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Paddleboarders urged to wear PFDs

Falling into cold water can pose hazards to riders

As stand-up paddleboards become moreand morepopular, ColoradoParks and Wildlife eminds paddlers to wear personal floatation devices (PFDs) when using this watercraft.

Over the last several yearsat Colorado’ state parks, moreand orepeople havebeen falling off their boards andsomehave rowned.Inall those cases people werenot wearing PFDs.

“So many people see paddle boards as low risk; butifyou fall offyour boardinto cold water you can get into trouble veryquickly,” said Kirstin Copeland, manager at Ridgway State Park.

On rivers or reservoirs, if apaddleboarder falls offthereisno

guarantee that theboardwill remain within reach. Inrivers, the boardcan be pulled awaybythe current. In lakes,aboardcan be pushed away quickly by the wind.

The danger is amplified on reservoirs and ponds in theafteroons in Colorado when winds ick-up or fast-moving storms stir p waves.Water temperatureis lso afactor.Even though the weather has been warm, the spring run-offisjust starting and water inrivers and reservoirs is only about 50 degrees or lower.

Cold water quickly impairs swimming ability and can cause hypothermia.

According to CPWregulations, on any watercraft thenumber of life jackets on boardmust match the number of passengers. Anyone 13 years or younger must wear a life jacket at all times. Everykind of craft is subjecttotheregulations, including powerboats, paddleboards, kayaks, canoes, sailboats and sailboards.

In the last two years at Ridgway reservoir,fouradultswho were

not wearing PFDshad to be rescued by park rangers after failing offtheir boards. In addition,two youngsters who werewearing adult-sized life jackets alsohad to

be rescued. The ill-fitting PFDs did not supportthem in thewater properly.Children must be fitted with properly sized PFDs.

“Anything can happen at any time on the water.Soweurgepeople to be cautious and consider their ownsafety and their loved one’s safety while they’reenjoying the water,” Copeland said. “Please, wear your PFD.”

For moreinformation aboutsafe boating, go to: http:// cpw.state.co.us/learn/Pages/ BoatingSafety.aspx.

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