STUDIO MEMBERS Taylor Kabeary; Anvitha Reddy; Dina Posner; Anagha Naik; Camille Sasena; Di Cui; Gerardo Guerrero; Stefanie Hessein; Lara Secchin; Danielle Monopoli; Eduardo Duarte FACULTY Beth Bingham; Christopher Neville
by Eduardo Duarte [HP]
Pursuing Justice Through Preservation (of Community) STUDIO 1: DOCUMENTATION AND INTERPRETATION SPRING 2018
In his article, Les Lieux de Mémoire (1989), Pierre Nora argues that there is no spontaneous memory, that we need to create archives, have celebrations, take photos, write texts, live by creating actions to preserve our past, and to stir up our memory. Memory is really quite intriguing, what would become of us without it? What would the future be like without the past? How has the past influenced the present? Where do past, present and future separate (if they separate)? If we take a moment to think about memory we enter into a vortex of questions with thousands of answers, but in the end, the questions will never be satisfactorily answered.