Bawa’s style of Contextual Modernism “Andrew Leach mentioned six historiographical approaches to organize the history of modern architecture which are the style and period, geography and culture, biography, type, (13) technique, theme and analogy.”(1 All of these factors effects architecture of a specific place and
time. Similarly Geoffrey Bawa’s ‘style’ of architecture concerns the ttraditional raditional history of the Sinhalese and Dutch colonial rule. “Wolfflin maintains the idea that ‘style’ is a visual revelation of the state of a work, which is a product of time.” (13) Also, if we see in another perspective, vernacular can be a timeless aes aesthetic thetic which remains constant for a specific place. Bawa redefined modernism along with Srilankan traditional vernacular architecture. In figure 7 we can see the old picture of Srilanka, the type and materially of the traditional Sinhalese houses, and in contrasting ontrasting to that in figure 8 we can see how Geoffrey Bawa sustained the traditions of the past along with the touch of modernity.
Fig: 7 Galle roads, Old Srilanka, 1860
Fig: 8 Gallery Cafe, Colombo the Gallery Cafe. 1998
13. Andrew Leach “Organizing the Past”, What Is Architectural History? Oxford: Polity Press, 2010: 47-48, (Accessed Accessed June 7, 2020 2020). ProQuest EBook Central. Fig 7: 7Ankie Renique, Galle road road, Old Srilanka, 1860 c. wordpress.com, Accessed 6 June, 2020, https://ankierenique.wordpress.com/2012/07/14/old-ceylon ceylon-in-photos/ Fig 8: 8Sebastian Posingis, Gallery Cafe, Colombo the Gallery Cafe. 1998 c. Photoshelter.com, Accessed 12 June, 2020, https://sebastianposingis.photoshelter.com/gallery https://sebastianposingis.photoshelter.com/gallery--image/The-GalleryCafe/G0000kMj1jcpM98c/I0000obBf0pqOO04/C0000xIEsjdPRv40