Retail Design Portfolio Prathima. M
Architect and Retail Designer
Hi, I am Prathima, an Architect with specialisation in Retail Design currently employed in a retail multinational company. Since the beginning of 2007, I have had worked on variety of projects ranging from residential architecture & interiors, retail, educational and office spaces. Having worked in different roles as a Team lead, associate architect and the pursuit of a Master’s in Design for Retail experience at NID(National Institute of Design), I have gained more recent and in-depth knowledge in Designing of Store Interiors, Implementation, Team management, Design management, Monitoring, Planning regular team operations. After my graduation from Bachelors of Architecture program at BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore. I was working with Ochre Architects. An award winning firm and a creative hub, is where innovative designs & Ideas were developed and enhanced in me. Additionally, I was introduced to all stages of a project from Concept design, spatial planning, Project management, design supervision, vendor coordination and final handover. Here is a summary of my Retail Design works.
02. Retail Design
Design standards for India store formats namely: Star Extra (>15000 sqft), Star Market (5000 -15000 sqft ) and Star Daily (up to 5000 sqft). The contents in manuals include architectural elements ( like door, Mat well), Interior finishes such as wall colours for every department. Standard flooring, lighting, shelving fixtures, signage & graphics. This was the base for new stores in the future. .
A TATA Tesco enterprise
New Designs were proposed to solve regular operational issues and standardised.
Develop manuals, documents for all store formats across 12 countries. The contents in manuals and document include architectural elements, construction directives, and Interior finishes for store layout, flooring, wall finishes, lighting, shelving fixtures, signage & graphics, colours etc - to maintain brand consistency.
Store schemes, initial proposals, non standard stores are visualised with the help of aerial and eye level stores
Example of documentation of a fixture element.
04. Retail Design
Simba is a German brand that have opened their first few stores in India, 2012.
Store design to launch the second generation flagship stores and adaptation formats of the same.
Toy store design FRDC Pvt. Ltd.
Key features - Brand colours, Brand Mascot, Fixture designs to enhance the customer experience. Each category designed to specifically to give an identity.
Highlighter shelved designed for every category. Branding elements at all levels of a fixture, ensures continuous brand connect with kids and parents. High level Signage Sub brand signage Shelf talkers Floor stickers
06. Retail Design
About : Mustard Clothing Company Pvt Ltd is a garment manufacturing and retail company with offline, online presence. Mustard, a brand synonymous with ‘westernized’ fashion for Indian women has evolved it offerings to appeal to the bold and stylish urbane women. To broaden their segment from Plus size and add Regular size to it, the brand needed a new experience at their then exclusive store. Design Objective: Celebrate ‘Femme’ in the store design works to blend the ‘subtle’ and the ‘bold’ elements. Along with the new display form and visual merchandising, a signature style was derived for the new retail identity of the store through origami form and the brand colour Mustard. The delicate beauty of the Origami form unfolds throughout the entire store contrast with the linear open display and the wardrobe presentation to create the differentiated concept. Origami form was developed with various forms explored. Each form was validated to reflect the objective of soft but urban and premium.
Customer desires were translated into a store design which celebrates 'womanhood' as 'urbane', 'sophistication', 'feminine', 'subtle', and 'energetic'. These expressions were translated in design using origami as a form and natural hues and textures. Various paper models were made to understand one unit and multiples of them placed adjacent, also how the form behaves when pinned down to a flat surface.
The ridges and valley had to be detailed to ensure the surfaces was visible and gave it the soft feel. Scaled paper models, Thermacole model to actual scale was developed to understand light, shadow and size within store.
08. Retail Design
Mustard Apparel store design FRDC Pvt. Ltd.
Material palette and forms of elements to depict the design theme of “Nature”, “earthy”
Home Decor store design FRDC Pvt. Ltd. A store design project for an Indian brand “ Malhar”. The brand specialises in artefact retailing. These artefacts are designed and made by the artist/owner and sourced from artisans from different regions. Products included figurines , vases,wall art mostly metal art with contemporary touch. Decorative yet minimal . Store planning layout was planned to create zones of different product ranges. This allows a customer to discover the store and ENTRY products as he walks around the store. Cross merchandising within zones makes one aware of how the products can be used.
10. Retail Design
Shelving detail STORAGE
Duffel bags
Central display
Back pack
Suitcase trolley
Store Entry
Embag A luggage store
NID Class room Project.
Travel and luggage go together, and its an investment. Physical store is required for a consumer to check the try, check the luggage that is purchased as his travel experience highly depends on how his travel companion, personality and the function is . A store design that would be smart to offer decision making insights to customer and have its character of a luggage store. Research insights such has luggage actually not fitting under the train seat or its dimensions were slightly larger for a cabin luggage ruins the travel experience. Here there was seat , over head cabin replicated to give the customer a intuitive decision making aid. Material textures chosen for the scheme was such that it recalls the memory of a luggage surface.
12. Retail Design
The layout of the store is proposed understandings two types of customer behaviour while shopping. 1. Browsing and decision making 2. Need based
Beauty products that require browsing, comparing to purchase is given a longer wall surface or shelf length. Medicines that are dispensed are stocked in a compact layout to ease and speedup up dispensing.
Research & Conceptual design, NID Dip Project
Grid exploration for different storage types, Increase in depth allows for more products to be stocked.
Research Summary
Rare usage
Secondary usage
Additional soft experience with the help of a secondary packaging that extends a medicine organiser. A medicine disposal bin where customers can drop expired harmful medicines. This could add the brand continuity, increase foot falls allow customers to use pharmacy more often other than need.
A stand alone store with an architectural element on the facade. Integrating a 24 hour window as the pharmacy symbol. This would become an Identity where the customers look for the sign / window when emergency medications are required.
Easy to access, Fast selling medicines
Secondary usage
Shelving Details
14. Retail Design
Window display
24 Hr window / Pharmacy symbol
Thank you 16. Retail Design