Praise and Coffee Fall 2012

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Praise and Coffee Fall 2012

*Special Edition*

Are You Spiraling Downward?

Praise and Coffee *New Menu & Curriculum*

Let’s Talk Marriage Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

Women What Are You Doing With The Power You’ve Been Given?

Praise and Coffee Magazine A quarterly online publication. Founder and Editor

Sue Cramer Co-Editor

Denise Dykstra Submission Guidelines: 1. Anyone is welcome to submit articles or testimonies.

4| Spotlight~ Butler, PA 6| Editor’s Note ~ Building YOU 8| Praise and Coffee Vision and Mission Statement

2. Submissions by women who have attended or hosted a Praise and Coffee event will be considered first

10| Women, How Are You Using the Power You’ve Been Given

3. Testimonies can be personal or connected to your experience at a Praise and Coffee event.

13| To the Generation Above Us

4. Articles that will be considered are to be encouraging and inspiring.

25| Q & A

5. Length of submission should be 400-800 words. This can be negotiated for feature articles.

32| Let’s Talk Marriage ~ Lori Byerly

16| The New Praise and Coffee Menu 28| Debbie Alsdorf

6. Submissions will be read and considered among the Editor and coEditor.

40| Encouragement For Today with Ronel Sidney

7. We do not pay for articles, they are on a volunteer basis.

48| Fall Craft

8. Submissions should be in “Times New Roman” #12 font. 9. Submissions need to be emailed as an attachment and include: Name

44| Imperfect Wives 58| Marinated Cheese~ Sarah Short 60| Fall Trends ~ Andy Paige 62| Mom Pack~ Denise Dykstra 66| esPRESSo Praise and Coffee Group Curriculum

Email Website (if applies) Short (100 words or less) bio 11. Email submissions to our Co-Editor:

Cover photo, and pages 20, 27 and 36 courtesy of Karie Murray Photography. Thank you! Back cover Sue Cramer Some photos iStockPhoto For advertising info, contact Sue at:


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

Fall 2012 Volume 3 | Issue 1


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

Praise and Coffee Spotlight...

Amy Riordan Community group

~ Butler, PA


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

Across the Nation and World! For where 2 or 3 gather together because they are mine, I am there among them. Matthew 18:20

Buffalo, Minnesota

Plainwell, MI (the original!)

Ephrata, PA

Reno, NV Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Henderson, NV Butler, PA


Prescott, AZ

San Diego, CA Anthem, AZ

Lynden, WA

New Hampshire

We want pictures of your events!! Email them to us or post them into the albums on the Praise and Coffee page on Facebook!


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

cringe a little when I’m asked what Praise and Coffee is and I use the word ‘ministry’ in my explanation. Yes, I know that technically we are a ministry but that’s not how I want us to be known. It gives me pictures of offices and buildings and bureaucracy. However, I like the word “movement,” it makes me think of an organic uprising of women who chose to abandon their fears and step out to change themselves and the world around them.

How’s that been working for you? Ladies, let me ask you a question, what are the women in your neighborhood, school system and community supposed to do until then? The day of feeling ready, never comes. It’s time to step out now. Broken and messy, you are still qualified to sit with women over a cup of coffee and talk about life. How many memorized scriptures is enough? The one that changed your life is all you need to start with.

We don’t want to build Praise and Coffee. We want to build YOU. Connecting Women Encouraging Growth Inspiring Change!

We don’t want to build Praise and Coffee. We want to build YOU.

Our mission is to encourage YOU to do the mission of reaching out to the women that God has brought in to your life.

Truth be told, many of us have been Christian’s for years now. We’ve sat through numerous Bible studies, served in kids’ church, sang in the choir and yet we’re still waiting anxiously for that next Bible study when we’ll overcome all the sin in our life and God will give us a clear picture of what our true calling is. I think we want something to make us feel qualified because the doubts scream in our head that we’re not good enough, so we do nothing brave. 6

Studying the Word of God is good, necessary and part of our life as a believer, but it’s not a prerequisite to love others.

Jesus didn’t require the disciples to sit down and qualify themselves through studying. Instead they walked with Him while He lived grace and mercy to the world. Yes, the world, not just other believers. They watched as He reached out to Zacchaeus, a hated scorned man in the community, and said “I’m coming to your house.”

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

They saw how He healed a woman considered unclean, with an issue of blood for 18 years, instead of stoning her as she deserved. They learned about the love of the Father when little children got inside His bubble and He loved them instead of pushing them away. When we read of how Jesus lived, it shows us how to love and equips us to step out and show that same compassion and caring to others. You don’t have to know all the doctrinal answers, the disciples sure didn’t. I’ll bet they wished that Jesus would have stayed just a little bit longer so that He could teach them everything they needed to know. But He had showed them enough, it was their turn now. After Jesus rose to heaven in front of them, the angels had to eventually step in and say, “Men of Galilee, why are you standing here staring into heaven?” I wonder if God would like to send some angels to us at times and say the same thing? Maybe I can be your angel today. The disciples then went and waited for the Holy Spirit to come. Thankfully, we don’t have to wait for that, He’s here! So I ask you, “How long will you stand staring at heaven when there is a world that could use His love?” It doesn’t matter to me if it’s a Praise and Coffee group, a small group through your church or one of the other many other great movements of gathering girlfriends. Just do something that connects you with other women because we were created for connection! We’re changed when we open our lives to be fully ourselves with other women just like us. 7

Kitchen table time with Ronel Sidney and Denise Dykstra! We want to make it easy for you so this issue is filled with tools to help you bravely step out. We’re also starting something new on our Praise and Coffee Facebook page ( It’s called: Praise and Coffee Connection! We are putting out a scripture every Monday and then unpacking it a little more each day to apply it to our lives.

Hope you enjoy this issue! Sue

Sue Cramer Founder of Praise and Coffee

Connect with me online...

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

Our Vision~ To see women connect, encourage and inspire one another through Praise and Coffee groups meeting in every state and across the world! Our Mission~ Connecting Women~ * Encouraging women to start a Praise and Coffee group in their community. * By the ‘Praise and Coffee Connections’ on our Facebook page. * Through sharing our pictures and stories of women and the power of connection in our (this) quarterly magazine. * By welcoming all Praise and Coffee group leaders into our private Facebook group and giving each woman a place to belong and be loved. Encouraging Growth~ * The groups offer women a safe and non-judgmental environment to share the journey of life which creates an atmosphere for growth. * The menu options allow us to connect with women on similar journeys and grow through relationships enriched with commonality. * The springboard compels us to dig into God’s Word and let it be life to us in our current circumstances. Inspiring Change~ * Inspire means to “breathe in” and we believe that connecting with women through Praise and Coffee groups helps women “breathe in” fresh hope by hearing each other’s stories. * We’re changed when we dare to step out beyond our comfort levels and be our authentic self to those around us, no more masks. * Inspiring change by unpacking our faith with women on similar journey’s and choosing not to shrink back but to live our lives boldly as God intended. 8

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

Woman, how are you using

The Power You’ve Been Given? By: Sue Cramer Recently I read a book by Seth Godin called Linchpin. It changed the way I live. Here is a quick synopsis: There used to be two teams in every workplace: management and labor. Now there's a third team, the linchpins. These people invent, lead (regardless of title), connect others, make things happen, and create order out of chaos. They figure out what to do when there's no rule book. They delight and challenge their customers and peers. They love their work, pour their best selves into it, and turn each day into a kind of art. Linchpins are the essential building blocks of great organizations. Like the small piece of hardware that keeps a wheel from falling off its axle, they may not be famous but they're indispensable. And in today's world, they get the best jobs and the most freedom. 10

You might read this and think, well maybe if I was striving for a fortune 500 job that book would come in handy, it sounds great but how could this help me as a wife and mother? I’m more interested in figuring out how to get Spaghettio stains out of my 4 year olds’ new church dress. Ladies, I’m appealing to that part of you that I know is in there. Behind the coffee stained sweatshirt, mini-van driving, makeup-less, baseball capped, tired and frustrated mom is a woman who wants more. I believe God puts a fight in us, that may get stomped down at times by the dream stomping attitudes and fears that plague us, but it’s in there if we’ll let it rise up. I believe we can be linchpins in our homes. I believe that we NEED to be.

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

Let’s re-write the synopsis: There used to be one of two women in every home: the overwhelmed or the caught up. Now there's a third team, the linchpins. These women invent, lead (regardless of title), connect others, make things happen, and create order out of chaos. They figure out what to do when there's no rule book (and heaven knows we never got a rule book!). They delight and challenge their husbands and kids. They love their life, pour their best selves into it, and turn each day into a kind of art.

I’m going to start with one thing: Cultivate a thankful heart.

Women who choose to be linchpins are the essential building blocks of a healthy family and that creates stronger neighborhoods, schools and communities. Like the small piece of hardware that keeps a wheel from falling off its axle, they may not be famous but they're indispensable. And in today's world, they get the best rewards and the most freedom.

I agree fully with the statement: happy people are not thankful, thankful people are happy. Or, for the sake of this article: thankful women create happy homes.

God said it pretty good too: Proverbs 14:1 A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish one tears it down with her own hands. NLT

Now, if your response is to exhale in disgust because you wanted a formula for success that involved a pill which would not only give you the power to leap over tall buildings but also miraculously help you drop that baby fat from your 8yr old baby…you clearly misunderstand the power of a thankful heart. Ladies this is HUGE. Huge. Ginormous even.

I’ve talked to women who focus so much on the negative and the things they lack that they cannot conceive the idea of being thankful in the midst of their current circumstances. And for obvious reasons, their lives go from one bad circumstance to another.

Notice…it does not say that a man can do this.

Notice…it does not say that a man can do this. This is a power given strictly to women. Ladies we have a choice to make. We can follow the status quo, constantly struggling to keep up and deal with whatever life throws at us or we can make a choice to use the power that God gave us and build a home for our family. A home that will show more than a happy family, a home that will shine because you’ve grasped that God has more than just survival for this season of your life. How? 11

These women will always be cogs. They are similar to a factory machine, they continually press out mundane, average, status quo days. They never tap into the creative side that would allow them to wake up the gifts and callings that God placed in them before they were even born. Sadly, they may never live up to all that God has for them and neither will their families. Their negative heart is powerful and sets the tone for failure in their home. Thankfulness is one of the ways a linchpinwoman can change her world and those under her roof.

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

Choosing to see the many ways God has blessed them, teaching it to their children and filling their husband’s hearts by just being in the same room with him. A thankful heart is powerful. It can change the world around you.

Linchpins (wise women according to Proverbs 14) are not complainers, they are problem solvers. They are not whining about all the things that go wrong, they are focusing on the things that they are thankful for and looking for solutions to the difficulties that arise.

One very practical application from my own life is the October morning I was looking out into our backyard. The sun was beaming on the trees as their leaves shimmered in deep reds, rich oranges and brilliant yellows. Autumn is my favorite time of year and this day Michigan was showing off big time for us. Instead of commenting on the beautiful colors I said to my daughter,

Proverbs 31:10-12 A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.

“Look at what a pretty view Daddy gave us, he built us this house right here so we could enjoy the gorgeous view.”

Linchpins (or as Proverbs 14 says: wise women) are not complainers, they are problem solvers.

My husband looked at me sideways, we’d lived her almost 14 years and I’m sure he wondered why I would bring up the fact that he built this home for us. I looked at him and said, “I just want you to know that I’m still thankful.” He smiled. I knew it had touched him and he walked out the door with his head a little higher. Those things seem small but compare it to a morning of complaining, barking orders, burnt toast and bad milk. …they create order out of chaos The chosen attitude of thankfulness can help create order out of chaos. Notice, I did not say there would never be chaos, but thankfulness can calm it and buffer the madness that would like to overwhelm our days. 12

Yes, our husband and children reap the benefits of women who choose to live above the fray. They are blessed by our thankfulness, but we also gain fulfillment and happiness as we rise to be more than the status quo. Ladies, how are you wielding the power you’ve been given? Are you building your home or tearing it down? It’s not too late to make better choices and step up. Here are a few things to consider: 1. Think of the things you’ve said to your family over the last 24 hours. Have they been with a thankful heart or a complaining attitude? 2. Would those in your circle of friends describe you as thankful? 3. Decide one way that you will choose to lead your family with thankfulness today. 4. Lather, rinse and repeat. *smile* But seriously, continue to keep doing this and after a week, look back and see how the tone and atmosphere in your home is different. I know it will be.

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

To the Generation Above Us By: Jennie Allen

Reckless Faith.

I know we seem hard to reach, distracted and often arrogant and honestly, sometimes we are. But maybe you can appreciate some of what gets our attention. We are a reckless passionate generation, who longs to know Jesus and change the world. Our Generation longs for…..

Honesty. We would rather you be a wreck and honest than polished and plastic feeling. Be a broken sinner and we will forgive you and like you better for it.

Depth. Don’t give us feel-good shallow theology. We want to know God, every dimension of him. Not just the things about him that go down easily. We want to attack the dark hard stuff about suffering and justice too. Don’t hide God from us. Don’t water him down.

Mentors. Even though sometimes we act like we don’t need help. We actually want a deep connection with the generation above us. We want mentors, even if we are questioning the way the generation above has done things. We still long for you to pour into us. Don’t let our passion for different things push you away. We need you.


We want to be challenged to live for something bigger than ourselves. We actually believe the verses that say, “Die to yourself… to this life” and we’re willing to do it. Give us a God worth dying for and point us toward his mission on this earth and we will flat sell out to him.

Impact. Let us change the world. Don’t hold us back. Empower us. Believe in us. Pour into us. Care about the things we care about. We know you want us to be happy and comfortable. But we actually want to live uncomfortable for the sake of others. We want orphans to become ours and tribes and neighbors to know Jesus, we want smaller houses so we can have a bigger impact. Don’t be afraid of losing us to another country. We see our lives as short and we see them as already lost.

Jesus. We actually are starting to get our heads around the gospel- who Jesus was and is and what he wants for us and that’s why we want all of the above. He is wrecking us. It isn’t a list of dos and don’ts that we obey, it is a person who we would do anything for. His grace is captivating us. We’re starting to lose our religion and find Jesus and he is changing everything. What else…. What is the difference in our generation and our parents? I think it is urgent we build bridges. We need each other.

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

You asked for it... Praise and Coffee Magazine is now available in print through MagCloud. Magazines can be ordered individually

but not by print subscription.

(Yet. Stay tuned‌) The print magazines cost about $13-$15 each. To order a copy in print, go to


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012



Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012


How often should I hold my Praise and Coffee?

That is up to you but it should be consistent.

We suggest one of the three: * once a week

How do I host the group with the books? We recommend using the book as a “springboard” for conversation.

You do not have to follow the book strictly,, just decide ahead of time

how much you are all going to read

* twice a month

and be prepared to talk about it.

* once a month How long should I keep doing my group? We would like you to commit to

holding your group at least 6X. So that would mean your group will

last anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months long. Then feel free to start over with a new group or

keep going with your current one. Is there a cost or membership fee to join Praise and Coffee as a host or a participant?

What if the members of my group don’t keep up with reading the books? Always go back to the heart of these groups: * Connecting women * Encouraging Growth * Inspiring Change Our focus is NOT structure or obedience to a set of rules, it’s a

matter of the heart. Be gracious

and let God lead by what is on the hearts of the ladies there.

No, not at this time.

Cont... 25

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

How do I “lead” the groups that

How do I start??

conversation from?

Fill out the form

don’t have a book to springboard We encourage you to use our

esPRESSo curriculum at the end of this magazine. Or, look up arti-

cles that apply to your group topic and discuss them, or go around the table sharing how the past

week or month has been in light of the “flavor” of your group. ie: If your group is about blended

and start inviting


families, talk about what has been the most difficult decision you’ve had to make as a step mom. Be creative! And watch how God

just opens the conversation once you let your own walls down. Do I have to pray out loud to host a group? That is up to you. You can format your groups with or without a

time of public prayer, but we do

encourage everyone in the group to keep one another in their pray-

ers and send emails or texts to let each other know that you are praying for one another. 26


on our website

Do I have to use the books suggested for the “flavor” group I want? No, they are just suggestions. Where do I buy the books?

We have a list of the books on our website with direct links to Amazon. As an Amazon affiliate we would love it if you order them through our website! Click here: Resources

or go to our website and find the “Resources” page under “Praise and Coffee groups”

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

It’s more than a ministry,

it’s a

* Movement!

* 27

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

Debbie Alsdorf is a cheerleader of hope! With humor and honesty, she holds out Biblical truth to women in a way that changes their daily lives. Debbie is a national speaker and author and has spent the past 9 years encouraging women to put aside old beliefs and embrace the truth of Christ's love, as the intimate loving God Scripture declares He is.

When I Forget,

I Spiral Downward Instead of Living Up! Debbie Alsdorf Have you ever forgotten something? You know—a name, your keys, where you parked your car? Most of us can relate to forgetting little things in our day, but do you ever forget the foundational truths that were meant to give you peace and security in the middle of life's challenging circumstances?

Sometimes I get a sudden case of amnesia concerning God and his faithfulness. And when I forget, I tend to spiral into a place of worry, insecurity, fear, or hopelessness. In that place, I easily begin to depend on myself rather than turn to God and his grace. Perhaps like me you easily fall prey to the enemy's strategy of getting the focus on anything other than God and the truth in his word.

I don't know about you, but my good attitude and faith based responses can go down the drain the minute my circumstances get hard. I Jesus came that we might have life—rich, forget the things I need to remember. full, and abundant. This doesn't mean a life 28

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

without problems, suffering or challenges. But, it does mean that in the middle of the tough stuff in life, we are upheld, comforted, and empowered by the God who overcomes all things. The tension in the story comes with the thief who wants to rob all good from us and steal all aspects of faith from our already overburdened minds. Though Jesus has overcome, we are affected by the prowling strategies of the thief, who is constantly trying to defeat us. How does he do this? He tries to steal our focus! In doing so, he can effectively rob our faith, hope and joy— which in turn impacts our reactions, responses and attitude. What's a girl to do? “Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.” Colossians 3:2 To “set” means to put something into a particular place. I have found that challenging my focus each day certainly affects my attitude. So, armed with a nugget of truth from God's Word, I make it a discipline to look up many times during the course of the day. Because it's not always natural, I often set the alarm on my phone. When my smart phone reminds me, I stop and take a moment to focus on what is true. I thank God of His word and his promises—and in so doing, I am daring to be a woman who puts in place the things that will prevent me from developing spiritual amnesia. We face circumstances over which we have very little control. We can't control other people's choices, even though their choices affect us. We can't control disease and catastrophe though both are part of the world we live in. But we do have control of three crucial things--attitude, direction and trust. Each day we choose who we will serve—self-interest or God. 29

Each day we choose who we will trust— people, things or God's faithfulness. And each day our choice has a direct impact on the direction we take in our daily life. Remembering God's faithfulness in the middle of all other options is important. In fact, it's not just important, it's imperative to living in the context of that rich, full life that Jesus talked about. A life of peace, a life of love and a life of contented security despite our details. Don't misunderstand...I am not always a woman who trusts God, but I want to be. So, I am becoming a woman of focus. I am daily challenging my thoughts when they get negative and unproductive and I am finding that God's word is true when it tells us that, “he will keep in perfect peace those whose mind is stayed on him.” Isa 26:3 Is your mind set on him? Are you focusing on a promise in His Word? If not, run to him, open his word—his word sets your mind free from the chaos of over thinking things. A mind set on his faithfulness is a mind that is at rest, at peace, and at home in God's love. Remember this: Problems are part of life— and problems can change your life! Problems are inevitable but living overwhelmed is optional. In every real life problem we can choose to be overwhelmed or we can dare ourselves to believe in God, believe in His promises and fix our eyes on the faith side of things. Which will you choose? Personally, I already know how to be overwhelmed! I am enjoying the challenge of bringing my cares to my heavenly Father and recognizing what it's like to live by faith and live in peace.

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

FORMER WITCH UNVEILS THE OCCULT McGuire chronicles leaving Christianity, through occult, back to Christ (NASHVILLE, TENN) Kristine McGuire was a witch. And medium. And ghost hunter. Interested in the occult since childhood, the Christian woman and praise team member left her church to fully pursue witchcraft. Her full story of that – and what drove her back to Christ – is told in Escaping the Cauldron, releasing from Charisma House in September 2012. First drawn to the occult by slumber party séances, McGuire’s interest in witchcraft secretly enticed her away from Christianity. “I was able to keep my occult practices secret from everyone,” writes McGuire. “During the day I was a teacher at a Christian preschool, but at home I was worshiping the goddess.” During her eight years as a witch, McGuire not only practiced witchcraft, but also became a medium and ghost hunter. An encounter on a ghost-hunting expedition rocked Kristine’s view of reality and opened the door for her to return to Christ. Her renewed study of scripture revealed what she had really been encountering. Using her real-life experiences and knowledge from the Bible, McGuire now gives unique insights into popular culture influences like Harry Potter, the Twilight series, yoga, Halloween, Ghost Hunters and more. McGuire is most interested in reaching those deceived by the occult. “Wicca is one of the fastest-growing religions in North America,” McGuire says. “I've discovered many people will ghost hunt, play with Ouija Boards, or some other occult activity with little understanding of it. Many are drawn to horoscopes without realizing they are connected to astrology. What's sad is that the people who are dabbling have no idea they are even doing so.” ESCAPING THE CAULDRON | by Kristine McGuire | September 4, 2012 Charisma House | 978-1616386979| $14.99

Kristine is a good friend and the real deal! I was blown away to hear how she had considered herself a Christian witch. Her story is compelling and needed in this day of curiosity towards the supernatural. Read it and share it with a friend who’s searching. ~Sue Cramer 30

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

I wanted to explore my womanhood from a different perspective than the church provided. I wanted magick and to understand the occult. l was desperate, searching for spiritual refreshment in a religion gone dry. Wicca gave me what I wanted. Kristine McGuire

About Kristine McGuire Kristine McGuire spent eight years blending Christianity with the occult. Though she was an experienced witch, medium, and ghost hunter, she also considered herself a Christian. She has been a Solitary Eclectic Christian Witch, a clairsentient medium, and a lead investigating member of the Grand Rapids Area Paranormal Enthusiasts (GRAPE), now known as Michigan Paranormal Alliance. Her unique journey through Christianity, witchcraft, and the occult gives her an informed perspective on the lure of the occult and the saving power of God. A gifted writer, Kristine’s work has been featured in Faithful Devotions, Focus on the Family, and Crosslinks. She keeps a daily blog that has a faithful following. Learn more at To book Kristine to speak or arrange for an interview, please contact Rebeca Seitz at Glass Road Media and Management,, (615) 986-9516. 31

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

Let’s Talk

MARRIAGE With Lori Byerly of “The Generous Wife”


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

Making your

Marriage BETTER! Tending Your Marriage Garden I

magine a garden (I’m imagining my

cottage garden). This garden will not flourish without a certain amount of care. Someone will need to water it, pull weeds, mulch, fertilize and such. Marriage is very much like that garden. If we want to have warm, intimate marriages, we need to be intentional about the care of our own “marriage garden.”

Study When I look at the plants in my cottage garden, I need to know a little something about them so that I can give them the care they need. I need to know which plants to put in full sun and which will need a bit of shade. I need to know how big different plants will grow and when to pinch or prune. 33

It’s the same with marriage. You need knowledge. Follow a couple of blogs, read a book or take a marriage class. Buddy up to a couple that has a good marriage and ask questions. Take the time to gather information. Not only will you gain ideas and understanding, you’ll begin to develop a vocabulary that will make it easier for you and your husband to talk about marriage.

Regular Action So, when it comes to my garden, I start with what I’ve learned. I water every couple of days (or if I see any wilting). I watch out for pests and pull weeds as they appear. I go to my local nursery and get the kind of fertilizer that is recommended. At this point, I’m just trying to act on what I‘ve read and heard. It’s likely to work, but I’m still very much learning.

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

MARRIAGE In marriage, we need to take regular action too. We can make a point of smiling and speaking kindly. We can invite our husband to have sex or go to a movie. We can pray together or share a meal. We start with what we have learned and use it as the basis for a plan of action.

Observe and Modify Once I have information about my garden, I still have to look at the individual plants. Every plant is a little different and I need to learn all the “nuances” of each of my plants. If something wilts, does it need water, is there a pest problem or is it getting too much sun? If it’s not flowering, do I need to fertilize? Observing and a little trial and error can help me come to know my plants and what they need. There are a lot of factors to pay attention to and a garden journal is helpful. (I also pray over and talk to my plants. Not trying to be weird, but I figure God loves them as much as I do.)

You start with the basic information and then personalize it as you go. For example, if a marriage book gives you advice about morning conversations with your husband and your husband is not a morning person, apply it to other times of conversation and give him the quiet he needs to start his day. As a tool, why not create a garden marriage journal. Make a list of different areas of your relationship – emotional, relational, sexual, physical, spiritual, mental (and any other areas or subjects you can think of) and use that to brainstorm.

We can make a point of smiling and speaking kindly. We can invite our husband to have sex or go to a movie. We can pray together or share a meal.

You will need to personalize what you learn about marriage too, because you and your husband are individuals and how you interact in marriage is going to be unique as well. 34

What do you know? What can you do? What have you tried? Are there resources that you can use to help you learn and grow in these areas? Have you made this a matter of prayer?

Personalize. Modify. Learn your garden marriage well.

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

A Gardener’s Journey There are seasons in nature and taking care of a garden means ongoing care. Some seasons require little work and other seasons require much, but through it all you need to keep learning, keep observing and work to meet the needs of the garden. In marriage, it’s much the same. Continue to study, to take action and to learn from what you do. Some seasons you may sail through and others will require a lot of attention and effort. Every marriage has its strengths and weaknesses. The point is to study your marriage so that you know what those are and then take regular action to build on your strengths and improve where you have struggles. Though the journey (and the work) is life long, remind yourself that the harvest is well worth the effort and the beauty of the garden... well, it’s just amazing.

Every marriage has its strengths and weaknesses. The point is to study your marriage so that you know what those are and then take regular action to build on your strengths and improve where you have struggles.

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Lori Byerly is married to The Generous Husband and lives in the beautiful Northwest US. She is the mom of two and has a lovely new granddaughter. She works for two non-profit ministries, and ministers in the area of marriage and small group church expressions.


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

What women are saying about Praise and Coffee groups...


There are literally families and attitudes waiting for the steel mills to re-open. The biggest industry here is GM, and the layoffs have been hard for this area for years. These ladies long for something different and better. I think these meetings give them something to look forward to. They have no problem meeting new people and starting conversations. They feel safe.

I sense the Greater Youngs-

town group is different than most groups. The connections have been instant because the hunger for something, anything that is positive and simple to pull off is a breath of fresh air. The ladies are actually coming 30+ minutes before meetings start. We have no agenda. We simply ask they bring a light refreshment, the hostess for each meeting provides the coffee. We average 20 members. Youngstown has been ranked one if not the highest rate of poverty city in the US.


Julie Arduini Youngstown, OH

My heart for Greater Youngstown Praise and Coffee is to create an environment of fellowship that creates positive talk that will change Youngstown for the better one cup of coffee at a time.�

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

“For me Praise and

Jennifer Rash’s group comments from Spartanburg, SC:

Coffee has been a way to make those deeper connections outside the four walls of church and to have more intimate community!”

“Last night I felt refreshed and renewed as I walked out... Thankful to be first in the presence of my Father, but also in knowing that He had sent me to a place where I could grow through studying with women from different backgrounds and different lives. Each with a great story to tell.... I am truly blessed to be able to be part of this!!”

Cindy Bolt Las Vegas, NV

“The second time I attended Praise and “One word that comes to mind Coffee was in Plainwell and as it turned out that was the night that would change my life as I knew it! I met a gal who helped me take my business to the next level but even more meaningful than that was the friends I have met through her. My husband and I were new to the area and without having a J-O-B or kids in school, it was very hard to meet friends. It was even hard to meet new people and make strong connections at church because our congregation is so large. Because God led me to my new friend Kris, I have made so many very close friends as well as reputable business partners. I am forever grateful!!!!” Denise Bargy Plainwell, MI

“Praise and Coffee has helped in giving me the confidence I need to step out in more of a leadership role of our Women's ministry at church. I am now facilitating 3 bible studies and I am on a team of 6 ladies working on "waking up" the women's ministry at my church.” Jennifer Hill Allendale, MI


is...Freedom. The freedom to be myself, the freedom to celebrate my Lord, freedom to lift one another up in prayer, the freedom for future friendships to blossom, the freedom to really, really study God's Word, the freedom to be open minded for discussions, and the fact that coffee is my favorite beverage I feel right at "home"“ Jennifer Rash Spartanburg, SC

“it’s good to get away from home for an evening and be in a circle of ladies, feel encouraged, inspired, praying for each other. One more: Being able to open up and speak from my heart, from what I have learned from my past, my mistakes. To be encouraged, inspired, and loved by sisters that I am learning to trust is incredible!!!”

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

We found more great stuff for you!

Listen to tracks at For many women, life can start to look like a chain of one responsibility after another. In Let It Go, popular author and speaker Karen Ehman has created a powerful tool to help them take a breath and avoid becoming 'control freaks.' With a combination of biblical insight, humor, and stories taken from her own experience, Ehman provides a better way---a way to navigate and more fully enjoy the relationships and responsibilities of your life---from total control to implicit trust in God. The accompanying Participant's Guide complements the DVD sessions, focusing on specific issues and situations to help women take away the most important lessons Ehman has to teach. She offers additional support for the journey away from over-control and into a stronger, trusting relationship with God. 38

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

Some of our Holiday Pinterest picks. Click here to follow and find these!


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

Encouragement for Today with

Ronel Sidney No backing down in the face of fear! The leaves have begun to change colors and will soon fall. The stripping away seems so painful yet apart of the very nature of progression. My walk with God has been shifting and changing. Sitting at His feet at a loss for words I placed Praise and Coffee and my participation with it at His feet offering it as a sacrifice. I think far too often we find our identity in marriage, family, work or ministry. God has been shifting my focus and purpose in life. I no longer want my name in lights instead I want to leave a positive mark on lives. Getting lost in the hustle and bustle of life is far too easy especially in our fast paced world yet I have found such pleasure and joy meeting with a small group of woman at Starbucks weekly to build relationships with deeper roots. I found this amazing group of friends I did not have just last year all by making myself available once a week (or biweekly sometimes) to chat over coffee. We have done DVD studies, book studies and sometimes just chatted over coffee.

Ladies, we do NOT need a degree...

It does not have to be complicated or too much work. Ladies, we do NOT need a degree or certification to lead woman. We are already leaders in our communities. We are leaders at work. We are leaders in school. We are leaders at home. A leader is a person followed by others. You my friends are being watched all the time. Your sphere of influence is far greater than you may even know or recognize.


We are all hiding wounds that were afflicted by another person whether in friendship, parents, a spouse or a child that has left home or left the faith. We are afraid of getting hurt again. We are afraid to trust. We are worried about how people would judge us if they really knew what we “did”. My heart longs to connect with woman on this heart level in a way that is healing and safe. Sadly many of us do not know what it is like to be a safe friend. We have not had this type of relationship modeled for us. So what then? Isn’t this the beauty of what Jesus came to do? He came to give us abundant life. He came to make use free from our sins. He came to give us a new life. We may have never experienced these healthy relationships yet we can facilitate these healthy groups with Him guiding our path and way.

Each and every week I have Praise and Coffee scheduled I battle wanting to cancel or reschedule do to my crazy schedule or unexpected shifts in life yet each and every time I fight these feelings I am blessed by connection with the ladies who meet me where I am at in life. The number of woman or the amount of time spent together is not anything to get stressed about instead we must go expecting God and He will bless our efforts to connect.

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

Showing up with a nugget of encouragement can be as simple as sharing a verse or quote that has been speaking to your heart. Encouragement comes in all shapes and sizes; a devotional, book studies, DVD lessons, workbooks or even a novel. Last month I shared how God had used spilt dog food all over the floor to teach me to let go of control and just relax in the chaos of life. We cannot control everything and if we come prepared to share too much we just might hinder the conversation. Women are showing up to share their lives with you, showing up humble is important! Sharing vulnerability, shame, confessions, hurt, sadness and pain make us real and can inspire change in our communities. Having spent much of my twenties pretending I had it all together I can say I have learned more about myself through sharing my failures, mistakes and struggles than I ever did comparing myself or trying to make myself look better than I actually was on the inside.

I’ve had the awesome opportunity to share tips and encouragement for Real Moms on STAR 105.7, a secular radio station here in West Michigan.

Sharing real life is far more important than anyone walking away wishing they had it all together like “her,” because we all know we are not perfect. As a recovering know it all I have also learned what works for me does not always work for someone else and this is the best place to insert grace; grace for ourselves and grace for other woman. As we grow and change we will learn better what God has for each of us yet I know when we are walking life with sisters by our sides we can face any challenge life may throw at us so let us stop hiding and start living in connection! We can do this girls!! If we do it together!

We talk about everything from bullying to tips for dealing with teenagers. If you’re not in West Michigan you can listen online at iHeart radio. Check out my webpage for more info, links to the segments we’ve recorded and ways to connect with Tommy and Brook! @TommyAndBrook

Ronel Sidney is the National Director for Praise and Coffee Check out her blog: Contact her: 41

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

Releasing in November, watch for it in the news!


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

When Kim de Blecourt and her husband decided to adopt a child from Ukraine, they knew that the process might be challenging. Nothing, however, could have prepared de Blecourt for the twisted nightmare she would endure. During her year-long struggle to extricate her newly adopted little boy from that post-Soviet country's corrupt social service and judicial systems, de Blecourt was insulted, physically assaulted, and arrested. Worse, her months of loneliness, worry, and fear drove her to the brink of spiritual despair. But God had no intention of abandoning de Blecourt or her family. Her amazing story-culminating in a spinechilling race to freedom-offers dramatic proof that God's light shines on even in the deepest darkness. “As an adoptive mom, Kim’s story touches my heart in a deep a powerful way. I can not begin to imagine living this story. I’ve been blessed to know Kim and she’s shared her story at a couple of our local Praise and Coffee events. I think the most memorable moment was when at the end of the evening her husband showed up with the kids and Jake ran right through the crowd and up to the stage to grab his Momma. Oh yeh, I lost it. This story will compel you to believe in miracles.” Sue Cramer "I can describe this book in one word: captivating. It details the heart-wrenching excitement of running and hiding from one of the scariest government agencies in the world, and it is absolutely magnetic. I don't know how this family survived such a horrendous ordeal other than through God's intervention and favor. This is a must-read that you will be talking about for years to come, and a reference manual on the positive results that come from having a tenacious, never-quit attitude." (Gary VanDyke, President, Food for Orphans ) "Kim de Blecourt's story is amazing--and I never use the word amazing. Her courage in the face of persecution and obstacles will inspire you as you turn the pages of her adoption saga, a tale like none other. Until We All Come Home reads like a novel, and will enthrall you with each nail-biting episode until the blockbuster conclusion. The difference is, Kim really lived this story, and her profound devotion for her little boy is a tribute to a mother's love, and to God's care and shelter in the worst circumstances." (Lorilee Craker, journalist and New York Times best-selling author of 11 books, including Through the Storm with Lynne Spears and Money Secrets of the Amish. ) "UNTIL WE ALL COME HOME is a page-turner! This true life story is so captivating the reader is fully emotionally engaged from the beginning to the end. Kim de Blecourt has done an extraordinary job of relating the gripping impact of saying 'Yes' to God's leading in the life of her family. The tenacity, passion, and relentless cry of this mother's heart will make a lasting imprint on your life." (Carol Kent, Speaker and Author of When I Lay My Isaac Down and Between a Rock and a Grace Place ) 43

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

Q&A with a couple of

Imperfect Wives!


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

1. How did your radio show start? Cherie ~ It wasn’t as glamorous as some might think. Noelle Mena of Christian Women Affiliate (CWA) approached me back in 2009 to see if I would like to host a show about marriage on her CWA Radio Network. At the time, we were still The Praying Wives Club and I didn’t feel I was ready for something that important. I mean, who was I to host a radio show? Then she asked me again at the beginning of 2010. This time I told her I would pray about it. Going into the new year, the thought kept coming back to me, but again I struggled because I didn’t think I had the right voice. The right anything. In the meantime, The Praying Wives Club was growing and I needed help. I could no longer take care of the needs of the group without strong help. I started seeking God for who He wanted to join me. He began to speak to my heart about my sweet friend Rebecca LeCompte. I approached her about joining my ministry and she said yes. There is more to this but we'll save that for another conversation! Once Rebecca was onboard, I shared Noelle’s invitation with her, just to get her thoughts about starting a show. To my surprise, she said yes and we were off on a new adventure with NO CLUE about what we were doing and no idea what God was about to do! Rebecca ~ Cherie was surprised I said yes the first time she mentioned it to me because I almost never say yes to anything new the first time around! (Ha ha!) I think that really got her attention because it was so out of character for me. Cherie and I said yes to Noelle’s offer within a day of that first conversation, which was in October of 2010. 45

We had our first broadcast on December 6th that year. It was definitely a whirlwind as we raced to learn the basics of hosting a live internet radio show. The beginning was funny and a little scary as we made so many mistakes during our on-the-job training!

2. What kind of things are women talking about? C and R~ Women are talking about things women have talked about forever: their relationships with their husbands, their children, the challenges of family in today’s culture, finances, work, and friendships. In all of these, what we see is Women are talk- that women ing about things long to live their lives well women have but sometimes get lost in the talked about culture around forever: their them. They derelationships with sire to live to bring glory to their husbands, God but get their children, the lost in the “how.” This challenges of opens the door family in today’s for us to teach them how to culture, finances, be proactive in their faith by work, and teaching friendships. God’s truths about marriage and who He created them to be, allowing them to fully experience the life God designed them to live. As far as marriage specifically, the one area that is we always get questions about is the topic of submission. That word evokes strong reactions from women and is something

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

they all want to figure out. Once women see that submission is God’s will, then the conversation turns practical and women begin to ask, “What does this look like?” That’s where we get to share our stories of success and failure and hold out hope in the message that submission to your husband is a blessing from the Lord.

3. How is your show challenging women? C&R~ We believe our show challenges women to examine the Word of God more closely and see how all of it applies to them and to their marriage. Along with that, we then challenge women to examine their own hearts, thoughts, words, and actions and ask the Lord if they’re measuring up to HIS standard (rather than their own or the world’s). We also think our show challenges women to be more transparent with other put aside their facades and just be real about their struggles and imperfections.

C~ At the risk sounding We also think our of redundant, my show challenges favorite part of doing the women to be show is hangmore transparent ing out with She with other women Rebecca. is a teacher at put aside heart. As we God’s their facades and study word together, just be real about I learn in leaps bounds their struggles and and because of imperfections. the way God has designed her to teach. And yes, we do have a lot of fun behind the scenes. The craziest things have happened to us before, during and even after the shows. We laugh a lot and enjoy the process together. Oh the stories we could share! I also enjoy our live chat room. Having a front seat to witness so many women change in God’s presence is truly priceless!

4. What is your favorite part of doing the radio show? R~ Honestly, I love all of it! It’s hard to pick just one part, so I’m going to give you a couple. The first thing I love about doing the show is that I get to do it with CHERIE! She is so much fun to work with, especially doing a live recording...there’s always something that happens behind the scenes that we get to laugh about. I also just love getting to talk about the Lord with women. We always get such great feedback from the ladies in the chat room and their comments often prompt us to highlight something from our notes that maybe didn’t seem very important during our study time. These interactions and spur-of-the-moment “add-ins” show us how God tailors these messages for His daughters. 46

5. How can we find your show? Our blog is currently undergoing a reconstruction to include Imperfect Wives Radio. Until its completion, you can find us on our following three platforms: Facebook: radio Blog Talk Radio: vesradio iTunes: ect-wives-radio-blog/id495953500

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

Cherie Zack has been married to Bill for eighteen

Rebecca LeCompte has been married to Robert, the

years now and they are looking forward to reaching their 80′s together. They have four children: a daughter, Samantha, who is 24, twin boys, Bobby and Troy, who are 21, and their youngest, James, who is 16. Her life is full and God has used it to teach her many lessons. The family as a whole has been given the greatest gift of all, the understanding of unconditional love through Samantha who was born with cerebral palsy and a seizure disorder. No matter how many mistakes this family makes with Samantha, she loves them with the purest heart and has taught them that love is new every morning. God has definitely used Sam to strengthen the bonds of her family.

love of her life, for twenty-two years. They have three children, Nathaniel, a college student, Jesse, who is in high school, and Sophia, an elementary student. The LeComptes have been a homeschool family for over sixteen years. The flexibility of homeschooling has meshed beautifully with the military lifestyle they enjoy as Robert serves as a chaplain in the United States Navy.

Cherie knows what it’s like to be an imperfect wife and is well aware that her past would be her future if it had not been for God’s intervention in her life. Desiring the same freedom for others, Cherie’s passion is to challenge and inspire other wives to love their husbands the way God has designed them to. She is very candid about her mistakes and holds nothing back as she speaks to women’s groups here and overseas. You can usually catch Cherie with a cup of hot tea in her hands and Samantha by her side. As well as being the co-founder of The Imperfect Wives, in 2010 Cherie was appointed president of the South Carolina AG District Council Women’s Ministry department where she serves more than 100 pastors and 98 women’s ministry groups. She is seeking a bachelor’s degree in psychology with an emphasis in Christian counseling through Liberty University. She is passionate about her marriage, family and women’s ministry and loves every minute of each. 47

Rebecca is a self-proclaimed “recovering perfectionist.” Throughout her life, she has wrestled with the desire to be perfect in all things while realizing that she is entirely imperfect. After walking with Jesus for many years, Rebecca is finally at peace (mostly) about being so much less than perfect. Through her weaknesses, Rebecca has seen God’s perfection, beauty, strength and wisdom made manifest in her life and the lives of her family in countless ways…and she’s so grateful! Rebecca first expressed her desire to teach at the tender age of four, when she would come home from kindergarten and teach her dolls everything she learned at school. Because teaching has remained a strong desire in her heart throughout her life, she has taught toddlers to adults in a variety of settings and has earned a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in Elementary Education. Although she enjoys teaching a range of subjects, Rebecca is most passionate about teaching others about the goodness and grace of God and how to develop a deeper, more intimate relationship with Jesus that results in victorious living. As the co-founder of The Imperfect Wives, Rebecca has delighted in seeing God move in the hearts and lives of women as they seek His wisdom for their personal journeys and for their marriages.

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

Getting FALL


With Korene VandenBerg

Korene VandenBerg is the coauthor/cocreator of the craft blog Korene and her grade school friend, Katie Wettlaufer, started the blog in late winter of this year. Most of the crafts on the site focus on recycling or repurposing. “The blog is still in its infancy”, states Korene, “but hang on, we have a gazillion more craft ideas, recipes and tips waiting to be posted!” Korene wrote and published a children’s book, “If I Could Be.” You can check out the book at, keyword “VandenBerg”. Korene also speaks at area schools and libraries to discuss the “6 Traits of Writing” and drawing/illustrating to local children.


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

You will need:


Wooden or paper-mache letters

Paint brushes

Sponge (doesn’t necessarily have to be a natural sponge, grab a CLEAN one from the kitchen)

Mod Podge



Scrapbooking papers

Scrapbooking embellishments


Craft knife

E-6000 adhesive

Wax paper or some type of plastic sheeting

Wooden blocks (optional)

Hot glue gun

Blue painter’s tape

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

Got all your stuff? Ok we’re ready to get started!

Instructions: 1. Cover work surface with wax paper or some type of plastic sheeting. 2. Paint the letters (front, sides and back) with a color that corresponds with the scrapbooking papers. You may need to do two coats to get full coverage. Allow to fully dry.

3. Cover front of letter with Mod Podge.


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

4. Place letter upside down onto scrapbooking paper.

5. Flip letter (and scrapbook paper) over and gently rub surface, removing air bubbles and wrinkles.

6. Flip back over (scrapbook paper will be facing down). Place books on top of letter, let dry overnight.


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

7. With a craft knife, follow the outside shape of the letter to cut out the scrapbook paper.

8. If you want to add a rustic look to the piece, here’s a simple way to do so. Slightly dip a sponge into dark brown paint. Run the sponge across paper a few times to dry the paint out a bit - this is similar to ‘dry brushing’

Dab or swipe sponge across areas you want to look rustic - primarily the edges.


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

9. Adhere scrapbooking embellishments (rhinestones, pearls, embroidered imagery, buttons, etc). Use E-6000 adhesive to ensure embellishments stay on well. (Not pictured.)

10. Flip letters over (scrapbooking paper down), align how you want the words to hang. With blue painter’s tape, attach ribbon onto the back. For now - keep the ribbon in one long continuous piece, except for the loop at top. Burnish the blue tape, so it’s adhering well. CAREFULLY hang the piece up where you would like it to hang, this allows you to see if the letters are hanging correctly. Adjustments may need to be made. Carefully remove the blue tape and hot glue the ribbon onto the back of the letters.


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

11. Trim ribbon from areas that you would not want it to be seen - ie: enclosed area of the letter ‘A’, along the side of the letter ‘L’. Hint: We suggest hanging your creation on an interior wall or something that will NOT have a lot of movement. If you hang it on a door that gets a lot of action, your piece may get chipped or knocked down. Thinking of hanging it outside? Mod Podge makes an ‘Outdoor’ formula. Read manufactures instructions and recommendations.


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

Here are some other ideas...

We used a paper-mache letter and attached a wooden cutout (purchased at a Ben Franklin store or check out:

If you like the black and white damask look, it can easily be recreated with black and white patterned tissue paper. Check out our post entitled ‘Decoupage Gourd Birdhouses’ ( /02/19/decoupage-gourdbirdhouses/). For other craft ideas, recipes and more check out:


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

Modern. Trendy. Beautiful. Contemporary handcrafted sterling silver jewelry for today's modern woman! I use recycled silver, copper, gold and gemstones to create wearable pieces of art jewelry.

Featured in Grand Rapids Women’s LifeStyle 56

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

Check out this amazing new book written with my good friend Lorilee Craker! ~Sue Cramer

My Journey to Heaven By Marvin J. Besteman With Lorilee Craker In My Journey to Heaven, Marv Besteman shares the story of his experience of heaven with astounding detail. Readers will hear of his encounters with angels who accompanied him to the gate, his conversation (argument, really) with St. Peter, and his recognition of friends and family members who touched his life. On April 28, 2006, as he lay in his hospital bed in Ann Arbor, Michigan, visions of celestial beauty were the last thing on Marv Besteman's mind. He had just had surgery to remove a rare pancreatic tumor. It was after visiting hours and his family had left for the day. Alone and racked with pain, Marv tossed and turned, wanting more than anything else to simply sleep and escape the misery and discomfort for a while. The retired banker, father, and grandfather had no idea he was about to get a short reprieve in the form of an experience he never could have imagined. Marv’s story offers peace, comfort, and encouragement to those who have lost loved ones and gives security and solace to those who are grieving, dying, or wonder about the afterlife. Marv believed God sent him back to earth to fulfill this mission of comfort and reminds readers that God has work for each of us to do before he calls us to be with him in heaven. Secure in his belief that his book was the fulfillment of his own mission, Marv returned to heaven in January 2012. Ruth Besteman, Marv’s wife of 54 years, is available for interviews to discuss her husbands’ miraculous journey to heaven and how it forever changed not only his life, but impacted hers as well. Marvin J. Besteman (1934-2012) was a graduate of Calvin College, a veteran of the US Army, and a retired bank president. He spoke frequently during his last few years of life about his experience of heaven. He and his wife, Ruth, are the parents of three children and the grandparents of four. Marv passed away in January of 2012, joyfully anticipating his return to heaven. Lorilee Craker is the coauthor of the New York Times bestseller Through the Storm by Lynne Spears, and the author of several books on parenting and relationships. A frequent speaker, Craker is also an entertainment writer who has been interviewing celebrities and music artists for many years for the Grand Rapids Press. She lives in Michigan. 57

My Journey to Heaven By Marvin J. Besteman With Lorilee Craker 978-0-8007-2122-0 $13.99 Paperback 208 pages Pub Date: September 2012 For Publicity Contact: Claudia Marsh (616) 676-9185 x394 Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group, offers practical books that bring the Christian faith to everyday life. They publish resources from a variety of well -known brands and authors, including their partnership with MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) and Hungry Planet. For more information, visit

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

Praise and Coffee Cooks

So, you're going to a party, and you need to bring an appetizer. But, you want something different. arah is a freelance corporate photographer and recipe developer who started her blog,, in May 2007. She chronicles her life as a frazzled mother, shares her favorite recipe creations, and marvels at God's amazing work of grace in her life. When not blogging, racing to basketball practice, or sitting in the Starbucks drive-thru line, you'll find her curled up with her family cheering on the Baltimore Ravens. Sarah lives in Raleigh, N.C. with her husband, Jason, and four boys Jack, Max, Lincoln, and Whitman. 58

You want something easy. You want something that will make everyone's eyes scan the room as they holler over the crowd, "WHO BROUGHT THIS CHEESE STUFF?" This recipe, that my mother-in-law often makes when we come to visit, fits that bill perfectly. We often have it as a Thanksgiving or Christmas appetizer, but it is perfect year-round. I love cheese and crackers. It's one of the first things I go for on a table even before I reach for a hot dip.

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

This recipe just takes that simple concept to another level: Cream cheese and cheddar cheese sliced and layered alternately and covered in a delicious herby marinade - soaked overnight until absolutely divine. Yes, please. Over and over. Yes, please. I love how pretty it is - no matter where it's placed on the table. And, no matter what the view. I could eat this stuff all day long. So delicious. Here are a few tips and change-ups:

Marinated Cheese 1/2 cup olive oil 1/2 cup white wine vinegar 3 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley 3 tablespoon minced green onions 1 teaspoon sugar 3/4 teaspoon dried basil 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper 3 cloves garlic minced 1 (2 ounce) jar diced pimento, drained 1 (8 ounce) block sharp cheddar cheese, chilled

1. Got fresh basil? Add it instead of dried.

1 (8 ounce) pkg cream cheese, chilled

2. Like a little kick? Add a bit of crushed red pepper to the marinade. OR, use pepper jack cheese instead of cheddar.

Combine first 10 ingredients in a jar or dish with a lid; cover tightly, and shake vigorously. Set mixture aside.

3. Play with the cheese selection: white cheddar, Monterey jack, pepper jack, Swiss. Create the combination you like! 4. Serve with sliced baguette instead of crackers. YUM! Try this recipe next time you're throwing a party or heading to a friend's house. This one will become a great addition to your take-a-long appetizer collection. Enjoy! 59

Cut block of cheddar cheese in half lengthwise. Cut crosswise into 1/4- inch-thick slices. Set aside. Repeat with cream cheese. Arrange slices alternately in a shallow baking dish, standing slices on edges. Pour marinade over cheese slices. Cover and marinade for at least 8 hours. Transfer cheese slices to a serving platter in the same alternating pattern, reserving marinade. Spoon marinade over cheese slices. Serve with assorted crackers.

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

Andy also has weekly style tips on Star 105.7 in West Michigan!

Andy Paige with the Trends For Fall! The trend for fall 2012 is really NO TREND, as designers were all over the board with styles, colors, fabrics, masculine/feminine, frilly, structured, loose and tight. But there are two simple pieces that seemed to show up on every runway for both men and women. You probably already have these and you can plan to add more of them to your wardrobe as you shop the sale racks for back to school and take advantage of fall preview coupons that are hitting your mail boxes. For men: You need a vest. This one item, under $40, brings polish, tummy control and modern structure to your casual and work wear. If you don't already have one, get one.

For women: You need colorful cardigans. Designers used cardigans of every length and style and many labels layered cardigans to add color and luxury. This simple garment in bright blues and berries will make your old stuff feel new again. Like I said, many of you already have these items in your wardrobe, but as you are shopping, know that new vests and cardigans in hot colors and textures will prove to boost your old duds for quick and easy STYLE ON A SHOESTRING! 60

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

Connect with Praise and Coffee online!


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

“Mom Pack”

Denise Dykstra, co-editor of Praise and Coffee the Magazine. Denise is heavily caffeinated and joyfully married to her truck driving, farming husband. They reside in Michigan raising their four boys (ages 12 to 6) on a hobby farm that keeps them hopping busy. She updates friends on her sons’ latest escapades and caught snakes on her blog “Life With Four Boys...Coffee Please!”


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

As I write this for you, I have a cup of extra strong coffee poured into an old Starbucks paper coffee cup with a pink straw sticking out of it. I need the straw in the coffee. It helps me drink it faster. And I need all the help I can get right now, even if it is in the form of more coffee than usual for me. Even my husband says that is a lot of coffee. Currently, my family is in the middle of football season. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel. In just a few weeks I will be home in an evening so perhaps I can get all those clothes that are washed but then just tossed in a chair in a corner – okay, honestly, it’s a mountain of clothes and I am thankful it’s in a corner so that the clothes can lean against the wall and climb toward the ceiling without falling on the floor and getting dirty again – folded AND put away. Maybe.

There is a group of moms that now see each other six days a week, sometimes seven. There is no pretending with us anymore. They have heard me use my “super mean mom” voice, they have watched my kids be naughty, they have seen me give up and decide to just try again tomorrow, they have been with me when I’ve been mad, sick, beyond exhausted or laughing giddily over something. This pack, we have shared all these moments together, cheering our boys on, talking injuries, figuring out carpooling and talking about what to do for dinner…again. In a small town football stand, in a stinky vehicle with little boys making siren noises, walking the track at night to get in better shape…we have had numerous “praise and coffee times”, mostly me doing most the coffee drinking, but still.

It’s just the season we are in right now. I am giddy about being done with the driving back and forth and hours and hours staying away from home, living out of the suburban, doing homework on consoles and library books, among other things. But I’ll also miss practice time and game time. Because I’ll miss watching my boys play, yes, but because I’ll miss the connection I have with other mom’s. This “pack” we have.


We are sharing life together. Together it’s a beautiful thing. And that is what I will miss when football season is over. Not enough to drive to the field every night still, but enough to make sure that the “pack” still keeps getting together regularly. Because the friends you can be nitty-gritty real with and love you all the more for it, those are the friends you can never replace or ever find the proper words to describe.

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

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Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012



Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

Six session springboard for Praise and Coffee groups. Yes, technically it’s a curriculum but we’re calling it a springboard because we don’t want you to feel so attached to a curriculum that you miss the conversations that will happen organically. You can email us to receive this in pdf form.

Session One: Contentment

Session Two: Faith

Get Things Brewing: Introduce yourselves and tell one very random thing about yourself.

Get Things Brewing: What is the most comfortable spot in your home? Describe why it is so comfortable.

Steep in God’s Word: Philippians 4:10-13

Steep in God’s Word: Mark 5:25-43

Pressing It Out:  

 

What does rejoicing in your current season of life look like? What circumstance is causing you to struggling with contentment with right now? How does doing “all things through him who gives you strength” look? How can we apply this to our lives or specific group today?


Pressing It Out: 

Do you feel like you have been struggling with the same issue over and over again?

What could you do to step out in faith to find healing from your struggles?

Do you believe the healing touch of Jesus can help you today?

What step(s) can you take to walk out faith in your life today?

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

Session Three: Freedom

Session Five: Surrendering

Get Things Brewing: Where do you feel free or what makes you feel free to be you?

Get Things Brewing: What or whom do you turn to when you are frustrated or struggling in your life?

Steep in God’s Word: Galatians 5:1318

Steep in God’s Word: Luke 22: 39-46

Pressing It Out:    

Pressing It Out: 

Who do you struggle to love? How can you show Jesus’ love to the hard to love in your life? What would be different in you walk with the Spirit? How is this passage challenging you to live differently?

Session Four: Walking with the Spirit Get Things Brewing: If you had a whole day to yourself, no kids, cooking, cleaning or work…what would you do? Steep in God’s Word: Galatians 5:1926 Pressing It Out:    

How do you keep in step with the Spirit? Which fruit of the Spirit do you want more of in your life? In what ways does your flesh cause you to stumble and fall? How can we apply this to our lives or specific group today? 67

What stops you from going to God at the first sign of trouble, frustration or breaking point in your life? Is there anything you are struggling to surrender to God? What is the cup you are clinging to and why? What temptations keep you from connecting with God, family or friends? How can we apply this to our lives or specific group today?

Session Six: Love Get Things Brewing: What is your favorite part of the day and why? Steep in God’s Word: John 13:34-35 Pressing It Out:   

What does love one another mean to you? How can you love your community or group better? If you said nothing at all how would people know you are a Christian? How is this passage challenging you to live differently?

Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Genesis 1:1


Praise and Coffee | Fall 2012

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