-being or social security. Experts say that the need of the hour is not only concrete policies and laws to safeguard the interest of elderly people but also a law for the welfare of abandoned parents; right to the earnings of their children on the lines of alimony; right to revoke any will they might have drawn up to bequeath their property and assets to their children. Above all, abandoning parents must be made a criminal offence equivalent to Sec�ons 302 and 307 of the IPC as it is tantamount to murder of the most gruesome kind. It is said that wine grows in value with age but parents become bi�er. One hopes this is not the voice of a new India. For what is young today will be old tomorrow.



Senior living is simply any housing arrangement designed exclusively for seniors, generally those aged 55 and over. Housing varies widely, from apartment-style living to freestanding homes. In general, the housing is friendlier to older adults, o�en being more compact, with easier naviga�on and no maintenance or yard work to worry about. While residents live independently, most communi�es offer ameni�es, ac�vi�es, and services. O�en, recrea�onal centers or clubhouses are available on site to give seniors the opportunity to connect with peers and par�cipate in community ac�vi�es, such as arts and cra�s, holiday gatherings, con�nuing educa�on classes, or movie nights. Independent living facili�es may also offer facili�es such as a swimming pool, fitness center, tennis courts, even a golf course or other clubs and interest groups. Other services offered in independent living may include onsite spas, beauty and barber salons, daily meals, and basic housekeeping and laundry services. Since independent living facili�es are aimed at older adults who need li�le or no assistance with ac�vi�es of daily living, most do not offer medical care or nursing staff. As with regular housing, though, you can hire in-home help separately as required.


There are many types of independent living facili�es, from apartment complexes to separate houses, which range in cost and the services provided. • Low-income or subsidized senior housing. In the U.S., there are senior housing complexes subsidized by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for low-income seniors. • Senior apartments or congregate care housing. These are apartment complexes restricted by age, usually 55 and older. Rent may include community services such as recrea�onal programs, transporta�on services, and meals served in a communal dining room. • Re�rement homes/re�rement communi�es. Re�rement communi�es are groups of housing units restricted for those over a certain age, o�en 55 or 62 and older. These housing units can be single-family homes, duplexes, mobile homes, townhouses, or condominiums. If you decide to buy a unit, addi�onal monthly fees may cover services such as outside maintenance, recrea�on centers, or clubhouses. • Con�nuing Care Re�rement Communi�es (CCRCs). If you or your spouse are rela�vely healthy now, but an�cipate significant health problems down the line, you may want to consider a CCRC. These facili�es offer a spectrum of care from independent living to nursing home care in the same community. If residents begin to need help with ac�vi�es of daily living, for example, they can transfer from independent living to an assisted living or skilled nursing facility on the same site. The main benefit of a CCRC is that you only need to relocate once to a new environment and can maintain your independence for as long as possible.


CCRCs are combina�ons of independent living communi�es, assisted living facili�es, or nursing homes, owned and operated by private companies and staffed to provide a ''con�nuum of care'' for residents. The assisted living and nursing home components of CCRCs usually are intended for use only by residents from the independent living units that are part of the CCRC and not by seniors from outside it. As with other types of residen�al environments that are specifically tailored to seniors' needs and tastes, CCRCs and their residents establish a business arrangement through a legal contract specifying exactly what suppor�ve services, nursing care, other healthcare, and housing will be provided for residents. The con�nuum of care begins with independent living facili�es that may be rental units, condominiums or coopera�ve housing units. If a resident's care needs increase over �me, he/she will be able to move to the next level—assisted living or, if needed, the nursing home—without reloca�ng geographically, since all levels of housing and suppor�ve healthcare provided by the CCRC are usually (although not always) centrally located on one ''campus.'' One of the key a�rac�ons of CCRCs is the range of healthcare and suppor�ve or assis�ve services that these establishments are able to provide within the limits of the basic contract. These may include nursing, social work, die�cian services, physician care, pharmacy and various therapies for residents who may experience either a short bout of illness or an ongoing health problem. CCRC staff can provide emergency response systems, wellness programs, assistance with insurance claims and forms and rou�ne health assessments. Contract fees may cover housekeeping and laundry services and a certain number of meals served in congregate dining facili�es. Some transporta�on services also may be included in basic fees. CCRC campuses are typically located in peaceful, picturesque and hospitable surroundings. They are intended to be upscale communi�es set apart in choice loca�ons that afford a great deal of privacy and convenience. Within these communi�es, residents are likely to find a full range of social and physical ac�vi�es from dining and dancing to swimming and golf. For an addi�onal fee, members may have access to more specialized healthcare services, nonscheduled transporta�on and increased meal service. As previously men�oned, CCRCs generally are privately owned and are operated by a business organiza�on or corpora�on. The actual business structure may be very complex, but the contractual arrangement between a CCRC and its residents is always based on the types of care, services and housing that the resident desires and the CCRC provides. Government regula�on of CCRCs is largely based on state law and may vary from state to state which is important to remember if you're considering taking up residence in a CCRC. The state's Office for Aging or State Housing Authority where you live or plan to relocate can be a valuable source of informa�on.






Effects of Aging

Aging is an extremely complicated procedure developed in �me. Aging is part of our development, as we age, we learn, and as we learn, we develop physically, mentally, socially. Physical and Mental Aging Ageing is tests were body and mind are challenged to remain ac�ve and saint. In order to understand ageing we must first understand the bodies' biology since it provides the basic matrix were social and other factors are based on. Physical appearance is the first no�cing realiza�on of aging, the body changes in �me and the altera�ons become more obvious when the signs of �me appear on each individuals body. When the mirror reflec�on appears to be different from some years before, when the body starts facing movement limita�on and there is a no�cing decline of senses, occasional paint experience in various bodily parts, a constant feeling of �redness and the need for sleep during the day where the night sleep becomes a challenge, then age started to manifest on an individual's body. The speed of the signs appearance on each individual's body depends mainly from his or her biological structure as well as mental state but most importantly from the surrounding environment. In the case of some person who is, dealing daily with a stressful job is most possible to get grey hair much faster from a person who is stress free or with less stress related life. At the same �me, wrinkles are possible to appear when a person for example cries constantly or when the skin is exposed unprotected con�nuously under the sun thus environmental exposure can greatly influence the slowness as well as fastness of ageing. The environment or the psychological condi�ons are not the only influen�al factors of aging according to studies; genes also have a large amount of impact to a person's longevity. In fact ageing is star�ng from the �me we are born but as the �me passes errors are more frequent and bound to happen resul�ng to agerelated diseases and impairments of �ssues and organs."Even though genes influence longevity, it has also been shown that genes account for only about 25% of the variance in human lifespan." As stated within the book,Ageing in Society, aging in the 21st century is much different from aging in the 20th century or even is much different from 50 years ago. The quick altera�on in life style, the ability to be educated easier thus more people be in the society be part of the middle class economy, as well as the innova�ve medical and technological breakthroughs and healthy green nourishment promo�on were some of the factors that affected the life expectancy charts worldwide. Housing is one of those major problems that the senior face during aging where the house is no more compa�ble with the physical disabili�es and special care is in need. The appropriate a�en�on by the government as well as the private sectors in India needs to have a farther input in the prosperity of the senior. Both government and private ins�tute should care for covering the basic needs of humane living during the third age through architectural developments were living within a social and therapeu�c designed environment of sharing would allow and aid senior people to reach their maximum life span living within a pleasant health beneficial environment. Social Growth Ageing within the demanding society of 21st century is not easy. The context of our aging development includes a complex network of personal rela�ons star�ng from the small scale of the house, the neighborhood and expanding to the town and the country. The environment that we grow within, family, social network, build, or non-build surroundings, shapes, and redefines every fiber of ones being differently. Society and culture affects directly or indirectly a person co-crea�ng the aspects of human aging and the percep�on of self-image. People have a view of his/her own image and how other people perceive them. This image is important for self-iden�ty and is greatly influenced and empowered or weakens by social network reac�ons as well as the greater public.”Age iden�ty is part of the self-image and it is about how old the person actuallyfeels. Many people in advance adulthood feel younger than they actually are but what theyfeel do not much the mirror as well as the physical characteris�cs of that age”. As the �me passes, various experiences and environmental exposure shapes the person's character. Pallasmaa stated in his book The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses“Psychoanaly�c Theory has introduced the no�on of body image or body schema as the center of integra�on. Our bodies and movements are in constant interac�on with the environment; the world and the self inform and redefine each other constantly.”Depending from the environment that our body age within specific experiences are subtracted and filtered in ones being. Through the years, the surrounding environment that one grew in changes and people start facing the reality of limita�on where something was easy to be physically done before now is a straggle. In younger age, the mentality was completely different and the person use to feel powerful to act as pleased, the idea that nothing could prevent one from dream comple�on. When that person reach the age of re�rement as well as when the age symptoms start appearing with a stronger impact the perspec�ve of control and power over things is shaken. By experiencing the decrease of sense of personal power, and when the whole concept of self-control and control of the events happenings around stops to exist or is declined in a great manner, the ques�oning of self-worth rises and the previous self-esteem is taken aback.



Health problems are supposed to be the major concern of a society as older people are more prone to suffer from ill health than younger age groups. It is o�en claimed that ageing is accompanied by mul�ple illnesses and physical ailments. Besides physical illnesses, the aged are more likely to be vic�ms of poor mental health, which arises from senility, neurosis and extent of life sa�sfac�on. The First Na�onal Sample Survey (NSS) conducted during the second half of 1980s, focussed on the elderly and indicated that

45% : 25% : 15% : 10% :


The extent of u�lisa�on of health services is an index of accessibility and affordability of the households, par�cularly the poor households in which elderly live. The frequent occurrence of illness among the aged calls for regular u�lisa�on of health services provided by private and public sectors as well as charitable ins�tu�ons. Even where healthcare is available, its access for the elderly poses a major problem due to the fixed or inflexible nature of healthcare services. This is o�en compounded by the lack of a companion to escort the elderly to the healthcare facility. Most of India’s elderly being economically dependent; the cost of treatment is o�en a burden on the household. Therefore, many of the elderly ignore their ailments unless they become too acute.This vulnerable sec�on of society like any other economically backward sec�on of the popula�on needs to be provided with subsidised or concessional health care facili�es.

Common Diseases in Old Age Alzheimer's Disease Mental Illnesses Arthri�s and Osteoarthri�s Blood Pressure Heart problems and Heart a�ack Stroke Cancer Diabetes Kidney disease Control Obesity Prostate Enlargement Osteoporosis (Weak bones) Tuberculosis Eyes Diseases Hearing Loss Skin Care Mosquito bite Diseases Fall-related injury in old age Emo�onal Disturbance


Health care in old age The World Health Organiza�on (WHO) es�mates that about 75% of deaths in people over the age of 65 in industrialised countries are from heart disease, cancer and cerebrovascular disease (such as stroke) .Another major cause of death and isability is osteoporosis and associated bone fractures, which affects many women due to post-menopausal bone loss. The increased life expectancy in the U.S. has not been accompanied by more years of perfect health, reveals new research published in the December issue of the Journal of Gerontology. The new research from Eileen Crimmins, at the University of Southern California, shows that average “morbidity,” or, the period of life spend with serious disease or loss of func�onal mobility, has actually increased in the last few decades. The researchers show that the average number of healthy years has decreased since 1998. We spend fewer years of our lives without disease, even though we live longer. Millions of senior ci�zens across the globe are not ge�ng the proper health care they need because governments and the society are not aware enough of the problem. By 2025, there will about 1200 million people aged 65 years according to UN es�mates. Failure to address oral health needs today could develop into a costly problem tomorrow. Seven per cent of the 1.1 billion Indian popula�on is today over the age of 60. They too wish to have a be�er access to health care, look forward to fun, health, dignity, economic independence and a peaceful death. They cannot afford to be ill as sickness is expensive. Some health problem and common ailments that generally affect senior ci�zens are blood pressure, cardiac problems, diabetes, joint pains, kidney infec�ons, cancer, tuberculosis etc. Once they occur, these disease may take a long �me to heal due to old age. It is important to get medical checkups regularly to prevent the onset of any of these health condi�ons .Herbal remedies for Old Age Diseases are also very effec�ve in some diseases. Alzheimer's Disease Alzheimers Disease is a brain disorder and a slow and gradual disease that begins in the part of the brain that controls the memory. As it spreads to other parts of the brain, it affects a greater number of intellectual, emo�onal and behavioral abili�es. There is no known cause for this disease. As a person grows older, he is at greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s. A�er 60, the risk is one in 20, but a�er 80 it is one in five.” No one knows why it happens, but it occurs when cells in the brain start dying. It is degenera�ve and leads to mental deteriora�on. Mental Illnesses:Senior Ci�zens are suscep�ble to a variety of mental illnesses. Depression is the most common of these. Symptoms of depression include- Lack of interest in ac�vi�es you enjoyed doing. Sadness or unexplained crying spells, jumpiness or irritability, Loss of memory, inability to concentrate, confusion or disorienta�on, Thoughts of death or suicide, Change in appe�te and sleep pa�erns. Persistent fa�gue, lethargy, aches and other unexplainable physical problems, Demen�as and Pseudo/demen�as. Memory loss: A new study found that elderly people who ate more calories a day had a higher risk of a type of memory loss called mild cogni�ve impairment (MCI). MCI is a stage of cogni�ve decline between normal age-related memory loss and Alzheimer’s demen�a. People with MCI have problems with memory and thinking that are no�ceable to others, but that don’t interfere with everyday life. Walking ward off mental decline: Walking could ward off demen�a and mental decline. Elderly people who get about by walking are less likely to suffer mental decline or even demen�a, a study says. Brain scans revealed that older people walking between six and nine miles a week appeared to have more brain �ssue in key areas. The Pi�sburgh University study of 299 people suggested they had less "brain shrinkage", which is linked to memory problems. The research was reported in the journal Neurology. Exercise improves blood flow to the brain and may help build new brain cells, recent studies show. Mild exercise such as walking can boost brain volume and improve memory in older adults, researchers have found. Arthri�s and Osteoarthri�s:Arthri�s simply means ‘inflamma�on of the joints . The word rheuma�sm is even more general, and is used to describe aches and pains in joints, bones and muscles. There are more than 200 types of arthri�s and rheuma�c disease. The symptoms include pain, swelling and s�ffness in Knee Arthri�s with limita�on of joint movement. Blood Pressure is actually the pressure of blood against the walls of your arteries. Blood pressure is measured in mm Hg. Typical values for a healthy adult human are approximately 120/80. But, if your blood pressure reading is equal to or above 140 over 90 mm Hg, then that means you are suffering from high blood pressure or hypertension. Hypertension has been called the "silent killer" because it usually produces no symptoms. Hypertension can cause certain organs (called target organs), including the kidney, eyes, and heart, to deteriorate over �me. Malignant hypertension, an emergency condi�on resul�ng from untreated primary hypertension, can be lethal. It is important, therefore, for anyone with risk factors to have their blood pressure checked regularly and to make appropriate lifestyle changes.


Osteoporosis: Osteoporosis is one of the major health problems many old people face. Osteoporosis is a condi�on in which bones become very fragile. This will increase the chance of fracture due to decreased bone density. Macular Degenera�on: Vision deteriora�on is one of the most common health problems in old people. In macular degenera�on, the macula, which helps to sense and transmit images to the brain, is affected. This medical condi�on is usually found in elderly people above the age of 50. Hearing Loss: Hearing loss is an important issue that many senior ci�zens face. The most common form of age-related hearing loss is presbycusis. Older people may need a hearing aid because the ability to hear high frequency sound may decrease over �me. Glaucoma Glaucoma: is one among the health problems of old people, which is due to an increase in the fluid pressure inside the eye. This increased pressure will cause damage to the op�c nerve resul�ng in loss of vision. Alzheimer's disease: Alzheimer's disease is another serious issue in the list of health problems of old age. Once you get Alzheimer's disease, your ability to remember and think will be affected. Memory lapse is the common problem that will be noted in the early stage. Cogni�ve Impairment: Cogni�ve impairment will cause memory loss and your ability to correlate things and do calcula�ons will decrease over �me. The affected person will be confused and the ability to take up more than one task at a �me will be affected. Incon�nence Urinary: incon�nence is one of the most annoying health problems of old age people. Women are most likely to have this condi�on due to decreased strength of the pelvic muscle. Men who have enlarged prostate may also experience this difficulty. Arthri�s: Arthri�s is a common condi�on that almost all old people have to face. This is mainly an autoimmune disease, which is characterized by joint pain and deformi�es. Arthri�s commonly affects fingers, hips, knees, wrists, and spine. Metabolic Syndrome: Obesity and other related issues during old age are mainly due to metabolic syndrome. This may further lead to Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and high blood pressure. Emo�onal disturbance: Health problems of old age are not limited to physical disabili�es. Old age can affect your mental health also because of various social aspects. This may create discomfort both to you and your family. Make sure you share and discuss your problems with close family and friends s that they can support you in every possible way. Heart problems and Heart a�ack:With age the heart and blood vessels become less efficient even in the absence of obvious diseases. The heart tends to get enlarged and the pumping ac�on decreases. The blood vessels become less pliable and elas�c. This can result in the swelling of feet, high blood pressure and heart failure . To prevent heart a�acks or other heart diseases, it is important to make changes in your lifestyle and live a healthy life. Undergoing medical check-ups regularly is equally vital. Stroke:here care two types of stroke- 1. Ischemic which occurs in 85% of pa�ents and 2. Hemorrhagic which is seen in 15% of pa�ents The Ischemic stroke is a sudden block in the blood supply to the brain, causing an infarct (damage) to the brainleading to paralysis of one side of the body The Hemorrhagic stroke is a sudden rupture of artery within the brain leading to brain hemorrhage and paralysis of one half of the body. Cancer is a generic term for a group of more than a hundred diseases that affect different parts of the body. Among elderly men, cancers of the prostrate and colon are the most common while for women it is breast cancer. Other cancers found in geriatric pa�ents are skin, lung, pancreas, bladder, rectum and stomach cancer. A major ini�a�ve taken by the Government against Cancer was the launch of the Na�onal Cancer Control Programme. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar. Diabetes is a disease that affects the body's ability to produce or respond to insulin, a hormone that allows blood glucose (blood sugar) to enter the cells of the body and be used for energy. Kidney disease is disorder that affects the func�oning of the kidneys. It can be characterized as hereditary, congenital or acquired. Chronic kidney disease is known to affect the elderly and is associated with a high risk of kidney failure, cardiovascular disease and death. In India a large number of people go into terminal kidney failure every year, while millio ns of others suffer from lesser forms of kidney diseases.


SUGGESTIONS TO REMAIN HEALTHY *Drink enough water: It cleanses your body machinery and helps your heart in func�oning well. Drinking of enough water will keep away chances of kidney stone and urine problem. It will also keep you looking young and ac�ve along with natural glow on your face. *Exercise regularly: Vigorous physical ac�vity may stop you from looking and feeling old, it may even help you live longer. Whether you are 30, 60 or 90, endurance enables you to do what you want to do. A study by McMaster University researchers has shown that there is no subs�tute for exercise when it comes to keeping old age at bay. Research from Tel Aviv University has found that endurance exercises like a jog or spinning class can make us look younger. Exercise unlocksthe stem cells of our muscles. These exercises increase the number of muscle stem cells and enhance their ability to rejuvenate old muscles. Endurance exercises also improve the levels of 'spontaneous locomo�on' — the feeling that tells our bodies to just get up and dance. Ageing is typically associated with a reduced level of spontaneous locomo�on. *Well balanced diet: Well balanced diet plays a very important part in keeping you healthy in old age. Avoid taking rich food like sweets, high stuffed and fried. You should add calcium rich diet as it will strengthen your bones. Add fruits, vegetables and greens in your daily diet to maintain your health in old age. *Be happy and engage in recrea�onal ac�vi�es: During old age, Factors like social isola�on, low income and depression affect health in old age. Loneliness is a common problem in old age and leads to related problems. During this �me, it becomes all the more important for seniors to take on some ac�vity which occupy their �me. * Exercise you doing puzzles and play to learn the Chess Game *Keep your eyes and ears fit by regular checkup. Vision and hearing tests by specialists should be a regular part of your an�-aging plan. Sight-threatening diseases that are more common with age, including cataracts, glaucoma and macular degenera�on, can be controlled or halted if caught early. Hearing loss, the third most common chronic condi�on can contribute to cogni�ve decline, depression and social isola�on, To reduce your risk of eye disease, avoid tobacco smoke, wear sunglasses, maintain a healthy weight and control high blood pressure and blood sugar levels. To reduce the risk of hearing loss, consider using earplugs in noisy places. *Check your BP: Always contact with your doctor to keep blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels under control even as you get into your 70s and beyond. ^ Control your overweight.You should be especially vigilant against creeping weight gain. Obesity is the gateway to many ailments, such as heart diseases, diabetes and arthri�s. ^ Back pain is also the leading cause of disability, trailing only arthri�s. Being able to stand straight and remain free of crippling lower-back pain in later years depends on maintaining the strength of the bones in your spine as well as the muscles that support them. Exercises that work muscles in the back and abdomen, such as abdominal curls and trunk extensions, may also help prevent spinal fractures. And ac�vi�es such as Pilates and yoga can help ease back pain. ^ To prevent or alleviate arthri�s and joint pain regular excise is the only way. Resistance training doing calisthenics or using elas�c bands, free weights or weight machines strengthens the muscles. That, in turn, protects the joints and makes them more stable. *The fear of falling in old age is o�en causes anxiety. Generally 30 percent of older people between 65 and 80 and older have fallen at some point. Build strong legs by doing strength exercises. Sound Sleep: The team from the University of Warwick and Federico II University Medical School in Naples discovered recently that people who sleep for less than six hours a night are more likely to die early, The previous studies had shown that sleep depriva�on was associated with heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and high cholesterol. However, the researchers found that sleeping too much was linked to early death. *A 30-minute daily walk cuts cancer risk: A new study has found in early February 2011 that walking for 30 minutes a day could lower the risk of death from colon cancer. According to researchers, such a simple rou�ne could also reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and other cancers and can even be beneficial a�er cancer diagnosis, reports the Daily Express. Researchers examined data from more than 150,000 people between 1982 and 2005. Those who exercised consistently for at least 10 years showed the lowest risk of colon cancer death. *Walking Helps Us Preserve Memory: A recent research discovered that a simple walk every other day can help elderly people keep their memory fresh longer.40 minutes are enough to boost up the memory level and you can also enjoy yourself during this walk. It is an easy and most pleasant solu�on for those aiming to preserve their memory for a longer period of �me. *Treatment of Walking Problems: The use of orthoses such as "li�s", ankle braces, and various shoe inserts or modifica�ons can help reduce walking problems. In general, well-fi�ng walking shoes with low heels and rela�vely thin, firm soles help maximize balance and improve walking. A new study has suggested that there are several Herbal remedies for Old Age Diseasesnbsp; Also Learn Gardening, it is an adventure and keeps you always fit and young. You can develop Gardening hobby in old Age


A huge new chapter in life begins when a person is re�red, new changes in life style and in social life starts. When previously the person was economically earning his/her living now he/she becomes financially depended from the governmental pension or other forms of income. Work re�rement can also mean social re�rement. The previous people and friends seen at work every day are possible cut-off and great part of social network stops being part of the senior's life and the sense of usefulness that the job offered and reasons of existence being to be re-examined. Self-esteem is about accep�ng who you are and what you have become through all the years of life. When a person accepts, the current condi�ons and other alterna�ve everyday ac�vi�es like taking care of the grandchildren when the parents are at work becoming a new part of the seniors life, can bust his/her sense of importance and feeling of being needed and begin to think of him/her self as an important part of the society. Feelings of loneliness, low self-esteem, and socializa�on as well as lack of love and acceptance are crucial needs, which require sa�sfac�on. O�en this needs have the power to create health issues and physical deteriora�on. "Older persons who feel rejected or neglected are more likely to see their health as being poor than those who accepted…under such circumstances many of our older people are desolated, depressed, and sick.”The ul�mate goal for senior empowerment within the social context would be to provide facili�es and programs which will promotes the ability for an elderly person to develop independent posi�ve sa�sfying lifestyles a ma�er that will be more examined within the following parts.


Reconsidering Architecture for the Aged Therapeu�c environment through various studies, tests were nature, and architectural condi�ons are proved influen�al in one's health and mental state. Through results, nature proved to have one of the highest healing a�ributes that can have beneficial outcomes not only to seniors but also in all age groups. By using this key factor a program were living things are introduced within the senior care development like plants and animal sare beneficial. During the early 21st century helped to even more in detail inves�ga�on were neuroscience and architecture came together under the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture during 2003. "The mission of the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture is to promote and advance knowledge that links neuroscience research to a growing understanding of human responses to the built environment."This benefit of space comprehension like color reading, space height, views and textures along with other spa�al elements the predic�on of the possible users' reac�on is a great knowledge key, which offers the ability to the architect or designer to plan according to the ideal outcomes. Healing and therapeu�c a�ributes are part of nature. Recent studies confirmed the strong effects that nature can have on people’s health and sense of restora�on.Terry Har�g, current Professor in Applied Psychology at Uppsala University and his associates in Sweden Not only being in nature can actually have healing and help recovery from any physical or mental trauma but also just the view of a nature se�ng can have the same impact in people who lack the ability of physical movement and spent a large amount of �me in bed. This theory was tested at hospital center on pa�ents .Half of the pa�ents were located in a room were the room was facing nature were the other half were assigned at a room which was facing a brick wall. The pa�ents who were allocated in the nature view rooms had less post surgical complica�ons like nausea and headache, there nega�ve evalua�ons of psychological response from the nurses like "the pa�ent needs encouragement to perform an ac�on" were fewer and in general they had a shorter hospital stay. In contrast to the posi�ve response from the pa�ents with nature view, people who were viewing the brick wall developed the need for more pain killer drugs as well as longer hospital stay. performed a very interes�ng experiment focusing on the people biological and emo�onal response when they were walking through a city environment and through nature se�ngs. Another important parameter of the experiment was that one group of the people were stressed and the rest in normal state. The test proved that the speed of restoring emo�onal state was quicker in nature, dropping the blood pressure and muscle tension as well as skin conductance. Also in a psychological perspec�ve, the people who had the experience of walking through nature within only 3 to 4 minutes proved to have more posi�ve emo�onal self-evalua�on than when walking through building loca�ons. Reposi�oning and Adapta�on/ Eden Alterna�ve Program No ma�er the reason, moving away from your own house is a nerve-racking experience. Moving to a new living area due to ageing reasons is a difficult task that an elderly person is challenged to face when the move is been done from the lifelong house to the Senior Care Center. Most common condi�ons that a person can face when admi�ed to the new living condi�ons of the senior care facili�es are loneliness, helplessness and boredom.


It is a moment where the elderly health can drama�cally decline for the worst. During this transi�on the new place are bound to commonly realize that the previous sense of control of their own household changed to a common living condi�on were new rela�onship bonds are needed to be developed for psychological reasons of acceptance and support. If the person fails to shape any important friendships and to feel needed then the nega�ve emo�ons of hopelessness, isola�on, and rejec�on surface leading in some cases to tragic events. When the elderly feels that has absolutely no control on the environmental daily ac�vi�es occurring around then the most possible reac�ons are self-enclosure, giving up and turning passive and depended. The senior have the need for a sense of mo�va�on and hope that will keep them going, mo�va�on for ac�vity, for an easier adapta�on to the new situa�on and determina�on that each day will be a new start. The most common emo�ons which are observed when an elderly person is ask to relocate at a new living environment are sense of loss, physical and cogni�ve limita�ons, lack of meaningful rela�onships and lack of opportuni�es to feel useful, all this leading to loneliness, depression, helplessness and boredom.26 In order to fight back the sense of helplessness as well as create the feeling of caring and in advance interest within a new living environment, an 8-week research by the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee in 2008 took place at a long-term care facility in Canada. The study proved that the occupants, who were in the group assigned to care for a plant for watering and trimming, developed the sense of ownership and a�achment reducing the sense of depression, increasing the sense of autonomy making the new environment to look much more familiar and friendly.

By integra�ng nature within a long-term care environment can be one of the therapeu�c design approaches proposed by cogni�ve psychotherapy and environmental enhancement architecture. The ligh�ng condi�ons can be very influen�al for a person's physical and mental state thus for the Green House Project large opening were used in the common space as well as in the private bedrooms allowing for maximum natural ligh�ng to be spread within the interior spaces. In respect to that, Rixt F. Riemersma-van der Lek of the Netherlands Ins�tute of Neuroscience along with her colleagues in 2008 performed a test in Holland at 12 re�rement homes in order to prove the light importance and affects to a senior. The people had a daily interior light treatment of 1.000 lux and the other with 300 lux. The test had dura�on of 6 months. The results were shocking. The persons who were living in the darker buildings had showed 5% less cogni�ve decline than the people in the brighter building and they had a result of 19% reduc�on of depression. Nature has the ability to “control” humans. With its beauty and unique characteris�cs makes people to calm, relax, reduce stress and many other nega�ve aspects of health while if it is manipulated correctly by architects can become part of the healing process for people with health issues as well as part of the psych, healing of depression, feeling of belonging and ownership. The enhancement of living condi�ons in a long-term care facility is essen�al for the users well being. Residents with less capability of movement and autonomous func�on are thought being in less privilege posi�on from the rest of the inhabitors, thus a special care in their living environment but also for their adapta�on and feeling of belonging is essen�al. In addi�on, it is necessary for the senior’s residence health as well as for the people who look a�er them to be within an appropriate environment, which will promote health and socializa�on.



An Elder-Friendly Community

Name:Prachi Sugandhi Roll No:12041AA062

What is an “elder-friendly community?”

It carries many labels: an elder-friendly community, a senior-ready community, a liveable community for older adults, a lifespan community, a community for all ages, community for a life�me. They come down to one common goal — crea�ng a good place to grow up and grow old. Following are the “design principles” to help achieve that goal, with a focus on older adults — their strengths as well as their needs.

Principle One: Neighborliness:

The neighbourhood is a cri�cally important concept for understanding the quality of older adult environments. While neighbourhoods o�en have fairly specific iden�fied boundaries, it seems that people are the most important feature of a healthy neighbourhood. Promote opportuni�es for social interac�on: Social interac�on is abe�ed by the crea�on of foils for conversa�on—elements in the environment that bring people together around a common interest or focus. Adults o�en meet and interact around the ac�vity of watching children or pets. Unusual architectural or landscape elements can also become common grist for conversa�on—fountains, gargoyles, topiary, flowers, signs, kiosks, pigeons. The home itself can be a launching pad for interac�on with others if properly distanced from public spaces. Put porches and balconies within comfortable talking distance of others. Provide adequate interior space for entertaining one or two neighbours. Place certain “out of house” ac�vi�es within talking distance of neighbours, yet away from “outsiders”, e.g. garbage cans, laundry lines, flower boxes, postal boxes. The built environment can facilitate neighborly interac�on in simple and rela�vely passive, inexpensive ways. Orient housing to the street or a small number of front doors to each other. Place benches face to face or at right angles to facilitate interac�on. Always provide benches in front of interes�ng neighborhood gathering places such as pocket parks, bus stops, small stores, churches, schools, library, post office, restaurants, newsstands. Place permanent chess tables/seats in places frequented by children, teens and older adults. Provide sufficient privacy to enable people NOT to interact when this is also desirable. Provide adequate shielding from public spaces to enable a degree of personal and familial privacy.

Principle Two: An environment for growth, learning, autonomy :

Most older people are prepared to deal with diminished capacity as long as they can personally manage that process independently and with dignity. These challenges call for new learning and certain elements of acceptance. People want to manage as best they can. Old age can be a period of psychological, spiritual, and social growth in spite of physical decline. The environment should challenge people to stay as healthy and as strong as possible, while making available adequate supports in areas of limita�on. Supports should not become s�gmata, however. The best form of “managing” implies an ability to meet one’s needs through direct bodily access to services, or when such is not possible, being the recipient of services brought into the home.

The environment should provide natural inducements to physical and mental exercise.

The environment should encourage daily walking excursions. Small refrigerators and neighborhood markets induce regular trips to the grocery for fresh foods. Friendly clerks who expect your return create social obliga�ons to visit. Use of “general delivery” and post office boxes encourage daily trips to the post office. The environment should be totally accessible while s�ll being challenging. Sidewalks to cri�cal des�na�ons especially should be smooth and barrier-free. Ligh�ng should be keyed to cri�cal corners and low to the sidewalk. Stores should be small and friendly. Entryways should be barrier-free with doors which are not too heavy. Pedestrians must dominate over cars and bicycles along cri�cal pathways used by older adults and young children.

Principle Three: A posi�ve image of the environment:

Old people and young are able to ar�culate a clear image of neighborhood through verbal and visual expression. These images may have both posi�ve and nega�ve elements– an environment can be described from both direc�ons. In a healthy community, that image should be largely posi�ve. The natural environment should be beau�ful enough to ins�ll pride, joy, and peace among residents. It should include water, birds, bu�erflies, bugs, pets, and other natural elements in a flourishing circle which brings together persons of all ages. Flora can evoke memories of a valued past (peonies, lilies, lilacs, etc.). Trees should have character and be climbable. Pocket parks are preferable to wide green expanses. Avoid visual uniformity and promote diversity in the environment. Evoke wildness as well as stewardship of a tamed environment. Create an environment which uses sound to promote well being.


Facilitate way-finding in the interior and exterior environment. Provide sensory cues leading to significant des�na�ons— sound pa�erns, pennants, visual access to steeples, public symbols, kiosks, signage, linear parks, green walkways, corner features such as sculpture and benches. Create an environment in which every individual is part of the circle. Link people through reciprocal pa�erns of giving and receiving of services, food and kindneses. Promote the development of coopera�ves. Iden�fy and celebrate talents and contribu�ons of all ages. Appreciate the “characters” in the commu nity. Develop expecta�ons for members of the commons. Facilitate voluntarism and mentoring. Make food a central and preeminent feature of the environment. Develop policies that encourage and support gardening. Support small, dis�nc�ve and affordable restaurants. Support food events of all kinds. Encourage food stands in parks and on corners.

Principle Four: Diverse housing op�ons:

Provide housing which has some essen�al suppor�ve elements to enable aging in place. Service package might include easy access to meals or a meals program on site; access to public transporta�on or an escort service on site; op�onal housekeeping and access to affordable personal care services; all ameni�es on one level, especially laundry-living areas. Elevator for any facility above one story. Pre-adapted for accessibility—wired for emergency response, wide doorways, Provide housing op�ons which are affordable to persons with low and moderate incomes. Affordability is improved through access to public services such as transit, Title III meals, public arts and performances, municipal services, etc. Promote affordability through provision of common spaces which allow for smaller square footage per apartment in congregate senior housing. Coordinate planning with municipali�es to enable access to public funds for housing, including Low Income Housing Tax Credits, tax abatement, HOME, CDBG, Federal Home Loan Banking programs, etc. Promote mixed-use, mixed income congregate housing. Explore intergenera�onal housing op�ons . Promote development of nontradi�onal housing op�ons for seniors.Establish policies and programs to support development of group homes, shared housing, co-housing, housemate matchmaking, and accessory apartment. Flexible zoning can incen�vize new forms of housing and in fill development op�ons.

Principle Five: A community for all ages:

We have been struck �me and again by the desire of older adults to remain in touch with people of all ages. While many common interests cement rela�ons among the community of older adults, and places such as senior centers are valued as centers of such interest, there is a clear expression of desire to remain involved with the total community. Watching and hearing small children play, interac�ng with college students, even enjoying the some�mes wild styles of teens, are all values expressed by older adults in various ways. Sustain re�rees in downtown neighbourhoods and make the downtown a�rac�ve to further development of senior housing op�ons. Do not encourage the standard development of seniors only communi�es outside of the city’s core neighbourhoods. Rather, seek opportuni�es to develop senior housing in close proximity to public transit, retail services, health services, and tradi�onal age integrated neighbourhoods. Remove obstacles to the spontaneous interac�on of older and younger persons in the community. While specific programming for intergenera�onal interac�ons is worthwhile, the simple non-structured opportuni�es for interac�on are preferable. Create age-integrated spaces such as parks which offer ameni�es for all ages, from lawn bowls, to basketball, to tot lots.Promote development of intergenera�onal ac�vi�es and programs throughout the community.



Aqua�c exercise is effec�ve for anyone wan�ng to build lean muscle mass, increase strength, or heal from injury. It is also the ideal exercise medium for aging adults by helping them maintain their good health at a comfortable, func�onal level. Here’s why:Unloading the Joints: Exercise and therapy are far less painful in warm water than on land. Water provides low-impact, low-weight bearing exercise that allows the synovial fluid to bring nutrients to the joint surfaces and minimizes the risk of injury or undue stress on the joints. It reduces the foot-striking forces that so o�en “jar” muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones, lessening the burden on the body. “we use the HydroWorx underwater treadmill as a means to get them exercising. With the buoyancy of the water it’s extremely comfortable. Our older pa�ents can do exercises in the water that they cannot come close to doing on the land”. DRAYER PHYSICAL THERAPY, MECHANICSBURG, PA Travis Baughman, Clinic Director and Physical Therapist Aqua�c Exercise Reduces the Risk of Falls: Sta�s�cally, during a person’s mid-six�es, falling becomes a major concern. Studies show that one in three 65 year olds will fall annually. And the chance of falling rises propor�onally with age, reaching 50% by age 80. Falls are the leading cause of fatal injury in people over age 75 and are a serious concern, especially among re�rement communi�es. Aqua�c Exercise Can Help Osteoporosis Pa�ents: An es�mated 10 million individuals currently suffer from osteoporosis, with another 34 million at risk. Even bone density can be improved significantly with the use of aqua�c exercise. Many osteoporosis pa�ents avoid exercise because they fear injuring themselves. Aqua�c exercise provides a way to achieve the benefits of exercise without the risk of breaking a bone. qua�c Exercise is Enjoyable: Not many of us will s�ck with an exercise program that is painful and awkward. Exercise sessions — even for diligent seniors — must be enjoyable as well as beneficial. Exercises for Improved Outcomes: Below are some easy-to-implement aqua�c exercises for Osteoporosis which may be used with an underwater treadmill: Warm Up: This stage is integral to the overall success of any training session. Par�cipants should start from the bo�om of the body, working upward and include: -Heel-to-toe raises — This movement is important for forward propulsion when walking and helps prevent shuffling. -Side-to-side rocking — This helps engage the hips and legs and is essen�al for a posi�ve outcome on an underwater treadmill as it helps to prepare for weight shi�ing and side stepping pa�erns. -Trunk rota�on and posture press ups — Handrails work extremely well to assist with exercises that encourage upright posture and trunk movement. By lightly pressing down on the rails to extend the spine, par�cipants can perform exercises to engage the core muscles. Walking Workout: The intrinsic nature of water forces hydro-therapy par�cipants to consider more fully their posture, gait and speed. The following methods will insure a solid calorie burn: -Arm swing progressions — Par�cipants who ambulate with a walker typically do not swing their arms when walking. With the help of the buoyancy of water, par�cipants can gradually connect arm swing with walking again. -Level 2 arm swings — This is done by extending the arms through a greater range of mo�on against the natural resistance of the water. -Cross-shoulder swing — This provides a boost to the caloric “burn” of the underwater treadmill walking rou�ne. The mo�on of the cross-shoulder swing increases flexibility and strength. Range of Mo�on, Strength and Balance: At the core of concern for aging seniors is this trio &mdash all of which can be improved during the underwater treadmill workout: -Sit Back Hip Stretch — Holding onto the support bars for balance, an individual can “sit back” in the water, bending downward to stretch the upper legs and hip area. -Hip abduc�on — Important for balance and walking, this is a great exercise for preparing to side step on the treadmill.



Barrier Free Environment is one which enables people with disabili�es to move about safely and freely and to use the facili�es within the built environment. The goal of barrier free design is to provide an environment that supports the independent func�oning of individuals so that they can get to, and par�cipate without assistance, in every day ac�vi�es such as procurement of goods and services, community living, employment, and leisure. TYPES OF DISABILITIES Various, disabili�es which have been considered while preparing the guidelines for barrier free built environment are broadly classified under four categories 1. Non-Ambulatory : Impairments that, regardless of cause or manifesta�on, for all prac�cal purposes, confine individuals to wheel & chairs. 2. Semi-Ambulatory : Impairments that cause individuals to walk with difficulty or insecurity. Individual using braces or crutches, amputees, arthri�cs, spas�cs &those with pulmonary & cardiac ills may be semi-ambulatory. 3. Sight : Total blindness or impairments affec�ng sight to the extent that the individual func�oning in public areas is insecure or exposed to danger. 4. Hearing : Deafness or hearing handicaps that might make an individual insecure in public areas because he is unable to communicate or hear warning signals. Construc�on and Maintenance Standards SPECIAL NEEDS FOR THE PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES:With regard to the design guidelines the special needs of the persons with disabili�es for construc�on of built environment are as follows. A. NON-AMBULATORY DISABILITIES Persons restricted on wheel chair should use the facili�es within the built environment alone without a helper’s assistance. Wheelchair Users A wheelchair may be operated by the user alone or with a helper’s assistance. However, wheelchair design must assume that the user should be able to operate the wheelchair without help. The width and length of the wheel chair, its control and the diameter of the castersdecide the following: -Width of entrances and exists (clear 900mm) -Width of the passage / corridor (min. 900mm) -Slope of the climbing (min. ramp slope 1:12) -Passing over different levels and grooves (Gra�ng with narrow slots in the direc�on of movement and ---level difference to limit to 2cm or less) -Range of reach -Transfering from wheel chair (adequate space is required to transfer from wheel chair to toilet seat and bed. (Ref. details of toilet, and guest rooms) -Li� size -Toilet size B. SEMI-AMBULATORY DISABILITIES Persons with impaired walking Persons in this category who use walking aids such as crutches or canes, who are amputees, who have chest ailments or heart disease. The persons in this category include those who can not walk without a cane and those who have some trouble in their upper or lower limbs although they can walk unassisted. Design requirements - Width of passage for crutch users (min. 900 mm) - Finishes of floor surface with non slip floor material. - Installa�on of handrail to support the body weight at the cri�cal places e.g. staircase, toilet, ramp, passage with a change of level (800-850 mm). - Extension of handrail on the flat landing at the top and bo�om of the stairs (300mm). - To prevent slipping off the cane or crutch from the side of the stairs or ramps (20mm high lip on the exposed edge). -To prevent a cane or crutch �p from slipping off the side of the stairs or ramp, install a 20 mm high lip on the exposed edge. .


C. SIGHT DISABILITIES Persons with impaired vision Persons in this category are totally blind or with impaired vision. Visually impaired persons make use of other senses such as hearing or touch to compensate for the lack of vision. It is necessary to give instruc�ons accessible through the sense of touch(hands, fingers or legs).While walking with a white cane to spot their feet near the �p of the cane the persons may bump his or her head or shoulder against protruding objects .Persons with limited vision may be able to discriminate between dark and bright shades and difference in primary colors. Design requirements -Use of guiding blocks for persons with impaired vision to guide them within the buildings and facili�es and out side the building. (Refer details of guiding/warning blocks). - Installa�on of informa�on board in braille. - Installa�on of audible signages (announcements) -Removal of any protruding objects and sufficient walking space for safe walking. - For persons with limited vision use of contras�ng color arrangements. D. HEARING DISABILITIES Persons with impaired hearing Persons in this category are totally deaf or have difficulty in hearing. They are generally use their sight to gather informa�on in public places. Design requirements - Provision of informa�on board in an easily understandable manner. - Provision of illuminated signages, layout diagrams to help the persons easily reach the desired place. .


Bathroom Bathrooms for older people should be ample in size and planned for safety . Many of the elderly need assistance in the bathroom, so the room should be large enough to permit one person to help another. For a person in a wheelchair, the bathroom should be large enough that he can maneuver the chair, and the doorway must be 3 � wide .A minimum area of 35 to 40 sq � is acceptable but, because of the possibility that crutches or wheelchairs may need to be accommodated, 50 to 60 sq � is o�en recommended. All grab bars and hand holds should be of noncorrosive material, '/, to 1 in . in diameter, and mounted to withstand a pull of at least 500 lb . Towel racks and rods should also be strong and securely mounted because older people some�mes use them as grab bars to steady themselves . Glass towel rods should not be used .

Laundries -Laundries may have to be separated into ‘clean’ and ‘soiled’ ssec�ons, each with its own entry point. -On the soiled side,the floors,walls and surfaces of all installed equipment must be suitable for wet cleaning and disinfec�on. -Walkways between the soiled and clean areas should be designed as personal air lock systems with facili�es for hand disinfec�on and space for protec�ve clothing.

Shops -Shelf units in shops should not be higher than 1.8m and not lower than 0.3m above floor level. -A�en�on must be paid to circula�on routes and should begin at the trolley/basket pick-up and end at the check-outs. -The walls ,floors,counter tops and work surfaces shall be washable. -Suitable materials include marble,ceramic �les,glass d plas�cs.


Dining Hall Because kitchens are poten�ally as dangerous as bathrooms, equal care should be given to their layout and design. In loca�ng the kitchen in the plan, provide easy access to the outside and direct access to the dining space, which could be a por�on of the living room. In some plans ,space can be provided in the kitchens for dining. In some cases ,an addi�onal 20 to 40 sq � are necessary -To able to eat comfortably,one person requires a table area of around 60cm wide by 40cm deep.This provides sufficient clearance between adjacent diners. -Round tables or tables with six or eight sides,with a diameter of 90-120 cm are ideal for four people and can also take one or two more diners. -Round table requires somewhat more floor area. -The kitchen,store rooms,delivery points,toilets and other service areas should be grouped around the dining room,although toilets can be on another floor. -Ceiling height should be 3m or more for floor area 100Sqm or more.


Health Center -Circula�on:entrance and circula�on within the building must consider wheelchair users,parents with small children and people with disabili�es. -Effec�ve zoning is required: public zone,clinical zone and staff zone. -Privacy and confiden�ality are important,espically at the recep�on desk and clinical rooms during consultaions and treatments. -Flexibility and growth should be catered for flexibility in the user of some spaces,and poten�al for future extension of building.





An Elder-Friendly Community

Name:Prachi Sugandhi Roll No:12041AA062

SOCIAL COMPLEX IN ALCABIDECHE Architects: Guedes Cruz Arquitectos Loca�on: Alcabideche, Portugal Architects in Charge: José Guedes Cruz, César Marques, Marco Mar�nez Marinho Area: 9956.0 sqm Project Year: 2012 Portugal is not a Mediterranean country, but the fact that it has been conquered by people from the south, Romans and Arabs, has le� us with a southern culture and life style, where there is a balance between privacy and life in society. The Alcabideche Social Complex is a housing complex promoted by the Fundação Social do Quadro Bancário (Social Founda�on for the Banking Sector), of high quality in terms of construc�on and landscape, which aims to help to fill a gap in the elderly support system. Located in the metropolitan area of Lisbon, next to what was a clandes�ne urban area and rural fields, with a total construc�on area of approximately 10.000 m2, the Social Complex of Alcabideche aims to recons�tute a Mediterranean life style in which the outdoor spaces of streets, plazas and gardens are like an extension of the house itself. This project, concluded in 2012, using a regular layout with a modula�on of 7.5m, supports an edified structure of 52 houses and a support building.

The translucid roofs light up at the end of the day in groups of 10, alternately, over the area of the complex, subtly and evenly ligh�ng up streets, plazas and gardens. A calm but cheerful atmosphere is created that allows users to circulate at night among the different levels and spaces of the complex without worries or constraints. The roofs of the housing units also have other func�ons. In the event of an emergency, users can ac�vate an alarm that alerts the control sta�on located in the central building and the box-shaped roof’s light changes from white to red. Lastly the environmental balance inside the houses is due to the white box of the roof’s ability to reflect light and the thermal efficiency of the cushion of air created between the roof and the habitable area on the base of exposed concrete. The concern to recycle natural resources was also reflected in the use of water from a groundwater source, which appeared when the founda�ons were being dug, for irriga�ng the green areas and washing the roads and pavements, thereby also helping to reduce the cost of running the complex


Site Plan







MONCONSEIL RETIREMENT HOME Architects: Atelier Zundel & Cristea Loca�on: Tours, France Area: 4500.0 sqm Project Year: 2010

This re�rement home is being built in Monconseil’s Urban Development Zone (ZAC in France), in the northern suburbs of the city of Tours, where this building will be one of the first footprints in the area. The project, which consists of 81 beds spread across three units, was defined from the beginning by specifica�ons that sought to take up and organize an ideal amount of the site’s surfaces. Respec�ng these specifica�ons to the le�er would have led us to a ground floor organiza�on around internal courtyards spread over the en�rety of the site.

To try and reconcile these demands with the ZAC regula�ons the area was subject to, we proposed a compromise. The result of which is a building in the shape of a “U”, composed of three parts. Its main body, made up of three floors, extends out to the alignments required at the southern and eastern boundaries. Its upstairs floors contain the two units for tradi�onal accommoda�on, while its ground floor contains communal living areas. It is par�ally built upon s�lts, at the corner of two streets, so as to free up, on the ground floor, an entrance area for the public. The second body of the building, made up of a ground floor only, extends to the western boundary, where alignment was also required. It houses all the technical premises, along with the central kitchen, and is extended by a service courtyard. A third and last body, less restricted by requirements of alignment, unfolds in a single, ground floor to house the Alzheimer units, and contains secure gardens, being set back in rela�on to the street. On the ground floor overlooking the street secondary premises can be found. The rooms on all upstairs floors are protected by a set back (Alzheimer unit). DESIGN FEATURES: -All communal living spaces are placed facing the large internal courtyard. -The corridors are naturally lit lanes every 4-5rooms. -End compose a veritable avenue, where events take place within the generous amounts of natural light, and where there are comfortable views of the garden. - Each view toward the outside crea�ng a small lounge conducive for mee�ngs. -Handrails along the corridor. -Signages , audible signages -Use of colour theory-Contrast colour arrangements for doors. - The facade is composed of prefabricated concrete, over which we applied a plant pa�ern, in order to produce a vibra�on in the surface.


communal living areas alzhemer units central kitchen

ITS MAIN BODY-Ground floor contains communal living areas -Upstairs floor contains tradi�onal accomoda�on Par�ally built upon s�lts,so as to free up,an entrance area for the public. THE SECOND BODY-Technical premises -Central kitchen -Extended by a service courtyard THE THIRD BODY-Houses the alzhemer units -Secure gardens




Aim Of Study

Suvidha Re�rement Village, Nice Ring Road,Bnagalore.

-To study the concept of Suvidha Re�rement Village -To study the village on site level

-To study the requirements and zoning of the village -To study the circula�on on site -To study about independent living and assisted living facili�es -To study the recrea�onal spaces and health facili�es on site -To study the sustainable elements on site

-To study the concept of Smiles -To interact and understand their feelings-physical and mental state -To study about various facili�es and services required for the living

-To study the requirements of senior ci�zens -To study their interests -To study about assisted living facili�es and comprehnsive housing -To study the recrea�onal spaces

-To study the concept of Primus Eden -To study how recrea�onal and landscaped spaces help the senior ci�zens improve their health physically and also mentally

-To study the various types recrea�onal and landscape elements required for senior ci�zens -To study about user friendly gymnasium

Site Area:30 Acres Co�ages:200

Smiles,Senior Ci�zen Living, Medchal,Hyderabad. Site Area:2633.6 Sq M Rooms:30

Mantri Primus Eden, Kanakapura Road, Bangalore. Site Area:4.5 Acres Rooms:75

An Elder-Friendly Community

Study Aspects

Name:Prachi Sugandhi Roll No:12041AA062

SUVIDHA RETIREMENT VILLAGE Architects: Jaisim-Fountainhead Loca�on: Nice Ring Road,Bangalore Area: 30 Acres Project Year: 2004

Way to Suvidha 18 KM

Site-Suvidha Re�rement Village Forest land Waterbody

The genesis of the concept was the good doctors recognising that many of their elderly pa�ents who seemed to have no par�cular physical ailments did suffer from the "empty nest" syndrome -- almost all of them had children who had moved away to other countries / ci�es. And, with the joint-family system not a feature of urban living any more, the effects of that syndrome had become even more acute. Hence, the doctors decided to set up what is, arguably, the first assisted living facility of its kind in the country. The SUVIDHA Re�rement Village has been set up by Sushruta Vishranthi Dhama Ltd. This quite unique "assisted living" facility was conceived by a few doctors of the Bangalore Hospital, which is situated at the South End Circle, Jayanagar, Bangalore. This is one of the reasons why nearly 70% of the investors in the Company are from the medical profession. The Bangalore Hospital, established over 20 years ago, was Bangalore's first mul�-disciplinary hospital in the private sector apart from those run by religious ins�tu�ons. As the Village is in the Green Belt outside Bangalore, it is subject to the rules governing any non-agricultural ac�vity in the Belt, which are: •Land cannot be parcelled and sold. •Construc�on must be restricted on only 20% of the total land available. •No structure can be higher than ground+1 floors. •No geological features like large rocks etc can be touched. 'Let NATURE be the RELEVANCE of man.' - Ar. Jaisim



Suv Wa y To

Vakil Garden City Yashaswi Interna�onal School

idh a

Vajramuneshwara Temple



Thalagha�apura Village


Site Area:30 Acres Builtup Area:23.3%

Suvidha Re�rement Village is a 30 Acres village located in green belt of Bangalore and is a contoured land.The co�ages are planned according to the contours. The club house is located near the entrance and the co�ages are spread all over the site.If one has to come to the club house for any par�cular ac�vity,the distances restricts them to do so.Thus,they are provided with buggy services.This way the scope of interac�on amoung the residents has decreased. Drawback of the site is that due to high contours it becomes difficult for the old aged to access. Suvidha with 180 co�ages boasts of all modern day amene�es. Set up amidst lush greenery with a 3 acre water body, suvidha has peacful walkways, a medita�on centre, gymnasium, etc. One can go for walks or simply soak in the sun.Sports enthusiasts can make op�mum use of the badminton court and the indoor games facili�es like chess, carrom, table tennis, etc. You can even spend �me reading books or newspaper in the library or catch up with your favourite matches or programs on TV along with other residents in the lounge area. Hang out with other re�red persons on occasion of events and par�es at the community centre.

Water Body

Assisted Living Facili�es: Physical comfort Safety Shoping trips Transporta�on Housekeeping Kitchen Other Facili�es: Club house Cafeteria Gymnasium Library Home delivery Beauty parlour Auditorium 24/7 security Buggy service


Medical Services: Rou�ne checks-BP,sugar Primary health care centre Pulse oximeter Oxygen concentrator Heart start monitor Opera�on theatre(minor surgery)

Club House



1st Qtr

1st Qtr

2nd Qtr

2nd Qtr

Primary Health Care Centre

3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

Waterbody (4.4%)

Co�ages (86.2%)

Open Space (95.6%)

Primary Health Care (1.35%) Club House (8.23%) Sevices-Laundary,Kitchen,Stores etc (4.11%)


Buggy Service

Co�ages Phase A:The Village consists of single dwelling units. Each single unit measures 925 sq.�. and the general configura�on of each of these units is one living-cum-dining-cum kitchene�e + one bed room with an a�ached bathroom + one extra room (which can be used as a smaller bed room or kitchen or study + a bathroom across the entrance lobby and with verandahs on two sides. Phase 1A:This phase consists of single and double dwelling units.Single unit measures 999Sq � and double unit measures 1998 Sq�.

North Facing-Towards the street(Entrance)

South Facing-Lake view(Balcony)

Living Room

Lake view

Cross ven�la�on


-Glass Blocks:Natural light,easily helps to keep the toilet dry -Guide Rails:User friendly

Ar. Jaisim Philosophy in STONE “STONES SING-IS ALL OF LIFE AND MUSIC.AS FAR AS THE MIND IS CONCERNED BOTH HAVE ALWAYS BEEN THERE.EONS HAVE COME AND GONE,MANY MORE WILL COME,YET EACH STONE IS AN INDIVIDUAL.NOT ONE BEFORE OR AFTER SHALL BE THE SAME.THERE HAS NEVER BEEN AND NEVER SHALL BE TWO STONES THAT ARE THE SAME.” COTTAGE 126,SUVIDHA: “Sincerity to the space with content and context.”-Ar. Jaisim Co�age 126,is a co�age of Ar.Jaisim.The co�age looks like a tree house which is an element of surprise in the village.There is a dras�c change in the materials used for this co�age when compared to the other co�ages.The ground is coated with terraco�a �les and sand.While the false ceiling is made up of series of inverted basket painted with white coa�ng. Small trees and stones act as an element of landscape.In the s�lt,there is a semi-open sit out space which is the coolest and most rexaleing place in the village.The general configera�on of the co�age is workspace, study,lounge,kitchen and bedroom. The materials used in this co�age are brick,clay,teraco�a,stone,wood and glass.These materials are locally available and play a major role in maintaining the temperature of the co�age.The co�age has 2 turbine ven�lators that keeps the co�age well ven�lated. Sustainable elements: -Conserva�on of natural elements on site -Honesty to space and materials -Energy Efficiency -Building Materials and Resources -Indoor Environmental Quality -Reuse and recycle

S�lt Level-Semi open sit-out The coolest and most relaxed place in the village

Allows maximum sunlight into Workspace,Study,Lounge

Play with the suns rays, LIGHT AND SHADOW, Stairs from up to down

West Eleva�on Looks like a paradise in a forest

Materials used are brick,clay,terraco�a, stone,wood. South Eleva�on-Looks like a tree house and symbolises an element of surprise in the village



Landscaping: Suvidha has extensive landscaped areas, about 10 acres - both around co�ages and common areas. There are over 3000 trees planted in Suvidha and every year there is a tree plan�ng programme to add to the tree popula�on in Suvidha. A plant nursery set up about 18 months ago caters to the landscaping needs and replenishment of plants due to mortality. An eco friendly waste Management system was set up about an year ago which takes care of both Kitchen & Garden waste. 3000 Varie�es of shrubs and trees

An organic kitchen garden was set up, the produce from this is used in the kitchen. Primary Health Care Centre Suitably furnished Health Centre located in the “dormitory” block near the Club House has been func�oning. It is equipped for both primary & emergency health care with a Pulse Oximeter, an Oxygen Concentrator, a Heartstart Monitor/ Defibrillator, etc.

There is also a small opera�ng theatre for minor surgical procedures. A senior nurse is posted in the Health Centre from 10am to 5pm for any injec�ons, dressings etc., and one of the permanent residents is the doctor on the premises. Primary Heath Care Centre(North Facade) The primary health care centre consists of a lounge,dining,doctor’s cabin,3 private rooms,a small opea�on theatre and services like kitchene�e and store room.The major loophole is that it has only one entrance which makes it tough for the workers to perform its du�es like dumping the waste collected in opera�ng the centre. Area:340 SqM

Wai�ng Area-Non skid flooring

Adjustable bed according to their comfort

Doctor’s Cabin

Lake view

Primary health care centre Plan(Zoning)

Legend Wai�ng lounge,Dining Doctor’s cabin,bed room+toilet Opera�on theatre Service-kitchene�e,store

Opera�on Theatre for minor opera�ons



Architects: AAB Associates Loca�on: Jayadarsini Township,Medchal,Hyderabad Area: 2633.6 Sq m Project Year: 2012

Smiles,Senior Ci�zen Home

Way to Smiles 37 KM

Loca�on Map-City -Smiles is located 37km from the center of the city -Far away from hustle bustle of the city life

Loca�on Map-Surroundings Smiles-Site -In Jayadarsini Township presently barren land -A waterbody located at the east side of the building

Introduc�on:SMILES An old age home in hyderabad which is a very young organiza�on housing modern ameni�es and age old yoga and medita�on for the aged who rightly deserve to live the rest of their lives in happiness and pride. The old age homes in hyderabad are a boon for the parents who want to be independent and want to spend their silver years peacefully. Loca�on:Housed at Jayadarsini Township, Medchal, 26 km from Secunderabad, SMILES acts as a home for 55 years and above who desire to live in peaceful and secured ambiance a�er re�rement. The calm, serene and pollu�on-free atmosphere of SMILES provides a lively environment. The residents can live a happy and blessed life with confidence and independence. Concept: “HOME AWAY FROM HOME” while facilita�ng an ac�ve life with necessary facili�es and posi�ve approach. Celebrate a life free from du�es and responsibili�es. We hope to remove fear and worries from the mind of children who live thousands of mile away from their parents by providing a secured and caring environment for their elderly progenitors.

It intends to depict a feeling of warmth, comfort and trust. It plans to ins�gate a feeling of hope into the lives of elderly. Eradicate insecurity and loneliness from your life through a new concept of living.


kole R oad

Smiles- of all the old age home in hyderabad boasts of a vast premise has a medita�on hall, an amphi theater, rooms with T.V., telephones, wi-fi connec�vity to chat with their loved ones and be in touch with every day happenings, etc.

Jayadarsini Townshop

An idol of Budha symbolising joy

NH 7


Route Map Venkateshwara Swamy Smiles Devasthanam

Waterbody located at the east is an eye pleasing view for the residents from their balcony




Narne Golden Heights

Smiles , Senior Ci�zen Living located in Jayadarshani Township Medchal 37 km away from the city is the major drawback for the residents. It has become difficult for the users to access and connect tothe world as they feel isolated. The site is 2633.6 sqm in area and has a posi�ve and welcoming environment. Central courtyard creates a pleasing environment and helps the residents to exchange talks with each other. The stage and amphitheatre and heart of the house where all cultural and social ac�vi�es take place with a tree in the centre spreading energy. At the entrance there is a mural of tree, monkey and laughing buddha which as eye pleasing and interes�ng in its own way. Materials used for facade are bamboo, wood and glass which acts like a play of light and shadow. In theliving/house the residents share a strong bond due to its strict ans �me to �memanagement/ planning and compact spaces and also the ac�vi�es and programs that take place in the house. The corridor is 8m wide non skid �le flooring and guide rails on both the sides. A central courtyard on one side helps the residents to connect to nature and bringsposi�vity in their daily life. The wall of rooms are painted based on the colour theory. Bright colours like orange, green , yellow are used. Toilets are user friendly with garb bars installed near WC and shower and non skid flooring.


1st Qtr 2nd Qtr

Open Space (60%) Ground Cover (40%)

Stage and Amphitheatre are heart of the house where all cultural and social ac�vi�es take place with a tree in the centre spreading energy.

40'-0" W I D E R O A D


Service Block

Entrance Gate Slight ramp(for rain water flow)



Ramped entrance with hand rails and Non skid floor �les



Fish Pond

Landscaped Area,Fish Pond

Open Air Theatre

Facili�es & Ameni�es -Away from the hustle-bustle and pollu�on of the city. -Housed in a calm and secure Township.A quite, clean and zero noise environment. -Venkateshwara Swamy Devasthanam at a walking distance. -Regular basic medical check-up and referral services. -Yoga, fitness programmes and health camps. -Emergency response system with intercom facility. -Social Ac�vi�es, celebra�ng birthdays, special days, religious fes�vals. -Talks and interac�ve sessions on topics of interest. -Game Lounge- Card , Chess, Carom and other indoor games. -Library cum reading lounge. -Amphi Theater -Special performances by Ar�sts, Musicians on selec�ve occasions. -A hygienically run kitchen with delicious & nutri�ous food. -Guest room facili�es for rela�ves and visitors. -Toilets with an� skid flooring with grab bars.Low level Panic Switch in Bed and Bathroom -Cable Television connec�on in every room -24 hours Generator backup.Premises secured with solar fencing -Low level Panic Switch in Bed and Bathroom

A semi-open passage that links the building block and dining hall

Bubble Diagram

Spacious and well furnished Dining Hall

A board near dining hall sta�ng theac�vi�es and programmes taking place


Ground Floor Plan


Lounge and Library

There is art piece and mural welcoming you at the entrance

Doctor’s Cabin


3m wide corridor with grab rails placed on both the sides makes it user friendly




Every room has an a�ached balcony



First Floor Plan



Second Floor Plan

Lounge and Library


Doctor’s Cabin



Name Office Lounge and Library Doctor’s Cabin Dining Room Gymnasium Staff Room Store Services Toilet

3.05M 3.05M












1st Qtr Office (0.8%) 2nd Qtr Lounge and Library (2.2%) 3rd Qtr Cabin (0.06%) Doctor’s 4th Qtr(3.9%) Dining 5th (79.89) Room 6th Gymnasium (2.3%) Staff 7th Room (0.73%) Store 8th (1.60%) Services (4.16%) 9th Toilet (2.5%)


Sec�on AA’




Area – sq.m 14.00 35.82 (0.65) 11.34 63.81 (1.1) 36.75 (18.37) 37.35 (0.67) 12.66 25.84 67.04 14.25 (4 pesons)




Comprehensive housing service is available to all residents throughout their life at SMILES. Applicants have a free choice of any of the following type of housing accommoda�on, subject to the availability of rooms.

R00M 4.27MX4.86M

Single Room Double Room – two habitants sharing The rooms include facili�es like a�ached toilet with an�-skid flooring, shelf space for bath linen, grab bars, geyser, wash basin, mirror accessories, television, single/double cot, one wri�ng table with space for computer/pantry, shoe rack, telephone, puja alcove, wardrobes, lawn sit out for ground floor rooms, balcony sit out for first floor rooms, a�ached air condi�oner unit at extra cost.

D2 TOILET 1.82MX2.93M





Other Ac�vi�es Monthly ou�ngs to city Involvement in Goshala Involvement in Temple services Periodic Visit to Religious places Farming Birthday / Anniversary Celebra�ons Weekly Film Screening Periodic Satsangs Communi�es development in nearby villages Indoor / Outdoor Games.

East Side Eleva�on


MANTRI’S PRIMUS EDEN,LUXURIOUS SENIOR LIVING Architects: Adarsh Narahari,Mantri Developers Loca�on: Kanakapura Road,Bnagalore Area: 4.5 Acres Project Year: 2014

Loca�on Map-City -Primus Eden is located 30.2km from the city. -In the midst of serene surroundings.

Surroundings:The site is located in a village and surrounded by farm lands and small houses. The main entrance is on the main road facing towards east. Drawback of the loca�on is that the site is very far from the city and is situated near the Na�onal Highway.

Concept: A luxurious senior living project, promises to be a haven for seniors in their re�red life ensuring their physical and mental well-being. A resort style facility in the midst of serene surroundings, in the company of like-minded people and without the worries of mundane chores like cleaning the house, cooking, laundry etc. Mantri Developers feature among South India’s leading real estate developers and Primus Eden marks their foray into senior living. A pet project of Adarsh Narahari, Managing Director of Mantri Primus Lifespaces, Primus Eden is meant to be first in the series as the company has plans to cover the en�re spectrum of senior living, including assisted living and nursing care. “Inspired by seniors in the family I went to US to study the senior living models there. Primus Eden is a result of the best prac�ces learned there and is first of its kind in India”, says Narahari. Based on luxury senior living concept, homes at Mantri Primus Eden are fully furnished, ready to move-in and are meant for ac�ve seniors over the age of 55. Spread over 4.5 acres the project has 75 fully furnished units that are available on long term lease. The project is designed keeping in mind the impera�veness of physical and mental well-being of seniors.



Service Block 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr

Main Building Drop Off Point Open Area (88%) Ground Cover (12%) Legend Temple Swimming Pool

Spa and Massage Centre Health Centre

Badminton Pu�ng Green Court Front Court Reflexology Walkway Herbal Garden

Security Point


Medita�on Hall

Staff Quaters Services Lilly Pond Medita�on Hall Herbal Garden Stepping Stones Walkway Lawn Mound Gardening Hobby Corner Reflexology Walkway

Main Building Entrance Porch Front Garden Outdoor Badminton Court Shuffle Court Tree Seats Pu�ng Green

Walkway Parking

Spa and Massage Centre Swimming Pool Health Centre Medical Centre Temple Complex


Landscape Plan



Type of Services -Billing -Ticke�ng -Post -Bank -Courier -Mobile & telephone -Insurance -Government services

List of Services -Home Finesse Specially trained Skilled man power -Guest service staff -Common area cleaning and maintenance -Electrical, plumbing and other preven�ve maintenance services -Landscape maintenance -Pest control


Temple The Ganesh Temple near the garden at the entrance a�racts the residents towards it with its tradi�onal designs and minute carvings. It is one of the most peaceful and posi�ve areas of the re�rement home and as aged people prefer spending a lot of �me praying it acts like a mode of comfort to them.

Medita�on Centre The structural design of a pyramid consists of three-dimensional triangles,with large faces with an accurate or inclina�on. Due to its sharp and angle the structure gets aligned perfectly to the earth’s magne�c field there by making it the greatest reveiver and transmi�er of cosmic energy. Pyra means ‘fire’ or energy and amid means centre’ or within.Hence,pyramis is a device with energy at its centre.This is the reason for thir being the storehouse of energy drawn from the universe The medita�on centre is surrounded by a waterbody and lotus plants all around.The medita�on centre was well designed to provide natural ligh�ng and ven�la�on.

The beau�fully planned garden is fullof shrubs, tropical fruit trees along withpathways , terraco�a �les, stone benches , street lights and a garden bridge. The lotus pond enchances the pleasing nature. The gazebo adds to the look of a village. A lot of monkeys also reside in the garden.

Coconut Tree Mango Tree Street Light Gazebo Garden Bridge Lotus Pond Monkey Pathway Terraco�a Tiles Stone Benches Shrubs


Hobby Garden Most elders feel a�ached and responsible towards the nature and they like todo gardening even to pass their �me. They grow tropical fruit trees and plants for the re�rement home and enjoy the pleasure of plucking the fruits and having them all by themselves. Loacted at the backyard of the main buildingGardening enthusiasts across the world feel truly blissful and enchanted while growing flowers, plants and vegetables in their backyard. Reflexology Walkway Reflexology is the applica�on of appropriate pressure to specific points and areas on the feet, hands, or ears. Reflexologists believe that these areas and reflex points correspond to different body organs and systems, and that pressing them has a beneficial effect on the organs and person's general health. For example, reflexology holds that a specific spot in the arch of the foot corresponds to the bladder point. When a reflexology prac��oner uses thumbs or fingers to apply appropriate pressure to this area, it affects bladder func�oning. A “Reflexology Foot Path” is a path designed to massage and s�mulate acupressure points on the soles of the feet, which are connected to various energy meridians of the body. To create the reflexology foot path, so� and smooth river rocks (or cobblestone) are placed in the path to s�mulate neurological reflex zones on the foot to createhealth and well-being. The s�mula�on of the reflex zones may ini�ally create pain and soreness. In fact, that depends on how healthy you are. Li�le children can run on such path with li�le or no pain at all. Swimming Pool -Hydro Therapy: Hydrotherapy is controlled aqua�c exercise in heated sani�zed water. Any treatment in water. It’s par�cular value comes about because of the effects of the warmth and pressure of the water and par�cularly the buoyancy provided. Some of the main benefits are: Non weight bearing exercise Relief from pain, swelling and s�ffness Promo�on of relaxa�on Joint mobilisa�on Cardiovascular fitness (heart and lungs) Muscle strengthening, maintenance & restora�on Increase in range of mo�on of affected joints Improved circula�on -Maximum depth of a swimming pool for 50+ shall be 4’ - 5’. -Spa and Massage Centre -Steam Bath was also provided in spa and massage centre


Golf Court A golf course is the grounds where the game of golf is played. It comprises a series of holes, each consis�ng of a teeing ground, a fairway, the rough and other hazards, and a green with a flags�ck ("pin") and hole ("cup"). Pu�ng Green is a a smooth area of short grass surrounding a hole, either as part of a golf course or as a separate area for pu�ng. Golf course features: 1 = teeing ground 2 = water hazard 3 = rough 4 = out of bounds 5 = bunker 6 = water hazard 7 = fairway 8 = pu�ng green 9 = pin 10 = hole

Shuffleboard Shuffleboard, more precisely deck shuffleboard, and also known as floor shuffleboard, is a game in which players use cues to push weighted discs, sending them gliding down a narrow and elongated court, with the purpose of having them come to rest within a marked scoring area.

Fitness Centre Exercise is a cri�cal part of a healthy lifestyle, and it can be a part of your life no ma�er what your age. In fact, staying ac�ve becomes increasingly important as you get older. Even frail seniors of advanced age can improve muscle strength and agility with exercise, which is important for preven�ng falls and injuries. Fitness Centre has exercise equipment for the purpose of physical exercise specially designed for seniors. Specially designed equipment through hydro pneuma�c system which is very good for arthri�s. There was adequate amount of natural light due to many number of windows. Material:Wooden flooring,glass wall on on side. Health Centre The elderly are more prone to certain health problems than other age groups. A health centre in re�rement community is a must.The common facili�es provided are -Recep�on -3 beds (Hospital beds) -Doctors:physotherapy,general -4 nurses -One ambulance The health centre is provided with centralised air condi�oning. Each bed is is provided with curtains for privacy. Light colours are used in the health centre.


Life Enrichment Center Life enrichment is making sure that seniors have the best quality of life throughout their golden years. It’s keeping them part of a bigger picture. Life Enrichment Center





Materials used are floor �les,laminates for wall and also wood. Drawback:No acous�cal materials are used. Due to large size windows there is excess light which is not needed. The center is situated on the terrace which makes it inconvenient for the residents to acess on daily bases. Life enrichment center could be more ac�ve if situated on ground floor. Library Reading is an age old hobby of the senior ci�zens and this re�rement community a well furnished library.The library is managed in associa�on with JustBooks. They have both formal and informal sea�ng. Excess amount of natural light and also ar�fical light not on the walls but on the ceiling. Materials used are wooden flooring and wooden shelves. Library is situated on the ground floor and is one of the most ac�ve place in the community. Indoor Games Indoor games keeps the residents happy and ac�ve. The space is properly planned with adequate amount of ar�ficial ligh�ng and a luxurious set up with the use of materials,main�ngs,laminates etc. Following are the games provided Pool Table Tennis Chess Caroms Cards Dining The dining hall is well furnished, user friendly and luxurious. They akso have a beer taste bar area and a private dining area for special occassions like birthday’s or anniversary’s. Interes�ng pain�ngs areinstalled on the walls. Well planned nutri�on diet is maintained by the chef. LED lights are installed incase of ar�ficial ligh�ng. Materials used are laminates,wood etc


Life Enrichment Centre In house events team selects and organises experiences daily,handpicked from over 42 unique ac�vi�es -Games,movies,hobby workshops,language classes,laughter therapy and more.So one wakes up looking forward to learning somethingnew everyday.



Case Study Aspects

Case Study 1 Suvidha Retirement Village


Site Proximity

18km from Bangalore (from center of the city)


Architectural Planning


Form Generation


User Circulation


Horizontal/Vertical Zoning

Case Study 1 Smiles 37km from Hyderabad (from center of the city)

Site level planning according to contours

Simple and linear planning

Linear roads with rectangle shape cottages

Rectangle shape building with a central courtyard

Cottages are spread all over the site which makes it difficult for the residents to access freely from one point to the other

Free flow of the users

Inference There shall be a hospial at 5km proximity Spaces should be simple with easy circulation and access. Each space shall have its own identity Simple forms are perferable for elders to access freely

Circulation shall have easy access and shall be user friendly

Horizontal circulation Vertical circulation

only horizontal circulation

Vertical circulation shall be restricted

10 Acres of landscape both around cottages and common areas





Boards near streets,club house,primary health care center,waterbody,cottages etc

No signages

Direction boards shall be provided wherever necessary


Spatial Planning

Club House is located near the entrance and cottages are located all around the site

All the spaces are located around central courtyard

The planning shall be done according to the Noise, privacy levels and accessibility


Day lighting

Skylights is club house Ever cottage has a balcony and sliding door Toilet has glass blocks

1 window of size 1.8*1.5m . The rooms use less of artificial light.

The room shall be well ventilated with less use of artificial lighting

Central green courtyard

Sensory garden ,hobby garden shall be provided to improve the residents physical and mental condition.

The cottages are fully bright with dat lighting 10

Materials and construction techniques

RCC structure (stilts) Locally available and sustainable materials Low cost and maintenance free

RCC framed structure


Facade/coloir theory

Same facade is used for all the cottages

Colour theory is used on the walls of the rooms


Materials should be chosen on: Availability Low cost and maintenance sustainability,aesthetics Simplicity is the best choice for old aged common facade and colour theory shall be used

Standards Location -

Total site area


Administration Lounge Help desk Director’s office General office Conference room

Corridor Width

Case Study 1 Smiles

Nice Ring Road, 18km from Bangalore

Medchal, 37km from Hyderabad

There shall be a hospial at 5km proximity

Jayadarshini Township

Residential or farm land

30 Acres

2633.6 Sqm

200 Cottages

35 Rooms

20% Built up 80% Open space To create a serene environment

100 cares 3540 Sqm

Not provided

Sufficient parking spaces shall be provided

16.2 Sqm 12 Sqm 12 Sqm 12 Sqm 14 Sqm

18 Sqm 14 Sqm Not provided Not provided Not provided

Administration block shall be near the entrance A double height entrance is preferred

Farm Land



Case Study 1 Suvidha Retirement Village


Min- 8sqm/car Min- 3sqm/bike

1.25/person 14 Sqm 12 Sqm 14 Sqm 14 Sqm

1.5 M

1.2 M



The corridor width of 1.5mshall be provided

Dining Kitchen

1.80/person 0.50/person

58.6 Sqm

63.81 Sqm

A common dining hall shall be provided for the residents Located near housing area



12 Sqm

18 Sqm

Shall be furnished with both formal and informal seating Located in a calm surrounding

240 Sqm

37.3 Sqm

12 Sqm 8 Sqm 16 Sqm

11.3 Sqm Not provided Not provided

Design to create a healthy environment and waste management Shall have two entries

85 Sqm Not provided 20 sqm

Not provided 36 Sqm Not proved

Independent,assisted and skilled nursing living with user friendly access and facilities shall be provided

Fitness Center

PHC Doctor’s cabin Private beds Operation theatre

Housing Independent cottages Assisted Living Skilled Nursing Living

14 Sqm 20-30 Sqm 20 Sqm

85 Sqm 20 Sqm 20 Sqm


User friendly spaces and equipments shall be provided Informal seating shall pe provided for the residents to rest

Interest in living in a senior/Re�rementSales Community

1st Qtr 2nd Qtr


Sales Living Arrangements

Interest in living in a Sales senior/Re�rement Community



1st their Qtr son (59%) Live with

1st Qtr 2nd Qtr

2nd Qtr Widows (13.6%)


3rd Qtr

Presently live with 4th(9.09%) Qtr their son 59%

Preference for living in the city

Preffered ac�vites for Senior/Re�rement Commun�y

70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20%


tur Socia al a l an c�v d i�e Tra s vel ing Soc i a (Te l Se ach rv ing ice )

ng Ga rde nin g

S�t chi

oki ng Co


dit a� on


Pu ja


mo W vie atch scr i een ng tv ing Re adi ng


Survey done by me


Live with their spouses (18.1%)


An Elder-Friendly Community

Name:Prachi Sugandhi Roll No:12041AA062

Self Sustaining Con�nuing Care Re�rement Community • Aging-in-place, including universal design features; • Responding to the site and local condi�ons, including climate, culture, and vernacular style; • Green/sustainable design features; • Connec�on to nature, including profuse dayligh�ng; • Connec�on to the greater community, including access to exis�ng services/ameni�es; • Promo�ng sense of community between residents, including clusters of residences and shared commons; • Housing alterna�ves, e.g. cohousing and Green Houses®; • Intergenera�onal developments; • Home-like/non-ins�tu�onal environments; • Offering daily choice through extensive ameni�es (e.g. mul�ple dining venues); • Sharing ameni�es and hos�ng programs for the greater community; • Technology and physical environments that support staff; • Providing a hospitality experience; • Holis�c wellness; • Providing a welcoming, dis�nc�ve entrance; • New image/feel to improve market appeal, including the entry experience; • A focus on affordability; • Flexibility/adaptability for the future. Master Plan: 1-Parking 2-Medita�on Center 3-Administra�on Block 4-Dining Hall 5-Community Center 6-Health Center 7-Housing a)Independent Living-50 Co�ages b)Assisted Living-50 Rooms 8-Commercial shops 9-Guest House 10-Staff’s Housing 11-Services

Landscape 1-Community Garden 2-Herbal Garden 3-Farming 4-Hobby Garden 5-Reflexology Walkway 6-Mini golf court 7-Swimming Pool 8-Spa and massage center 9-Badminton Court 10-Other Landscape elements Area Built Up Area: 10,112 Sqm/2.5 Acres Circula�on Area: 4045 Sqm/1 Acres (40% of built up area) Built Up Area:14,157 Sqm/3.5 Acres Farm Area:12,135 Sqm/3 Acres Rock Conserve Area:8,090 Sqm/ 2 Acres Total Site Area:71,400 Sqm/17.6 Acres


Types of housing in Re�rement Homes: Facility


In my Community

Independent Houses

Co�ages 1bhk 2bhk


Studio 1bhk 2 bhk


1 bed room



Number of Housing Units Analysis S.No Name


Housing Type

Total No.

Occupany Status


Desktop Study Social Complex In Alcabidche, Portugal

2.4 Acres

Independent Houses




Monconseil Re�rement Home,France

1 Acre





Case Study Suvidha Re�rement Village, Bangalor

30 Acres



only 20 permanent residents



0.5 Acre

Room (Sharing)




Mantri Primus Eden, Bangalore

4.5 Acres

Studio 1bhk



Design Requirements for Housing: Independent Co�ages - 50 Studio Appartements - 50





50% 1st Qtr

1st Qtr

60% Age:60-65

50% Age:65-70

60% Age:70-75



20% 1st Qtr

80% Age:75 above Independent Houses Appartement/Room/Bed


1st Qtr




No. of persons

Area in Sqm

40 Car for residents (200/5 as per stadards) 20 Car for staff/guests 30 Bike for residents/staff/guests

8 /car 3/bike For 51-100 parking stalls required 3 are designated stalls required for use by persons with disabilities 33


Meditation Center




Aministration Block -Lounge



-Help Desk



-Director’s Office



-General Office



-Conference Room







-Parking shall be located near the entrance and ristricted till the Admin block only -Other blocks shall be accessed in buggies

Shall have ample amount of natural ventialtion and light

Shall be loacted near the entrance Shall have a warm welcoming aesthetics Shall be provided woth well planed work space and furniture



Dining Hall







Waste disposal



Chilled goosstorage



Ambient storage



kitchen area



Dish washer



Waiter’s equipment



Staff washing facilities and WC














Shall be located near hosuing blocks Shall be furnished with formal and informal furniture Materials shall be choosen wisely Shall be surrouded by recreational spaces Services shall be well planned and shall have a separate entry

Community Center Office

Shall be designed to encourage the residents to keep themselves fit and happy Zoning of all the spaces shall be done per the noise level To build a positive environment

Indoor Games Squash Polo Table tennis Carams/Chess

1 2 2 4

62 50 50 30

Art and craft



Multipurpose Hall WC





30 Total=830


Each space shall have its own identity User friendly circulation, equipments,furniture etc


Area in Sqm

No. of persons

Health Center





Parking facilities shall be provided



Help desk




Doctor’s cabin






12 30

Waste disposal shall be provided




Separate entry for the services shall be provided

Minor Operation Theatre









Emergency Room



Nursing area

6 Beds + Toilets

30 /room







Waste disposal









Same facade shall be maintained

Living room



Simple planning with user friendly circulation




Master bed room+Toilet



Single bed room



Common Toilet


5 Total=4,250

15 12 12*3=36 20

Zoning shall be done properly with emergency room on the ground floor Well planned nursing area with all the sevice facilities shall be provided

Independent Living

Design to be maintenance free Facilities like panic attack-emergancy switch system, telephone connection, alarm system etc shall be provided Simple,linear planning shall be done

Assisted Living Rooms



Living room



Bed room





5 Total=1,050










Maintain short travel distances (towards the roomfrom the entry of the building) Shall have well lighted corridors (make use of natural light)

Staff housing


Shall be located away from all the other blocks Shall be maintenance free

Site Requirements

Capacity:200 Residents Area:17 Area Terms of the area/surroundings required: Residen�al/Agricultural land Public transport-Bus stop,Railway sta�on, Hospital and super market in 5km radius Walkable environment Calm and serene environment Urban/Sub-urban/Rural:Urban/Sub-urban area


Proposed Site: Kothaguda,Near Hitex Kaman,Hyderabad West Zone

Way towards KPHB

Located in the Cyberabad informa�on technology zone and in the last decade it has rapidly grown into a modern business hub.

Izzath Nagar Colony Medical & General Store

Residen�al aspects: Kondapur has access to many supermarkets, school and medical facili�es. PROPOSED SITE

Way towards Gachibowli

Cyber Towers Way towards Madhapur Way towards KPHB


Way towards Hitech City


Site Loca�on


Rocks Farm Land

Boulders Drainage







Way towards KPHB














-2 -1

Farm land

0 +1


Way towards Hitex




Bringing back the roots of our ancestors SUB-URBAN SURROUNDING WITH A TWIST



Rural:Farming Sub-Urban:Housing Urban:Technology



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