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Bawa’s style of Contextual Modernism5
Bawa’s Bawa’s style of Contextual Modernism
“Andrew Leach mentioned six historiographical approaches to organize the history of “Andrew Leach mentioned six historiographical approaches to organize the history of modern architecture which are the style and period, geography and culture, biography, type, architecture which are the style and period, geography and culture, biography, type, technique, theme and analogy.” (1(13) All of these factors effects architecture of a specific place and All of these factors effects architecture of a specific place and time. Similarly Geoffrey Bawa’s ‘style’ of architecture concerns the ttime. Similarly Geoffrey Bawa’s ‘style’ of architecture concerns the traditional history of the raditional history of the Sinhalese and Dutch colonial rule. “Wolfflin maintains the idea that ‘style’ is a visual revelation Sinhalese and Dutch colonial rule. “Wolfflin maintains the idea that ‘style’ is a visual revelation of the state of a work, which is a product of time.”of the state of a work, which is a product of time.” (13) Also, if we see in another perspective, Also, if we see in another perspective, vernacular can be a timeless aesvernacular can be a timeless aesthetic which remains constant for a specific place. Bawa thetic which remains constant for a specific place. Bawa redefined modernism along with modernism along with Srilankan traditional vernacular architecture. In figure 7 we can In figure 7 we can see the old picture of Srilanka, the type and materially of the traditional Sinhalese see the old picture of Srilanka, the type and materially of the traditional Sinhalese houses, and in contrasting to that in figure 8 we can see how Geoffrey Bawa sustained the traditions of the past ontrasting to that in figure 8 we can see how Geoffrey Bawa sustained the traditions of the past along with the touch of modernity.along with the touch of modernity.
Fig: 7 Galle roads, Old Srilanka, 1860Galle roads, Old Srilanka, 1860

Fig: 8 Gallery Cafe, Colombo the Gallery Gallery Cafe, Colombo the Gallery Cafe. 1998
13. Andrew Leach “Organizing the Past”, Andrew Leach “Organizing the Past”, What Is Architectural History? Oxford: Polity Press, 2010: 47-48, (Accessed June 7, 2020Accessed June 7, 2020). ProQuest EBook Central.
Fig 7: 7 Ankie Renique, Galle roadGalle road, Old Srilanka, 1860 c. wordpress.com, Accessed 6 June, 2020, June, 2020, https://ankierenique.wordpress.com/2012/07/14/old-ceylonceylon-in-photos/
Fig 8: 8 Sebastian Posingis, Gallery Cafe, Colombo the Gallery Cafe.Gallery Cafe, Colombo the Gallery Cafe. 1998 c. Photoshelter.com, Accessed 12 June, 2020, https://sebastianposingis.photoshelter.com/galleryAccessed 12 June, 2020, https://sebastianposingis.photoshelter.com/gallery-image/The-GalleryCafe/G0000kMj1jcpM98c/I0000obBf0pqOO04/C0000xIEsjdPRv40Cafe/G0000kMj1jcpM98c/I0000obBf0pqOO04/C0000xIEsjdPRv40
Fig: 9 Villa No 87, Galle Road, Bentota, Sri Road, Bentota, Sri Lanka 1978, Geoffrey, Geoffrey Bawa

Fig: 10 Courtyard space of Geoffrey space of Geoffrey Bawa’s House in Lunuganga, 2007House in Lunuganga, 2007
Bawa’s architecture style is the hybrid form of architectural language where old traditions Bawa’s architecture style is the hybrid form of architectural language where old traditions meet new modernism. He always respected nature and environment, thus encouraging passive meet new modernism. He always respected nature and environment, thus encouraging passive vernacular materiality all over. In figure 9ateriality all over. In figure 9 we can see the semi open landscape spacesspaces of Villa 87 at Galle road in Bentota. Similarly in figure 10n Bentota. Similarly in figure 10 we can see how he created a beautiful courtyard we can see how he created a beautiful courtyard playing with open space and built form all around. playing with open space and built form all around. Geoffrey Bawa incorporated architectural elements like orated architectural elements like courtyards, verandahsverandahs and series of pavilions in his designs to honour the past traditional culture of his designs to honour the past traditional culture of Sinhalese architecture. The use architecture. The use of columns reflects the Dutch colonial essence and with the same time he introduced mof columns reflects the Dutch colonial essence and with the same time he introduced modern
innovations, thus narrating a very interesting story through his designs. Every design used to be innovations, thus narrating a very interesting story through his designs. Every design used to be his own experiments with different style of architecture therefore never repeating the same twice.his own experiments with different style of architecture therefore never repeating the same twice. The way he used to design spaces it’s hard for the users to realize what is built and what is used to design spaces it’s hard for the users to realize what is built and what is natural. According to Andrew Leach biography plays an important role in shaping one’s Leach biography plays an important role in shaping one’s architectural style therefore, “Bawa’s Sensitivity towards designing with tradition andBawa’s Sensitivity towards designing with tradition and nature reflect his past family history which was tied to ethnic and cultural diversity.”reflect his past family history which was tied to ethnic and cultural diversity.” (14))
14. Robson, David. “Genius of the Place: The Buildings and Landscapes of Geoffrey Bawa.” Robson, David. “Genius of the Place: The Buildings and Landscapes of Geoffrey Bawa.” in Modernity and Community: Architecture in the Islamic WorldModernity and Community: Architecture in the Islamic World, edited by Philippa Baker, 17-48. London: Thames 48. London: Thames & Hudson, 2001. 19
Fig 9: 9 Sebastian Posingis, Villa No 87, Galle Road, Bentota, Sri Lanka, 1978Villa No 87, Galle Road, Bentota, Sri Lanka, 1978 c. Photoshelter.com, Accessed 12 June,June, 2020, https://sebastianposingis.photoshelter.com/galleryhttps://sebastianposingis.photoshelter.com/gallery-image/Villa-No87/G0000QGfXcBZ.uGU/I0000vP390IxsNP0/C0000xIEsjdPRv40 87/G0000QGfXcBZ.uGU/I0000vP390IxsNP0/C0000xIEsjdPRv40
Fig 10: 10 David and Bonnie, Courtyard, Courtyard space of Geoffrey Bawa’s House in Lunuganga, 2007Bawa’s House in Lunuganga, 2007, c. Flickr. Accessed 5June, 2020, https://www.flickr.com/photos/36338186@N05/4616711544/https://www.flickr.com/photos/36338186@N05/4616711544/