~Ancient Medicinal Herbs LLC~ Products and Info Booklet

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Est. 2013

Discover the Healing Power and Potency of our

CBD Master Blends!

It is our mission to Educate, Empower, and to Inspire the Revival of the Ancient Healing Arts~ by crafting and offering Quality & highly effective Whole Plant Based CBD Herbal Blends for the modern era.

What is Cannabidiol (CBD)?


annabidiol (CBD) is one of the many cannabinoids found in

the Cannabis plant, particularly of the Hemp varietal. It is the highly therapeutic component of the plant, that is nonpsychoactive. It’s qualifications and healing abilities are quite extensive, full-spectrum and impressive.

Here are some of it’s key healing attributes:* Anti-Inflammatory Neuro-protective and nerve damage repair Immune Stabilizer Anxiety and Stress reliever Suppresses Epileptic activity Reduces Cancer cell/tumor production Anti-oxidant Reduces nausea and vomiting And as a non-psychotropic, it reduces the unwanted effects of THC Alleviates nausea and vomiting Antipsychotic

Ancient Medicinal Herbs LLC

CBD Master Blends


ur CBD Master Blends are synergistic formulas that

combine healing herbs to promote balance and wellness in the mind-body-spirit.* Handcrafted in small batches, we use the highest quality organic botanicals. Our formulations are based in the Wholistic Healing Traditions of Ayurveda, and Chinese Medicine. The herbal-botanicals in each formula has been selected with upmost care, and measured in precise ratios to create our highly effective proprietary blends. Designed for the Integrative Wellness Community, these ODA Licensed and Approved, CBD-Rich formulas are Whole Plant Based, and contain non-detectable THC (yet just enough to ensure the Entourage Effect), and are therefore non psychotropic blends, that are highly effective as symptom targeting remedies for pain, inflammation, immune stability, insomnia, anxiety, digestive complaints, and much more.* Our CBD-Rich Hemp is grown organically in the Pacific Northwest, tested and approved and meets all compliances.

The Entourage Effect

CBD products must have some trace amounts of THC present enough to get any response from the cannabinoid receptors in the body, which at such amount won't produce any psychoactive effects, yet will produce swift relief from whatever ails. This is also true for all of the other cannabinoids. This small piece of education is vital when searching for CBD products, as most in the market are noneffective, due to the lack of such synergy.

The perfect remedy for the alleviation of pain and inflammation, muscle spasms, joint soreness, immune response stability, nerve damage repair, circulation and menstrual cramps.*

Feel Well CBD Master Blend CBD: Cannabidiol (CBD) is the therapeutic component of Cannabis that works on a full-range of health concerns from inflammation, pain, anxiety, immunity, nerve repair and as an anti-cancer remedy. Turmeric: Turmeric has been made famous most recently for it’s wide range of wellness enhancing qualities; from its antiinflammatory attributes, to its anti-biotic, and anti-viral capabilities. It enhances mood, and soothes an array of digestive complaints. White Willow Bark: Well known as the original source of aspirin, White Willow Bark was used for centuries by the indigenous people of America in regions where it flourished, as a natural pain reliever and fever reducer. Dong Quai Root: Popularly known as the “female ginseng” in Chinese Medicine, Dong Quai is valued for its ability to nourish the blood and move Qi, thereby alleviating deep-dull pain. White Peony Root: Studies have shown that white peony root is highly effective for arresting muscle spasms, relieving pain, and for reducing fever. It is a great liver protector, antiinflammatory, good for regulating blood sugar, and is a great anti-aging herb. Ginger Root: Ginger has been used for thousands of years for a full range of physical ailments, from inflammation, to pain relief, cold and flu relief, nausea, and digestive issues. It is truly one of the Queens of herbs. Black Peppercorn: In Ayurveda, Black Peppercorn is used to enhance agni (metabolic fire) and to detoxify the body of ama (undigested food matter). This ingredient is key in our formula to decrease pain, and to enhance the bioavailability of Turmeric.

The ideal remedy for enhancing appetite, digestion support, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and for alleviating gas and nausea.*

CBD: Cannabidiol (CBD) is the therapeutic component of Cannabis that works on a full-range of health concerns from inflammation, pain, anxiety, immunity, nerve repair and as an anti-emetic remedy. Peppermint Leaf: Peppermint leaf has been revered for millennia for its various healing capabilities. Known for it’s ability to alleviate Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), gas, spasms of the colon, upset stomach, indigestion, and diarrhea, etc., we have selected this herb as a key ingredient to ensure the eectiveness of our Eat Well CBD Master Blend. Ginger Root: Ginger has been used for thousands of years for a full range of physical ailments, from inflammation, to pain relief, cold and flu relief, nausea, and digestive issues. It is truly one of the Queens of herbs. Black Peppercorn: In Ayurveda, Black Peppercorn is used to enhance agni (metabolic fire) and to detoxify the body of ama (undigested food matter). This ingredient is key in our formula to decrease pain, and to enhance the bioavailability of Turmeric. Cardamom Seed & Pod: Cardamom is one of the best herbal botanicals for bloating, heartburn, gas, flatulence, nausea, lack of appetite, and constipation. Related to Ginger, it has the power to alleviate an array of digestive ailments. Fennel Seed: Fennel Seed is one of those great herbs for indigestion, flatulence, gas, belching, and stomach cramping. It is known to be the number one go-to remedy for newborn babies suering from colic. Licorice Root: In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Licorice Root is used as an adjunct herb, which means that it enhances other herbs to enter into their proper channel. With a full spectrum profile, Licorice Roots works well at bringing balance to the digestive system by alleviating an array of concerns; from intestinal infections, colitis, heartburn, acid-reflux, duodenal-ulcers, and leaky-gut syndrome, etc.

The perfect nightcap for the alleviation of insomnia, calm nervous tension, anxiety, PTSD, and restlessness.

Sleep Well CBD Master Blend CBD: Cannabidiol (CBD) is the therapeutic component of Cannabis that works on a full-range of health concerns from inflammation, pain, anxiety, immunity, nerve repair and as an anti-cancer remedy. Lemon Balm: For thousands of years, Lemon Balm has been taken for its calming attributes. It has the ability to calm stress, anxiety, and to relieve insomnia. It is also a powerful antioxidant that supports liver function, thus promoting restful sleep and younger looking skin. Ashwagandha: As an adaptogenic tonic herb, Ashwagandha produces deep inner calm within the central nervous system. It reduces cortisol levels, thus alleviating chronic stress and allowing many-a good nights sleep. Ashwagandha also balances out the emotional body through acting directly on the endocrine system. These are just a few attributes of this amazing herb. Valerian Root: Valerian Root is a safe and natural tranquilizing sedative that works wonders for insomnia, anxiety, stress, and for pain management. Nutmeg: Nutmeg has so many health benefits, one of which that has been known and utilized for thousands of years in India’s Ayurvedic tradition; at times when a good nights rest is hard to come by, one does not have to look further from the spice rack. One of the go-to Ayurvedic remedies for insomnia is a teaspoon if nutmeg in warm milk before bed, and it works wonders.

CBD content naturally varies per batch, from 120-250mg’s per 2oz bottle

The Endocannabinoid System (ECS)


he ECS consists of cannabinoid receptors,

endocannabinoids and synthesizing enzymes located in the brain and throughout the central nervous system. Studies show the ECS is the most important physiological system to maintain overall health or homeostasis within the body. It also helps regulate and maintain different systems in the body including appetite, pain and fear perception, mood, memory, blood pressure, body temp, regulates effects of cannabis and reward behavior during voluntary exercise also known as the anandamide or “bliss” hormone. The 2 main ECS receptors are activated by the endocannabinoids that the body naturally produces and by phytocannabinoids which are the chemicals found in the cannabis plant. These receptor sites including CB-1 found in the central nervous system and the brain, and CB-2 found within the immune system are responsible for the amazing healing benefits of Cannabidiol (CBD).

Ancient Medicinal Herbs LLC

Vajikarana Formulas


ajikaranas (aphrodisiacs) are formulas designed specifically

to enhance male and female sexual vitality, by way of nourishing, harmonizing, and balancing the hormonal and reproductive systems. Ayurvedic Wisdom states that there are 3 Pillars that uphold Vital Health and Longevity, which are: 1. Harmonious Diet- Supplemented with Rasayana

Herbal Formulas 2. Harmonious Sleep cycles and Meditation practices 3. Harmonious Sexual Energy and its Wise Management With this in mind, we've crafted our Vajikarana Formulas to assist in achieving these aims.

Goddess Vitality CBD Formula will enhance sex drive and help build Ojas, which is the source of a robust immunity, endurance, inner contentment and much more.

Goddess Vitality CBD Formula Shatavari: Shatavari is wild asparagus root, and does wonders for the health of the female and male reproductive system. It is used both in Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine to balance the hormonal system, tonify the glands and kidneys, and to enhance sexual vitality. Goji Berry: It’s been noted that Goji Berries have been used in Tibetan Medicine for 1,700+ years for it’s many amazing qualities as an overall super-tonic, to support vibrant health, stamina and longevity. These wonderful berries have the power to protect the body from many chronic diseases, eye health concerns, and cancer. Schizandra Berry: As both an aphrodisiac and adaptogen, Schizandra Berry is a potent tonic that has the ability to enhance physical performance, and endurance. Schizandra blocks stress by reducing the levels of stress hormones in the blood. As a female sexual tonic, it is recommended to restore imbalances that cause a lack of vaginal lubrication. Dong Quai: Popularly known as the “female ginseng” in Chinese Medicine, Dong Quai is valued for its ability to nourish the blood and move Qi, thereby maintaining a youthful sexual energy in woman. Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha is the King of Vajikaranas. In Ayurveda, Vajikaranas are aphrodisiacs that support sexual potency, capacity and performance. Ashwagandha has been used for centuries to balance the hormonal system, and enhance Ojas. This key ingredient is present in both Goddess and God Vitality Blends. Damiana: Damiana has been used as an aphrodisiac and to boost sexual potency by the native peoples of Mexico, including the Mayan Indians. It also promotes relaxation, and as a detoxifying herb, it also aids in weight loss. Tribulus: Tribulus is a powerful vajikarana for the libido that tonifies the hormonal system in both men and women. It is a must for increasing vitality, endurance and stamina. Tulsi: Tulsi is also known as ‘Tulasi’ and ‘Holy Basil’. It is the Queen of Sattvic Herbs that has the ability to open the heart in order to give and receive love.

God Vitality CBD Formula will enhance sex drive and help build Ojas, which is the source of a robust immunity, endurance, inner contentment and much more.

God Vitality CBD Formula Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha is the King of Vajikaranas. In Ayurveda, Vajikaranas are aphrodisiacs that support sexual potency, capacity and performance. Ashwagandha has been used for centuries to balance the hormonal system, and enhance Ojas. This key ingredient is present in both Goddess and God Vitality Blends. Fo Ti: Fo-ti is an amazing herb that comes to us from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which is employed as a longevity tonic. It is also used to boost the immune system and increase sexual vigor, reverse premature aging, and and alleviate erectile dysfunction. Tribulus: Tribulus is a powerful vajikarana for the libido that tonifies the hormonal system in both men and women. It is a must for increasing vitality, endurance and stamina. Cinnamon Bark: Along with its many healing attributes and qualities as a powerful antioxidant and diabetes cure, , Cinnamon Bark actually makes for a wonderful male tonic, as it nourishes and warms the kidneys, adding to vitality, longevity, and to a robust libido. Shatavari: Shatavari is wild asparagus root, and does wonders for the health of the female and male reproductive system. It is used both in Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine to balance the hormonal system, tonify the glands and kidneys, and to enhance sexual vitality. Ginger Root: Ginger has been used for thousands of years for a full range of physical ailments, from inflammation, to pain relief, cold and flu relief, nausea, and digestive issues. It is truly one of the Queens of herbs. Licorice Root: In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Licorice Root is used as an adjunct herb, which means that it enhances other herbs to enter into their proper channel, etc.

Ordering Info

We oer both Wholesale and Retail.

For retail, and for listings of outlets near you, please visit: ancientmedicinalherbs.com To inquire about Wholesale, and to request our Price Sheet, please contact: J.Yochanan: 541.225.8909 amhextracts@gmail.com, or Shannon Chambers: 541.729.6662 amhrootsandtrees@gmail.com ODA license # AG-R1044570 IHH

Meet the Family of

Ancient Medicinal Herbs LLC Family Owned and Operated J.Yochanan Russell Ayurvedic Lifestyle Practitioner; Founder~ Senior Herbalist and Formulator

Inspired by the Holistic Healing Arts from the age of 16, I have cultivated a life with Shannon and Reighly (our 24yr old son), that has allowed us the nurture such practical wisdom for over 20yrs. Working with the healing power of herbs have been my passion since, so thru training hands-on as an herbalists apprentice in my early 20’s, and continuing my studies to become a certified Ayurvedic Practitioner in my 30’s, I felt inspired to craft a healing line of formulas that honor Therapeutic Cannabis as their base to aid in the healing of the nations; this was the inception of Ancient Medicinal Herbs LLC and our CBD Master Blends!

Shannon Chambers Co-Founder; Certified Nutritional Counselor ~ Therapeutic CBD Consultant ~ Yoga Instructor

When I'm not creating herbal blends, you’ll find me gardening, hiking, connecting with nature, with family and friends, traveling, dancing at Reggae music festivals, and enjoying delicious vegan meals. It is my true passion to share this ancient model of herbal medicine that has been healing and working wonders for over 5ooo years for humanity. As a Certified Nutritional Counselor and Therapeutic CBD Consultant, it is my joy to assist in helping choose the right type of cannabis medicine for you and you're concerns. We are blessed to utilize the amazing healing properties of CBD and all the other cannabinoids, as they are true conductors of the endocannabinoid system and the balance of human health!

Live Well!

Love Well!

Feel Well!

CBD Flower Power!!!

Inspiring Testimonials "Sarah sold a CBD tincture to Amanda Tobie and Leonard Richardson, and they were thrilled with the results. He is a sufferer of grandmal seizures and in the last 4 days, he has been off of two of his most important seizure pharmaceuticals and hasn't had a seizure. Amanda said she has been with Leonard for a long time, and this is totally new for them, him being seizure free. She said he has been a little on edge, but none of his symptoms have "broken through" to seizures. He has taken 2-3 droppers a day, and so far it is working miracles for him!" -Steven, Bud Tender

"With great fortune I discovered Ancient Medicinal Herbs,LLC. and have made it available for purchase at my clinic Siskiyou Clinic of Natural Medicine in Ashland, OR. We have had excellent results with the CBD Master Blends - What a beautiful synergistic Chinese and Ayurvedic formula for warming and nourishing the blood to alleviate joint pains caused by cold dampness in the blood and tissue. Perfect for a wet winter. Our patients have reported that their joint pains and/or full body aches/stiffness disappear within a day or two of commencing administering of this formula. A life saver ~ Thank you for creating this powerful medicine." ~Jeanne Normand White, MSOM, L.Ac

"The sacred Ayurvedic synergy of AMH has helped me to quickly and effectively alleviate digestive complaints, headaches, fever, and anxiety, to name a few. John's blends are both well-balanced and palatable, which makes them stand apart from traditional herbal remedies. One can immediately feel the healing power of the infused mantra spread through the body upon taking even the smallest dose. My children aren't averse to the flavor of the medicine, which has proven especially useful during cold season. I would wholeheartedly advise any spiritual practitioner who is seeking alternative herbal remedies to add AMH to their medicine cabinet". ~Phoenix Desmond, Yoga Instructor



*Statements have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. Ancient Medicinal Herbs LLC CBD Master Blend formulas are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illnesses.

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