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Outdoor recreation opportunities abound in Fort Morgan
Keep an eye out for these outdoor recreation events this summer in Fort Morgan.
By BritneyEschelman Fort Morgan Times intern
As the seasons change and warmerweather heads our way, it’s no surprise that people are growing excited about getting outside. Youmay already have sumer vacations planned, or you’re thinking about what activities you ould participateinduring those ot, summer days and nights. Whether you’renear or far,Fort organ, Colorado has plenty of utdoor recreation to get yououtide to have some fun in the sun! Recreation Superintendent for he cityofFortMorganSteve amson has been running the epartment for three years. When t comestooutdoorrecreation vents available during the sumer for local communitymembers nd visitors in the area, Samson as somerecommendations. With COVID-19 restrictions, amson said that the recreation epartment follows restrictions ased on theother localrecreation epartments guidelines. For examle, they encourage those registerng for the youth soccer program o use good practice andmaintain ocial distancing as best as possile. “We’ve been verymindful of the estrictions and about keeping hings clean and sanitary,”said amson. Given the advancements with the vaccine over the past several months,the FortMorganrecreation department istryingtoget things back to normal for the upcoming summerseason.
Organizedrecreation events must be planned aseason ahead. Swim Lessons Swim lessons at the community center pool at Riverside Park are extremelypopular and fill up fast. Thereare avariety of lessons
offered from group classes, to private lessons and areavailable for children and adults. The summer session for swim lessons will begin June 1, 2021and wrap up around the first week of August. Baseball and Softball Baseball and softballleagues are verypopularfor the summer months for organized sporting events. With an abundanceof fields at the recreation center,it’s easytohave multiple games or tournaments going on.
Open Outdoor Recreation
Riverside Park
“Riverside Park is the largest park in the city,” said Samson. It contains seven baseball and softball fields, awalking trail,and a disc golfcourse. The disc golf course is verypopularand is available for public use throughout the year andespecially during the summer. Twamore Trail “Just on the other sideofRainbow Bridge, to the north of it,is TwamoreTrail,” said Samson.
At right, Rachel Serna (117) and Ramona Garcia (119) head to the finish line during a2019 color runat Riverside Park.
With grants from Colorado Parks and Wildlife, this new rustic trail system was recently developed and is agreat spot for outdoor recreation. TwamoreTrail goes around both the north and south ends of the Platte River.
Outdoor Entertainment Events
ThursdayNight Live
“EveryThursdaythroughout the summer we’llhaveaband playing in the evening,”saidSamson. This is one of their favorite events for the recreations center and is abig hitamongst the community.The concerts runfromthe beginning of June to the end of July. Movie Night “Wealso have our movie nights wherewehave our biginflatable movie screenout on the field,” said Samson. This isagreat way to spend those hotsummer nights. Bring your lawnchairs, outdoor blankets, and your favorite movie snacks and watch amovieoutside. To find out moreinformation, check out the City of FortMorgan Recreation Facebook page or go to the City of FortMorganwebsite to find information on registration for organized recreation events such as swim lessons, baseball, adult softball leagues, picnic shelters, etc.