Two Paths for Havana
by Carlos Rodríguez Estévez [UPM]
During the last couple of years, the group Friends of Havana have been encouraging one noble idea: To help find a balance in Havana’s future urban transformations that preserve its assets, and perhaps, helps it become a model city for the rest of the world. The production of a short animation to visualize these possible futures is one of the main initiatives of this group to put the word out there. Moving images have been, for over a century now, a powerful tool to communicate ideas and engage any kind of audience. That is the purpose of this video, to illustrate the principles behind the vision of a coalition of mainly Cuban planners, and engage decision-makers in a conversation about the future transformations of the Capital of the island.
The film intends to show two possible paths for the city. The first one visualizes a chaotic future, with a dramatically increased use of the automobile, speculative developments and the lack of any economic strategy. Then, an alternative path reveals a future with an equitable and sustainable transportation system, new developments emerge in balance with the preservation of the existing heritage; and all of these obviously after rooting the city’s economic future on its unique cultural and people-centered assets. During the last decade, it has become evident that Havana is about to face a series of urban planning choices that will make a defining impact on its built environment, infrastructure, and livability. The planners and officials from Havana and Cuba must lead the city together towards