Kick Off To Spring Bull Sale

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Kick Off to g n i r p S Bull Sale

5 1 0 2 , 3 2 h c Mar

View the bulls at the Farm - Sale at Grande Clairiere Hall 2:00 pm 72 Bulls - SimAngus, Simmental & Angus

e l a s l l u b h t 6 r u o o t e om c Wel lls. 2014 was er powerful group of bu oth an er off to d ou pr e le yet, We ar most successful Bull Sa marked as one of our supported our to all those who a huge thank you g and buying! program by biddin

y bit as exciting! this year ’s bulls is ever of on ati rm nfo co d an d efficiency of The performance ng the performance, an izi xim ma to d ate dic d, and maintain same... we are de ll see the pounds gaine wi u yo t tha Our goal remains the lls bu g llin are committed to se commercial cattle. We ers. Our bull calving ease. mmercial cattle produc co for es sir rd he the excited with the oducers improving for more! We are very ck ba ng mi We are commercial pr co e ar rs mselves, as our buye tisfied buyers. e only satisfied with sa progeny are proving the ar e W m! ra og pr r ou interest in r Wheatland High progress and growing mmental sire. And ou Si te eli an be to lf se tstanding. 6T has proven him and calving ease are ou ce an rm rfo Our Wheatland Bull 78 pe eir Th e! 786T and y is just as impressiv ck and stout bull. Our thi ate im ult the is Voltage 122Y’s progen he r; ders our Wheatland Swagge ales that have great ud is fem ion h lis dit ad sty e st ar we ey ne e Th . Th ctations re of the mother’s e surpassing our expe the calf at 60% and mo an we to is Roughrider females ar al go e Th . weights. reduced feed inputs the outstanding weaning and performance with of f oo pr is eo vid r tou progeny pasture Keep a watch for that s. rn moderate weight. The tho or Sh ed ter gis e of Re nac ing an exciting new lin 14), Talladega and Alma 20 ow Sh k The program is develop oc St er nv Champion Bull at De Swagger the from Element 79 (the es are our Wheatland sir w Ne t. ea gr g kin is loo ground for 2016 sales an Bodybuilder. New Progeny On the Olympian, and Leachm le, tib us mb Co , ad Lo N ck ultimate stout bull, Lo a call. give you a tour. Give us We would be happy to 6 of of Our Bull Buyers.

Heifers offered from - 20 Open Replacement ents s will make good replacem ale fem ed sir th or tw Ne d ughrider, 872, an viewing. These Maple Lake 786, Ro will be at Maple Lake for s ale fem e es Th t. en m for your herd develop

Ne w fo r th is ye ar

The Bertholet’s

When March 23, 2015 @ 2 PM

S a l e in f o r m at io n

Sale day phone

Gerry Bertholet (204) 741-0340 Andrea Bertholet (204) 483-0319 House (204) 858-2086 Clair Manshrek (204) 522-5169 Warren Speers (204) 724-3285 Ryan Hurlburt (306) 292-9812 (306) 621-5649

Come early to view the bulls and then head to the hall for lunch!

Where Viewing @ the Farm Sale @ Grande Clairie re Hall


The sale will be held in the Grande Clairiere Hall via PowerPoint. Each bull will be sold individu ally.

Ward Cutler

Pictures & Vid eos:

We encourage you to come and view the bu lls at the farm prior to the sale. Have your selections ma de prior to the sale. All bulls will be semen

(204) 851-2614

All pictures and videos were done by ADB Liv estock Andrea Bertholet and can be viewed online at ww


tested prior to the sale.

Bull Winte

ring Program: This special program will offer over-winterin g of your bull here at Maple Lake Stock Farm s. We will offer this pro gram to you at the cost of feed and yar dage (may vary from yea r to year). The bulls will be at Maple La ke from November 1st until April 15th. This offer is available only to Maple Lake rai sed bulls.

T e r ms & Co n d it io n s Finance

Program: All amounts are to be paid in full on sale day. A finance program may be available with a minimum of $3000 pe r bull on sale day upon prior approval by Gerry. With the remain ing balance left with a post dated chequ e for October 1, 2015.


ms: Each animal will sell to the highest bidder‌ no by-bidding will be permitted. Disputes - bidding will be reope ned between the parties involved. The auctioneers’ decision on all disputes will be final. Maple Lake Sto ck Farms reserves the right to draw semen, for in herd use only, on all bulls in the sale. All sales are in Canadian funds. Ex change rate is as of the day of the sale.


een Terms: Sight-Unseen and/or ove r the phone purchases will be taken sale day. Please speak with one of the repres entatives prior to sale day to have your selections made, as cel l service can be unreliable in the hall.


Visitors: The nearest port is the Goodlands Port; it is on ly open 9am9pm. The Boissevain Port is a bit further ea st but is open 24 hours. If you are a citi zen of the United States ; you do not need a passport to en ter Canada. However, you should carry proof of your citizenshi p, such as a birth certific ate, certificate of citizenship or naturaliz ation, as well as photo identification. More information is ava ilable at www.cbsa-as

Bull Housing &

Delivery: We encourage bulls be delivered as soon as po ssible (before our ground tha ws). Bulls kept for ext ended time may pay a feed cost. Insura

nce: Insurance will be availab le sale day.- Keystone Livestock Services, All bulls ke pt at Maple Lake after April 1st MUST be insured for the time they are at Maple La ke Stock Farms.


bility: All persons attend the sale at their own risk. Any accident or loss of property is not the res ponsibility of Maple La ke Stock Farms. 1

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Maple Lake Broker 4611

14-jan-14 ML 4611B Polled 3/4 Sim 1/4 Angus Black brockle Gestation: 280 SVF STEEL FORCE S701 bw: 72 Mr HOC Broker may 30 wt: 405 JM BF H25 ww: 863 Wheatland Bull 786T A.O.D 3 DAM WT: 1199 MAPLE LAKE 2610 Angus Weaning %: 72

Here is a bull that starts the 2015 group off very well! He is a fancy Broker son that has had that eye appeal since day one. On top of the flashy eye appeal, he has a top like a kitchen table and a big square hip on him. Here is a bull that has great potential to raise some flash show calves!

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Maple Lake BOSS HOG 4808


Maple Lake BIG RIVAL 4023

02-jan-14 ML 4808B Polled PUREBRED SIMMENTAL RED BLAZE Gestation: 277 SVF STEEL FORCE S701 bw: 94 Mr HOC Broker may 30 wt: 492 JM BF H25 ww: 1064 IPU ROUGHRIDER 2T A.O.D 3 MAPLE LAKE MARY 2808 DAM WT: MAPLE LAKE MARY 810M Weaning %: -

05-jan-14 ML 4023B SCURRED 3/4 Sim 1/4 Angus RED BLAZE Gestation: 288 SVF STEEL FORCE S701 bw: 83 Mr HOC Broker may 30 wt: 521 JM BF H25 ww: 927 IPU ROUGHRIDER 2T A.O.D 3 DAM WT: 1260 MAPLE LAKE RIVAL 2023 MAPLE LAKE MS BOMBER 9023 Weaning %: 74

Boss Hog is a bull that demands attention. He is a dark red with a flashy blaze face. He is a powerhouse of a package and has only a 277 day gestation to boot! He was a member of the Reserve Champion Pen of Bulls at MLE.

Big Rival is a super stylish bull with tremendous length of body. His dam is a super moderate, black 3C Pasque daughter that has a picture perfect udder.


Simmental Yearlings 4

Maple Lake HOT TOPIC 4412

28-jan-14 ML 4412B POLLED 7/8 SIMMENTAL BLACK BROCKLE Gestation: 289 MR NLC SUPERIOR S6018 bw: 83 LFE Hot Topic 312W may 30 wt: 501 LFE DAKOTA COAL 616L ww: 1057 3C Pasque A.O.D 3 DAM WT: 1315 ML 2212Z Maple Lake Ms Bomber 0212 Weaning %: 80

Here is a bull that will add some length of body to his calves, he as long as a freight train! His dam is real nice 3C Pasque coming 3 year old cow that did a super job, weaning him off at a whopping 80% of her body weight!




Maple Lake Lock n Load 4907

Here he is‌ our very first and very exciting Remington Lock n Load calf and WOW is he something! He is moderate with middle to no end, possibly one of the soggiest bulls on offer. His dam is a real nice moderate cow that raised a bull calf last year that sold to the Ruttens at Wawota. She has now made her way into our donor program. This is a bull that is the real deal and not to be over looked! Breeders take note: he is a registered 7/8 purebred, meaning bred to a purebred cow his daughters will be purebred! We are planning to retain an interest in 4907, terms to be announced on sale day.

16-Feb-14 ML 4907 POLLED 7/8 SIMMENTAL BLACK White Face Gestation: 280 REMINGTON ON TARGET 2S bw: 104 REMINGTON LOCK N LOAD 54U may 30 wt: 361 BAR 15 MISS KNIGHT78E-51G ww: 962 LFE HOT TOPIC 312W A.O.D 4 DAM WT: 1433 MAPLE LAKE HOTTIE 1907 MAPLE LAKE MS BOMBER 9907 Weaning %: 67


Simmental Yearlings


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Maple Lake super duty 4926

Maple Lake super duty 4676

04-jan-14 ML 4926B Polled 3/4 Sim 1/4 Angus RED Gestation: 284 NCB RED SUSPECT 30S bw: 104 KUNTZ SUPER DUTY 4Y may 30 wt: 440 MISS R PLUS 7037T ww: 964 WHEATLAND BULL 786T A.O.D 6 DAM WT: 1675 MAPLE LAKE MS BOMBER 9926 Angus Weaning %: 58

14-Feb-14 ML 4676B POLLED 7/8 sim 1/8 angus RED Gestation: 286 NCB RED SUSPECT 30S bw: 97 KUNTZ SUPER DUTY 4Y may 30 wt: 371 MISS R PLUS 7037T ww: 824 WHEATLAND HEADLINE 872U A.O.D 11 DAM WT: 1387 MAPLE LAKE SWEET PEA 1677 Angus/Angus Weaning %: 59

4926 is a Kuntz Super Duty son that is a little larger framed bull with some extra length as well. His dam is a 786T daughter that we recently sold in our Female Sale to Lloyd Bugg.

Here is another Super Duty son. These two are very similar in type in that they carry a little extra frame size and length of body. This guy is out of a Headline female.

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Maple Lake black bash 4150

01-jan-14 ML 4150B Horned 1/2 sim, 1/4 Angus, 1/4 sh Blue roan Gestation: 283 ANCHOR “T” METRO 4E bw: 91 DLH Reno 8Raf may 30 wt: 557 BLCC MISS KRYSTAL 23K ww: 1005 Angus A.O.D 9 6459 DAM WT: SimmENTAL X Shorthorn Weaning %: -

DAM OF LOT 8 & 9

Maple Lake blue horizon 4742

03-jan-14 ML 4742B Horned 1/2 sim, 1/4 Angus, 1/4 sh Blue roan Gestation: 285 ANCHOR “T” METRO 4E bw: 96 DLH Reno 8Raf may 30 wt: 528 BLCC MISS KRYSTAL 23K ww: 1005 Angus A.O.D 9 6459 DAM WT: SimmENTAL X Shorthorn Weaning %: -

Here are two full brothers that are unique to say the least! These blue roan baldies are as long as they come with power to boot! They should work well on black cows with a hig potential to sire black baldies. Their sire, Reno is a fullblood simmental bull that is a great female maker, we have many in the herd. Maternal brothers to these guys have sold to Bigney Farms and Wayne Czerwonka.


Clubby Yearlings 10

Maple Lake blue prayer 6459

06-Feb-14 ML 6459B polled clubby Black/Blue Gestation: 281 Friction bw: 108 Amen may 30 wt: 425 H832 Kroupa (Meyer X Spur Emulous) ww: 800 Angus A.O.D 9 DAM WT: 1752 6459 Shorthorn Weaning %: 49

This fancy club calf influence bull is out of none other than our blue roan flush cow, 6459. He has loads of hair, depth to no end and top like a kitchen table! This guy looks to be black but if you look close there is blue in there! He is a maternal brother to the blue roan bulls, lots 8 & 9. DAM OF LOT 10


Maple Lake amen 7703

14-feb-13 ML 7703B polled clubby black Gestation: 284 Friction bw: 91 Amen may 30 wt: 340 H832 Kroupa (Meyer X Spur Emulous) ww: 740 Simmetal A.O.D 8 DAM WT: 1335 7703 angus Weaning %: 55

Here we have a stylish and super moderate Amen son. His dam 7703 is also a dark blue roan cow. There is great potenital to make a set of stylish steers calves here! A full brother sold last year to Richard Gallinger.


Fullblood Simmental 12

Maple Lake bandit 4137

28-jan-14 ML 4137B Horned Fullblood Simm red white face Gestation: ROGANT bw: 91 PRL HOUSTON 005H may 30 wt: 379 MS PRL NITE-ANCHOR 109B ww: 928 DOUBLE BAR D AUTOBAHN A.O.D 3 DAM WT: 1311 BLCC MISS AUTOBAHN 137Z BLCC MISS ROSS 90U Weaning %: 71

4137 is a fullblood bull from the heifer Andrea bought from Bonchuks last fall. She is a super moderate Autobahn female that has power to no end. Here is a bull that will go out and work!


*Whether you think you can or can’t, you are right.* ~Henry Ford~ 5

Wheatland BUll 786T Sons We purchased ‘Bomber’ from Wheatland Cattle Co. in 2008 for $18,000. He is a full brother to the famous Wheatland Bull 680S. He is built like a tank; moderate framed, super stout with tonnes of meat and muscle. He has a fantastic disposition and electric hair. He is Homozygous Polled and Heterozygous Black. His dam, Wheatland Lady 351N, has earned her spot as one of Wheatland’s top donor cows. In 2008 he bred 50 heifers naturally, as a yearling! We are extremely happy with his daughters. They have perfectly tidy square udder that milk like crazy! His progeny have topped the commercial shows year after year. At 8 years of age, 786T is still one of our main walking sires. He bred approximately 80 cows in 2014.



Maple Lake bambam 4761

Bambam is undoubtedly the thickest, soggiest bull we have ever raised. From the day he was born we knew he would be something special. Not only is he deep middled, but he is wide, he is long and he is deep quartered. This here is a complete package. Not only is he a nice dark red, but he is out of two black parents. His dam, ML 9761W is one of our top Simmental cows. A daughter out of her, actually a full sibling to Bambam is one of our newest flush cows. Don’t miss out on this opportunity of a complete package in a bull!

03-jan-14 ML 4761B polled purebred red Gestation: 280 WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 88 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: 571 WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: 1055 REMINGTON ON TARGET 2S A.O.D 6 DAM WT: 1628 ACS MS WILLAMENA 9761W HAAS RANCH G217 Weaning %: 65

*Opportunity may knock on your door only once, but temptation bangs on your door forever.* 6

Wheatland Bull 786T SONS Lots 14-17 are all flush mate brothers and wow are they peas in a pod! Their full sibling, Maple Lake Zoro 2764 sold in our 2013 bull sale to Shane Sawley of Melville, SK. We also sold two daughters off Zoro this fall, one to Mar Mac Farms in the Keystone sale and one to Bonchuk Farms in the Shades sale. We have used Zoro on heifers with great results! Another full sibling, ML 4156B sold in the Shades of the Prairies sale to Leaning Spruce Farms for $8750. Lot 17 has a super moderate birth weight of 78lbs! The guess work is done here! All these boys have tremendous hip, depth of body and are still moderate-framed! On top of that, they have a super disposition. They will go out and work! Take your pick!



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Maple Lake da bomb 4111

25-jan-14 ML 4111B polled purebred simmental red Gestation: 288 WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 94 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: 473 WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: 1012 REMINGTON ON TARGET 2S A.O.D 6 ACS MS WILLAMENA 9761W DAM WT: HAAS RANCH G217 Weaning %: -

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Maple Lake boomer 4302


Maple Lake big bang 4008

20-jan-14 ML 4302B polled purebred simmental red Gestation: 283 WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 97 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: 491 WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: 993 REMINGTON ON TARGET 2S A.O.D 6 ACS MS WILLAMENA 9761W DAM WT: HAAS RANCH G217 Weaning %: -

17 Maple Lake bada-bing 4764

28-feb-14 ML 4764B polled purebred simmental red Gestation: 283 WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 92 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: 324 WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: 863 REMINGTON ON TARGET 2S A.O.D 6 ACS MS WILLAMENA 9761W DAM WT: HAAS RANCH G217 Weaning %: -

20-feb-14 ML 4008B polled purebred simmental red Gestation: 283 WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 78 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: 380 WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: 887 REMINGTON ON TARGET 2S A.O.D 6 ACS MS WILLAMENA 9761W DAM WT: HAAS RANCH G217 Weaning %: -


Wheatland Bull 786T SONS

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Maple Lake bossman 4208

Maple Lake Class act 4085

22-jan-14 ML 4208B polled purebred simmental red Gestation: 289 WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 91 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: 454 WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: 1069 IPU ROUGHRIDER 2T A.O.D 6 DAM WT: 1559 MAPLE LAKE MS RIDER 9208 MAPLE LAKE PAULA 208P Weaning %: 69

18-jan-14 ML 4085B polled purebred simmental red Gestation: 284 WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 77 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: 376 WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: 900 LFE RS LEWIS 340W A.O.D 3 DAM WT: 1357 SUNNY VALLEY CLASSY 85Z BLCC MISS 83R Weaning %: 66

Here is another great purebred red bull out of a great cow family. ML 9208 has done it again, she knows how to stamp them! Bossman’s full brother was one of our high selling bulls last year, Spitfire sold to Quinn Wilson for $9500 and Yoshi sold to Chad Poyser in 2012.

Class Act is super hairy deep sided thick bull thoughout. He is a bull that catches your eye when you walk in to the pen. His dam is a heifer we bought from Sunny Valley Simmentals as an open heifer. He has a real nice birth weight of 77lbs.

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Maple Lake bomber 4805

11-feb-14 ML 4805B polled 1/2 Sim, 1/2 Angus red Twin Gestation: 277 WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 78 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: 345 WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: 776 Angus A.O.D 7 DAM WT: 1666 8805 Angus Weaning %: -

Maple Lake Bomber 4806

11-feb-14 ML 4806B polled 1/2 Sim, 1/2 Angus red Twin Gestation: 177 WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 83 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: 374 WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: 859 Angus A.O.D 7 DAM WT: 1666 8805 Angus Weaning %: -

Lot 20 and 21 are twin brothers… and wow did they turn out! These boys were both raised by their natural mother. Here is a cow that knows how to grow them! She weaned a total of 1635lbs, thats just about 100% of her own body weight! A full brother to these boys sold last year to Sandy Hintz.


Wheatland Bull 786T SONS

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Maple Lake bomber 4094

Maple Lake bomber 4027

03-mar-14 ML 4094B polled 3/4 Sim, 1/4 Angus red blaze Gestation: 285 WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 94 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: 351 WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: 938 DLH RENO 8R A.O.D 8 DAM WT: 1800 MAPLE LAKE MS RENO 7094 ANGUS/SIMMENTAL Weaning %: 52

10-jan-14 ML 4027B polled 3/4 Sim, 1/4 Angus red blaze Gestation: 286 WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 91 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: 550 WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: 1094 DLH RENO 8R A.O.D 5 DAM WT: 1472 MAPLE LAKE MS RENO 0027X ANGUS/ANGUS Weaning %: 74

4094 is a powerhouse bull out of a never miss black blaze faced cow that knows how to crank them out! She has given us 8 bulls in 7 years, with a set of blaze faced bull on the ground this year.

Here is a big powerful 3/4 blood bull out of another Reno daughter. 4027 was a member of the Reserve Champion pen of 3 bulls at MLE.

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Maple Lake Beer Money 4390

Maple Lake mr Zorro 4142

31-jan-14 ML 4390B polled purebred Simmental red blaze Gestation: 279 WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 79 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: 370 WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: 874 DOUBLE BAR D EVEREST 76T A.O.D 6 DAM WT: 1525 BIG HILLS MS EVEREST 390W BIG HILLS LADY STOUT 25S Weaning %: 57

18-jan-14 ML 4142B polled 3/4 sim, 1/4 angus red Gestation: 285 WHEATLAND BULL 786T bw: 83 MAPLE LAKE ZORRO 2764 may 30 wt: 385 ACS MS WYONA 9764W ww: 922 IPU Roughrider 2T A.O.D 4 DAM WT: 1659 ML 1042Y REd Angus Weaning %: 56

Beer Money is a real nice smooth made bull that would make real nice work of a group of heifers with his moderate birth weight of 79lbs. There are 2 full brothers working in the herds of Glen Barteaux and Kodi Hazen. The three full brothers have an average birth weight of 77 lbs.

4142 is a super thick made bull on a real nice and moderate frame.



Maple Lake mr Zorro 4232

01-jan-14 ML 4232B polled 7/8 Simmental red Gestation: 277 WHEATLAND BULL 786T bw: 68 MAPLE LAKE ZORRO 2764 may 30 wt: 383 ACS MS WYONA 9764W ww: 755 IPU ROUGHRIDER 2T A.O.D 3 DAM WT: 1290 MAPLE LAKE ROBIN 2231 MFI MISS ROBIN GER 6231 Weaning %: 59

Here is another dark red Zorro son. Take note of the real moderate birth weight of 68 lbs, here’s a bull with some calving ease.




Maple Lake Boondock 4704

11-jan-14 ML 4704B polled 3/4 Sim, 1/4 Angus black blaze Gestation: 282 WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 105 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: 524 WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: 1235 DLH RENO 8R A.O.D 6 DAM WT: 1653 MAPLE LAKE MS RENO 9704 ANGUS/ANGUS Weaning %: 59

Boondock is a 3/4 blood bull that is stocked right full of power and performance and on top of that he comes with that flashy blaze face. His full sister, ML 2704Z is the mother of the HOC Broker heifer we sold to Quinn Wilson in the Shades of the Prairies sale for $8000. This is a combination that is proven to pop!


Wheatland Bull 786T SONS

29 DAM OF LOT 28




Maple Lake Bomber 4074

Maple Lake Big Deal 4096

08-jan-14 ML 4074b polled 3/4 Sim, 1/4 Angus black Gestation: 287 WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 104 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: 542 WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: 1064 DOY Jumba A.O.D 10 DAM WT: 1729 5074 ANGUS Weaning %: 62

10-jan-14 ML 4096B polled 3/4 Sim, 1/4 Angus black Gestation: 281 WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 84 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: 511 WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: 1031 LCHMN BODYBUILDER 7303F A.O.D 9 DAM WT: 1541 MAPLE LAKE MS 6096 SIMMENTAL/SIMMENTAL Weaning %: 67

Here is another powerhouse 786T son out of a proven cow family of 5074. We have many daughters from her in the herd and a son is working in the herd of Jamie Kohut.

Big Deal is as long as a freight train and has the power to go with it. He is out of a red Bodybuilder cow that consistently weans this high weaning weight calves every year.

31 DAM OF LOT 28



Maple Lake Bomber 4247

Maple Lake Bomber 4011

04-mar-14 ML 4247B polled 3/4 Sim, 1/4 Angus black blaze Gestation: 286 WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 84 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: 288 WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: 757 DLH Reno 8R A.O.D 11 DAM WT: 1477 0247 4247 - SimAngus Weaning %: 51

15-jan-14 ML 4011B polled 3/4 Sim, 1/4 Angus black Gestation: 284 WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 98 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: 455 WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: 932 K F BANDO 11 A.O.D 8 DAM WT: 1501 MFI BLACK MALITA 7011 MFI MALITA 5107 Weaning %: 62

Here is the youngest bull in the sale, but you would never know it by looking at him! He has kept up with the rest of the pen no problem. He is another 786T, Reno combination, which is one that works

4011 is a black bull that has a touch of fleck in him on the dam side. His dam has a real tidy udder with nice little teats. A full brother is working in Garth Elliotts herd.


Wheatland Bull 786T SONS

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Maple Lake Bomber 4060

Maple Lake Bomber 4999

13-FEb-14 ML 4060B polled 1/2 sim, 1/2 angus black Gestation: 280 WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 89 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: 368 WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: 912 A.O.D DAM WT: 1376 Angus Weaning %: 66

20-FEb-14 ML 4999B polled 1/2 sim, 1/2 angus black Gestation: 286 WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 96 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: 448 WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: 888 H A R B WINDY 702 J H A.O.D 6 DAM WT: 1758 MAPLE LAKE 9999W MAPLE LAKE RICHELLE 5099R Weaning %: 51

Here is a hairy, thick made SimAngus bull that is a complete package. A maternal brother sold last year to Russell Lunde, ND.

4999 is a SimAngus bull that comes from 3 generations of our top Angus cow family, orginating with the Prairielane 1098 cow. There are 29 females in our herd that go back to this cow family! Can you say longevity, proven and predicable?! Lots 36, 47, 48, 51, 55, 56, 57 and 67 are all out of this cow family.

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Maple Lake Bomber 4069

Maple Lake Bomber 4033

16-FEb-14 ML 4069B polled 1/2 sim, 1/2 angus black Gestation: 287 WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 94 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: 350 WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: 824 PRAIRIELANE MAX 6122-8108 A.O.D 14 DAM WT: 1507 PRAIRIELANE 8108 ESTELLE 1069 PRAIRIELANE 5112 ESTELLE 7017 Weaning %: 55

01-FEb-14 ML 4033B polled 1/2 sim, 1/2 angus black Gestation: 283 WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 93 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: 440 WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: 789 Red Angus A.O.D 9 33T DAM WT: Red Angus Weaning %: -

Here is another SimAngus bull that comes from a great Prairielane cow family. We have many daughters in the herd and sold a full sister of this guy in our 2014 Female sale for $7000. Quality proven with maternal dam longevity of 14 years and still has sound feet and an exceptional udder.

4033 is a stylish smooth made 786T son out of a commercial red angus cow. We have sold 2 full brothers to this guy. Take note regarding his weaning weight; he was orphaned mid summer, and almost made the 800lb mark!


Wheatland Bull 786T SONS

36 36

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Maple Lake Bomber 4037

Maple Lake Bomber 4855

03-FEb-14 ML 4037B (ET) polled 1/2 sim, 1/2 angus black Gestation: 282 WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 88 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: 384 WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: 819 MVF KRUGERRAND 83N A.O.D 10 MAPLE LAKE RICHELLE 5099R DAM WT: PRAIRIELANE 8116 ROSEBUD 1098 Weaning %: -

04-jan-14 ML 4855B polled 5/8 Sim, 3/8 angus black Gestation: 281 WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 78 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: 439 WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: 939 Angus A.O.D 7 DAM WT: 1458 8855 Simmental Weaning %: 64

Here is an embryo half blood calf that goes back to the great 5099 angus cow family. He is a full brother to the fall born bull, Lot 67.

A full brother to this guy sold in our sale last year to D&D Farms. Here is a bull that has tons of muscle definition and comes from a tremendous cow.

Gerry Getting ears on picture day

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Picture Day Waiting

Maple Lake Roughrider 4206

11-feb-14 ML 4206B (ET) polled 1/2 sim, 1/2 angus REd Gestation: 284 WHEATLAND RED TEDDY 457P bw: 103 IPU Roughrider 2T may 30 wt: 410 IPU RED POCAHONTAS 52N ww: 788 RED PRAIRIELANE CANYON 0508 A.O.D RED PRAIRIELANE 0508-3502 DAM WT: RED PRAIRIELANE 4535-7524 Weaning %: -

Bree showing

Watch for Maple Lake Shorthorns in 2016!

4206 is the only Roughrider son in the sale this year. He is a nice red SimAngus half blood out of one of our top red angus cows Prairielane 3502.



39 39

Maple Lake Hot Shot 4063

Hot Shot is a thick, stout and real moderate framed Voltage son. Here is a bull that has been a favorite since day one! His dam, Hot Tomolli is super moderate Hot Topic female that has a picture perfect udder. She has stepped up into our donor program this year.

12-jan-14 ML 4063B polled Purebred black Gestation: 286 WHEATLAND PREDATOR 922W bw: 92 WHEATLAND HIGHVOLTAGE122Y may 30 wt: 396 WHEATLAND LADY 736 T ww: 907 LFE HOT TOPIC 312W A.O.D 3 DAM WT: 1196 MAPLE LAKE HOT TOMOLLI JRTG MISS 63W Weaning %: 76


Maple Lake Voltage 4312

21-jan-14 ML 4312B polled 3/4 sim, 1/4 angus black Gestation: 283 WHEATLAND PREDATOR 922W bw: 98 WHEATLAND HIGHVOLTAGE122Y may 30 wt: 317 WHEATLAND LADY 736 T ww: 817 WHEATLAND BULL 786T A.O.D 5 MAPLE LAKE MS BOMBER 0312 DAM WT: ANGUS/ANGUS Weaning %: -


Here is a super smooth made 3/4 sim bull that had the quarter shape of Voltage. He puts it all together in a real functional package.



41 41


Maple Lake Big Volt 4520


Maple Lake blazin’ 4046

11-feb-14 ML 4520B polled 7/8 Sim, 1/8 Angus Black Gestation: 282 WHEATLAND PREDATOR 922W bw: 83 WHEATLAND HIGHVOLTAGE122Y may 30 wt: 560 WHEATLAND LADY 736 Tt ww: 1101 DLH Reno 8R A.O.D 4 DAM WT: 1538 ML 1520Y ML 9520 - Roughrider X ANGUS Weaning %: 71

25-jan-14 ML 4046B polled Purebred black blaze Gestation: 284 WHEATLAND PREDATOR 922W bw: 92 WHEATLAND HIGHVOLTAGE122Y may 30 wt: 452 WHEATLAND LADY 736 T ww: 1042 PRL HOUSTON 005H A.O.D 8 BLCC MISS HOUSTON 46T DAM WT: BLCC MISS 141R Weaning %: -

Big and powerful best describes this powerhouse Voltage son. On top of his perfomance, his dam is jam packed with maternal traits being a Reno daughter. Take note of his whopping weaning weight of 1101lbs!

Blazin’ is a 1/2 Fleck black baze faced bull that long bodied and huge muscled. On top of that he has a super disposition and is actually halter broke! Here is a bull that will be easy to handle and add some pop to the calves! A maternal brother is working the herd of Mervin Smith.

43 43

44 44

Maple Lake voltage 4265

Maple Lake Voltage 4974

17-Jan-14 ML 4265B polled 3/4 sim, 1/4 angus black Gestation: 285 WHEATLAND PREDATOR 922W bw: 92 WHEATLAND HIGHVOLTAGE122Y may 30 wt: 480 WHEATLAND LADY 736 T ww: 958 Line Drive A.O.D 8 DAM WT: 1625 7256 Angus Weaning %: 59

21-Jan-14 ML 4974B polled 3/4 sim, 1/4 angus black Gestation: 282 WHEATLAND PREDATOR 922W bw: 76 WHEATLAND HIGHVOLTAGE122Y may 30 wt: 400 WHEATLAND LADY 736 T ww: 899 WHEATLAND BULL 786T A.O.D 6 MAPLE LAKE MS BOMBER 9974 DAM WT: angus/Simmental Weaning %: -

Here is a blaze faced bull that is as long as they come and super heavy muscled to boot! His dam is a Line Drive daughter that is nice heavy milker.

Here’s a bull that goes back to another good cow family, 5074 (dam of lot 28). We sold a maternal sister in our fall female sale to Paul Rey. This is a 3/4 blood bull that has some backing!


45 45

46 46 Maple Lake brave heart 4068

Maple Lake voltage 4123

02-feb-14 ML 4123B polled 1/2 sim, 1/2 angus black Gestation: 285 WHEATLAND PREDATOR 922W bw: 91 WHEATLAND HIGHVOLTAGE122Y may 30 wt: 433 WHEATLAND LADY 736 T ww: 869 red Angus A.O.D 8 DAM WT: 1444 123T Red Angus Weaning %: 60

16-jan-14 ML 4068B polled Purebred red Gestation: 282 WHEATLAND PREDATOR 922W bw: 90 WHEATLAND HIGHVOLTAGE122Y may 30 wt: 466 WHEATLAND LADY 736 T ww: 1012 REMINGTON RED LABEL HR A.O.D 8 DAM WT: 1720 BLCC MISS RED LABEL 68T BLCC MISS 29R Weaning %: 59

4123 is another SimAngus bull that comes from a real nice red angus cow with a perfect udder. Heres a bull that has a bit of style and eye appeal too!

Brave Heart is a long bodied, thick made bull. Heres a bull that has the Voltage stamp all over him only with a red coat! A maternal brother sold last year to Kermitt Schiele of ND.

47 47

48 48

Maple Lake Bertuzzi 4108

08-jan-14 ML 4108B polled 3/4 sim, 1/4 angus black Gestation: 284 WHEATLAND PREDATOR 922W bw: 75 WHEATLAND HIGHVOLTAGE122Y may 30 wt: 476 WHEATLAND LADY 736 T ww: 999 WHEATLAND BULL 786T A.O.D 4 DAM WT: 1399 MAPLE LAKE MS BOMBER 1108 ANGUS/ANGUS Weaning %: 71

Bertuzzi is a Voltage, 786T cross that sure has proven itself! His dam, a 786T daughter that goes back to our top Angus cow family, 5099. This is definitely a combination that gives the best of both worlds! Don’t over look that nice 75lb birth weight either!

Maple Lake Voltage 4199

16-jan-14 ML 4199B polled 1/2 sim, 1/2 Angus black Gestation: 288 WHEATLAND PREDATOR 922W bw: 93 WHEATLAND CHIGHVOLTAGE122Y may 30 wt: WHEATLAND LADY 736 T ww: Bar 5 Worthmore A.O.D 4 DAM WT: 1367 MLSF 1199 MLSF 9999W Weaning %: 70

4199 is very similar in type to lot 47 only with one less generation of simmental making him a SimAngus. He also goes back to the 5099 angus cow family.


49 49

Maple Lake voltage 4403

09-jan-14 ML 4403B polled 3/4 sim, 1/4 angus black Gestation: WHEATLAND PREDATOR 922W bw: 92 WHEATLAND HIGHVOLTAGE122Y may 30 wt: 531 WHEATLAND LADY 736 T ww: 927 Wheatland Bull 786T A.O.D 3 Maple Lake 2203Z DAM WT: Black- IU 5203 Weaning %: -

Here is another Voltage, 786T cross that is undeniably stamped. Moderate framed with loads of muscle and hair to boot!

50 50

51 DAM OF LOT 50


Maple Lake 4031

Maple Lake 4894

08-jan-14 ML 4031B polled purebred Angus black Gestation: 285 SITZ TRAVELER 8180 bw: 97 S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 may 30 wt: 584 S A V EMULOUS 8145 ww: 1003 IDEAL 7451 OF 8103 4465 A.O.D 13 PRAIRIELANE 7451 ESTELLE 2031 DAM WT: PRAIRIELANE 4002 ESTELLE 6024 Weaning %: -

18-jan-14 ML 4894B polled purebred Angus (not reg) black Gestation: 280 SITZ TRAVELER 8180 bw: 94 S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 may 30 wt: 508 S A V EMULOUS 8145 ww: 971 S A V Heritage A.O.D 5 DAM WT: 1699 MLSF 0894X IU 1098 Weaning %: 57

Here is an extremely deep bodies Final Answer son. His dam doesn’t owe us a thing, she is a coming 13 year old that has done well for herself. Maternal brothers are working in the herds of Gavin MacKenzie and Wilfred Bretecher. We have many daughters working in the herd off of this super cow!

4849 is another super deep bodied Final Answer son. His dam is a super angus cow that has a nice tidy udder with small teats. This cow also goes back to the great Prairielane 1098 cow family that has built our angus herd.


Motive Sons 52-54 Full Brothers 52

Maple Lake 4303


Maple Lake 4103


Maple Lake 4130

07-feb-14 MLSF 4303B (ET) polled purebred Angus black Gestation: 277 HF KODIAK 5R bw: 97 SOO LINE MOTIVE 9016 may 30 wt: TLA BEAUTY 5R ww: PRAIRIELANE 033 4075 6008 A.O.D 15 PRAIRIELANE 6008 PRIDE 0003 DAM WT: PRAIRIELANE 8094 PRIDE 0050 Weaning %: -


07-feb-14 MLSf 4103B (ET) polled purebred Angus black Gestation: 278 HF KODIAK 5R bw: 97 SOO LINE MOTIVE 9016 may 30 wt: 445 TLA BEAUTY 5R ww: 878 PRAIRIELANE 033 4075 6008 A.O.D 15 PRAIRIELANE 6008 PRIDE 0003 DAM WT: PRAIRIELANE 8094 PRIDE 0050 Weaning %: -


05-feb-14 MLSF 4130 (ET) polled purebred Angus black Gestation: 277 HF KODIAK 5R bw: 87 SOO LINE MOTIVE 9016 may 30 wt: 267 TLA BEAUTY 5R ww: 685 PRAIRIELANE 033 4075 6008 A.O.D 15 PRAIRIELANE 6008 PRIDE 0003 DAM WT: PRAIRIELANE 8094 PRIDE 0050 Weaning %: -

Lots 52-54 are flush mates out of the 15 year old Prairielane cow, 0003. At 15 years old she is still sound on her feet and legs and her udder has stood the ultimate test of time. We have sold many purebred and SimAngus bulls out of her as well we have many females in the herd that go back to her.



Maple Lake 4245

29-jan-14 MLSf 4245B(ET) polled purebred Angus black Gestation: 279 HF KODIAK 5R bw: 88 SOO LINE MOTIVE 9016 may 30 wt: 421 TLA BEAUTY 5R ww: 782 H A R B WINDY 702 J H A.O.D 6 MAPLE LAKE 9999W DAM WT: MAPLE LAKE RICHELLE 5099R Weaning %: -

Here is another Motive embryo calf except this time he is out of the 9999 cow which goes back to the great Prairielane 1098 cow. This guy is the only bull we got from this flush, there are 4 sisters in our replacement heifer pen. Lot 33 is a maternal brother.

55 18


56 56

57 57

Maple Lake 4041

Maple Lake 4050

23-jan-14 MLSF 4041B polled purebred Angus black Gestation: 284 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 bw: 82 S A V 004 DENSITY 4336 may 30 wt: 418 S A V May 7238 ww: 788 S A V PIONEER 7301 A.O.D 3 MAPLE LAKE 2041Z DAM WT: MAPLE LAKE RICHELLE 5099R Weaning %: -

02-feb-14 MLSF 4050B polled purebred Angus black Gestation: S A V Final Answer 0035 bw: 87 S A V PIONEER 7301 may 30 wt: S A V Blackbird 5297 ww: MVF KRUGERRAND 83N A.O.D 10 MAPLE LAKE RICHELLE 5099R DAM WT: PRAIRIELANE 8116 ROSEBUD 1098 Weaning %: -

This Density son is super smooth made with loads of maternal traits, going back to the 5099 cow family. Here is a bull that should be at the top of your list for a heifer pen! We are planning to keep a 1/2 interest in this bull, terms and details will be announce on sale day.

Here is a smooth made, stylish Pioneer son. The dam of lot 56 is a full sister to this guy.... The guess work is done here!

58 58

59 59

Maple Lake Zenith 4001

03-jan-14 ML 4001B polled 3/4 angus, 1/4 sim black Gestation: HF TIGER 5T bw: 83 BAR-E-L ZENITH 1Z may 30 wt: 504 WALKERBRAE DR TIBBY 2W ww: 1042 Angus A.O.D 3 DAM WT: 1496 1Z Simmental Weaning %: 70

Maple Lake Zenith 4003

03-jan-14 ML 4003B polled 3/4 angus, 1/4 sim black Gestation: HF TIGER 5T bw: 81 BAR-E-L ZENITH 1Z may 30 wt: 494 WALKERBRAE DR TIBBY 2W ww: 866 Angus A.O.D 3 DAM WT: 1462 3Z Simmental Weaning %: 59

Lots 58 & 59 are 3/4 brothers and a little bit of a different combination... they are 3/4 angus and a 1/4 simmental. Their dams are half sisters, both sired by Final Answer. We are really impressed with the power and perfonace these boys have!



61 DAM OF LOT 60



Red Maple Lake 4753

30-jan-14 MLSF 4845B polled Purebred Angus RED Gestation: 278 RED 6 MILE FULL THROTTLE 171T bw: 91 RED MAPLE LAKE FULLYLOADED2032 may 30 wt: 509 RED D-BAR LAMBDA 32U ww: 947 RED SIX MILE SAKIC 832S A.O.D 5 DAM WT: 1375 RED MAPLE LAKE 0846X RED PRAIRIELANE 0508-3502 Weaning %: -

20-feb-14 MLSF 4753B polled Purebred Angus RED Gestation: 285 RED 6 MILE FULL THROTTLE 171T bw: 96 RED MAPLE LAKE FULLYLOADED2032 may 30 wt: 392 RED D-BAR LAMBDA 32U ww: 794 RED SIX MILE SAKIC 832S A.O.D 6 RED MAPLE LAKE 9753W DAM WT: RED PRAIRIELANE 0508-3502 Weaning %: -

4845 is the red angus bull calf we showed at MLE. He has tons of middle and depth of quarter to no end! He is a son of the Fully Loaded bull we raised and sold 1/2 interest to Germain Boechier of ND. His dam is a real moderate Sakic daughter with a perfect udder. Also, a maternal brother sold last year to Ben Howard.

Here is another Fully Loaded son that is, by pedigree a full sib to lot 60 as their dams are full sisters. A maternal brother sold last year to Rodney Bolack.

Red Maple Lake Fully Loaded 3032 - SIRE OF LOT 60 & 61

maternal sister to Fully Loaded - MLSF 4032

*People may doubt what you say but they will believe what you do.* ~Lewis Cass ~ 20


62 62



Maple Lake 4321

Maple Lake Voltage 3501

02-Feb-14 ML 4321A polled 1/2 sim, 1/2 angus Black Gestation: 282 3C Pasque bw: 86 Maple Lake Full Blast 28 may 30 wt: 549 Angus ww: 1005 Angus A.O.D 8 DAM WT: 1310 7321 Simmental Weaning %: -

03-AUG-13 ML 3501A polled 3/4 sim, 1/4 angus RED Gestation: WHEATLAND PREDATOR 922W bw: 86 WHEATLAND HIGHVOLTAGE122Y may 30 wt: WHEATLAND LADY 736 T ww: WHEATLAND BULL 786T A.O.D 4 MAPLE LAKE MS BOMBER 1501 DAM WT: RED ANGUS/RED ANGUS Weaning %: -

This Full Blast son is a unique SimAngus cross with both parents being SimAngus. His sire, Maple Lake Full Blast is a 3C Pasque son that we sold to Kodi Hazen of North Dakota.

Now into the fall born bulls with a little extra age. 3501 is another Voltage, 786T combination. He is deep bodied, wide over the top and jam packed full of meat and muscle. On top of that he has a super disposition and is easy to work with.



Maple Lake Voltage 3834


Maple Lake Headline 3811

02-sept-13 ML 3834A polled 5/8 sim, 3/8 angus RED Gestation: WHEATLAND PREDATOR 922W bw: 88 WHEATLAND HIGHVOLTAGE122Y may 30 wt: WHEATLAND LADY 736 T ww: Angus A.O.D 7 8834 DAM WT: Simmental Weaning %: -

11-AUG-13 ML 3811A polled 3/4 sim, 1/4 angus RED Gestation: WHEATLAND BULL 680S bw: 91 WHEATLAND HEADLINE 872U may 30 wt: WHEATLAND LADY 609 S ww: IPU Roughrider 2T A.O.D 4 ML 1811Y DAM WT: Maple Lake Nina 111N Weaning %: -

This red bull comes out of two black parents. His dam is a moderate SimAngus cow with a nice tidy udder. Maternal brothers are working in Barry Fowell and Wilfred Bretecher’s herd.

Here is a Headline X Roughrider bull with a ton of maternal in this pedigree. Dam is an outstanding Red blaze faced cow. You can’t miss him. He stand stands out in the bull pen.








Maple Lake Bomber 3623

Maple Lake Bomber 3874

01-SEPT-13 ML 3623A polled 5/8 sim, 3/8 angus BLACK BALDIE Gestation: WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 92 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: SIMMENTAL A.O.D 9 6123 DAM WT: ANGUS Weaning %: -

25-AUG-13 ML 3874A polled 7/8 sim BLACK Gestation: WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 90 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: Line Drive A.O.D 8 7874 DAM WT: Simmental Weaning %: -

3623 is a stylish black baldie 786T son out of a real consistent simangus cow. She has sons working at Stewart Bros and Micheal Wright herd.

Here’s a bull that has a big square hip and tons of power. He is out of a blaze face Line Drive cow that has 2 full brothers working at Todd Wilsons, Stewart Bros and a Roughrider son we use and sold 1/2 interest to Jamie Kohut.

68 DAM OF LOT 69


Maple Lake Bomber 3599


Maple Lake Bomber 3001

08-AUG-13 ML 3599A polled 1/2 sim, 1/2 angus BLACK Gestation: WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 90 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: MVF KRUGERRAND 83N A.O.D 10 MAPLE LAKE RICHELLE 5099R DAM WT: PRAIRIELANE 8116 ROSEBUD 1098 Weaning %: -

27-AUG-13 ML 3001A polled 5/8 sim, 3/8 angus BLACK BALDIE Gestation: WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 84 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: RED ANGUS A.O.D 9 6001 DAM WT: Simmental Weaning %: -

This is a bull that the guess work is done, being a 786T, 5099 cross. We have sold many bulls both simangus and purebred angus out of the 5099 cow, plus we have many females in the herd out of this cow family. He is a full brother to lot 36

This black baldy bull is out of a picture perfect cow. A full brother sold last year to JSJ Livestock for $8500 and a maternal brother is working at Trevor Fletchers.




70 70


Maple Lake Bomber 3722

Maple Lake Bomber 3831

10-AUG-13 ML 3722A polled 5/8 sim, 3/8 angus BLACK Gestation: WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 87 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: ANGUS A.O.D 8 7022 DAM WT: SIMMENTAL Weaning %: -

29-AUG-13 ML 3831A polled 5/8 sim, 3/8 angus BLACK BLAZ Gestation: WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 91 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: ANGUS A.O.D 7 8831 DAM WT: SIMMENTAL Weaning %: -

3722 is a big hipped, powerful bull that can service a large group of cows. His dam is a real moderate black baldy cow with lots of milk. A full brother sold last year to Cam Hamilton.

Here is a stylish blaze faced bull out of a blaze faced cow with a real nice and tidy udder and nice tiny teats.


72 72


Maple Lake Bomber 3412

Maple Lake Bomber 3470

07-SEPT-13 ML 3412A polled 5/8 sim, 3/8 angus BLACK BALDIE Gestation: WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 81 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: ANGUS A.O.D 7 8312 DAM WT: SIMMENTAL Weaning %: -

25-AUG-13 ML 3470A polled 5/8 sim, 3/8 angus BLACK BLAZE Gestation: WHEATLAND BULL 131L bw: 78 WHEATLAND BULL 786T may 30 wt: WHEATLAND LADY 351N ww: ANGUS A.O.D 7 8470 DAM WT: SIMMENTAL Weaning %: -

Another baldy bull with a super moderate 81 lb birth weight. A full brother is working at Derrick Boltons.

Here is a bigger framed bull that is out of a big powerful SimAngus cow. This is a bull that will go out and cover a group of cows.


Commercial Heifers 74









77A & 77B

Warren & Kim Speers & Family, Alexander, MB




We would like to thank Gerry & Linda for the opportunity to sell these heifers in their sale. It is a pleasure to work with the Bertholet family. We have purchased many females out of their fall female sales as well as some bulls in the recent years. We are extremely pleased with the maternal traits of the females and the calving ease and performance that they have added to our herd. These are heifers off the top of our keeper pen.

When Gerry had mentioned that they were wanting to try this with the open heifers I thought this was a very good idea and really shows how they stand behind their bulls and what they have going on here. The 3 heifers we put in were all born in the first half of april 2014 and all sired by net worth sons. Our herd is mainly angus with a bit of simmental and hereford influence in alot of the cows.

75A & 75B


Jamie & SHANNON kohut, Souris, MB

75 are sired by Maple Lake Rider 1874 a black baldy Roughrider son out of Simmental cross cows. 75B are out of a black Wheatland bull 786T son - ML 0075X. All these heifers are out of P to U cows so as you can see they are proven cows that are still doing a great job.



What a great opportunity the Bertholet family has given us! To be involved in their sale is an honour. The heifers we have brought are from two of our herd sires, One sire is a son of 786T. 9920 was bought at Gerry’s first sale and happened to be the high seller that day. I know these heifers will work because we have many in the herd. The other two heifers are from a Real Deal son that we bought from Oakview Simmentals. These heifers are hard to part with because they are out of some of our best cows. We have always had an emphasis on clean udders, good feet and well conformed cattle. Calving ease is also a must. These heifers come out of the heart of our herd. If they did not come here they would be put back in our herd. Once again thanks to the Bertholet family for the invite. Good luck with all your purchases.

79A & 79B

Mike & Jamie Denbow, Hartney, MB

Robert & Brenda Still, ISABELLA, MB

Simmental/ Charolais Sire: ML 9196 (IPU 2T X Red Angus) Gelbvieh/ Charolais - Sire: ML 9196 (IPU 2T X Red Angus)

Warren & Kim Speers & Family

Mike & Jamie Denbow

Jamie & SHANNON Kohut & Family


Ryan, Gail, Dawson & Kala Gibson

Roger TATARYN & Family

Brandon manager Andre

w Keeves

Cargill Dealer

Maple Lake Stock Farms Box 307 - Hartney, MAnitoba Canada - R0M 0X0

Thank you to last years buyers Aurel Voden, MB* Sandy Hintz, SK* Russell Lunde, ND* Jason Zuk, MB* Alex & Nikki Franken, MB Kodi Hazen, ND* Gavin MacKenzie, MB* Cam Hamilton, SK* Gary Dumaine, SK D & D Farms, MB Darren Howden, MB

Ben & Kandi Howard, MB* Stewart Farms, MB Michael Champellaz, MB John Williamson, MB Greg Wesley, MB Ian Marshall, MB James Jasper, MB Ryan Gibson, MB Hunt Farms, MB Derick Bolton, MB Barry Fowell, MB*

Fairlane Farms, MB 7L Ranch, MB* Jamie Kohut, MB Craig Pearson, MB Wes Lamport, MB Robert Still, MB Dan Boulanger, MB Bob McLeod, MB Kermit Schiele, ND Paul Klimpel, ND Brad Rutton, MB

Mike Wright, MB Quinn Wilson, AB Don Flinn, ND Wilfred Bretecher, MB Rod Bolack, MB Andy Elliott, MB Mike Sigurdson, MB Warren Speers, MB Mike Denbow, MB Wayne Czerwonka, SK Richard Gallenger, SK * denotes multiple lots

From Hwy #2 6 miles south on Road 145W (Findlay Road), ¼ mile east. From Hwy #83 9 and ¼ miles east on Grande Clairiere Road. From Hwy #21 7 miles west on Grande Clairiere Road (to 1st intersection past Grande Clairiere) 1 mile south, 1 and ¾ miles west.

Please bring the catalogue with you on sale day

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