AUN Binder

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Charter of the

ASEAN University Network

Office of the AUN Secretariat; Room 210, Jamjuree 1 Building, Chulalongkorn University, Phyathai Road, 10330, Bangkok, Thailand. Tel: (662) 215-3640, 215-3642, 218-3256, 218-3258 Fax: (662) 216-8808 e-mail: websdite:



Charter of the

ASEAN University Network


Cataloging-in-Publication Data ASEAN. ASEAN University Network Jakarta : ASEAN Secretariat, (1995) 24 p. ; 21.5 cm ISBN 979-8080-17-3 378.59



The Fourth ASEAN Summit held in Singapore in January 1992 directed that ASEAN should help hasten the solidarity and the development of a regional identity through the promotion of human resources development by considering ways to further strengthen the existing network of leading universities and institutions of higher learning in the ASEAN region with a view to ultimately establishing an ASEAN University based on this expanded network. To implement this decision, the ASEAN Secretariat, in coordination with the ASEAN Sub-Committee on Education (ASCOE), prepared the draft Charter of the ASEAN University Network and the draft Agreement on the Establishment of the ASEAN University Network. These were reviewed by an ASEAN Experts Group Meeting on ASEAN University Networking held at Bangkok from 20 to 21 April 1995 and subsequently adopted by the Third Meeting of the ASEAN Sub-Committee on Education held at Manila from 20 to 22 June 1995. The Charter of the ASEAN University Network has been signed by the ASEAN Ministers responsible for higher education, while the Agreement on the Establishment of the ASEAN University Network has been signed by the Presidents/Rectors/Vice-Chancellors of the eleven participating universities. The establishment of the ASEAN University Network is a significant ASEAN achievement and will contribute greatly to the promotion of a regional identity through the development of human resources.

Dato’ Ajit Singh Secretary General of ASEAN






Table of Contents


Charter of the ASEAN University Network


Agreement on the Establishment of the ASEAN University Network







PREAMBLE The Fourth Meeting of ASEAN Heads of Government held in 1992 emphasized the need to hasten the development of a regional identity and solidarity, and promote human resources development by considering ways to strengthen the existing network of leading universities and institutions of higher learning in the ASEAN region with a view to ultimately establishing an ASEAN University based on this expanded network. It also declared that ASEAN Member Countries shall continue to enhance awareness of ASEAN among the people in the region through the expansion of ASEAN Studies as part of Southeast Asian Studies in the school and university curricula and the introduction of ASEAN student exchange programmes at the secondary and tertiary levels of education. ARTICLE 1 ORGANIZATION OF THE AUN There shall be established the ASEAN University Network (AUN) to be composed of the leading universities and colleges in ASEAN Member Countries, which shall be known as the Participating Universities.

8 ARTICLE 2 OBJECTIVES The general objective of the AUN is to strengthen the existing network of cooperation among universities in ASEAN by promoting collaborative study and research programmes on the priority areas identified by ASEAN. The specific objectives are to promote cooperation and solidarity among scientists and scholars in the ASEAN Member Countries; to develop academic and professional human resources in the region; and to produce and transmit scientific and scholarly knowledge and information to achieve ASEAN goals. ARTICLE 3 STRUCTURE OF THE AUN The ASEAN University Network shall be composed of a Board of Trustees, Participating Universities and a Secretariat. ARTICLE 4 FUNCTIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES The AUN Board shall have the following functions: 1. Formulate policies for the operation of the network; 2. Approve proposals for projects, including budget allocation, work programmes and implementation activities; 3. Appoint the Executive Director and staff that will compose the AUN Secretariat; 4. Conduct periodic review and evaluation of on-going projects and activities based on the recommendations and assessment of the Executive Director; and, 5. Perform such other functions that may be necessary to carry out the objectives of the AUN.

9 ARTICLE 5 QUALIFICATIONS AND TERM OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES The Board of Trustees shall be composed of one representative from each of the ASEAN Member Countries, as designated by the respective governments, the Secretary-General of ASEAN and the Executive Director of the AUN, as ex-officio members. The representative of each Member Country shall preferably be the incumbent head of one of the Member Country’s institutions of higher learning. The regular members of the Board shall serve a term of three years; in no case shall the regular members serve for more than two terms. The Board shall meet at least twice a year. ARTICLE 6 ROLE OF THE PARTICIPATING UNIVERSITIES The Participating Universities shall implement the programmes and activities of the AUN. ARTICLE 7 FUNCTIONS OF THE SECRETARIAT The Secretariat shall have the following functions: 1. Plan and organize programmes, projects and activities of the AUN; 2. Coordinate, monitor and evaluate programmes, projects and activities of the AUN; 3. Propose and develop ideas, innovations or mechanisms for sourcing and generating funds for the operationalization of a self-reliant and self-sustaining AUN; and, 4. Assess and review periodically the accomplishments of the AUN. The Secretariat shall be headed by an Executive Director. ARTICLE 8 QUALIFICATIONS AND TERM OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The Executive Director must have an outstanding record in managing or directing international programmes and cooperation projects which are recognised in the region. He/she shall be appointed by the AUN Board for a fixed term of 4 (four) years, renewable for another term.

10 ARTICLE 9 FUNCTIONS OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The Executive Director shall have the following functions: 1. Manage the activities of the AUN Secretariat; 2. Coordinate and monitor the programmes of the participating universities; and, 3. Perform such other functions which may be assigned by the Board of Trustees from time to time. He/she shall be provided with professional staff who are knowledgeable in, among others, the fields of ASEAN Studies, science and technology, higher education, economics, finance and law. ARTICLE 10 REPORTING SYSTEM AND ACCOUNTABILITY The Executive Director shall render an annual report of accomplishment of the projects and activities being coordinated and/ or implemented by the AUN to the Board of Trustees. Such report shall be furnished to appropriate ASEAN bodies and the governments of the Member Countries, including funding private institutions/individuals. ARTICLE 11 BUDGET The AUN shall have a three-year plan and an annual budget which shall be approved by the Board of Trustees. ARTICLE 12 FUND SOURCING COMMITTEE The Board of Trustees shall create a fund-sourcing Committee which shall develop fund-generating projects for the AUN.

11 ARTICLE 13 ACCOUNT AND AUDIT The funds of the AUN shall be deposited in a reputable bank in the account of the AUN hereinafter referred to as the AUN Account. The AUN Account shall be managed by the Executive Director in accordance with the approved budget and the three-year plan. The AUN Account shall be audited by a firm of auditors selected by the Board of Trustees. ARTICLE 14 AMENDMENT The provisions of this Charter may be amended upon request of any member, which shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees through the Executive Director three months before the scheduled meeting of the Board. Any amendment to this Charter shall be made by consensus of all the members of the Board, and shall come into force upon adoption by the Board. ARTICLE 15 DISPUTES OF INTERPRETATION Any question or dispute concerning the interpretations of any provision of this Charter shall be settled by the Board of Trustees. ARTICLE 16 ENTRY INTO FORCE This Charter shall come into force upon adoption by the Ministers responsible for Higher Education of the ASEAN Member Countries.

12 For the Government of Brunei Darussalam

H.E. Pehin Orang Kaya Laila Wijaya Dato Haji Abdul Aziz Umar Minister of Education

For the Government of the Republic of Indonesia

H.E. Prof. Dr. Ing. Wardiman Djojonegoro Minister of Education and Culture

For the Government of Malaysia

H.E. Dato’ Sri Hj. Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak Minister of Education

13 For the Government of the Republic of the Philippines

Hon. Angel C. Alcala Chairman, Commission on Higher Education

For the Government of the Republic of Singapore

H.E. Mr. Lee Yock Suan Minister for Education

For the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand

H.E. Mr. Boonchoo Treethong Minister, Ministry of University Affairs




The leading universities of ASEAN namely Universiti Brunei Darussalam of Brunei Darussalam, Universitas Indonesia and Universitas Gadjah Mada of Indonesia, Universiti Sains Malaysia and Universiti Malaya of Malaysia, University of the Philippines and De La Salle University of the Philippines, National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University of Singapore, and Chulalongkorn University and Burapha University of Thailand at the initiative of their respective governments (hereinafter referred to as Participating Universities) and represented by their Presidents/ Rectors/Vice-Chancellors as hereunder indicated: Dato Abu Bakar Apong Vice-Chancellor, Universiti Brunei Darussalam Prof. Dr. M. K. Tadjudin Rektor, Universitas Indonesia Prof. Dr. Sukanto Reksohadiprodjo Rektor, Universitas Gadjah Mada Tan Sri Dato’ Hj. Musa bin Mohamed Vice-Chancellor, Universiti Sains Malaysia

16 Dato’ Dr. Hj. Abdullah Sanusi bin Ahmad Vice-Chancellor, Universiti Malaya Dr. Emil Q. Javier President, University of the Philippines Dr. Andrew Gonzalez President, De La Salle University Prof. Lim Pin Vice-Chancellor, National University of Singapore Dr. Cham Tao Soon President, Nanyang Technological University Prof. Dr. Charas Suwanwela, M.D. President, Chulalongkorn University Ass. Prof. Dr. Phasook Kullavanij President, Burapha University

DO HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLOWS : The Participating Universities, in pursuance of the Charter of the ASEAN University Network, and as founding members, shall endeavour to promote human resource and capability development to further strengthen the existing network of leading universities and institutions of higher learning in the ASEAN region through the establishment of the ASEAN University Network, which shall hereinafter be referred to as AUN.

17 ARTICLE I OBJECTIVES The AUN shall have the following objectives: 1. Promote cooperation and solidarity among professionals, academicians, scientists, and scholars in the region; 2. Develop academic and professional human resources in the region; and, 3. Promote information dissemination including electronic networking of libraries, exchanges and sharing of appropriate information among the members of the academic community, policy makers, students and other relevant users ARTICLE II ADDITIONAL MEMBERS Academic institutions of any ASEAN member country may be admitted to the AUN upon submission of application for such membership to the Board of Trustees. ARTICLE III CRITERIA FOR MEMBERSHIP The following shall be the basis for acceptance of membership of an academic institution: 1. Recognition of its status as a centre of excellence in priority disciplines; 2. Faculty strength; 3. Experience in regional or international programmes; and, 4. Existence of adequate laboratories, libraries, and other facilities. ARTICLE IV WORK PROGRAMMES This Agreement shall encompass cooperative activities on the following: 1. Establishment of the AUN; 2. Student and faculty exchange programmes; 3. Scholarship for study at ASEAN universities; 4. Information networking among ASEAN universities;

18 5. Collaborative research; and, 6. Other projects that may be agreed upon by the AUN. These activities shall be formulated in consultation with Participating Universities. ARTICLE V COMMITMENTS OF MEMBERS To ensure effective collaboration among Participating Universities, the members shall endeavour to implement, as best as possible, the following measures: 1. Waiver of tuition and matriculation fees for selected disciplines and specific number of scholars; 2. Authorize the secondment/exchange of faculty members/ experts to academic institutions where their services are required; 3. Provide subsidy for the accommodation of scholars/faculty fellows; 4. Secure admissions of exchange students/scholars; 5. Assist students to enable them to participate in on-the-job training in private firms or companies; 6. Facilitate the exchange of library materials and publications electronically or through traditional means; 7. Authorize the cross-posting of researchers who are involved in joint research activities to optimize the use of laboratory facilities in the region; 8. Use resources under the technical assistance programme to complement AUN funds; 9. Allocate from the budget of the university such amounts as may be necessary to support priority programmes of the AUN and as identified under this Agreement or supplemental implementing agreements; 10. Secure the support of the public and private sectors for the AUN programmes; and, 11. Authorize eminent administrators or faculty members to serve in the AUN Secretariat or the Board of Trustees when nominated/ elected.

19 ARTICLE VI SPECIFIC AGREEMENTS The exchange of students, scholars and fellows, production of publications, other materials and information networking, and other related activities may be covered by specific contracts/agreements between the Participating Universities within the framework of this Agreement. ARTICLE VIl FUNDING OF PROJECTS In addition to the funds provided by the AUN, the members shall encourage cost-sharing in the funding of projects for the region. They shall also develop projects which will generate funds from other sources such as foundations and companies which are willing to support relevant projects. ARTICLE VIII COOPERATION WITH OTHER INSTITUTIONS In appropriate cases, technical personnel, governmental agencies and institutions of other countries may participate in projects and programmes being carried out under the Agreement at the invitation of any of the Participating Universities. ARTICLE IX ENTRY AND EXIT IN MEMBER COUNTRY Each Participating University shall facilitate entry into and exit from each territory of personnel and equipment of the other Party working on or used in joint projects and programmes in accordance with the laws, rules and regulations in force in their respective countries. ARTICLE X AMENDMENTS Each Participating University may, when circumstances warrant, request for the amendment of any provision of this Agreement after two years from effectivity thereof; provided however, such amendment will not be undertaken more than once every two years thereafter. Such amendment shall be approved after all parties concur thereto.

20 ARTICLE XI EFFECTIVITY This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of the signing/ approval by member universities. It shall remain in force for a period of three (3) years and shall continue in force unless sooner terminated by the member universities. The notice to terminate shall be given to the Board of Trustees in writing, three (3) months prior to its meeting. Projects which, at the expiration of this Agreement, have already commenced but have not been fully implemented, shall be carried out to their completion by the parties unless they shall agree to terminate it simultaneously with the termination of this Agreement. Done in Capitals of ASEAN countries in November 1995 in eleven originals in English, all copies being equally authentic.

Dato Abu Bakar Apong Vice-Chancellor, Universiti Brunei Darussalam (Brunei Darussalam)

Prof. Dr. M.K. Tadjudin Rektor, Universitas Indonesia (Indonesia)


Prof. Dr. Sukanto Reksohadiprodjo Rektor, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Indonesia)

Tan Sri Dato’ Hj. Musa b. Mohamed Vice-Chancellor, Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia)

Dato’ Dr. Hj. Abdullah Sanusi b. Ahmad Vice-Chancellor, Universiti Malaya (Malaysia)

Dr. Emil Q. Javier President, University of the Philippines (Philippines)


Dr. Andrew Gonzalez President, De La Salle University (Philippines)

Prof. Lim Pin Vice-Chancellor, National University of Singapore (Singapore)

Dr. Cham Tao Soon President, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)

Prof. Dr. Charas Suwanwela, M.D. President, Chulalongkorn University (Thailand)


Asst. Prof. Dr. Phasook Kullavanij President, Burapha University (Thailand)






The Fourth ASEAN Summit held at Singapore in January 1992 directed that ASEAN should help hasten the development of a regional identity and solidarity and promote human resources development by considering ways to further strengthen the existing network of the leading universities and institutions of higher learning in the ASEAN region with a view to ultimately establish an ASEAN University based on this expanded network.


Immediately after the Singapore Summit, the ASEAN Secretariat commissioned a Study Team to help develop the concept of an ASEAN University. The report of the Study Team was discussed at the First Meeting of the ASEAN Subcommittee on Education (ASCOE) held at Jakarta from 10 to 12 September 1992 which agreed on the establishment of an ASEAN University by forming a network of centres of degree-granting institutions in the region in priority disciplines.

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A Consultative Meeting of ASEAN Group on ASEAN University was held at Jakarta from 27 to 29 January 1993 which agreed that plans of actions should be pursued on academic exchange programmes, joint research programmes and teaching programmes.


The Second Meeting of ASCOE held in Kuala Lumpur from 10 to 12 January 1994 agreed that a Five-Year Work Programme be formulated to strengthen the proposed ASEAN University Network (AUN).


The ASEAN Secretariat prepared the draft Charter of the ASEAN University Network, Agreement on the Establishment of the ASEAN University Network, and Five-Year Work Programme on Strengthening ASEAN University Networking.


The ASEAN Experts Group Meeting on ASEAN University Networking was held at Bangkok from 20 to 21 April 1995 to consider the draft Work Progamme, AUN Charter, and Agreement. The Meeting endorsed the revised Charter of the ASEAN University Network and the Agreement on the Establishment of the ASEAN University Network.


A Second draft of the Work Programme on ASEAN University Network was prepared by the ASEAN Secretariat for consideration at the Third Meeting of the ASEAN Sub-Committee on Education.


The Third Meeting of the ASEAN Sub-Committee on Education held in Manila from 20 to 22 June 1995 considered and adopted the Charter of the ASEAN University Network and the Agreement on the Establishment of the ASEAN University Network. The Meeting also agreed that the AUN Charter would be signed by the ASEAN Ministers responsible for higher education while the Agreement would be signed by the President/Rectors/Vice-Chancellors of participating universities. ASCOE further agreed that the two documents would be signed together through ad-referendum and requested the ASEAN Secretariat to coordinate this process and send the original copies of the two documents to the relevant authorities of the Member Countries for

27 signature. With regard to the draft Work Programme, ASCOE agreed that the ASEAN Secretariat would revise the document based on comments received from Member Countries. -

The ASEAN Secretariat circulated the Charter of the ASEAN University Network and the Agreement on the Establishment of the ASEAN University Network to the ASEAN Member Countries and the process was completed in November 1995 with both documents having been signed by the relevant authorities.


Charter of the

ASEAN University Network

Office of the AUN Secretariat; Room 210, Jamjuree 1 Building, Chulalongkorn University, Phyathai Road, 10330, Bangkok, Thailand. Tel: (662) 215-3640, 215-3642, 218-3256, 218-3258 Fax: (662) 216-8808 e-mail: websdite:


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