combine various techniques within just one machine
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India's largest Globaltextile evenVreturns·-----
State-of-the-art innovation with compact footprint and benchma:rk performance
Explore High-Quality Pre-Owned Dyeing & Finishing Machinery from Uğurteks
Uğurteks is pleased to offer an exclusive selection of second-hand dyeing and nishing machinery from industry-leading brands such as Benninger, Galvanin, and Monforts. These machines have been an integral part of our production process, consistently delivering outstanding results in fabric dyeing and nishing.
Key Highlights
Benninger Machinery: Renowned for precision and reliability, perfect for efcient and highquality dyeing processes.
Galvanin Machines: Ideal for achieving vibrant colors and exceptional dye uniformity, trusted by textile manufacturers worldwide.
Monforts Equipment: Known for advanced nishing capabilities, ensuring superior fabric quality and durability.
Why Choose Uğurteks?
All machines have been meticulously maintained by our expert technical team, using only original spare parts to ensure peak performance. This is a unique opportunity to acquire premium European machinery at competitive prices, ideal for scaling or enhancing your textile operations.
Availability & Inquiries
Detailed specications, images, and pricing information are available upon request. Don’t miss out on this chance to invest in high-performance machinery tailored to your business needs.
Details of machines will be shared upon Request
Contact Us Today
Mr. Alper Yakuppur
Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre, Mumbai, India
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• Digital Prinling
• Knitling and Garmenting
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BharatTex 2025, the flagship event for India's textile and apparel industry, is set to redefine the benchmarks of innovation, sustainability, and collaboration. Hosted in the vibrant hub of Indian commerce, this event promises to be a grand celebration of the nation's textile heritage while charting a visionary course for its future. With participation from industry leaders, global buyers, and policymakers, BharatTex 2025 is poised to positionIndiaasaglobaltextilepowerhouse.
BharatTex2025willserveasadynamicplatformto showcase the best of Indian textiles, from the rich legacy of handlooms to cutting-edge technical fabrics. Exhibitors will unveil their latest innovations,including:
By fostering interaction between buyers and sellers, BharatTex will strengthen ties within the domesticandinternationalmarkets,pavingtheway fornewbusinessopportunities.
BharatTex 2025 is more than a trade fair; it's a platformforempowerment.Withworkshops,panel discussions, and skill development sessions, the event equips participants with insights into emerging trends, market dynamics, and policy frameworks. It provides invaluable opportunities fornetworkingandcollaboration.
BharatTex 2025 is a celebration of India's textile legacy and its aspirations for the future. By bridging tradition with innovation and sustainability,thislandmarkeventisatestamentto the resilience and creativity of the Indian textile industry.AsthecurtainsriseonBharatTex2025,it invites the world to witness and participate in the evolution of an industry that continues to inspire andleadonaglobalstage.
Polyester fibers and yarns have emerged as the cornerstone of India's textile revolution, transforming the industry into a globally competitive and sustainable sector. With its versatility, durability, and cost-effectiveness, polyester has become an integral part of India's fabricmanufacturing,accountingforasignificant shareofbothdomesticconsumptionandexports. This report delves into the factors driving this transformation, the challenges faced, and the future prospects of polyester in India's textile industry.
TheadoptionofpolyesterfibersandyarnsinIndia began in the late 20th century, fueled by advancements in synthetic fiber technology and thegrowingdemandforaffordabletextiles.Over the years, polyester has overtaken traditional fibers like cotton and wool in various segments duetoitssuperiorproperties,including:
1.Strength and Durability: Polyester's high tensile strength makes it ideal for applications requiring robust and longlastingmaterials.
2.Moisture Resistance: Its low moisture absorption enhances its suitability for sportswearandoutdoorclothing.
4.Versatility:Theabilitytoblendpolyester with other fibers like cotton and viscose expandsitsutilityacrossabroadspectrum ofproducts.
1.Production Capacity: India is the second-largest producer of polyester globally, with an annual capacity exceeding 6 million metric tons. Key players such as Reliance Industries Limited, Indo Rama Synthetics, and SRF Ltd. dominate the market, leveraging advanced technology and economies of scaletomaintainacompetitiveedge.
3.Domestic Consumption: The rising disposable income and changing lifestyle preferences of Indian consumers have boosted the demand for polyester-based apparel, home furnishings, and technical textiles.
Polyesterhasplayedapivotalroleinsteeringthe Indian textile industry toward sustainability. Innovationsinrecyclingtechnologyhaveenabled theproductionofhigh-qualityrecycledpolyester fibers from post-consumer PET bottles and industrial waste. This not only reduces environmental impact but also aligns with the globalpushforcircularityintextiles.
· Recycled Polyester: Indian companies are investing in state-of-the-art facilities
· Energy Efficiency: Polyester manufacturing processes in India are increasingly adopting renewable energy sourcesandenergy-efficienttechnologies tominimizecarbonfootprints.
1.Environmental Concerns: Polyester production is energy-intensive and generates significant emissions. To address this, Indian manufacturers are embracing greener technologies, includingbio-basedpolyesterandclosedloopproductionsystems.
2.Competition from Natural Fibers: Whilepolyesteroffersseveraladvantages, it faces stiff competition from natural fibers like cotton, which are perceived as more eco-friendly. Educating consumers and stakeholders about advancements in sustainable polyester can help bridge this gap.
3.GlobalTrade Dynamics:Tariff barriers, fluctuating raw material prices, and geopoliticalfactorsposechallengestothe growth of polyester exports. Strengthening trade relations and diversifying markets can mitigate these risks.
The future of polyester fibers and yarns in India looks promising, with several trends poised to drivegrowth:
1.Smart Textiles: The integration of polyester with conductive materials to createsmarttextilesforhealthcare,sports, andfashionisgainingmomentum.
2.Technical Textiles: Polyester's role in technical textiles, including automotive, medical, and geotextiles, is expanding rapidly.
3.SustainabilityFocus:Increasedadoption of recycled polyester and bio-based alternatives will continue to enhance the industry'ssustainabilitycredentials.
4.Digitalization: The use of advanced technologies such as AI and IoT in polyestermanufacturingandsupplychain management will boost efficiency and transparency.
Polyester fibers and yarns are not just driving India's textile revolution but also reshaping the globaltextilelandscape.Withastrategicfocuson innovation,sustainability,andmarketexpansion, theIndianpolyesterindustryiswell-positionedto lead the way in the next era of textile advancements. By addressing challenges and leveraging opportunities, India can solidify its statusasaglobalhubforpolyester-basedtextiles.
Starting its journey in 2003 as a Ginning and Pressingunit,SanskarAgrohastransformedinto aglobaltextilepowerhouse.Theirjourneyisone of vision, innovation and relentless pursuit of excellence.Thecompany'sventureintospinning, powered by LMW machinery, has become a cornerstoneoftheirsuccess.
2024 marks a defining chapter for SanskarAgro
with the launch of Aarika Spintex, their most advanced Spinning facility yet.With a collective spindlecapacityof55,000,AarikaSpintexdoesn't just produce yarn, it sets new benchmarks in the industry. From Ne 20s to Ne 40s, the unit manufactures an impressive range of Combed Compact & Carded Compact yarns, ensuring superiorqualitythatexceedsglobalstandards.
productivitymetricsisapointofprideforSanskar Agro. The units deliver excellent results, achieving40sCCHat200GPSSand40sCCWat 185 GPSS. By leveraging LMW's advanced technology with energy-efficient drives and motors,theyhavereachedremarkablemilestones and have set new benchmarks in the spinning industry.
Theirlatestunit,AarikaSpinning,isatestamentto their dedication to high standards & excellence. Thefacilityfeaturescolor-coordinatedbeamsthat
match the LMW machines, along with colorcoded cans and bobbins for each section, combiningfunctionalitywithaestheticappeal.
“In my experience of managing operations, it's crucial to have machinery that not only delivers output but does so with consistency and efficiency. LMW machines have proven their mettle,surpassingevensomeEuropeanbrandsin
terms of performance. The reduced service and maintenance costs are significant for us, and the ease of operation further enhances our productivity.ThisiswhywechooseLMWevery timewescaleup.”
With Aarika Spintex, Sanskar Agro is not only enhancing its production capabilities but also setting a benchmark in the textile industry. The blend of high-quality machinery, strategic integrations and an unwavering commitment to
excellence positions SanskarAgro for continued success and growth in the global as well as the domesticmarket.
Ÿ Birla Cellulose achieves Number One ranking in Canopy's Hot Button Report 2024
· Ÿ Birla Cellulose continues to demonstrate and strengthen its leadership position in responsible wood sourcing by getting the highestratingof'DarkGreenShirt'forthe fifthconsecutiveyear
Canopy, an environment focussed not-for-profit entity, has released their annual Hot Button Report, which enables fashion brands and retailers to independently assess suppliers of Man-Made Cellulosic Fibers (MMCF) for their forestfibresourcing.
Commenting on the ranking, Mr H.K. Agarwal, Managing Director, Grasim Industries Ltd., and Business Director Birla Cellulose, said, “Birla Cellulose is proud to be leading the collaborative effort for scaling up Next Gen solutions. This prestigious recognition affirms Birla Cellulose's unwavering dedication to enhancing
Birla Cellulose continues to invest in R&D in developing Next Gen Solutions and conduct lab and pilot-scale trials with a wide variety of feedstocks.Thecompanywillfurtherdevelopand significantly scale up the use of Next Gen Solutionstoreduceimpactonforests.
“HeartycongratulationstoAdityaBirlaGroup for once again securing the top spot in Canopy's 2024 Hot Button Report,” said Nicole Rycroft, Canopy's Executive Director. “We commend their hard work to remove Ancient and Endangered Forests from the MMCF supply chain and are encouraged by their consistent progress in brining Next Gen fibres to market at scale. We look forward to their continued leadership in 2025 in driving thesector'stransitiontolow-carbonNextGen production.”
Heberlein Technology, a leader in air interlacing and texturing jets, is set to showcase its latest products at GTTES in Mumbai, India. Key highlights include the new housing generation HemaJet-LB06 and the DTY jet insert APe043, featuring a record-small 0.65 mm orifice for superior performance in extremely low denier yarns.
TheIndianmarketdrivesdemandforlightweight, premiumfabricsusingultra-fineyarns,especially foractivewearandluxurygarments.Thesurgein synthetic fibre manufacturing positions Heberlein's innovations as essential tools for meeting these needs. Visitors at GTTES 2025 receive first-hand information at Heberlein and are warmly invited to come and see the Swiss companyatboothD17inhall3.
APe043 Jet insert improves productivity and profitability
The APe043 Jet insert minimizes yarn displacement, preventing undeveloped knots and ensuring smooth production for ultra-fine yarns down to 20 denier. This new technical development aligns with the increasing demand for high-quality fabrics in global markets and supports the rapid growth of polyamide filament productioncapacity.Ontop,theAPe043jetinsert featuresenergy-efficienttechnologyresultingina positiveimpactonthemill'sprofit.
HemaJet-LB06 – the economic solution for ATY
Heberlein, known for the production of high-
quality jets for air texturing, offers the complete solution from a single source. The brand new robust HemaJet-LB06 jet housing is compatible withallHeberleinjetcoreseries(T,A,andS).
This compatibility makes it an ideal solution for various air texturing process requirements. The distancebetweentheimpactbodyandthejetcore can be easily adjusted using various gauges, allowing for precise control and optimization of thetexturingprocess.
Heberleinjetcoresarethereliablesolutionforthe ATYindustryfordecades.Suitingawiderangeof requirements like compact and uniform yarns from 30dtex up to 3,000dtex or softer, textile yarns achieved through a higher overfeed potential. In a nutshell, Heberlein provides the ideal solution for every application. Customers can choose from the great jet core portfolio and whateverjetcorefitstheneeds,itfits–guaranteed –thehousingtoo.
Worldwide recognition receives the PolyJet-SP3 forspinningtextileyarn.Producersofdemanding technicalyarnshighlyappreciatethePolyJet-TG3-HP405A/WO70 (TopAir) achieving yarn with unmatchedevenanduniforminterlacingdensity. Furthermore, this jet impresses customers with strong,reliableknotsforhigh-tenacityyarns(HT and HMLS). Heberlein's PolyJet-TG-3 achieves more than 12 knots per meter with 1100f98dtex and 1670f98dtex. Additionally, yarn parameters oftensilestrength,elongation,andelasticityshow
smallervariations,forultimatequalitybenefits,as well as improved unwinding behaviour of the bobbins.
A typical Heberlein benefit comes with the PolyJet series SP-3 and TG-3. The highperformance air interlacing jets for textile and technical yarns offer a unique quick-release
system, so jet packs can be exchanged within seconds,withjustasingle180-degreeturn.They alsofeatureacompact,space-savingdesignanda rollbartoprotecttheceramicsurfaces.
The upcoming Colombiatex 2025, the premier textilefairinColombia,issettoshowcaseItalian excellence with 23 Italian textile machinery manufacturers participating. Taking place in MedellínfromJanuary28to30,2025,thisevent underscores the enduring synergy between Colombian textile companies and Italy's cuttingedgetextiletechnologyproviders.
Despiteadeclineindemandfortextilemachinery withintheColombianmarketduringthefirstnine months of 2024, Colombia continues to be a significant hub for textile machinery manufacturers.In2023,ItalystoodasColombia's second-largest supplier of textile technology, following China, with exports totaling approximately 13 million euros.Duringthefirst nine months of 2024, Italian sales in Colombia reached 8 million euros, reaffirming the importanceofthismarketforItalianenterprises.
“TheColombiantextileandclothingindustryhas experienced remarkable growth in recent years, driven in part by technological advancements where Italian machinery has played a pivotal
role,” notes Marco Salvadè, President of ACIMIT (Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers). He adds, “For many Italian manufacturers, Colombiatex remains a must-attend event on the international trade fair calendar, offering an invaluable platform to strengthen partnerships with Colombian textile companies.”
The Italian pavilion, organized by the Italian Trade Agency and ACIMIT, will host an impressive lineup of 23 exhibitors, including renowned member companies such as Biancalani, BTSR, Color Service, Danti, Dettin, Fadis, Flainox, Isotex, Itema, Kairos Engineering, Lonati, MCS, MTS, Monti-Mac, Ratti, Reggiani Macchine, Salvadè, Santoni, Stalam,Tecnorama,Tonello,andTriveneta.
As Italian innovation takes center stage, Colombiatex2025promisestobeapivotalevent fortheglobaltextilemachinerysector,reinforcing Italy's role as a leader in advanced textile technologyandstrengtheningitspartnershipwith thedynamicColombianmarket.
The International Textile Manufacturer Federation ( has published its InternationalTextile Industry Statistics (ITIS) on productive capacity and raw materials consumption in the short-staple organized (spinning mill-) sector in virtually all textileproducingcountriesintheworld.ITMFhasuseda new calculation method and reviewed past time series.
The estimated global number of installed shortstaplespindlesreached232Miounitsin2023and the number of installed open-end rotors grew to 9.7 Mio (see Fig. 1 and 2). Capacity building is stilldisproportionallytargetingAsia.Thenumber of installed air-jet spindles soared to 637 thousand. Outside Asia, the main capacity increasewasregisteredinTürkiye.
Thenumberofinstalledshuttle-lessloomsincreasedto1.7Mioin2023(seeFig.3).Totalrawmaterial consumptionintheshort-stapleorganizedsectorslightlydecreasedto43Miotons(seeFig.4).Global consumption of raw cotton and cellulosic short-staple fibers decreased by -4.4% and -2.9%, respectively.Consumptionofsyntheticshort-staplefibersincreasedby0.5%.
Mr. M. Sankar, Director (Operations), and Mr. ShellySalehinhadameaningfuldiscussiononthe global textile landscape, exploring synergies between the Indian and Bangladeshi textile industries.
Mr.ShellySalehinexperiencedanexclusivetour of LMW's state-of-the-art Pilot Plant, where he witnessed the company's latest innovations in smartmachinery.FromBlowroomtoAutowinder, the cutting-edge technologies on display demonstratedLMW'scommitmenttoexcellence,
automation, and sustainability in textile manufacturing.
By strengthening collaboration and sharing expertise, LMW showcased its commitment to supporting Bangladesh's textile industry, a vital contributortotheglobalsupplychain.
LMWextends its gratitude to Mr. Shelly Salehin for his insightful discussions.The visit marked a valuable interaction, reinforcing LMW's commitment to strengthening ties with the Bangladeshtextilemarket.
InnovativeTextileRecycling:NewPartnership to simplify textile processing at the Recycling Atelier of Technical University of Applied SciencesAugsburgandITAAugsburg
Savio Macchine Tessili S.p.A. from Italy collaborates with the Recycling Atelier
Augsburg since September 2024. Savio will support the Recycling Atelier in the areas of winding and quality control of yarns. This cooperation completes the process chain for mechanicaltextilerecyclingandopensupnew researchpossibilities.
Meeting in Pardenone between Savio and ITA. From left to right: Fabio D'Angolo (Savio), Jürgen Krüger (Savio), Georg Stegschuster (ITA), Justin Kühn (ITA), Nicole Hühn (ITA), EvaBabbo(Savio),MauroMoro(Savio).Source: ITAAugsburg
Savio Macchine Tessili S.p.A. specialized in the textile machinery sector for the yarn finishing segment.TheItaliancompanyoffersaportfolioof winding,twisting,air-jetspinning,shrinkingand bulking machines with manufacturing plants in ItalyandAsia.Ithasbeenoperatingformorethan 110years.Thepartnershipaddsanothersteptothe process chain for mechanical textile recycling, completing it and opening up research possibilities in the areas of winding and quality controlofyarns.
TheRecyclingAtelierpartnernetworkconsistsof twelve industrial companies that together cover the entire process chain of mechanical textile recycling.TheadditionofSavioMacchineTessili S.p.A. is an important component for the highqualityrecyclingoftextiles.Saviocontributesnot only by sharing their valuable know-how in the winding field. The company also provides
Proxima Smartconer® winder to the Recycling Atelier. The winding process is crucial for the qualityoftheyarn.Windingisthelaststepofthe spinningprocesswheretheyarncanbecontrolled and qualified before it goes to the downstream processes of weaving, knitting, dyeing, and finishing.
Dr.-Ing. Georg Stegschuster, Head of Recycling Atelier,says:“Saviowindingmachinesofferhigh productivity, low energy consumption, premium yarn quality, automation, and data connectivity. Those criteria are ideal for the setup in the Recycling Atelier. Plus, we receive insightful know-howdirectlyfromthemanufacturer.Weare looking forward to the cooperation and the positive impact that Savio's involvement will bringtoourappliedresearch.”
Mauro Moro, CEO of Savio MacchineTessili, is delighted about the partnership with the Recycling Atelier Augsburg: “The collaboration with the Recycling Atelier Augsburg is a step forward to advancing research in winding technology and quality control within the recyclingcontext.”
Prof. Mesut Cetin, Institute Director of ITA Augsburg and professor at the Faculty of MechanicalandProcessEngineeringatAugsburg University of Applied Sciences, explains the impact and work of the Recycling Atelier: “The Recycling Atelier, ITA Augsburg and the Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburgseethemselvesasacatalystforindustry towards sustainability. We welcome innovation and progress in any form. Whether applicationoriented content or basic research, whether publicly funded projects or direct contract research - we are open to any exchange between industryandresearch.”
Over its 110+ years history, Savio acted as technological leader and innovative player in attractive niches of the textile value chain. Savio has a consolidated presence in all relevant geographies with a local-for-local approach, allowing Savio to promptly address market demandandrequirements.Savioisspecializedin thetextilemachinerysectorfortheyarnfinishing segment being the leading supplier of winding, twisting and air-jet spinning machines with manufacturingplantsinItaly,ChinaandIndia.
TheRecyclingAtelierAugsburgisthefirstmodel factory for mechanical textile recycling worldwide. The aim is to use expertise from science and industry to develop innovative solutions for high-quality textile recycling in the sense of a sustainable material cycle along the
entire textile production chain. The research and developmentworkatRecyclingAtelierAugsburg covers the entire path of textile secondary raw materials - from used textiles back into highqualityproducts.
As part of theAugsburgAI production network, the Institute of Textile TechnologyAugsburg, an affiliated institute of Augsburg University of AppliedSciences,initiatedthismodelfactoryfor thesustainablematerialcycletogetherwithTHA andopeneditinJune2022.
TheAugsburgAI Production Network, set up by theBavarianstategovernment,isanetworkofAI expertsinthegreaterAugsburgarea.Thenetwork partners are the University of Augsburg, the Fraunhofer Institute for Casting, Composite and Processing Technology IGCV, the Center for LightweightProductionTechnology(ZLP)ofthe German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Augsburg andtheTechnicalUniversityofAppliedSciences Augsburg(THA).Regionalindustrialpartnersare alsoinvolved.Theaimistoconductjointresearch into AI-based production technologies at the interface between materials, manufacturing technologies, data-based modeling and digital business models. The Free State of Bavaria is fundingtheprojectwith92millioneurosaspartof theHightechAgendaPlus.
In the AI Production Network, the Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg translates findings and developments in the field of AI into applicable solutions for regional industryandtheskilledtrades.Transferisoneof the THA's core competencies. It uses its good networking with companies in the region and beyond to integrate the developed solutions quickly and precisely - whether physically in production facilities and infrastructures or strategicallyintheexistingbusinessmodel.
® Reliance Industries Limited's Recron Innovations made waves at Heimtextil 2025 in Frankfurt, Germany, garnering extraordinary recognition for their groundbreaking products, HEXaREL™ Fiberfill and ecotherm™. By showcasing innovation that seamlessly blends sustainability, performance, and versatility, Recron®Innovationspositioneditselfasaglobal leaderinadvancedpolyestertechnology.
1.Spotlight on HEXaREL™ Fiberfill: A BreakthroughinInsulationTechnology
The next-generation HEXaREL™ Fiberfill captivated audiences with its smart multifunctional polyester fibers designed for extreme environments and high-performance applications.Keyattributesinclude:
· Exceptional Insulation: Powered by graphene-enhanced technology, HEXaREL™Fiberfilloffersunparalleled warmth, even in temperatures as low as60°C.
· Sustainability: Certified by the Global Recycled Standard (GRS), underscoring itseco-consciousproduction.
· Luxury and Functionality: Combining softness, lightness, and superior thermoregulation, it redefines premium alternativestotraditionaldowninsulation.
Applications: HEXaREL™ Fiberfill excels in extreme cold-weather clothing, sleeping bags, thermal jackets, and adventure sports gear, offering up to 30% higher TOG/CLO values comparedtocompetitors.
· Soft and Resilient Comfort: Offering wool-likebulkandlightweightversatility, it's an ethical and efficient alternative to acrylicandwool.
Applications: ecotherm™ is ideal for winter wear, knitwear, rugs, and throws, catering to the diverseneedsofthetextileindustry.
® The innovations showcased by Recron drew overwhelming interest from textile
manufacturers, winter product companies, and end consumers alike. By merging sustainability with cutting-edge performance, Recron® Innovationssecurednumerousbusinessinquiries and partnerships, highlighting their transformative potential within the global textile sector.
®Recron Innovations continues to address the textile industry's growing demand for circular economiesandethicalsourcing.Theirsustainable fibers are a testament to Reliance Industries' commitmenttoshapingthefutureoftextileswhile maintainingecologicalresponsibility.
The enthusiastic response at Heimtextil 2025 underscores the increasing demand for innovative, eco-friendly fibers. With HEXaREL™Fiberfillandecotherm™,Recron® Innovations is set to redefine global standards, positioningitselfasatrustedleaderinsustainable andhigh-performancepolyestersolutions.
Egyptian Cotton™ stands as a symbol of luxury, durability, and authenticity, delivering unmatched quality that has captivated consumers worldwide.
ManagedbytheCottonEgyptAssociation(CEA), this iconic brand combines centuries-old heritage with modern innovations to ensure every fiber remainspure,traceable,andtruetoitsorigins.
o Renowned for its softness, strength, and durability, Egyptian Cotton™ is synonymous with opulence. Comparable only to pure silk, its touch evokes comfort and sophistication, perfect for premiumtextilessuchasbeddingandbathrobes.
o The unique climatic conditions of Egypt and the fertilityoftheNile'ssoilcreateanidealenvironment forcultivatingitsdistinctiveextra-longstaplefibers, ensuringsuperiorquality.
o EgyptianCotton™growssofterwitheverywash, makingitalong-lastinginvestmentinquality.
To uphold its reputation, the Cotton Egypt Association (CEA) has launched groundbreaking measures to combat counterfeiting and ensure transparency:
· DNATesting:
o In collaboration with Bureau Veritas, CEA has implemented a revolutionary DNA-based genomic fingerprinting system to certify the purity of EgyptianCotton™acrosstheentiresupplychain.
o This ISO17025-certified testing process guarantees authenticity, instilling confidence amongconsumersandretailersalike.
· Traceability:
o From field to fabric, CEA maintains full traceabilitytosafeguarditslegacyandreputation.
o Accredited manufacturers are authorized to use theEgyptianCotton™logo,ensuringthatproducts meet the highest standards of quality and authenticity.
· TransparencyandCollaboration:
o Partnerships with brands, retailers, and global certification bodies enable widespread access to genuine Egyptian Cotton™, enhancing its global appeal.
Egyptian Cotton™ is not just a luxury product but alsoasustainablechoice:
· CEA's efforts in ensuring ethical sourcing and transparent practices align with the growing global demandforsustainability.
Looking Ahead: The Future of Egyptian Cotton™
With initiatives like DNAtesting, robust licensing programs, and transparent supply chains, Egyptian Cotton™ is setting benchmarks for quality and sustainability in textiles. As a trusted global standard, it invites manufacturers, brands, and retailers to join its mission of delivering genuine luxurytoconsumers.
Egyptian Cotton™ remains a timeless symbol of excellence, blending tradition with innovation to meet the needs of modern consumers. By prioritizing transparency, sustainability, and authenticity, the Cotton Egypt Association is not onlypreservingthelegacyofEgyptianCotton™but also inspiring confidence in its unmatched quality acrosstheglobe.
For accreditation inquiries, visit or email
What are the main goals of the Swiss Textile MachineryAssociationunderyourleadership?
The main objectives of the Swiss Textile Machinery Association revolve around ensuring that our industry continues to thrive in a rapidly evolving global landscape. We focus on expanding market access for our member companies,whichincludescreatingopportunities inbothestablishedandemergingmarketssuchas India, Egypt, Indonesia, Uzbekistan and most recently Mexico. Innovation is another cornerstone of our work - we actively support research and development to maintain our positionasaleaderinadvancedtextilemachinery.
We also place a strong emphasis on skills development, working with institutions such as the Swiss Textile College and European universitiestodevelopawell-preparedworkforce forthefuture.Sustainabilityisanintegralpartof our mission as we promote environmentally, socially, and economically responsible practices throughout the industry. Finally, we aim to strengthen networks within the sector, fostering collaboration between members and global stakeholders to create a vibrant and interconnectedecosystem.
In what ways is technology shaping the future oftheSwisstextilemachineryindustry?
TechnologyisfundamentallychangingtheSwiss textile machinery industry, driving advances that allow us to stay ahead in a competitive global market. Automation has been a game changer, enabling processes to become more efficient while increasing productivity and precision. Digitalisation plays a crucial role as we use realtime data and self-learning systems to optimise production, reduce costs and improve results. In addition, sustainability has become a central theme,withtechnologyenablingenergy-efficient processes,waterconservation,andinnovationsin recycling and circular economy applications. By continuing to integrate these advances, the industrywillnotonlyremaincompetitivebutalso positionitselfasaglobaltrendsetter.
Sustainability is embedded in the DNA of the Swisstextilemachineryindustry.Ourcompanies are committed to developing energy-efficient machines that reduce environmental impact, whileaddressingcriticalchallengesinareassuch aswaterconservationandchemicaluse.Onearea where we've made progress is in promoting the circular economy. Swiss companies are actively working on innovations to improve fibre recycling and address challenges such as short fibres that complicate the spinning process. We areactivelyaligningourselveswithinternational sustainability frameworks, including the EU Sustainable Textile Strategy, to ensure that our industrydeliversinnovativeandenvironmentally responsible solutions. Through these efforts, we are meeting today's needs while laying the foundationsforamoresustainablefuture.
What challenges does the Swiss textile machinerysectorface,andhowaretheybeing addressed?
The industry is currently facing a complex set of challenges. Weak consumer demand and global overcapacityhavemadetherecoveryslowerthan expected, while the strong Swiss franc adds anotherlayerofdifficulty,makingitharderforour companiestoremaincompetitiveininternational markets. In addition, increasing regulatory requirementsinboththeEUandSwitzerlandare
requiring companies to be more adaptable and proactive. To meet these challenges, we're focusing on innovation and cost efficiency to ensure that companies can continue to deliver high-quality products without compromising their core values. Emerging markets such as BrazilandIndonesiaoffersomebrightspots,and we are actively working to capitalise on these opportunities to offset declines in traditional markets.
Adapting to global market trends is one of the strengthsoftheSwisstextilemachineryindustry. We've embraced sustainability not just as a responsibility but as an opportunity, investing heavily in environmentally friendly technologies to meet the growing global demand for sustainable solutions. Digitalisation is another area in which we excel, with our companies developingintelligentmachinesthatusereal-time datatoimproveprocessesandresults.Inaddition, ourparticipationinkeyexhibitionssuchasITMA Asia + CITME ensures that our member companies remain visible and connected to stakeholders across the textile value chain. Through these efforts, the industry continues to evolve and maintain its relevance in a dynamic globalenvironment.
Where do you see the Swiss textile machinery industryinthenextdecade?
Looking ahead, I believe that the Swiss textile machineryindustrywillcontinuetoleadtheway in areas such as automation, digitalisation and sustainability.Iseeourindustryplayingakeyrole in technical textiles, addressing emerging applications in fields such as construction, agriculture, and medical technology. In addition, Switzerland is poised to shape global standards forrecycledfibres,drivinginnovationandsetting benchmarksforthecirculareconomy.Buildingon its rich heritage and culture of innovation, the Swiss textile machinery industry will remain a cornerstone of the global sector and continue to provide solutions that meet the challenges of the future.
Oerlikon Barmag and Evonik have announced their cooperation to promote chemical recycling of Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) waste. Both companies are committed to develop technologies for robust and efficient depolymerisation and purification processes, coupled with an integrated concept for repolymerisation and the associated EPC business models.
OerlikonBarmagandEvonikarebothleadingsuppliersin their respective key markets. The Remscheid-based machine and plant manufacturer Oerlikon Barmag
contributesitsexpertiseinpolymerprocessingfor the production of chemical fibers and packaging materialstothenewpartnership.Inaddition,asa corebrandofOerlikonManmadeFibersSolutions oftheSwissOerlikonGroup,thecompanyhasexcellentinternationalmarketaccessinthepolymer processingindustry.
Evonik is one of the world's leading manufacturers of specialty chemicals, dedicated to driving sustainability initiatives and developing next-generation solutions. The partnership with Oerlikon Barmag aims to advancetechnologyandprocesssolutionsforthe chemicalrecyclingofPET,leveraginginnovative catalyticprocesses.
The partners plan to fully launch and commercialize the jointly developed chemical recycling technology solution by the end of the current decade. The intensive involvement and activeparticipationofothercompanieswithinthe ecosystem (including feedstock, technology and production) and the establish-ment of a global developmentpartnernetworkareplanned.
"We are firmly convinced that with Evonik we gained a strong and experienced partner in the fieldofspecialtychemicals,andtogetherwewill establish a significant market position as a total solution provider in the growth market for chemicalrecyclingofPET,butalsodrivethenext generation of sustainability within the plastics industry,"saysGeorgStausberg,CEOofOerlikon ManmadeFibersSolutions.
"Thispartnershipmarksagreatstepforwardinthe chemical recycling of PET. Our new catalytic processes and chemical technologies will complement the current mechanical recycling
approach enabling high recycled PET content fromheavilycontaminatedandmixedPETwaste thatwouldotherwisebeincineratedorlandfilled. Thiswayweareactivelysupportingasustainable circulareconomy,"saidMaxPreisenberger,Head ofCatalystsatEvonik.
Seamless integration into PET production processes
The PET recycling technology will bring numerous advantages. From a chemical perspective it is a highly efficient process, and it can be seamlessly integrated into existing PET production processes. Operational costs, investmentcostandscalabilityarethekeydrivers inthedevelopment.
The combination of cooperational know-how in catalyst and process technologies will allow a chemical recycling of polyester materials from many closed and open loop sources, which need chemicaltechnologytoallowforhigh,fossil-like recyclatequalities.
"The strong and complementing technological knowhow and expertise of both companies in combination with Oerlikon Barmag's market accessandPETprocessingknowhow,establishes a competitive and unique partnership within the emerging chemical PETrecycling industry.With the goal of creating a circular economy for all typesofPETwastethatiscurrentlyincineratedor landfilled, we want to scale our technology to a significant size and make it available to global PETproducersandprocessors.Inthiswaywewill enableourcustomerstobecomemoresustainable and contribute to a circular economy," explains Lukas Adamek, Head of Strategy & Business Development of Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Solutions.
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