The network of 16 partners who share the common purpose to work as a network of EIC and EIE NCPs supporting national applicants and raising the quality of applications submitted under the EIC and EIE.
01. Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea (APRE), Italy
02. Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnologico Industrial (CDTI), Spain
03. Osterreichische Forschungsforderungsgesellschaft MBH (FFG), Austria
04. Instytut Podstawowych Problemow Techniki Polskiej Akademii Nauk (IPPT PAN), Poland
05. National Technological Innovation Authority (IIA), Israel
06. Deutsches Zentrum Fuer Luft – und Raumfahrt EV (DLR), Germany
07. Innovasjon Norge (IN), Norway
08. BPIFrance Financement SA (BPIFRANCE), France
09. Foundation for Research & Technology - Hellas (FORTH), Greece
10. Enterprise Ireland (EI), Ireland
11. ANI – Agencia Nacional de Inovacao, SA (ANI), Portugal
12. GIS-Transfercenter Foundation (GIS-TC), Bulgaria
13. Centrum Vedecko Technickych Informacii Slovenskej Republiky (CVTISR), Slovakia
14. Nemzeti Kutatasi Fejlesztesi Es Innovacios Hivatal (NKFIH), Hungary
15. Technologicke Centrum Akademie Ved Ceske Republiky (TC CAS), Czechia
16. Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation (MESRI), France
Improve professionalisation and skills of NCPs for EIC and EIE
Enhance trans-national cooperation within the NCPs network
Simplify access to Horizon Europe calls and raise the quality of submitted proposals
Lower the entry barriers for newcomers, women entrepreneurs and applicants from widening countries
Identify and share good practices incorporating novelties under Horizon Europe, and the various stakeholders within the EIC-EIE ecosystem.
Access2EIC is a 7-year coordination and support action which aims to empower National Contact Points for European Innovation Council and European Innovation Ecosystems, and facilitate cooperation amongst NCPs to provide enhanced services across Europe.
Improve NCP capacities to gather and provide systemic knowledge (NCP Curriculum) to clients across di erent EIC-EIE calls
Identify and share good practices key success factors for EIC Path nder, Transition and Accelerator proposal preparation based on the experiences of previously funded projects
Identify most relevant novelties in the new generation of nancial instruments (EIC Fund, InvestEU)
Foster the use of nancial instruments to complete the EU funding continuum for high potential business actors participating or emerging from EIC calls, develop a better understanding of VC co-investments with the EIC-Fund
Provide support in establishing complementarities and capacity building between the EIC Network and stakeholders in the EIE
Methodology & Tools
Organisation of online and on-site events, trainings and workshops
Development of dedicated support measures for EIC Path nder, Transition and Accelerator
Organisation of joint activities with relevant networks/ stakeholders
Mentoring sessions for the systemic use of nancial instruments
Facilitation of matchmaking between high potential companies
Stakeholder engagement, communication and dissemination activities
National Contact Points
SMEs Start-ups Researchers Innovators Investors
Other NCP and innovation support networks