International Textile Market November-December 2024 Issue

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InnovatingforaStrongerTomorrow: ShriRakeshMehra'sVisionforIndia'sTextileMachineryIndustry

StrengtheningIndia'sTextileMachinerySector: InsightsfromTMMAChairmanM.Sankaratthe64thAGM

CelebratingExcellenceinExportandInnovation: TMMA'sExportandR&DAwards2023-24

BridgingInnovationandCollaboration:KARLMAYER'sVisionfor theFutureatITMAASIA+CITME2024

BirlaCelluloseandCircAnnounceStrategicPartnershipto AccelerateScalingTextileRecyclingInnovation

AfricaTextileRenaissance:ARISEIIP,Rieter,andAfreximbank UnitetoRevitalizeAfricanTextileManufacturing



TEXPROCILHonorsLMW:ATestamenttoLMW'sUnwavering CommitmenttowardstheTextileIndustry




ASIA+CITME2024: ShowcasingInnovationand StrengtheningLocalEngagement

ITMAASIA + CITME 2024 concluded a successful five-day event on October 18, attractingnearly90,000attendeesfrom111 countries, with a strong local presence. Eighty-sevenpercentofvisitorswerefrom China,hailingfrom31provincesandcities, underscoring the region's robust textile industry and interest in cutting-edge machinery.

India led overseas attendance, followed by South Korea, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Iran, reflecting the global appeal of this premier textile machinery exhibition. Exhibitors, including leaders like Federico Businaro of Sperotto Rimar and Rick StanfordofBaldwinTechnologyCompany, expressed satisfaction with the quality of attendees and promising business outcomes. Local exhibitors also reported a high interest in advanced, computerized solutions.

The event, hosted at Shanghai's National ExhibitionandConventionCentre(NECC) across six halls, covered 160,000 square meters and featured over 1,700 exhibitors from22countries.

ITMA ASIA + CITME will continue to foster global textile innovation with its 2025editioninSingapore(October28–31) and a 2026 return to Shanghai. This successfulshowcasesolidifiesITMAASIA + CITME's role as a critical platform for advancingthetextilemachineryindustry.

India,Pakistan,Bangladesh,Srilanka,Vietnam,Indonesia,Thailand, China,HongKong,USA,Germany,Spain,Italy,U.K.&France


InnovatingforaStrongerTomorrow:ShriRakeshMehra'sVision forIndia'sTextileMachineryIndustry

On the occasion of the 64th Annual General MeetingoftheTextileMachineryManufacturers' Association (TMMA), held on 19th September 2024 in Mumbai, Shri Rakesh Mehra, Chairman of the Confederation of Indian Textile Industry (CITI),deliveredaninspiringaddressastheChief Guest. His speech highlighted the vital role of technological innovation in the textile industry andthepromisingopportunitiesthatlieaheadfor India'stextilemachinerymanufacturers.

ShriMehrabeganbycommendingTMMAforits significant contributions to the textile engineering sector over the years, emphasizing howcriticalmachineryistotheoverallsuccessof the industry. As India's textile market grows robustly—valuedatapproximatelyUSD165-170 billion, including USD 35 billion in exports—there is great potential for Indian machinery manufacturers to thrive. Government initiativeslikethePLIandPMMITRAschemes, coupledwithrisingdomesticandglobaldemand, are expected to propel India towards a USD 350 billionmarketsizeby2030.

However, Shri Mehra also pointed out the existing technology gaps in indigenous machinery, especially in areas like weaving and processing, where India still relies on imports to meet quality standards. He urged domestic manufacturers to step up, embrace innovation, and develop cutting-edge technology to remain globallycompetitive.

Highlighting global trends in sustainability and digitization, Shri Mehra stressed that future technology must align with evolving market demands. He also called for collaboration between industry stakeholders to bridge the technological gaps and meet emerging compliancerequirements.

In conclusion, Shri Mehra expressed optimism that India will soon reduce its dependence on importedmachinery,withindigenoustechnology drivingthenation'stextilesectorforward.


StrengtheningIndia'sTextileMachinerySector: InsightsfromTMMAChairmanM.Sankaratthe64thAGM

Atthe64thAnnualGeneralMeetingoftheTextile MachineryManufacturers'Association(TMMA) held on 19th September 2024 in Mumbai, Chairman M. Sankar delivered an impactful speech, highlighting the achievements and challenges facing India's Textile Engineering Industry (TEI). The AGM also marked the presentation of the Export and R&D Awards, recognizingexcellencewithintheindustry.

Mr. Sankar opened by welcoming Chief Guest Shri Rakesh Mehra, Chairman of the Confederation of Indian Textile Industry (CITI), and extended his gratitude for the continued support from TMMA members and the broader industry.

Key Insights on Economic and Industry Trends

Mr. Sankar provided a detailed overview of the global economic scenario, noting that while the global economy grew by 3.0% in 2023-24, inflation, geopolitical tensions, and disrupted supply chains continued to pose challenges. Despite these global pressures, India's economy showed strong resilience, growing by 8.2%, buoyedbyrobustdomesticdemandandincreased foreigninvestment.

The State of India's Textile Engineering Industry

The TEI registered a marginal production increase of 2%, with segments like spinning and processing machinery seeing stronger growth. However, the last two quarters of 2023-24 were markedbyadownturnduetogeopoliticalissues, affecting both exports and capacity utilization. Exports of textile machinery fell by 14%, highlighting the need for innovation and collaborationwithintheindustry.

Collaboration and Innovation for Future Growth

Mr. Sankar emphasized the importance of a symbiotic relationship between the textile sector and machinery manufacturers. He urged theTEI to embrace cutting-edge technologies and sustainablepracticestomeetglobaldemands.He also stressed the critical need for robust R&D support from the Government of India to ensure that India remains competitive in the global textilemachinerylandscape.

TheAGMconcludedwiththepresentationofthe Export and R&D Awards, celebrating the industry'sachievements.


CelebratingExcellenceinExportandInnovation: TMMA'sExportandR&DAwards2023-24

TheTextileMachineryManufacturers'Association (India)proudlyhosteditsExportandR&DAwards for2023-24,recognizingoutstandingcontributions tothetextilemachineryindustry.Theawardswere presented to companies that demonstrated export excellenceandsignificantachievementsinresearch anddevelopment,advancingIndia'sstandinginthe globaltextilemarket.


Thisyear,theTMMAreceived32nominationsfrom 15 member companies for 11 categories of Export Excellence Awards. After rigorous evaluation, 11 winnersand2jointwinnerswereselected.

Rieter India Pvt. Ltd., Pune took home the prestigious Apex Export Award. With an overall turnover of C2273 crores and export contributions of C747 crores (direct and indirect), Rieter demonstratedanoutstandingcommitmenttoglobal expansion.The award was received by Mr. Pankaj Dangra,HeadofMarketing,.



In the Textile Machinery Sector, the joint winners were SaurerTextile Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Vadodara, with exports of C361 crores, and Lakshmi Machines Works Ltd., Coimbatore, with C477 crores in exports. These companies showcased exceptional performanceinpushingIndia'stextilemachinerytointernationalmarkets

Recipients of the Award is: Mr.YogeshDeo,Director-IndiaOperationsoftheCompany..
The recipient of the Award is: Mr. Vivek Arora, Head of Marketing of the Company


Lakshmi Card Clothing Mfg. Co. Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore, won in the Parts & Accessories Sector, with C7 crores in exports, further proving India's capability in producingtop-tiertextilemachinerycomponents.

The recipient of the Award is: Mr.B.Anirudth,WholeTimeDirectoroftheCompany.

Premier Evolvics Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore, secured the award for the Textile Testing, Monitoring&ControllingInstrumentsSector,with C41croresinexports,emphasizing theimportanceofprecisioninstrumentsinthetextilesupplychain.

Recipient of the Award is: Mr. SanjayGandhi–VicePresident-Salesofthecompany



TheSpinningMachinerySectorsawKirloskarToyotaTextileMachineryPvt.Ltd., Bangalore,winwith₹246croresinexports,whileSiegerSpintechEquipmentsPvt. Ltd.,Coimbatore,ledtheSyntheticMachinerySectorwith C50croresinexports.

Recipient of the Award is: Mr.BGDAnandakumar,GM-Marketingand Mr.AnilShinde,DeputyManagerSales,oftheCompany.

Recipient of the Award is: Mr. Sukumar (Director Marketing) oftheCompany.


BhagatTextileEngineers,Surat,emergedasthetopexporterintheWeaving& WeavingPreparatorySector,achieving C91croresinexports.

Recipient of the Award is: Mr. Jitesh Bhagat – Partner oftheCompany

ColorjetIndiaLtd.,Noida,madesignificantstridesintheProcessingMachinerySector, securingtheawardwith C50croresinexports.

Recipient of the Award is: Mr. Aditya Dadu, DirectoroftheCompany.


LuwaIndiaPvt.Ltd.,Bangalore,tooktheawardinthe Parts&AccessoriesSector,atestamenttoitsrobustexportactivities.

The recipient of the Award is: Mr.P.K.Singh,ManagingDirectoroftheCompany.

TheSmallScaleSectorrecognizedYamunaMachineWorksLtd.,Mumbai,with C6crores inexports,whileInspironEngineeringPvt.Ltd.,Ahmedabad,and TheIndianCardClothingCompanyLtd.,Pune, sharedthehonorintheSmallScaleSector:Parts&Accessoriescategory.

The Recipient of the Award is Mr.PrashantMangukia, ManagingDirector




Theseawardsnotonlyreflectthewinners'excellencebutalsounderlinethegrowingdemandforIndian textile machinery and parts in international markets. The impressive performance in exports highlights India'sstrategicpositioningasamajorplayerintheglobaltextileengineeringsector.


Innovationandtechnologicaladvancementsarecrucialforthesustainedgrowthofthetextilemachinery industry. The R&DAwards recognize the remarkable achievements of companies that are pushing the boundariesoftechnologyandprocessestoenhancethesector'sglobalcompetitiveness.

In 2023-24, 7 member companies submitted 8 nominations for the R&D Awards, and after thorough review,3companieswereselectedforthecoveted'InnovationAward,'while3weregiven'Certificatesof Appreciation'fortheirR&Defforts.

Recipient of the Award is: Mr.KetanRathod,DGM–ProductManagementof InspironEngineeringPvt.Ltd
:Mr.DarshanSheth–ChiefExecutiveOfficerof TheIndianCardClothingCompanyLtd.,Pune


LakshmiMachinesWorksLtd.,Coimbatore,receivedtwoInnovationAwardsforitsgroundbreaking developmentsin"RINGFRAMEAUTOPIECER(RAP)"and"DRAWFRAMELDF32S."TheRAP technologycapturedbrokenyarnendswithoutliftingthepackage,thuseliminatingcontamination,while the LDF3 2S featured independent drive arrangements and digital auto-leveling, both of which significantlyimprovedproductionefficiency.



TheIndianCardClothingCo.Ltd.,Pune,washonoredforitsdevelopmentof "MetallicWirewithVariableTipDesign,"whichenhancestheprocessing oflow-strengthfibersbyminimizingfiberrupture

Recipient of the Award is: Mr.AshokkumarPal–VP(Productdevelopment&Technicalsupport) oftheTheIndianCardClothingCo.Ltd


StovecIndustriesLtd.,Ahmedabad,receivedrecognitionfordeveloping “Eucalyptus,"asustainableinnovationintextileprocessing.


SiegerSpintechEquipmentsPvt.Ltd.,Coimbatore,wasacknowledgedforitsdevelopment ofthe"IntegratedC2C(ConetoContainer)"system.

ColorjetIndiaLtd.,Noida,receivedaCertificateofAppreciationforitsinnovative “Earth32Series,"demonstratingacommitmenttoeco-friendlytechnologies.

These awards highlight the relentless pursuit of innovation within India's textile machinery industry. By investing in research and development, these companies are positioning India as a hub of technological excellenceandsustainabilityinthetextileengineeringdomain.


TheTMMAExportandR&DAwardsfor2023-24serveasatestamenttotheresilience,innovation,andglobal competitiveness of India's textile machinery industry. The recognized companies have not only excelled in exportsbuthavealsocontributedtoadvancingtechnologyandsustainablepracticeswithinthesector.These achievements are crucial as India continues to strengthen its position as a global leader in textile machinery manufacturing. With a strong focus on innovation and collaboration, the future of India's textile machinery sectorlookspromisingandpoisedforcontinuedgrowthontheinternationalstage.


BridgingInnovationandCollaboration:KARLMAYER'sVisionfor theFutureatITMAASIA+CITME2024

Convincing presentation, intensive discussions, agreed projects Kong Zhen, General Manager of KARL MAYER (CHINA), summarizes the presentation of the KARL MAYERGROUPatITMAASIA+CITME2024

Given the difficult situation in the global textile industry,ITMAASIA+CITME2024inShanghai was a trade fair full of expectations for many international companies, including the KARL MAYER GROUP. The leading manufacturer of textile machinery focused its exhibition on the changes and transformations in its customers' business. Under the motto “Master the Change”,

itshowcasedsolutionsfromallitsbusinessareas that can be used to exploit the opportunities arising from the challenges of our time. Ulrike Schlenker,myTEXTEILNEWSeditor,spoketo KongZhen,GeneralManagerofKARLMAYER (CHINA), to find out how the diverse presentationwasreceivedbyvisitors.


US: Let's take a look at the statistics first. Whatdoyouhavetosayaboutthenumberof visitors? Which countries did the guests mainlycomefrom?

KZ:Wearegenerallysatisfiedwiththenumberof guests. At our stand in the Shanghai National ExhibitionandConventionCenter,wewelcomed over 800 visitors with specific inquiries, significantlymorethanatthetradefairsthattook place during the coronavirus pandemic. As expected, most guests came from China. A considerable number also came from India and Turkey.

US: In your opinion, what were the crowd pullers at the KARL MAYER GROUP stand and why? What was convincing about the exhibits?

KZ: We are an innovation leader in the global

textilemachineryindustry.Ourvisitorstherefore always come with great expectations, which we were able to meet at this year's trade fair with a diverse exhibition program featuring the latest developments in textile machinery, textile products and their applications, digital solutions andservices.Thecompletepackagewithastrong marketfocuswasverywellreceived.Theguests received a lot of valuable information and impulses for more successful production and the development of new business. One of the top exhibitswascertainlythesunprotectionclothing presented. The comfortable outdoor outfits were madefromatricotfabricfromanHKS2-Sinthe new fineness E44, which impressed with its performance. Thanks to its high fineness and sophisticated design, the silky fabric offers an unrivalledUVprotectionfactor,anextremelysoft feelandalowweightperunitarea.

TheCMS503kiLinE18wasarealhighlightfor the guests from the flat knitting industry with its uniqueproductivityandunlimitedpatternvariety forawiderangeoffull-fashionapplications.The reliable flat knitting machine with its fine gauge produced a ladies' scarf with a filigree lace-like design that impressed visitors at the trade fair. Among the digital solutions from KM.ON, the design software CREATE DESIGN and the programming software CREATE PLUS were

particularlyimpressivewiththeirabilitytospeed up the design and development process for flat knitwear. The manufacturers from the warp preparation sector could not get past our new WARPDIRECT. The latest generation warping machine scores with an extremely high warping speed and quality with the shortest amortization time. In addition, the beams produced are of the highestquality.


US: There were certainly many discussions about all these innovations. How would you ratetheoverallqualityoftheexchangeatyour stand?

KZ:Weareevenmoresatisfiedwiththeintensity andcontentofthediscussionsduringITMAASIA +CITMEthanwiththequantity.Wehadin-depth professional discussions with many leading companies from different application areas and markets.Theinsightswegainedfromtheseshow us a clear direction for our further research and development work. In addition, we were able to sign several important contracts in the course of the trade fair, which not only concern the traditional machine business, but also some new developments. We are sensing a slow return of confidence in the market, particularly as a result ofapackageofsubsidyprogramspublishedatthe end of September. We hope that this confidence willlast.

US:Arewestickingtothesuggestionsfromthe discussionsforfurtherdevelopments?Whatis the general direction of the journey in your businessareas?

KZ:Theglobaltextileindustryisandwillremain dynamic and unpredictable with its ups and downs, but we are on the right track. This was shown once again at this year's ITMA ASIA + CITME. We proved that, together with our customers, we can rise to the most diverse challenges and master them with innovative technology, high-performance machines and comprehensivesupport.Wewillcontinueonthis course. No matter how the market grows, how tough the competition is, how much the order situationfluctuates,wewillcontinuetofocuson just one thing: developing solutions that enable ourcustomerstooperateflexibly,sustainablyand profitablyandmasterthechangesofourtime.

US: Thank you for the interesting conversation.


BirlaCelluloseandCircAnnounceStrategicPartnershipto AccelerateScalingTextileRecyclingInnovation

Strategic Collaboration Aims to Drive Growth of and Access to Recycled Fibres

Birla Cellulose, the cellulosic fibres business of the Aditya Birla Group and one of the world's leading Man-Made Cellulosic Fibre (MMCF) producers through its flagship company Grasim IndustriesLimited,andCirc,aUS-basedtextileto-textile recycling innovator, have announced a long-term strategic partnership aimed at acceleratingthescalingofrecyclingfibreswithin thetextilessector.

This groundbreaking collaboration proposes, for Birla Cellulose to purchase up-to 5,000 tons of Circ'spulp,peryear,foraperiodof5yearsfrom Circ's first commercial-scale facility. This pulp will be converted into lyocell staple fibre, significantly enhancing access to recycled materials and supporting Circ as it scales its commercialproduction.

“Our partnership with Birla Cellulose, a leading global producer of MMCFs, is significant as it demonstrates both Circ's ongoing progress towards scalability as well as the industry's commitment to investing in a truly circular economy,” said Peter Majeranowski, CEO of Circ. “Together, we are poised to create a more sustainablefashionfuturebyintegratingrecycled


Dr. Aspi Patel, Chief Technology Officer of Grasim Industries Limited, said, “This partnership reflects our deep commitment to environmental stewardship and represents a crucial step in advancing innovation within the textileindustry.BycombiningCirc'scutting-edge recycling technology with our cellulosic fibres, wearesignificantlyenhancingthepotentialfora trulycirculareconomy.”

As brands and consumers increasingly prioritize eco-friendlyoptions,thesupplychainwillplaya pivotal role in facilitating demand. The partnership between Birla Cellulose and Circ demonstrates the role of collaboration in effectivelyscalingrecyclinginitiatives.Withthe appetite for recycled materials outpacing the current supply, Birla Cellulose's willingness to procure and utilize Circ pulp ensures Birla Cellulose'scustomershaveaccesstohigh-quality recycled Circ Lyocell. This partnership enables brandsandsupplychainpartnerscanpartakeand play their part in the future of the global fashion industry.


Both companies are committed to promoting circular economy practices and reducing environmental impact through innovative technology and material reuse. They are also aligned on their shared vision for a sustainable future with a promise to set new benchmarks in thetextileindustry.


Birla Cellulose, the cellulosic fibres business of theAditya Birla Group, is a leading producer of sustainability-focused Man-Made Cellulosic Fibres (MMCF). Operating 12 manufacturing sites, Birla Cellulose employs environmentally efficient closed-loop technologies, integrating recycledmaterialstoconservenaturalresources. Recognized as a top MMCF producer, Birla Cellulose has earned a 'dark green shirt' rating from the Canopy Planet Society, reflecting its commitmenttoenvironmentalexcellence.


GrasimIndustriesLimited,aflagshipcompanyof the Aditya Birla Group, ranks amongst the top publicly listed companies in India. Incorporated in 1947, it started as a textiles manufacturer in India. Today, it has evolved into a leading diversifiedplayerwithleadershippresenceacross many sectors. It is a leading global producer of Cellulosic Fibres, Diversified Chemicals, Fashion Yarn and Fabrics producer in India. Implementing next phase of transformational growth journey, the company has entered paints business under the brand name 'Birla Opus'. Out of the six plants to be set-up for manufacturing

decorativepaintsacrosspanIndialocations,three plants commenced operations in Apr'24. Leveraging the Group synergies, Grasim has launched 'Birla Pivot', the B2B online marketplace for building materials. Through its subsidiaries, UltraTech Cement, Aditya Birla Capital and Aditya Birla Renewables, it is also India's prominent cement producer, leading diversified financial services player and clean energy solutions player. At Grasim, there is an endeavourtocreatesustainablevaluefor45,000+ employees, 2,52,000+ shareholders, society, and customers. The company reported consolidated net revenue of C 1,30,978 Cr. and EBITDA of C20,837Cr.inFY2024.


Circisonamissiontopowerthecleanclosetwith patented technology that recycles global fashion waste back into textiles. Circ is building a truly circulareconomyforthefashionindustry.Toease the way for recycled fibres, Circ operates CircReady,aselectcommunityofglobalsupply-chain partnerswithademonstratedabilitytoutilizeCirc materials.HeadquarteredinDanville,Virginia,a former epicenter of textile production in the United States, Circ is a 2023 Earthshot Prize Finalist, 2024 Fast Company Most Innovative Company, and a Certified B Corporation revitalizingthefutureofmaterialtechnologyand manufacturing. To learn more about Circ, visit


AfricaTextileRenaissance:ARISEIIP,Rieter,andAfreximbank UnitetoRevitalizeAfricanTextileManufacturing

ARISE IIP, a leading pan-African developer and operator of world-class industrial parks, has partnered with the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) and Rieter, a global leader in textile manufacturing technology, to launch the "Africa Textile Renaissance Plan." This groundbreaking collaboration aims to revitalize Africa's textile sector, creating a dynamic new chapterinthecontinent'sindustriallandscape.

OnOctober14,2024,thethreepartnerssigneda transformativeframeworkagreementtoestablish a 500,000 metric ton capacity for cotton processing across Africa over the next three to fiveyears,backedbyasubstantialUSD5billion financing initiative. The Africa Textile Renaissance Plan focuses on a comprehensive strategy to expand textile manufacturing, bolster exports, create jobs, and build a sustainable financingmodel.Keyobjectivesinclude:

· Establishinganinitial500,000metrictons of African cotton transformation capacity, with thepotentialtodoublethiscapacity.

· Developing local expertise for machine repair,creatingupto500,000newjobs.

· Reducing Africa's textile imports while strengthening export capabilities, especially under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).

· Enhancing full value addition within Africa,aimingforexportsworldwide.

· Implementingarobustfinancingstructure tosupporttheseinitiatives.

The project will prioritize countries with strong infrastructure, such as energy availability, and establishtrainingcenterstobuildtechnicalskills. The financing process will be streamlined with standardized loan documentation, a rapid twomonth application process, and standardized businessplantemplates.

In addition to securing project financing, Rieter has committed to establishing a gradual manufacturingpresenceinAfrica,whichincludes setting up a repair and maintenance facility at ARISE's industrial park in Benin, establishing sparepartswarehousing,andintroducingphased machineassemblyoperations.

Gagan Gupta, CEO and Founder of ARISE IIP, shared his enthusiasm: "The Africa Textile Renaissance Plan represents a significant milestone in the continent's industrial development. This initiative will not only boost localmanufacturingandcreatethousandsofjobs but also position Africa as a global leader in sustainabletextileproduction.”

Prof. Benedict Oramah, President of Afreximbank, hailed the initiative as a "gamechanger" for African trade, stating, "By transforming Africa's cotton into high-value textile products, we are driving industrialization and building a competitive export base. This partnership is a testament to Afreximbank's unwavering commitment to Africa's economic growth.”

Thomas Oetterli, CEO of Rieter Group, added: "Wearethrilledtosupportthisessentialinitiative with our expertise and commitment. The Africa Textile Renaissance Plan marks a vital step forwardforthefutureofAfrica'stextileindustry." This partnership is set to ignite a new era for African textiles, combining infrastructure, financing, and technical expertise to create a sustainable and globally competitive textile ecosystemacrossthecontinent.



Fibers Solutions provide the content for the DigitalAcad-emy. Particular emphasis is placed on practical relevance. "Our customers define who should learn what, so that the training packages are targeted and customized," explains Tilmann Seidel, Vice Presi-dent Customer Services.TheBCFmoduleiscurrentlyavailable worldwideinEnglish,SpanishandTurkish.

Theportalistobemadeavailableforallprocesses of the Oerlikon Business Unit Manmade Fibers Solutions in the future. The digital academy for thePOYprocessisalreadyunderdevelopment.


Theonlinetrainingcenter,whichislocatedonthe,contains acollectionofe-learningmodulesonthetopicsof operation, maintenance and repair, currently for theOerlikonNeumagBCFmachinesS+andS8. Operatingpersonnelaswellasprocessengineers and technicians as well as quality managers are trained.

One year after the BCFmodule of the Digital Academywentlive,OerlikonManmadeFibers Solutions draws a positive balance. Feedback from US carpet yarn manufacturers already using the portal shows that the company has takentherightapproachwiththeoffering.

The portal is particularly effective in supporting the induction of new specialists. Whereas in the past, training was provided and documentation handed over during commissioning, today users can learn independently of time and place and refreshtheirknowledgeatanytime.Thecontent is definitely also suitable for training technical specialists. This makes the digital approach consistentandefficient.

The technical personnel at Oerlikon Manmade

A high staff turnover rate among yarn manufacturers, which has increased again since theCovid-19pandemic,underscorestheneedfor new training concepts that do not require a physical trainer and are accessible 24/7. This is because in-person training requires a considerable logistical effort, incurs travel costs and disrupts operations more severely than individually scheduled online training. This is where the Digital Academy offers a distinct advantage: compact, role-based learning units that can be ac-cessed via mobile and stationary end devices make the content quickly applicable for the user.Asuccess check helps to internalize the content and consolidate what has been learned. Feedback functions can quickly clarify comprehension questions at any time.Access to the Digital Academy is location- or companyspecific.

Compact,role-basedlearningunitsthatcanbeaccessed viamobileandstationaryenddevicesmakethecontents oftheDigitalAcademyquicklyapplicablefortheuser.



SinowinChemicalFibersisthefirstPA66industrialyarnproducerintheChineseprovinceof Henantocommission12positionsofan8-endtireyarnplantfromOerlikonBarmag.

PA66 industrial yarn specialist expands portfolio

The airbag and tire yarn specialist is thus reaffirmingitscommitmenttothegrowthmarket ofautomotivetextiles.The8-endconcept,which isuniqueonthemarket,scoresaboveallwithits energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness. "We believe in the automotive market and its growth opportunities.Webelievethatindustrialyarnhas great potential," says Chen Haitao, President of Sinowin."Theautomotiveindustryhasextremely high-quality standards. We can reliably meet these requirements with our products, not least

becauseweattachgreatimportancetothequality ofourproductionfacilities.”

The company has been relying on Oerlikon Barmagtechnologysinceitwasfoundedin2015. Startingwith10positions,thePA66specialisthas nowexpandeditscapacitiesto44positions.Plans forfurthercapacityexpansionanddiversification arealreadyinplace."Wewanttocovertheentire tire yarn production chain: Spinning, cabling, weavinganddipping.Theentiretextilepartofthe tire from a single source.This will make the tire supplychainmuchmoretransparent,"saysChen Haitaoabouthiscompany'splansforthefuture.




LMW:ATestamenttoLMW’s UnwaveringCommitmenttowardstheTextileIndustry

LMWStandsOutwith‘VastraVibhushan’AwardforAdvancing SpinningTechnologyinIndiaatTEXPROCIL’s70thJubileeCelebration

LMW has been honored with the prestigious ‘Vastra Vibhushan’ Technology Award by The Cotton Textiles Export Promotion Council (TEXPROCIL), in recognition of the company's exceptional contribution to advancing the spinningsectorinIndia.Theawardwaspresented during TEXPROCIL’s 70th Jubilee celebrations ontheeveningofMonday,28thOctober2024,at the Grand Ballroom of Hotel JW Marriott in Mumbai. This milestone event commemorated thesevendecadesofTEXPROCIL’svitalrolein the country’s vibrant cotton textiles industry and celebrated the innovation and excellence across the sector. The awards were presented by the evening’s chief guest, H.E. Shri C.P. Radhakrishnan, Hon’ble Governor of Maharashtra, in the presence of distinguished dignitaries, including Smt. Roop Rashi, Textile

Commissioner, who served as the Guest of Honour. The ‘Vastra Vibhushan’ award specifically acknowledged LMW’s groundbreaking advancements in spinning technology, positioning the company as a leader in driving the growth and modernization of India’stextileindustry.

Inamomentofpride,Mr.RajasekaranS,Senior Vice President of R&D and Sales (Domestic) at LMW, received the award on behalf of the company from the chief guest. LMW is distinguished as the exclusive recipient of this honor in its category, highlighting its commitment to technological advancement and its role in strengthening India’s position in the globaltextilemarket.


Egypt:LeadingtheWayinSustainableCottonandTextile Innovation

Egypt’s rich legacy in cotton production is renowned globally for its high-quality, longstaplefibers.Asoneofthefoundingmembersof the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC)since1939,Egyptcontinuestoleadwith strategic initiatives that blend tradition with modern innovation. In the 2023/2024 season alone, Egyptian cotton exports reached an impressive $56 million, highlighting the country’spivotalroleintheglobaltextilemarket.

Global Partnerships and Sustainable Innovation

Egypt is embracing a future-oriented vision by fostering global partnerships and integrating sustainable practices into its cotton and textile sectors.Thiscommitmentwasevidentatthe82nd Annual ICAC Meeting held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, where the focus was on enhancing transparency,sustainability,andinnovationinthe cottonvaluechain.

Keyissuesdiscussedincludedthedevelopmentof climate-resilient cotton varieties, adoption of digitaltoolsforbettertraceability,andaddressing environmental challenges. Egypt’s proactive stepsintheseareasensureitscompetitivenessin meetingtherisingglobaldemandforsustainably sourcedcotton.

Sustainability inAction: The “Better Cotton” andREELPrograms

In line with international standards, Egypt launched the “Better Cotton” initiative in 2019, funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation. This initiative educates farmers on sustainable cotton farming, enhancing both environmentalimpactandfarmerlivelihoods.By 2020, Egypt was officially recognized as a certified producer of “Better Cotton,” further strengtheningitsglobalreputation.

In 2022, Egypt expanded these efforts with the

REELCottonprogram,whichemphasizescotton traceabilitytoenhanceitsmarketappeal.Through rigorous tracking mechanisms led by the Cotton Arbitration and Testing General Organization (CATGO),everystageofcottonprocessing,from collection to spinning, is monitored, ensuring transparencyandquality.

Modernizing Cotton Cultivation and Production

Despite challenges, Egypt is steadfast in modernizing its cotton industry. For the 2023/2024 season, the total cultivated area reached 103,147 hectares, with significant contributions from varieties like Super Giza 94 andGiza95.However,therewasa24.5%decline compared to the previous year. To counter this, Egypt is enhancing drought-resistant varieties andadoptingadvancedagriculturaltechniquesto increaseyieldsandimprovesustainability.

Production efficiency also remains a focus. The lint cotton yield for 2023/2024 reached 69,316 tons,withSuperGiza94accountingforover64% of total production.Although there was a 42.5% decreaseinoverallyieldcomparedto2022/2023, ongoing innovations are expected to stabilize futureoutput.


Egypt’s ginning mills are undergoing significant modernization to improve quality and reduce contamination. Equipped with advanced testing labs,thesefacilitiesensurethateverycottonbale is traceable through a unique QR-coded label, providing essential data throughout the production cycle. The Egyptian Cotton Data Bank, an online platform, offers stakeholders real-timeaccesstothisdata,promotingtrustand marketcompetitiveness.


To further strengthen the textile sector, Egypt is

inviting private investments into industrial and free zones. Incentives include access to land, infrastructure, and skilled labor. The government’s golden license simplifies the process, encouraging global companies to establishoperationsinEgypt.

Modernizedstate-ownedmillsandnewfactories equipped with cutting-edge technology are already transforming Egypt’s textile landscape, with the largest factory in the Middle East set to open by the end of the year. This initiative

underscoresEgypt’scommitmenttobecominga globalleaderintextilemanufacturing.


Egypt’s multi-faceted strategy focuses on sustainability, innovation, and global partnerships, positioning its cotton and textile industry for long-term growth. Through these efforts, Egypt not only honors its rich cotton heritage but also secures its future as a leader in sustainabletextileproduction.

Developingcircularityinfashion:ANDRITZreceivesengineering orderforlandmarktextilerecyclingplantfromCirc®


International technology group ANDRITZ has received an engineering order from US textile recyclinginnovatorCircinanticipationofitsfirst large-scale textile recycling plant.The plant will be the first to recover cotton and polyester from blendedtextilewaste.

ConorHartman,ChiefOperatingOfficeratCirc, says: “We remain excited about this continued collaboration withANDRITZ.Together, we will commercialize Circ’s innovative recycling process and take another step towards a truly circular fashion industry. With its expertise in engineering and building large-scale process equipment,ANDRITZistherightpartnertohelp ustransformtextilewasteintorecycledfiberson anindustriallevel.”

The majority of fashion waste consists of polyester-cottonblends,whichposesasignificant challenge to achieving greater circularity. In particular, the separation of cellulosic and synthetic fibers from textile waste has been a major obstacle. Circ’s innovative recycling process can break down polycotton textile waste into its original components – polyester and cotton. The forthcoming plant will process 200 tonsoftextilewasteperday,allowingcottontobe recycled for lyocell production and polyester to be reused for polyester production. This will reducetheneedforvirginrawmaterials.

Michael Waupotitsch, Vice President Textile Recycling at ANDRITZ, comments: “We are eagertosupportCircintheirvisionofcircularity because the technology they have developed is uniquely suited to solve one of the biggest challenges in fashion waste and recycling. With our holistic knowledge in resizing, mechanical separation,hydrothermalprocessing,recoveryof cellulosicpulpaswellaspulpcleaningandpulp drying, we have the right expertise to help them achieve their goals. Our experience in process developmentandmachinerywillhelpbringtheir innovativerecyclingtechnologytolife.”

ANDRITZ has been successfully conducting trialsforCircattheANDRITZFiberR&DCenter inSpringfield,Ohio,USA,forseveralyears.The successful partnership and recent developments have led to the decision to expand this cooperation.

®Circ is a pioneering company focused on sustainablesolutionsforthefashionindustry.By converting fashion waste into reusable raw materials for fabrics, Circ reduces the need for petroleumandnaturalresources.Thecompany’s mission is to build a truly circular economy to protecttheplanetfromthecostofclothing.

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