Elements of form
Project type Duration Team Objective
02. Form
: Hypothetical/ classroom project at NID : 1 week : Individual : To explore and understand form , semantics and affordances for a given action of PICK & POUR
Initial study understanding the action of PICK &POUR and the human interaction points with existing different surface forms. Development sketches of various forms that would intuit the user for pick and pour action.
04. Form
This form was developed with preceding understanding of a 2d square and changes in edges and lines. The resulting 3 dimensional form had no visual reference to a square/ cube that preceded.
06. Form
Form 1
This form was achieved with a square base and rotated smaller square top. The resulting surface development had a directional indication achieving the affordance/ visual quality that intuits the user to pick and tilt the object.
08. Form
Form 2
10. Form
Form 2
A circle base and a smaller elliptical top developed the required direction and the resulting curved surface was similar experience for a left handed and right handed user.
12. Form
Form 3
14. Form
Form 3
16. Form