The Urban Design Studio aims at revival of a lake, lost amidst the chaos of the newly formed, Hitech City.
The city of Hyderabad is going through a plethora of change and while it keeps pace with this change, away in a corner, tucked behind the hills of Banjara and Jubilee, a new pocket is born, Cyberabad. Change is not in the city or the experience but by the human understanding of scale. But now a new sense of scale both in terms of architecture and lifestyle has crept in.
Being the earliest settlers in the region, the cyber city has redefined scale. From the towers to the roads, the scale is untrodden.
The lake invites its newfound family to a virgin experience, an understanding of scale from the vertical to the horizontal. While the city is on a quest to move vertically up, the lake grounds one reminding them of the experiences it offers.