The Apparel Times January-February 2025 Issue

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TheApparel Times


• Threads ofElegance: Cotton-BasedApparel andtheLegacyof Egyptian Cotton inGlobalFashion

• Birla CelluloseHasBeen Conferred With Canopy's'DarkGreen Shirt' Ratingfor5th ConsecutiveYear

The SewingMachineNeedleManufacturerwithProcessExpertise

OneIndustry, OneVoice: GarmentTradeAssociationsacrossIndiawant GroupofMinisters (GoM) toabandonproposal tomodifyGST rates

Hyderabad CelebratesRetailEmployees Day with GrandParticipationby RAl's Hyderabad Chapter


CraftingaSustainableFuture:Insights fromthe Conferenceon SustainabilityinTextiles & Clothing

VanHeusen MarksitsForayintoEveningwear


• StitchingtheFuture:ABFRLandGIZ Launch India'sFirst Circularity GuidelinesforTextiles


• JayporeUnveilsLatest Campaign'MaahiVe:TheHeart & SoulofWedding'ACelebrationofTradition, Love, andJoy














Milestones: The 80thNational GarmentFair, Mumbai"

The 80thNationalGarmentFair (NGF), heldin thevibrantcityofMumbai,standsasabeaconof progress and innovation in India's apparel industry. Organized by the Clothing ManufacturersAssociationofIndia(CMAI),this landmark event serves as a hub for manufacturers,retailers,andbuyerstoconverge, fostering collaborations that shape the future of fashion. As the largest gathering ofits kind in India,NGF2025 isatestamenttotheresilience anddynamismoftheIndiangarmentsector.

RetailPrice : Rs. 100.00


Annual Subscription(6issues): Rs.600.00


Annual Subscription(6issues): US$ 100.00

The NGF has long been synonymous with opportunity.Itprovidesanunparalleledplatform for showcasing the latest trends, technologies, andinnovationsinapparelmanufacturing. From eco-friendly fabrics to cutting-edge machinery, thefairhighlightsadvancementsthatcatertothe evolving demands of consumers and global markets.

TheNGF is more thanjust an exhibition; it's a celebrationofIndia'sgarmentindustry'sstrength and creativity. It brings together stakeholders from across the value chain, fostering partnerships that drive growth. The presence of international buyers further solidifies India's positionasaglobalhubforapparelproduction.



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As the NGF celebrates its 80th edition, it symbolizes thejourney ofan industry that has grown to become a cornerstone of India's economy. It's a moment to reflect on past achievementsandenvisionafuturewhereIndian garments continue to set benchmarks in quality, sustainability, and innovation. The 80thNGF is notjustanevent; it'samilestoneinthestory of Indian fashion, inspiring a brighter, more sustainablefutureforall.

"ThreadsofElegance: Cotton-BasedAppareland theLegacyofEgyptian Cottonin GlobalFashion"

Cotton-based apparel has been a timeless cornerstone of the global fashion industry, celebratedforitsunparalleledcomfort, versatility, and natural elegance. Among all cotton varieties, Egyptian cotton stands as a beacon of luxury, renownedforitsexceptionalqualityandhistorical significance. This report explores the pivotal role of cotton-based apparel in the global fashion landscape, with a special focus on the enduring legacyandinfluenceofEgyptiancotton.


For centuries, cotton has been integral to fashion, catering to diverse styles and cultural needs. Its widespreadappealliesinitsuniqueattributes:

1. Natural Comfort: Cotton's breathability and softness make it a preferred choice for everydaywear.

2. Adaptability: From lightweight summer dressestosturdydenim, cottoncanadaptto variedapplications.

3. Eco-Friendly Potential: As a biodegradable fiber, cotton aligns with sustainablefashiontrends.

4. Global Reach: Cotton-based apparel resonates across cultures, embodying both traditionandmodernity.


Egyptiancottonhasearneditsplaceastheepitome of excellence in textiles. Known for its superior characteristics, it is a cornerstone of premium apparelandhomefurnishings:

1. Extra-Long StapleFibers: These produce exceptionallyfine,strong,andsilkythreads, ensuringunmatchedfabricquality.

2. Softness and Durability: Egyptian cotton fabricsofferaluxuriousfeelandendurewear and tear, maintaining their elegance over time.

3. Distinctive Sheen: The natural luster of Egyptian cotton enhances the aesthetic appealofgarments.

4. HeritageandCraftsmanship: Cultivatedin thefertileNileDelta,Egyptiancottonreflects centuriesofexpertiseandtradition.


1. Premium Positioning: Egyptian cotton has carved a niche in high-end markets, gracing collections of luxury fashion brands and designersworldwide.

2. Export Strength: Egypt's cotton exports remain vital to its economy, supplying raw materialsandfinishedgoodstointernational markets like Europe, North America, and Asia.

3. Consumer Demand: With growing awareness of quality and sustainability, discerning consumers increasingly seek authenticEgyptiancottonapparel.


The global shift towards sustainable fashion has underscored the importance of ethical cotton cultivation. Egyptian cotton's production aligns withtheseprinciplesthrough:

• Sustainable Cultivation: Using traditional methods that emphasize quality over quantity.

• Water Efficiency: Advanced irrigation practicestoreducewaterusage.

• Organic Certifications: Encouraging chemical-freefarmingtoprotectecosystems.

• Fair Trade: Supporting farmers and ensuringequitablepractices.


1. Climate Vulnerability: Changing climate conditions threaten the delicate balance required for Egyptian cotton cultivation. Researchandinvestmentinresilientfarming techniquesareessential.

2. Counterfeit Products: Mislabeling and counterfeit goods dilute the reputation of Egyptian cotton. Enhanced certification




systems and consumer education can safeguardauthenticity.

3. Competitive Alternatives: Synthetic and lower-cost cotton substitutes pose a challenge. Highlighting Egyptian cotton's long-term value and sustainability can strengthenitsmarketposition.


The future of cotton-based apparel, particularly Egyptiancotton,ispromising,drivenbyinnovation andsustainability:

1. BlendedInnovations: CombiningEgyptian cottonwithothersustainable fiberstocreate newtexturesandfunctionalities.

2. Circular Fashion: Recycling and repurposingcottongarmentstoreducewaste andpromoteeco-consciousness.

3. Smart Textiles: Integrating technology for performance-enhancingfeaturesinapparel.

4. Market Expansion: Reaching untapped markets in Asia and South America where demandforpremiumtextilesisgrowing.


"Threads of Elegance11 celebrates the enduring legacy of cotton-based apparel, with Egyptian cotton epitomizing the pinnacle of quality and sophistication. As the fashion world embraces sustainability and innovation, Egyptian cotton's heritage, coupled with its unmatched attributes, ensuresitsrelevanceinshapingthefutureofglobal fashion. Byovercomingchallengesandleveraging opportunities, Egyptian cotton will continue to inspire designers, delight consumers, and uphold itsstatusasasymbolofluxuryandexcellence.



Prestigious recognition affirms responsible wood sourcing


• Birla Cellulose achieves Number One ranking in Canopy's Hot Button Report 2024.

• Birla Cellulose continues to demonstrate and strengthen its leadership position in responsible wood sourcing by getting the highest rating of 'Dark Green Shirt' for the fifthconsecutiveyear

Canopy, an environment focussed not-for-profit entity,hasreleasedtheirannualHotButtonReport, which enables fashion brands and retailers to independently assess suppliers of Man-Made Cellulosic Fibers (MMCF) for their forest fibre sourcmg.

Commenting on the ranking, Mr H.K. Agarwal, Managing Director, Grasim Industries Ltd., and Business Director Birla Cellulose, said, "Birla Cellulose is proud to be leading the collaborative effort for scaling up Next Gen solutions. This prestigious recognition affirms Birla Cellulose's

unwavering dedication to enhancing sustainable wood sourcing practices, forest conservation, and maintainingtransparencyinthevaluechain."

Birla Cellulose continues to invest in R&D in developing Next Gen Solutions and conduct lab and pilot-scale trials with a wide variety of feedstocks. Thecompanywill furtherdevelop and significantlyscaleuptheuseofNextGenSolutions toreduceimpactonforests.

"Hearty congratulations toAdityaBirla Group for onceagainsecuringthetopspotinCanopy's2024 HotButtonReport,"saidNicoleRycroft,Canopy's ExecutiveDirector."Wecommendtheirhardwork to remove Ancient and Endangered Forests from the MMCF supply chain and are encouraged by theirconsistentprogressinbriningNextGenfibres to market at scale. We look forward to their continuedleadershipin2025indrivingthesector's transitiontolow-carbonNextGenproduction."


The Sewing MachineNeedleManufacturer with Process Expertise

Groz-Beckertimpresseswithcomprehensiveknowledge andexperienceinthesewingsector

TheNeedle Finder-to be foundin Groz-Beckert's CustomerPortal Sewing

Groz-Beckert sewing machine needles are renowned throughout the industry and comprise an impressively broad portfolio. But customers know that innovative solutions from Groz-Beckert go beyond the core product. With its future-oriented services and digital offerings,thecompany,headquarteredinGermany,isa strongpartnerofthesewingindustry.

Groz-Beckertisamajorplayerinthetextileworld,with a history of over 170 years. In the past 40 years its Sewing product area has established itselfas a leading manufacturer of sewing machine needles. Based on decades of experience and the commitment to top quality standards, Groz-Beckert offers its customers more than just a wide range ofhigh-precision sewing machine needles. In addition to application-related advice, the portfolio also includes INH Quality Management,whichmakesasignificantcontributionto processoptimizationanddigitaltransparencyinsewing operations. With its comprehensive services and innovativedigitalsolutions,thecompanyhasbecomea one-stoppartnertotheglobalsewingindustry.



of the Sewing product area of Groz-Beckert. The needlesaremanufacturedtomeetthehighrequirements oftoday'stextileindustry Theyarecharacterizedbyan extraordinary durability and their ability to deliver reliable results even in demanding sewing operations. One example thatstands out is the GEBEDURneedle: Thanks to its special coating, it offers increased protection against wear and damage, which significantly increases the efficiencyofthe production processinsewingplants.

Forparticularlychallengingsewingapplications, GrozBeckert offers so-called Special Application Needles (SAN).Theyarespeciallydesignedforcomplexsewing operations or for processing specific materials. They include SAN 10 and SAN 10 XS for fine to ultra-fine fabrics, SAN 6 for sturdy denim fabrics, and SAN 5.2 fortechnicaltextiles.

In addition to these special solutions, Groz-Beckert offersawiderangeofstandardneedles.Withavarietyof needle sizes and different point styles, the right needle can be found for every application. This diversity not onlyprovidesahighdegreeofflexibility,butalsohelps toensureaconsistentlyhighqualityoftheendproduct.


Comprehensive advice and targeted knowledge transfer

INH Quality ManagementProvenbygarmentfactories worldwide

With its global network of sewing laboratories and application engineers, Groz-Beckert offers its customers comprehensive support with all challenges related to the sewing process. If difficulties arise, customerscanrelyonthecompany'sexperts. Onsiteor intheirownlaboratoriestheycarryoutdetailedanalyses anddevelopcustomizedsolutions.Theaimistoachieve sustainableimprovementsinthecustomers'production processes and the quality of their end products. This includes targeted training for customers and their employees to deepen their knowledge of sewing machine needles and avoid potential problems before theyoccur.

Groz-Beckertoffersaproductportfolioof around 2,500sewingandshoemachineneedles.

The expert knowledge that Groz-Beckert has built up over decades is not only used internally but is also


actively passed on to interested parties. The Customer Portalisacentralplatformforthis,offeringawealthof productinformationandvaluableinsightsintotheworld of sewing machine needles. This knowledge is also made available through public webinars and informative videos. Over 5,000 professionals use the Needle Finder in the Groz-Beckert Customer Portal, whichallowstoquicklyandeasilyfindtheidealneedle foravarietyofsewingapplications.

Innovative solutions for more efficiency and transparency

Groz-Beckert not only supports its customers in the actual sewing process, but also considers the entire process chain around the sewing machine needle. Particularattentionispaidtocompliancerequirements that brand owners and buyers are placing on sewing companies. With INH Quality Management, GrozBeckert offers an innovative solution that precisely addresses this issue. With software and hardware components,INHenablesthedigitaldocumentationof all needle changes, ensuring maximum transparency. This eliminates the need for time-consuming manual processes, significantly increasing efficiency and optimizingworkflowsinsewingplants.

The aim is to digitally map all processes involving sewingmachineneedles-fromorderingandstorageto routine needle changes. With its holistic approach, Groz-Beckertwillcontinuebeingareliablepartnernot onlywithneedlesbutalsowithinnovativesolutionsthat sustainablyimprovetheefficiencyandtransparencyof thesewingprocess.

Groz-Beckert's SewingCustomerPortal features awiderangeofdigitalfunctions including anonlineshop.



OneVoice: GarmentTradeAssociations acrossIndiawantGroupofMinisters(GoM) toabandonproposaltomodifyGST rates

In a unique initiative towards strengthening the domestic garment sector, Clothing Manufacturers Association oflndia (CMAI) and 14 leading Garment TradeAssociationsfromacrossIndiacollectivelymetas a Group ofAssociations and underONE INDUSTRY, ONE VOICE passed a unanimous resolution for submission toGroup of Ministers (GoM)to abandona proposal to modify GST rates in the Garment Secto:, and retain the existing structure of 5% and 12%. It 1s perhaps the first time that so many largeAssociations fromacrossthecountrygottogethertodiscusscommon issues and programs, as also to submit a common representationtotheGovernment. Themainaimofthe meeting was to foster a united, collective approach to secure long-term growth. Other key decisions encompassed vital budget recommendations to boost the apparel trade, drivesustainablegrowthandaddress critical industry needs. The five key recommendations arestatedasbelow:

1.Abandontheproposed GSTraterevision: All the leadingGarmentAssociationsacrossIndiahavealready raisedseriousconsequenceswhichincludeslargescale disruption affecting manufacturing, pricing, and consumer demand and pushing businesses toward informalchannelsif anyGSTraterevisionisendorsed by the Group of Ministers (GoM). The Group of Associations have cautioned to immediately drop any such plans, emphasizing that any such revision will deeply harm industry growth, affordability and employment stability as it will lead to inflated prices, burdening price-sensitive consumers and slowing

demand, especially for festive and wedding-related apparel.

2.Tailored PLI Scheme for Garment Sector: Introduction of a distinct Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme specifically for the Garment sector was collectively deliberated as the current PLI structure demands significant investment levels more suited for the textile industry and does not align with the operational scale and investment capacity of Garment manufacturers. Atailored PLI scheme for the Garment sector will better reflect the industry's unique characteristics and investment patterns, thus encouraginggreaterindustryparticipationandbenefits.

3.Secure MSME's in Insolvency Proceedings: The Government must formulate a policy to ensure that MSME's are treated as secured creditors during Insolvency and Bankruptcy proceedings against large Corporates. Currently, most recoverable funds are allocated to secured creditors like Banks leaving MSME's with minimal or no Compensation. Equal priority will protect their financial exposure, boost confidence in supplying to large Corporations, and ultimately contribute to higher trade volumes and tax collections.

4.Rectifying Section 43B(h) for Equal Opportunity amongst MSMEs: The changes to Section 43B(h) of the Income Tax Act is hurting smaller manufacturers ratherthanhelpingthemaslargebuyersarepreferringto purchase from bigger manufacturers. The distinction between Micro, Small, and Medium segments within


MSME's is creating a huge disadvantage to the Micro and Small segments. Therefore, it is recommended to either:

• eliminatethisprovisionor

• extendtheruletotheMedium Segment,ensuring equalgrowthopportunities,or

• introduce a gradual reduction ofthe payment period:90daysinYl,60daysinY2,and45days inY3.


It is urged to introduce an interest subsidy for the DomesticGarmentsector, similar to the support being provided to the Export sector. The Domestic Garment industry doesnotrequireheavycapitalinvestment, but itdoesneedassistancewithinterestcosts.WhileMSME supportisessential,theydeservespecialattentiondueto itsuniquechallenges.Despitethelackofincentives,the Domestic sector has shown significant growth and targetedassistancewouldfurtherboostitspotential.

Speaking after the meeting, Santosh Katariya, President, Clothing Manufacturers Association of India (CMAI) stated, "We are glad that all the leading associations have come together under Group of Associations to address these concerns and create a unified voice for the industry. As CMAI, we are committed to presenting comprehensive recommendationstotheGovernmentoncriticalmatters such as GST, Supply Chain Disruptions, Rising Input Costs and the need for Policy reforms. These are essentialto ensurelong-termgrowth and sustainability oftheApparelsector."

Rahul Mehta, Chief Mentor, Clothing Manufacturers Association of India (CMAI) expressed, "While we are seeing shift in consumer sentiments,itiscrucialtorecognizethatwithouttimely

policy interventions, the sector will continue to face challenges. TheApparel industry requires policies that nurture its growthandensurea balancedapproach that fosters both immediate stability and long-term sustainability. A supportive policy framework will be vital in unlocking the sector's full potential and translating positive consumer trends into tangible, sustainablegrowthfortheindustry."

Other leading Garment & Textile Trade Associations from across India who participated included Garment Exporters Association of Rajasthan (GEAR)- Jaipur; Bangalore Apparel Manufacturers Association (BAMA)-Bengaluru;SouthIndiaGarmentAssociation (SIGA) - Bengaluru; Karnataka Hosiery & Garment Association (KHAGA); Karnataka Innerwear Association (KIA)- Bengaluru; Knitwear & Apparel Manufacturers Association of Ludhiana (KAMAL)Ludhiana;WoolenGarmentManufacturersAssociation - Ludhiana; Tirupur Exporters Association (TEA)Tirupur;FederationofSuratTextileTradersAssociation (FOSTTA) - Surat; GVS - Surat; Indore Readymade Vastra Vyapari Sangh (IRVVS) - Madhya Pradesh; GujaratGarmentManufacturingAssociation(GGMA)Ahmedabad; Sholapur Garment Manufacturers Association (SGMA) - Maharashtra; Noida Apparel ExportersCluster(NAEC)-Noida,UPandothers.The apparelindustry,witharobustretailmarketsizeofINR 5.4 lakh crore, stands as a cornerstone of the Indian economy. Beyonditseconomicsignificance,thesector isamajor employmentdriver,providinglivelihoodsto approximately 39 million people, including 16 million blue-collar jobs in domestic production. While the industry has demonstrated impressive growth and resilience, there is immense potential for even greater success. By implementing targeted support and initiatives, thesectorcanunlocknewopportunitiesfor sustainablegrowthandlong-termstability.


Hyderabad Celebrates RetailEmployees Daywith GrandParticipationbyRAl's Hyderabad Chapter

TheHyderabadChapteroftheRetailersAssociationof India (RAI) marked Retail Employees Day with an unprecedented celebration, bringing together over 2,500 retail employees from more than 30 Telanganabasedretailersforthemuch-anticipatedR.E.DWALKa One Kilometer Oneness Walk around HITEC City. The landmark event, held at T-WORKS, underscored the spirit ofunity and appreciation within the retail community, making it a memorable day for everyone involved.

Thecelebrationfeaturedanexcitinglineupofactivities, including Zumba sessions and vibrant dance performances,leadinguptothegrandREDWALK.Shri

Jayesh Ranjan Ji (IAS), Guest ofHonour at the event, praised the initiative, emphasizing the significance of retailemploymentinTelangana."Itishearteningtosee the best brands from Telangana come together to celebrate retail employees, who are the pride of Hyderabad,"hesaid.

SetagainstthepicturesquebackdropofT-WORKS,the event fostered a sense ofcamaraderie and community withintheretailworkforce,highlightingtheimportance ofcollaborationandrecognitionintheindustry.

Highlighting the importance ofthe occasion, Kumar Rajagopalan, CEO, Retailers Association of India (RAI), said, "Retail Employees Day is a momentous occasion to honour the unwavering dedication and contributions of retail employees who are the true heroesofourindustry.TheRAIHyderabadChapterhas demonstrated exceptional leadership and community spirit by organizing an inspiring celebration like the RED WALK. This initiative exemplifies the values of unity and appreciation that RAI stands for, creating a

platform to recognize and celebrate the vital role of retailemployeesindrivingthegrowthandsuccessofthe retailsector.We areimmenselyproudofthismilestone and look forward to fostering more such meaningful initiativesacrossthecountry."

Avnish Kumar,ChairmanofRAI - HyderabadChapter and Managing Director of Neeru's said, "Retail EmployeesDayisacelebrationoftheheartandsoulof the retail industry its employees. At the Hyderabad Chapter, we wanted to make this year's celebrations trulyspecial,andtheREDWALKhasbeenatestament to the unity, pride, and enthusiasm within the retail communityinTelangana. It'sincredibletoseesomany brands come together to honour their teams in such a vibrant and collaborative manner. This event reflects our commitment to fostering a culture ofappreciation and recognition for the workforce that drives our industryforward."

P. Jayakumar, Vice-Chairman of RAI Hyderabad Chapter and CEO, Apollo Pharmacies, said, "Retail EmployeesDayisapowerfulreminderoftheinvaluable roleretailemployeesplayinshapingthesuccessofour industry.TheHyderabadChapterhasraisedthebarthis year with the RED WALK, creating an event that not only celebrates our workforce but also strengthens the bonds within the retail community. This initiative highlights the importance of recognizing and appreciating the effortsofthose who work tirelessly at the storefront. It's a proud moment for us all, and we lookforwardtobuildingonthismomentumintheyears tocome."

Dr. Hitesh Bhatt, Director - Marketing and Communication, RetailersAssociation ofIndia (RAI), said, "Retail Employees Day is a celebration ofthe spirit, dedication, and contributions of the retail workforce,whoformthebackboneoftheindustry.The RAI Hyderabad Chapter has set an exemplary benchmark with this year's celebrations, bringing together retailers and employees in a trulyunique and memorable way. Events like the RED WALK are not just a showcase ofunity but a testament to the role Retailers Association of India plays in fostering collaborationandrecognition across the industry. This initiative underlines our commitment to elevating the stature of retail employees and reinforcing the importanceoftheireffortsinshapingthesuccessofthe retailecosystem." Continueon Page 21

Textile Transformation: India'sStrategicWeave IntoThe Future

Crafting theFuture: India's Bold Strides inTextileInnovation

TheglobalspotlightisonIndia'stextileindustry,which skilfully weaves centuries-old traditions with cuttingedgeinnovation.Asoneofthelargesttextileproducers globally,Indiaispoisedtosolidifyitsleadershipamidst growing demand for sustainability, high-performance fabrics, and competitive supply chains. With the industryprojectedtogrowtoUSD350 billionby2030 andexpectedtoadd35millionnewjobs, India'stextile sector isattheforefrontofshapingamassiveeconomic andemploymentexpansion.


India's textile industry, a cornerstone of the economy, contributes 2.3% to the GDP and employs over 45 million people directly, with an additional 55 million indirectlyinvolvedacrossthevaluechain.

As the second-largest employment generator after agriculture, itplaysavitalrole inruralupliftment and women's empowerment. Enhanced by a robust economic framework, cutting-edge technology, internationalreach, andstronggovernmentsupport,the sectordemonstratesvastpotentialasagloballeader.

The diverse range of products-from heritage handwovenfabricslikekhadiandsilktomass-produced garments and technical textiles-have solidified the sector'sglobalreputationanddriveneconomicgrowth.

This variety aligns with the SF vision, covering the entirespectrumfrom farmtofibre, fabric, fashion, and foreign markets, and fosters a well-developed supply chain that extends from production to retail, all while preserving the cultural legacy embedded in India's handlooms.


India'sabilitytoproducevarioustextilesatcompetitive prices continues to attract global brands and retailers. Yet, as fast fashion and consumer preferences evolve rapidly, staying competitive demands more than just cost efficiency. This is why Indian manufacturers are now enhancing their design capabilities, anticipating globaltrends, andofferingversatileproducts thatmeet theneedsofdiscerningconsumers.

Themoveintohigh-valuetechnicaltextiles, cateringto industries such as healthcare, automotive, and agriculture, signifies a crucial shift from traditional outputs. Moreover, recognizing the need to balance fibrereliance, Indiaisreducingitsover-dependenceon cotton and scaling up synthetic fibre production-a

strategic adjustment that has propelled China to a dominantpositioninglobaltextileexports.Thisshiftis further supported by the launch of the multi-milliondollar National Technical Textiles Mission (NTTM), aimed at upscaling India's global leadership in the technicaltextilespace.


The governmenthasbeeninstrumentalinfosteringthe textileindustry'sgrowth.Keyinitiativesinclude:

✓ PM MITRATextileParks: To create an integrated ecosystemthatscalesproductionunitsforenhanced efficiencyandcost-effectiveness

✓ Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme: Encouraging investment in MMF fabrics and apparel, alongside technical textiles, to boost innovationandproductioncapacity

✓ NationalTechnicalTextilesMission: DrivingR&D toelevateIndia'spositioninglobalmarkets

✓ SAMARTH (Scheme for Capacity Building in TextileSector): Designedtoupskilltheworkforce, enhancing the industry's overall productivity and quality standards through targeted training programs


As global demand for sustainable sourcing intensifies, Indian manufacturers are leading the way by implementing renewable energy use, ethical labour standards,andwastereduction.

Thisshifttowardssustainablepractices not onlymeets environmental imperatives but also opens strategic avenues for enhancing India's global reputation. The adoptionofsolarenergyandwater-efficientprocessesis nowincreasinglybecomingstandardpracticewithinthe industry. Moreover, a national-level task force comprisingofkeystakeholdersismethodicallycharting a pathway towards sustainable products, solidifying India's position as a leader in global sustainability efforts.


The industry's reliance on a vast workforce represents bothastrengthandavitalopportunity.Traditionalskills suchas weaving and dyeing continue tobe invaluable, while theadoptionofautomation, CAD, andadvanced manufacturing technologies is driving an increasing demandfortechnicalexpertise.


Skill developmentinitiatives,especially inrural areas, are essential to building an inclusive and future-ready workforce. Furthermore, tailored training programs targetingwomenandunderrepresentedgroupsenhance gender diversity and inclusivity, fostering a more equitableindustrylandscapeglobally.

DrivingGlobalTextileInnovation: India'sStrategic AdvancementsInTheTextileSector

India's textileindustry stands attheforefrontof global innovation,setting new standards in the textile market through strategic growth and technological advancements. The adoption of man-made fibres (MMF) diversifiesIndia'srawmaterialbaseandaligns withcrucialglobaltrends,enhancingbothstabilityand adaptabilityinthemarket.

Significant technological investments have boosted India's manufacturing capabilities, establishing it as a formidablecompetitoragainstkeyregionalplayerslike Bangladesh and Vietnam. These improvements not only enhance operationalefficiencies but also elevate thequalityofoutputs,reinforcingIndia'sreputationasa reliablepartnerintheinternationaltextilearena.

A commitment to sustainable practices distinguishes India'stextileindustry,appealingtoaglobalnetworkof partners and buyers who prioritize environmental responsibilityalongsidequalityandinnovation.

TheRoadAhead:ChartingtheFutureoflnnovation andCollaboration

India's textile industry is poised for continued leadershipontheglobalstage,withafocuson:

1. Research and Development (R&D): Innovating sustainable, energy-efficient textiles to set global standards.

2. Technological Modernization: Elevating efficiency and precision through advanced automationanddigitalization.

3. Strategic Partnerships: Enhancing innovation and skill development through government, industry, andacademiacollaborations.

4. Sustainability andCircularity: Enhancingresource efficiency, water use efficiency and energy efficiency through investments, technology and capacity building; setting up a national level teak forceforacleardecarbonisationagenda

These initiatives highlight the industry's proactive strategy to leverage challenges as opportunities for globalmarketleadership.

BharatTex2025: Harnessing Global Opportunities


Bharat Tex 2025, India's largest textile event,

showcases India's extensive capabilities within the textile sector. This event offers key stakeholders the opportunity to engage with and experience the cuttingedge innovations India contributes to the global stage, highlighting the country's pivotal role in shaping the future of global textiles. This catalytic initiative in the transformative journey of India's textile industry, is poised to thrust the sector into a new era of global prominenceandinnovation.

ScheduledforFebruary 12-17,2025,thispivotalevent, hosted in New Delhi, is set to amplify India's textile prowessonaglobalscale.


Spanning an expansive 2.2 million square feet of exhibition space, Bharat Tex will host over 5,000 exhibitors and feature over 20,000 exhibits, attracting 6,000 international buyers and 12,000 domestic businessvisitorsfrom110countries.

Supported by major global andnational brands such as Aditya Birla, Reliance Industries, Trident Group, and Welspun,theeventunderscoresthesubstantialindustry support and collaboration.Additional key participants include Mafatlal Industries Ltd, EM Crafts, and Supreme Nonwoven Industries Private Limited, highlightingthediverseindustryinvolvement.


Bharat Tex 2025 will showcase various specialized pavilions,including:

✓ SustainabilityPavilion: Highlighting the industry's dedicationtoeco-friendlypractices.

✓ Start-Up InnovationPavilion: Showcasing cuttingedgesolutionsfromemergingbusinesses.

✓ Craft Museum - Indi bhaat: A B2C platform that celebrates the intricate tapestry of traditional arts andweaves.

Thesepavilionsarecomplementedbysignificantevents suchastheInternationalSilkConference,BetterCotton AnnualMeet,andtheInnovationHackathon,promoting anenvironmentripefor networking,collaboration,and growth.

Driving Sustainability: Innovation Meets Responsibility

Asthetextileindustry embracesapivotal shifttowards eco-conscious practices, Bharat Tex 2025 becomes a vitalplatformforadvancingsustainability.Supportedby the Ministry of Textiles and organized by 11 Export PromotionCouncils,theeventshowcasescollaborative effortstoreduceenvironmentalimpactandfosterethical standards.


✓ Eco-Friendly Innovations: From water-efficient


dyeing techniques to organic cotton fanning, the event emphasizes practices that reduce the industry's carbon footprint and resource consumption.

✓ Circular Economy: Discussions and initiatives focus on recycling, upcycling, and closed-loop manufacturing, underscoring a commitment to minimizingtextilewaste.

✓ Ethical Sourcing: Promoting fair wages, safe workingconditions, andtransparentsupplychains, the event drives awareness around responsible sourcingandconsumption.

Major sessions such as Future of Textiles: ESG & Sustainability and Accelerating Circularity in Indian Textiles delve into strategies for sustainable growth, while hands-on masterclasses tackle challenges like wastemanagementandwaterlessdyeing.

Global leaders including the Better Cotton Initiative, UNEP, Laudes Foundation, and corporates likeAditya BirlaGroupandArvindaligntheirexpertisetohighlight scalable solutions, making sustainability not just a visionbutatangiblerealityforthetextileindustry.


The event will also host 70 knowledge sessions facilitated by esteemed partners like KPMG, Gherzi,

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The event was graced by the participation of several esteemed retail brands, including: Neerus, Apollo Pharmacies Ltd, Vishal Peripherals, PMJ Gems and Jewellers, Ratnadeep Retail Pvt Ltd, National Mart, Centro, Creamstone, Redrose Supermart, RSBrothers, Sai SilkKalamandir Ltd, ParadiseFood CourtPvt Ltd,

and the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), offering insights into sustainability, trade, investment, and technological advancements. These sessions are designed to equip attendees with the knowledge to navigate and succeed in the evolving globalmarketlandscape.


Bharat Texisalsosupportedbyanimpressiverosterof associate partners, including UN agencies such as UNEP, UNDP, UNESCO, and UNIDO, alongside government entities like the national think tankNiti Aayog and other departments such as industries and commerce. These partnerships enhance the event's capacity for global dialogue and policy alignment withinthetextilesector.

Through its comprehensive agenda, Bharat Tex 2025 promises not only to showcase India's vast capabilities across the textile industry but also to set new benchmarks in innovation, sustainability, and global traderelationships. Thismonumentaleventisaclarion call to all stakeholders in the textile ecosystem to engage,innovate,andcontributetoa futurethatisboth sustainableandprosperous.

Lead the Change in the World ofTextileat Bharat Tex!

ATC Retail and Malls Pvt Ltd, Amsam Group, Pista House,QmartRetailPvtLtd,SkandhanshiRetail,White HouseApparels,andSampoomaRetail(I)PvtLtd.

ThisinitiativebyRAI'sHyderabadChapterexemplifies their commitment to celebrating and empowering the individuals who are the backbone of the retail sector, settingabenchmarkforfuturecelebrations.


Craftinga SustainableFuture: Insights from the Conferenceon SustainabilityinTextiles &


Inauguration ofthe Conference: AMilestone Moment!

The North India Section of The Textile Institute (NISTI),incollaborationwiththeDepartmentofTextile and Fibre Engineering, IIT Delhi, successfully hosted the Conference on Sustainability in Textiles & Clothing on 14th December 2024. This landmark eventservedasavibranthubforpolicymakers,industry leaders, academicians, researchers, and students to explore innovative pathways towards a sustainable futureforthetextileindustry

Inspiring Leadership and Thought-Provoking Discussions

The conference was inaugurated by Ms. Roop Rashi, IAS, Textile Commissioner, Government of India, whose keynote address set an inspiring tone. She emphasized the critical need for policy-driven initiatives and collaborative efforts to achieve sustainability in the textile sector. Acknowledging the organizers, Ms. Rashi praised the platform for uniting thought leaders, industry pioneers, and young innovators to tackle the pressing challenges of sustainablepractices.

The event was further enriched by special addresses fromtheesteemedGuestsofHonour:

• Prof. R. Alagirusamy, Head of the Department of TextileandFibreEngineering,IITDelhi,highlighted academia's role in driving sustainable technological advancements.

• Mr. Anil Jain, Chairman of Jain Cord Industries Pvt Ltd.,sharedpracticalinsightsonindustryinnovation andresource-efficientpractices.

• Mr. RK Vij, General Secretary of the Polyester

Textile Apparel Industry Association, stressed the importance of cross-industry collaborations in achievingsustainabilitygoals.

Fostering Collaboration Between Academia and Industry

In his welcome address, Dr. RA Lal, Chairman of NISTI, underscored the significance of academiaindustry partnerships in transitioning towards a sustainable and circular textile ecosystem. The event exemplified the power of collaborative efforts in addressingcriticalissues.

Showcasing Innovation: Poster Presentations and Exhibitions

A highlight of the conference was the poster presentation session, where 20 students from colleges across India showcased groundbreaking research on sustainabilityandinnovation.Theircreativity,technical expertise, andfuturisticideaswerewidelycommended by attendees. Winners were celebrated for their innovative solutions, inspiring continued pursuit of excellence.

CelebratingSuccess: WinnersofthePosterPresentation Competition

Innovativedesignsandeco-friendlyproductswerealso on display, featuring contributions from Covation Biomaterials LLC and students of the JS Institute of Design. Covation Biomaterials demonstrated cuttingedge biomaterial solutions, while the students showcased sustainable textile designs, reflecting ingenuityandcommitmenttosustainablefashion.


Theconferencecelebratedthelifetimeachievementsof stalwarts who have significantly contributed to advancingtextileresearchandeducation:


Engaging andThought-Provoking Discussions During the Panel Session.

• Prof.VKKothari

• Dr.SailenChaudhury

• Prof.VinodShanbhag

• Mr.VijayBhalla

• Dr.KuldipSharma

These visionary leaders were felicitated for their relentlessdedication,servingasaninspirationforfuture generations.


Special facilitation was extended to industry sponsors and individual contributors, whose support was instrumentalintheevent'ssuccess.Sponsorsincluded:

• GrasimIndustriesandBirlaCellulose

• RSWMLimited

• CovationBiomaterialsLLC

• AnubhaPolyweavesPvt.Ltd.

• ZydexIndustriesPvt.Ltd.

• JainCordIndustriesPvtLtd

• TridentGroup

• Intagartek

• PolyesterTextileApparelIndustryAssociation

• JSInstituteofDesign

The dedicated efforts of the orgamzmg team and volunteerswerealsorecognizedandlaudedforensuring theseamlessexecutionoftheconference.


The conference proceedings were summarized by Dr. Abhijit Mazumdar, who emphasized actionable outcomes and sustained collaboration among stakeholderstoadvancesustainablepractices.Theevent concluded with a Vote of Thanks byDr. Vijay Yadav, Hon. Secretary, NISTI, acknowledging the collective contributions of all participants and encouraging ongoing engagement with NISTI to drive innovation andsustainability.


TheConferenceonSustainabilityinTextiles&Clothing providedaninvaluableplatformforknowledgesharing, showcasing innovations, and fostering collaborations. The event concluded with a networking session over high tea, paving the way for future partnerships and collaborative efforts to shape a greener, more sustainablefutureforthetextileindustry.




Launches New Sub-Brand "VB Evening" forMenandWomen

VanHeusen,longassociatedwithpremiumformaland wedding wear from Aditya BirlaFashion and Retail Limited,isenteringanewcategorywiththelaunchofits sub-brand, 'VH Evening,' an innovative line designed toredefineeveningelegance.Markingitsforayintothe expressive eveningwear segment, VH Evening is designed for both men and women, offering stylish, dressed-up casuals that go beyond traditional office wearandinfuseamodemedgetoafter-hoursstyle.

VHEvening'slaunchsignalsVanHeusen'scommitment tobringingart-inspiredfashionintopremiumcasualand eveningwear, blending sophistication with fresh, dynamiclooks.

Buildingonitsreputationforhigh-qualityformalattire, Van Heusen responds to the evolving fashion sensibilitiesofmodemprofessionalswithVHEvening.

As casualization trends continue to reshape the landscape, there is a growing desire for attire that balances sophistication with casual ease. VH Evening fulfills this need, bridgingthegap between formal and casualwardrobes.Thisnewsub-brandintroducesabold andexpressive takeon eveningwear, offeringmen and women the opportunity to elevate their offduty looks whilemaintainingthepolishandfinesseassociatedwith VanHeusen.

Commenting on the launch, Mr. Abhay Bahugune, Chief Operating Officer, Van Heusen, said, "At Van Heusen, we continuously strive to stay ahead of evolving consumer preferences, and the launch ofVH

Evening is a testament to that commitment. We identified a significant gap in the market for sophisticated eveningwear that allows for bold selfexpression without compromising on elegance. VH Evening not only addresses this demand but redefines the category by offering a seamless blend of individuality,refinement,andversatility.Thisnewsubbrand is designed to empower individuals to stand out withconfidence,embodyingtheperfectsynergyofstyle andsubstancethatdefinesthemodemconsumer."

The debut collection, 'Born of Art,' is a thoughtfully curatedlinedrawinginspirationfromsomeofhistory's most significant art movements, including the Renaissance, Cubism, and Impressionism. Melding classic and contemporary influences, the collection embodies acreativeethosand iscrafted for those who appreciate art in every form, seeking to wear it as an extension of their personality. Notably, 'Born of Art' piecesaredesignedtoalloweffortlesstransitionsfrom daytonight,bridgingthegapbetweenformalandcasual looks.

Commenting on the collection, Mr. Gaurav Raheja, Design Director,VanHeusen said, "The 'Born ofArt' collection redefines the essence of eveningwear by seamlessly blending timeless artistic movements with cutting-edgedesign.WithVHEvening,we'vecrafteda line where every detail-from bold, statement prints inspiredbyRenaissanceandCubistarttosubtle,refined touches like artistic motifs-tells a story of creativity andindividuality.Thiscollectionisnotjustanevolution indesign; it'sabolddeclarationofhowartandfashion can intersect to create wearable masterpieces. VH Eveningempowersthemodemprofessionalto make a striking yet sophisticated statement, turning every momentintoacanvasforself-expression."


The 'Born of Art' collection celebrates artistic expression and individuality, drawing inspiration from art movements such as the Renaissance, Cubism, and Impressionism. Each piece is meticulously curated to reflect timeless art influences, incorporating forwardthinkingdesignsthatalignwiththetastesofthemodem professional.

•The collection features an expansive range ofapparel for both men and women, from elegantly designed blazers,sophisticatedsuits,anddressestoshirtsandTshirts,providingaversatileselectionthatsuitsavariety ofeveningoccasionsandsocialsettings.


LouisPhilippePresents "RoyalWedding Treasures" forthisWedding Season

Louis Philippe, India's leading premium menswear brand from Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Limited, proudly announces the launch of its latest Royal Wedding Treasures collection, crafted for the modem groom who desires to honortradition while embracing contemporarystyle.Thiscollectionisatestamenttothe brand'slegacyofexceptionalcraftsmanshipandrefined sophistication, designed to ensure that the groom exudesconfidenceandcharismaonhisspecialday.

Theexclusive"RoyalWeddingTreasures"collectionby Louis Philippe embodies the grandeur and cultural richness of traditional wedding ceremonies while seamlessly integrating modem design elements. Each piece is a work of art, skillfully crafted from premium fabrics such as velvet and detailed with exquisite embellishments. The Bandhgalas are adorned with intricate embroidery and sequins, inspired by royal motifs,andreflectalevelofcraftsmanshipthatelevates thegroom'sattiretoregalstatus.

For those seeking the perfect balance of heritage and contemporaryflair,thecollectionoffersimpeccablycut two-piece and three-piece suits, as well as ceremonial shirts. These outfits blend the brand's classic adapting expertisewithmodemsilhouettesandnuancedtextures, allowing the groom to make a sophisticated statement. Thecollection'scolorpalette-rangingfromdeeproyal bluesandrichgreenstoclassicivoryandgold-speaks to both the bold and traditional aspects of wedding fashion, creating a look that is both majestic and timeless.


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Speaking about the collection, Ms. Farida Kaliyadan, Chief Operating Officer, Louis Philippe, remarked, "At Louis Philippe, we believe that weddingsareasmuchaboutpersonalexpressionastheyareabouttradition. Thiscollectionhasbeencraftedtohonorthatsentiment,offeringgroomsan unparalleledfusionofelegance,grandeur,andcontemporaryfashion."

Experience the artistry and elegance of the Louis Philippe wedding collectionandpreparetomakeyourweddingdayunforgettable.Startyour journeyatwww.louisphilippe.abfrl.inorvisityournearestLouisPhilippe store.

•Thedesignphilosophyembraces bothmaximalistand minimalist aesthetics, with some pieces showcasing bold, art-inspired prints, while others focus on subtle detailing, such as artistic motifs in linings or under collars,offeringanaddedlayerofsophistication.

•Crafted with contemporary silhouettes, the 'Born of Art' collection enables a refined yet relaxed aesthetic, cateringtoyoungprofessionalswhovaluebothfashion and function.VH Evening positionsVanHeusen atthe intersection of art and fashion, helping individuals express their personalities through unique, stylish, and refinedclothing.

ACampaignInspiredbyArt: 'Frame'

VanHeusen pushes creative boundaries with 'Frame,' the immersive marketing campaign supporting VH Evening's debut. Drawing directly from the art world, 'Frame'treatseachiteminthe collection asa wearable masterpiece, emphasizing the concept of wearable art for style-conscious audiences. Every visual in the campaign is set against an art gallery-like backdrop, underscoring the connection between fashion and fine art. Key visual assets feature models in gallery spaces, engaging with the artwork on display, creating an immersive experience that blurs the lines between art appreciation and fashion expression. The campaign aimstopositionVHEveningasanaspirationallabelfor a discerning audience, making it a perfect fit for both fashion-forward and professional spaces. Media plans includeahigh-visibilitylaunchacrossdigital,print,and out-of-home platforms to reach an engaged audience acrossIndia.

WithVH Evening, VanHeusen is notjust launching a newlinebutalsopositioningitselfattheconfluenceof art and fashion. The collection's emphasis on artistic expression aligns with the brand's goal to help individuals express their personalities through what they wear, making each piece more thanjust clothingit'sastatement.

The Born of Art collection will be available at Van Heusen stores nationwide and online. As part of the launch, customers will also have the opportunity to experiencethecollectionthroughuniquepop-upgallery events in major cities, further reinforcing the collection'sart-inspiredtheme.

"StitchingtheFuture: ABFRLand GIZ Launch India'sFirst Circularity Guidelines forTextiles"

AdityaBirlaFashionandRetailLtdand GIZIndialaunches "Stitchingthe Circle: ARoadmapfor CircularTextilesinIndia" - Circularity GuidelinesforIndianTextile &ApparelIndustryatSankalp BharatSummit2024,Varanasi

Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Limited (ABFRL),in collaboration with Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), is proud to announce launch of the first of its kind - circularity guidelinesforIndiantextileandapparelindustry atthe Sankalp Bharat Summit 2024,Varanasi. The eventwas attended by several dignitaries, including industry leaders, government officials, and sustainability experts,highlightingthesignificance ofthis milestone fortheIndiantextileapparelsector. Thisprojectmarks the culmination of a transformative three-year partnershipaimedatreshapingtheIndiantextilesector throughcirculareconomy principles,innovation,anda focusonsustainabledevelopment.

Theguidelines,titled"StitchingtheCircle:ARoadmap for Circular Textiles & Apparel in India", is a comprehensive guide designed to assist textile businesses in transitioning from a linear to a circular economy model. It encapsulates several initiatives

undertaken during ABFRL and GIZ's collaborative journey, with the shared goal of advancing sustainability, reducing waste, and fostering resource efficiency in the textile value chain. The partnership betweenABFRLandGIZbeganwithavisiontoaddress the pressing environmental challenges posed by the textile industry. Over the past three years, the collaboration has spearheaded a series of impactful initiativesaimedattransformingIndia'stextilesector.

These initiatives included a comprehensive baseline survey to "Stitching the Future: ABFRL and GIZ LaunchIndia'sFirstCircularityGuidelinesforTextiles" assess the current state of circularity, the Circularity Innovation Challenge 2023 to foster sustainable solutions, and the nationwide training program, "Decoding Circularity Together" to empower stakeholdersacrossthetextilevaluechain.ABFRLand GIZ also conducted pilot projects to integrate circular solutionsintotextilesupplychain,documentedthrough Continue onPage 31

RAI BudgetRecommendations2025-26

ItisuniversallyacknowledgedthatIndiaisamongstthe fastest growing economies in the world, and much of thisgrowthisattributedtotheburgeoningmiddleclass, which is fueling economic growth through retail consumption.

RetailinginIndiaisoneofthepillarsofitseconomyand accounts for about 10 percent ofits GDP. The Indian retailmarketisestimatedtobe worth $1 trillion and is expectedtoreach$2trillionby2032.Indiaisoneofthe fastest growing retail markets in the world, with 1.4 billionpeople

Anotherfacetofthecontributionoftheretailindustryin the growth ofthe Indian economy is the generation of employment in the retail industry and industries supporting the retail business. Around 50 million people are employed inthissector. The retail sector is the fastest growing sector in terms of employment generationandissecondonlytoagricultureintermsof the number of people it directly employs, besides creatingindirectemploymentopportunities.

Akeyaspectofthissectoristhattheadvantagesarenot just restricted to specific strata ofthe society; instead, retail has the ability to benefit different entitiesinstitutional as well as social. The contributions from modem retail flow to the exchequer due to increased transparency.

With the recent reforms, the Government has made substantial efforts to revitalize the sector, We, at the RetailersAssociationoflndia,aregenuinelysupportive oftheGovernment'svisiontoachieveinclusivegrowth for India. The retail sector has the true potential to provideimpetustotheGovernment'svision.

Through RAI Pre-Budget Memorandum 2025-26, certainareasarehighlightedthatrequireGovernment's attention, as they have the potential ofproviding a necessary push to unleash growth in the sector. RAI recommends that the Government should consider the followingkeypointstomaketheretailindustrystronger andcontributetotheGDPofthecountry.


Toensurethegrowthofthesector,theUnionBudgetfor FY 25-26 should focus on generating demand and spurring consumption by offering benefits or concessionsintheformoflowertaxes.Itwillboostthe overallconsumersentimentandbenefittheretailsector. ConsumptionequalstoDevelopment.Taxbenefitsand relieftoindividualtaxpayerswillincreasethemonthly


Further the budget must prioritize growth-oriented measures to stimulate demand and consumption. The budget should outline supportive policies, simplified regulations, skill development and simple goods and services tax (GST) norms to aid in the development of theretailindustry.


There is a need to provide lower interest rate to the retailersthroughthespecialannouncementinthebudget toassureeasierfinancingfortheRetailbusinesses.The governmentshouldallocateaspecialfundandformulate a special trader finance scheme with SIDBI to help millions ofindependent retailers across the nation by declaring low-cost loans and relaxing some industry guidelines.

III. Encourage Innovative and Convenient Digital PaymentMethods

Consumersmaynowmakepaymentsmoreeasilythanks totheUnifiedPaymentsInterface(UPI)andotherdigital paymentoptions.InIndia'ssemi-urbanandruralshops, UPIalonesawa650%increase.Thesamehassupported eliminating the burden in the cash-based economy like Indiaandmakingitsimplerforcorporationstoenhance their operations in the online segment. It is required to assist these upgrades in the technology which makes it simplertododigitalpayments. Newandeasymodesof digitalpayments must be supported bythegovernment by announcing the focused extent. Further, there is a needtopromoteDigitaltransactionsbygivingwaiverof MDRIsubsidizedMDRonuseofthedebitcard.


F&Bretailsectorneedstobeconsideredasapriorityand an essential service. Subsidies and benefits should be given on land rates and other necessities such as electricity.

V. Expedite National Retail Policy to enable ease of doingbusiness

There is a need to expedite the formulation and implementationofNationalpolicy.Webelievethatsuch a step would provide a substantial boost to the retail sectorandfacilitateeaseofdoingbusiness.


The Govt has included retail and wholesale trades as MSMEsandtheyareallowedtoberegisteredonUdyam Registration Portal. However, benefits to retail and


wholesaletradeMSMEsarerestrictedtoPrioritySector Lendingonly.Werecommendthatretailandwholesale traders should be eligible for all benefits available to otherMSMEs.


There is a definite need to help retailers in India modernize.Thefirststeptomodernizationistheuseof PointofSaleMachines(alsocalledasPOSmachines)as these help retailers in making bills for customers and alsoallowtheownersofthestorestoallowanon-family member to man the cash tills without the worry of embezzlement.

The uses ofthe above machines are many. The key usesare:

1. It allows owners ofbusinesses to employ managers who can manage the business without losing control overbasicdataofsales.

2.Itallowsaquickupdateofstock,sales,andintakeand hencehelpsmanagesalesandinventory

3. It helps keep a record ofcustomers and allows for a more useful CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

4. The bills made from such machines create accountability to customers and ensures that retailers takeresponsibilityforwhattheyselltocustomers.


TheCentralGovernmentintroduced'TheModelShops and Establishment (Regulation of Employment and ConditionofServices)Act2016(hereinafterreferredas TheModelBill)on29thJune2016whichhasbeenone ofthekeyasksoftheRetailersAssociationofIndia for theoverallbenefitandgrowthoftheIndianretailsector.

TheModelBillisaprogressivemovebyShriNarendra ModiGovernmentsinceitenablesthestatestochooseto keepshopsandothersuchestablishmentsopen24x7all through the year. This gave a substantial boost to employment generation and will also benefit the consumers in terms of more convenience and accessibility.

The Government of Maharashtra and Gujarat has recently amended the Maharashtra Shops & EstablishmentsAct1948inlinewiththeModelBill.

The Government should encourage and incentivize otherstatestoadopttheModelAct.

Retail businesses also need EDC (Electronic Data

Capturemachines)foracceptanceofvariousbankcards and other digital payment devices. This helps in the acceptance of digital money and also promotes an accountable trading environment. In our opinion, any promotionoftheuseofPointofSalemachinesisagood waytomovethecountryanditscitizenstowardsafully accountedeconomy.

SmalltradershavetobeencouragedtouseatleastEDC machines so that they can accept digital payments withoutworry.Effortsshouldbemadetoensurethatall retailersinthecountryuseEDCmachinesandalsothat the cost ofaccepting Digital payments is never more than the cost ofaccepting cash. The Government may want to create free/subsidized dispensation of such machines in the country. This can be done in stagesaround 25 lakh machines to start with can be a good start. Itwillalsohelpgovernmentastheseretailerswill registerunderGST.

Effortsshouldalsobemadetoencourageretailerstoget POS machines with good software for sales bills and sales accounting. Reimbursement of money for such POS tosmall retailers can be a good wayto encourage adoption. All these software's should have an inbuilt securitysystemandrobustaccountingstandardssothat an audit trail ofbills is feasible. Some careneeds tobe takentocertifyacceptablePOSmachinesandsoftware.


We also recommend to reintroduce "EPCG for Retail Sector", tocreatemodeminfrastructureinretailsector. Concessional duty benefits under EPCG scheme shall be extended for import or capital goods required by retailershavingminimumareaof1000sq.meter.

X.RisksofProposedGSTHikeonProductsbasedon pricerange

The proposed GST rate hike on apparel, footwear, handbags, cosmetics, watches, and other premium products could have significant repercussions on the formal retail sector and consumer sentiment. Such increases may jeopardize the formalization of trade, encouraging a shift toward unorganized markets. Additionally, this move risks undermining the Government of India's Make in India initiative, delaying the domestic growth ofthe retail sector and impactingemploymentopportunities.Toachievehigher collections, the government should adopt a more balanced approach that safeguards the formal retail ecosystemandpreservesconsumerconfidence.

JayporeUnveilsLatest Campaign 'MaahiVe: TheHeart & SoulofWedding'ACelebrationofTradition, Love, andJoy

Acuratedcollectionofhandcraftedtreasures, featuringtimelessensembles, heirloomjewels, andmoretoadornevery weddingcelebration

Jaypore, Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Ltd.'s celebrated artisanal lifestyle brand, unveils its latest wedding campaign, 'Maahi Ve: The Heart & Soul of Wedding'. This meticulously curated campaign embodies the essence of India's rich cultural heritage, weaving together timeless craftsmanship, heirloom treasures,andheartfeltemotionstocreateunforgettable momentsforeveryweddingcelebration.

RootedinthephilosophyofcelebratingIndia'sartisanal heritage, the campaign invites couples and their families to immerse themselves in thejoy, love, and tradition that define Indian weddings. From engagement soirees and haldi ceremonies to grand sangeetsandtheweddingdayitself,Jayporepresentsa thoughtfully curated collection that adds grace and grandeurtoeveryritual.

The campaign is beautifully encapsulated in a

heartwarming film that captures the essence of love, togetherness, and joy-a visual ode to the cherished moments that make weddings so special. This digitalfirstcampaignleveragesthepowerofsocialmediaand onlinestorytellingtoinspiremodem audienceswithits compelling narrative. Through visually engaging content collaborations with creators, and targeted online ;ctivations, the campaign amplifies its reach whilestayingrootedintheauthenticityofitscraft.

Radhika Chhabra, Creative Head, Jaypore, shares her vision behind the campaign, "At Jaypore, we've reimagined occasion wear for the weddingseasonand thoughtfulgiftsformodemcouplestocelebratenotjust thebrideandgroombutthecomingtogetheroffamilies, cultures, and traditions. 'Maahi Ve' is a tribute to the vibrantspiritofIndianweddings, whereevery roleand momentisastorywaitingtobetold. Eachpiece inthis collection reflects our unwavering commitment to India's craft heritage, offering something truly special forthosewhovalueartistryandauthenticity."

At the heart of 'Maahi Ve' lies a diverse repertoire of handcraftedtreasures,including:

• HeritageAttire: Elegant Banarasi sarees, intricately handembroideredkurtas,andregalsilhouettescraftedto perfectionbymasterartisans.

• Exquisite Jewellery: Heirloom-worthy Polki, Jadau, and Kundan pieces in silver &gemstones, designed to adorn every bride and complement the beauty of weddingtraditions.


•Artisanal Home Decor: Handcrafted accents that bringwarmthandvibrancytoeveryfestivecelebration.

Celebrating India's unparalleled artistry, the collection highlights intricate craft techniques such as Gota Patti, Zari,Benarasiandhandwoventextiles,offeringablend ofcontemporarystyleandage-oldtraditions.

Jaypore's 'Maahi Ve' campaign redefines wedding shopping by curating an experience that connects with the heart, making every bride, groom, and family memberfeelcelebrated.


TheMaahi Ve collection is priced between INR 2,000 andINR5lakhs.ExplorethecollectionatJayporestores

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a compelling narrative to raise awareness and inspire action. Mr. AshishDikshit,ManagingDirector,Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Ltd., stated, "Our three-year partnershipwithGIZhasbeenatransformativejourney thatshowcasesthetruepowerofindustry collaboration in achieving a meaningful change. Thelaunch ofthese circularity guidelines marks a defining moment for us, reflecting our unyielding commitment to collaborate with the fashion industry towards sustainability and to champion the development of a circular textile ecosystem. Building on this, Dr. Naresh Tyagi, Chief Sustainability Officer,Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Ltd., commented, "ABFRL and GIZ have worked together to create circular guidelines and other initiativesthatindustryplayerscanleveragetoworkina holistic manner, benefiting both the environment and society."HighlightingGIZ'sperspective,Ms.Meghana Kshirsagar, Senior Advisor, Climate Change and CircularEconomyatGIZIndia,added,"Asapartnerfor international cooperation for sustainable development, wearecommittedtobuildingafutureworthliving.The cooperation withABFRLhas great potential to initiate and scale circular economy and resource efficiency approachesintheIndiantextileindustry.Inouropinion, combining the strengths of public and private sector partners creates a win-win scenario, delivering both developmentbenefitsforlocalpopulationsandbusiness advantagesforprivatecompanies."Thenewlylaunched guidelinespresentactionablestrategiesfortransitioning

from a linear to a circular economy model. It includes the 6R Approach (Redesign, Reduce, Reuse, Remanufacture, Recycle, Regenerate), providing a framework for the textile industry to reduce waste and enhanceresource efficiency,circularity. Themanifesto alsosets KeyPerformanceIndicators(KPIs)tomeasure circularity in organisation and encouraging alignment with global sustainability certifications. Through case studies and best practices, the guidelines serve as a practicalguideforIndianbusinessesaimingtointegrate circularity into every stage of production-from sourcing sustainable materials to engaging consumers incircularpractices.

The document aims to inspire the entire value chain, from manufacturers to policymakers, to collectively build a sustainable textile ecosystem in India. The releaseoftheguidelinesatthe SankalpBharat Summit 2024 marks a pivotal milestone in ABFRL and GIZ's sharedjourney towards sustainability. The partnership has set a benchmark for the Indian textile sector, showcasingthepotentialofcircularbusinessmodelsto reduce environmental impact while driving innovation and growth. Moving forward, ABFRL and GIZ are committed to continuing their work in empowering stakeholders, expanding pilot projects, and promoting the widespread adoption of circular practices throughouttheindustry.

Deutsche Ge:s.eltschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Birla Cellulose

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